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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1919)
WW rt m. m m w ytM ii-wa fe-fj II SB nan K,U IKK s VAC5E TWO ' The Evening Herald M. M V It 15 , V EDITOR ' ' ' , Published dally oicopl Sunday by The Herald Publlshliic Company ot Klamath Falls, at 11 6 Fourth street Entered nt tho postolllre at Klam- Bill Falls, Oro.. for transmission thru tho mails As second-class matter. Subscription tortus by mail to any address In tho United Stales: . One year ........ $5.00 Ono month 50 Member of the Associated Press Tho Associated Press Is exclu3iel entitled to the uso for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited in this ju- nnl nlan li.fVil nnu'. Hit ltllshful hor'e!n. All rights ot republication of spe- clal dispatches herein are also re served. TUESDAY, MAIICII 1H, tl)I THE CASE OK KLAMATH. Klamath Falls people have made a U;e memlrership dictates anil mem case of lagging and Insufficient in- hers will have opportunity thru their terest on the part of Portland. It-Is ' locil commercial organUitlons to tip to the business and commercial outline the policy of the stale chain men of this city, as a whole, to con-' her for. 191ft. fess judgment, nnd it should be their "The directors believe that, flirt business forthwith to proceed to cor- of all. the interests of the farmers red the, conditions by which judg- should be carefully safeguarded and ment lies acainst them. , that the chamber should not favor ' It Is n case of establishing rail- road connections which wilt make the Klamath Falls territory an Inte- from the used and unused land In Krai part of Oregon In common with the state, subject to clearln?, irrlga. Portland and the western part of'tion and cultivation, that O.-egnn. the state generally. It Is a matter of, eventually must depend for progra. practical achievement which" re-i quires enterprise, a state vision and the capital, or the influence which will provide the capital physically to connect this Klamath corner of the PORTLAND, March IS. Edward state with the major business Inter-Ivy. Kumbel, general manager of the ests of tho commonwealth. j Columbia Hasln Wool Warehouse What Is to bo the answer? What i Company here fell dead yesterday is to be the course of tho Portland while exercising in a gymnasium. He business community? Are wo going was formerly in business In Algln to be content to say, hero Is some- and Wallowa county. His parents thing, that should be done, and hav-' live at Joseph, Oregon. Ing slid that leave It undone? That! would bo nierely a confe'sslon of Judgment without satisfaction. It would neither serve Klamath's nor Portland's interests. Tho thing that needs to be done is obvious enough. It is to build the stretch of railroad needed. The question is," has Port land the vision and the enterprise to about? We have been given to a certain self-centered habit here in Portland. Rather than otherwise, we have gons upon the theory that If outside com munities wanted to trade with usi they knew where to find us. Now and then wo have developed a little junketing enthusiasm which has led ns abroad as it lie guests of some of ' these outside communities, and on , such occasions the get-together splr-, It, with Portland pulling tho laboring , oar as it should, nas.ueen manliest. nut we have seemed to lack the knack of following that up until we have achieved tho result of thoro co operation. That Is precisely what is required nt our hands in this Kla math Falls case. We need to be Inoculated with tho State breadth of view here In Port-1 land, not merely as a theoretical, af- - ., ,, . ... ter-dlnner accomplishment, but as a practical business-getting, friendship- knitting 'activiey calculated to stlin-, ulate and dovelop.staje unity. There Is nothing I hat will servo us better than that. Portland Telegram. ENTIRE STATE of un PORTLAND, March 18. All big propositions Involifng tho moral and financial support of the Oregon State Chamber of Commerce will be refer red to the membership throughout the state before definite action is taken by the board of directors, ac cording to Secretary Quaylo, of tho state chamber In repry to numerous Inquiries ns to what is to bo done with tho large sum of roonoy being raised In tho' present membership campaign, Many business men, es pecially those 'in tho southern and interior counties, are eager to know how tho state chamber will benefit hem before thy contribute to Its sup port, Thoy have asked point blank what is' to he done with tho $C0,000 which Is belng.ralsed from new mem berships outside of Multnomah coun ty. Tho Oregon chamber Is controlled NI A I V A I PA CLF F n GARDEN SEED-Bulk and Package xmmm Jrm-dM. JTTL Ol Jl A J Oregon Standard' Purity and Germinal by t board of IS directors, six ot whom iiro from'conntles en9t ot tlio , Cflscadc nnd nine west of the Cas I rades nnd only to of the latter are from Multnomah county. "The money behiR collected, will ip snout as authorized by the board of directors of the state chamber nnd . )n m oUier wny mM Sei,re(a,.y l"yl.. today. "So one man or set of men from any particular section of iuo state will hae disposition of tlmsp funds. A considerable sum Hn9 ticcn received to date, not one . cent of which has been checked out i of the bank In Daker. where It was j deposited by Treasurr William Poll- j man. "An outline ot the working policy foi !!19 was submitted to N dirac. ,ors reeontiv, nd their opln'.ir. was that they did not wish to assumj ic- H'OJflblllty in oufllnlnK In detail; measures the state cliamosr would j favor or -oppose, but rather ther would refer these questions hi the form of n referendum to the constltu-j ent bodies thruout the state, which j referendum will be prepared and j submitted In the near future. "With this explanation, it will bei ' .een that the money will be spent ns i any move except that It Is In tin- in- terest ot the farmer, because t Is POHTLAXD MAX DIES SUDDENLY.' See Charles S. riood, Klamath Agency, for Indian gracing lands and timber. 12-tf VWVWMMVMAAAAAAMSMKAAMAAM KLAMATH FALLS I1HAXCH OF MASON, EHRMAN & CO. Wholesale Grocers TOBACCO, CIGARS, CIGARETTES Office 120 S. flth St. Phone 87 E. H. JEFFEI1SON Local Manager PublicSale ! wW sell at my place on the Merrill road, H miles- from Klamath Falls, knonn as the It. S. Newton Itanch, THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY i Oil,, winiti ft i'piim nlif. 1 linn ' pounds; 1 span mare, 5 years old. ---u -,..... ..... ..,.., . ...... u.u, .,uwv " poumis; oilier smaller norses, broke nnd uubroke; 1 good milch ( ..lrllB 8tecrS about 75 heaU curs, lueil to thoroughbred Lincoln bucks, stmt lambing Murch 10th; 1 ' I'hino, cost new ?4.V; 1 Ford touring, .. niiiius, i i, uuKm, j'o Laval ci c.iiii separator; 1 walking, plow; 1 good sulkey plow, and other, farm Implements. j iSALE BEGINS AT 1 P. M. ! ON Thursday, March 20 All .sums nuclei- 820, cash; nil sums oer SSJO, notes on sewn months' time at O per cent Interest... Five per cent discount for cash. i H. S. NEWTON, Owner ('. G. MERRILL, Auctioneer. LESLIE ROGERS, Clerk. DULL, SPLITTING. E Dr. James' Headache Powders re. ! lieve at once 10 cents a I package, j , You take a Dr. James' Tleadacbe , i Powder and .in jiwt a few momenta ' ' your head clears and all neuralgia and dlstresi vanishes. It's the quickest and surest relief for headache, whether dull, throbbing, uplifting or nerve t racking. Send someone to the drug storo and get a dime package now. , Quit milTering it's so needless. Be i atirrou get I)r. Jame Headache1 Pn dors then there will be no disap-1 lomlmcut. HEADACH P ERSONAL I.tTTt.K NIOKUOlllS ON I.OCAI, H.MVKNINUS AMONO THE PKOI'I.K OK THIS CITV AN1I VICINITY. OOINOH AM) COMI.NO OE l.OOAI, KOI.KK Ilert A. Nnson Is reglsteied nt the, Mr. nnd Mrs. 1). Vance, who have Hotel Hall today from Odessa J boon here for a short time from .S.icinmeuto returned to that point1 Mrs. W. I.. Uoifsley Is a Klamath to(ll)v Falls visitor from Murysville, Call-i ' fnrnln, . ' C E- Fllnn of the Chlloqulu Lum ber Company Is down from that Hex. M. McMillan la In the city for ,, m!l,,rs ot imsiuui for ' a short time from Dunsmulr on mat- fnv ,ny., , tors of business. t i i E. S. Terwilllger, formerly of Mer Mrs. Althea Daniels has left for;ru ,,,, ow of ijorko0).t California' California Points whore she expects ,a , 10 ,.(y. for n sllort Ume to lslt with friends. huslnes Mr. and Mrs. J. Tulley nro here ' (Joo w offlold, a well known re for a short visit from their homo sltlen, ()f 10 MLrr ,utrlct Is look in the Algoma district. lnK nftor business Interests In tho H. Wolfe is among the recent ar-j County seat. ' rivals from Sacramento. gi:est nt the Hotel Hall. He is a James I). Harry, W. H. Moigan E C. Stukel are registered at',,ellc "tel- and the Hotel Hall from .Merrill. Miss Erna Vnrnuin returned this morning to her home at Dorrls lifter a visit with friends In this city. Mrs. Chas. llorton has gone to Chlco where she will Join her hus band who has been there for some time. Mrs. Oilbert I.eHoy left this uiorn. ing fot her home at McCloud. Call-""10 fomla after a ten dnys visit with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Perkins of this I city. See Charles S. Hood, Kl.inntli Agency, the real estate agent. He, ,,,,, ' , . . .' will write your contracts and other,1" laclrp 0rov befort returning. legal papers. 12-tf. H OUSTON' s Metropolitan Amusements HOUSTON'S I OPERAHOUSE DANCING SATURDAY EVENING I JAZZ .MUSIC " STAR THEATER TODAY Adolph Zuknr I'res-eutH PAULINE EKEDEHICK In "LA TOSCA." A .Mighty Picture nltli A .Mighty Star Also Two Reels of Comedy. Admission 10 and 20 cents. Show Starts 7::tO nnd 11:15. i I TEMPLE THEATER TODAY Illiio Itird Presents, VIOLET MIKEHEAU In "TOO ETHER" .lso A Lyons and Moran Comedy. Admission 10 & 15 cerils Matinee 2.0, Evenings 7:30 & 0. MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION PICTURES TUESDAYS. AND SATURDAYS . Merrill. Oregon LIBERTY "THE REST IX PICTURES" H. W. POOLE, Owner TONIGHT D. W. GRIFFITH'S SUPREME SPECTACLE "HEARTS OF THE WORLD" WEDNESDAY "RUGGLES OF RED GAP" Kinogram Weekly News Events "THE WIDOW'S MIGHT" Regular Prices Prevail Wednesday 10c and 20c THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH MENTION Mr. nnd Sirs. D. I.. Crnn arrived on the train last evening from' Hose burg. They are guests at tho White I Tom Wntters came In yesterday afternoon on matters of business from the Crane nnd Wntters ranch on the Merrill road. ' j Mr. nnd Mrs. Tom Connor wore passengers on the train this morning for Weed, California, where they ' expect to make a visit. ' i William Fordney, who illiterates J"'"e Mercantile Company at ' I-relhi. Is .In town for a short time '""King niier ousine-w interests Mrs. Gen. Ilurton left this morning for San Francisco where she will viol, l.m mnthn. Qlm tl-lll flloi. vlult She expects to be gone about a ! month. Mrs. Harry Waters, who operates the Hand Dox here, left this morning for San Francisco, where she will spend the next week buying goods' for her establishment here and the one she Is starting In Dunsmulr. XO HITCH YET IN PEACE DRAFT PLANS. LONDON, March 18. Andrew Honar Law told the House of Com mons that there was nn foundation for the report that a hitch had occur-, red In tho nrPRPntntlnn In .prmnnn 1 of the draft peace terms, due to div ergencies of gplnlon on the subject of the League of Nations. FRENCH NOW IN 'FRANKFORT. RERUN, March 18. The British and French forces are reported to have advanced their outposts from the limits of their present brldgehed at Cologne and Mainz The French have now penetrated into the corpor ate limits of Frankfort. ARNOLD'S Chili Con Carne and Tamales NOW OPEN SI I E. Oth. Solicit Home Trade THEATER mie. PUT STOMACH If T FINE CONDITION FALLS, OREGON ' B APtl 5TS OUT tHT FIFTY! H I TO AH I , Wm PAIN : luiiriici: niim PORTLAND, March IS. lletweeii March 23 and March KO, the l.fiOO. 000 llaptlsts In the churches thruout the northern .states of the union must raise $0,000,000 If they are to reach tho goal they have set out for in their great Victory Campaign moe nieiit. Piomluent llaptlst lii)tinm, who started this movement felt as though the war did not accomplish nil that should have been accom plished In rebuilding tho world. Ono of their members said: "Tho woild's work Ls not yef- finished, and until It Is special effort will be necessary to uccompllsh the tasks which will continually confiont us, whether in political or commercial life. In social affairs or In the realms of lellgiims obligation." Hurley K. Hallgreu, tlliector of the campaign In Oregon .siyST "Ore gon must not shirk her duly She must raise her total quota ot $",:,, 000 and raise It on time. The fu ture of llaptlst missions both In Am erica and foreign lands depends up on the successof this movement. Tho extra expense Imposed upon the church- during the war has piled up a debt that means the shutting down of a largo number of mission plants turnout the world If the members do not respond to tho appeal being made and give of their substance to this cause. The Victory Campaign, If won, means victory In more than one sense to the llaptlst denomina tion. It means tliut the many mis sionaries now In tile foreign field will not have to be called homo nnd that tho reconstruction work now going on in France, llelglum, Russia" and India need not cease and that the missionaries In the home field can still stay at their posts and teach the ignorant foreigner the principles of Chrlstlanley and of American cltl. zenshlp and stamp out the revolu tionary fires of Ilolslievism Unit have been spited In some hearts by un scrupulous anarchistic leaders." POLES ARE PREPARING FOR BIG OFFENSIVE I1KRLIN, Murch 18. Dispatched to the Ilerlln newspapers from Mrnu'denz allege thut tho Poles are preparing for a general advance against the Germniis and have noti fied the German outpost that the armistice Is no longer in effect. The dispatches claim that the Poles arc charged with eighty-four violations of the armistice. Ask Chllcotc & Smith about the ,OW COST life, accident and health policies of the Travelers. 1-tf SAVS INDIGESTION RESULTS FROM AX EXCESS OF IIV- JIROrilLORIC ACID. Undigested food delayed In the stomach decays, or rather, ferments the same as food left In the open air, says a noted authority. He also tells us that Indigestion Is caused by Hy-per-acldlty, meaning, there Is an ex cess of hydrochloric acid In the atom ach which prevents complete diges tion and starts food fermentation. Thus everything eaten sours In the stomach much like garbage Hours In a can, foimlng acrid fluids and gases whlchlnflute the stomach llko a toy balloon. Then wo feel a heavy, lumpy misery In tho chest, we belch up gas, we eructato sour food or havo heartburn, flatulence, water-brash or nausea, lie tells us to lay aside all diges tive aids and Instead, get from any pharmacy four ounces of Jad Salts and take a tablespoonful In a glass of water before breakfast and. drink while It is effervescing and further more, to continue this for a week. While relief follows the first dose. It Is Important to neutralize the acidity, removo the gas-making mass, start tho liver, stlmulato the kidneys and thus promote a freo flow of pure di gestive Juices, Jad Salts Is Inexpensive nnd Is made from the -acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with llthla and sodium phosphate. This harm less salts Is used by thousands or people for stomach trouble with ex cellent results, Adv. DON'T SUFFER! INSTANT RE LIEF FOLLOWS A HUniUNG, WITH OLD "ST. JACOIN 1ISI MENT" Conquers pain- never falls. Uuli soothing, penetrating, "Ht. Jacobs I.lnlinimt" right on the ache or pain, and out comes the neuralgia misery. Hern's a Joyful experiment Try ,l! Oct ii small trial bottle from sour druggist , pour a Utile In your hand and rub II gently on tho Hiiro,-aching nerves, and before you leallio It In Just ii moment all pain and neural gia disappear. It's almost magical, but the Joy Is, flint tho misery doesn't come back. No' Tho nerves are soothed unit congestion Is relleed and your neuralgia Is overcome. Stop suffering' It's needless neu ralgia and pain of all kinds, elthur In the face, head, limbs or any part of BRIGHTEN UP Ry using WVstlughouM' Miuda Idimps In ALL )oiir sockets. We make a specially of lilting you tint tilth the proper t)e, sle and voltage Hint "I" Kl" jiiii the most light for the least money, and lie till! niake frM' delivery on lamp punluises amounting t" 1.7.1 or over. We glie a Rogers Slltertiiirc IIi-Im-I mHIi each 2.1-rt'iil pur chase. Link River Electrical Co. 7lli nnd Main Ht. JOways reliable You can RELY on "Red Crown" for steady, dependable power and long mileage. It is high quality gasoline every drgp. "Red Crown" U stralght-dtstlllcd, all refinery gasoline, with the full and con tinuous chain of boilfng points ntccs ary for easy starting, quick ud smooth acceleration, steady, depend able power and lone mileage. Look for the Red Crown clrn before you fill fci- STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CillfbicIO Jr3llll JBbSSmsB W 1 t-K lttiW'-31 W R. A. WINZLER, Special Agent, Klamath Falls, Oregon (Jf course tobacco costs more' says Dan Everything else does. What you want to do is to get genuine tobacco sat isfaction. I saved money by switching from ordinary plug to Gravely." Peyton Brand REAL CHEWINQ PLUG Plug packed in pouch Murphey's Feed & Seed Store 126 South Sixth St Phone 87 TUEHDAV, MAItril 18, mill tho body, Ih Instantly IiiiiiIhIiuiI hi. Jacolm Unlnimit" Is perfectly harm, less, unit doesn't burn or dlximlur (li0 skin In use for half u century --aj, ! ! ! ! :; Quality Drugs... It Isn't economy nnd u Isn't wise to buy mi thing hill the best In drugs. We hale gullied Hie rim-tltleiH-o of our customer by selling drugs of the highest iinillly only. You i-iiniiot buy any other kind here, and you art iiIimijh niifc and sure Hint nothing but the best drugs will be nld In this store. oils n nn n in ni a iihi i.iin 7 ,,W -... ,,,.. W....I.VII 1.T - M'CjD " ,H'" es CCte,)i XX'XK'a " Cabinet Shop 10 Main Street T (ieueral Furniture Repairing at ReaHoiiablo Prices ? KITCHEN CABINETS n Hperlally A. Mauritsch t. mauruscn 1 y s of Quality Good taste, smaller chew, longer life is what makes Genuine Gravely cost less (o chew than ordinary plug. Write te: Gbnuinu Gravely 1MNVILLI!, VA. for bvotltt on thtwtnt flt- nderwo PhanuafY Wv . b i TbBTPVBt "FT tHnjEsflBi2r n mo '' Mrf t L i rXSu1-rB-1BirlI-j (zd