TAOK TWO The Evening Herald K. J. M V R It A V EDITOR Published datljr except Sunday by "Tho Herald Publishing Company of Klaruath Fnlls, at 115 Fourth street Entered at the poslofflce at Ktani- am rails, uro. ror transmission itrujfor ,he dlTeiopment of the Klamath L Subscription terms by' mall to any the interests and dividends of the Cal addrcas In tho United States: ' itomla-Oregon Power company? Agl- Ono year , . 5-9l tators? Yes. It that Is what agitator Ono month .50, ., ,.... ..., u . - ; Member of llie AMclatcd Ircs The Associated Tress is exclusively entitled to tho use for republication of all news dispatches .credited to it' or not otherwise credited In this pa-l per, ana niso local new ruiii8nciitaccriCTed wi.h The Herald. He wasi UCre.n. j All rights of republication of spe- clal dispatches heroin are also re.. served. SATUItDAY, FEnntTARV 22, 1010 THF. I.IXK RIVER RAM. i no nas ine jnieresis oi mo uau ou-i j era at heart head the District board. ! As we expected, Mr. Bradbury! He refused, voting for himself In 'or-j quite conclusively proved that the.der to secure the office of president.! charges, made against him by Mr. Of-i He has been urged to save the power! field, were unfounded. Air. Bradbnryj to the project, and he replied by call lijis shown himself In this matter to j(nK them agitators. In this very word be working solely for the best Inter-' hc has summed up his real views on ests of the people the farmer whojthis. queatton ana has stamped hlm lias to foot the bill. i,f . m,n .hn .hnnlrt h kicked Continuing our reference to Mr. Of field's "Fourth" reason why the J contract with the Tower company should not be tested, we want to call your attention to, he second pira srraph thereof, wherein he says: "If here is any water power which belongs to the Klamath Project, It Is of vital interest to the units which irrigate by pumping and not by grav- ana not oy grav-i Ity flow-. whlcV as I said before, is nil the Reclamation l.aw ever' prom-1 ised US." Air. Offietd's legal erudition is quite remarkable for a layman. - Re markable from the fact that his con clusions are always against the men who put him In office and fho sup- posed' that while he, was there he! holders of the district. If the votei would work to find the law that pro-' to test the contract Is what we anticl-' totted their rights and not the Uwjpate it js going to be, we shall Insist! that took them aivay. Evidently bejon thls nroerara. and these gentlemen i lias been drinking from the legal pool IttA laoml ryl t that fills the mind with peculiar ideas ,ns to the administration of a trust. If, as he suggests, the power Is only of value and interest to the man who irrigates through pumping. It is not a pretty narrow, selfish view to tak of it? Is he not worthy of help? Is it not the duty or Air. Offield and every man in Klamath County to help that man get his power, and the wa-j ter. under the very best, .tne very cheapest, the most convenient con ditions and terms? Think of the man,! who for decades has been waiting , ,n nrovlTi fnr ir'rlt!nn tn ho InM now tnat mere is a cnance oi ms realizing his dream; "Don't bother lis with your troubles, we have wa ter for our land." But ts It not of interest to the man ..... . . ... ' who irrigates his land by gravity flow a selfish Interest? He owns the power. He paid for it, no matter what'Air. Offield, or the Reclamation Service, or anyone else says. He will have that power to sell" Who will buy It and in buying It help pay back to the farmer the outrageous cost. he paid to get hU gravity flow? ,W1I1 not the man who irrigates- his land by pumping be an important factor in this matter Is lie not deserving of consideration from a business stand point? The landowners must not lose sight of the fact that the power Is .; going to pay back to them the money they have invested'. They must not -i. bo swindled out of this Idea as some are trying to swindle tbem out of that power. It Is worth as much to ' the farmer as it is to anyone or any , corporation. It will earn for them , the same dividends. And these dlvl-' dends will do for them what they i aro today doing for the farmers un der the Salt River Project pay the cost of construction, .maintenance and operation. I He says further: "If anyone should fight over power. It Is the people who will use It and will huve lo pay. for It. and these peo- pie are not Included In the Irrigation District-, If the proposed dam at the head ot LinK utver is a Daa tning, tei tboso who "are directly Interested do the fighting. The lieraia ana a lew chronic agitaters: In and around iV,"""";,"?" ",Vh r , nr ociico v . ,m - w w the wilderness." That Is a fine argument for a man who Is supposed to represent the in terests ot the farmers of the Klamath project. In this Instance the Herald Is glad to be found among the agltat- ore. It Is glad to bo numbered with. the men who are righting to save the' people that for which they have paid.' that which they own and which, witn. """6. tho direct aid and assistance of AIr.ln,atIsm B Offield. certain Interests are trying to turn over to the California-Oregon Tower company without a dollar of consideration. Would It not look better for Mr. O CI eld to be found In such company? Would he not feel better as he trleO to close his eyes In sleep. It he did so with a conscious- ncss that he nau oecn wun me men and the newspaper that was working Dasln and not for the development of means mai eimuci. uuun.iutu ir; joring, is an honor, nml If it -were he-; ilng hurled at Mr. Offleld he would' j have no reason to hang his head In shame Mr. Offield has no reason to f eel . .. , ... .. l,l,t '"" r,u'- '""""""-' "' '"" self right before the men who trusted him sufficiently to elect him to the board of directors. He was nsked toj Jet the district join In tho suit to test I the contract. He was asKea 10 stepi aside and let the man who has shown! off the board. He has cast aside ev ery consideration they may have had for him and flung In their faces tho confidence they reposed ln him. If he has any self-respect left, he will resign, or at least turn the presidency of the board over to Mr. Bradbury. He is the man whoNhould make this fight, and Air. Offield and Air. Mar-. -" t shall must -not mtenere witn mm tn. doing so. He must have full swing. wlth all of the help and assistance the district shall give him, and to! that end he must name his assistants j and have full control. He will thenl have the responsibility, and he alone i will be accountable to the stock-1. ... . . i . might Just as well adjust themselves to It now. Already they have become liable under their bond for heavy damages, and if they do not want toj face legal proceedings, they must cease their efforts, to keep the farm ers from recovering their property, or take the consequences. STRAHOR.V HERE DURING ALIRCH. Robert E. Strahorn, builder of the Klamath Fills Aiunicipal rairoad to 'Dairy and of the projected Lines Ihrnin throughout eastern, Oregon, Is ex pected here from' Spokane about the middle of Alarch, according to a let ter received by J. W. Siemens. This will be the first visit of Air. Strahorn in several months. CONTRACTING IN CONCRETE Cement Work of all Kinds and Roofing Let Me Make You an Estimate W. D. MILLER Contractor RCII PAIN, SORENESS AND STIFF NESS RIGHT OUT WITH OLD "ST. JACOBS LINIAIENT" Kidneys cause headache? No! They have no nerves, therefore can not cause pain. Listen! Your back- ache u caused b. iurabago, sciatica . . . auIckest relIe l3 " TlliTJ'l IV?. "St Jacobs LI- v...ib, hi""ii niment" Rub It right on the ache or tender spot, and Instantly the pain, soreness, stiffness and lameness dis- "P - "-n't tX "ippled! Get a small trial bottle 3f "St. Jacobs Lini ment" from your druggist and lira bur up. A moment after It Is applied you'll wonder what became of the , backache, sciatica or lumbago pain, '.'St. Jacobs Liniment" stops any pain at once. It Is harmless and doesn't hum or discolor the skin. It's the only application to rub on a weak, lame or painful back, or for sciatica, neuralgia, rheu- prains or a strain. Adv. H THE EVENING P ERSONAL LITTLE fURKLlOHTS ON I.OCAL HAI PKNINOS A.MONO THE PEOPLE OK THIS CITY AND VICINITY. COINOS ANU COMINOS OP LOCAL FOLKS IL R. Hugg Is here on business from - ew York. Dr. O. F. Demorest Is here on bus iness from Merrill. ; A. K. Weber Is a business visitor . In Klamath Falls from San Francisco. , I Thomas At. Taggart and tJeorge ; WeA, are recent, arrival-, from Port - I land. J. W. Ward left this morning for . short visit with.' Dunsmulr after a f-ulitlvrw, Imra ." . tokln after buslnesslnterests from San Franctsco today, H OUSTON' s Metropolitan Aniusrnients HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE OAXCIXO SATURDAY KVKXIXG JAZZ MUSIC STAR THEATER Artcraft lresents DOUGLAS KAIRIIAXKS "UK CO.MES UP SMILING" A Story filled with Unusual pep, and I.otH of Athletic Stunt. Alo 'I'wo Reel Comedy And Ration Holme Travelogue. SUNDAY & .MONDAY. Goldtvyn lyesmta MADGE KENNEDY "THE SERVICE STAR" Story of a Slacker who built hi own priMtii. Also a llray Ilcto- grapli and Burton Holmes Travelogue. " AirniLvion 10 & 23 cents. Show Starts 7:30 and 0:15. TEMPLE THEATER SEE EDDIE POLO In "THE LURE OF THE CIRCUS" i One of the Greatest Serials ever pro t duced. You see Everything that ' was ever in a circus. Taken and produced by Circus actors. j Also JOHN BARRYMORE. I "In The Alan From Mexico" A Laugh From Start to Finish. SUNDAY Ji MONDAY Triangle Present. ROY STEWART In "CACTUS CRAND.VLL" A Genuine Western Comedy. Also Hearst Patlie News Latest Current Events. Admission 10 & .15 raids Alalince 2.30. Evenings 7:30 & 0. racruuLL urLnrt nJVOE SIOTION PICTURED TUESDAYS AXD SATURDAYS j Merrill, Oregon LIBERTY THEATER "THE BEST IN PICTURES" H. W. POOLE, Owner TONIGHT Mr. Arnold Daly "MY OWN UNITED STATES" The Story of "A Man Without a Country" Mutt and Jeff ft , Hearst New, Current Events SUNDAY AND MONDAY Matinee and Evening "THE CA1LLAUX CASE" The Scandal that Rocked Two Continents VSiiiSV Admission 10c and 20c- A child accompanied by par ent admitted free with a 30c ticket, ewrept Saturday night and Sunday night. HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON MENTION ' K. E. Urndbury was a county seat visitor yesterday from his ranch In tho Klamath Uasln, iio- cinrnr.M ii.,n.. i.rt , Miss Florence Hradlej left on he train this morning for a. short visit with friends at Oorrls. J K Paililnrk l lnoktnp nffiti- tins. I ,,,, ,,... ,n , rnlv , ' !from ,he Doninu gcclion I Mr A. P Pnnriiv wai n T)AMn. r M moml for Wecd whrc ., ,. , ,, . .. ..... Situ v':vw iiirv nuvit iaiw John S. Gardner was among the train arrivals last night from Houo. ' lulu. He Is stopping at the Hotel Hall. , Chas. 11. I.eech Is among the city. business visitors today from Portland, i ( t i. .i.,i . ,, tvt.ii.. n..ii,( tHe Is stopping at the White Pelican Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Looslcy are In tno city lor a snort vlsu irom .Moma-1 i gue. They are guests at the White , Pelican Hotel. Air. and Mrs. B. Hundley were pas- jscngers on tho train thU morning, nm' H'n streets. ' I for Seattle, where they expect to re. I Sum,a-V BehX :0m' j "main in tho future. Lutheran services nt tho Baptist t ,,-.., .,... t . 4i.i church, corner Eighth and Washing-1 ! Mrs. Austin White left this morn-,on al ..30 p m Hov M Uoi)smn , Jing for Weed California, where she! pastor, resldenca 137 First street. , expects to visit for a week with her Sermon subject, "The Word of sister Airs. II. E. Caldwell. (God." i , Sunday nchool ut 2:00 p. m. i Luke Walker was a passenger this i ' morning for Sacramento. He will Presbyterian Church. Pine street., .....i . .... i ... 'near Second. Rev. E. P. I.awreiice' attend to matters of business 'nere nastor and In San Francisco before return-l Sabbath school at 10 a. m. tng. i Interesting cartoons at 9 -50. i ; Airs. Herbert Phillips was a passen ' ger on the train this morning for Oakland and San Francisco, where she expects to visit for the next three ! weeks. Ivan Kllgore Is In town from An telope in the. southeastern, part of the County. Air. Kllgore reports a fine lot of moisture In that section durinc the Dast three weeks. Dave Lennox, proprietor of the "Shasta" was" a passenger this morn ing for Chlco. He expects to go to San Francisco before returning and ' plans to be away about a week. Aflss Lorinda AI. Sauber. who has been employed for some time past iif the office at the Klamath Agency, J : left this morning for College City and ' other California points on a visit. REWARD! Five dollars will be awarded tor I the best suggestion for a new fun . making feature for the Mardl Gras. ' All ideas for aiding fn a good, whole- some time are solicited. Address re ' plies to postoffice box 214. city. K-6t ARNOLD'S Chili Con Came and Tamales NOW OPEX 21 IE. 6th. Solicit Home Trade This Theater now properly Heated and Ventilated. Fumigated every night AT THE CHURCHES NOTICE In order to Insure pub llcatlon, copy for church announce ments must be ut The Herald olllce not later than Friday otenlng. Sacred Heart Church, corner Silt and High streets. Ilev. Hugh J. Alur shall, pastor. First Alass at 5 a. m. Parish Mas at 10:30 a m. Uenedlctlon, 4 p. m. , Third Sunday, Mass at S a. tn. only. Thnl Sum,. ut Morr ,, ' Coufeslons beforo services, first! ' Friday at S a. m. and 7 3n'p. m ' Tho Christian Science Society of) Klamath Falls holds services at 113 Fourth street every Sunday morning at It o'clock and every Wednesday! evening at 7:30. All are welcome. The subject of lesson for Sunday,' February 23, Is -.Mind." Tho Sunday school session Is from 9:45 to 10:45 every Sunduy morning. Tho free reading room and free' lending library Is open from 2:30 to 4:30 on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. i .. .. .. . , ... , , First Baptist Church, corner Wash-1 ,ngUm am K(.hll J arlmh pastor. ; DeUpVrlntcndent Sunday school at 10 a. in., C. II. Preaching it II i, m. All are cordially Invited to worship' with us. Emanuel Baptist Church, KleVenth Alorntng service ut 1 1 a. m j ject, "Saving and (living " Hub- fcveiiing nervlce will be a mass meeting for women and girls ut the! Alethodist church at 7:30, and men men and boys at the Christian church. Girls and boys 12 years of age and over will be admitted. Dr. A. A.! (Soule. Alayor Struble and Itev. E. P. Lawrence will address the men. ind Dr. Alassey and Rev. Slmpnon Ham ' n. M....t nn.t n.... i-t... ........ ti ... f r,clt wl11 address the women. Kvery 1 citizen interested in a clean city Biiuuiu ue in aueuuuncr. Alethodist Episcopal Church, Tenth and High. Rev. Simpson Hamrlck, pastor. 1117 East street. Phone 67W. Sunday school at 10 a. tn. Aire. Roy King, superintendent. The Rally Day program has boon postponed one week, r .Morning service at 11 a. m. Sub ject, "Intercession. Epworth League at 6;.10 p. in. Airs. Templer leader. Subjoit, "Tlia Reconstruction of Europe." At 7:30 will be a union serrio for women and girls from "12 years nnd up. Dr. Alassey and Rev. Hamrlck will speak. It all women come. See Cliilcote Smith for Are, life, accident nnd health Insurance. A:lil Main street. . 24 Waterloo Boy Gas-Kerosene Tractors We will soon receive a car of Waterloo Boy Gas-Kerosene Tractors. Wait for Demonstration. BALDWIN HARDWARE COMPANY "THE HOUSE OF QUALITY" MUtDKR CRAIIOKR TO (iKKMAN PRESIDENT. WKl.MAK. Feb. 22.- Provisional President Frederick Kbort nml Philip Scheuermann were nicused "f the murder of Karl LelbkneCht and Rum Luxemburg, radical lender, In un ad dress before tho national luwimbly here by Herbert Hunne High Grade Ladies'.& Men's Clothes MADE TO ORDER FINEST MATKIUAUH REST OF WORKMANSHIP 1.ATKST STYLES PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED Prices are very reanoimble Your luir-tlm Invllrd Chas. J. Cizek MKItCtlANT TAILOR MM Mitln HL RICCKAIU) RENT 8URVICE Plinne 30 Mght Phone a IB WORSE THAN DEADLY POISON GAS Kidsry iIIjciup it im rmiwrtor uf ii-r-lom. It nltiirk. jumijt nml nlil ullk In uiott rnri ,r tlrtlm In wnrnnl jit ttiespiiMRthllif ilr.ngrr. Nnturx rlicbtit Imck. llrndBclic, IKtgp.iloii, liiiuiuuiln, Unie back, liimbu.ii. xdiitiiH, tlnMiuin tiiu, pain In lint Julin nml lower nli dtimrn. dlfUrulty in tirliinting, nil nrr indication of truul! tirtivlne In yuur kldaeyi. When micli sytiiptnms at'l"r yon will ImiiKt oTlnlnly liml iinnk ri-lirf in OOI. D AICD.VL Ilnarlcm Oil C,iuU. TliU fnnioim nlil riMiidlr lnu kIhihI tlif tet fur two humiri'il ).-nr in liolp ins mankind tu fin lit off ili-iia. It Is iintiortrd illrrit from tin- liiimo lnlxirntnrii't in Hullnnil. ulivri- It lun lirlpcil tci iln dop tin- Diil.li Into unu f tlm stiirillrst nnd lirnltliifnt ram in the world, nml it may lie (mil nt almost every ilnnr atore. Yo'ir niiimy iirnniptly ri-fumlrd If it ilm- rt n-llcvi- yiiii. He mire tn get the elm I no (iOl.l) .MKIUL'llrnml. In nejled im.-t- I -r. i-iree ntzea. Saturday, ieiiruary ua, II)B ! ! ! : , ' Quality Drugs... It lin't ot'oiioiii)-and It Imi'I vle to buy mi) thing but I lie Im-.I In ilrugt, Wo tint i'. stained thi r. Ililcpcv uf our rilitntiirn ,y si'lllnit drug of the Iiuu.,t cimllty only. You uuiiiot buy nny other Itlml ,rr0i mid you tiro idtvuji ,fo nml .lire Hint, nothing u llir liet driigM ulll i ,,,, In ilil. .lore. V KLAMATH TALLS OHU.Oti V?l 'K3X3 a kfHVA MOk , II " CtWl CttTIl -a -:o-'c-fl-,-:"..A I Cabinei- Shop 10 Main Street General Turn I turn Itopnlrlnif at HojimuiaIiIp Prlie KITCHEN CABINETS n Spoiinlly A. MauriUch ' s'M"-4'HK-:H" Motors and j Pump, I For n't Irrigation m'umiii xlinuld be ordered nmv ,ln onlrr to get the prop er eiiilpini'iit nml I n mi re delltrry la , time, m lowest rout. Let u- linlall j your piiinpliig plant. j YOU WANT - j YOUR MOTOR ItKJIlT i YOUR PUMP RIOIIT YOUR INSTALLATION ItKillT THAT WILL STAY RIOIIT ' Place your order ullli im, mid you 1 know you arc right. ' (i'imm! t'liginerriiiK nnd luatnllatlont l Mivm niiiiiiitl rtpniNo ,nnd gitm bet ter clllclency... Enllmiitr furnlnlied. Link River - Electrical Co. I 7th nml .Main Sis. nMfcrwootfsPhariiwy V'v . KLAMATH TALLS OPEMJn V?l BtATCHFORD'S CALF AND LAMB MEAL- Cq' M feteF"dseedss A