I v. . tff 1' imok rocR THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON WMWBHPAV, KKIimliy 1 IUllTING IN nOHEMIA. . COHUECTIOX. AMSTERDAM., Feb.; 26.--Thcre was severe fighting ori'v Saturday at , Prague the capital of Bohemia In fw.fchlch lhe National Guard' and tlio students drove, the antt government communists from tho public buildings which thoy occupied, according to tho Berlin newspapers. i - The report that Fred Nlckclson ar rived night before Inst with the artil lery bojs from the Eighty First Re-. Kinieni, irui cu iu uu iium ruu "Porky" was with this group and ex. pected home with them, but he Is still tn the east. 0 NOW USED FOR The trouble Ith tho Irish question Colonel House Is one delegate the Is that too man of the Irish people, Versailles Conference will never grow want whnt too many of the Irish peo-. tired Ustorilng lo. Arkansas Gazette pie don't want. Detroit Free Press.1 H ON J Boys Shoes aw Ssv. $bbbbLB The Kind Thai WEAR THEY WEAR WELL BECAUSE THEY'RE BUILT WELL It is hard to keep them ahod with the ordinary play or school shoe But this particular brand of hoys' shoe la made Just U stand that hard usage that only a boy, the red-blooded kind of youngster, cpn give footwear. Only the very toughest cats of the toughest leathers are used, and tho findings, the Ilnjngs, counters, threads, etc., ore se lected with this "hard 'near" In mind We say -these are ' llovs' Shoea that Wear," and we uk that you let your boy put them to tho test. Wide Toe Healthy &hpci for Growing Tcct. SHOES FOR SCHOOL Black Lace Blnehcr Heavy flexible sole, low, broad heel, 8 H to 11 $2.83 Same. 12tf to 2 - $8J Grown-TJp Shapes for Dress-Up Wear. vv DRESS-UP SHOES The Little Men will delight in these grown-up styles. They will please you, too, when you see how neat they look. Prices Go According to Size, ranging from 92.SO to &3.0O ETCry pair of children's shoes we sell Is sold with our "Correct r.ciiiwnTnv r..u nn r..... . III1UUU1UIU41) ri'U. .U. MI1- med blood," one of the rcmarknblo do- velopiticnts of var surgery, was do jbcrlhed today by tho surgeon general's ! office for tho benefit of tho famlllo.i of hundreds of soldiers whoso liv8 were saved by blood transfusion. f)no of the heaviest causes of deith n:nbi,i: wounded soldiers Is hemorrhage. In., mediately after the United State? en tered tho war the medical department began organising to reduce the num ber cf fatilittcs from this cause ' Development of tho uso of "Canned Hood" was a direct result of war con ditions. During a heavy attack it wan impossible to arrange for tranj ft.slcns direct from persons, so Hie flu.'d was drawn previously, stored on Ice tn sterile flasks and used In emergency cases. Where the wound ed man could stand It, a blojj sub stitute was injected which sustained life until he could be removed to a hospital where more direct transfus ion could be employed. SEilSlBE 'FlCE'SII. "rWM hwnn XPENSES W L SHIPS ILL L HOLD ON LIFE BE TREMENDOUS LAUNCHED SOON OAKLAND. 1'oh ?f. March lath Al loon Wlinn fltA K..M..-..I.. I '- " viwi nnniniin ns n vessel In Inuiirim.i ... ' can b put back In rIlro ,! .P"' rod Installed. an, ', J" nourlnc of nmitii.,. .i.... "'H Tho eoncrelu ship omen. ..'" this arrangement nuik i. ..,' a 7,600 tun ii .... IIOMhhs. unlv .w. . 25 per cont oMumber thB ."" Is wasted. ,,nM In only one rpin ,0, Co ship building resemble Mod tD! ' ll.. kat i- I.. II '"l1 turn out three mouths. n ...... ,. ... .. ...... ... ...-, i-..i. r. l'lti. flmmi-liil Mil iMOM. owiizcrianu lorresiiunueiii i.vhio, i vu. -- i .. .... ,.. . ... i .... i u., tin I nil uiiifi nil ii.iiiii.ii-i Associated Press Throe months of tuition of Frame H holng Blum n , "' "' " malic hammer. As tho ennr,... 1 piiiieu . , ""WW! That Is In (ho imn of the unhampered oils attention In the elmmhei of dp- Inn t'' ""I " " ... . - ,....-r..tU shlnliulld. u,"'wo"n' tno fiiujcn ".""""";";:"' ... turn their "rivet Kl unromlttlng industry, rby llulcarlan and Austrian denrudn- titles, whero It will ho .. . . . . ....... - .... .......... - .... ..i.l. .In in i ill' nruKiniii lions or iiuerierouce, nnvo eniiuiuu oi nn micri'ciniwii u ...- - Lruinlri ... ........o in., .iviio'i. iron mi' "njn m in- ' -- ... i i ..r iss.iinrt.tiuii.'siilnliulldlitK Co., on government 000 frnm-s. ullli u-smutH to meut II J Wmi.l lit Oaklaml Imu-r Jwrbor. anil of lSS.OOO.OOO.OOO francs. shoVlng n , tillU-lals of (li rimt-nrn ho Imllt tho deficit of fiatirs ln."F.illir uro conllili'iil. Ill view of tho Addition theto ore oxreptlonnl "c petisus. which will bring tho eitlmat- oil total to 215.000, 000.000 fi.miN nnd deficit iHionthlnR,, the Serbian people to secure a now hold oS llfo. With "the country en tirely free of Invndors, the large peas ant population has succeeded in set ting things In order tn surprising fashion, and conditions should he al most normnl sopn. Large quantities of wheat and oth er staples, which tho shrewd Serbian farmers hid from tho enemy, have re-, appeared. At the moment tho most present prngresi. Hint tho launching will take phiec. on lime, Pouring" of two 7,500 Km oil oiioo.oiio. (orM Wf.m i , liml,i tho qp.1 mnko tho total 000 francs lot this month. This was made rila It Is iccttinod that the expenses for uM xmWf u, mpic, ,)f tho Oflk 11)20 will ho 8,noo.000.0tio 'nines., ,.,....,,.,. r commerce II .la pressjng needs seen, to bo clothing. , ' , bScV w ZtZ ZZ'ZrtZ shoes fuel and agricultural Imple-,,,,. onIj. ,i000,00i0 ,,, The ' r meuts. -.i... i.. ii.nrAr,.,.. I. ..itii- ituiMihh.nl 1 1'1'1' ,M j incuts. Apparently thoru Is plenty of inonoy In the country, some of It hav ing come -from Austrian nnd Oerman soldiers, who. It may be said to their, uoi to bo considered between the l credit, paid for most of the articles they took from the Serbians during Orel launching their occupation.- However, tho Bui- Coe'a Jitney Servlco. Phone 16S L.,1,,,,. i, Bi.iii,i .imiwi Nlfht phone 147 20-10t ,""- " '" ""-; terythlng they required from the ol ! NOTICE , Rebekahs will meet tor practice Thursday night. All members of the team are requested to be present. ' 26-2t BACK FROM MIUTARV CAMP. Fit" guarantee. . ,.....-. .. .1.r' I -,-- , . '.' J. E. Hosklng, former agent for the Standard Oil Company In Klam ath Falls and who has been In the military service for the past few months returned last night from Camp Lewis, where he has received bis discharge. question Is, therefore, being dlsciiM-ed 1 1. Wrnnpli nlinrtnrx whether. UlUlt rrom Oermanj's war contribution, a! The lo.al jniil bus Inlrodured sev new division of war expenses ought i oral Innoiallon In concrcto Milp con struction, chief of wiucit is inn use in ii.,- in ..r.i.,p i.. .luiriimin ninro I'uiilt . ' "ntifreil Iirlck This is mado IIKO- I.VO... W...V. IWIIIW. -- I nbly the burden which, it is loiilend- ordinary brick of a peculiar clay ton- ml. wrlirlis morn heavllx oil FlllllClt, i.iliilni! 11 low tiori'OUtneO of silica. than on the others GERMAN PEOPLE NOT REPENTANT CONDUCT BACK FROM "FRISCO" , "Tut" Weeden, who is well known in Klamath Falls is here for a time from San Francisco. He'reports that the wet and dry Issue Is now the ab sorbing topic with the ' betting lo favor of the wets. Of course a cat may look at a king, but It will have to hurry. Chicago Daily News. ready straitened population, often paid nothing for whnt they took. In the cities most of the stores hnvo no stocks because they sold almost every thlng.to the Austrlnns nnd Germans. Fortunately the harvest last fall was exceptionally good nnd thero probably will be nothing approaching starvation among tho poor this win ter. Tho enemy troops carried off almost every article of value thoy could lay hands on, but they did noil nave time, owing to mo suinicnncss of their retreat, to take with them Is not prepared to say the (lurman more than 25 per cent of tho avail-! people aro bcond redemption. Herb- able grain supply. Meat is abundant, ert Hoover, director goncral of tho though high In -price. Before tho war allies; loon aunuuistraiiou, ucciareu it sold for 6 cents a pound, now it 'in a speech here Saturda) that "there sells'for 56 cents. Largo numbers of l today a total absence of nu oxpres- sheep raised In tho mountains fur- s'on of regret In Ccrmaio " nlsb not only a valuable meat supply! "" 70.000,000 Corami. should but an abundance of wool, which has,h "io tenw of Nlobo for a thous- provided the peasants with tho only. niJ "f w ,"ih a . .., .i. w s . . ... ' tho human misery for which thoy are responsible," said Hoover PARIS, Fob 22 -Declaring ho When subjected to Interno-heat tho 'bricks puff up like popcorn In a pjp- per Tho product looks much like i coke and Is as light The ' puffed brick" then are ground j up and mixed with cement Thus. In t stead of using crushed rock ,as In or dinary roncreto construction, aiioui 10 por cent Is said to be gained In the lightness of tho ship' walls. Another feature Is tho mothod of constructing tho forms Thcso aro Imllt In standardized section and aro hinged with bolts, no that they can ho forced up nnd put out of Iho way I...I iv....m !.. ...,.-. U. u in., niionia nc. .i. i "VIKiflM (in thn .1... rotlu. Tho vibration shakes the cot' croto Into tho snmlut cmnle Tho twn concreln vi.MBi, Imllt on xlnvcrnmout uiuud rtMmkl! meol ships In their lines, being a Jargo advance, It Is asserted, ortrthi "Faith." They will be limncM .ldf. ways, because It has Ih-hh figured , that sending a eonrreln yM1(! ((0 tho. water stern first m attbject It to a damaging twisting ntrala 1-h, boats really 'take a three foot di .Into tho water, the wus bln thU litilnlico otiovn high water. It hn iccn figured out that tlm thrw ftet rop with the shin of the vsm p, !je hrowilslde, subJectH the bot tjtij, minimum of strain l arpading U over m Jarge surface. m - BIG SEAPLANE WITH CREWBELIEVEDLOST WAHIIINtlTON. 1) f. Kb. II Tho nnvy departmuiit Imn announc! thn loss of tho big helpline numUr 3495 with three ciibIkih of the nml rwervo and two niAchlnlsta off th Virginia coast. The seaplane started on a MiM from Norfolk Sunday in. I UWti to rrturn A radio operator rtportrd 'Uitt ho saw a seaplane flung Into tKo water anil disappear No tries of th missing plane or crew hit rtt l.ron found. ice S1 lir Do You Trust Your Druggist as You Do Your Doctor? M-fr-M"sss44tH clothing they have had in tour years. Serbia's clothing. most Even vital need is for. well-to-do persons i He would not iy, llouu-r s.ittl, that l lu ,m, li.. iliiti rtt fli. nlllnil tfi nil. .. Ui.l.l.llii t a. lAnnt nnnnlllt. nli.tl ' reUuuU,.,u.uci, , -"(dcavor ,0 mil(, ,, the Herman pen- The Associated Press correspondent p(e t0 a Mat0 of Ucccnry .. observed nn army omcer of high rank Qno 0, U)e flr8t remr.0lw ,ll0 dressed in a skirt mado of flour sacks, i Gc) 8,ould b0 compollod to The little clothing that may bo bought makC( he Ball ls the (11ck roturn i Is held at prohibitive prices. The or-.actual cattle of the dairy herds stolen dlnary peasant working costume costs from Frnnco nnd IJolgluiu, because $150, shoes 50, underwear of poor of the dependency of the robbed poo- quality $25, and thread Is priced at plo upon dairy stork. A consignment of ,old . i 1 X X t g. I t f V V f f ?? AnA,.nntnnf SMtflmf New For lie Woven tf Klamath FiHs :: A rnpiilar-l'rlrcil lint Depart ment. I'nlrliiimrd Hlinpra. I'rlic. $1.15, IS.IA, f'J.OA W.M Nothing .nor 9.1.00 Saturday, March 1st Wo also have n full nrw Use of ' ' HAT IIIIAIDS ;; and ' ' riisr.ii.-i Saturday, March lit Martin's 5-lX)-15-25c Store H-44444H ; , - t -.-- 3 ' J ir &' r4. -i, : ?r -. : xr g - You have confidence in your doctor and are willing to take any med icine which he prescribes. But you don't always know what is ordered or how it has been handled by the druggist You should ,thevefore, select a regular druggist whom you may trust as faithfully as you do your physician. Every possible safeguard is placed around our Prescription Depart ' ment .. ". ' " We provide the most expert service, use drugs of known purity and' employ a checking system which insures accuracy in every instance. $?. a spool. clothes from the Buffalo, N. Y., chap ter of the American ,lted Cross, val ued at home at $72, was appraised at. K. P. MKIITS. The K. P. Lodge will meet Wcdnes. rinvn(chf nt 7t!tl nt thn Indeo ronton $1,500 by a-merchant In the Plrot when tho rank of esnulro Is to be put 1 district, xvherc tho lied Cross is car- on and other Important business Iran-, . , ,, .,1, Thn llnrTn!n'aCted It Is ro(iicfitcd tbut all mcm-i rylng on relief work. The Uuffalo Q Ujo or(,or ljQ J)rM(,nt (i, (hl supplies were distributed on Christ m0etlng C. V LOW', C C 25-2t , mm Hhv ml broueht hannlneso to - - I many homes. FORCED TO TOIL. "You used to hate work." , "I. hate It yet," replied Plodding Pete, "But I'm goln' to keep at It. If you get In the habit o' lonfln' now some member of the I. W. W. Is lia ble to step up any minute an' call you 'brother.' " Washington Star. " TOOL LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED A single rurfabout buggy , In good condition; must be reason able. Address Dox 214, Klamath Falls. 26-tf LOST Auto chain, between top of " Third street and Eleventh street reclamation brldgo or on Ninth street. Iteward. BtarDrug. 26-lt Age firings Windum. A salesman was selling a bedroom clock to a girl. "1 recommend this clock with Its illuminating tattiichmunt to HwltcliJ on," ho snld, "It's a very good thing to tell whnt time your husbann comes home, you know." "But 1 haven't got n husband." said the girl. "Oh, you will have homo day,"j said the salesman, "Yes, but not that Kind of a hus band," said tho girl. Then It was that tho mlddlo-agcd woman stopt forward "My dear child, they're all tli.ij kind," she said. "Young man, I'll take, that clock." Baltimore Ameilcan lI'lBBBBVSisifftf' l 14iSHSHHH0Bsy 1 YOUR BOY DrorrvcM a chance .t nijuj bat' first hcriweda n giMl piano lo practice on. W bcllere that r have thj Dlano oh want at tho price aad terms jou ran afford to p)"i SHEPHEJRD'S PIANO DEPOT Pianos Records Victrolas One Thing Is Certain! You can trust us as to Purity, Accuracy g r and Price 5 tn m Underwoods mm I n W W K KLAMATH FALLS OREGON gi 1 11 V WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE lfc)I -vw ftiigff V I BUY THtIR DRUGS lAAgLgAAvl x j OUR CUSTOMERS NEVER FOUND IT NECESSARY TO PAY A BIG, FANCY PRICE AT THIS I STORE FOR SHOES The success of our business was built on Standard Quality at Popular Prices. Our Stock of Spring Styles for Men and Boys has arrived We would be pleased to have you inspect them before you buy. THE MODERN SHOE STORE ' GEO. W. BRADLEY, Mgr. 727 Main St. 2fc THE jewel: CAFE Is the plane to eat because your food is cooked to suit your-taste. 'Try it and be convinced ' , JESS BAILY, Prop. Phone 185 010 Main St. ; i . -. i ,, i Illllllll331232iail3:illlllllllllllllllllllll t A , ' !. . trK.Ht N,