Wlv iamtttuj Herald mrHClAL NEwarATwi OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH FALLS J KLAMATH COUNTY eenth Ycnr No. 3,557 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1919 Price, 5 cenU Thrt m would IE WEI fie I If CALIFORNIA MEN FINED FOR i HAVING LIQUOR ITALY CABLES ACCEPTANCE OF NATION LEAGUE I TOMORROW taitlature at Sacramento Tke Action Today OREGON BODY DONE CllfuraU IWiiIiim' Ak Cnimrcwi la Take Hlrp- f" .niuitllonif KUiMlh Oumi) ltrolulloii ly ym)Wn nihI llnldulii Nut Adopt- )( Knlmi. MCIIAMKNTO. Knli 28 A Joint rttolutlon memorializing Congroiw to like ttcp ncci'imary for tho annex- tlon of Klamath County. Oregon iu Cilitornls. wa Inlroiliircil today In lb) UiliUttire hero A almllir BMiurt Introduced In thn Ore. ion UiUlsture but nut adopted. The stove action by Hip Cullfornla umbljocii o iliow (lint the people iown lhr realize wlmt the addlUm el tbli County would meinjuid they ire wide ake to thu opportunity el tddlni tills productive area to their own. Oregon doe not appear to tint to let go of Klamath nlthougli ibi bn herctofoio shown no sign cf knovloc that the district was here. Thu high nmt (if UrlnkliiK wu foic Idly Impressed yesterday nftcrnooii on Nick Klnticiitly and Jmiicii Step hens who were apprehended Wodnex- ilny night hy Chief of Pollen mid Fed-J urn I Of,fUcr I'rlcu Uecob coming in on the tinln, They pie id guilty (o IiiivIiik llijiiur' In, their possession hufiiin JiiKtlro N. J. Chiipmiiu unit were fined flf(n! A l: I L.. iiLi tis dollan nud cost end, W""BH "' "nole ."". COOKED I'lHIII HALE TOMORROW, I People With Joy Tliomt, who Iiiiyo u hunknrliiK for noine fine things to eiit uru reminded or the Kltver To end Cooked Food Halo which will he Jield tomorrow hy the Indie of the KpUaipnl Guild ni the new Mare addition of Moo nnd Company In the White llulldlng. The utile will begin nt eleven o'clock to morrow, LODGE WARNS PEOPLE CONGRESS NOW SALEM. Feb 2$ -The Legislature lijoarntd hut iiIkIiI at nix thirty nl sorts week later than the Unto net for the completion or It work. The Uit few diyi hnve ln-n filled to the vtmoat and tlio weary solona nro lcomlnic the cm! of thu todlotin Ren Ion. The question of the creation of n lJeulenatn Governor which was the Wit of a hard wrangle yesterday, III be lubniltlcd to u choice of thu rotei. A reduction In wood 'und fuel mtei butrlotd Iota between Oregon polntH beta ordered h the nil I road ad. ItUtratloti, the 1'iihlle Servlee Com ante hat. been Informed. It Ih of. whrpifier ten dii)i notice. PLANNING f I'rivililt-nl WIlMin Prepare to lCe A Kl ii fur Purl Conference Will. Sn 1 1 Wnlnrwiln)' Morning Irfxljtc Tomorrow Ih the first of the month, and your carrier will pay you a visit. On behalf of those little chapn, the Herald vunU to thank you for your con- alderate treatment of them last month. With very few exeep- tlunii subscribers were ready to pay him, Practically none came to tho office, for which the office force thanks you. This month make It 100 per cent perfect. The boys will have your hill for- you, so' please have your, money for-hlm. t Thin will be the last day thlt winter when he will have a chance to aee how many hats he can knock off with snowballs did you ever, In ull your life, see the snow In hotter condition for such work? Well, that is Just what your carrier Is looking for- ward to. Don't keep him wait- EAST KLAMATH WATER UNIT IS OFFICIAL PLEASED WITH LOCAL LODGE Nil T Crlt(rii Fundamental Hull Of 1TJIgUC of NlltlullK. k Im rm i.vnAM, l.l.i hitnlr nanln k I ,Mlfc VI uwvb iiiii irMt.fi urmii., -w ('IIIHtltU-.A fnr Avprv mlnuln nf his tltnn tlinl you take up means Just that 4 many lean anowbiilla to bo shot 4 4 under his direction, and as It 4 WAHIIINOTON. t). C. Fob. 28. will be his lost chance elve blm i Premier Orlando nan cabled u per- all the time possible. jaonnl mctmagf to President Wilson 4 And, please remember that Officers Are Named at First Meeting Held Here BIG TRACT' INVOLVED FFDFRfl! WAHIIINOTON, D C. Feb. 28. There are pending In Concrets never nl moisilien provldlnR for greater prtrtlrlpntlon by the federal govern ment In the Improvement of high ways. Some of them are In the form of amendment to the present federal aid taw by which Inrger fiindn would ho appropriated from the federal tieaaury, whllo others embody new plans for federal work. y The tendency of public sentiment In the matter or governmental partici pation' Iu highway development seems to be dividing on two general propositions. One Is the cmittnminct. of the present xystom whereby the federal government and tho staton Join together on u co-operative basis. The other Is tho creation of a federal hlgjiwny commission which Is to ere. ulo n national system of hlghwuys and iiMsume cintrol If It construction nnd maintenance. Hack of Mils proposition Is nil extensive propaganda which is declaring that tho "whole Italian peo pie comprehend und ncclnlm with Joy I the high value nnd everlasting slg. nlllcnuce or the League of Nations." Tho preparations for tho Presi dent's return to France have now been completed. He will sail Wed nesday morning on the George Wash ington, after speaking Tuesday night with ex-Prosldent Toft In New York. While on route from Washington he will stop for an hour and a half In Philadelphia, to see bis daughter, Mrs, Snyro.'nud his new grandson. Senator Lodge solemnly warned tho American people to Velgh care fully the constitution of tho League of Nations and insist upon a fundl muntnl revision. He declared that as tho organiza tion was now planned It would en gender misunderstanding and strife. He then made a numbor of specific recommendations for amendment. NKW HOY AHHIVKS. CAIIXAIIA V Itr.TttltNH. fPt. J. II. Cninnhiin, who has bM U Balem for the pnel ten days "turned homo lust ewmlng, During 'uibwnce he v.a representing' thu HlernUofilieslieeiiini.il uf Dm em,,.: L 17 before the IokIhIjuiio. 1UERS I LI BUNCH UW T (iltKATLY l'LKAHKD VRK INTKItrST SHOWN HY "WXO OP AdltlCULTUIlAI, flni.EM.s JJjtatweatofHiofarraorilnthelr JW" ProWerae hero and their ap. t r f '" cn-0l,"nto with tho '' Aurlnilturlat Agent. E. JS',tabr,nn"itlncrais. which ?i!.0 lho vnrl0U8 Products for tiiv '.' cT,nh ib n,i,,,,,d' u- n h ':,K l0 ll,nt wntlemen, .."""now bneiim.. ........ .- OVnr tri ""' ""IIIUBIBH- here. wl the opportunl. 'Tiers i. . Bftlu dri. .. ." "rmors in my Mr and Mrs. Karl A. Ilrowu lie the happy parents of a new son which being carried on by tho comont and .arrived nt their homo last night. Tho other material Industries, noting man wolghs eight and one half One serious objection mined to the! pounds. Mr. llrown Is connected federal commls-ilon Is that It would .with tho faculty of ftio Klamath Coun- 4 the hoy will not go to your offlco 4 or place of employment. He 4 4 will visit your home, or tho place whoro ho delivers the paper, so 4 4 bo good enough to have the 4 4 money thore. Just-hand a dot- 4 4 Inr to your wlfo now, and tell 4 4 her to keep, the ehange. 4 SOLDIER ELflD TO GET HOI Kffort Will He -Made to (.ct tin- Hoc Initial ion Her Ice to t'o-Operutc With Farmcrt of Iiiiri-H Valley In Hrliigini; Water to State Line Fr6m Clear Lake. KLAMATH HOY WHO WAS WOUND- Kl AND (iASSKD IH HOMK AUAIN AFTKIl A IIAItD YKAIt FIOIITINO TIIK OKHMAX8 want to take over the control or statu roads and absorb tC piesent fedoial approprlationa for post and forest roads. REALTY OPERATOR IS BACK FROM VACATION ly High School. Dr. 0. I. Wright was the attending physician. IIAIIY DAl't.HTKH HOIIN. Following thu finest kind of a va cation or throe weeks in Southern California points, II. K. Smith or the Smijh Hcnlty Company rotum.4 ed to Klumiith Fnlls last evening. Mr. Smith declurcK that fortuno smiled on him while ho wis uway ns tho wouthor was dollghtfiil. Most of tho time was spont In Venice. Mis. Smith procedod hor huaband to Cali fornia nnd will remain thero for a somowhat longer visit. A nine pound daughter arrived la it Saturdny nt tho homo of Mr. aqd Mr. It. F. Seizor at f-22 Klamath Avenue. Dr. (leorgu I. Wright was In attend, nnco. Mother und daughter nro get ting along nicely. FREE TRIP T ROSE FESTIVAL OHOCKHY VlHM PLANS TO HI'.ND YOUNG LADY KltO.M KLAMATH VAIA.H TO TAKi: IX THIS 1110 IJVKNT VNKXT HUMMKIt s WILL AIDED E wi:ll kxowx mkx will assist in woiikixg out thk phoh. LKMS nitOllOHT AHOJJT nY THK HOYS-HKTUIIN HOMK The Wlnnek Company has not i decldod whether It will ni ii, .,.. .. . . . r .. ......i , ..,., ' ccu I jeaioruay than tno portianu kobii eoHiivui ii i Mk "'onird to shnw up during I mer but It haa docjded to Bend a re moc ,c,, '" Colorado, whore 1 prosentatlvo In tho 'way of an attrnc- Uloem.j., --"'"'niio, wnoro I J h.',' ei,C0,,,nK o h". thit UdtM.Vr?up0' ,m,"o work with tlvo Klamnth girl and to docldo which one Is tho most attractive Ith votca wl bo Issued with all pur ' . - J . ill- -..... I.fwllllllllf "' 't Indi V ' '" ,m,n 'o work with votca wl bo Issued wmi an pur- W iOBISthl l t1'"1 W nre KOl"g t0 C,ln8CIS mUd0 nt t,llS Bt0,' b0BlUn'"S ln bn lp' " n work.1 catly In March. wit ( ' "U1" " It very dlffl- Tho girl who gota tho biggest mini '"i but wiiT1'"81' nnyUll"K worth ber of votes whon tho. contest Io lthr .i "' " c""nunlty working closed will go to Portlund with her MlltUi!" " mlt io u'6 Poa-I expenses 'all paid for tho duys of tho I carnival, Interest In tho welfare of the re turning soldier wob stlmluated hero yostorday by tho visit of K. M. Run- ynn of tho Y. M. C. A. who was heroJ forwarding this work. A meeting ns held .yesterday afternoon attend ed hy men who have thla matter at heart and arrangements for deter mined efforts along this lino, com pleted. ' (leorgo Walton wjh seloctod as nttond i head of thla work, and Chairmen for tho four principal branches woro named. Mayor Strublo will havo chargo of tho Industrial branch, A, M. Collier or the social, A. H. Kpporaon of tho educational and Arthur Wilson or tho iollglous,v A move toward the organization of a County Y. M. C. A., Is now on foot and may materialize a llttlo later. That he wouldn't take a million dollars for the experience he has had during the past year fighting the Huns, but that ho now has enough and a plenty to last him. for some tlmo to come. Is tlio way Jess Hun saker feels on hla arrival from the trenches. Ho came In night before last and la, a mighty tickled boy to get home. His experience would fill a hook and a mighty Interesting one. Jess was In the first flag Regimcnl and entered tho battlo line at Chat eau Thierry on June Twenty-sixth and was In olevon battles between that tlmo and the 11th of November. Ho was gassed twico from vrlch he has never entirely recovered and had his shoulder crushod during 'this period. He was shifted along tho ontlre front to the Swiss border dur Ingtho fighting and ended up by the Swiss bordor, Tho righting in Ar gonno forcHt was tho bitterest In which ho participated and tho bloody scenes there nre Indescribable. He says the Oermnns nro dirty fighters and took delight In murdering the Red Cross workers on the field and bombing the hospitals. The soldier Is being wolcomed 'home by a host of his old time friends. II. I. Tjcknor was yesterday namJ as president or tho Langell Valley Inlgatlon District, which was formed In Upper Langell Valley a few months ago -for tho purpose or Irrigating ji tract of sixteen or elghtecn-thousand acres or laud in that section from Clear Lake which is a short distance south of the California line and wjiich' lies about seventy feet higher than, the lands to be watered. - , Tlcknor, W. D. Campbell and A. K. Gale were elected as directors some time ago and the meeting' yes terday was to perfect the organization and start plans for getting to work as soon as possible. On drawing lots for the term of directorship. Gale drew the threcyear termr Campbell the two year and Ticknor one year. Archie Wisbard was selected ns Sec retary for tho organization and Chas. J. Ferguson as the attorney, The new body 'will make a call upon the United States Reclamation Service for cooperation in getting tbe lands or the valley under water. It Is hoped that arrangements can be made for the glvornment to deliver the water to the Oregon line as the'' State of course has no right to 'the California water except thru the Re clamation Service. The Hoard of Directors will hereafter .meet on the first Tuesday of ench month. The reclamation of this huge tract or land which Is admitted to be some oMhe most fertile in this entire sec. tlon will be a valuable addition to tho ngrlcultutnl artoa of Klamath County nnd add immensely to Its products. Water enthusiasts have been working unceasingly for the last ten years" to -bring their lands under Irrigation In spite of many back sots and handicaps and it is to bo hoped that smooth progress from now on crm be found. The most enthusiastic gathering of the Klks Lodge which has met here for a long time assembled lu.it night at the temple to greet Deputy District Grand Kxalted nulcr Charles H. Durggraf of Albany, who was licic to make an official inspection of the Lodge. The Official was greatly pleased with the work of the order and made uvorablo comment on the lltlCH SCENE OF ITS 1 HAI FIGHTING aim mane javurauic comment on me c C n Interest that was taken here In these !3Partacans Selze Many Pub; matters. Eight new members were' Initiated and a fine reed and social time rollowfng the ceremonies. This evening the Temple will again be the 'scene of great gaity when tho JHIIs gather to 'trip the light fantas tic at their annual bill. A very large number are planning to lake advantage ot this good time as they know rrom past experience about what to expect. Refreshments or an appetizing character will be served. NEW BILL TO E m 28.1- lic Buildings BLOODY FIGHTING ON Ami) of hp.irt.icaiix March to Parlia ment Tburvl.i) In Effort to Force Diet to Proilniin Hmict Govern ment Rank .Vote Printing Prates Are Reported Captured. KLAMATH FOLKS COURT HOUSE KEY . GIVEN TO SHERIFF Architect K. B. McClaran.and Con tractor J. M, Dougan of the Court House on Block -Thirty flve, wero passengers thla morning for their homes at' Portland. Contractor Dou gan declared that his work In Klam ath Falls wns finished and that ho did not expect to return. McClaran, who Is an enthusiastic member of the Elks Lodgo says he la sure com ing back to tho city for the big Klks Convention next August. The build ers stated that they had turned ovtr the key of th enow Court House to Sheriff George Humphrey. WKATHEH REPORT For Oregon, probably rain in west, Mr, Runyun Bpoke last ovonlng at .rain or stoow In oast portion; ti,n nova Athletic Club horo nnd had . southwost winds. -- - i high pralso for the work that was be ing done nloiig this line. fresh Maximum yesterday, 38, Minimum today, 15, IN NO NKKD OK .IUIH1KS OR JURIKS OR COURTS IK PHK.SKXT COX DITIOXS CONTINUE TO PRE. VAIL, SAYS JUDGE The pcoplo In Klamath County aro getting mighty good those days, ac cording to Circuit Judge D. V. Kuy kendall, who says that nt tho present rate for behavior there will bo no need of Judges, Juries or courts very long. While thero havo boon no Jury trials here in the Circuit Court re cently, thero linvo been eighteen suits settled out ot court. Two law Biilts were riled and these aio actions of a minor nature. At tho present late tho entire calander would be cleared In ,a few days. A number or those small actions have been settled out ot court or by do-fault. BACK FROM CALIFORNIA. Jack McAuliffe has returned rrom Long; Reach and' other California points, where he tins beon spending a largo part or the winter with his family. . WASHINGTON. D. C, Feb. Returned soldiers and, sailors who want farms may have ''their hopes I realized. If a bill pending before con gress appropriating IIOO'.OOO.OOO for reclaiming Und and establishing set. tlemcnts thereon is passed. So cer-j tain does the passage of the bill seem that the reclamation service, depart ment or the interior, is distributing clrculats-gvlng particulars of the plan and blank applications for land to be filled In by men who- have been in the service and returned to Wash ington D. C. The scheme Is to have the men who desire farms to create them from dry farm land by Irrigation projects, by clearing logged-'off land or by re claiming swamp land. The govern ment will pay ralr wages' for the de velopment br. ''the projects nnd the young farmer will be given opportun ity to develop his farni at the same time. The government does not Intend to give these farms outright to the men, but -it is planned to. have them pay for the land in small Installments covering a long term, of years with interest at the rate or 4 per cent. Stock and farm implements will be furnished oh the same basis. It is proposed that there shall be approximately 100 farms In each project surrounding a town. There will bo good roads, good schools. good markets, good neighbors. For general farming. It is planned divid ing the projects Into farms of 40 to 80 acres each; ror livestock farms from 80 to 160 each; for fruit farms from 15 .to 20 acres each and for truck gardens from 5 -to 20 acres eacfi. Competent instructors iu farm practice will bo stationed by the gov ernment In each aettloment to In struct the farmers. "i (II) the Associated Press) "-- COPENHAGEN, Feb. 28.7TRtotlng broke out anew 4n' Munich on Thurs- I day. Dispatches received today say that three thousand Spartacan' sol- dlers marched to Parliament 'biijld Ings in an effort to force the Djet to proclaim a Soviet republican Bavar- jj t V la. -- PARIS. Feb. 28. It la reported from Munich that the Spartaeans ' have siezed all the public buildings, transportation services and . 'try praxes on which the government bank notes are printed, "' PARIS, Feb. 28. There is no pos sibility of holding the Prlnklpa con ference, according to Andre Tradlu, the French delegates, The Bolshe vikl have failed entirely to comply with the conditions of the. Entente and the Allies have, now in view a new method of restoring order In Russia. COPENHAGEN, Feb. 28. German government troops yesterday occu pied tho town of Hambofn In "the Ruhr Industilal region. After a "right In which many of the Spartaeans were killed, hundred and sixteen were tak en prisoners. FORMER CITY GlRL- HERE ON FURLOUGH IRR GATED CHANGES I r SIXTY AqRE RANCH IN HKART OK KLAMATH UASIN IS SOLD IN A DFIAL JUST COMPLETED. IIRINGS S3,ffuu Tho sale of n ranch hero has Just been completed in which J. W. Straw, a well known county stockman disposes of sixty acres of Improved Irrigated, laud In the Hurrel Short neighborhood about six miles rrom Klamath Falls, to Harry Dooth, who resides In that section. The new owner Is given Immediate possession and will operate his new proporty. The price received wns 15,500.. MERRILL MAN VISITS. E. C. Frailer of the Merrill district Is tiunsactlng business in th4 County Seat this afternoon, -Mrs. W. G Cuslck, who Ms better known to her Klamath Falls irlends by her former name "of Miss Ida Thomas is here for a shoit visit rrom San Francisco. Mrs. Cuslck has been identified with the United States Navy is a Yeomanette and has been working J3 a cable censor. She Is enthusiastic over her work and declares It to be the most Interesting Imaginable She is here on a short furlough. IIS CON STILL LI jAMATH REPORT OF FORMER KLA WOMAN'S DEATH IX HERALD yf:stkriuy proves to error oi officials BE That Mrs. Mary Jackson Conrath, whose death notice by suicide at Stockton, Calif., which appeared In yesterday's Hsinld, was a case of mis-, taken Identity und that Mrs. Conratn Is alive and well at McMlnnville ( the news received from that point ty Klnmath Falls residents today. This will bo welcome news to a large number ot her Klanmth Falls friends. ,..!, m nni l.rinc thomselves to pe Hove In the traBedy that was reported The repot t ot .Mrs. Jackaon. was received iu a United patch yesterday and by an Ao?IMfJ Press dispatch today. The sheriff! offlee here had also been mOIso! the verdict of the coroners JW which found the body to be Mrs. Conrath. - -J! l q