ije lEuettfng Herald OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH FALLS OF KLAMATH wun i Thirteenth Year No. 3,563 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 1919 Price, 5 cent UINS RUSH 10 Hill OCCUPIED 111. People Seek Protection from Disturbed Lands PASSES NOW REQUIRED Bl Hlrlko Mny He Ended ToiUr " Mull nf OunproinUo nichedj Voterdn -Gemmim Befuw Pro pol for t'c of Mercliiuit Wtlpo. Counter rrnpltlii to Entente. COUI.KNZ, .March 7. Disturb. ihcm nt IttTtio miuI other porta of unoccupied Oerinnny hnvo resulted Inaurh mi Incroane In tho number of rlilllim eager In rrnch tlio brldg hud ro where miidltlomi wore more iiormul Hint the Ainerlcnim hnve bn compelled (o prnvoiit the Oer mini from overrunning tho xono along llHi Milne II l now ordered Itiit thfy imit now hnvo pusses show Ins that llicy lme urgent business. London, March 7 A Gorman wire Ini dlipntrh says that part of tho trend guards regiment nnd guard foilltr regiment hniu Bono over to tbt Hpirtacin ulrio. It I also re potted that the his strike mny ond today n the result of n compromise reached nt Weimar " I'AHIB, Mirch 7. Germnny has refuted the proposal for tho uso of btr morchnnt ships by tho Allies made to her aruilstjco commission nt Spa, according to news received hero. The Hermans liuve made a count. r proposal that thoy will release German (hipping desired. In return (or asaurnnre that enough food will be tent to Germany to enable tho lorernmenl In withstand tho attack of the IliiLshovIk force. LONDON, March 7, A Herman vlreleas si thnt tho negotiations at Spa regarding tlm shipping nuottlon bate been tempoinrlly broken off. ESPEEJS HEBE MAX FIIOM CAI.IKOit.MA. RE, I'MHEH THAT .MANY EYE8 ARK TUIIXKI) IN DIRECTION' OF KLAMATH KOIt LOCATION C. M. Dougins, ho Is to bo the ww Southern Pacific Agont nt Klam tl Palis urrltcd lust night to ro eve K. A, Tuttlo, who litis been here life tho depariuro of fl. n, Horry, ' Net.H iiko. Mr. Douglas lias wn In rhniKl, of tho station nt And. "on, CallMuitu for thn lust throo r slid expiesse hlmsoir na vory d to got to Klamath Kails. He dc rt that this city is rapidly com ". Into prominence In California, bro Its ,K trill0 pnssibiutioB nnd Mormons losourcoa uro becoming more generally recognised all the "we. Many hiiainoaa men hnvo their w on this city fr n fUluro 0Cut!on. r, Douglas was Htutloncd nt Uray number of , g ,, ,, bcon LI , C"5' l,uf(,,'- Mr- T""'0 w11' wabiy icin u for DmiBinuIr tomor- "W-WEHS IIKCKITIOX HKKniiitEii rort IISIK. BrnP,0u.'r,'ANn' Mn 7, It l now Probable that the reception for tho df J. ,a 0rt'Kan 1)(,yH. will npw bo lb., i. f"r Bt,vnrHl '"onthH unlll " noldleiH t cumii Uowig now than a" lll,mu(1,"lt dlaclinrRo rattier ' conio homo for t, o.Lrbatlon M KENT FOB BONANZA MERCHANT GIVEN SENTENCE I'OHTLANI), Mnrch 7. V. W. Hold, morchnnt of llnnunxn, convict ml of espionage wns Wodncsduy non toncoil by United Males District Judge Wolvorlon to servo 1 r, month In tlio fcdornl prison on McNoll'ii h. Innd, Hold win tried In thn fndcnil court nftor bin nrrest by federal an. thorltlcs bn nllfgnllonn that ho culled tlio Hud Cross a "fake," declared thnt tho world war was n wnr for kuIii of tlio wealthy nnd tint Germany wn In the rlKht. , Tim Hold trial mined considerable liitornat In thin section nt tho time It win hold nt I'ortlaml sonm weeks ago. A vory largo number of witnesses worn oil nd from tho Houunzo din-; trlc.t, for both tho prosecution and dofotiNe, HIIIIVAItI HTHIKEKH (iOINO TO WOHK. 8EA1TI.K, March 7. The slrlk Inu hliyard draftsmen who walked out with the other mctiil trade work era on January 21st haw voted four to seven to return to their work. The vote of the other unions hnvu not been announced. It U now believed here that the shipyards may open ngaln on Monday, at thn former wngu acnlo pending the outcome of tho wage conference nt Washington. MUCH NEED FOR MAN WHO HAS HKKN 1HHNU MUCH WOHK OKATIH DUHINO WAIt I'KHIOH OKKKHH TO MAKIC WAV KOH VOl'XOKH MAN Tho Herald has sovoral times re ferred to tho Importance of resurrect ing the Commerce Club, for tho coun try Is now, without doubt, on tho ovo of a period of great development In tho Klamath country, mid tho citi zens must unitedly put their shoul ders toathe wheel and push with ull their might for the Natron cut-off, for additional mills and'tnctorlos, for tho extension of tho Rlrahnrn rail road through the Immense plno tracts between Spraguo lllver and Kllvor Lake, for Improved transportation on tho existing lines, for drainage of the swamps, to hard surfneo on the through an'd farmers' roads, umf to open tho Klamath Indian roservutlon. There are other enterprises, too, of great Importance thnt should bo soon taken up and pushed to successful terminations, so thut the Klamath country, with Us almost HmltloHS pos sibilities, may como to Its own. Tho Commercial Club, which was an Important factor In Klamath De velopment, until about the time of the ilocluratlou or war discontinued Its nctlvo functions, hut can at any time bo reHiirrocted In an hour's nutlco If tlio former director- nnd their presi dent v.lll convene and rCsolvo on a resumption of activities, and begin ii spirited campaign to gather the "sin- own of war," uuil bo provide for act ive and uggrosslvo work. The HuulnesH Men's Association has already rosolvod to co-operate In the revival of tho club, unit It la almost n eortnlnty that peoplo generally will tlo nil they reasonably" can to put tho club on ItH foot, In ahnpo for nctlvo and enthusiastic work. During tho war period, up to the present time, Captain O. C. Applcgnto has uttondert to tho correspondence for tho eiun, nnd hus. in fuel, nnsworcd tho viirl- oub lotlors which novo como to the poBtoMro addroHsed to tho Commer cial Club, Hoard of Trado. Chambor of Comniorco, Pacific States Defonso I.eaKiio. nnd many othora asking for Information about tho Klamath coun try, nnd ha hits distributed widely audi literature na wo hnvo doscrlptlvo of tho country. This tho Captain hus donn nt bis own expense, through u conalilorablo portion of tho tlmo bear lug ulso tho bunions of tho food nd mlnlatratlon for tho county, This work has been much moro laborious than la gonorally known, nnd there COMMERCE CLUB urn hundred of lottorn on (llu In IiIh ofllco from nil parts of tlio Union, and a number of thorn from our soldiers over tho nan. This work, no faithful ly dono, Man contributed no little to tho wldo distribution of Information In ri'Knrd to tho resources of Klam ath throughout tho country, nnd now tho Inquiries arc Increasing dully. Captain Applognlo Insists on tho Im mudlato rcorgnnlzatton of an active rnmpnlKn, announcing thnt If It bo tho wish of tho club to put Into tho harness, as secretary and manager, a younger nnd moro.nctlvo.man, he wll resign tho work to him at any hour of tho day or night, and will got bohlnd tho new muu roady to back him up with bis experience of fifty-four yuan In the Klamath Country. E ituinr.i r. it. I'.iir.iintniif muu IIKAO II. I. O. K. IILIUNO COM. INfl YKAlt. NKW l.KAUKHH C1IOSKN UV8T NKJIIT Claieniu II, Underwood of tho Un derwood I'harmucy whoso Indefatig able efforts through the past ycirs In thu Klamath Kails lodge, of Elks since the Installation or that order lu this city, has dono much to bring that order to Its present state of prominence here, has been selected by thu fellow momliers of this order to lond the lodge thru tho' coming year as Kxilted Ituler and w.is formerly elected to this position at tho regular meeting la.it evening. Ho has served un extended term as n trustee of the lodge, Mr. Umterwood will be su ported in his work this year by tho following porhennel: Kstecmcd Lead ing Knight, ('. W. Houston; Esteem ed lunl Knight. II. K. I'eltz: Es teemed Lecturing Knight, J, II. Carn nhmit unrrMiirv P. A. Hnvrinn! Trens. lurcr, A. M, Collier; Tiler A. L. Sal flcky; Triibtee. S. J. Martin; Hepro- sotitntlvo to (Jrand Lodge, W. S. Wll oy; Alternate to (.rand Lodge, W. O. Smith. All these men have pi oven them. 'acIvck In tho past to bo good loyal Hills and hard . workers nnd thoy ; have been selected this yoar when the coming state convention., moans tireless efforts on all their ports to keep up tho Interest, in tholodgc and undertake thn heavy responsibilities connected with the preparation ot the big alfalr. ' Tho men who wero olected laBt evening will be Installed on tho 1st meeting In April. STATE CHWER Hi:iHi:SKNTATIVK W1IJ. HI) lIKHi: KHOM I'UGKNi; O.N .NEXT MOXHAV. WILL MKKT WITH Hl'SI.NKHS MEN OK OJVNTV There will bo a conforcure for the purpose of securing Klamath mem berships to the new Oregon State Chamber of Comniorco here, Monday, March tenth when Darwin E. Yorgan of Eugene representing this body will be In tho city to discuss tho matter with tho business men, according to n mossago rocctvod .from John i.. Ktherldgo, State Chairman ot the Membership Committee. ' It Is oxpoctod'that tho. Chairmen of the various county districts will bo on hand for this meeting. Tho place and the hour will be announced later. PIUCSIDENT lURUON'B SOCIALIST SECRETARY. WASHINGTON, I). Cv March 5 Among tho fifty throo Vnscs of con victions under tho ospiouogo act In which tho President granted Clemen, ey, la that ot Frederick Draft, secre tary of tho Socialist party of New Joraoy, who was granted a full pardon, NW AT MM COUNTMING BIG FIGHT FOR C... T. Darley Makes Big Noite at Salem GETS SUPPORT HERE Home Funds Which Hnvo Hern Slip ping Through Finger of County for Post Two Years Mny lie, Grab bed by Lire County Surveyor, WIio It Attending lllghuny Gathering The big fight for paved Yoads for Klamath Is on! White the people of the county wero sitting quietly by their fireside and dreaming of what thoy hoped their grandchildren would sec in the shape of good roads, the county court nnd county engineer, C. T. Darley, wore busy. The latter was summoned from Bonanza last Sa'turday by tho county court and a lovlow ot the present financial situa tion as It applies to Klamath county was had. It was discovered that for tho past two years Klamath county lias been asleep and thousands of dollars of stato road mon)y has slipped away from it that should have j been spent hero. "Jump-on the train lu the morning," said the county court to Darley. "and don't come back unless you bring with you $800,000." "I'll do It." said Dar.ley, and not stopping to get grip, clothes or anything else ho.beut It for Silem and thcro he Is making tho fight for KlnmitTh that will mean' hundreds of thousands of dollars for roads down In that part of Oregon that wants to Join California it it is not given tho financial help this section deserves. Hardly had Darley rcachod Salem bofore tie followng telegram came speeding over tho wire: Klamath Commercial Club: Enthusiastic meeting at Bend last evontng; representatives ot Wasco, Jefferson and Deschutes Counties de cided to make united effort to get construction started on Dalles-Klam-ath Falls highway; nil organltatlons uro sending representatives to meet ing ot highway commission at Tho Dalles Friday evening. Urgently re quest you to make special effort to hnvo Klamath Falls a,nd county rep resented, by delegation It possible, or wlro resolutions to tho meeting Bend Commercial Club. This is only one of soveral that reached this city. The county court, tho bankB, the Herald nnd others re ceived telegrams ot like Import. And overyone got busy. The Commercial Club scut (ho following to tbe Com mission; Klamath Fulls, Ore., Murch 6, '19. To tho State Highway Commission, The Dalles, Oregon; Gentlomen Hesolvpd by the'rCom merclal Club ot Klamath Falls, Ore., that In co-operation with dolegatos from Wasco, Jefferson and Deschutes counties, we nsk tor the greatest pos sible financial assistance to pormit immediate construction on The Dalles Klamath Falls highway, tho needs ot communication and transportation on that road bolngot pressing and par amount Importance Klamath Falls Commercial Club. J. W. Siemens, president; p. C. Applegate, secretary. In tho meuntlme tho Good Roads Association wus tearing into It nnd socurlng signatures to tho following message, which went fopvard today, to bo followed with a red hot resolu reselu resolu teon: State Highway Commission, The Dalles, Oregen: v Klamath County urgontly petitions you to hear Its plea for good roads. We havo ready tor hurd-surfnclng up wards ot 150 miles ot highway that is graded and thoroughly settled. Wo nsk credit on your funda tor this work. Wo will raise this year nearly halt a million for permanent roads and nsk you to also match It. We also ask you to match your money and our money with an oqual amount of government funds. Not one dollar will bo wasted, and we guarantee our overhead and englnoerlug coets.wlll be tho low.ost In. state. Klamath County has an engineer that has done things and done them right, and he will do for our roads whatabe has done for our Irrigation! He will ap B H pear before you. Glvo lilm n hear ing. Give us tho money nnd we will glvo you tho roads. Tho message to the County Court could not be delivered to Judgo Bun nell, for he hud gone to his ranch, but tho manager of the Western Union, by some mysterious telepathic Influ ence, caught the spirit of the thing, und reached the Judge on the phone und delivered the message to him. IIo dropped everything and came to the city and wired Mr. Darley to proceed to Tho Dalles. In the meantime tho offlcors of tho Good Roads Associa tion could not locate Judge Bunnell, so they also wired Mr. Darley that his oxponses would be paid by the Asso ciation In case the County Court ob jected. If the messages reaches Mr. Darley ho will bo at The Dalles to night, and tho people of this county may rest ussured that ho will make a good showing for Klamath. IT ROOK OK BUS HRICK GARAGE CAVES IX iaST XIGHT AND SMASHES MANY CARS. LOSS I1IO, HUT XO OXE HURT Tbe rool of the Lakevlcw Garage, a new brick building nt Lakeview, caved In last night, causing a huge loss, according to a phone message received hero this "morning. Tho building was the property of Bernard Daly, a piominent resident of that section. It is reported that the roof girders were not aucbored to the walls and that the front end fell us one piece letting the heavy rooi fall In. No one was Injured by tho accident and tho damago was prin cipally to tho cars In the garage. Tho building was used by the Con stituted Stngo Company In which the Southern Oregon Auto Company here Is henvlly4lnterosted, J. A. Gor don heard later today that thcro wore sixteen machines In the garage nt the time of the accident, lie believes that It will be some time before tho total loss can bo ascertained. , urn sest HUNDREDS ASSEMBLE AT SALEM YESTERDAY TO PAY LAST RESPECTS TO HONORED VET- ' EHAX GOVKRXOU SALEM, March 6 Tho body of the late governor James Wlthycombe vvas Inld away In tho mausoleum of tho City View Cemetery today. Tho serv ices at the Mausoleum were of a priv ate n.ituro although hundreds attend ed tho funeral at the Church. Four officers of the Cadet regi ment of tho Oregon Agricultural Col lego served us body guards noar tho casket. The college military con tingent arrived on n special train this afternoon and people from nil pnrts of the stuto wero on hand for the services. x. COUNTY IS LIBERAL TOWARD ARMENIANS The total for the city schools In tho drlvo for tho relief of tho Armen ians now bong conductod is $143.50 according to an announcement today by City School SuperlutondenC'R. H. Dunbar. Tho Central School leads with $70.73, Although roports from the outside sections havo not been ull turned In llio rcsponBo fro.n all over tlio Coup. ty Is ot tho best nnd the loaders of tho drlvo are very much pleasod nt tho spirit manifested tqwurd the move. . Tho factory precincts have made a flno record for themselves In this great cause. It Is ejepocted that tho full totals will be roady for announce ment In a vory short tlmo- M DENT LAKEVEW WITHYCOMBE IS WELL KNOWN BOYS EN ROUTE FOR HOME That Kalph Cnrier and Forest Fell, two woll known Klamath Falls boys who have been In the Ambul ance Corps since the outbreak of the war with Germany and who havo seen much active fighting, are now on their way home, Is the glad news received this morning over tho cable wires by Mm. O. L. Carter, mother of the former. Mr. Carter was fomerly connected with the Whitman Drug Company while Mr. I'lel was City Editor of the Evening Herald. From the contents of their letters already received It Is known that the boys will have some mighty interesting experiences to relate on their nrrlv. al. The two have been together since their enlistment. Both were re fused by the regular army for physi cal reasons so they enlisted in the Ambulance Corps together, and got into the fighting anyway MAN IS ARRESTED ON LIQUOR CHARGE The arrest or Mac Powers pn a charge or a violation of tbe State Prohibition law was made yesterday morning by Federal Officer, J. E. Flanders. Powers-was arraigned yes terday in the office or Justice N. J. Chapman and placed under bonds of five hundred dollars. His hearing is set fojytomorrow morning nt ten o'clock. BUDGET BASIS Assistant District Attorney W. S. Wiley has returned from Medford, and in pursuance to the Information he gathered there, the county court has ls&ued an order placing the coun ty on a budget basts. At a conference of all of the Interested county offi cials yesterday, an order to this ef fect was made by the county court". In addition thereto, the county court has created a. rund which shall be known as a "Current Expense Fund," out ot which will bo paid- the cur rent, expenses or the county not pro vided tor in tho specific allotments made. This fund cannot be used for any other purpose and shall be ex pended only upon order of the coun ty court. ' This fund is an absolute necessity, so that money may be on hand to meet the bills created for In. cldentaT expenses or caused by some emergency, such as the '.influenza situation this year. Tho placing of the county on a bud get basis clears the situation effect ively as to the financial situation ot tho county, Klamath county is now on n cash basis. When a warrant Is Issued the holder knows, the monoy Is on hand to meet It. The old warrants will bo retired by special levies, nud will be cared for Just us quickly as though the old General Fund pro gram had been continued, Another big advantage to the county lies lu tho fact thut there will be no padding of bids to guard against tfosslblo de lay In payment of, or discounting warrants. Every niun who does bus iness with tho county 'from now on will absolutely know that he cun get his money promptly and for the full face of his warrant. As to the old warrants, Jidge Bun nell stated that ho Is very anxious to clear up tltut situation and will bend every energy to that end. It Is his desire to seo the county pay every dollar represented by warrants, al ready Issued, Including that stolen trom the warrant holders through the practice ot discounting warrants, ovon If he has to go before the legis lature and secure special legislation to onablo the county to do this act of honor and Justice i'RETTY PARTY YESTERDAY. A delightful tlmo was had yester day when a number of ladles assomb led as the guests of Mrs. Thomas Hampton In tho assembly room of the PuBlle Library, Tho afternoon was devoted to Rod Crass work, Delicious refreshments Were served by the hostess nud every one present reports a flno'iiille, Mrs. Hampton is enter taining another group or friends this afterndbir; COUNT! I W N DEI LIFE Pi IS CITY IE SERVICE 111 Reorganization It Effected At Meeting Last Night. TWENTY NEW MEMBERS Plans Under Waj for a Most Up-to Date Department Returned Sol. iller Will II.it c Charge of Big Truck Suits, Boot and Fire Hose to Be Purchased Dance Soon. That the Klamath Falls Fire De partment which has been allowed to dwindle in numbers during the per iod of the war, when nearly all the young men were away In the military service, will be "revived and put in the greatest possible state of effl. ciency, was decided at a meeting -last night when the city council met with about twenty active young fel lows who wish to co-operate in theN work of protecting the community from the fire menace. Jess Hunsaker, who has Just re turned from service In France Is to" have charge of the fire truck, assist ed by Clay Wilson and the new men are already on the Job. " The rooms for the fire boys In the City Hall are to be fixed up In good shape and the Council will take steps to get tho members new suits and boots. The fire hose which is aid to be In a worn out condition will also be replaced at an early date. As the financial condition of the treasury is at this time, very, low,- it Is plumed to give a big dance in the very near future tbe proceeds of which will probably re lieve t'hls situation. Details of this affair will be anonunced later. Members of the city council urge the business men, to get behind the boys In their new move for better service and aid them in every way possible. , BEfil BLGOTT IS NEW GOVERNOR WILL RETAIN SAME HKJHWAY COMMISSION' IP MEMIiEKS WILL SERVE. MO ES TO KEEK BOOTH , SALKM, Murch 7. Ben Olcott Is now Goturnor of Oregon, baying tak en the oith of office atMne Capitol today The oath was administered by Jusll.e McBride and tbe new offi cial was oveicome with emotion as Re madJ tUo ovs. l immediately after being sworn Into office, the Governor performed nil Hi st oittcial set by dispatching a luesbuge to R. A, Booth asking, hlin to reconsider his announced decision to icilgn from the Highway Coram Is Hlon. He hopes to keep the Commis sion with tho tame personnel ai nn Ho announced that he would re-appolnt Commissioner-. Thomp.on of Pendleton as was the intention ol (iovo-nor Wlthycombe. , OREGON BOYS ARE IN NEW YORK-CITY SBW VOUK, March V2jg twenty-mo hunarea """;-" t ' members ot tbe Aero Squaron. the 'steamship "Mexican" hw nrrtveo rrom St f'W0rm thU idred more have arrived from At on the "MengollV l flg men from the 31? n Cn' , N;Uonai Battery 91st DlvUloPi Mid Nmon uauery . ihA'Paclfle Coast, army troops from the -.i hi sinm w V.I m