PAOK TWO THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON rday, M.Mti ii h, i urn The Evening Herald K. .1. M U II It A V EDITOR a dlir.oult tusk. It Is one that should bo a pleasure, for you are simply offcrlug your tribute, In u quiet, un- ostentations way, to Him who borej your burdens to the Mount of Cal-I ,.., , vary. No matter what you think; no Theratf fflsnCoCauy 5 h.t you believe. It will make Klamath Falls, at. 115 Fourth street of you n better man and a better vo-( man. it will revivo in your nean feelings that lorn? laid dormant, and P 11 ERSONAL MENTION LITTLE HIRELHHITS ON LOCAL It Al VKN1NHS AMONU THE DKOI'LE OF THIS CITY -AND VICINITY. GOINOS AND COMIM1S OF LUCAIi FOLKS AT THE CHURCHES Entered at the postofneo at Klam ath Falla, Ore, tor transmission thru the malls as second-class matter. Mis.' A. T. Ccmdrey has gauo to boon In the- navy since, tho outbreak cause you to look out upon this world" Weed for a short lslt with friends, of the war, roturued last night for-a from a different viewpoint. The , . , . , . , furlough lilt: .lit "mi iiowiiinij is rcgisiuicu louuy Subscription torms by mall to any rlial'Ke mn" uj but 'e'"pora,; ' , at tho Hotel Hall from Cherokee. Mrs. Alfred McCoy and children odnr?n8,in lh Un"ed S,ale3: CVe" SO 0U WH1 U T . ? Oklahoma. left this inornlnR for Ashland whore oil month ""'so lf l,u fol,ow UP yUr reso utl" hy. ... , w ' thoy ,-Wect to uulde In tho future. - una niontn so l) church 011 succeeulng Sun- Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Dawson were ' days, that new hope which springs to passengers on the train this morning Fred l.ockley was among tho train Member ut the Associated 1'rv.s Jn mr nc,m tlMiUVi wlt spring for l'oitlaiid. .arrivals last night from Portland. He Tho Associated Tress Is exclusively . lntl, flnniiy Vou will v. ...... . -. ' Is a guest at the White l'ellcan Hotel, entitled to the uso for republication a,,pn aK',ln' unt" ,. , , N- n- Ghwbach Is in tho county, of all news dlspatchos credited to it "'ve fci1 u sufficiently with spiritual soat for a fcw Uavs from Kll.k on i n u iinrr30n of t1 icCnn liny or not otherwise credited In this pa- nouilshment to cause It to gro wand matters of business. j Lumber Company has gono to Weed per. and also local news published develop until the good wheat that . for a few duya on matters of bust- i ho ih..r -mil briars and weeds of ' l '"" ll'" l"5 "K ir clal, dlspatchos heroin aro also' re- sin that threatened to chocke It. shall aerved. All rights of republication of spo- . .-'. ,.' ',.., i. i.n his home at Dorris after a short bu-i " SATURDAY, MARCH 8, l!t OUR NEW GOVERNOR .. duotio vlolt tn tiito ftltir be overcome, and it shall be ready for """ " """ ,"" """ ' the reaper on the day of harvest. j Mr8 h. P. Moolk left this morning ' for Dunsmulr where sho expects to , , . ,, .i.'" 'sit for the next few days. 1 Today we print 'The Sermon of the ' ' Flowers," Inspired by our editorial of. Roy H. Ilradley and P. Carlson . a day or two ago on "Go to Church." came In yesterday for a brief visit ' We regret the modesty of the author from the Klamath Agency. ' Never In Oregon's history was f this poem prevents our publishing Mre E - morn fm there greater need for a man as gov-her name. Longfellow never wrote any arants Pnss for v,s wh her' erndr possessing constructive ability thing more beautiful or more touch- glsler Mg EHSWOrtU Tubbs. i as at the present time, and It Is for- ing and those who read it cannot do tunate in having Hen W. Olcott as so without feeling a greater love for' Dr. Kathertne Schleef left this its chief executive. Millions of dol- th3 beautiful things of life. It is a morning for Portland where she ex-j lars are to be expended on highway sermon In itself, and is particularly 1,,CS to vhlt for the next few days. construction, and If the various bills appropriate at this time and this sea- jjorrls Graves, son of Mr. xnd Sirs, .calling for tho issuanco of bonds son. Charles Craves of this city who has pass, then other millions will be ex- ' '. pended In the erection of public Life insurance companies lunre paid buildings and other development $110,000,000 on account of innuenxr work. The evptndlture of such huge sums calls for the exercise of a well organized executive control, to pre vent wanton extravagance and waste, and no one is better fitted for this tusk than Governor Olcott. Hy train ing and experience," ho has gained knowledge that will be invaluable to the state, and tho people of Oregon will see the great constructive pro gram that has been mapped out car ried to completion under the direc tion of a man who, has proven hlm- . Bolf big enough by past deeds to le equal to the burden he Is called upon to carry. Strong men make strong enemies. JSp it is with Governor Olcott. Throughout the state there has risen up against him political enemiejs who have plotted for his overthrow. Yet not one of these has ever been able to , advance other than political reasons ' why he should be dethroned. These) Heed the warning and get n low cost polk) from rttilcote Smith. 1-tt TU i H OUSTON' Metropolitan AmusamanU S Tl ra the people of the stato have refused to listen to; and rightfully so. And now they will reap the harvest of their wisdom in continuing In office n man who has proven that he could turn a deaf car to siren songs of the wily politician, even, when doing so he was building up an opposition that HOUSTON'S -OPERA HOUSE DAXCIXG SATURDAY EVKXIXCT JAZZ MUSIC STAR THEATER TODAY Artcrtift Presents CARUSO The WtiildV Greatest Tenor Singer in ."MY COUSIN CARUSO" AIo A Two Reel Comedy "Their Neighbor's Haby" IT'S GRAXDMOTHF.It'S RKCIPK TO 11H1XG HACK COLOR .S'D LI'S 1 TRi: TO HAIR John Miller, a stockman of tho Lnugell Valley section came In yes terday afternoon to attend to matters of business. T. Smith and family were among tlie incoming passengers on tho train last evening. They aro stopping at the Hotel Hall. Dave McCoinb, who or(erte l ranch In the Klamath Ilnsln bought ' supplies yesterday from tho Klamath Falla merchants. I Hay Talbot a sheepman of this , county returned last night from Ssn FianrNeo whor- he has ben ntj buM- ,iu"i and pleasure ! Mr, and Mrs. John Martin have re turned from California points, where they hnvo been on a vacation visit for several weeks. i Mrs. It. M. l.ewin and family wore. passengers on thh morning's train for Urjy, where, thoy will make a short visit with friends. i Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Dyo aro Klam ath Falls visitors from Walla Waila Washington. Thoy are guests at the White Pelican Hotel. j You can turn gray, faded hair beau- Sergeant W. W. Qui m by who has been home on a short furlough after a four year's absence In tho , army, left tor San Francisco today. might threaten with destructon hiSj public life. It is this Very strength thafwlll prove his strongest support in tho trying times now confronting, him. Everyone recognizes that hls job is an herculean one, but the peo ple of the state view It with equa nimity, for tliey know, with Ben 01-( cott at the helm, the undertaking, will be guided past the shoals of I graft, extravagance and . sectional preferment; that every part of the state will bo developed, and that ev-( ory dollar expended will represent i one hundred cents to the common wealth. SUNDAY- & MONDAY GOLDWYN PRESENTS MAIIKL NORMAND In "TDK VENUS MODEL." Tue Story uf a Girl who mode a Fortune In it Rattling Suit. Abro A Two Reel Dig V. Comedy. AdmlsTUm la and 20 cents. Show Start 7:0 and 0:15. TEMPLE THEATER TODAY CIJATIC W. A. Owings, operator for tho QnnHinrn lnMflf Prtmlmnv lo liipV tlfully dark and lustrous almost ove, ,, ,, . . , , , i i i.i. .i. m . i ... .from Portland, where he has been night If you 11 get a 50-cent bottle ot .... , . . ... ' ., , , - , , visiting for u short time. "Wyeth s Sage and Sulphur Com pound" at any drug i.tore. Millions j E. A. Tuttlo, who has been acting of bottles of this old famous Sage Tea as Station agent at the Fspee office Recipe, Improved by the addition of temporarily, left this moiniug with other Ingredients, aro sold annually, his family for Dunsmulr. savs a well known druggist here, bo cause it darkens the hair so natur ally and evenly that no one can tell Is has been applied. Those whoso hair is turning grny or becoming faded have a surprise; Mrs. F. T. Sanderson, who ha ro awaiting them, because after one or 8dcd lie're for many years, left to two applications the gray hair van- (ny for Portland, where she expects ishes and your locks become luxurl- to make her homo In the future, antly dark and beautiful. j This Is the age of youth. Gray-' Eugene Fisher left today for Oak haired, unattractive folks aren't wants Ian'1 wllero e w111 mako a nvo wecks ed around, so get busy with Wyet.Vs vl8lt wI"1 nls two sons' George and I Sage and Sulphur Compound tonight I,ob who are attending college thero. and you'll be delighted with your " dark, handsome hair and your youth- A-.k Cliilrotc & Smith about the .... f ........ ... . 1...I S-SIEJI. II. .. ..l.lM .....1 I.Ai.t.1. iui appearance uiuiin a lew uays. ) icn .w.-i mc, muucui . policies of the Travelers. 1-tf NOTICE In order to Inuiro pub lication, copy for church nnuounee 'nienta must bo at Tho Harold office not later than Friday uvoning. I First Christian Church, cornor Ninth and Pine streets. (' 1' I'rlm- ble, pastor Sunday school at 10 a. mi. Sermon at 11 a. in. Sermon at 7.;10 p. m. Christian Endeavor meetltu, C '10 p, m. at Presbyterian church. Prayer meeting Wedniwdm- von lng at 7'30 p m. Methodist Episcopal Church. Tenth and High. Hev. Simpson Humrlrk, pastor, 1117 East street. Phono G7W. As everybody is expected to go to church Sunday, wo Invite all Metho dists and friends of the Methodist church to come without fall to tho services. Tho Huhjects for sermon will be up to date and In keeping with tho times Somu good things are In store for tho Methodist pouphi In the noar future, so come and get ready to enjoy them. - Presbyterian Church, Pine street. near Second. Hev. H. P. Lawrence, pastor. j Morning worship 11 a. in., snlilnvt.1 "Rendering an Account of Our Stew ardship." Fvenlng service at 7:30 p. in., "iib-l Ject. "Pro-Satan or tho I'npardon nble Sin." ' Miss Dorothy Elliott will sing a gospel solo A Ilray Pletograph lllm showing tho motorcycle In war time; A living volcano and a cartoon. Tho Torpedo, tho Hornet of tho Sea. will bo shown with tho moving picture machine. Sunday school at 10 a. m Christian Endeavor at tU30 Topic "Lost by Looking." Temperance: Proverbs 2.1:29.3r.. Prohibition Jubi lee. Miss Rachel Applegate. leader. Sacred Heart Churcn, cornor Sth and High streets. Hev Hugh J Mar shall, pastor. I First Mass at S a m Second Mass at 10. 'JO a in. Holy 'Hour at J p. in. I Wodnesday Lenten sermon at 7-:i0. Friday. Way of the Cross, 7-30. E.tstor duty for all parislumers. Emanuel Huptlst Church. Elovonth and High streets. Sundny school at 10 a. in. Mrs. C. W. Murphy, superintendent. Hev. W. L. Wilson of Portland Is expected to arrive the last of the week and occupy the pulpit at 1 1 a.m. nnd 7.30 p. tu. First Haptlst Church, corner Wash ington and Eighth. J. It. Griffith, pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. in., C. It. DeLup, superintendent. Preuchlng at 11 a. m. All are cordially invited lo worship with us. x Lutheran services at the Daptlst churchcorncr Eighth und Washing ton, at 7:30 p. in. Rev. M. ltnssiuau pastor, resldonce 137 First street Services at 7:30 p. m mthioii suh Joct, "Heavenward." All persons not affiliated with any church aro cordially Invited to at tend. Tho Christian Science Society of Klamath Falls holds services at 113 Fourth street evry Sunday morning at 11 o'clock and every Wednesday evening at 7:30. All aro welcome. The subject of lesson for Sunday, JRJSH MAY FORCE March . Is "Man " 1 The Sunday school session 'la from QUESTIONS SETTI PTi !i u. to 10. -tr. every Sunday niuriiiUK-' ' ' ,U,CU Tho free tending loom and froo, - lundliiK library la oprn from 2:30 lo PAHIH, Mitich - n i,lp , . mm .1.... i.. ...... i. .., , " IJIit'nilWII in Httiiii'ii o lilt j 4 30 on Tuesdays, Tiiurnuajs Saturdays foicuio, the fi lends THIS IS TIE "to Con. I lu'lllllil .,ln ' "HI HTM nnvc F EL IT Hi 'atop the intiricntlnn i.i n, i,n,,,, ., M...I...... I.. ,1... I...... 01 illlliunn in inn .IIIH'U, , t.'0ifM, John O'ltoHy, delngnt,. ,,r tiK, lltor,; sloiml li'Uli lepuhli. i , ii,,, p ' Coufetcticii sltitnd ei. mi.i 1 Ic ie dared ho thought it ,l uiMfnl u,j I.t'iiguo nniiiii lie loiini., Sen Charlea S lln,i ki l Auoucy for health am m chimt ," U-lf aura ncu. The following poem was sent .to O 1). Ilurke, president uf Klamath State Itimk. bv Ills sou, Percy, ami was sung at an entertainment given by some Americana "oer there " No doubt It expresses their feollngn. "Slher ThieaiN AnioiiK the lllack" Darling. 1 am coming back, ; Silver threads among the black, . Now that peace In Em ope Hears, I'll bo home In seven .ears. I'll drop In on you intim UlgM With my whiskers long and white. Yes, the war Is over, dear, And we'ie going home, 1 hear; Home again with you once more. Say -by nineteen twenty-four. Ouro I thought by now I'd be Sailing back across tho nea Hack to. where you sit and pine; Hut I'm stuck here on the. Rhino. You can hear the gang all curse. ' War Is hell hut Peace Is worse. When tho next war comes around In tho front ranks I'll be found; I'll rush In again pell-mell. Yes. I will I will like hell New Manli Reiird.s, Shepherds. 7 3 MODOC I'UHD AMI SAM'S HTAIH.LS ' - llorH nnd llnrni's lniiijit, g0), mid Exchanged Horses to hay. noon U;i j.. Horsfls to hay lu th ii Horses to hay and Km ihy $i Horses to hay and gr i n,nm 5oc Coiner tllli Mini i nut M. .1. NYIIART. IttlltM ) y. MtTt'HELL, Pi..,. .. ."j-w-:-:-:..:.. I Cabinet v-W- ! Shop 10 Main Street (ieiieral Furniture It. 'pairing lit IteiuuUMlile Prlim KITCHEN CABINETS It Speihill) A. Mnuritsch ' : "Foiled Again' A Yului'l!iuk'rpilil lulrli iiw ll'ftH Mllll IlllllMMltlillr-t lltlUIM. fill ii'ilr. It never fails, for It cannot li pickctl nr forrril mill xiill otilv open to llit iroii'rl.i'. l(unlurknot tliiil III imiliMiuirk ,Vnli,"n xoiir loeli innins iilisoliitr Ht'tMirily iintl tlirx ilo not i;ist! tinii! Irxin1; lo (;"l llirmilt. l-t us in I Jim rhiioM- ynur i.n loriii of Vile mriiril). we liutii Ihein in stock to ull all pockrl'booLt. I JIM STEWART OF WHEELER. One of the big men developed dur- ing the last session of the sfato le?is-j lature xvas 31m Stcwari,of Wheeler.', He was the one stroug character ofj the house of reii-esentatlvei and whenever he espoused a cause he nid( so with his heart and soul an 1 usu-l nlly convinced tho members that lils views were right. Many a memorable fight he led, and not once did ho go down to defeat. And this was due more to tho confidence 'reiitwort in him and In his honesty' by tho other legislators. They knew when hoi stood for or against a measarj lie' did so after thorough investigation1 and that when he made a statement ( on- any, question under consideration "it waf backed up by facts that prov..d the correctness , and truth of his ' stand. When the session closed ho! was4ho one wan who loft Salem with I theffect!onato regard of every metn-j bar of the House, for he carried no bitterness in his eart against any rna,n and none could hold bittoiness against him. Oregon Is fortunate In having such men .as he In the legis lature. They qrp the safety valves 'that prevent-unfalr und unjust meas ures slipping through. , 1- ; Just remember that tomorrow you are asked to go to church. It is not xrt The Picture that Made Marguerite FamouN. Also" The lliltd Episode f "THE LCRE OF THE CIRCUS.'" SUNDAY Tiiangle l'i-escnt. HAHRY MESTAYER In "HIOII TIDE" -AlliO lleai ht I'alhe Sown Latest Current i Events. AdmUslon 10 A IS cent Matinee . U.itO. Evenings 7:1 10 0. i I I MERRILL OPERA HOUSE! MOTION PICTURBfe TUESDAY'S AND SATURDAYS Merrill, Oregon LIBERTY THEATER "THE I1EST IN PICTURES" H. W. POOLE, Owner fir .:?mm;'zi.m:;jr',sg:4r n. r -a i :'' rx NAS TABEGAf Jkat'i tli" name ef Mutism aje vhofemu a. Lotting frUndskljt with SlteffbtM, partraied by WILHAMIARNUM 1 RAINBOW TRAIL Wettern flctifit-Mi-Ktriittttw jrertett -wot tinea euKiserabUf- ( wmmmmmmm See it SUNDAY AND MONDAY Two Matinees Sunday, 1 ;30 and 4, p. m. RECIPE TO CLEAR A PIMPLY I r ! ! Kith the Irmlr murk Baldwin Hardware Co. "THE HOI'SE OF gi'ALITY." High Grade Ladies' & Men's Clothes MADE TO OIlDKIt 1'INEST MATERIALS REST OF XVORKMANSIIII' LATEST STYLES PERFECT FIT ll AUANTLKI) I'rlfoi aro crj rca'oiniblo Your Inspection luiitrd Chas. J. Cizek . MERCHANT TAILOR HIH Main Ht, m 1'I.UI'LES ARE IMPUIHTIKH SEEK-1 INO AN OUTLET TllltOl'till SKIN I'ORES I Pimples, sorca and bolls usually rostilt from toxins, poisons and Im purities which aro generated In tho bowels nnd then absorbed Into tho blood through tho very ducts which should absorb only nourishment to suhtaln tho body. It Is the function of tho kldnoya to Alter Impurities from tho blood and cast thUni out in tho form of urinp, but in many Instances tho howela cre ate more toxins and Impurities than tl.f kidneys can cllminato, then t!io Mcod uses the skin pores as tho ntixt. cm moans ui Bulling nil 01 mono im purities, which often hrenk out all1 oter tho skin In the' form of plmploj, ' Thp surest way to clear tho skin of these oruptions, says a noted author-i Ity, Is to get from any pharmacy1 about four ounces of Jad Salts mid take a tablespoonful in a glass of hdt water each morning heforo breakfust for one week. This will prevent tho formation of toxins In the bowols. It also stimulates tho kldnoya to normal ' activity, thus coaxltrg thorn to niter' tho blood of Impurities nnd clearing tho skhi of pimples, Jad Salts Is Inexpensive, huriulcps. and Is made from the acid of grapcH a'nd lemon Juice, comhlnnd wiiii llthla. Hero you havo a pleasant, ef fervescent drink which, usually makes pimples disappear: cleanses the blood and Is excellent for tho kldnoys ai well, Adv. The Thrifty Housewife Has for her motto, "One Hundred Cent for Every Dollar Expended." She believes in a fall return for every outlay. She is not tight-fisted. She knowi that the cheapest materials are often the most expensive'in the end. She has an Account Book which shows what beqomes of the money she spends, and a Bank Book which shovvi what becomes of the money she saves. Her funds receive absolute protection. First State & Savings Bank KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON aTalfa T " GARDEN SEED-Bulk and Package cccrk iJI rfl it J Oregon Standard Purity, and Germination Murphey's Feed & Seed Store 126 South Sixth St. " Phone 87