R OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY rJ "irteenth YcnrNo. 3,S5g llR THINKS HERS POWER mjiJEuettlng OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH FALLS IS TOO GREAT Bclivei StockynrcU Should Be Out of Their Control REPORTS TO WILSON Kmbuum Opinion 'Hint llrro In a Growing nitil Uniijsrroun IHmilnti IM of the NhIIoh'i FomUtufTn" Hit Ihxr Ni'l Inil'l) WroiiK-lfciliig vn I'srl of IIIk I'.iiKim. WASHINGTON D C . Feb. SO. A (onlltlrntl.it report mudo tu 1'renl dent Wilton by Herbert C. Hoover six n('Blh hfo on llio IiIk meat puckers iu nude public today by ilia food idmlolitratloii ut the dlrocilon of tlio Preildent, "In establish I ho real post lion of Mr limner mid the fomt ad mlnUtratlon on iliu control of thu Chlfico packing Industrie." In ro ctot (truing before congreimlonal committee wUiiomes for llio Hvmt itock men charged collusion between Mr. Hoover and Din flvo leading ptckeri. In the report,-In response to n re qoMt from the President for his tIiwi on thn recommendations of the federal trade roinmliolon, Mr. Hoover uM h reaffirmed h In opinion given tcsily a year before thut "horn U a frowlnc and dancerou domination of the nation' food tuff ," and np- proved lomr of the ((inimkiloirit pro poml. Ilo recommended conntrucllvo rc-plitlon rather thuti stretching KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1919 poctlon, mid hundreds nf i.u.i hoitntiH tliAt lira not subject to Itmpnc' mini nil inrgi) emm nave packing house thnl enmpoti) directly with thn flvo largcut, Home of their rnp. ron0ii(tttlvcM appeared nt thn hearings In Washington nnd stated thnt thoy wero prospering, and thnt thero wbh fnlr and opon competition In tho In dustry. I hnvo publicly stated that w have no serious objection to bolnr miinvn.i of our Intnrests In rflfrlgarntor ears nnd stockyard. Hut wo hnvo point oil out thnt It la dccldndlv niu.ntl.m. nblo whether nty ofllcloncy or bonoflt can lin gained by such procedure. Wo would hIno cull attention to thn fact thnt during tht recent lmnrinm n.. ptii. ni-ouiug correction, have buen brought to light In connection with packer ownomhlp of thoso fncllltlei. I qulto nrrco with Mr. Hoovor thnt there In no ronnon for tlio government to lake over tho branch hou of iim pnekor. but I do not fool thnt tim riant comldorntlon ha been given to tho question of handling other pro ducu than moat, Hwlft Compnny handle only n few such products, nnd thoy nro dlMinrtly related to our buslnc, either n by-product of the packing holme, or nn nooiln which con bo economically haudlnd through our extensive distributing orgaulza-tlon, I hnrdly think thnt tho Kovorniuont ahould luiumo authority to dictate wnnt products nny hunlnn concern inn yor muy not handle There Ih nm only no need for such n mop In con noctlon with thn parking tnmluenn but It would act nn a dangerous prece dent which might bo oxtonded to nil other InduKtrlcit, It U n little dlltlcult for mn to roc oncllo Mr. Hoover' criticism of thn fnrt that tho largo pnekern huvo ollm- innieti minaiemen nnd Rono direct to I II I III I 1 1 1 Ml I 1 1 iiiimrr nr im.h ii UURNEO Of -I DflDie TDinrnv I fllllu I ilfluLU I ' MKIIIIVMAN BIM, IS WITHDIIAW.N. BA!,KM, Keb. 20, (Special) Houie bill number 430 will not eome before the house for adop- tlon. The IIouso Committal on Public Lands In working on a bill to submit the ranen nunx. n m I him ittunii iuun rrcmier More Seriously Hurt "on to the voters of Klamath County. Why can't tho cottlo 7Msm of OFFIELOBUG OOICK -DEHL - Price, 5 cent Than First Supposed BULLET ENTERS LUNG men and sheep Interest got to getber and settle this question isk lun R. E. Bradburv Amwir Head of Water Uteri OftU 801 ISSOE IS IP. (Vlt'hrntrO I'ntlrnt Han ,o Krrrr To- iln) mill Condition Ia lrrlarnl Hat Ufartor) Wax Hhot In Nliottldrr Ywtwtlny MoruliiK Way to Con fer Willi AinrrlcanN. LONDON. Keb. 20. The I'oace ( onferenre nt I'nrU Lris decided to u Ijourn as n lesult of the nhootlng i Tremlor Wemciictiiu. according to a dispatch received today from Paris, PAIUS, Keb. 20. Kx-ray eiamloa- Hlfl rfllllltn! b'lll. II.M MftM-.l ll..l ...v .v.hi.i). n.lll IIIU KUIIU HI IIIIIUIUH' .1.. . . .. .. - . . thnt tnarkntlne .t.nnl.i t. .. .ur,lwn owcil Hint the Dullet which as possible from producer to consum-. "n,,"1 I'ronilcr Clcmenceau, peno- cr. I think It will be conceded that trnted his lunK-t. i nnvn aiuninni,oii unnecessary middlemen thin has been to tho nd viintngn of llio publla nt largo. liince thorn Is no mononolv. tho fuels do -not Justify thn statement that 'us time goos on this efficiency ennnot fall to diminish, and, Ilka all monopolies, begin to defend Itself by repression rather than by efficiency.' As long us thu largo pdekors hnvo to usn their utmost efforts In competi tion wjth each' other and with hun dred or smaller concerns to earn their" profits of only two or three cents on unrli dollar of sales, there U no room for u falling off In omrjency.f but that his condition today Is satis However, I welcome such slncoro factory Illa.Hneretjirv cum u. pSLS's? Mra: vjz: ,vtn,cmonl ,o ,h,s ef,e'ct nml mil- l-l.lnl.,r. ...! .. " momlllR. lempornry war powers of thn Rovorn-8,ftn,l our business much moro thor-J sent, and expressed the belief that" "" .' '""" "."' uu ,,ow' "ularo '""y ik.,iA"in-ii. .. .i .i i . i . nr" ,n n Position to undertaka ro- lbtdoffllutlonorihopackari-dlilnot.,irlctlva regulation. Bwlft & Com nwemrlly Imply wrong doing on pnny has voluntarily appeared before tuelr psrt. but was tho mttural out-'congressional committees to rIvo such PAIU8, Keb. 20. Premier Clora oncenu who was shot In the shoulder yesterday by Kmllo Cottln, the anar chist, was in satisfactory condition this morning, and had no fever. Tho Premier who wbh shot yester day morning ss ho was about to en tor bs cob to go for a conference, was at first declared to be only slight ly Injured. Reports today however, declurc that he was seriously hurt between themselves. Other wise I fear that there will bo a statewide herd law. George T. Baldwin. The above telegram was re ceived In the Herald office Just ts the paper was going to press. Tho attention of tho stockmen and others Interested In the welfare of the county Is called to (he Intimation by the sen ator that there Is tho possibil ity of the passage of a stato wldo herd law. This law would be a calamity, and It Is to be hoped that tho local stockmen Will get together Immediately and reach some agrcoment that will take this matter out of thn hands of the legislature, lest remaining there It may bring out that dreaded of all meas ures the herd law. Everyone Is unalterably opposed to a herd f law, and nothing must be left 4 undone to put a stop to the en- aetment of such a law. 4 REFUTES STATEMENTS Director llradbnry Asscrtt That He Was Not n Party to SIkiiIhr Con tract Which Ixt I'oncr llightn to Corporation Treat Other Htatc nicutM in Detail. PRISMS Information its In desired. Wo huva nothing to conceal. All we want Ih1 an opportunity to get tho facts boforu tho. public, nnd when this hns boon1 accomplished, wo shall rely on tho HACK KHOM CKNTRAIi lOIST. rosth "of various fnctors which teed correction ' Mr. Hoovor accepted as economic nil; nound the federal trade coinmls lon'n recommendation regurdlng fed ml control of animal and refriger ator enr nervlec, nnd said stockyards hould do "entirely dlsiissocldted from the control of tho packers." Hu contended, however, that wrong prac H between buyers and sellers ould not bo corrected by tho gov ernment controlling or ownlne vnrHn. "I'owiiliisllnrt. Mr. Hoover wild. I on Mr 0b,mclmln' MiwlBii federal ownership of thoHOI,, ln0th" Pcker branch houses mid cold stor- ' '" na reiious facilities. Going htonipects of the packing Industry! "i covered by the trade commission, be mid: u niiuu ruiy on inui sense of fair play of tho American, linAnlii a m liull kIiM.. In. il...l ..t ' ,111 i VM Iilr SMT1M KHOM MINHTRKIi THE ANNUAL AND OIVK Mr. and Mrs.. Bliss Obcnchaln and ( Mr.nnd Mrs. Jeff Wilson have ro-. turned fiom Central Point, where I thoy went for birthday surprlso HIIOW t MU8IHAL COMEDY FOR ENTER TA1NMENT OK PRIKNDM and Mrs, Wll- TRAIN ipJ!iprn,,'r l,,,:'l"'lrH could bo ox k? m,niMr ,,"r lftrK"r ",wnM- VMi' rsnn..h ,,!,"",cl""1 '"!'. nnd tho op. xliinm. ,,lorft"1 I'rolwiod Tom llio "mm J0"":"1"10". 'Jlove thoy :.0"lnul. l' succeed, but would ton f "mi,1,tu "'n "wnl Producr "ould r h. Ml "n'"mlH Ono ofroct trlcMh V?1"1 MabllUatlon of iSaii i ,? Uly ll,'l'lcnt upon a raH group of buyers." -Mf. lv. P flwlfi. proHlifont of Hwlft "t-ompany, miiiln tim rnti.iwin. .. J.llh rugnr,) to Mr. HoovVh1. 0 BEEF SHIPPED I i ' HALK.M, Keb. 20. The Ocogon Stato PrlBon Players' Club (S plan- ulng Its annual entortalnmont, and, I different from tho annual minstrel show of past yours, It this year takes I tho form of n musical comedy In two I nets, to bo given tonight nud tomor row night. I Tho purpose Is not only to give a high grndo entortalnmont for the In mates nnd frlonds of the prisoners. "" " " j but .also to raise funds for the proper FIFTEEN CAIIH OF IIEEF GO TO a"ll""ont t tho prison baseball , toum. The muslcul comedy chosen KAN FKANCIMM) 9IARKETS. for tho ontortalnmont. "Tho Midnight AUK PICKED UP IN DIFFERENT Cbnroi," will bo presented by pro- . fosslonul ontertalnors now In the In- I'AIITH OF COUNTY stltutlon. In tho published program a noto cnlls attention to the former ' Inmates who sorvod In the American A Irntti Innil nt Klnmntli f!mmlv n.niv In tit.. unrltl wnr ahaIIawm Iii.. . '" "r Jioovnrs. -" - j "- ...-.- -- -- .--. ""pr to thn Pn.ui.i..... .... ..' . i benf wim uliliinml In thn Wnstorn i ' industry "I ' """! Moat Company yesterday, by George ' , "In the .original t"t usoMn a wm. . ...,i.,nn. inrnt i.i.vor. Fif. 2. No, 7. tho company drinks la-honor 'urn nntiuiiiv ...i i . . .'. . j 'ho8 w,1 woro fortunate cnougn uu ui nu- n have tho onnortunuy to leave irom George Of- within these walls and rally to our Tinrklnv nnn colors on forelcn Bell. Almost 100 l iiiiiui itiiu ' lbi n u mrtjw ih.iii . --- MPMlonnf i.iii.i, i .u? BonMl car- Dr o o Mitchell six cars and mon from this Institution gave a good '"I hou i . ,. ' "" i"101" ' Pack- " Ur' - "V""' , x ""I. . account of themselves, some of whom ih.i ...B """iitlon, am oniv anrrv. four cars from dlfforcnt owners In .i, .. .,i- h.i,. i. . hi. :- "in iKiov.,r i,...i ..;..' .. ,niunnti ..... -...-........ lunlty to aviiii 1 1 ''inn oppor- me j-ort Kiamatn aisirict, I groat war of world freedom "intlon bm, ;.. """ or mo inror- . BEL OFF ON EONO TRIP PASTOR OF SACRED HEART CHURCH LEAVES FOR EXTEND ED TOUR. PLACE FILLED HERE IY LOS OATOS DIVINE Is ft "J"nt,,';'Hy greatly Inlorostod toon rnrs woro shlppod on d,t, which0 w0Iirl,l, '.""J-, cured from tho following. matinn i. -.'"." "'" lonal Z r."Ut !" th0 rocent co ."'"" iiearlnvH ii iunui.i. nrf .V ".' ""I Ihoro III n mnnnnnlt. I debt to soeloty paid?" Is their lnl I be imn i. ro '" a monopoly -..'. Oa0n It W.TH Pit,,.-!., .!...' Ur r-X " 'r.nB,'ihrrtta "n with -,,."",'" ncivo competl no int.i.. "' JOlutely lnr. There are ah- NEW MERCANTILE HOUSE STARTED ESPEE ENGINE IS DERAILED AT KIRK Owing to tho snow and Ice on tbo Southern Pacific track at Kirk, tbo f IT Mall ... ..........lnl .All1N lariir.i "'?"n,.l,n" nmong the of the Chlloouln Lumber Company ft 5ftrioBcu;h.H.?iI.?Lp'c"' Chlloouln haa launched the. latest tountJS1 "f ",0 ,nolt HiipplV of tlio nicrcnntllo ostubllshmont in the Coun- onglno on the local train was derail- i. lr"' Thn Inri-nui ,. '.. . . iu ls..n..,.. .. . i... Dn.n-n. niuni-Trnrl. nil iiliruil nnnn tnilnv. neeorrilnir In engine In only'ah ? !urK0Ht C0'Pany hand- ly, known as tho Sprnguo River Trad- ed about noon today, nccon ttMt PPly n iPir Cont of lUo toU ,,,K cn'rnny. Ho has Installed a sub- telephone reports. A switch ft of eve,', tJ1.'' 'J',.', 'hl,n 2? por Ntantlal Block and Is picpnrod to meet was Immediately gent up to a Rev. Hugh J. Marshall left Tues day morning for San Francisco where be goes to look after matters pertain Ing to the Interests of his parish. From San Francisco, he will go to Seattle, where he will be one of the officiating clorgymen at the conse cration of Rev. Father McGrathT who has been appointed Bishop of tho Baker City diocese, In which Klam ath Falls Is located. This Important ceremony will take plate In the Cath olic cathedral. From Seattle, Father Marshall will go to Baker City, where he will take part In J he coremonles Incident to his Installation ob Bishop of Baker City, which Is always at tended with tho pomp and ceremony called for because of Its greo.t ecclesi astical Importance. Tbo now Bishop Is ono of tho big churchmen of tho Pacific Coast. As Is the caso with all priests elevated to so high an office in tho Catholic Church Father McGrath Is an Intellec tual giant, a brilliant orator and well known executive and organizer. Of a very retiring disposition ho has shrunk from publicity and devoted all of .his energies au'd talents to tho In terests of his parlshoners, and the clergy of the Baker dlocose are de lighted with the advent of so worthy a superior. During tho absence of Father Mar shall, the affairs of tho parish will bo administered by Rev. Father I.evns seur. S. J., of Los Gates. WILSON HOME MONDAY. , WASHINGTON, D. C, Fob. 20. The steamer George Washington on which President Wilson is sailing for America, will arrive next Monday, ac cordjng'to a special dispatch re ceived from the vessel today, UNDERGOES OPERATION. Director It. E. Bradbury today pre sents for the consideration Of the stockholders of tho Klamath Irriga tion District certain fncts that are quite Interesting. In view of the statements made by Mr. Offield. We ask the readers .to compare them with those presented to you by Mr. Oflleld. Mr. Bradbury Is backing up ovory statement he makes with rec ords, indlsputablo because they, are olDclal. He Is not depending on per sonalltles or time-worn appellations about agitators and tho like. He realizes that vast property rights be longing to the land owners of this community are at stake, and he Is asking you to consider these matters as business men, not on sentiment or aggravated feelings. His stand Is ad mirable, and shows him to bo a man eminently deserving of tho attention tho Importance of the subjects he pre sents to you warrants. To tho Voters and Wuter Users of the Klamuth Irrigation District: In tho nrgument submitted by 0. W. Offlcld, which accompanies tbo question you nre asked to vote on, Mr. Omold makes statements which arc misleading and not in accordance with the records and data which he refers to. It was my understanding that ar guments wore to bo presented by Mr. omold and myself, setting forth' tho reasons why the district should or should not Join -with the Water Users to determine the question at Issue. I wish It distinctly under stood that tho question Is not merely a nmerenco oi opinion Deiwoen Air. Oflleld and myself, but ono that af fects the property rights and finan cial liability of every land owner of the district. Mr. Oflleld has a right to hold an opinion which Is different than mliro, nnd to present the same In his argu ment, but I do li ot grant him the privilege or right to misstate matters that nro of record. That you may Judge for yourselves tho nccurncy of some of his state ments, tho following extracts from his urgument nro submitted: "The proposition was fully presented to tho stockholders by Mr. A., E. Elder In tho Klamath Record of May 24, 1918, and a copy of this paper was mailed to each voter, togother with a copy of tho proposed contract be-i twoon tho government und the dis trict immediately preceding tho elec tion." Tho election ot this contract was hold April 13, 19 IS. Noto tho date Mr. Elder's artlclo was. published. His second reasen: "Mr. Bradbury represented the Water Users when tho contract between tho Secretary of Interior and tho California-Oregon Power company was mndo." This statement is entirely untrue, as the records of tho Wator Users will show. Neither myself nor tho directors of tho Water Users hud any part what ever In drawing-this contract, which was made and signed iu Washington, D. a, February 24. 1917. In his fourth reason ho states: "In my opinion the most urgent .-.ml vital thing now boforo the Irrigation dis trict Is to procure thcroloaso of tho mortgages hold by tho government against tho lands of tho Water Users. Thero Is a plan- alrondy worked out by which wo hope to accomplish thlB." Tho govornment hat required an assessment to be levied against tho tanas or tne district. This assess ment causes the Water Users to mnko two payments In ono year. Ono by tOjXos and one by tho tegular Water users Association lovy. .iruci oeiwecn tne government and wiu irrigation District does not con tain any charge for powor." Tfiol I Ankeny canal Is a nower cnnnl. nn.i i charged to the lands of tho district1 AH In tilinwn nn I W. 1. .!. . .... I jornment and by the statements of op- ,'eratlon and maintenance costs, ren 'dored to the directors of the Water I Users. And because certuln land owners presented a petition asking that the oireciors or tho district protect their Interests In tho Ankeny canal, and other features of the district, and iioin opinions which differ from Mr. Oftleld's opinion, he appeals to you to sustain him, and launches forth in an n Insulting tirade against all those who! "rogram for State Recon- oppose his views. I? .iLmm. .J econ- dodgo the question at Issue by Intro-j atruction Work Submitted n uuo9 u. iJuinuiiui opinions and Inslnuatlns and upon such argu ments BK ihMa lin tjat ..A.. rely upon his Judcment nn in tho proper procedure of tho district In a I NEW matter which Involves property andj Interests aggregating hundreds of1 mousanas or dollars. R. E. Brad bury. Director Klamath Irrigation District. PENITENTIARY BIO CIIHOEIC JOB TO r BIGGEST EVENT IN THIRTY YEARS FOR THIS CHUIM.ll IS HELD IN HONOR OF CARDINAL GIBBONS AT CAPITOL State SehooN .incl Hospitals Will Get IHr Help if Jnpocd Measure Goes Through Auto License Will Be Doubled and Portion of Money Remain in County. SALEM Feb. 20. The State Re construction program' as finally sett led by the reconstruction committee I for presentation to the Legislature carries a proposed bond Issue of five million dollars. It includes approp riations for a halt million Wollars each for a new penitentiary, the Uni versity of Oregon, and the Oregon Agricultural College. The Eastern Oregon Hospital at Pendleton gets $ ISO, 000 and armor ies at Medford, La Grande,' Astoria nnd Baker are to get $100,000. Top WASHINGTON, D. C. Feb. 20. Tho clergy and laity of Roman Cath olicism have gathered here to pay homage to James Cardinal Gibbons, tho head of the Church In the United; soldieis home at Itosclmrg gets ?25,- states on the occasion of the" Golden Jubilee, which ts the most notable garnering of the Catholics in this country for the past thirty years." APPREHENDED FOR SLANDERING U. O. EUGENE. Feb. 20. James Fuller ton, a farmer, was arrested hero to day following an indictment of crim. Inal libel for printing In'hls publica tion "The Hornet" charges of graft and gross immorality at tho Univer sity of Oregon nnd accusing President Campbell of the desponsibility. B. P. O. E. REGULAR , MEETING TONIGHT 000. Tho automobile license bill ha3 been approximately 'completed. It doubles the present license and pro vides that one third of the collec tions be turned back to the counties. The Senate has ndopted a resolu tion protesting the War Department's leniency and pay extended to the slackeis .it Fort I.e.icnworth Barracks. CHICKEN PIE.DINNER CHANGED TO LUNCH The ladies of the Sacred Heart par ish have decided not to give the chicken dinner on March 4, as an nounced, but instead " III serve buf fet luncheon. Special attention is to be paid to thU feature of the bazaar, nnd it Is their intention to make It one of the Importunt parts of the affair. As the plans for the bazaar are de veloped, the decision is also growing to make the affair more In the na- 'turo of a Mardi Oras and if It devel ops Into the auciess that the prelim inary work indicates It will be, It will I bo made an annual eent and Instead of being a purely local affair, the piomotei'j will endeavor to make It COPKNHAOKM Fh an iri.,n "Ke on someiiung oi me muu. m Joachln. the youngest son of the for-j6tatu n ""'" Th no qU(f: mor ifi.-i. i.-m oi.i ....,. Hon but Mich a celebration would a..... --M.UV.. .MD MVl... ....1.011.U U. ..IUII The regular meeting of tho Elks Lodge will- bo held this evening at the Club rooms and-ns there is much important work to be brought up In connection with tho coming State Convention hero, -IU Is" very desirable that all members be present. EX-EMPEROR'S SON HELD ON SUSPICION. Ichv This dispatch says Unit ho has been suspected In certain Intrigues. connection with DIVORCE SUIT FILED. Cruel and abusive treatment on tho part of tho defendent since their marriage in 1915 and desertion of the plaintiff on February 18th, 1919 nro cited as cause for divorce In an action filed yesterday by W. H. Op ens ngninst Mary Owens. There are no children. Rutenic and" Yaden re present tho plaintiff In the action. I have th- Unity co-operation of all I interests, foi It would result In bring ing to the utv not only great num bers of people, but it would also at tract attcution of strangers who are usually on tl Coast at this season of the e.tt' seeking new locations. FOURTH LIBERTY BONDS HERE HARD LOCK 1 M BOYS ' are llii,!.,. . , "' l',ul I I10UB08 ll, ,i,,Im .. l, nnhllo nf llin.rfl. iiWbMBM '"i?"1 """packtai. con-1 trlct. Mr. "" wa 0 ' l0 found ve forest .," 80 0P0rnted by tho ors ' te Ohlloqulu Lumber Com . Hint aro undor federal In- pany, assist In derwent up operation at the Klamuth getting It back on tho track, No one, General Hospital at the hands of bra, was in j in uu iu mo iniaiiui nuu h u, a. Massey ana natuerine Hchloef.. expected that tho train will get back Mrs. Ida M. Teti will attend her du? this ovonlng about soven thirty. Ing her recovery. Tho contract between tho government and tho dis- 'trlM nrnvltlaii thut whan iha Mrs. R. Vance Hutchlns today un-tlonv charges were mild as taxes, the i 'ltt1a st Viri. lfntt hI.ai.IJ t-. lauds of the district should bo re leased from tho liens, Therefore, there Is no plan necessary oiuthe part of the directors to secure tho relouBO of these liens. . Ho further statoa; "That tho con- Officials of all three banks of Klamath Falls announce today thnt the Fourth Liberty Loan bondB have arrived and are now ready for deliv ery to tho subscribers. HOME ON FURLOUGH. Fmnk Griffith, son of Mr, and Mrs. William Griffith of Poo Valley, who has been In the Naval Service sinco early In the war, roturnod last night for a. ten day furlough with his puronts. NEW CLERK IN SHERIFF'S OFFICE. Miss Honrletta Fisher hus taken u position as clerk Iu tho Sheriff's of flchere and assumed hor new duties this morning, TWO I'MIM LltS FROM CITY AFTER Bl.lXG HEADED. FOR HOME ARE TURNER BACK FOB COASTI! I'CTION WORK The distressing news that Hal Oglo and Edmund flowen, among others of tuo Twentieth Engineers, who woie started for home and on ( reaching the French Tort received order- to lemain until more construe tlon voik was done thote, has been received bv Mrs. S. K. Oglo mother of tho former m a letter written Janu ary 2Sth. .' , . . The eo, ore mosi anxious to get ? back now that tho wtr Is oyer and their families, who were waiting o voleomo them were yory lorry to hear ot tho change in te orders. -I