The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 19, 1919, Image 1

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    ij? t&tratmn Herald
Thirteenth Year No. 3,573
Price, 5 enhtl'.
wnrn unitedly In favor ..f lli good or his toiinty wore planning for n blr'
!r,m,M v"' ''" that "'" lliul the I bond Issue this year to lollMtrurt such
lUiniml I'imflilmiiii In I ln diii iiiIhhIom a mini I
till HPW5
Biggest Gntheriiitf of Kind
Ever Held Here
regarding wlnro mill how the roads
should Imi liiilll I li nxprfhMi (I din
iiiirm liitlun of ihi ri'Miili nts to Him-
ntor llnldwlu for vlmi Im liiul dime
In the legislature
(iiturgo Olllnlil of Merrill nun ni'Xl
iiillul Uioii mill Im Joined IiIk appro
ilatlnit to tlm Smiitliir mill to (lint of
I Hlmmiorii Hit boosted (oi a retail
through lint Merrill ni-itlon mid do
i tared Unit tli limners needs nliimlil
lio looked to liitrnrii highways unm
liiilll for tin' tourist
J ) llinuukor of lloiiiitiii guvu it
j litimuMHiH sketch or tin- trip niiiiltt
li tint llnnnnrti mill Dairy delegate
through tint iiiiiil to the SI rati urn ter
minus, whore Hut) mi't tint speilul
U ( iMltim declared In a brief
talk Unit nlnitty mnni hoinestonils
would prolmlily Im npi'iiod In tlin Tillii
Lake district tlilH full, ami that bel
li r ioiiiIm wore an ulmolutu necessity')
in niovit tint big crops which woro
IhiIiik proiliitul In greater (
ttiii h jriir
W II Chase, representing tlioi
Northern California Counties Asen
. I. .11. I ...... i. -.... ...... . I
'"" ninu.ii nun ,'mjii,uuii win to -i lii' i ir l l r- l . . ..
Im, expended on iho roads In tt... h0C,aU,e Wh,ch Would Delay " -lt. which ho gnvu up to enter
intiniii'N composing tlin aHocintt(.:i Soldiers Return Cut Out
within a Hhort time, mid that those'
highways would Im of a permanent j
nature Money put In llm mini, bo!
LIEUTENANT CARTER (piece goods ticking, blankets Bhctt
iMUHln ll-x.r- r.-v. ""B' ttool,' goods, shoes Of every
COMING HOME SOON, size Light warm ion ton flannel and
I other kinds of doth from which to
make garments for new horn hahlcH
.Mm J II farter yistcrday rerelv- Is one of the most urgent needs
-il tliu good news that her husband. Only gurments'or strong and dur
ei bJ
.T aai
Lieutenant Carter, had received Ills able material are wanted as flimsy
discharge, from the naval service, and woods would not stand the hard near
mild, was iiiii'iny throw-n away.
('nllllt .lintcil It It uim
train sent out to them lie llr- .., ,,.n...i ,.,..
... . ....,. Ki.iii,, tiini ii, n iui 1'iinn
worn uwalteil with groat Intercut, an
illmli'd that the llnuiinzn district
Ulllllil Nlllitiiirt 111, llir.f,itui.l li.i.i.l
c..i iilithuiit Ninth ami Suiilli mill , , ,, , ., , ,
Trun """"' , Issue at tint eleitlou b) a very lii-avj
(Inn Knit "'"I '"', '" "', """' p innjnrlty He was followed by Ar-
I iiiiiI- l.liiillnl--llir,' '"""' " "'X. "" nroiiKiii
'tlin snntlments of that inn in ti nl t for
u hotter hlghwii) inuwt Hit ilei lareil
that It look two ila)s to i imin In to
town at (tils ' I nit) anil that tint pen
pin there were anxious to chant'."
these (ondlllous
Omul) WW " """,l '" ,"",'
Kr .V 1""11 l'i (:''"
History w in "I'1 estmdiiy In
KUmatJIi Kullx win it the grimiest
lood toitil ih iin'iint ration ever lt
jfiwtl In t"l- "ll'" "' "'i' Hutu
wai tacoil Wlill" the gtithorlllg
wu not tlie liirKi'nl over held In this
city, ( In iirtiiln thin at no time
Kf to tinny cllntrlitH lepresented
iltb one pri'iloinlniiiil Men In lew,
Ibitolbclni! atdc to travel fioni one
1'irt of lln numt. to imother In
fitr comfort ami t nil se irons
ot thu rr
That tlii' oulnlilo visitors were
deeply Impreiuiril at ttie hIiowIiik
made li ev lilrnl In neitrl) ever)
talk that wax tnmli hut nlKht
Tbe day m one bin kooiI roads
diy from ulurt to flnUh It bi'Riui In
tht mornlnu by tlm ipnferenie with
tb Commission nntl I'tiKlneers at Dip
J (! WIkIiI. represeiitliiK tint llalr)
dlstrli't '.expressed Kratltlldi) to Sen
alor lliildwln for his work In the
leKlslulurit, and told of the ir)lliK
need of ttie roads In his lorallt)
which were no bitter than they were
tin years UK') II" "(hoed tin; sen
1 1 in imi t k of snvvral other speakers In
tiskliiK that tlii farmers be clvn
proreilemit to the tourists
I' I Nelson, of Keno In a humor
oils w j) said that the people In hi"
dlntili I wanted a bind surface road
from Klamath Calls to Keno, but
that the) went not pnrtlt tilnr In
whlih dlri'iilim It went after tint
I'ri'd I'l'tursou or the Men III dis
till t said that the people there were
most anxious for a road and that
they belli'Veil that the Men III ills-
would probably be at home hk.iIu In
about one week, Lieutenant Carter
' bus been stationed In VlrKlnla for
'si vi nil months It is expect' d that
li'i will nsumu his dental practice In
.the navy
It was known that hit had hoeu In
loufireuie with the commission
members for most of the day, ami
would probably make some dellnlt"
nuimunt fluent He did JikIkii Ilun
uell cot down to brass talks at once,
and staled that there weru to be two
main trunk highways built In Klam
ath Coiiutv, unit riiuuliiK from a point
uour Merrill throiiKh Klamath I'allH
to llm noithein end of t lie fount.,,
and tint other east anil west across Hlon of the I.eaKiio of Nations cove-
thn louuly This road will connect nnnt M the preliminary peace treaty
with l,aki view and (,'lve an ess over( tt not delay the slRnlnt; of the
the mountain to the Hokuii lllvcr treatv. which Is now hoped will he
Valley He was heartily applauded j (i wuhln two weeks, Lord Robert
at tint roniluslon of Ills address Ceill declares tndnv Three uiiinml.
Herbert .-iiiltli .May He I'irsl I'res
lilenl of Hie 1iMinue of Nations, Ar
roiillni; to loiidoii Pris llopiil
'I hat Trent) Will He SIKne( in Tvvu
Weeks Tliriv Aniendiiieiitx.
(Hy the . o.ix luted 1'ios)
UJNDON. March 1!) The Inclu-
somcthinc i)i:cii)i:ii,v m:v
ami i-i.casim; in sieiii: roit
vi 1.1,1:
Whlt I'cllcan lintel was featurml ' Hl t "Imultl be served amoiiK the
it noon by the nrilval of tint Ktra
torn fpfclal In the afternniiu hy
tfca recri'tlon Klvi'li Mrs 1 tout Ii hy
It rut on ariiinut of the IiIk population,
hut If tint powers that he 1011
1 lililed otherwise they would Ret In
theladlMol the ritj by the bainiiiet "'l ,"t any route that was ileilded
Id Jadeo (loo T Ihiblwlu ml tint , "foil
I'liinils llowne of lloiiaii11, told
of wnltltiK two mouths fur the roads
to become fit to Kut to town to trim
suit husluiis.s He dei lareil tint the
people there would suppoit the bond
l'lfhileil( Moilensou, ot the Pill
inn Hay l.umbei Company, told of
tin' IiIk advantages to evmyoiie in
the iiiuulv biouirht about by bettei
hlKliways and dei lareil tint his com 1
pauy would Ret behind any move
whli h would help this Kieal lam
palRti i: I. Ullott, siieakluK for M illtt,
declined that tint dlstrlit had been
one of the Hist to Ro over the top In
eviiiy pat riot l 1 nil of the war and
Commliilon nml cloned with the
nomter innn uieeiliiR at the Kills
Temple In the eveuluR
Tb evriihiR opeiiid with the ban
W tendered Senator llalilwln, Com.
Bluloner lloutli and other membois
oltbe party 'IhU eiRlu ionise itln
er, lerveil In ihc biimiuel room by
Chef Ward of the Owl Cafe, lieRin
Wore siviiii o'cloik and lontlnued
ntll the Mr tnci'lluR al elRht-thlrty
The time vmis Riven to Informal ills
"Hlon fo tin. mid ltiiaton and oth
er tubJcrtH nf Ruieial Interest t)w
lJlo tlie mntliiR latei there wen.
no toata or speiihi's
ue priMtiit were .Senitoi (ieo
T. Ilaldwhi, ( oinnilHHlonei It a
Booth, JuiIki. Sinlih or Lake County,
. M. Fnulke ai t ,, (.)lllh ,)f
lyou county Counts IuiIrh It II
Bunnell. ('ni,nH,MM,IH isn , t tl
l(irt ami Am rr.ii,, 1: n Ux,
y (lordon I,, -u KrHi supeiln.
ttmlMt Wut f i, Mannth Indian
"'ervatlon, II ( (,,oesl,(). It. I'euv
E-C A '., 1, I c ll,,,, ken
lrh and Pred I 1. , 1
Weblir iiuuiiiR was lulled to or-
eL nE " """ "f "", Klimmlli
M'I As .anon, hf, , ted
--iminn m th, eU'K
"W Hi till dull I......
'I he louiludliiR and principal
spiaker of the evenltiR was Commis
sioner It A llooth, whose silendld
nddro'is will I011R be ri'inembered by I
his hearers
Mi llooth was pnoiuse In his 'ip
pret hit Ion for what had boon done
for him hy his nelRhhors In Klamnth
Count) whliu, he said, had really
embarrassed him so elaborate had
hem, 1,1s reieptlon He dec hired that
his s.ilaiy "Us a dollar a year man
would soon he duo and that he was
wlllltiK to divide It evenly with the
people of this dlstrlit
Mr llooth dwelt with emphasis on
the ihaiiRes broiiRht about over the
nation with the development of the
automobile and the tremendous
strides that were hnliiR made In every
locality He tailed attention to the
people of California who had raised
seventy five million dollars within
the past few yems for1 construction
ments to the covenant hnvo been sub-minted
He ex-
ery community In Klamath
.-" nu iimi ih,-. ,,.,.,.1.. 1....,
or hlRhways and were rinding It to
be the best kind or an Investment
The speaker Indicted his Rratlfl
1 alien of the attitude of the Indian
Department as expiessed by Supor-
lluteudent West, which ho said, wns
a new tone from that department
and he paid a IiIrIi tribute to Mr
l.evl Walker who, he said, had made
the stinuRvst talk of the eveniiiR In
his row hut woll chosen remtuks
lliCildliiR the money mullah') ror
this dlstilrt from the Highway Com
mlMlou, Mi llooth went Into details
las to how the orlRlnal piORiam for
the mads of the S'tate had been map.
that that section would show the
Hiiino splilt when the mote On bettei
loans was put 10 too cose m( ,,, 1(, ,, flM)lalllP(1 tint ,10
Siipeilulendint West, of the Klain- j l,(lml)lotUm of ti, ,linllK ,)f t, ,..
.ill, Indian Itescivallou. told of llm .,,,,,, uiRhway and the Columbia
luleii'Kt or the Indians lot bettei
Highway had boon iiMde lunudiitouy
hlRhwayH and that a lingo number , ,ll(V U),() (lf , lloon(l ,, tll0
of them win n willing mid anxious to ., ......i,.- , ilon.i HAII NU1H
I'AKIS, Mnrch 19 The mllltiuy
terms of the peace treaty have been
amended hy eliminating the clause
providing for the control of tjer
rnany's armnncnt for an Indefinite
Admiral Benson of the I'nlted
States pointed out that the original
terms committed the United States
to virtually an Indefinite occupation
of (lormnny, which would delay the
return of the troops and amount to
tho annulling of the sovereignty of
LONDON, March 19 There Is a
strong feeling hero in political and
diplomatic circles in Paris favoring
Inviting lleihcrt Asqulth, former
llrlthl, premier, to become tho first
president of the League of Nations,
according to the Daily Mirror
I'AKIS, March 19 Tho commis
sion on International labor has reach
ed an agreement on all points. The
American contention is that each
country settle Its own labor prob
lems without invoking the assistance
of tho league
The beat sales for the Klks Vaude
ville entertainment which Is to be
given at tho Houston Opeia lloute
Thursday and Friday night of thU
week are exceeding tho expectations
of those who are promdtlng the
move and that Is saying a good deal
as home talent shows put on by this
organization have always made a
big hit
The entertainment whkh Is being
directed by Mrs Koe Sotile Hratton
Is composed of Seven big acts in
which the best tilent of tho com
munity will he brought out in vari
ous ways (Jypsy girls, bathing girls,
Honolulu tomboys, flower girls, bub
hie girls and all manner of other
girls are to he shown in costumes
and dances nover before seen here.
Tho tickets are on sale at the Hon
Honleis near tho Post Of Hce
which will be given the clothing The
garments do not n eel to bo In perfect
condition however, and there Is no
necessity of having them mended he-1
fore turning them In as this can be I
done after they have been sent to
Mrs S K Martin Is to have charge
of the move In Klamath County and
she asks the co operation of the com
munity In making a good show for
this district such as hu.s been made
on previous occasions.
And whatever you do don't forget
the Fireman's danco this evening at
the Hoiibton Opera House which is
to be the grandest time ever anil the
proceeds of which nre going to be
used for the needs of the firemen
whose constant vigilance makes for
tho safety of the property of the city
This Is U chance to have the best
kind of a time and to support the
most worthy catibe at the same
time. Everybody is urged to be on
Tells Portland People What
People There Miw
have hoiiio of theli lilbal momn set
aside for this purpose "Tho Indians
ale lead) to pa) both as titUons and
iih wauls (it tint gnvoiumout," ho
said Ml West declared that .1 mis
umltnstiinillug had uppanntl) aris
en between tint Indian mil his white
hiothoi on this iiuostlon and ho
pleaded for closei to operation In this
mutter In tho rutuio
One of tho Interest and most or
feitlvo talks or tho owning was glv
v. t. .
'M,Hih,l. udosoHhnbio.
""WO liciuis, r Ihell lllle. est
I ' q 8001I riinu iimnimont Ho llril " " ,, ,,(,x' Wiilkoi, a piomlnont In-
...,""" winlm llildwln ui. Mil"".
IWatlon fru n.iv..,., .1... ....... -
.,.,. iniHi tia
"I'l'iiicdnoss at tho
' xpl.ilni. Him m
-""a count)
ttt MMI011
aid h.... ....
Ration ,,, a1 ()m,
"Co ?:;""" "" .
t-on,m.,i, -. "iiumi'iii turn
l-i tie iiin,....l..w...i
lercla ,l
rolnr l '" "" "'"I. l"i
of tho Itosni vallon, who wis
called upon wilhoul notlie, foi Ills'
sentiments on tho good mad cpics
1 1 mi Mi Walk hi outlluod tho feel
ing or many of tint Indians mid said
that as Tar ts ho was iimci'iued hn
would wcnlc to have 11 portion or tho
(libit! money put aside foi goml loads
on tlin hlglnvnv whlih would meet
llinsn of his vvhltn hiolhor on tho
(... h" tl't nicilii lm,ioii....i ImtlHlclii Ills shcilt llilk hioilght
riiroaiK ticmontlniiM iippliiuso rutin tlto nud
"" to aeo ovni- iiiiUy n ,,, ! ,"'HUy .Inilgn Hinllh or l.nko Conn
Klamath 'aiia r-im n.n . . ,"" 1 hh iiOM called upon and ho spoko
,Mo'tho, ''' ,;"0H "f'-'of tlto or Iho People In his
MC,'I oloctlo ll oh .! "'"llPl to gol Into. lose, touch with
ha, ". wtUHi Is called In , llllllllln hmn Rlllll ,,,, ,.,
Chairman 11, 11 11 ' trl1' ri01" ,,l),","1 w't'' whlih so
1 or iK- "" ri,llunlM of all host purl of his tilp from I.akovlow
'W Blae '' ,)"fil,uil,"' with II. M Poulko of Slskl)ou Couiilv
"' 8l,tnorn""i' "f ll,rl Klal,mu, 'oelurncl thai Siskiyou vvoulil moot
"f "WWiiln rIlll"1 ""ll ' wh Klmniilh County at any placo on tho
.and t't' "r Ulu W"l1 u,vor ,lnu wll' was soloctotl with an ociual-
'"'t tlin puoplo thoro ly good highway ,uml thut tlio pooplo
passed two yens ago "Sovonty-flve
poi tent or tho ton million tlollm
bond Issue will go to tho completion
or sixteen poi rent or tho loads," ho
snld, "and 110 paving Is allowed to be
clone by tint Commission out or tho
bond money spent In Knatrrn Ore
gon " Thoto nio twolind n linlf mil
lion dollars to bo dlsti United over
font thousand miles of toads tying
tho Commission down to a very small
riactlou of the constitution Its mout
hers would like to see started Im
mediately lie said that thoro wcto
tliico million tlollais still, loft or tho
lltst si million Issue und If tho Paci
ni' Highway and tho Columbia High
way can ho rinlshod foi ton to ten
anil a half million dnllais, tho iot
could ho used as tho Commission
saw fit
Turning to local conditions, with
biTinc the win Id cr the wonders of
vour county, Tor no whole on On I h
fotUlool is to he found that vvh'ch
you have When I gaze into the won
doioi.R beaut) mln 01 ed In your likes
and gaze tin tho majestic grandout
or ,"iu mount tins, I stood itithtnll
ed Where In all this broad I will
you find scenic attiactlons to Ptii tl
vvliti I you have, stieams fo fried
vvlih fish that Jump to tho fly. vvilda
tconlng with gnmo, Vcliolm; to the
call of the giouso; tho honk of tho
goo-e, tho ciasli or tlie startled iieot,
tho valuing giowl of tho hear:
vvhoro ntuloi (loci's blue canopv w til
you find anything so grand, .o onob
ltnp. so worth) of higher of for' Oh'
mv fi lends and neighbors, foi get the
past, got togethoi foi tho present and
plan ror tho future, that Klamath,
that I love so much, may qulckl)
claim Its own ami rocolvo tho ro
wind, the aclmlintinu, tho plaudits of
tho peoples of tho win Id or which she
Is so deserving." Tho earnestness or
tho spo.ikoi cariiod his aiidlcnio with
him as I liny sit In almost hieathlohs
Interest llbtenlng to tho beautiful
word plit tiro ho painted Ah ho rin
lshod thoio was a moment's silenro
and thon tho ball was filled with an
An Important business meeting of
tho Women s Kellef Corps will be
held Pi Ida) afternoon or this week
to prepare foi tho inspection of the
Coips h) the State President, 'Mrs
Heithn Drew' Cllm.nt who arlrves
Pi Ida? night
The following committees have
boon appointed l the president:
Mrs M)itlo Martin, Mrs Hrandcn
burg, Train Committee, Kntertalii-
mont Committee, Mesclames, Rani
bbv, Kbeileln, Wlnteis, Winnek, Mni
garet Fleet, Itefrcshmeiit committee
Jlesdames, Ankoii), Otey, Haines,
Hamilton and C.nrrctt
All membois and of fliers, aie spec
ially in gee! by tho Piesident to be
present at this meeting Friday uftor
noon to preparo for .1 called meet
ing Mond.iv afternoon, Mnrih 24, at
2 P. M
Mrs .1 I. CoIvTg'left this morn
ing with her little girl for Omits
Pass, where she will visit for a time 1
She has not been well and believe"
that the change will be bneflcial.
C.eorge Watt, a well known cattle
man of this city has gone to South
ern California and Arizona points,
where he expects to remain on mat
ters of business for the next tVo
ffl T
whlih his Intimate knowledge of and applntibo tint tastifiod to Iho clyiMiu-
Idoutiriintinu with Klamath county ,c foico that carried homo tho import
Justified hl.s tottctilng, ho ingeil his, of his message,
Illinois to look to tho hlggor things Following Mr Ilooth's icmaiks, a
of life, to foiget tlin potty stilfos of fow questions woro asked, which ho
rrnimtinlty Inteicst, to lay tho fotin- nnsworod to tho ontlro satisfaction of
ilatlon ror what ho hollovod Is to be' his hoarors. Judge Iltldwln thon
foit oi.n ci.oTiir.s roit wak
the gieatost Inland city In Oiogon
'Slop hulldlng courthoiibos," said Mr,
closed tho mooting with an earnest
plea for tho adoption of tho innstltu-
I'oolh, which rental l brought out ox-.tlonnl amondniont piovldlng for tho
tendon laughter, "unci build somo- voting of bonds,
thing hioador, hotter, of 111010 en. Mr. and Mis, Booth left this morn
tlitilnp quality hrothorly co-oparn- lug for tholr homo, Thoy have been
Hon, united action, oxtondod dovel- iirged by Medford to stop thoto nml Hint will Include tho open-: It Is qulto likely that ho will honor
liti' of your rosottrcos, tho building the metropolis of JiicUboii county with
or mills unit factoilos, tho spreading' 11 hrlof visit!
Ton thoiiBand tons ol clothing are
to bo gathoiod h) tho woikeih of tho
Red Ctosb in this coiiuti) fot tho
wjn siiffeicdh of nuropo dining tho
weok of March 24th to 2'Jth, which
Is twlco tho amount seiuied during
tho drivn canied on bovmal months
ago Tho other .11 tides have now
all boon distributed and tlto gloat
destitution which still piovail.s has
caused tho Ked Cioss wenkors to to
double tholi offortt, on anothor cam
paign, Kvoiy gtimcnt given Is coi
tnln to prevent actual hulioilng and
tho quota can easily ho laisod If tho
or itoAit commissiom:k at
Tho reception given yesterday to
Mis. R. A. llooth hy the ladles of
the cit) at the Elks cmple was a de
cided success even If It wns arranged
on the shortest of notice It was not
Kit.-wn here that Mrs Hooth was to
accompany her husband so tho time
was short.
Tneie were about seventy-tivo
"omen present however, and (.11
thoml) enjoyed themselves nccoulin;
to the reports A delightful pro
glum consisting of a piano duel l
Miss Alice McCourt and Mis Chits.
El'T'eln a lecltatlon hy Miss Mild
red tHnke, a soin by Mrs. A J Voyo
an! a loeltatlot by Mis. Rose Soulo
fliittcn was g'eitly enjoyed Delici
ous punch was set veil dining the
P O. Crawford, nn attoiuev fioni
San rr.mclsio, who Is Identified with
tho California Oiegon Power Com
panv, came In last evening on tho
tn In foi a short htihlnes,, isle Ho
n 1 guest at the Whito Poliiau Hotel
Mr and Mrs. C M Cloiidciuiiing
lor tills motnlng for California polntt.
whole thoy npect to visit tor tho
next two weeks Their (list tto.i w Ml
co .it I.os Molinos whoie thoy 'vi'l
visit Mr and Mrs, 1' W Snider, who
fi oriel 1) icaldcd at Sw.iu Lake,
Hanker U ho Has .lutt Returned b
AltPiiilins Contentlcra NotoiiBtf i"
Change in Attitude ot Portbwd
llesliieiitH fcoplo 8ccm Allre to
1 oritur Neglect.
Captain J W. Siemens returned
last-night from Portland, where he
has been for the past several day on
business He states that there la to
be held, during the last two days ol
the Rose Festival Friday and Bat
urda, June 13 and 14 a meeting ot t ,
the executive committee of the State
Hankers Association, of which he l.
a member. At this meeting they hare '
decided to have very few speakers,
limiting the number to one from San
Francisco, one from New York, one
from Portland and three from Ore
gon, two ot the latter representing
the livestock and lumbering Interests.
The speaker for the lumbering Inter
ests w ill bo from Klamath County.
"I found a decidedly different sen
timent toward Klamath prevailing In
Portland than when last there- Et
ery where tt was a case ot 'Klamath'.
'Klamath', 'Klamath'. They are alive
to the fact that we are awake down
here, and all are ready
to the fullest extent In bringing to
us the things we need to knit us more
closelv to them Portland is with us,
as it never was before."
The following from the Journal
shows that the Captain took advant
age of his presence In Pprtland to fire
another shot for Klamath:
Klamath County looks to Portland '
to save the rapidly developing Indus
trial resources of that section as
commercial asset to Oregon, tccord
lug to Captain J. W. Siemen?, presi
dent of the First State and Savings
Hank of Klamath Falls. Capt. Blem
ens attended a meeting of the execu
tive committee of the State Bankers'
association at the Multnonwh hotel
Saturday afternoon.
Resides being president ot the
State & Savings Bank, he is ex-chairman
of the Klamath Falls Strahorn
project committee and for the past
font veurs has been president of the
Klamath Falls Commercial club.
"The completion of the proposed
railroad line from Klamath Falla to
Hend would mean the acquisition ol
markets worth millions ot dollars an
mall) to Portland," declared Mr.
Siemens . , ...
"At present the great bulk of tbe
trade ot Klamath county goes to San
Fiancib.o over the Southern Pacific,
our only outlet to the outside world.
Tho value of this trade Is Increasing
with gnat tapldity and the Import
ance 01 making it possllbe to market
tho lumber grain, livestock and loth- .
or pioduttb ot South Central Oregon
tlnough Portland should be brougM
homo to the inkers wjjolesalers
and in inufacturers of this city, Mia
Mr Sic 11 mis .
Ono or the largest and most , valu
uble pin. rorestb In the world lies In
the W nnth Indian reservation on
tho line 01 the pioposed Strahorn line
1 10111 M. math Falls to Bend- and.
...-, Cnmnno I nft BS-
account to 1 apiam "' '"',." j
labtlshmi n or several new in.. .
I,ci ft cui is awaits the tapping ot
this net b the railroad.
It the Southern t,ac,n0,BFhn1J, -builds
In rrom Klamath 'Jff'
lino will gc only far enough to offer, N
soivlce ,otuh to sail n"",2'Jw
is lomi
tho Null on
Rend he sa)s
Tho Hentlil will pay U.T lovviird
people aro willing to pint with whnt ,or t'l'oriimtlon IciiiIIiir to tho arrest
thoy can readily spate and with a,,(l ciK'Ih of anyone cmiRlit
things Hint lit most Instances would -toallnK copies of tho Herald lifter
he stored away and novel used. This their ilelherj to subscribers. This
cnllncltnti Ic linluc Inl.en tm thn si.C llUICtlcc' of Mealllm Illinois. osiiocImIK
fering peoplos In nil putts of Huropo iiIoiir Mnin street, lias leailieil suili boon discharged from the mlllttry
oxcopt tho Central Powers ( proportions tlmt tho Ilrinlil Is koIiik sorvlie at Camp Lewis, hasvreturne
All kinds of wnim gmments for to stop tt, nncl with tlmt eiul in view to this city and will accept P '
both sexes mo needed In addition to 'is otfeiliig this rcuurili tlon at the Van Dellen Shoe b 0
whe.eas If tho Strahorn iw
iiilotid an outlet will be
folded thut ;-t.esofhe
"laisets via t.'i.i." oi.rfiine"
O-W R AN and Oregon Short luw
Mi Siemens expressed eon ifldenee
In the willingness anq " r
Vox Hand tlnw'otfof
lmponini uiiuii".'"'. ,
Klnmith county are anxious
mpo.t.nt '"teipnse. Tho People 0
.-,' iv nr nnxlous 10 CU-
Vl till tho business Interests
OpctaU' Willi Hie """ ,k... olthur
of Portland In patting thru either
ciltotl or uiv -
Hy 1 on
TI,.rHnnhr00k. whO h&S JM