.KIIXIWIMV, MAIU'H .1, iiio ' A LECTURE. ON CHRIS- Ma" i- TUM Qf FNCF. "iy rcNiorfii Annul ho Minim iiiii,,'i ,i. ' .' . ""'" """" """" I inn w (( piu-Bid,,,, ,lf ..... ,,,,,.,.. " " ' ..V'1 .""."" " '""'ry miy consider- J nldirkctV In n hlmlliir mm i r ll," , M""l,,,r ", ,P.'Plo who would w HI..II.U..I hy nvpiiiL.iir.tl P...ct 1- " ' Z'IT r,'"'"' "r a0"' . . ti.iuiiiui Htlrntvl ll Ilea- iliuiurri, liiy In n itidlrlum f,,r m, .."' .!.'. r".r" (. .rllliui Sclenco l not In, Ml by Dr. John ..IV' !!!!! y '" " . Xi!m: .iS'lL! !""- IHI"'IIVVil M'lt!)M 1 THE EVENING HERALD, - KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON M. Tulli .Member of H'" "(mri1 "f '''''"'""hip 0( Tliu Mother Church, Tim Klntt Church of ClirUt. Hclontlnt. In lion Ion. Mu ClirlnlUli Helonro linri comi) (u lin minlty In p'hixiiiiii! I" Harry; "Crn. lie In mo a clean hmtrt, O Uotl; mut renew n rlchl uplrlt within nn untl reitore unto nif Hi" Joy f thy sulvu lion." It li" ,'"m" l0 restnro lumltli In the pluft f "IfkllUMH, rlghtoou gen In I lie I'l'it'i of xli "imply In thn place of "'" J0) "' "'" i'""-" "r fow, uiiilorniiiiulliiK In .the (ilucti of Ijnomnff. mlnlitr)' tilde ThMO iplrllually petent. the com llier Jlnr til are now 'I'll!' t'lllll'I'Nll I'.IIIIKI'll If oiii'li Intllvltliuil in iYih ..M.ii worn lulled in i!lu"ni ri'iiton for his lit iiiIhhIoii In t ruveiil what God t. now v.. ,,, ( know Mini, iitnl l.ow ' tn i' IT V'''' ;iHII.t llM.oir ill solving !,", " "'' -Mh. Eddy (i.w that i""" "' ''r. no tloulil l( wntil.i hi ', .,...,. . r V "i ., . ,M '"" r,Kl,t pomill.li. in rlm,slfy ll.., mpiicH ,,,,,,. '"V" of 'V"l! """ "l mankind I wo grout humlH- mliKliiti mill in l- ,,.".. K0,,'t,,l",: of "'" ,ri" '"Ut cine. Tiit'mi nmy In. hiiM i . lh ' "''.. '"" . '" work "" " " paramount hiiiimn liUeri-Mi. for ,., . "!' ""', '"'"'''ctlvo mill IIh prog- imil only In .. I r mu,i i'"" '" "ct l slow. Thn riminmtivn ... .-.rut (M iiriMIMHI M,,ti n Spirit, Ifo manifesto. Hlniaolf aplrit- uniiy, uiry turn worship Him," nld i;UH, "niunt worship HI in In npirlt ''" I Mid, Ilowovrr, ovll Is accounted for logi cally In nrcordnnco with tlio law of uijiuo(i upponitM Uno of tlie bwh and In truth " 8u Mm, Kddy wrote, onymo of Deity, you will recall li (Helenas mid Hvnltli, pnBo 181): Truth. Clod Mm; Infinite Truth. Ulml 1m ifiiii...iiii.,l l. ,i... .- . of hU ho.ly ClirlHlInn tlcl,,,.,,, ',M J:,",I''' tlii'ii, prliuiirlly, ropinciimont mnnlKiiniiili'il ihi.Hit Inioi.-hit mi ihui' -""";ltmHiiM of litnoniut or Inud- . -t .... ... .... ' '... .,,..l..f, In, In,.. ..I t I ... . . (.rl.lli. ol... o..., ...,!.. . ... ,.,,..,, ,...,,, , . 1 1, ,i I, nil l.flll' liucoiui! i.iiiii mid mIiii'ii ClirlHlli.ii He I 1'itcii, In Hit hiivIiik mid hi'iillni: Kriii',-. Ih iippllritliln In nil iiimiiinr of ill rordH, phyhltul. iiinuliil mid montl, It limy ho loriiirii Om iiiiIvitmiiI p,in-iiroii. It In HlKUltlcmil t It ii I thn ..(irlliMt iinili hi'llnfii iil.oiit (1.1,1 with rlKht ..Mi.i'iun in linn. In rvvldwItiK tin, hlnlory of million ll Ih HiirprlmiiK lo notn that howovor ti'viirnii ii.it liolli-fH ulmut jety hold Ity i.imikln.l, Ihtirn Ih im KirlLl,,,- Hliiillnrlty roiiimoii to thtini nil. With- tun nxcMptiou tlit'ito l.olloftt huvo pic ttirlw-il Cod. Inviirlnlily In- lmH l.,n nnc.HN inanded: any any- inriKo, renins horo uirouKh HPlrltua nonio onlv. nun coiiiprohanda mid loves Dloty." And uriiIii, (Hclunco mid Health, lmiro 209) : "Splrltuul senio U u coiibcIoiiii. conntiint, cupaclty to undumtmid (lod. I recently read n reuort nf n unr. luon hy a clergyman on the Biihjpct. .. ... uuiiniiiui ni:i,.'iiiinH ua to lleiiven?" No ChrlBtlnn Hi-loni!,.,. or. doubt that ho will ho In liauvch Jut In tliri dfKrno of hln underntnndlne of Jenu' Mtatoniont, "For, liohold, the iviiiKoom or tJOd m wltliln you." Ood mii heaven nro within tint grnHp of Mplrltual perroptlon alono. Orthodox vIiiwh received n Juki rnbuko from u llttlo child who, when uked whoro heaven Ih, replied "out In the Rruvo yurd." Uy IneHCupublo IorIc he hud concluded thut If Ood and heaven wore reached through death, ni ho hud been taught, the cemetery must bo the gateway to tho Kingdom. Thn ChrlBtlnn Scientist to wIiobo Inquiry tho child rcHponded, wub utile to bIiow him that Hlnco heaven In UoiI'h home, and dod l ovorywhore, heaven must bo everywhere. She explained that God In I.ovo and Ood Is Uood, and therefore whore lovo and good are filckncss In' hculcd. nn l dcntrovnil Lihn . .i .. and harmony stored. Hy prayer lK-!.MIn.J b ,,i lg ?,;' V ?0(l. divine nurunce is repucea Ing- By prayer we d and enter Into tho son. 1'rayer la that wim undertand-'S(f.n bn coi .T' r' raw near to OodU:lr.i . .7 mi 2.152..,.0.rea"ire man heritage of his tr.esm. .- T.'i ,u8etlon art procew by which i. mor, Vrniifv ..J'!' ".na c" hvp tlieto 11 eV di'litlv ikiIIiIhk l.uv.n.l t,-. .,.,.. ,.. ,.,... . . :.. . J""",,. ' '""' unu r"y,falo beliefs are destroyed and right tlu,n ih l. i,. ', uu no mre powdr "nmVnl" '" br,,,B "V" "'l0 '' concepts restored. To know the Truth a, m u Lii? 1 Uilm fne" equutlon It becomeg necessary to sup-: ? true prayer, Therefore the Chris ' frtL- ' V ? c.e teachea how to Poho he opj.0! to of Infinite good ,but ! tlan Scientist when ho prays, doe, not - Ui el" 'aV a,!v ' w C,her ,f0!" tfi remombiir that this suppoaltlon, this I ask (lod for any material thing He r ;?,. 2fIuene fthcr than opposite of 1 1 u t li must bo a 11,,, and,eol: to apprehend what la already i Lom o It a0.,J,'on.e,1,W-aods henco iiiiioil. Now a lie's deception existent and bestowed. Ho wki only from Tie Taw nff1 3eMont n ' I??" J " "'u' E" 1V"B """ ""P" for 8uWco. for wisdom, for 'true1 T to Vadl. i V'ne Prlnc'Ple: to bo tine? It mint mn.4iiri,f m l-,,i,i,. cj,. u, .'..."'.- '" ' 'mcate ialae nmiii , yeu lor i u tnitb, or foiinletfrlt truth. In .order an unders'tandln'g heart So to gain Mi-di'iirp. Chrlsiun Hrlence athlist In tho desert, fearing Hagar ve for the i over ' m .'.","" cfcnsc!ou" and to p el -in tlie.n form ng there- hn i. tor, ome fear; how in J1 ' n. if .,.-." ""'"pon- ...i.. ; ..i .......:' . ''"" '.' " ."""" Ul "r ciinu, prayed the prayer .tvc to s,t, i,..i i mi mysiory oi nvu is just which opened her blind eyes and re- if Giu co , ,ut.L i "n lne rlner Ikt; any other myblcry- It.orui.c,yf , voilcd the well of water at hand ktt m, nl, 1CVls' nu doubt the truth The whole p.oblum or eUl Is,' Such prayer has never faMed, for L Herrtn' H th ? phIum"" uP u." ono of iKiiorame, or ibsonce of un-ils th prayer of spiritual sense that1 hoiii , ffmi chr,sllan method of lomudliiK. All the trouble In tho "conaVou.. coSitant. capacity to un ' hoaU esiinof'Wrr;! tnnd.f5oj " "e W &A? i ".' . i ei.iiunaif, inn ainf,.ihA. .r -. - unlWiiso. In Christian Hclenco mo learning neither to Ignore the (hvhIkiiih nf ri.llL'liniu .,,.il.,...., I - ..,o.....n in..ii,niiii i, iiiiiiii. .. . . . iiriiKu mo rwiurouTi. ,, m,.mral,)M il(.iw,.,. ,-,,,., "...i " '"""' t " thu lihago mid lik oi i ir..ii. otiDiiK iiniiii- mtMiipi,,,,, THI .,,... .,,... ;"V, "L H "'"B.c Mtistm com lo.li)' rt-jocf ... . .... "u.lclnn worn ciiII.mI i pon to ht-i 1 m . k ' """ "'"' "t make unto theo Imlhl.luiilit. bodily huvwI iui.1 ,,,,,. ,;, ,, i '.!',"', ,V.. " '': 'graven ,K ,,r y UkuncHH of a,,k.,..fd. are not Incom- pp,.ud lo for victory. ., ml t,, ..u1 ,,,lM!: .. " N,,w "' ' '"t lin uni rt jiri-Buiuii . "" i f , ( , Mi-diem,, bpi'ini '""r '" ,,u ",J"C'"'' 'or thu slmplo Miunillrs in which thoy Ivo- , ' ' " " . t hat. acordlug to the Illble, are twr rrii-m a. I urrimuro. ,,,., - cmmion b Iiiiiiku mid llkonesB, w ... it....!, (va.rt. iiiiiin MII1I1.H.1R.K. i . '- ' ..r..'. r.u iii.itt, lu ,... f..t.. m .. .. , ariw 1,'iiB mo. .Miiii.iii.i ,., r. I...., ". " " uiiiim m mi nun KB, or nrosenoe . lltt.l. L'l.r.l l1lirll.l,..t.U I . --. MIW...W ,11.1, ,,,,. flbJ .... ... . .. . . ........ ..v.., v.... ...... H0 nvttloiifil nil, .. ...,, ' ini niiimi i iii) progress ot nu- I hrlst on He enca lias enmn tn m. ill now an- riviii; o m. Mnny.jm)m ri,,,:ot)i IIlt w j , " ' mmiity has been proportional to Iho store tho right concept of henvon, and turned from lla..aM and "".,,, rmloratlvo mlnlBtry. mid li w i " . ,,r?""r1 " " !"" Inversion of-to reveal It to ho spiritual conscious Horrd lo hnillh and rospmiHll II (y.1( lck , ,iroly ftplritunl low !r , ""l,lr,"' or,1"r n,ul ",0 waloratlon in!ness, and there is not ono In this au llaimlonaulr Ihore Is mlg hlyi WM ,1r(, ,,' , . , uiVnloain a c,,"c','"""' ' '"vino Cause as prl- dlonco but may .yield his material .',1,01. In? " "'" ""'""r l'liylclin" ir " Mn!. . , .. -onso to that divine Influence and iMCbtd .the llM o your fellow ,. worknr, Wl ,ln,lui;ri,,()f ,,,, .rr , J """"'I'" ncoiH of Dlety have now nn.i horo enter the realm of hnr Umi ant bltml itium. which has to Invoke the hf.illiig power of (lod rn'V ' ' """ "IC crl"'et forms of many, Md bad nu-n good and go.nl men Tllt) on r.M.so , M. a kind ...s not "", 'I' ".' to. wood, metalsl Man. IVr,o,,nl KK-rlpnro the tlmo of phyalm .1 str.-. In ,...,, nr, , ' '"y1 '" ,, '":ln"flo' f'0" n sl"rlt- r MI"d ut c "8 A. one of tin. many who havti rn. " "''"; '"'Jtorlal bias of Its wlit-l,,,,1,1, ,,f , ' , ' j ! rt.Xt io. i ht of no I tl,ou1,t to tt ,,,Khcr contemplation of turned from Kolngdmvn Into tho nil. fBl .MnnklniMiiw bocn (might to ,. ,, TV" ,,7 .V.f ...'"'', t.?.f.n.01 Cod's creation n.an..Manklnir cstl- loiiK to tiou ror KitUiitlou from sin. ',...,., llf ,;, ,,r ' ,A ... . hu"u"; mnte ot man Ins risen, of course, no .hut to roly upon mutter for thu euro I 'r"," o, carrin' ? im VW ?f.m"1 . hlllor '"' eatlmata of Ood. of mntt-r mid its dirt, belief,,. , . cl" " "'f''"8'' wf n,'"3,"il?,,,.nV KaUe bo"eh aboul 0oU 'lV0 "' cnuan of tho seiimliii; Inrreaslni: pow-i, , X , "W ,"". And that'(!u directly In eironeous concepts of or llf flilHK ,nl,,rll ...I.., ..ll.... I tH "M BUrprlslIlg, BlllC) I WUB tnUgllt.lnnn. Hn n fllllli. mnlnrlnl mn nf I are iddriytBltig BlieriwolVL's tu.ik of rc"'0gnl7,inc ovll rm n Hn. nil,,, noting tho lie from consciousness mid roplncng It with good. ICvll Is thus losing Its claim upon thought, as the spiritual understanding of lod and irnu Is attained. Hut," you say, "Christian Science inn i man. .iminni !, ,... . u'"e uiai weiil Christ Jeu, in teaching how to' t ion, in all it, form, in. ' dl',,Ip,? Pt! :?,"'' ?"d "Whatsoever things yo de-1 greatest rJt'ra, Z 'fn', tW. H!f8 V ,r known-'In Christian Selena P'1' a"docial hygiene, sanit" - tlon. propl(ylaxi, arW thi,n.u d i Palliation dealro to know the Mind, so that Chrhtlan aSSfi . ,of "?.". de3"-. ! "Press that are learning to thh7kr.ratJ? . . . "' l"rff 0't II IIUiBUCtCI LIIIIIIIN Vfl fIPIFin' nisi ni,(ii..il.. . --- .u(j nor to no ignorant of Itii pretense, but sire when ve nrav. liellnv,, thn V mJY.nl :.. ." "r""e'or.ce the world to tho'celve them and yo shall havo thorn;- phl and so i'lK" . j rue prayer then Is comprised In ask- tlon. propllylaxla a ti,.,,. ., Ill a.n "CLV,"K-. 'l ,R.th desire begin at nel?toKS? ?" found .there Is Cod and heaven: so to!1"!?, ""t done nway with evil. It's tho child came the Joy of know ' M i .tin , ... i . ,i .. - ..,i,.GQ.iiiii; u, uuu unu ins manuesta' Inir 'till here. In Bplte of tho uncovering! tlnn. Pr.iv.,- tn ri.ri..i di""- . Ooif'B etornol ncornoBs, even Ills ever- ? ,ts iithinfiuess." My friends, Chris- eludes the answer, and If' this n I linn iPiiiiirmini nimnr ... .... . . . i. . will Iii dally life, desire to ovBrmtnpJmiiiv rV. .i.,. lmnK..elcanly. nor- 1,11 Inll la nn,r, . .7 Z'X.". ", "" V" '."-"' " lOUS tlon of tho unreality of error and the presence of uod and his manifests- tlan Scientists already have' made not so".4he loving Father would sUnd wonderful progress. We have learn- convicted of caprlciousness and fav od much about the unreality of evil lorltism. The riches of His kingdom and to that degree have disposed of, are available iaU who cUm the ? s claims. It Is true that, although divine heritage I'ltrlClnn D.lAHnn r.t.n.... ....... . ..., . ... . .. v.).iai,d.i MLimiiu ,iua ii.uii io ue tlio imugp of (lod, perfect and spirit uul now, man still Eeenw to tho phy sical senses to bo mortal und Imper fect. Some forms of evil, whnn un masked, moy continue as appearance, A little girl I know furnalhni an adequate illustration of the restora tive prayer of Christian Sclenm who,. she frefd herself ftom the bondogc of sickness thus: "If God did not make It, how could I be it?" J'ery Ilt- iiiM Il ,. ,hu ,.... .:, IOOK 10 (Kill for Hit hill Inn rrniii mIm I... ... ;' '" " "' ) Kuimt! I ,oi; Htm.,, .w ...i ,.vaji i.i iiiin- Can Science In my own expurlnncn. Ilecnuso of tho hliii of mmllcul and tholo!rnl eilurntlou, 1 waa for many ri uviiriitii in inn unnouiM or....... " '"" n. f..n...ri......i .. r..i ".' .,' V. .... ".'.' . ." ."Vr;. "V". I'hrlillan ficlriire When my ovp'K"" "n', ,M'"" "naido to gr.utp llitM , v. ... ... ,,., wimom un tnu tiuuior iui oeen ipnecieu in Boallr worn niienml I fiimid honiih "Itnpllcliy mid ndpqiiocy ur .tlir apir-' 1,,lp'l":l" explmiatlon of ills Inflnlto liumaulty's thought of man as finite icdinlrllu.il iiwakimlnic I had iiuv,r,t"''IJ'WB of (lod uppllfd to tho tils- (flmrncior land material .Christian Science ownnlrndS "" ' ' truly that every 'nc,:Mt? -' it" 'i' 'af "L'', bnf and Ihaoroay I then discover".! J',,"', m;w ili" la mployed nd.v.d.ml that approaches tho sub-' nf'a spirit,. the Imago SndP Ike that th aruwih of Christian Hclenco ""' .""'' '''' "" '" Chriailaiw' wi of C'hrWan Science has n concept SSa of Snlr it U du. entirely to tho fact that ll l,l'",a,;',;"'VV.J?iI;,;.t,,.Ir !,"!,,,"B 1 1'. '."oty tttU "' """" ,,0ruoT MrH- 1 Nnturnl iclcnco declares man to bo "rjMti the hurt's groat noed" as no "r" ',,,"" '"'. i'r,K".'"1 '"" J,"!",H t '' '''' "' this, mid she saw also that cWoscd "t chemical elements and other 8aiciii Ims mot It. Through-'"' ""''"" ',, ,r,' heil1 UI).'.'" ,',H',I",'," HnUn concepts, theio false bo- to bo confined to a physical body. It out tniriccn years or the study and ; , ..' , . ' ;,.. "' " ,"'' "'mut Cod. nncrntn to hinder the recognizes an Immaterial factor In protuco ot (.iiriiiiun Hclenco. In pro portion in my miiiumtaudinR ai plication of Its illvlno Prlnctp Bt.,:.H ,"-'.fu" continue. to appear I tie process entered Into her afgume ft LTn, ,.f .. ""' Pen auer one' against the false sense that seemed to discovers that It really BtandB still bind lior, but she rejected the erron . .S rcv"lv" o "h axis, eons concept and realized the aness nit the Illusion no longer deceives. In , of good. She Bought refuge directly 'lie manner, mortally unmasked. I. i., ,h Tr,i, . ?.," iJ ,.r" c.1'? shorn of Its seeming poer and real- -he and God are Inseparable. She did ity- clean, wholesome and nnm.i n.- ? sound mind produces and malntaina a sound body as surely as effect fol- A I'soctlcal Idealism. . If Christian Science. wore to project meiely a metaphysical system of theoilzing about Ood and man, it' would be the most Impractical relig ion ever offered to a sin-burdened and disease-tortured race, Hut th Idealism of Christian Science has a practical application to human inter eots. Because Cod is the inflalte Prin ciple, He is the source of all law If therefore, human affair, arc ' i..' oidered out of chaos, man muat be governed by the law of God. TMa law Is spiritual and Its operation In hum- an consciousness Is to splrituallie thought. To the degree of his spirit uality, therefore,, is a man redeemed run ina nionnpiia av . i . . niiT iifnnin ., i -... viii uioluius j iiiminr ju nn h fcvll may seom-to havo its day, but.hrlng on the sickness nn.l riM nni nt man learna something of tbo' truth because 1, u perishable, its destruc-! ferfie false defense K ah. wm atlli f b0,ut ?od and about hlmself' "S ' ton Is Inevitable. Because It Is a lie moital, she did not think of Kraelf . h?r bef,n' l. "ndersta"i that as the about something tiuu. t must eo out . , i m; i. "1 ."'.-J0n.r.eu 'offspring of God man Is tho .. Ith iiTpri wlilch It limits to brain matter hold of Gnus. Ing that form of matter responsible oso Bovon prominent for mentality. Paul terms this anima- inl.l nn.. ....I.,. .,.!,.. ...i.i , --,- . " ,.i'imi: m iiiiiiilt 1110 .o.uh.ii.cs an imiiiuiciiii IUV.IUI ill HII 111 lint'llUIVOrillly I llPSP B i:im I llrni-mo. ,.f I ...,,... I .. ,... ,n ,l,l,. I. ..,, .,.! v.... "" "'."u',!.ii r.,n,.w it,,.,,. ii.t i...h,. . .....?"' .""'".""". "l,-""B" "y ".''.'""..""-" '.l '"" """". "".' ng anil up. I," "V " - .-... v.. i.uin'uvn iiimiitiuii to ileal w Indole. ! If ,!, "'"fntlon be true, how ,11.1 .vlthout n true knowlo.lcn htm rti i hi. iii.l, li,,., ,iiUi....u... rii UW wim was not Joriix' Immi'dliiti) ii, ii,..r..r..m ni..... .,...... of 0 oil's pri-ioiic" and power, and 'lll"'H"0' '""'I'Hr" tho art of ( lirlstlan laynonyiiiK of God. which hIio Hnld tod br'lti waiter tlio carnal mind, or be coino Into nn evpr enlarging ',,,",,"B' " "",Hl '"' '"''"'tted thut I wirc "lm,.nde,l io oxpro-w thu nntnro lhu mllul of tno flt",t'' "" fu'thor "nu oi iinniiniim ovit nil that Is un-', '"', "nv" ""'" ""l "irmini power ,'i'iifi ami wiioIpiipss like rood I Iiuvp ,nnrlni.n.l !,..,.! In his rtiMtomtlvii mlnlBtrv. The Mint. rRrtl-iiro ami llniilil, i, Ing anil luiv,, b..n wltnosa to tho l"r' nll""'"K to his illvlno Iriiiclik, of them. Bviuiiiyms bIio took directly comcs ln wit" matter, is wholly de heallnit of iniiny othera. Thcae caaos,"1" hc,,l,K "",1 v!ui: Clirlht aid from the Illblii. and all of them havo Pen'ient on matter for manifestation, and Truth must be its destroyer. Re-' n self Justification, self pity nor'3,1.01? f Spl.ri.t and P03aees only the member that truth never destroys elfondemnatIon. Her thought d v,,le- fiPrltual attributes, he be- nythlng true, its destructive action turned naturally to God, divine Love l f u ,,0..see tUe u,nrealItJr the false s exerted always upon that which Is her only soured of VpI inf nnn7riiiv,be ef. Ilat lie '8 subject to the so- inroai for every lie. there Is a as the flower turns to the sun nnrt,ca"e. ,a ,? or raatter. He begins to Evp'? rBnlrV.C.? .r'L ?lBLyJy "" ?r! Do you wonder that! sh 0f ninty." 'wmcterlzca It ns "enmity against ii 4 fir. Mnlir od." Since thlH so-culled mind ' " ,....... I ...la I. ..., ThlslKrrlptural authority. These wondor "",? B,?cs ".1 , ll ' manor, Mrs. t-aay ...li. .. ,..,. ,! ...,11V., UllVft III. ICIDUU1' Inelttiie culi and chronic conditions, I , "! ' ""' w1"1 '"" nlwiiy maciion ncrrous teen a healed Ihrouch Mr forexolnr tlan Sclcn ,. " " ivnitinumi .,, . . .i, . ..ft i .... . . . " iiuttn ivpo tuuii dim iimuii ttii' tncy, inn ncniuvpil l.y any of tho ""'.'"" hiib oi i urisi in urng juiiii sain, "(lod Is Love," and Is novcr more than material. Spirit preralllng syMoins of religion nni "" ,l,u "PW "f K'"ry " lovo Ih not a ponton, nor u thing, lovo" and matter are opposltcs In essence ,n,c,n' Tlie lNc.. prcriiiul rt.iiniliT J I" a Principle. Jpbus Bald to the wo- and qualities . now I do nut apeak Incompetently, i'i,riii,... ui .. !mnn nt Hip well. "Ood is a Spirit,"! Popular theology holds that man nor do 1 wl.h to api-uk Impertinently ,,,, . . , ""," ,,1,HCOV"rpl mid spirit Is not n pprson nor n thing,1 Is both matoilnl and spiritual; Hint of materia inctllcu. To qualify my. ""J , Ji V. !' f'."."1 'i1. I,y ", w"lt Ih ii prlnplple. When thu PsalmlBt he has a material body and n splrit lf to prncllcii medicine, I studied .' ry, ,' , r ,y .,',", '''"'l-lroforrpd to Dolty n a God of truth, mil soul. It will not help to nrguo three yenrs and graduated nt a slantl- .. " ," ,'" , l"c,pl' r,-,"K,l".l "i ty.l not speak of n person nor a that man Is both material and spirit- At no place did ij .i. ... i ,, ., ' '"""'"", ni'iig. nut or ii principle: when Moses ""' "lcu "' l""1 casG' le uesiruciion in unu organ e illsnuH tvinii n ihhiiiuiip hi iiiui nni lie nn worn urn foiiiu n Rplpnrn nn.i .-.. '. - ..-.- and iiieuliil dlsonlera. I hv. - In aplrlliuil ciinacliiUNnsa to the Health (n. lor.) In nn.wnr t ii ""on " nameu moital man, .Tins 11 lypea of iIIspiiso ..ml .m realization of ll Tho power of God .iuohI'iiii. "What Is (I,IT "n,,,! crrl"K-. 8,nn,nK.' ?Vn B,eriai con- and tliidr vlrtlniM rain.,i to heal mid to nai. so wondroualy Hicornoroiil. illvlno. rin.rn.p inn !,e " . ol . .;""." i'.,.u,m ls not. J e .?n spiritual power alono. ll'"""'"! "HI. J"us. and w-th tly, ci.riv! Mind. Spirit. Soul, p'rlnclp o Llf,. ,'",.r n," ' "' I, " l,?- r,f,n!S frlcndii. 1 uni uwarn ti,.,i ti... Jt.tinal Iiiiih for tbrt-ti hundrfd piiib, Is Truth. I.nv.i." Nolo thnt nut nnnnf .. ............ ... ,,, -. . - -.- .v W,.. , ..it ... , ... .. i . ., . - uv iiiionii iiiiui, i,u iinciics. ul hum KtllllMnrnl nri.nr,l. t. !..,. UVUllUUlll to III! lllllll.V. llllll WtlCII llll-: I llCSO wlirdH nxnrPRHPH I, ninrf.nl nf .!. ... '. .... ,.i..i,... .. c n nlnr.. n ii r,, dwrittnoil mid PiniiluM'd. ill Jcbiih' Wiiv. God us (In lt. whnllinr nnrn , ...... , .. ., ....i,..i '...., .. perfect spiritual understanding when of the eonaclouaneaa of man'iTni "they, shall all know me." (Good) parablencss from his Mnkerl-cl :iT'L .? ,hem "ht0 Ce..IeT.prafyermI.hMemMd0fl rtl medical colleen thl roiirao of study rise above mut Her llrt writings Hi, 0f o,( ..l0 (H t,y ufc.. nml Job of the mitorlal body would result ln - At.l,M... II.,.. .....I ..(.. '. inmost nook which has most lo rV ,,, V . """' rororrpu tn unu "in whoso hand Is the "v i""""' ' '" jurist- r about health, and tho way to ro- ".r"r '" 1",: U""' "l0. r"r,,,'"H1t .h.iuI of every living thing," thoy used an Science tenchos what tho Blblo tore and maliitnln ll, was omitted .Ii"" ,i r ',i;hlo;ol"," , , ""t "'"-'j ! words which "express in each coso a Imports, that the real man Is wholly from thn r.,rri,i... -p.... .7.....' Prtmilso wbk liiiiiillcappi'il by physical rinri..i.. i.i n.iu ..,i.ih i, i .. .spiritual, and that'tho mind-matter not aludlcit in ......H....I ..ii ...' frutllty, which, us shu nimn to ymuig ,,.,i,,i, .,.. iun , oi,rU iu,. nu inpreme authority on cause and of- 7"Tl""l' ,T 'T ,,","r.""!! m",r ,,,u"' ""'l ow' ll,at M"" '' Prn- tTl . D.u,uii,-iu,niiii,u T11 UUB.rU, every time n nnrisuan Scientist ai- iM. ,,ri.., .u- ,. ,z . : olles the Truth to a lie. he destroys ' open only to .the T childlike thoUht that much of -error. Ignorance, and rue i hlEliest obleet of Sr fg,l i":elb' .t".at ,nc1' .'? da'. "f'ltsuiumateansweuSlieaUafnUm inse- God. ernatHil nf llipm .,""" ""'" .' ."wunuauu oi .... acnpiure. ana this is possible only Salvation nml Christ Jesus. us "l""1, rlB"1 deslre nd effort to , , . , ... ,,, , . (be In His image and likeness, to be In cleaning out the rubbish ot un-' present with God of this supreme true theories and building again the concept of answered prayer Mrs Ed- old waste places, Christian Science Is1 riy has written: u irtio constructive rorce. it repeats) the restorative ministry of Christ ' Jesus, whose nifislon, mi apostle said, I was to "destroy the works of the! dovil." pvll. nurl U'hn "wont nlmnt doing ireod." Hn wbn w.14 tinnip,! I Savior gave a new meaning to sal- "Oh! Thou hast heard my prayer; rtiiu 1 am eiest: This is thy high behest: Thou here, und evcryu here." (Misc. Writings, page 3S3.) In the presence of Good, there is no unsatisfied desire. combination, described by physical and tho spirit-flesh comblna- pon..,, .. 'iicniogy, are falso about man. Indeed the do- structlblllty of the physical body vntion. Ho wlio came to "savo His people from their sins" npplied the T U "v'r, nV pvV.. '.. " "" M Suggestive healed dlseaEP mid Al hv ,lm c,no TlierjiiMJUtlcs. process. As' In Jesus' time, poiular ls now, perhaps, universally- con theology todny views salvation chief-' ceded that Christian Science rpstores ly as a preparation for the hereafter. ,ne SK There are those, however, But Jesus suid, "1 am come that thoy wno repoat tho ancient mistake of might have llfo, and that they might attributing the miracles of Christian have it more abundantly .' Plirlntlnn healing to the action of the human Sclenco has restored to humanity the u,1"d, thru what these critics term saving grace or Christian heal nc. "" bukswjuuii. in Jesus' aay the pro ing that Christianity Is a religion 1 "'"believers said "This fellow doth not to die by, but to live by. not cast out, devils but by Beelzebub see that discord Is no proper part of his experience, and that bv maiii- ing the facts of spiritual being he can overcome all In his experience that Lvunllke God. Thus lie begins to take up the work of eliminating from, thought tlie unsplrltual qualities and of re placing them with the spiritual. He learns to reject as spurious thouehtj. that Involve sin, disease, inhnrmony and limitation, because' all such thoughts are not spiritual, and to realize his divine heritage, dominion over all. As this restoration of spiritual con cepts goes on in the Individual, the man ls changed. He learns that man Is well because God Is whole and man ls his expression. He therefore, no longer accepts the domination of fear,, false laws of health, hygiene, sanita tion, but holds' himself superior to these so-called laws of matter on the ground that God made man subject uu.y 10 me ias 01 opint. since me iiuman inina and boay are one, thel body improves as the thought Is im proved, ami health becomes normal and established In like manner such an Individual finds his thought about sin under going a radical change. He finds that sin is of the carnal mind alone, and that as he comes Into possession of the Mind of Christ, the fear of sin. Where, in tho scheme of salvation, rthe Pr'nce of the devils," but Jesus 1 the love of sin, and the ignorance of does Christian Science place Christ . disclaimed the human mind to be a sln are destroyed. Thus sin and its lesusif in the words of Peter, "There 1 ulllor ,n ",s worK ana insisted that Is nono other name under heavoif J"'8 was the "finger of God" method. S"aS M, en riV .',!? nTr " " h" n l"? . tho infinite, imperishable Spirit. .'"?. -Prld he " oTCnr &!W real nature of physlcal.tywhe,raner ft -... ".' "P'rituai healing. ,nr .mvntd g,i ,. , rv nmm, ' " '" '"" '""' "" " ""in- proving its unreal character by d s ,""no,b101,(1''l'l that religion has af- "n vft ui?0 Grnd, miv slm m-l'tc; ,",cor!,0,rcnl' lhnt, K, not "mltod., regarding and overcoming physical ected medicine, which la nvowodly !'. "J.w. 1 .1 7 , J lm,'"' boiindcd nor conllnod. Tiro Infln- law, he separated himself from mat- M-relluloua. lis prnctlco requiring no ttM? conv,nc,"l ' "" laenso. n well itmle if God menus, if It moans nny- ter and dlsappoarod. Docs any ono ChrUtlnn qualification. ,'lH Rl" ,H ",0'u' ln "r'K'" ""'I hcio- thing ut nil. that God is ono, without Imnglno that In the ascension Jesus specie llros ,.. ' 'i,.,,i.4iiuii, 1 - ,11. 1 1. 1 . ."'" ". ..... .nv, ,w.i 1 unu, milium ii.i..p,iiivT 11.111. 111 iiiu uoii-uoiuu guauD Chriatlan Sclonco honors ami !ror". umon,1"I,I to Mplrltual trout-,, , Heconil, Tiioroforo God Ih tho only was taken up as a mortal, nuiterlnl that class of i,l.viM.J,.- mont whereupon thu Illl.lo became irlnclplo. the only Mind, the only mnn? What then became of the uhy- M are dovotcd to the allovlallon or Jho lioid or hor noarcli ror health. At ,ifQi rrl,ti, .i,,,, tho only Soul, tho slcal body when ho ascendod to the lllffA.ln- ..... . wi.uiinnuil U. , Inn, nil,, rminln.,1 .. ahil,, it ulilrltui.l ..... ..,.. ..m. ... . .. . 1..4 f ,. ... ..tl.. .un. .1.- - v...,F, wnosa ntnrn l In ,..ni,i..i "' - . . " ouiy niuril. "llio t.ortl 110 is ueu: i ."" ' ' 'i "i in mi unu me re... 'not selfish nor political To Vu h KTawlh whoro she experienced Instan- t,n0 B nono c fobleraen und women Chriatlan rh ,n,!00l,H. I'.IHik "" whnt hor phy- T,0 rovelnt humanity, "wo bo brethren lim for ,,or rt-storntlon, hIio wltbdrow m.ar ,0 ,,, t0 800 ,,, imn(Jlwork, which dlsapponred In tho light of apir- first spiritual and tun... .. nL.i..u . iniii'uun iii-iiiiiih iiiiui in 11 iiui i.iij- r.,n rnvn.nllnn nr .'llin nnm mm. li.u linn unu. iiuuy wim ai ...I entUismv !...., . ' l . .?cl: alcluiiM had ileclari'il to bo n fatal ucci- ,i, ,,,,,.1,, ,.f nnim i .,,,,i.... r.,.,..,. i times what ho ultimately nrovod It '- to the extent that wo labor for ,,onL vttletl w,th ril,u"'10 " ,(,,, Sc'ent'sts to understand Him, to draw he. a fnl.se concept of finite sense th. V.''. we bo bMthren," Hut jT" '"mivui ci flllAkaiA . . df. - - ...ht """ "Ot .through I "',"?'., , nf l...r rnr...,rv . n-. nut i rn ,ph ttioi.. . ... -.1 ,........'.- w. - rtniti u n ik mi. i.iirisLiiLii nciuiiiiH. nil .... . but lfc..... . "" "! niuiniiua, nn.i rni,ilo,l l.i l,nr III,. I'rlni' li .i ....... i i. ... .... UUl 18 --.... uuKii improved mental .inipy """7V" :v""""..'" ".:,... "..... ...v.' """" ,,n,B o"1" "u urrlVCT '" f'in-nii, hilt lin thnt dnnth tlio will nf P. ml l. ,..i. ... . . - . - WHICH lllll.'lll.t'll lliu resilirill.vu null- , h,, i.rnunticn iif nml iiinnna 11, n nraa. ... .7 . 7. ....-.- -.V r' ". B?la, and Christian HclmiPA uVh',Hlry ot tM0 lHor-aiHl his dlsclpIcH. lmiP ot Kmul muI tll0 aH0C0 0r evil, rellalon or ri,.i.. .i.....,onc" " ,no.ThlH dlHCovory she iiamoil Christian i it iM .. mmnrVmi i,nr inthnnm. v Aftor practicing medicine for ihrp Hc,unco.' Fl,r,',tIla", ",C""H Piactlco.l ,v t'lirlsllnu Scientists apeak of Ood. fwri I WHH forcJu ni S.1" '" l I by Christ Jesus; Sclonco ho- Wo no longor regard Him fearfully, '""'0 ignurn ti.n ..,..,:-. ,"-""" ciuisu u is oxiui, iiuiii.iiin.i..iu i,C(.nUHii we .huvo learned thnt Ue Is unDrm.nr.,.1 ... :.""" "" u I nrn;,' " . ' ." lP? wiih tho men 1 1. ... ... w.., . i II tin 1 ii ml n rain n s in 19 Hon 1ia inolL tiro and nrnv.mln nf ""'". """"f """.." .""-" ' 111111 lo reject wlmt Is unllko tho til-' """ ""- o.i", "...-.- .. .?. V. "'"Ht come, not hr;. . i "?'""" w,,".,n. lno cr",luruH .l."" 05CV vino nuturo. Whatovor tho problem ',' " ' ?,'; ."."''.."', .?" A"" " ! "UV.T '-eonfrontlnB the Christian Scientist ho . T."7V '.. ,'.7"'"7.; 1110 rrillCllHO i,mni mala until lirt nprlvnu n find Better ihinn.... '..... " monla' l"'eVund mips of tho Hlilrltunl healing i,,.i ,,,.,0i i, i ,.n i,ia ii....iiia t. Jta. ben.,, ii,iit,ii i?'H0?A0A; which attended the restorutlvo mill- ,,-. ,lrnaoiico of God means tho t'lrea- i given among men whetohy wo must 9lirIst Je8Us fully proved that tho be saved," Jesus was tho name of,div'ne Mind alono was the healing 'be one individual In the world's his-! Pwer in his practice. He said "I can tory who has attained the perfect 2 mlne own self do nothing." "The state of spiritual apprehension. By Father that dwelleth In me, he doeth his understanding of God, ,. Jesus the works." Tho Beelzebub method is proved that man Is perfect, spiritual, Must-riled today In the prevalent ma- inao3truct;iuie. He overcame -every,"-""' memous or treating the sick law of matter, sin, disease and death, nn."1 ,n the so-called mental sciences, thus proving their nothingness. He 0l,e and tt't such systems rely upon took every human footstep tn "the the supposed action of tho human passage from sense to Soul" (Science' mind. Although in mnterla medica nnd Health, page 56G), and left the tl, medium of raatter Is employed, path to plain that "the wayfaring nevertheless ordinary medical prac men, though fools, shall not orntlcu 'R Mile else than tho practice therein." What he pi oved was for all i r mental suggestion. Indeod the mankind, for he himself said, "I am,rend ot modern medical thought Is the way." " " ' toward a frank admission ot tho sug- By this It will ho understood that Restive character of material medl- .Truiiq wnu tint Mn.l Imt ten. i. l.n cillO. Belief ln thn mpthnH no n-oll aa himself affirmed, tlio son of God. In,,0',,if '" the physician plainly ls ro- Science and Health (page 482), we nulilte for successful medical prac-' effects disappear and righteousness is restored. The Christian .Scientist finds also his concepts of business Improve. He begins to see that all real business ls the activity of right thinking and be longs to the divine Mind. Gqd Is therefore the only employer or pro prietor, and business is wholly good. Thus the fears, doubts, discords, lim itations nnd failures present or pos sible in tho old way of thinking are displaced by right concepts and bus iness is restored. Thus Christian Science touches with its restorative ministry every human actlvlt)-, Tfiislng conscious ness to a higher basis of the Christ ideal, turning thought Into new and brlghtei paths, paths of health, paths of holiness, paths ot lovlne service Tiliimpli Of Good Over EvIU Thn slnpi- nt rollfflnn la thp hlstorv read: "Jesus was the highest human Ice. I have given, experimentally, a of the world. To the student and concept of tho perfect man." Jesus' I "ypouermanc injection of pure water thluKVr today Is momentous with , ana nave nutorj In the making , wun propnesy i.i ,'"" " i ope - r.uiijnH..M .i,.n.i..i.... .. .. nttnanif.; """"""" me iiiscoru- leij body Mtl,T,W0 M0 ! th0 1 me. a I, i,,?k!llc'11. xPrlonco taught ve y it fBnoaU and treatmout, 'C "'I'lr81"1' ,of Pant fecteil r 1" )rol,0'"o "o un dle ii I' Krow worse, and a few rny tT" co,lc"""v that wheT Cl?1'"'n, I had "me at i,,i V , "' "loru e'ther. I atelna w, i.know Umt torlal "' KMWl ,'; inultlpltod loglon ttmedlB. i. . ' ltH. "Por-l0Kloii of lure, nevor , '!. ""' by ts vory na ency, " K"ln curutlvo '"tmentor .? 0lxuorl In tho Practice ,, i ? 8lcv c?vorlng active Pnlcal I, ic, "mt.or,nl und 'otl 10 tMlliy t,, i?!' Hyaion I am able 8c race . ln.8U",?r,orlt' ot CM' To niui .. i ?' "" otl,er motl'O'l". Bhi7.. "y.0 Instunce will ,im.., Scientist wmi ' ,)0cnmo tt Christian hid wm n. a bU8nH trip. I f' irl ',,,,)tom.B,." PolBonliig. bon" In 2 " "'Ith1 ' rocl,0, W.u L "", ', :c?n8cl0.U8 condition, Science nri, ,'! CaU for a chrl8j 00 Petitioner, with one knowlcdgo of tho laws til umi. i)Vino Lovo. We no longer imagine inRPirPti ny lovo ror iiuiiimiiiy, biio inm to ho a magnified mortal, we wroto the toxt-book, Sclonco and ii,VVo i-ensod to look for him geogra Ilonlih with Key to tho Hcrlpturoit. phlcully or iistronolnically, or to clr After doiiioiiHtriiting tlu olllcucy of Ptimscrlbo him In any way. lint If Cliriatlon Sclonco to heal illMenso mul.t,, U!) hH haliltiitton Is no longer 11m sln, to restoro health and dominion, Jtod lo place wo havo gnlnc.l tho un Bho gavo hur book to tlio world. TIiIh iinrstmidlng of Cod's prosonco ovory boolc Ihih revived primitive OhrlHtlon-, where. If wo havo lost our fonr of ity. In loss than Ilfly yours iiilllloim. ii0Uy, wo have gained for Him lovo huvo recolveil lin oriyuKenc iiiushuko, ' nnd alloglmice. If we lmvo oeasod "Keor net: Fur buhom I bring yoiilHumowhut to bo llovo In the power of good tldlngB of great Joy, which shall t,vll, It la bocnuso wo lurvo learnod lio to all people." Tlio world un yet miniollilng of tho all-powor of God, llttlu knows tho oxtont of Hit inuoni- To nil who thus nro becoming nc udness to thlH guutlo wiimun, hut to-, iti;ilntoil vth God, aro lournlng to day her grateful honuflclnrlc.i unllo trust lilm, and uro Rtrlvlng to bo like with Isaiah In ilecluilug tho prouilHOH. him. Mrs, Kddy refers fn tho opon diio unto godllness: "Thou hiiltiug lino of Iter toxtbeok: "To those nil so up tho foundations of many ( loaning on the sustaining infinite, to generations; und thou shult be called, day Ih big with blessings." (Science irencn, iho lti-.und iieulth with Key to thu Scrip tures, Profuco Vit.) HplrKuiil House anil lluitveii llow do wo know God nn.l whor Tho repairer of tho broach storor or putiiH to hwoii in, (J.i.l ChrlBtlun Retiinco uccoiilit Iho prim al order of Scripture which mutim do wo Und Him? Ulljali In tho mount fundamentally: "In the beginning before tho Lord learned that Qod'wnB Uod c rout oil the heaven und luo.uot in tlio whirlwind, not in tho oarth." The most nolf evident fuct8ourtlniinko. not In tho flro God was wo can consider ure that the mil-, not In matter. Ho was In tho still verso, Including muii, oxintn, mid that small voice. No man can understand It Ihii croutlrm. A crautloii ImplloH u God or know His nbodo through the powor by which tho thing made com oh iinltn hoiibos, for "no man hath aeon liito oxlatonco, nml thua wo urrlvo God ut any tlmo." Ilocause Ha Is of the world. And the world unselfishness, purity und spirituality to a patient wild with pain i away, and tho lust thereof; so endowed him with godliness that fetched him go quietly to sleep. The fulfilled. The restoration In human nu was worthy to boar the title Mes-. "i"ruon woma nave Deen no less an consciousness of the spiritual ideal slp.li. or Christ. Again (Sclenco and 'Instance of suggestive therapeutics has stirred to their depths the forcei Henlth, page 5S3), Mrs Eddy has de- 1,aJ ' injected the actual drug endow, of evil which are over at war with finod Christ as "Tho dlvlno manifest, cd thiough general belief with iialn cnn.i Wnr la ovll's self-destruction. utlon of God. which comes to the flesh relieving power. Medicine is constitu- and because It is so, how infinitely leu in mental consent It ls whatever bitter in this Just war than "a false mortal mind believes it to be. Anc- convenient peace'" (Miscellany page nnuy numan belief bestowed upon i 211.) material objects supernatural power.) At this crisis in the triumphant A lolie of such "medicine" is found mnrch of Principle against the hosts In the modern prnctlco of wearing, of e II, where do Christian Sciential! amulets. Many peoplo believe that a! stand? At homo and at the front buckeye canted in the pocket has .shoi'der to shoulder with tholr fel powor to prevent rhounutism. It Is low citizens and their allies', In iup not unusual to see a child with a ' port of a ilghteous cause. The Ideals n'eco of led flannel about Ito iir,.v . r,r iv.rtctinn 3rinrp nre the ideal! of Thnt, ninny will toll you, is good for, AngloAmdrlcn. Expressed ln the sore throat. Iirdeod, thore seems up won'', of Mrs, Eddy, they are: "Never nun io uuman creuuiuy. it is perto take nway tho rights, nut oniy m haps within the facts to state that , wrnngn of "mankind." (No and Yea, there ls nothing "In henvpn nhnvp ny. i.ktQ .ii l TI,o nrn thn ideals wnlcn in tho earth beneath, or In the waters enabled Mrs. Eddy to see, beyond. the under the earth" but has been used shell-torn battlefields, the coming of us uieiiicnio, runt which In the Ic t- tl. Prince of Peace, wun iruo.i.- niildoth forovor." If "all that ls in the world," mortal man and tho phy. steal universe, 1b "not of the Pathor," what claim can materiality have to reallt'? If tbe world is the author of tho things that are In tho world, nnd "the woild passeth away," as St. John declares, It Is conclusive thnt God Is not the author of, the materia! universe nor physical man. Bocau.se thoy lack a dlvlno Cause, tho! iiiuicri.ii universe una mortal man can havo no roallty, for "without him was not anything made thnt was mado." St. John's declaration that tbo things that nre in the world aro of. tho world Indicates that material ity only substitutes Itself, In bollof, for tbo real creation, tho spiritual universe and .snjrltunl man, nnd more- ly counterroits genuine being. Kvll. Prom the foregoing It ls evident thut Christian Sclenco does not hold Ood responsible for tho creation ,pf that which Paul defined ns "enmity ngalnst God." God is not responsible, directly nor indirectly for evil, for slit, disease, nor donth. Th nxninn. atlon of ovll must bo sought outside of inflnlto Good, Whence then comes ibis onmlty ngniiiRt Cod? Peoplo who nro In trouble aro not grontly con cerned In tbo philosophic explanation of tlfo origin of evil. Tholr Interest centers In getting rid of ovll, and tho triumph of Christian Science is thnt It does Just thnt. It Is satisfac tory to lonrn that Ood doos not count enance ovll nor Include it among His very good worka, mid thorefore that evil la unreal. J to destry incarnate en or." With Jesus the Christ wn.s so prcpoiVUernnt that when tbo human cried out "Lot thii cup pass," Josus was able lo say "nut m will but thing be done." Lot the mortal dlsannoar and thn Christ iiiuoar ns the representative of div inity. It was this Christ thnt caused Jesus to say "If l (the fleshlv con cept) "go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you" tho restora tive Tiuth will not become operative In your consciousness; in other words you will continue to cling to my hum an personality and will fall to grasp tho divine Prnclple which governs Christian Sclenco tenches personal salvation through all Christ Jesus Uvea to do; that each Individual lsc.hen Is a food, becomes a medlcne In slon slm saw tho children of Pjtln- wn salvation from tt'o shop of the apothecary. True, mor-' clplo, reunited supreme over an, .ana to work out his ow all orror by tho example Josus turn. ished In his demonstration of the Christ. Christian Sclonco accepts tho essentials of Chrlstlnntty s found In the Scriptural record of the life and teaching of Christ Josus, but restores und emphasizes tho spiritual import and observance of tho doctrine ho liuuht and ordinances he established. Abovo ull, Christian Sclenco. toachos that the essentials of Christianity In. volvr Individual practice nioro thin profession. Prayer. Tho moduB operandi by which Christian' Sclenco fulfills Its restora tive ministry ls prayer. By prayer tal mind has usually abandoned Its tho freedom of the world reallieaV remedies about as fust as it bus 189S she wrote, In a poem. J" ""'i'"'u i.iuiii, uin iiir.iuKiiuut ine inueu nioies io un i"' insinry or material medicine It has prophetic werds: cuiiHi iu i, nu uuwer in mailer in-, stond of n the dlvlno Mind. t Is a far' Jouruov, in point of time, from liquor ' ot e'utli worniB. once highly reputed In materia medica, to modern scrum of horses" hloml, but tho name mon tPl consent has heon reoulrod to fur nish each generation with Its ever ehnncrlne; pharmacopeia, Mental suggestion and riirlnllnn Solence are antitheses. Tlio one Is tlio supposed action of the human mind, which, being onmlty agidnst God, woks only evil continually. The 1 these "Kor Anglo-Israel, lo! Is marching unller orders; Hii. hand averts the blow. Brave Britain, blest America! Unite your battle-pln Victorious, for. all who live Ui The love of Ood and man. - (Vinclusloa How shall wo epItomlzoHhe rector- (Continued on page I)