The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 11, 1919, Image 1

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    (frljg iofgttmg Herald
Thirteenth Year No. 3,566
County Official Takes High
way Men by Storm .
Full ltrnrt f Trip In Portland l
Made ') ' '' '"'J. Wln Gel.
YXrAsf r Tiling' In Ho Hiii"' I"
Klnmiilli Nel Vi-iir GimmI Itimil
Meeting Tunlglil Feed Planned.
Darter l !"' A'"'1 Hh hi com
Inn hu lirliiKx tin' Information Unit
he raptured the HtKliwiiy Comuiliwlon
and the iiieinbnr of tlnit body ulll
If here next Tuedity Mr. Dnrtoy r.
rlted hiimi- IiihI evening unit appear
ed lit the inn-ting thai ' being hold
by tho llimlnm Men' Association,
where hi' Kiie uut tint Information
beulng on hi trip to I'nrtlniiil mill
The ll.illi'H. Thin Information wn
luramed up In it Matcmmit to n rev
prMentullve of dm Herald.
"One of Ihi" "'"it milljifiiclory nplf
odei of l tic trip wan the reception
jlitn me liy tho rortlniul t'liainhor of
Commerce WIhmi llii'y learned whnl
I J Her. they nuiilo liuiiuillut hi
ranccmcnlx lor it met'tlng of tin; Com
million it which I wim nwkiMl to ho
present. When I i;ot to ilio meeting,
a lentlemun from llond was already
there pleading fur tlm road front Tim
Palle.i to Hi.' Culifoniln line. I pro.
itnled our mile of the ctHO. mill tlm
CommlMlon expressed Itself nit mix.
louiloiln what it f on let for Kliiinnih
Support wits pledged for tlm road to
Aihlaml uuil iiHtiraiic'i'K I hut further
conildoratlon would ho given to tlio
other PtigKPNtimiR I umili. I wont to
the meeting in Tlm Dalles, unit I
tould eo a illatlnctly belter fooling
tord Klamath uftr tlutt kossIoii.
Thencvernl telegrama Unit were sunt
from hero produced it tury fnvonilili;
ffert, parllrtiliirly tin (lint was
lined hy tlm hunks, unwspupora ami
bmlneii nipii Tlmt telegram turned
I") tide In fiivor of our cuu'sti iiml wuh
ten atrlkit
"I took up with tho Commission
lit queatlon or mining hero person
'"r, mid iIipi consented, cancelling
other enicnRfiiiPittH. The inomborH or
Ibe ConunlsHlon mo ull iinxlous to
dr evcryililnK limy run hut thoy
re, of course, limited hy certain re
ttlctloim, tlm doniumW of otlmr conn
jM that Iini. l(.,. wider uwuko limn
Klmtli, nml tlm rimiln nt tlmlr IIh.
I,0l. I mil satisfied, however, tlmt
elll pet ,.,y fnvoritlilo roitHlilorii.
"on If wc present our claims, oloitrly,
wrclbljr niiil nnltodly, whim tlio Com.
mtMlon lH Ihmo "
Jt wlmt . CoinnilHHlon will do
Prabiomatu-iii lint ,, t,,,nR )H
r'ln. Klnmnti, couniy svll hnvo to
Win, " Wl"' " ""l,"1 ''n,,
" n that end in view iirrniiKmoiitn
" r mado for th0 rocoplloit of
Commission uud ai-nutor llnlclwln,
w "HI con,,, W, ,hnmi Tlloro
"Ul 1)0 Clvnn .. I . ...
I ho. nitiiiui nt which
'" Sontlcnmn will ho tho kiiosIh br
". n, this viii ho nttiimltul by
IimiIb or ,, vnriouH nwioclntlonM
."'"WlMlimm. It will h Rlvort
1 htn",,,l''lli.fllio.Kllc'HTom.
S3 "; Wl",h w" '" """nilod by
wojU 'from R(,,.t(lt)H of ,ln r()ln.
'Mllirwilll rmon, tho rial iiih
vl Klamath
t.Th'";llMlof . iHtho InnUtlvo uhin
of Ih. n " m,KK,st"' I'X K. II. Hill
wo V",'"1 "nn"' AsHoHntlon. and
J' " '" tlimiKht at (Irn.
t tho Whi '' I1;am"lc' w"'"l'l lm Klvon
It,"""y tlmt thin u.,,,,1,, i, ,
ate n'n '" iicc-.
""to-.. Tm l,f "'"'lltlou and
. " that win hnvo to ha mado bo.
Ai (hi, u ', ' r"m" C0I"(, bo oi'onod.
ork would recjulro upwards
of two wim'Iih, It h out or tho iU0H
llon. Ah n rimult of tlm tidoKiuin tint
wiim Nont to '1'lni DiiIIuh, mid which
wiin nIkiioiI tiy ii Iiitku iiiiinlior of tho1
IcndliiK men or tlm cliy mid county,
Ilium In ii MHoinont In tho OruKonlnn
or Huniliiy lliut'tho ('omhmIhmIiiii IooIih
rimmthly on tlm propoHltlou or iillot
lin to Klnmiilli county K.Oi'.ooo HiIh
your. ThU would priictlcnlly kIvo
Klimitth mm inlllliui Mr Diirlcy
Mtiilril llnil m CoiuhiIhiIiiii Ih fit nr
itbly dlntiiiHod loiirdn iitlntlni; to t It Ik
"""'y " ""' ''""'. i'1" 'I"
tiiulllm. ilf tl-l. ...ul.. .....I...I.. ...III. I
I'i'piiiitii i.i .iiiiiii irniK i'iiiiii'i; wim
lliom to mi uiuoiint riiuiil to Unit fur
iiIhIiciI hy lhi Htuto iiml County.
Whollmr thin will ko to tho oxtout
of kIvIiik to Klmuuth lu uilllloii dot.
Inm tlili your In prohlouintlcnl mid
will rent to ii Kiviti nxloiit on tlm
hIiowIiik tlmt will ho iiimlii when tho
I'nin iiiIkhIiim U Imro
Whon lut I ho ('ouiiuIhhIoii vUltct
Klnniitth FnlU, tho mcuihcrH wuio
not ovon oxtondi'd tho courtoKy or u
ca.tiitl visit by ll.t pnoplo or thli. city.
It Inillrnlod kihIi rimn Indifferent e
Unit one would not ho HiirprlKed If
tho ComuilHiilon itnvc to Kl:iinnth Unit
tor which It iihIomI uotliliiK. Hut
tho feiiUeiiien Hhowcd tlmt thoy woro
IntoroKlod In IIiIh tmctlon mid allotod
tlO.omi to Kliiinnth ir wo et Unit
hiiiii without imk hit: tor It. wlmt en n't
w Kot ir wo hIiovv tho .t'oinmlHHlou
tint wu ore roiuly to do huitlnoxit?
Thcro will he a meeting or tho
Klitmuth (iooil IIimiIb AMHorliitloii to.
night It will ho held In the city hull
If you hn'vii a itpnrk of ontcrpriim or
IntcrcHt In the welfare or Klam-itli
I'd I In uud Klmnnth county, ho thorn
Don't offer liny exeumM. Thorn Ih
no liunlnchH itilto us linportant as
tlm propuriiloiiH wo are called upon
to make now. (.nt thoro early. The
work of tho punt two months Ih bo
kIiiiiIiir to hear frull. At IciinI show
Mime dngteo of nptireclntlon hy your
prrimiuv at tlm mentliiK tonight.
iik; i:vi:xt n,.xxi:ii run iiors.
to.vs oi'i:it. iiot'si:. inti:
. ...... llootlt will tako up road probloms In
HOYS II.WK l'OSTIM.M:il TIIKIII Kmlml,h. the commission having
......, ,,..TI1 vivi.ti.-i.'Vtii tu"ned that part of tho stato over to
AI-I'.MH I Mil. M.l'.ri'....TH ,,,, 0m, ()f , ,, ,,,, w, be
'Tho Dalles-Cnlltornta highway. Tho
' first link is In Klamath County, and
, . . , 'Commlsslonor Ilooth Is to see what
Nuxt Mondny evening Is to bo a ru ,, ono nbout tno Hecton from
mumorahlo one, for is going Klainutli Falls to tho Deschutes Coun-
to bo hold olio of tlio gruudost balls '' I'"0-
.,..,,. .1 ' As part of this road runs through
eor glvo'ii In this city. propuratloiiH H) luun ro(,orvntloll tho commls
for which hnvo boon under way for K,m hopes to receive nid from tho In
some time. It will bo tho feast day jdlnn Hcpartmont, and as there Is con
..,., ui, o. )( .'Hldoritblo mileage through tho forost
of Irolnud's patron Saint- M. I at-, ,, ,,, ni"lnlU.inn ,. rnivli
rick, and who but knows Hint tho
sou's of 1 C r I n do things right on that (
day. Tho holding of a ball on that
' . , ,
ditto under their auspices whs
hioilght about by tlm narrowest mar.
.....i i .i ,,.iirniv i,. ii... inie-
Idun con.Hldonttlon mid coudoHonslon
of tho flr'e hoyn of this city. From
tlmn Immemorial the firemen h:tvo
hold a dnnro on tho sovonteontl. uC
...... i . 1
March. It has always hm. recognized
as their day. In Klainutli Falls, and
consequently whon tho ilopiirtmont
was reorganized, plans won, .'-';
ittely sot on foot to hold tho uitntial
nvont this yojr. All unconscious or
what ouch was doing, both tho flro-j
men uud a
ami a committee representing ii'
tho ladles' or tho Sitcrod Henri
church woio making plans for it sim
ilar nvont. When tho facts eiimo to
light, tho flro boys Immediately tie j
clarod that thoy would hu glud lo
stop itHldo and turn over tho seven
teenth, deciding to hold tholr tlnnco
on-lho nlneloonU), and would In tho
future relinquish all clnlnt on that
ivirtlculiir day
Kmorald Isle.
io tho Soiih of tho
This magnanimity on tho part of)(.0 W, wcro injured In fighting
tho Mm Inddles was gronlly apiireciu.,Wtl, t,0 London police uro In the
lod hy, thiifco who woro Inloroatlng ,
thnniHolves In tho celebration or
tlio FiviBt of 81. Patrick and nil con
coined plodgod themselves to' remem
ber In t substantial manner tho gou
otoih spirit manKoslod.
It Ih tho Intention of those In
fliaigo of tho St. Patrick's ovont lo
loavo nothing undone thut will niuko .
tho occasion ono of koon onjoymeut.
Thu Jazz orchcHtni Iihb boon engagoi ,
and tho "dnnco will bo glvon In
Houston's opurit house. llofrotihmoiitH
will' ho Borved and other attractive
(oature.1 will bo part o( tho colobro
State Commission Appropri-
ates $40,000 for This
It. ,. IIihiIIi of llic CominlKNlon Has
ItoitiK In ThU Hocllon Tumml Over
lo Mini Korcvtr-)' Service l CSolriB
In Co-Opcriitc on i:xHn-.e of High
wny TlirotiRli Itcoervo Section.
"' "" "retvuiiRii ror siuuli.v if
!"" rtlcl boiirltiK on tho contomplnt
oil program or tho 8la i Highway
CommlHHlon that Is If particular In
tercut to ihu puoplo of thin county.
ItoailliiK between tho linos, this coun
ty may find suggestions that will
menu much to Its development. If
tho commlHHlou Is disposed to match
county funds to the extent or half a
million, thou Klamath wants to get
lulo position to get ready to come to
tho front with tho money. .It can bo
done, and no doubt will bo done.
Tho article In question follews:
Klitmath people, who have been
threatening to cut off tholr county
from Oregon mid Join California, will
soon receive attention. Tho commis
sion Friday arranged (or tho develop
inent of tho Auhlnnd-Klumiith Falls
highway, and appropriated $40,000
for tho first unit, (rout tho foot of tho
mountain on tho wast, known as
' (Srecn Springs, to Jenny Creek. Jnck
son and Klamath counties are each to
put up 320,000, making a tctnl oi
1 180,000 for this unit. Tho Improve
ment will take out tho worst part of
the highway, and eliminate a vory
bad grade. This highway has a dally
auto lino, and ovor It a largo amount
of produce Is shipped.
I In response to it long tolcgram re
, celvod last night. Commissioner
ni,HUninco that the forestry sorvlco
will go fiO-r.0 In thnt part. Tlteto Is
" dully nutll betweon Klamath Falls
und hakoview ,nnd tho commission
, ,, , ,0 w)lcn routo wM bo 80.
looted iih the location. A wire from
K amiith Falls announces titere is
SSOO.OOO ready (or co-operntlon and
an Inquiry us to what tho state high
way commission will uo.
Tho commission will ask for spa
. cWc Information as to how the county
1 wants this $500,000 apportioned, on
J u "'Vth.and-south mad and tho
, ,inHt-undwct road. Thoro is ovory
prospect of it hlg work in Klamath
I.Ls'been'dono (or Lincoln
. r7llntVii although thut county Is will
jB to co-oporitto. . Tho dolay is duo
to tho Inability of tho highway do
'......... n nti Aimlnnara An nnntl
, - " :"""", ,h h
as puonuiiu i Di..,uj "... "w - ......
nHtlmntos nronarod . and then tho
commission will bo in position to ad
vitnco road construction In that soc
mix vlTIl niiiTisif.
LONDON, March 11. -Corporul C.
It, Zlmmormnn and Prlvato I.. N.
Wilson of the Amorlcan Military PoW
hospital lioro
Tho (Ightlng began whon Zimmer
man and Wilson domandod that the
civil police turn ovor two American
Hallors which tho formor had arrosted
for ploying craps, The. police boat
both soldlors sovoroly.
DKNVKIl, March 11. Six hundred
carpenters havo struck here duo to
tho rofusul of the general contractors
to grunt on Incroaae of wages which
has boon demanded. Nearly all the
building horo has boon a((ected.
Tito lleralil will pny $25 reward
for Information lending to the nrroit
and conviction of nnone cuUKbt
NleHlliiK copies of tlm Herald after
their delivery to HiibNcribent. ThN
prncllce of Mlcallng papers, eupceinlly
aloiiR Main Htreet. hni reochiMl hucIi
proportion! that the Herald In going
lo Ntop II, and with that end In view
In offering IIiIn reward.
I'OKThANU, March 11. Homing
pigeons will help protect the forests
of the Northwest from fire, If expert,
ments planned In the office of Dis
trict Forester (Soorge H. Cecil, Port
land, result successfully.
In nccordnnco with tlio ylnns, For
est Kxnmlncr V. J. Sproat, of Ucnd,
Oregon, who hns had considerable
experience In handling the birds, will
take five pairs of carrier pigeons
with him when he returns to fiend,
for expcrmental use on the Dcschnc
National Forest. Forest Supervisor
C. It. Scltz, of Kugcne, plans to carry
on n series of similar experiments on
tho Cascade National Forest. E. H.
Uauers, president of the Homing1
Pigeon Club, of Portland, has furn
ished some of the birds (or these ex
periments. Mr. Sproat beliovcs that the birds
can be used to good advantage (or
carrying messages, especially (Ire re
ports, between Isolated points on the
Nntlonnl Forests and ranger stations,
and thus supplement the telephone.
They are expected to make com
munication possible when (or any
reason the telephone lines are out
o( commission.
1 Mr, Sproat says pigeons have been
used as messengers (or many centur
ies. Their use was so highly develop
ed during tho Franco-Prussian war
that the Germans sought to break up
their efficiency by turning loose
hawkg to destroy tho pigeon messen
gers. Tho use of pigeons in fire-protective
work is a new Idea which is con
sidered well worth trying out by For
est officers in this District.
niti iikui) wiiii. iik iinovtuiT
A. WIckBtrom, who opcrnte-s tho
steamer Modoc on the Uppor Klamath
I.nko hns undertaken the task of
transporting a herd o( over (Ivo hun.
dred head of cattle belonging to D. M.
Mcl.omore (rom the Wampler ranch
on the West side o( the Upper Lake,
where thoy have been (ed during the
winter months to Klamath Falls, The
steamer and barge left the Shipping
ton Dock on Sunday afternoon and
had to break n lano of lice as far as
Uaro Island. It Is reported that the
lake is free of Ice beyond that point.
It Is not known how many cattle Cap
tain Wlckstrom will bring on each
trip, but It Is certain that ho win
havo to make several trips to trans
port this big herd.
Tho first dance to bo held at Malln
for tho period ot a year will bo glvon
nt that point on March fifteenth by
the Malln Gymnasium Club, accord
Irig to A, Kallna, who was In town
(rom that thriving center yesterday.
Tbe danco la to be In celebration of
St. Patrick's day and a fine time la
assured those who appear.
Kallna says that the less said about
tho road conditions 'between Klam
ath Falls and his home town, the
better for all concerned,
i I
i i
i Eugene Business Man Makes
Hit Last Evening
Opportunities for Advancement of
District Thrown Open, by Hlg State
Organization Make Instant Con
vert of KnterprlNlng City Ilutl
MenNumber Join Inntnntly.
D. K. Yoran, one of the leading
business men of Eugene, who came
hero (or the purpose of niacins be
fore the business men of this city tbe
plans tor the proposed State Chamber
of Commerce, addressed the Business
Men's Association last evening. Not
In Its history was the organization so
Interested, (or Mr. Yoran Is one o(
thoso earnest, straightforward, matter-of-fact
talkers who drives home
his points with such sledge-hammer
directness as to command the atten
tion and interest of any who may
have tht privilege ot listening to him.
His visit was a profitable one from
many angles, not the least of which
was the add'lng to the new spirit that
Is awakening among the business
men of tho city. In opening his talk
Mr. Yoran said:
"Oregon must get together and
work unitedly and ceaselessly if it Is
to get the development Its resources
warrant, and the only way It can get
together Is by some such organiza
tion as the Oregon State Chamber ol
"Cities." ho said, "are built. They
don't grow. Every big city In the
United States has been the result of
tircle.18 endeavor on the part of citi
zens who have had faith In its fu
ture." He gave numerous examples,
to prove his assertion.
The location of factories adapted
to the different sections of the state,
the development ot the glgaailu water
power, which Is at present unharn
essed and the development of the
stato highways, which will bring In a
continual stream of tourists and by
which the scenic resources of the
stato can be sold year after year with
out decreasing the "capital stock,"
ore a few o( the nlms ot the new
Stato Chamber which Is being taken
up with such great alacrity In all
localities. Ono of the reasons (or
this Is the (net that it hs been so ar
ranged thnt no one localty, no matter
how largo, can dominate or control
the organization. Portland with Its
Immense membership can only have
(Ive votes, the same as Eugene, and
tho same ns Klnmath Falls may hnve
It It takes the memberships to which
It is entitled.
Yoran also brought a private mes
sago to -the people of Klamath F.nlls
from his colleagues at Eugene, to
tho effect that the construction ot
tho Natron Cttt-o(( and a commercial
highway connecting tho two cities,
was to bo one o( the principal objects
ot endoavor thcro until the tlmo o(
Its accomplishment. He outlined a
number o( steps which had already
beon taken In this matter. Ho do
clarod that Instead of being neighbors
fifteen and n halt hours apart, wo
must divide the tlmo schedule by two.
In concluding ho said:
"1 want you to know that Eugene
Is with you heart and soul. All you
havo to do Is to let ua know wlmt wo
can do to bo of nssistanco and wo will
bo right there lo meet you more than
half way. Lot us unite. Let us bo
neighbors In (act as well aa in theory.
Then wo will truly bo able to lend
that assistance which each is so anx
ious to extond."
Following Mr. Yoran'a talk tho As
sociation unanimously voted its
thanks for the consideration shown
both by tho speaker and those who
sent him. Mr. Winnek stated that
his committee had written the Eu
gene Chamber of Commerce asking
It to join In the effort to got the Nat
ron cut-off, and this statement was
supplement by a resolution to tlio
same effect unanlmounly passed by
the .association. Several members
urged every business man to Join the
state organization, and application
blanks were passed and a lrge num
ber signed. After the meeting an
Informal session wan held, when Mr
Yoran was urged to come to Klamath
Falls again, when greater prepara
tions would be made to receive him.
A pretty Indian love affair was hap-J
plly culminated this morning, when!
O rover Clarke, an enterprising young r
stockman (rom Modoc Point, on the
Klamath reservation, was united In
the "holy bonds ot matrimony with
AIIhs Minerva Butler, who has also re
sided In that district, by Justice X. J.
Chapman. The ceremony occurred at
Ho! It are well known residents o(
the district where they live, and have
the best wishes of a large number r.f
friends In their life together.
Mrs. Leo Houston of this city h3s
received word of the sate arrival of
her brother Mahlon Landls (rom
France, where he haB been In the
military service (or several months.
Landls is well known here where he
formerly resided.
And now comes Brother G. X. and
testifies as (ollows, (or all ot whir!;
The Herald can truly say "Auon."
The following letter was sent to Sen
ator Baldwin, and relates some very
Interesting history that many people
do not know and others linve (orgot
ten: "My dear Senator, I note by tho
press dispatches, and also an editorial
In the "Chronicle" that you ha,ve
brought to the attention of Oregon's
legislature the wisdom of ceding
Klamath county from the common
wealth of Oregon Into the state ot
California. I am inclined to tne opin
ion that Oregon Legislators and the
people o( Oregon will be slow to give
up what they think the property val
ue. No broader gauge act, "however,
could be assigned to them should they
accept tbe splendid view you have ex
pressed, "Klamath county is as remote (rom
the commerce and resources o( Ore
gon, so far as Intercourse is concern
ed, as, would be a distant country in
the state of Arkansas or Mississippi.
I feel greatly Interested because I
was responsible for building the line
of railroad Into Klamath county, for
which result the citizens of Klamath
county had appealed to all parts of
Oregon for over a quarter of a cen
tury without result, I, however, took
hold of the problems In 10 0.1 and
carried It thru to fruition in ISO!),
giving Klamath county access to tho
world, which she had never had be
fore, and probably never would huve
had, if the matter of building the
line of road had been left to tho
Oregonlans, as Oregon has many lo
calities quite ns good ns that opened
In the Klitmuth country for develop
ment and all to no purpose.
"It Is also true that the people of
Eugene, Murshticld, and generally
In that region west ot Eugene, had
tried (or some thirty yetrs .to get a
line of railroad. I took hold of thnt
In 1911 and carried it thru to fruit
Ion as tho result of Incorporating the
WIUIametto-PacKIc Co.
"In Klamath county you nro loca
tod so isolated (rom tho general com
merce ot Oregon, and In order to
reach tho commercial centers o( Ore
gon (rom Klamath county it Is ne
cessary to travel about 200 miles out
o( Oregon and back into Oregon in
order to reach whore tho S, P.
crosses that lino on her wny to Port
land. ,ln fact". It was my observation
and exporlonco at tho time wo Investi
gated conditions of Klamath county
in December 1904 and January 1905.
before we began to build the lino of
railroad that nobody over wont to
Portland unless (or some special mis
sion they could iiot avoid. I nm Just
passing this observation along, as 1
had so much to do with the opening
o( Klamath county to the world's
commerce, and while I am not hope
ful you wlll.aucceod, I think It would
be to the best Interest of all tho poo
plo of the Btate ot Oregon and not
only to those in Klamath county.
Yours truly, Q. X. WBNDLINO."
Price, 5 cents
Of BlUf
Sma11 Remnant of Forner
t Army to Remain
Dra-tle Terms Protlde tor Gena'aa
Army Smaller Than That of Swtti
erlitnd Forts and Ammnnltloa to
lie Destro)cd Militarism to Be
Thing of Pat.
PARIS, .March 11. Military Ger
many will have-to go out of existence
as a result of the adoption of the
military terms as they will go Into the
peace treaty by the Supreme War
Council ,lt Is announced here today.
The terms provide (or a sweeping
reduction of the German military es-
Itahlishment to 100,000 men, with
4,000 officers.
The army Is to be recruited by the
I voluntary system (or the next twelve
I years. This will limit' Germany to
I less than the number of men now la
' the Swiss army.
The big German torts along' tae
Rhine are to be destroyed and t
arms and ammunitions are to. go tie
same route, except enough to supaly
the small army which Is allowed..
BERLIN, March 11. Pope Baae
dict has addressed an appeal to tke,
entente powers, indicating the organ
cy of a speedy conclusion of peace
with Germany, it became known here
tnil.nv Hs declares the situation in
I Germany, both socially and econom-
' ically, is very grave, and (ears a
j spread ot bolshevlklsm and the estab
' ltshment of a bolshevik state.
It. H. Dunbar will head the Klam.
ath County organization for the pro
motion ot the Sale of the War Sav
Inps Stamps during the coming yer.
according '. an announcement made
bv Fred Lockley of Portland, who ha
been In the city for a short time
worklnn :u tho Interest of this move.
Rev K I' r.awrence is to be vice
chairman ,.f tho Klamath Committee
and Kdn.. Well. Secretary. The fol
lowing Ute also been named to serve
on tho ivunty Central Committee.
Amlie M Collier, W. A". Delzell. A.
II. Epperson. C 11. Bowman. Ida B.
Momyoi ami Fred E. Fleet.,
There lh to be no strenuous cam
paign, -ueti as was conducted last
year, but the public Is to be encour.
aged i. every way V-W'??":
tlnuo i no thrifty habit Purchng
tho ln.l bonds, which was started
last o.u. .
The Santa Ilnrbara Tourist, topics
Issue of February 2Sth notes tbt Mr
and Mrs. James Helton and Mr. ad
Mrs. Fred Schallock of
FUlls are registered at the.Hotel Bel
vedero. ...
,ii.'vi:li;h nisrow
Frank l'P. tho Jeweler. 1 J
turned from Lone Beach wj
w-asntlledlastweokby beln.l
his wife Io report, that Jta
much improved. We ftmlJ-JJ1.
remain there for several months
fore returning to Klamath.