The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 18, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    I ma . " tMP
jfS? Mi rrl Alrll Ul Frank
2 ' o " ,",,, "I
M V" ,h0 Bn,m"U ",,H,,,"",
5l, Utter lot f Individuals to o.
.rb ranch men
' t , animal, ro.n. fro... the Lord"
,L t rtothrocfc. Hlokn. A. I).
I.. Wipito. Wash ,,,rw ""'
TXro. Wash.
l Ore W w M,,1"""
0,d Frank llmn. C-rliori.
Lon. !ul' '" 8" or "" anlm,,U
til to olfereJ nn.l rigid ..election
been prtlcfJ i - "
I. ..imni. It Ik n sale In
iblehanr breeder !" kpl'a Hhorl'
0 ... lit l. uflll
hOII CH" u" '""
i tiialoK will be mi ) request to
Itirtl Spirit, Portland, publishers of
tbi (itiloft.
Urn llobniiollern, former Emperor
. . -.. l.nM rMlllllllltfltl HflWltllf
or UKtamuj " i -
out tnouiand tree Into log "Into
blitrrltal biro. Souvenir lire to be
tiit of Iho laHi Iuk sawed
ItUiqrprlilnc bow quickly rye In
linmttlon Is helped by common
tltcbtwl, camphor, hydrastls, etc.,
united In Uvopllk eve wash. One
tldtrly lady, who .had bcun troubled
tkh chronic eye Inflammutlon for
mi rears, wan grriilly helped In
ttodars We guarantee u small but
U of Uroptlk to help ANY CASK
vni. strained or Inflamed eyes.
Jllimlaam e)e cup FREE. Whitman
Drat Co Adv.
No Camouflage
Iq This Story
Siys corns stop hurting, then
Kit right off without
or bit of pain
--'- '..-. , .
notpiui record! ii.ow tuat every
lime jou cut a corn you Invito lock
Ji'v or blood polion, which In needless,
"fit Cincinnati authority, who tells
jou thtt t quarter ounr of a drug
1W freeiono costs but u few cents
Uardrugitore, but la sufficient to
Id oaa's feet of every hard or soft
wrn or callua without oven one little
Hloii of pain.
Yon ilnpiy apply a (cw drops of
fbfrejwni on a tender, aching corn
4taiaorinea l Inatantly relloved.
SborUjr the entire com can be lifted
MUootind all, with, our fingers.
Talrarm u sticwy, but dries nt
Md la claimed to Just shrivel up
"iwrn without liinnmlng or uvon lr
nutlog the surrounding tissue or
If yourjwlfc wenrs hlKh IicoIh hIio
"llad to know of this. '
Jjotajo Headache
Iall Stiff Neck
Seufi Toothache
JjnWa Colds
Painl Pain! Grippe
uS1 Clse ofrcrs rclJfif
-vi uon-i suffer!
inlets of Aspirin" with
cr, If necessary, repeat dose
betimes a day, after meals.
-., wwnuin Mia
Sfi-UrgeralMi. Buy
l1 Ali,T "cr PftcU8-'. Owned
, ?" Entirely!
Charter No 7107 Kcdural lleserve Dlitrlct No 12
First National Bank
At Klumuth PulU, In tho Htuto of Orexon. nt the cloae of bust
Moan on March , 1819
J --H I.IKIIIM llllll (llHCmilllH, Includ-
ll.K l'ill ijiintri KMO,0& 20
il Notrn mill IiIMh rodlHciiuutud
(oil. or linn. Imui k uccopt
lllicim nulil ) (ihhi Hum fi7it) 90,322.90 $790,042.30
2 OvonlruftH, unmicuriiil 1.H05.8S
0 I'. H. IIiiihN (otlmr tli.iii Mhorty
liiimlit, hut IiicIiiiIIiik V H
(urllllciiti'ii or IndiihtiMlticMfi)
il ( H HiiiiiIh dopoHlti'd to ho-
curo clrculntlun (pur vnluo) 100,000.00
h U H, IIiiiiiIk ami uurtMcutiM of
ImlnlitiMlni'HK pIihIkoiI to hu
cum V. a ilfpoMltH (pur
vl) 10,000.00
f U. H, HiiiiiIh mid curtincaton
of ImlohtiMlncHH ownnil and
linplfdKiMl 3G.000.00 H6.000.60
tt Mbrrly limi llemU:
a Mhurty I.ouu lluiidn, n, 4,
mid 4 V; pnr rout, unplodKod 7,300.00
c Liberty l.omi lloniln, 3, 4,
mid 4 '4 por cunt, pludKed to
ancuro puxlul miivIiikn dopimltH 1 6,000.00 22,300 00
7 HomU, HiH'urltli-i, rlr., (ofllor
tlnili V H )
li IIoihU (other thun U H.
bomU) pli'ilKi'd to Niicurn po
11 mivlliRH doposltn 20,000.00
c llonds mid Hncurltlou plodKcd
uk ciillulernl Mr Htuto, or otic
ilapoitltH (poHtiil nxcludod)
or IiIIIm puyiililu . . 10,000.00
HccurltlfH otlmr tliuu, U. H.
bonila (not IiicIiiiIIiik ntock) .
owni'd unpleitReil 07,739.43
Total boiulN, Hiicurltlon,
la., olhor than U H 97,739.43
9 Htock of Federal Itdiervi) ilnnk
(CO per emit of Htlhncrlptloii) 3,000.00
10 a Vnluo of hanking Iiiiuho, own
ed and unincumbered 30,000.00
1 1-Kurnlturo mill rixtunm 10,470 01
12 Knnl latiito ovsniid other thun
bunkliu; lioilxo . . 1,300.00
13 -Lawful riMttrvu with Fmlorul
Itomirwi Hunk 82.174.00
lf--l'uah In uult mul not uiuounta
duo from iiulloiiul UunkH 132,0X9 15
10 --Nut umouiitH duo from huukii,
bankura unit truMt compunlcH
other thun liicludcd'ln llnuin
3 or 16 678 J6
IS Chcckn on other hauka In the
aunio city or town aa report-
Iuk bank 8,127.20
Total of Itonm 16, 10, 18 138,894.50
19 Check on hauka located out
aide of city or town of re
porting bank and other cush
Itoiiin 2,462.56
20 lledemptlon fund with V. H.
Treaaurcr and due from U. S.
Treaxurer 6,100.00
21 Intercut earnrd but not collect
edapproximate on notes
and bills receivable not past
duo . . . " 10.227.48
22 War Havings Certificates and
Thrift Stamps actually owned 916.07
23 Other assets' llond payments
mmlu for our customers 496.00
Total 11,343,033.49
24 Capital stock paid In 1100,000.00
26 Surplus fund .... 22,000.00
26 a Undivided profits $ 21,746.03
b Loss currunt expenses, Inter
est mul taxes paid 16,281.49 6,463.64
27 Interest and discount collected '
or credited, In advunce of ma
turity and not earned (ap-
njiproxlmnto) . 2,489.61
28 Amount resurved for tuxes
accrued . .. 7, 000.00'
30 Circulating notes outstanding 100,000.00
32 Nut amount duo to Nutlonnl
t banks ... 16,642.54
33 Net amounts duo to hanks,
hatikurs mul trust companion
(other thun Included In Item
32) 28,687.39
34 Certified chockH outstanding 394.84
35 Cashlor's checks on own hank
outstanding 10,087.30
Totul of Items .12, .13, 34
and 35 .. ... 64,712.07
Demand deposit (other tliuu bank
ileposltH) subject to lienor e
(dcposllB puyablo within JO
36 Individual doposlts subject to
check . 773.870.00
37 Certificates of deposit due In
less thun 30 days (othor thnn
fur money borrowed) 60,760.90
38 Htuto, county or othor munlclpnl
doposlts secured by pledgo
or assets of this bank .. 10,000.00
40 Dividends unpiild .. 968.00
Total of demand deposits
(other thun bank deposits)
subject to roRorve, Horns
.10, 37, 3K nnd 40 .,, 846,688.90
Time deM)NltN subject to lleservo
(payablo after 30 days, or
subject to 30 days or inoro
notice, and postal savings):
f 42 Certificates of duposlt (othor
than for money borrow dd) .... 167,084.57
44 Postal suvlngs doposlts - 19,327.56
Total of time doposlts sub
ject to Ilosorve, Items 42
and 44 186,312.13
40 United Hlatcs depowlt (other '
than postal savings) :
c Other United States doposlts,
Including deposits of U, S.
' disbursing olllcors ' 9,467.34
48 a Othor bonds borrowod with
out furnishing collateral se
curity for same 10,800.00
Total ., 11,343,033.49
57 a Liabilities far rediscounts,
Including tlioso with Federal
nosorvo Hank (see Horn Id).. 96,322.90
Total contlngont liabilities
(57o) 98.322.90
State of Oregon,
County of Klnmuth. as: .
I, Leslie Kogeis, cashier of the above-named bank, do sol.
omnly swoar that the above statement Is true to the best of my
knowledge nnd belief. LKSLIB ROQBR8, Cashier.
JOHN M.TdOOItB, Directors
Subscribed and sworn to before mo thU ,45Ui ,da of of
March, 1919. UKHT B.(WITI1PQW, Nptaw BuWio.
(My commission expires
ue-cemoar j, ,,.;
Notice Is hcroby :lven that the fol
lowing described estrny, io-wlt 1 bay
muro about 2 year old, wqlght uhout
700 lbs,, upd branded what appears to
be a horse hoof on right hip, will bo
sold nt public auction to tho highest
bidder for cash on the 6th duy of
April l!M!l, at the hour of 2'3U
o'cloek p in., at tho front door of tho
court house (oldest) of Klnmuth
County, at Klamath Falls, Oregon, to
satisfy damages, costs of keeping, mid
nil expenses Incurred, Including Jus
tice fees and costs of advertising and
salo, mid such other tosts and ex
penses as may have been regularly
made. Sulii citruy wus tuknti up on
thii llrsl duy of December. 1918
Dated this 18th duy of March. 1919
1S-2G Klamath Falls, Oregon.
In the County Court or the Statu of
Oregon, for the County of Klam
ath, Hi thu Matter of the Kstate of Mor
timer O'Connor, Deceased
Notice Is hereby given that J I.
McAulirfo, the administrator of tho
estate or Mortimer O'Connor, do
roascd, has rendered and presented
for settlement, and filed In mild court,
his final account of his administra
tion of said estato; and that Satur
day, Hie 3d duy of May, 1919, at 2
o'clock p in , at the County Court
room or sulil Court, at the court
house, In Klamath Falls, Oregon, has
licon duly appointed by the judge or
said Court, for thu suttlument or said
account, ut which time and place any
person Interested In suld estate may
appear and file exceptions In writing
to the said account, and contest tho
Dated March 17, 1919
Administrator of the Estate or Mortimer-
O'Connor, Deceased
18 25 1 8 15 '
Notice of Hearing on Petition to
Form Drulnuge District
;in the County Court of the State of
! Oregon, ror Klamath County.
Notice Is hereby given that hearing
on the following petition will be held
at thu court house In the City or
'Klamath Falls, County or Klamath,
(State or Oregon, on tho 5th day of
April ,1919, lor tho purpose or de
termining whether tho prayer or said
Detltlou shall bo granted. All ocr-
sons owning or claiming an Interesf
in lands described In said petition are
heroby notified to appear at said
placo at said dato and show causo, il
any there be, why tho prayer In said
potltlon should not be granted.
Clerk of the County Court,
Klamath County, Oregon.
Petition for Formation of District
In the County Court ot the State ot
Oregon, for Klamath County.
In tho Matter ot tbo Organization ot
"Upper Van Brimmer Drainage
To the Honorable County Court ot
Stito ot Oregon, for Klamath
The undersigned petitioners respect
fully represent that It Is their deBlre to
form a drainage district in accordance
with Chapter 340 of the General Laws
of tho State ot Oregon tor the year
1916, und amendments thereof us
contained in Chapter 414 or General
Laws of the State or Oregon ror the
year 1917, tor tho purpose or having
lands hereinafter described reclaimed
land protected by drainage or other
wise rrom the onepts or wuter, ror
agricultural purposes, stating and al
leging relative thoreto as follews:
That the name proposed for such
district is "Upper Von Btlmmor
Drainage District."
That the boundary line ot said pro
posed district are as follews:
Beginning at the point where the
Van Brimmer ditch Intersects Lost
River in the SWU of Section 21.
Township 40 south, Range 10 east
ot Willamette Meridian; thenco
southerly and ulong said Van
Brlmmor ditch to a point where
said ditch Intersects tho north lino
of Section 2S, said township and
rango; thonco east one-fourth milo;
theuco south one-half mile; thenco
west to Van Brimmer ditch; thence
southorly and ulong said ditch to
point where said ditch intersects
the north and south line between
Sections 33 nnd 34, said township
and range; thenco north to east
and west lino through tho center
of Section 34, said township and
range ; thence east one-fourth mile;
thence south one-fourth mile;
thence oast one-fourth mile; thenco
south to township line between
townships 40 and 41 south; thonco
oast to Lost River; thence norther
ly and following said Lost River to
point ot beginning.
That the total acreage Included
within said proposed district Is one
thousand one hundred twonty acres.
That the names ot tho owners of
land In said district, as shown by the
records ot Klamath County, Oregon,
and tho acreage owned by each, are
as follews:
R. H. Bunnell 140 acres
Clyde Bradley 162 acres
C. W. Lewis 16 acres
Win, Barks .33 acres
August Bueslng ' 36 acres
C, Bowman 160 acres
Frod McKondroo 110 acres
W. F. Hill and
Frod Stevenson , , 80 acres
Estato ot Win, A. Tall
man, deceased 14 acres
S. E. Martin 101 acres
Augusta Stevenson 80 acros
Frod Steyenson 33 acros
H, C, Parker , 70 ucres
Lyle Merrill ,u minor 80 acres
Total - ..1,120 acres
That tho reclamation and protec
tion ot said lands Is for agricultural
purposes ,and that such proposed rec
lamation nnd protection will be con-
duclve to public welfare, utility and
That all of tho lands Included in
nioi an oi hid lanus inciuueu in muu iraveurem, v mo oiuii ""
d proposed district aro proporlyiof 110,924.86 for oil macadam and
luded therein, mid will be beneflcl- estimated cost of 116,400.00 for bl-
ally affected by the operations of tho
proposed district
That thu benefits oX such proposed
reclamation and protection will ex
ceed tho ilainuge done, and that the
bent Interests of tho laud Included
nnd of the owners of such land as u
who,lo, mid of thu public at large, will
be promoted by the formation and
proposed operations of said district
That thu formation or a drainage
district under the provisions or Chap
ter 340 or the General Laws of tho)
Stuto of Oregon for the yoar 1916
and amendments thereof ui contained
tin Chapter 414 of the General Laws
of tho State of Oregon for the year
1917, is a proper and advantageous
method of accomplishing the recla
mutlon and protection or tho lauds
Included therein.
That to accomplish the purposes
herein set forth, It is proposed to con
struct through and across said dls
trict, in general, rrom tno westerly
boundary thereof easterly to Lost
Itlver an manv drain ditches, tllelrnnnn
lines und laterals as competent cngln -
eerlng Judgment may deem necessary
to conduct und carry away from said
lands surplus irrigation and other
water that mny accumulato thereon,
having regard to such construction as
would be properly chargeable upon
tho entire district.
I X.
That tho undersigned horeby agree
to pay any and all cxpensei Incurred,
,nnd any tax or taxes that may be lev
ied aguinst tneir lands, for tho pur
pose ot paying the expense or organ
izing or attempting to organize th';
proposed district.
Thorerore; Your petitioners pray
that tho lands Included within tho dO'
scrlptlon set forth In Paragraph II
or this petition, or such or them as
may be round by tho Court to be prop
erly Included in the said proposed
district .either permanently or until
further investigation and surveys
may permit elimination, shall be de
clared organised Into a drainage dis
trict to bo known as "Upper Van
Brimmer Drainage District."
Acreage owned
Name of Petitioner in proposed
C. W. Lewis 16
Clyde Bradley 162
William Marks 33
August Ducslng .... Ho
Mrs. W. G. Tallman 14
Fred McKendree 110
C. Bowman ,''....100
Mrs. Augusta Stephenson 8Q
State ot Oregon,
County ot Klamath, ss:
I, Clydo Bradley, being first duly
sworn, say: That I am one ot the
petitioners in the aboyo entitled pro
ceediug; nnd that the foregoing pe
tition is true ,as I verily believe.
Subscribed and sworn to before
mo this 15th day of February, 1919.
(SEAL) Notary Public fdr Oregon.
My commission expires Jan. 25 ,1920
18 25 4 11 18
(Equity No. 1036)
In tho Circuit Court ot tho State of
Oregon, for Klamath County.
Thomas W. Trott, Plaintiff
Onnle McLaren Hanlon Trott, De
fendant. To Onnle McLaren Hanlon Trott, De-
In the name or the State of Oregon.
you aro hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed
against you In tho above entitled
suit on or before the 15th day of
April, 1919, that being the last day
of the time prescribed in tho order
for the publication of this summons,
and if you fail so to appear or answer,
for want thereof plaintiff will apply
to the court for the relief prayed for
in this complaint, to-wlt: For a de
cree dissolving the bonds of matri
mony now exissing Uetween yourself
and plaintiff; that the custody ot Wil
liam Edward Trott, a minor, be
awarded the plaintiff herein, and that
the custody of Volma Harriett Trott,
a minor, bo awarded to defendant in
this suit, aud for such other and fur
ther relief as tho court may deem
This summons is served by publi
cation, pursuant to the order ot the
Honorable D. V. Kuykehdall, Judge
ot tho abovo entitled court, which
suld order directs that this summons
bo published in the Evening Herald,
a dally newspapor printed, published
and of general circulation, in Klamath
County, Oregon, oncu u week tor six
weeks, the tlatu of first publication
being March 4, 1919.
Attornoy for Plaintiff.
Address: Klamath Fulls, Oregon.
4 11 1S-25 1 8 15
The City Engineer, puisunnt to
resolution of tho Common Council
heretofore adopted, having, under
date ot February 3d, 1919, filed
nlnnn ana1 flrtn tn 0 ntlil oat I ft tns flf
Ji. . f i,rnvi., Proaennt nvn -
nuo from U. S. irrigation canal to1
Canby street; Canby street to East
street; Eust streot to Intersection ot;
Crescent avenue at U. S, Irrigation
canal, and Intersections, and tho
Council having taken same under ud
vlsemont and find said plans, specifi
cations and estimates satisfactory;
nn it hnrnbv mbhIvah i,nt oih
plons. specifications nnd estimates for,"nde,ruIe ordinance passed Fobruary
the. Improvement of tho abovo men-'.24' 1919- ,8J remain on the prem
tlonod streets and Intersections, be,"80,8 n,0,re than fltteen days, except
and the same aro heroby approved, ashes, tin enns, glass and garbage of
And bo It further resolved that the8,nar nature, which must be hauled
Common Council hereby declares, its away every ninety days,
intentions to improve said streets, or . The followjng subjects come under
potlons thoroof, and Intersections In the head. of garbage: 'Every accumu
accordance with buIi! plans, Bpeclficu- lutlon or animal, fruit or vegetable
tlons and estimates. Said Improve-. mutter, liquid or otherwise, that at
ments to consist of bringing said tends the preparation, use, cooking,
street to establish grade, the Instul- outing or storing 91 meat, fish, fowl,
latlon of concrete curbing, proper fiult or vegetables; ashes, tin cans,
dralnngo and tho paving of said
'streets and Intersections with blthu-
lllthlc, oil macadam or other bard sur-
face pavement, at the estimated dost
tullthic or concrete; and be It further
resolved by the Common Council, that
tho property hereinafter described be
and hereby is declared benefited by
the said proposed Improvement, to
wlt Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 nnd 0 of block
11; lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 6 and 7 or
block 1.1; lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 0, 7,
and 8, of block 14; lots 1, 2, 3, 4,
6, 6, 7. 8, 9, 10. 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
10 and 17 of block 12; all ot tho
foregoing being In Hot Springs Ad
dition to the City or Klamath Falls.
Also lots 1. 2. 3, 7, 8 and 9 or block
ra I li a . 1". Q nil I
Nichols Addition to the City
Klamath Falls, Oregon;
and that said property abovo deacrib
nnu inai saiu property uuuvu uestriu-
cd bo and hereby is declared to bo the
property to be assessed ror the ex-
Ipenso or said Improvement. And
ilt fUrther resolved that Monday,
7tn uuy OI April, ii, ai me iiuur
8 o'clock p. m., nt tho Council cham
i. . .. ... ... .
uors in me cuy nan, oe nieu as
time and place for the hearing of
- ljoctl
l published as by Charter provided
.Stato of Oregon,
County of Klamath, ss:
Citv of Klamath Falls,
I, A. L. Leavltt, Police Judge of
ons and remonstrances against airalfa. i2l, ,":"l'.fS7A:1
said proposed Improvement; andvered , ioun- l il miu. . ue"
Police Judge Is hereby directed to' ? 'V ,"',.. 'i.?. les roneaat
nntlrn of said hearing to "be i," .7: "!.'""" lrd naile ranch. W.
city of Klamath Falls, Oregon, doi Place to do housework. Phone In
hereby certify that the foregoing is a care of 179J. i5.t.
duly enrolled copy of the resolution - , j
adopted by the Common Council on lici p UANTCn
3d day or March, 1919, declaring its! nnniw
Intention to Improve portions of Cres-' wlNTPn T, 1 r.
rent. Canby and East streets, in the , mPoTk m" "?, ,or
City or Klamath Falls, and approving! nousefk- Phone 43 l3-tt
plans, specifications and estimates of r,, n -,,. . .,,, Z. ; T
etmt thereof as submitted by the Citv I "L WANTED Lady for -enerat
Engli eer.
A. L,
LEAVITT. Police Judge.
The City Engineer, pursuant to res
olution ot the Common Council here
tofore adopted, having, on tho 3d
day ot February, 1919, filed plan-j nnd
specifications and estimates ot cost of
improving Pine street, from Third
street westerly to Payne alley. In
cluding intersections, and Payne nlley
from Pine street in a southerly direc
tion to Main street, including Inter
sections, and the Council having tak
en the same under advisement, and
finding said plans, specifications ?nd
estimates satisfactery:
It is hereby resolved that said
plans, specifications and estimates
for the Improvement of Pine street
from Third street westerly to Payne
alley, and Payne alley from Pine
street southerly to Main street, te,
and the same are hereby aporoved.-
And be It further resolved, that
the Common Council hereby declares
Its intention to improve said portions
of Pine street and Payne alley in ac
cordance with said plans, specifica
tions and estimates, said improve
ment to consist ot paving said portion
of Bald streets with oil macadam, at
an estimated cost,' Including cement
sidewalks, curbing atd grading, of
J19.176.96; or cement pavement, at
an estimated cost. Including .cement
sidewalks, curbing and grading, of
823,500.00; or crushed -rock, .at an
estimated cost of $18,000.00; pr bl
tullthlc pavement at an estimated
cost, including sidewalks, curbing
and grading, of 823,500.00
); said lm -
to Include
provement In either event
graaing roumg ana curmng.
And be It further resolved by the
Common Council that the property
hereinafter described be, and hereby
is declared benefited by said proposed
improvement, to-wit:
Lots 1, 2, 3 "and 4 of block 6;
lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 ot block 5; lots 1,
2, 3 and 4 ot block 4; lots 1 and 2,
of block 3; lots 1, 2 and 3 of block1
2; lots 1 and 2 ot block 1; lots 1,1
2. 3, 8 and 9 ot block 25; lots 3.
4, 6. 6 and 7 ot block 24; lots 3
and 4 of block 23; lot 3 ot block.
22; lots 5, 6. 7 and 8 of block 21; , . , ., . . ., f
north 120 feet of vacant portion ofjsbottles. glass or discarded articles ot
Center street; lots 5. 6, 7 and 8 ot,8,ratlar character; all trees, Tines,
block 20, lots 5. 6, 7 and 8 ot block I brushes an,d lawn trimmings, cieaa
19; all of said 'lots and blocks be-1 leaves and trash from gardens,
ing In the original town of Klam- All ashes, glass, bottles, tin caps
nth Pniiar and earbaee of a similar nature sntil
and that Bald property above descrih
ed bo, nnd hereby is declared to be
tno property to be assessed for the
"expense of said Improvement; and be
It further resolved, thaf Monday the
7tn day or April, 1919, at the hour ot
Q nlntlr n m tit tli .linm
hnpe In tlia ltv linll if hA ni n
Klamath Falls, Oregon, be "fixed as I no person shall engage in the gM
the time nnd placotor the hearing of jbage business except the duly autnor-
objections and remonstrances against
tho said proposed Improvement; and
the Police Judge be, and hereby is di
rected to causo notice of said bearing
to bo published as by charter pro
vided. Stato of Oregon,
County ot Klamath, ss:
City ot Klamath Falls.
I, A. L. Leavltt, Police Judge ot the
City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, do
hereby certify that the foregoing Is
!a duly enrolled copy ot the resolution
udopted by tho Common Council on
the 3d day of March, 1919, declaring
its intention to Improve Pine street
from Third street to Payne alley, and
Payne alley from Pine street to Main
street, and approving tho plans, sped-
ncaiions anq estimates or the cost
1 submitted by the City Engineer,
A. L. LEAVITT. Police Judge,
Notlco Is hereby given to the peo
ple ot Klamath Falls to have their
garbage ready to be carried away on
! tho 1st and 15th of each and every
, month. No accumulation of garbage
Herald's Classified A L
FOuVA,vL:,li 7S
hay Phone 95
FOIt SALE -In KlamaThdeTTT:
acres, ot 7 blnrv 11 . '' 1B0
Lydla nowdenJLl " 1
Address W A Mlllh-i":?!"?
Iliondway I'ailucah, Ky.
i, v.. ' "A" auu
FOR SALE-Small amount
beardless seed rye of sxpiiS,
grade Chllcote ft Smith. TeT
tl I
of'"SALfc Not fancy,
fatlf A Aa4
lorne ground 90x110 feet; eisht
ms, four closets. h..i,.. .' e,.ut
h ., dii ." t """m, iwo
dls' " .c?lnngr Prcth,' !n,l Wden
57 'h' P 3'5oo-0- W. S.
be I
8ALE 100 sacki white dry
d potatoes, lc, at Hageleteln'
ui i
- ' ,,
..... .....-. -I-,-,,,,, , ,
the" WANTED By woman with a child.
nouseworK; good waees. stesdT
Job. Inquire or write Mrs. Rayi.
ett, Malln, Ore. 13-6t
WANTED Experienced ,noman for
general housework; gool wages.
Phone 265. j-tf
IF THE PARTIES who found black,
ellow marked collie dog about
first' week In January, with name H.
V. Brown on collar will return to
2027 Wantland ave., they will recelre
reward. 17-6t
WANTED Barred Rock and Rhode
Island hens or roosters; will pay
local market price. ' Address C. O.
Allyn. 313, Weed. Calif. 17-
FOR RENT Furnished-house. In
quire ("05 Spring rlrret. back ot
bath house. 18-5t ,
FOR RENT Two furnished house
keeping rooms. Phone 255Y. lx-tf
FOR RENT Furnished rooms and
apartments. Phone 147. ll-tt"
g'0LDHILL, March 18 Clyde
"Red" -Rupert the former athlete
who r'oDbed the Northwestern bank
at Portland of twenty thousind dol-
l lars In Liberty bonds a year ago, has
escaped from the-lime camp here
, h j h H d who w8, aIsofrom
. .
Multnomah County.
FOR SALE Ahnni 7f. .. .. . -
I --.. if.3t
Phone 50 '
Mght Phone S48t
- be placed In a suitable receptacle pep;
arate and apart from tne oiaer
rinsspn nr cnrli.ine above described.
Persons may dispose ot their gar
bage by burying It on the premises
in accordance with tne ruies oi iu
Board of Health, or the owner ot the
fnrhnf a mnv enrt the same away, bUt
Ized city scavenger, aa nuui, . -duly
authorized licensee of the city.
The expenses of garbage removal
Is left to private contract between the
citizen and the city scavenger or
licensee, but a higher rate for gar
bage removal cannot be charged tnan
the follewing: ' . ....
Contents of 10 gallon or similar
receptacles not to exceed two tons
per week, per tank, 25c; larger recep
tacles or more frequent removals
not to exceed a proportionately Win
er cost. Garbage and trash in plies
not exceeding 1 cubic yard in Tolume
at not to exceed 50c for each pile.
This ordinance provides a fine 01
not less than $5 or more than S50. or
Imprisonment not less than two or
more than twenty days, to"0'"
latlon of any of these provision
Garbage cans provided for to itM
ordinance must be pUeed I ti a pol
convenient for the garbage "Hector.
1 0 -1 0 1 IK. 0 u ouoi . -
....-, n.n nm?nrrOR9
Notice is hereby even that , U
undersigned has been duly PPJI.
administratrix ot the eata oil Men
roo L. Allison, by the County Cou
or the State of Oreeon, for Klmm
County, and all peins ""'5 tJ
against said estate are rwjlr
present same to said d'u'n'5haelcrkX
at the law ufflcei of B. C 0e&
Klamath Palls, Oregon. "
months from the date ot this notice.
Dated. February 17, ,"-
Administratrix ot the Estate ot Mon
roe L. Allison. Dec.e.d.?ug