THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAOR THRRk w- Ari notice U. S. TROOPS CALMLY WAITING ON DECK OF TORPEDOED VESSEL FOR TfRN AT LIFEBOAT COME MOVIE THEATRE 1 The ladles of tho f'resbyterlan Church will hold an apron and ' I cooked food nolo Saturday, March ' ' zznu, i'luco or aulu win be announced later. smtKnowtntKwtmnsvwfc, ? MONDAY, M.WCH 10, tPtO ONU1L4HE AD'S - I ..Sine of "The Vonu. Model." !.MaoWyn photoplay tarrlnn uJbtt Korniiiml, thru tho nctrr-M 1 tbo stellar role. Mwch of the Sotcenlrninniuiia ilia irlklnn cim 1 and Interest U mtdod to !.a comblRAtlon of Maud Norinnitd and -Th Wnus Model" whdn It I known thit tto vivacious star designed tlio artti ' ' ls r,,nlly ""l10""' ,0 Uo '" tbe couro or the piny. When Ml Noriniind rend the H, n Durnnt piny nIiu won enthusiastic 0r Hi poMlbllllliw unil nt ouco do mined Hint the bulling milt should U lomMliliiK l " I100!''0 1,,ok lr ami make people look twice iti onJnr ut In fl'iil' ll nnln ,. h.r tint sin- imiM not be content Engagement The diamond In the en gagement ring should be a itona of ureal ex cellence Only the beat ! worthy of tht uae. Upp'i show diamond , of nna brilliancy and color, In Tiffany soil (aire mounting of highest quality and wonderful beauty. A large variety of mll and medium atone to choose from. 2C 00 to izOO.OO Frank M. Upp JEWELER All Main Street Klne Watrh Itepalrlng Specialty Phonograph Th, HALLMARK Star. to cliuoiu (mo of ii number of modobi Rtibmlttod by hoi- drcMinnkor, Inn tnuat glvu Home thoiiKlit to It herself, I At thcr Htir Thontro ToiiIkIii I J Tho liuitillltiu nliructlon nt tho Mb urtyThcutro, U Wlllliuu l'.uiium ami "Tho llnlnlinw Trull," which opened ' yoatorday, "Tim Rainbow Trull" U n ' sequel to "Hldor of iliu I'urplo Hagu," which wim hIiuwh loct-iilly at th Liberty mid If onythliiK, 1h bottoi tlinn thnt wonilurful driuiiu. "Tho Itnluhow Trail" I a lyplrnll Krrnum ptodiictlnn with nil tho1 thrill mid punch tint thin sterling muster of Mrreeiirrnfl inn Inji-U Into It. The fniil riding puitlcuhirly Htiind out, and wu mco Mr Furniiiu mimtlng dnroduvll lunl-ou thn lurk nf miiiim of ihu world' futet mount. I In respect tu IIiIh rldliiK, It ih anld Fninum for hit work In of bora oh nn (I for hi work In "The rtalnbow Trull" ohtalned thu-n of th,. faaleat horse In tli Htntu or Cull fornln. In "Tho Inn or Urn lllm- Moon," by t.oul Joseph Vanco, which la to In itio, photoplay nttriutlnn nt tho Mb eriy Theuti on Tucmliiy, the tienull fill Up rln Konyon U railed upon to aume two rolnn twin sister whose parent separated when Ihu children were Infant. The girls iiro brought up In wholly different environment and at miturlty una I u hIimiiIi- mini Irv In! hllll llip ntlliir ii Hlnllni- uiw-lul' luminary In Now York' luxury-loving act Mia Konyon therefore linn a remarkable opportunity foi Hit- iIIh phy of her versatility. Tin- result In until to be IiIkIiI) meritorious nnd satisfying. ''- s :risgtt!airgKmmAm)auiM imi weMwMagwaagtaraagwaa Ainerlcnn aoldlera have won praise for bravery and fortitude undorall clrcuiiiHtanrvit, Thl photograph, Just ruloaaed by the conaor, show troopa on Ihu dock of u transport which Iiiih Just been torpedood. They woro calm, and perfect discipline pre vailed a tbey awaited tholr turn to entor lifeboats. While these men were atundlng quietly before the cum ora a number of their buddies were a quietly leaving tbo ship. Quality Drugs... It Isn't economy and It Isn't tvbtc to buy anything hut the bent In drug. Wo have gained the con fidence of our customer by selling drug of the highest quality only. You cannot buy any other kind here, and you are aliray safe, and sure that nothing but the best drug will be sold In this store. gw pry MBUt?, & ' v igm. ' ffifr ii 91a4 lW m Herald's Classified Advs. .. MISCELLANEOUS WANTED April 1st, house. Phone 208W. 5-10t a furnished Geo. G. Fry HELP WANTED WANTED-Experleneed woitii W FOR SALE 4 ' PHONE PEYTON (or Woot-Uti WANTED A slnele runabout bua-cv in good conditien: must be reason-' crn akt-a ..... . .- . . -xn able. Address Box 214, Klamath. ",.?, "V1 B ' Knlls. 26-tf first class condition. 7-3t cii hit. jr. OH(firwoosPhariiHtY V'sL, KLAMATH TALLS OREGON n? I WlhPn .!.. " """ - apartment house. Phone 17 orif R. SAKT"-L''t nl 3-room ho utc iiin..i. o -. r price sduw. 1100 eaak ma Wl Z-M.V tlllV SWIEUk. O-tl" lOA .. iT "- , per monin; no interest. R.J r wi w., oi oiaui. t-i V-r 'jfzrsa kAflMI fkAAfiCCL FfCPLf wiV ef oui tftTm t ALLIES WILL SEND FOOD TO GERMANS PAftlB, March 10. Thn Supreme Council today la expected to sottlo thn difficultly 'over the Herman iner chnnl iihip by nrranwli-.r for food uppllea naked by Ormnny, which tho Amorlcnn delegation rcKiirds nn a part of Ihu armistice plodRu to (ler-nuny. ..VOTK'K The regular meetliiK of Alohu Chapter O. E. S. will bu held Tuesday ovonlng, March 11th. Important business. All member ri-iiiioxted to bo present. Nellie Vun Klpor, W. M, I OPEN NOSTRILS! END A UULU UK UAIAttlttl t How To Get Itelief When IIed and Nohc are Stuffd Up. Count f Iftj ' Your cold In head or cnturrh disappears. Your clogged no.-tlrlls will open, the nlrpasaagea or your hoad will clear and you can breathu fruoly. No more snuffling, liawklnt;, mucous discharge, dryness or huiulnche; no struggling for breath it nlcht. (lot it small bottle of Ely's Cream t In I nt from your druggist and apply .t llltlo of this fragrant antiseptic t-renin In your nostrils. It penetrates hru ctery pnssnRO of the head, sooth ing and healing tho swollen or In- HUNS IN COBLENZ MUST SALUTE YANKS COBLENZ, March 10. All German officer and men on duty In tbe zone occuplod by American troops must wear uniforms when they appear in the street eccordlng to a recent ora cr issued by Oeneral Dlckman today. The order Is a result of a tendency on the part of certain German aenta" officers to wear civilian clothes to evade a general order to salute all American officers. The German claimed that It was distasteful for German officers of rank to have to Milutt- American lieutenant. The Germans wero taking ndvan- a?e of their positions In being ablo to appcir in civilian clothes at will. The new order also call for a weekly Wj9rWWrWJrWWrWrWW9f Motors and Pumps For next Irrigation season should be ordered now ,In order to get the prop er equipment nnd insure delivery in time, at lowest cost. Let ua install your pumping plant. YOU WANT YOUIl MOTOR. RIGHT YOUn PUMP RIGHT - YOUR INSTALLATION RIGHT THAT WILL STAY RIGHT LOST AND FOUND FOUND Gold watch. Call Winters Jewelry store and Identify. 7-6t FOH BALE-Furmlturi heater, range. 1003 Rom. Mt FOR SALE New set M bjToarfmi? 1 ture, heater aid rang;. 100) sW kSCHUBERT FARM to buy or rent- v"" ... , . ,. ?r f FOR SALE Furnished 5-rooa.t ern nouse wiib garage, oae FOR RENT open till March 15tb. 23-tf RKCKARD RENT SERVICE Phone 80 Night Phone 845 from niY.mimt 'Tenth street Price t. oae Work. sw FOR SALE 8 acre good laa' fenced; smalt building; (0 aarejl Irrigated; S4 per acre; tarmC lea " """ f-w j j- flnmtid mucous membrann. alvlnr you Instant relief. Head cold, and , registration of each German officer rnlnrrli vlnl.l Ilk. mitlx Tlnn' ,"" "" on uuif 1U .Ills trea Btuffed-uv and miserable, euro. Relief U WAR-TIME ROMANCE OF I'KINCBSS PATRICIA OF CONNAUGHT AU COMMANDER ALEXANDER RAMSAY OF THE BRITISH NAVY r;3teP, Sj&&Zmmii&V ,r -v. BC 1 1 'i F Vji l 4uicJ ' flHT BaillvVaVHBH W' R,iW''ft.iA- -P -i-.- r.TwT.1- ,'iSnto.JiSslJWiWiaWBigeWiWJ JiiWtijeW-fgg,grS!'tf; -P RED CROSS MAGAZINES CO.MIXG Word ha been received hero from Washington that thoso people who subscribed for mngarlne member ships to the Red Cross at tho last drive' and who have not been receiv ing tbe magazine, will receive this from now on commencing with the March Issue. ' Ask ChUcote A Smith about the LOW COST life, accident and health policies of the Travelers 1-tf Glass of Hot Water Before'Breakfast -a Splendid Habit Open, alulcat of the ayatem each morning and wash away the potaenou, stagnant matter, LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed administratrix of the estate of Ray mond I. Tower .deceased, by the LCounty Court of the State of Oresan. ' Placo your orders with us, and yon j for Klamath County, and all porsOnsi Having claims against said estate are, required to present same to said ad min 1st ratrlxt the law offices of R. C. Groesbeck, Klamath . Falls, Oregon, ' within six months from the date of this notice. Dated March 3, 1919. CHARLOTTE I. TOWER. I Administratrix of the Estate of Ray mond I. Tower, Deceased. 3 10 17 24 31 MILLS ADDITION LOIS Many of the best let la Darrow addition for. Je easy term. Lftertr BoM at par ChUcote Smttk, M Ntrcct. PROFESSIONAL CARDtf Mtt ktH " .. 14 Z2& .v! 9 - Mt r BeMM ; know you ore right Good engineering nnd installations oaves annual expense (und gives bet ter efllcienry... Estimates furnished. Link River Electrical Co. 7th uml Main St. H. C. ICHLEBF v KATHKRIJfE 8CHLEEF Physlcim and BargtOM Office, Yhlte Bldg. MODOC FEED AND SALES STAULES Horses and Hnrness bought, Sold nnd Exchanged Horses to hay, noon feed 2Iic Horses to bay by the day 50c Horses to hay and grain, day....$l Horses to hay and grain, noon 50c Corner Oth ahd Walnut M. J. NYHART. HORACE V. MITCHELL, Prop. -wNitaMVt TwCQjs'lRTind IirW3itw t Wsivff s5Vrlnjtf "ft ln ,l,.u,,t.1"" prlneaaa s le,tt-r nUKbt,?uaPn ,Vr me Itrtel of Con "i:m tor J'rliii-..t. ,. it .... .i... i. nui?,l.,fu.1Inatln Pb,. ' In her nWr ffobcrt ?m?wRdH' "on- Alex' .brother o? rtKMa,fLu, R"""X; - a. O.. "on. iV utlS ", annn 8wneii of ii "'.w'nnauHhi, ruu K1.1.1".? S' the famous n.-,. i"p.i-r" vnaai .-. iiirmii 1 anadlun Ught Inf.tntrv U fX.7 . ." 8 to whom sIk- until Mount mn 1. " man ,ir in w L..,'.... ,fc "10 supreme .,u.'rincu nnd her olewrnon ;,ni mud'' 'r a wnrlil-wliln ri'Mirftv . The romiimi' bertui In Lnnmln when Oinimiipihtr Kiini.iy w,i an aide to Uir Puke ff .','iimiuuht, then governor it-niinil .W)ion the gicat war stalled, t'emmnii'ler K.ims.iy promptly ieturni-i to ni-tlve u-rvico In tiie Koyol Nuvy anil won tju- Pis tingulthed Scrylce Order for vnlor. ouh work at Giillli(-U. The princes Is domestic nnd " very clever rci-illowoniun, making Mini ci' out-dour sj)or0 npd t'urmtr Hon of a I her ulU-s, princess and tier tour of Cunmi. w!i h'1 fnther roul hichn-:ss, end she wH huie- 1I1 Tiw.i-.ui. unrinriil. Ai roi h .cri-Uti-r bs Miown as Lauy rairiew .inir HprlncH, Alheitn, Uai i'ir 'her nt irolf on thV local "lf link unil (fine an exhibition of i.vrt swiiuiiilnK- In the lilt: swiiuuui.k pmiI of the hotel. The fpirit of ilcnit'crni'.v now ai (-unspli-iioiis In ("u mill a must huve bi-en breuthed in with the, hravini; Cniiiidiu'i -ilr hv the princess, for she refused tu wi"l at least t'o kintra und chou iu? nn imti'ltd l-ut hi.rou- nmrilit-r of I ho kimr's nuvy. Sho liiisgjitked Tor nnd received (he consent m in; kiim ror a icnunciui ,JVy, tier graclou e!ianct bjtjrlti'J .orv ovet the mountains atiHjnisay. Those of "Ua who are accustomed iu feel dull and heavy when we arise; splitting headache, stuffy from a cold, foul tongue, nasty breath, acid stom ach,' lame back, can. Instead, both look and feel aa fresh aa a daisy by wash ing the Dolaons and toxin from the body with phoaphated hot water each morning. We ahould drink, before breakfast, a glass of real hot water with a tea- spoonful of limestone phosphate in It to flush from the stomach, liver, kid neya and ten yards of bowels the pre vious day' Indigestible waite, boiii bile and poisonous toxins; thus clean Ing, aweetealng and purifying the en tire alimentary tract before putting mora food Into the stomach. The action of limestone phosphate nnd hot water on an empty stomach Is wonderfully Invigorating. It cleans oul all tho sour ' fermentations, gases, waste and acidity and gives one a splendlld appetite for breakfast and It la said to be but a little while until the rosea begin to, appear in the cheeks. A quarter pound of limestone phosphate will coat very little at the drug store, but ia sufficient to make anyone who Is bothered with bllous ness, constlpatllon, stomach trouble or rheumatism a real enthusiast on the subject of Internal sanitation. Try it, and you are assure.d that you will look batter and feel better In every way shortly, Adv. s 4 Cabinet Shop 10 MainStreet General Furnlturo Repairing at Reasonable Prices KITCHEN CABINETS T a Specially $ A. Mauritsch -x''X-c-:'':"XMc- NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given thnt the un-1 derslgned has been duly appointed I administratrix of the estate of John' S. Hutchens deceased, by the County1 Court of the State of Oregon, for! Klamath County, and all persons hav ing claims against said estate, arej nereoy directed to present same to said administrate xat the law offices of R. C. Groesbeck, Klamath Falls, Oregon, within six months from tbe date of this notice. Dated March 3, 1919. LULU B. HUTCHENS. Adnlmlstratrix of. the Estate of John H. Hutchens, Deceased. 3 10 17 24 31 DR. G. A. MASSEY Successor to Dr. Trait Suit 200, 1. O. 0. V, Bldg Otllca phon BAJ lte-i Phone MM Public Sale I will sell nt public auction at my placo, four miles northwest of Mer rill, commencing at 10 o'clock a. iu., Saturday, March 15, 1919 19 good milk cows, 12 heifers, some will be fresh; o a-year-old steers 1 8 IH -year-old steers; sa yearling steer; O yearling heifers; 1 good Durham bull. FREE LUNCH , FOR MAN AND BEAST TERMS OF SALE All sum of Sao or under, cush; on aR sums over 930.00, one year's tune will bo given on approved secur ity. Flvo per vent discount for cash. No etock to bo moved until settled for. MERRILL & MOORE Auctioneers - A.BUSIMG, OWner Geo. Oftteld, Clerk. NOTICE Notice is hereby given to the peo ple of Klamath Falls to have their garbage ready to be carried away on the 1st and 15th of each and every month. No accumulation of garbage under the ordinance passed February 24, 1919, is to remain on the prom ises more than fifteen days, except ashes, tin cans, glass and garbage of similar, nature, which must be hauled away every ninety days. The .following subjects come under mo neaa or garbage: Every accumu latlon of animal, fruit or vegetable mutter, liquid or otherwise, that at tends tne preparation, use, cooking, eating or Btoring of meat, fish, fowl, fruit or vegetables; ashes, tin cans, bottles, glass or discarded articles of similar character; all trees, vlues, brushes and lawn trimmings, dead leaves and trash from gardens. All ashes, glass, bottles, tin cans and garbage of a similar nature shall be placed In a suitable receptacle sep arate and apart from the other classes of garbage above described. Persons may dlsposo of their gar bage by burying it on the premises 'n accordance with tho rules of tho Hoard of Health, or the owner of tho garbago may cart the samo away, but no person Bhall ongage In the gar bage business except the duly author ized city scavenger, Ed Hunter, or a duly authorized licensee of the city. Tho expenses of garbage, removal Is left to private contract between the citizen and the city scavenger or liconsee, but a higher rate for gar-, bnge removal cannot be charged than the follewing: Contents of 10 gallon or similar receptacles not to exceed two tons per week, per tank, 25c; larger recep tacles or more rrequent removals at not to exceed iv proportionately high er cost. Garbage and trash in piles not exceeding 1 cubic yard In volumo at not to oxeqed 50c tor each pile, Tins ordinance provides a flue of not less than 15 or more than $50, or imprisonment not less than two or more that twenty days, tor the vio lation of any of 'these provisions, I. R. STRUBLE, Mayor. FRED WESTERFELD DENTIST LoomU Bldg., Klanutk Fall DR. -. i, W1SECARVER DENTIST Crlsler ft Stilts bldg. 7th ft Mala I'hoa 884 . PITV AND COUNtr sAJgTPA0f COMFAinr p 17 Hah A Mouey to lean Mrhii'mmM 8 per ceat. ' rft -v HR F R GODDAJU) -" ... . . j J" V PbyUclaa '" MM-V- . 4 'nL.: ... .,.. niWiln asaii iriliwrui,v f 4V rtuite an, 1.8. a w.-nmrm (over K. K. K. Btort) I'hooe 821 . . ' (The only Osteopathia Pay J dan sad Burgeon U Falls ) Ktaauta SAW MILL HNOINaWBWQ fra COMTRVOTIOX CO. ..... ..M hutldar of jaa iraurt.Ms llaut. Complete " w"3; cd. AppiaUaU ana re- Di edging. We contract Ml ,inv .lass of a bulWWi ai ...... 1. 1, i.,u nf anv kiad. ,''. .""", -r ,,,-4 itaaer.1 uniiiius; "" KiB 1 I'rlnU made. r"Sr"'SKlX OlUce Hi K. 1. 'JCl JH X Y" w MKt'T. HERBERT1;, ArcWfcct nnd Srutff; Klamath T&t' . U07 OddFW7-J.. -w I? si J