villU.lV, I KlllttTAIlV i .THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH, FALLS, OREGON I'AOR TIlflRR ummEEmmuimmnwmmuMnuuri HMH'KAHK OX nr.NM TILI,, PEACE SIGNEH. (Jeorfjo rierinrfil todtiy that tho block ade of Germany could not be raised until Ocimuny had started u peace troiuy making wm In the futuro Im- Herald's Classified Advs. HELP WANTED HELP W.VNTnDWoman to "to hom-work. Phone 151 M. V?.i. LOST AND -FOUND LOST 2x3W Weed chain, between Klamath r, and Brotherton pla-onrlv..rroad. Reward. Notify H J TifhnorLaneell Valley. -JE-et f I LONDON, Fob, 28k Premier Lloyih, poailblo K. SUGARNAN "I AIN'T MAD AT NOBODY" :iiiiiiiii t tm pfeSn. Special Prices On Veal ,FOR SALE Specials For 3a Gloves 95c SPECIAL SATURDAY Mackinaws $15.00 Values SPECIAL iu $10.85 Shoes Lotl ''Lot 2 $2.65 $3.25 Sin Save from $2 to $4 a pair Boys' Pants SPEttAL SATURDAY ; $1.55 Wool Gloves Values to $L85 SATURDAY $1.154 Overcoats M , H on in $25.00 Coats $20.00 Coats $15.85 $12.50 Look them over Dress Shirts t 45c Not All Sizes SATURDAY SPECIAL Cotton Pants SATURDAY SPECIAL From 7:30 to 9:30 a. m. $1.25 No more than 2 to a customer Sh oes Lot 3 Lot 4 $3.85 $4.85 Herman's U. S. Army Shoe 15 per cent Discount n n M M M m a M m m m ra ta m m m ra iHiEL:aiaaaEHJ3snss:y32S3Rr2ijii L0NG-BELL MAY BUY COAST FIR rOUTI.AND, Koli 2".8oilUforn plat and i)ro oporutdYs nrr ! Ins-Hie MccMUy of coming lo tho WHfcimM to become prodtitnr of llrllmbrr If ttio dmlto to remain hi builntu, Not only haw such nn In itllatlun nn the l.niiK-Htll Lumber (oniiiiiny of Kjiihiih ( it) nlil tu bo ll:ii I art; out operator In, pine In the Sou thorn Hlnlt-x, itniulrod ownership of a lariat trad of timber In the Klnni ntli Falls renert Minn, ami Is now lu (ho market for many thousand .viih of fir hi Western Oingon. 'ml other Southern opurntnm aic lironl;liu: Into thlit fluid j At the Theaters Mnnll (Iras. Saturday, Momluj mid Tuesday. &? n Many of tlio HKiiii'H for "No Mart's I, Mud," a sciccn ornion of tho nool of tliut nnmn b) 1 .on In Joseph Viituc In nlilru the Mctlo'i'tiir, Herl I-J till, Mill hei Hi-en, were taken on the beau tiful Inland of Ciitallin. California This plain i' will bo Been nt the Lib- ' pity Thi'utie tonlKht ninl the wonder ful liennty of the nrenorj will ho not I fil. I i Tlio entire coinpnny, with Jlr l.y- toll mid Amn Q. NIIhkoii, his lendlne jwoinnn, itMitilned on tlio Island for ' p.omo wrnlii white tlio plcturo wns' I heltiR iiindo mid poino splendid re , l nulla woii) nihluu'd luwn.s the wild j er portion of tho Islnnd which wns I pliLtoKraphed foi tho Metro play I I nrta uliuro few pcoplo hno ventur . oil, Jtnl which woro needed to show ! tlio 'Inland f inBtei," In tho IM- rf.AV Phtfne 68 524 Main St. PALACE MARKET FOR SERVICE AND QUALITY The only up-to-date market in the city that is equipped with cold storage rooms for the .proper handling of Fresh and Cured Meats. Milk-Fed Veal for your Sunday Dinner at the Following Prices: u:; cits Ito.ists ''. Venl Slrakh . . i!7o MOV CL'TH Itonsts ii!ic l.nlll Cliops 'JL'c Itn-ast of Veal fur Itoastlii Vrjl 'Hto , I'icili VimI Loaf lor linking HlIOt:i;I)i:it CUIS Ito.isti UOr shoulder ("hop-i !!2c 18e . !.- See our window and counter display for oth er Saturday Specials on Fresh and Cured Meats. If you cant come, phone your orders. We operate our own delivery system. KLAMATH PACKING CO. DIAMOND BRAND FQR QUALITY High Grade Ladies' & Men's Clothes madi: to oimnii ri.VKST MATCIUALS HEST OF WOftKMA.VHHIP LATKST STYLES PERFECT FIT OUARANTKKI) Prices are cry rciiiunnblc Vour inspection imlteil Chas. J. Cizek MERCHANT TAILOR r,IS .Main 8t. " ""''""WV PROVE PKTON'.for Wood U2R TOR Sale- Household Call atS18 Ninth street. furniture. 28-5t FOR BALE OH RENT 1G0 acres un der Irrtaatlon. X. Y., Herald. 28-3 FOR SALE-Few cooking utensils, blankets comforter, .pair No. 7 heavy elk leather shoevtrunk, etc all in Reed condition; no dealers. 514 High str'-et. 27-2t FOR 5ALE -Alfalfa lu'y; .'.0 tons 1st rutting 26 ton second. Horact Dunlap 2-3t RWTH FOR SALE OR RENT 160 aoea ', under cultivatien: 75 un der fence, plenty of outside rang. Klamath Hardware Co 25-6t FOR SALE- -A-l good naylne workr InKiuenn hotel Addresn H J. llchnianti Klamath Falls, 18-10t FOR SALE SO acres good land; fenced small bulldiiiR; CO acres irrigated, ?10 per .hre; terms. See I. Jacobs 30-tt : FOR RENT MMAMMVMMM Motors and. Pumps I.ip i (mi fcp.unn falirtlllfl Il , . . .. FOR II EXT Nice sunny front room oi.lcre.1 now .In onler to Set the prop-( wUh pfma batj; eJ'; cr culpnient nnd Insure delivery in chllcote & Smith. 633 "Main. 27-3t time, at louctt cost. Let uh lnst:U sl'muuekt farm to buy or rent; open till March 15th 23-tf ; MISCELLANEOUS jnur pumping plant. IVOUWANT . YOUlf MOTOR RIGHT I 'VOUK PUMP RIGHT YOUR IXSTALLATIOX RIGHT a HAT WILL STAY RIGHT Place jour orders uitti us, and jou able, Knou i oil are rich t. j i Fnlls rifle which .Mr Ynnco In his nool ! thIIb ' No Man's l.nnd " Thlb is n thrlllliiR story of lovo nnd i lumturi with an nmlercurrent of( IntiUtif which lll nppoal to tlio ad onturouo In evoijone nnd Mr, I.y. tell gives n petforninnco which Is oqiinl to the iiouil 1 HVfH.ISH Plll.NTESS Wl SWICK THE BRUN Plays All Records A Phonograph that can play but one make of records cannot possibly furnish you with as much enjoyment as one which willt play any make of record The Brunswick plays all records. All makes. And plays them as the composers and originators intended them to be played. It adds much to your enjoyment, without additional cost. ' LONDON, Fi-1) 2S Tho Princess, 1'iitilcii. of ConnjiiKht jnd Comninnd er It. .M Knuuby wero murrlod at WeMiiihiUlci Abbo) ut noon today. Mardl OniR, Snturdny, Monday nnd i Tuesday. ' : : t : All PhonograpHs in Otic W The Band Box wishes to announce J A the Spring Showing of' Millinery, including Pattern Hats from Brodine,Gage &Hylqnd also the $5 Trimmed Hat Department W w Quality ;ugs... !( Isn't iMonomj ami It Un't wise to liny iiiitliln but tlio best In dltiKS. Wo pilued the eon llilenio of oui iiistnmerN by hclllnK driiKs of tlio lilsliest liinllt) only. You cannot bit) fJiny other Mm! here, nnd you me ulnnjH safe mid mho that nothing but the be""tt drills Mill bo fold In this store. I ajtjijagSggSBsHEBi Good eiifiliiecrinj; and installations savess annual cvpense ,and gies bet ter cfllclcncj.. Estimates furnished. Link River Electrical Co. Till nnd Main Sts. WMMW WANTED A single runabout buggy in good condition; must be reason- Address Box 214, Klamath is-u WANTED A thorobred bronw gob ler. A Wishard, Klamath Falls. Ore. 26-5t ' Mardl Gras, Saturday, Monday and I Tuesday F.aiirlAar" JUIAK. XVUU. IHAT5 IH !&&&$& 6 TOft THC H0MEIY HEAITHHUI QSA'J IN A OEUCIOJJS APPETIZING TORM Now that women are no longer I knitting sweaters, we fear a return u me oaiiy pern. wasnington fosi. - Bean Orders Solicited f Lady Washingtons Oc ;,.. ReU Mexicans c 8 He Petite Limas 13c Parcels Post Paid to jour office. Send -y cash with order C1US. THOMPSON, Central Point, Oregon I VW.'ViV.'V VWVWVWW .w.v -v t t ahinet i t t J 10 Main Street ,1 General Furniture Repairing j -j. at Reasonable Prices 4, KITCHEN CABINETS ? a Specinltj A. Mauritsch iM,-.".".M.M.".".',.',.".,v.M. AVrW.- Cabinet Shop 10 Main Street Prices $40 to $1,500 Easy Terms N7on Noxu WcHtern Trwnsfcr Oflleo. S ' In addition to playing all records, the 'Brims wick has many other additional and exclusive features that stamp it as the masterpiece in phon ograph making. We want you to know these features, but you cannot fully appreciate them until you see the Brunswick and hear it play. That is why we invite you to come and hear it. We want you to compare it with ordinary phonographs. You will not be urged to buy. tJome prepared for a musical treat. You will not be disappointed. New P?ithe Records For Your Approval I'HOMJ tunv H. J. WINTERS JEWKLGR AND OPTICIAN 700 MAIN i-IUXKAttl) RENT SERVICE Plione SO Mgtit Phono 'MS LEGAL NOTICES I MODOC FEED AND SI,KS STAUI.ES Uoiscs and Harness bought, Sold and Ei hanged Hursts to lmy noon feed . 21c llursaa tu hay b the da - . 50c Horbns to hay and grain, diy. .11 Lloises to hay and grain, noon 50e Coi.ter Otli and Walnut M. .1. VYHART, HORAt K V. Ml rCHEI.L, I'ropi. h Noilce of l'llliis nnd HearliiR on Po-' tit ion for Inclusion of Certain liiiiuls Within tlio Roundaries 1 the Hor.sclly Irrigation District I Notice is hereoy given that Grace Lytic did, upon the 4th. day of Feb ruary, A. D. 1919, file with tho Boird of Directors of the Horsefly Irrlga-, Hon District a. petition praying that I U16 NW of the SEW and the NBi of tho SW4tf( Section 29, in Town-i ship 39 south, Rnugo ri east of the WUIametto Meridian, in Klamath, County, Oregon, be lncludod within tlio boundaries of tho Horsefly Irriga tion District, Tho tract of land which is petitioned to be Included Is bound ed ns follows. Commencing at south east cornor of the SWVi of NEU of! Soctlon 29, in Township 39 south, Range 11 east of the Willamette Me-t I'ldlan; thenco south ono-quatter of n mile, more or less, to tho southeast corner of the NWU of the SEVi of jald Section 29; thence woht ,ono-half . a mile, more or less, to tho south-1 west lorner of the NEK of SWW of Jsnld Section 29 ;thenco north 0110- (liiurier ui u 111110, iiioro or iusu, iui tho northwest cornor of tho NEU of J BWii or sum section y; tnence eaut LIFT OFF CORNS! Af ply few drops then lift .sow, lomhy corns off with fingers ilk V 11 fi uron a s Dcesn't hurt little u w - - j a one-half mile, more or less, to tho'preMCjje on an acblng corn, n,lJw'Jn soini or beginning ,, t tops nUrtmg, then you ur'i All persons Interested nro hereby , V, . v.. inlel 5 ;lven notice to appear at the oracef't light out, es, magic 1 4 of the Hoard of Dhes of the A tlnj bottle of Ereeione cost oui Horsefly Irrigation Dlsfiict in the n fow rents nt any drug store, Mi 11 Jown of Ilounuza, jipon Tuesday, the auffiC.,.,t to jeuiote ctwy hard corn, Hh day of March. A. n. 1919, at the, ! "' ilMoen the toes, hour of 2 o'clock In the afternoon, s" ". c"r" J'1 " 'MI or , md show cause, ir nnv they have; and the calluses. " ""in-Pn hy tlio petition should not ba'iuitatlon 5' 'J vttantod, , ALFRED KELLER, 1 Kioerone Is the sensalotia 'UUco v- Secretary of the Hoard of Directors' . , ncll,nn, genlw. Ii W- " of 'the Horsefly rrlgiUton DIs- 8r) or, n ,pc,"u"" , triot. 7-H-21-2S derful. , - x- ij. " 'V'v :i.itii