The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 19, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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paoe three
,.., for llio iinwwt
UJSJll"H r " Minimi"
J0 J .1,;. i.iu niiixti Hint
?? .?! r nun' " hri '"
w .Li.,l Itm llet'JIIII l
WB"f " .. .1.1. -..... riir
r 1110 H i-"""-
nrr mir to o !
Kvi. mitunrnH,
iv tiii: i.i
(ty Jemt IVrry)
Kiimntb Couuty Ih now In t !-
551 ! upon II. TIH. I.."'
.11 kupfBtd through tho liitroiluc
iM of till, I" "lu laisllnlurm of
' ', ,o llHlM. 'I1'1' PrOpONUS
M Klamath County to California,
flu PrwW'ni of 0e Portland
CbimtKr of Commerce lnu declared
,uch t itep Impossible but nrconllim
to Uw, auch an ait ould bo vnlld If
urwd' P0n b)f both Mnto. Hill wo
itwtl; do"1" "" probability f Much
,jft MlMMW" Hiu u, in.' w..-.
.oniiu nd tlilM In what the itrotl
iltnl of the Portland rhniiilnr of
Coamerfe mut Iww mount.
t cvntui of Klaintitli County
ten liken II ould be found Hint
It majority of tlio renldeniii mo for.
ner Californium or nro bucked by
CillfornU Intercuts and corpora
Hob, Mm- nittti) Interests of lint
ftopitot thst (lolddi Htnto nni vent
fj in tbli county which Iiuh ho iiiiiny
Tiliiiblroui(tii I'liiloniittotly full.
lartU hi donn nuirli In help Klnm
lb County.
But Orofan liitcnit ahonlit lie In
ihU (ounty. wIioliii one outlet In n
mull railroad running Into ('alitor.
til. Portland hi made many prom
bM f of which hac ever beun fill
filled . If Ibo men nntl bunlmnim of
Ortton were Ititorcntud enough In
t It Ih valuable (oiiiily limy woulil pto
Hindi KIiiimiiIIi'm IIiihIi Iih mid glut
hOiiio tiiiiKlbln nlil In regard to bi
piopomiil Hliiihorn IIiiIIiiiiiiI
Till Hlcjp tlllll'M 1 1) till. ItepleHelll
lltlvi'M of tlllH (Oiinty ut tin. l.i'Klnln
tnro Imn IiioiikIiI ioiUi a iloiliiniiloii
from I'ihIImimI Hint hIhi Ih now nmily
to linlp urn tin. Niition ('ill oTf pin
lliroiiKh mill h"li Kliiniiih ( cuiii,
inii'hi' hl'l ililiii. of tin. IIO'iil Ituiul.
Wii lii'lli'Mi Unit Hili piiipnHiiinn
Iiih Immiii ii viilinihtii nni' in tin (mm
t) foi It him illaun tin. iilli'iiiiun ,
III t VI fit of olltxlili. OiciiM liiumil I,
mill Wii thlnli Hint nlllniiik'li ( iiiM
nln cinilil civi. ii h imt iipimi iiimiii
for ili'Miliipiui'iil Hint hum ()IKIIII
nuiiincil hIii. will iln nil -.I,,, i J,, f,,
KIiiiiiiiHi County
seniors iiiois in riai'r
1 LONDON. .Mim-h is In
I.oihIoii rlolH nt t'liim, IZkhh whlih
nru hnllovi'il to h ilim in NmIIouiiIIhI
iiKltntlon, nix i'id klllcii mni thirty
,oiio wuiiiiiIimI. At Tantii on tin. N(,
, iiIiivimi Mom hlllxil mni fi(i).iini)
uoiiinlcit It In km lit Hint thii IroopH
( will hi' iililo In lopn with tin. Hii mi
Hon mill tlinl (inlcr will hi. umIih.mI
H ft
II Ash Ymjr DcAlcrpSO
wmic:"?" i
B GnatKl Prize foto,fl
uuiiiv-aiiiiduniiiiiiuniiiuuKia I III Wm L.
BR Vfiti- forCAtAioip urn UU Hi r l
HHn Tt(rrMtrTOAHttUU roM iilll VW III ..
BlH Ml.n.uwu(H0Wit:MA ..
MuBCTasatfl .w,trft' J k
: msnmBMsssmm v :BlV
Buy the Famous
Its iheBest CoffeeYoiiCwBuy
It Goes farther
I.AIIOU 'I not hm; iv
I l,AVIti:NCi:, MnsH March 18
Many nliotM wrc fired from tent-
i moiit hoimcx (iJu .it offlrorM who
tried to Ureal; up the jiainde of the
tuxtllo worker hule The offlirs
drulnngo and tho paving of said
HtrcelH and Intersections with hlthu
llthlc, oil inncadam or other hard sur
face pavement, at the estimated cost
of $10,924 85 for oil macadam and
estimated cost of $16,400,00 for bl-
, tullthlc or concrete; and be It further
ircsnlveil liv ttin Common Council, that
worn stoned nlHo by persoim In tii i tho property hereinafter described be
crowd Many aneiti wne made and land hereby Is declared benefited by
the most Molent dlsttirbmito wis jtho said proposed Improvement, to
made slnre the strike began six w'1 .......... ,.,,,
L.OIS i, i, ., i, ii ana u oi oiock
weeks uko
and Baggage
NWIII 111 IN 'I hi: city
(I l( K Si H H 1.
Ill WIN Mil I i:iih
WesternTransfer Co.
11, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, C, C and 7 of
block 13; lots 1, 2, 3, 4, C, 6, 7,
and 8, of block 14; lots 1, 2, 3, 4.
S, C, 7. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 11, 15.
1C and 17 of block 12; all of the
foregoing being In Hot Springs Ad
dition to the City of Klamath Kails
Also lots 1, 2, 3, 7, 8 and 9 of block
58, and lot 2 of block 59, all In
Nichols Addition to tho City of
Klamath Falls, Oregon;
Herald's Classified Ad?.
wood lijri
good com,; "oZ ycru" pd7h ?
days, thooutn ?or,?5CodbhutI90
CHANDLER S l X $ ( 7 Q -5
Famous for Its Marvelous Motor
Ik ttttttr ' i tTT 1 fi lll'' I ?fl S - ?? M Bfcfc-JJaK i - JW'fcfwBrTm('C BPBUPii.TWBB''" LvBSlyuVP
lltustmUii iut itr-v teiiti CkaidUr fi'ur aii;cf idJsler
$ The Most Closely Priced
Firsie Car
1 1
I !
I f
n '
NOW that you are ready to buy that
new car, try to find one that gives
you so much in mechanical excellence
and In beauty and comfort of bodies at
so fair a price as does the Chandler Six.
Search the whole market if you wish.
Search for such a motor.
Search for such a sturdy chassis.
Search for such features of essential
equipment: Bosch magneto for sure igni
tion, silent chain drive for motor shafts -three
chains running in constant spray
of oil, solid cast aluminum motor base
extending from frame to frame, annular
ball bearings to carry the power back to
the rear wheels with the minimum loss
through friction.
The Chandler is the most closely priced
fine car in the American market. A deter
mined Chandler policy, pursued now for
nearly six years, has made it so.
When you really know the Chandler Six,
no "competitive" car will interest you.
Cars for which you are asked to pay more
will not interest you.
No other car, in the whole medium
priced field, offers you such a motor. No
oi her offers you such features of essential,
high-grade design And equipment.
Six handsome bodies arc mounted on
tiie one famous Chandler chassis.
The Chandler leads today just as dis
tinctly as in the years past. And now,
entering its greatest year,
' (Kniilty No". 1042) I
I In the Circuit Court of the State of
j Oregon, for Klamuth County
(The State hand Hoard of tho S'ate of
I Oregon, Plaintiff;
I s.
r, Hill and Hattlc C Hill. Defend
ants I To S S Hill and Hnttle C Hill, the
ahne named Defendants
J In the name of tho State of Ort
igon You and e.nh of you nre hereby
summoned and required to r.ppear
and answer the complaint (lied
lgii'nst you In the nbme entitled suit,
w'thln six weeks of the date of the
first publication of this summons In
tho evening Herald, a newspaper
printed and published in Klamath
County, Oregon, which said date is
tho 12th day of March, A D 1919;
And you .will take notice that If you
fnl to a"iear and answer or other,
wise plead, within the sSId time, the
plaintiff for want thereof, will apply
to the Court for the relief prayed for
in his complaint, to-wlt
For Judgment against the said de
fendants, S S Hill and Hattio C HIII,
for the sum of $900 00, with interest
on said sum from the 11th dav of De-
Icembcr, A 1) 191 C, at the rate of 6
per cent per annum, and for the fur
ther sum of $100 00 as attorney's
fees, and for Its costs and disburse
ments herein
And for a decree of this Court fore
closing tho mortgage described in the
complaint filed herein, and foreclos
ing the defendants and both of them.
and nil persons claiming or to claim
n iir viiil.' inn
ha Phone ' ' W 00ff
Kiamatn fans, uregon; PORSMr loirm '
and that said property nbovo dcscrlb- i,. ,,.' '.''. J "'room homo with
ed be and hereby Is declared to be thoione ,., f7n" ,j)lorche "rner lot,
property to be assessed for the ex- "V " !'?, 02MMOO. on
i.i iMn-n.MnH. a.i i. I ' ---' . ..muie ac Mmlfh in mi
I ieilU Ul HU1U IllllflUVClUtlll. lllll IJG
't further resolved that Monday, the
7th day of April, 1919, at the hour of
8 o clock p in , at the Council cnam
hers In the city hall, be fixed as the
time and place for the hearing of ob
Jectlons and remonstrances against
the said proposed Improvement; and
i the Police Judge Is hereby directed to
cause notice of said bearing to be
published as by Charter provided.
State of Oregon,
County of Klamath, ss:
Htv of Klamath Falls
I, A. L. Leavltt, Police Judge of the
ilty of Klamath Falls, Oregon, do
hereby certify that the foregoing is a
duly enrolled copy of the resolution
ulopted by the Common Council on
Id day of March, 1919, declaring Its
utentlon to Improve portions of Cres
cent, Canby and East streets, in the
"Ity of Klamath Falls, and approving
ilnns, specifications and estimates of
-oat thereof as submitted by the City
Knyli eer.
, A L. hEAVITT, Police Judge.
Chandler is Back to $1795
Asking you to pay more wouldn't give you more. To mark up the price doesn't
make a car better. The Chandler is sold at a closer price than any other fine car.
You can prove this by your own comparisons.
Sown-Passcngcr Touring Cur, S 1 70S . Msscn-jer unaaster, fivva
Four-l'iiMiwr l)L-i;tc'i Cm; Slfi'JS
Convar tibia Sadnn. 1240 S CiimvrtiOUt C(i".v, 12395 Utnovsin, J 093
KUrnutN Avenue, Between Fiflh and Sixth Klamath'.Falls; Oregon
The City Engineer, pursuant to res
ilut'on of the Common Council here
ofore adopted, having, on the 3d
lav nf February 191 9. filed plan' r.rrl
specifications and estimates of cost of
improving Pine street, from Third
street .westerly to Payne alley. In
cluding intersections, and Payne alley
from Pine street in a southerly direc
tion to Main street. Including Inter
sections, and the Council,having tak
en the same under advisement, and
findingsaid plans, specifications and
estimates saiisiactory;
It Is hereby resolved that Bald
plans, specifications and estimates
for the Improvement of Pine street
from Third street westerly to Payne
alley, and Payne alley from Pine
street southerly to Main street, be,
and the same are hereby approved.
And be it further res'olved, that
by. through or under them or either ithe Common Council hereby declares
of them, of all their right, title, in- lts intention to Improve said portions
terest. claim, lien or equity in and tol0f Plne street and Payne alley In ac-
all and every part and parcel of the cordance with said plans, speclflca-
followiiig described premises, to-wlt: I tlons and estimates, said lmprove-
The southeast quarter of thelment t0 consist of paving said portion
northeast quarter, the north half ot sald Btreets with oil macadam, at
of the southeast quarter, and the an estimated cost. Including cement
nnriiie:iit nunrtnr nf h sniithwAat' sidewalks, curbing and grading, of
qu.uter of Section ten. In Town
ship foil south of Range five east
of the Willamette Meridian, In
Klamath County, Oregon, contain
1C0 acres, excepting therefrom the
timber growing on said land.
and ordering tho real property above
described to be sold by the sheriff of
Klamath County., Oregon, In the man
ner by law in cabes of this kind pro
vided, mid that the proceeds of such
sule he applied1
First To tho payment of the costs
ami expenses of said sale and the
costs and expenses of this suit;
Second To the pament to this
plaintiff of the amount for which It
asks judgment herein;
Third That the balance, if any
there he. ho deposited with tho clerk
of this court for thoso entitled to it.
'I nut tlie Court also decree that at
such sule any party to this suit may
uecome me purcliaser of any part or
of all of said real property, and de-
Cro that Immediately upon tho pur-
iiiuau in nam property, llie anuria
shall place the purchaser Into com
plete possession of tho property so
That the Court also decree and do
claro that tho defendants and each ot
them mni all peibons rlntmlni; or to
claim,- by, through or under them or
either of them, shall bo forovcr bar
red and foreclosed ot all thei- right,
title, cstnto, claim, equity or lion, at
law or in equity, nnil all equity uf re
iicmption in, to and upon said real
propel ty and oery part nnd unreal
thereof, nnd that plaintiff may hue
such other mid furthor as to
equity nny &eem meet.
This summons is publlshd pursu
ant to an older of tho Honorable 11.
V. Kuykendnll, Judge of tho Circuit
Court of tho Stato of Oregon, for
Klamath County; which order is dat
ed tho 7th day of March, A. D 1919.
Attorney for Plnlntlu.
12 19 2G 2 0 16 2.1
riio City Engineer, pursuant to
resolution of tho Common Council
horotoforo ndopted, having, under
date iM February 3d, 1919, filed
plans, specifications and estimates of
tho cost of Improving Crescent nvo-
nuo from 17. S. iirigutlon emial to
Canby street; Canby "street to East
stroot; East street to intersection of
Crescent avoniio at 17 S. Irrigation
canal, and Intersections, and the
Council having taken same under ad
visement mid Hud said plans, specifi
cations and estimates satisfactory;
Ho It hereby resolvod. Hint said
plans, specifications and estimates for
tho improvement of tho nbovo men
tioned streets mid Intersections, ho,
and tho samo nro heroby approved
And bo it furthor unsolved that tho
Common Council heiohy doclures Us
Intentions to improve 8id stroots, or
portions thereof, mid Intersections In
accordance with said plans, specifica
tions and estimates Said Improve
ments to consist of bringing said
street to establish grade, tho Instal
lation of concroto curbing, proper
$19,176.96; or cement pavement, at
an estimated cost. Including cement
sidewalks, curbing and grading, of.
$23,500.00; or crushed rock, at an
estimated cost ot $18,000.00; or bl
tullthlc pavement at an estimated
cost, Including sidewalks, curbing
and grading, of $23,500.00; said Im
provement In either event to Include
grading, rolling and curbing.
And be It further resolved by the
Common Council that the property
hereinafter described be, and hereby
is declared benefited by said proposed
Improvement, to-wlt:
Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 ot block 6;
lots 1, 2. 3 and 4 ot block 5; lots 1,
2, 3 and 4 of block 4; lots 1 and 2
of block 3; lots 1, 2 and 3 ot block
2; lots 1 and 2 of block 1; lots 1,
2, 3, 8 and 9 of block 25; lots 3,
4, 5, 6 and 7 ot block 24; lpts 3
and 4 ot block 23; lot 3 of block
22; lots 5, 6, 7 and 8 ot block 21;
north 120 feet of vacant portion of
Center street; lots C, 6, 7 and 8 ot
block 20, lots 5, 6, 7 and 8 of block
19; all of said lots and blocks be
ing In the original town ot Klam
ath Falls;
and that said property above describ
ed bo, and hereby is declared to be
tho property to bo assessed for the
oxpenso of said Improvemont; and bo
it lurtnerrosoivoa. that Monday the
7th day of April, 1919, at tho hour of
8 o'clock p. m., at the Council cham
bers In the city hall of the City of
Klamath Falls, Oregon, be fixed as
tho time and place for the hearing of
objections and remonstrances against
tho said proposed Imprevement: and
tho Police Judge be, and hereby Is di
rected to cause notice of said hearing
to uo puuusneu as by charter pro
State of Oregon,
County of Klamath, ss:
City ot Klamath Falls.
I, A. L. Leavltt, Police Judge of the
City ot Klamath Falls, Oregon, do
heroby certify that the foregoing Is
n duly enrolled copy of tho resolution
adopted by tho Common Council on
the 3d day ot March, 1919, declaring
Its Intention to Improve Pine street
from Third street to Payne alley, and
Payne alley from Pine street to Main
street, and approving the plans, spec!
ncations and estimates of the cost
submitted by the City Engineer.
A. L. LEAVITT, Police Judge.
""tine & arolth. 19-3t
FOR SALE Practically neTsoT
private library, sectional book C
arge eleetrle stove, hand-lntidS2l
.ires pa,r oik horn,, etc' 715 Mah,
cl 18-tf
F0 SALE-Four room hoaae near
hlfh arhnnl i ... .. "vuo near
ul . r" claS5 condition
A real bargain at $1,000. on
vt.iim ..unguis & smith.
19-3t '
FOR SALE In Klamath County 180
L-Z6 nllJi b.'Ck " ranse " "
L..dla J Row-den's name; make offer.
Address V A. Mlllburn, 31st aud
Rioadway, Paducah, Ky. 17.71
FOR SALE -New and modern six
room house and large lot, on John
son ave Ifs dirt cheap at $1,250
Chilcote & Smith. 19-3t
FOR SALE Not fancy, but-a good
home; ground 90x110 feet; eight
rooms, four closets, bathroom, two
halls, sleeping porch, splendid garden
and fruit; price $3,500.00, W. S
Slough '
FOR SALE Modern four-room plas
tered bungalow with screened
porch, cabinet work, china closet;
only one block from Main. A rare
chance to get a good home for little
money. Price $2,000. Chilcote k
Smith. 19.31
FOR SALE About 75 or 80 tons A-l
alfalfa; $20 in stack or $24 de
livered in town; 114 miles southeast
town, on Frank Ira White ranch. W.
T. Hawkins. 17-Jt
r"----" rrr innnnnnrinriArinA j-inj-uvuij
WANTED By woman with a child,
place to do housework. Phone In
care of 179J. 1 15-t
WANTED Experienced girl for
housework. Phone 4$ 13-tf
HELP WANTED Lady for reneral
nousework; good wages, steady
Job. Inquire or write Mrs. Rav Plst
ett, Malin; Ore. 13-6t
WANTED Experienced woman for
general housework; good wage.
Phone 265. 3-tf
IF THE PARTIES who found black.
yellow marked collie doe about
first week in January, with name If.
V. Brown on collar will return to
2027 Wantland ave., they will receive
reward. 17-6t
FOR RENT Furnished house. In
quire ("03 Spring rtreet, back ot
bath house. 18-5t
Notice Is hereby given to the peo
ple ot Klamath Falls to have their
garbage ready to bo carried away on
the 1st and 15th ot each and every
mouth. No accumulation ot garbage
under tho ordinance passed February
24, 1919, Is to remain on the prem
ises more than fifteen days, except
ashes, tin cans, glass and garbage of
similar naturo, which iuust,bo hauled
away every ninety days,
The following subjects como under
tho head ot garbage: Every accumu
lation of animal, fruit or vegetable
mutter, liquid or otherwise, that at
tends th,o preparation, use, cooking.C
oHtiug or storing ot meat, fish, fowl,
fruit or vegetables; ashes, tin cans,
bottles, glass or discarded article! of
similar character; all trees, Tines,
brushes and lawn trimmings, dead
leaves and trash from gardens.
All ashes, glass, bottles, tin cans
and garbage ot a similar nature shall
bo placed in a suitable receptacle sep
arate and apart from the other
classes of garbage above described.
Persons may dispose of their gar
bage by burying it on the premises
In accordance with the rules ot the
Board of Health, or the owner of the
garbage may cart the same away, but
no person shall engage In the gar
bage business except the duly author-
Ized city scavenger, Ed Hunter, or a
duly authorized licensee of the city.
Tho expenses of garbage removal
is left to private contract between the ,
citizen and the city scavenger or
licensee, but a higher rate for gar
bage removal cannot be charged than
the follewing:
Contents of 10 gallon or similar
receptacles not to exceed two tons
per weok, per tank, 25c; larger recep
tacles or more frequent removals at
not to exceed a proportionately high;
er cost. Garbage and trash In piles
not exceeding 1 cubic yard In volume
at not to exceed 50c for each pile.
This ordinance provides a fine of
not loss than $5 or more than $50, or
imprisonment not less than two or
more than twenty days, fbr the vio
lation ot any of. these provisions.
Garbage cans provided for in ma
ordinance must be placed at a point
convenient for the garbage collector.
10-10t I. R. STRUDLB, Mayor.
VI.VAIj account filed
In tho County Court of the State of
Oregon, for tho County of Klam-
In the Matter of the Estate of Harvey
C Vincent, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the un
.. . , 1 .1,0 it itav of Marcn,
and matter here tea account tad
that Wednesday, the 9th day ol April,.
1919 n 10 o'clock a. in., '"""r,,
room of the above entitled
been fKed as the. time and pace
where the Court w 11 near uur;"
thereto and settle the same, and ap
prcvo or reject saia "" h m9
Eatod this lh d of ."
Administratrix of Said Estate. (
12 19 26 2 9 .