OFFICIAL tww- OF KUMATH COUNTY Thirteenth Year-No. 3,549 i DILL Klamath Atinrnevi From Falls Arc Very Busy FINAL ACTION UP SOON litrm-l In Thl- II) lnrriri n Jfauurr I'nuMlna That 8licp ul Up (JriiHil Mil"" lrn Hoiiii trail toniN V'r '""I Voir In glUtur Tclcgrami. Fl) ItiK SALEM. rl l (Hl'Oilnl) Wlmt ibtMtmtd to rniino not oven it rlppb) oa tt) IcsUlAtltt pond, Iiim develop Hi Into one nf the fiercest fight of the ifHloit the Mi-nillcd Micup grnx. lubllt. All during tlio urmlon tliure Km been, more or leu Inlk nliont n 'pltto bill, Inil II unn mipposed to bite beta dropped. lien Itepietienln tlte Merryman from Klninatliliitro- ,dncd t bill regulating thctgrntliis olihtep In lilit county nloiie. Iiu Imv. Itj iicrrUlncil tluit n similar bill palled to thr bl.i would htiiinl no ihowf paulng When he dbco,or. d Ibli, h proceeded to, grenne I ho tin far the pannage of IiIh comity bill, ind everything miih proceeding nicely until J. II Cnriinhnn, an attor ney representing iliu ihoepiupii of Ktimilh County dinppcd u monkey "reach Into tlu works nml cuiis'd trouble, by his appearance on loo tnt lilt Monday Hlmo Hint tlmo lb wires boH-mi Klumiith ni 8ihm lin bein kepi rotl hot ltb telezrnmii, nml ihoso coupled ltb the work Cnriiiitinn Iiiih dono lnce hit nrrltul hao driven tlin Merryman bill hack to llm conunltten on Public Untln. whom It Ih nt pros. nt. lth thr roMilt In doubt. Tuen- Attorney Van l-'niun, represent la the ratilunien ru-nppciirod on the f'ne, and has been busy trying to III up the fences cut by Cnrnnhun; nd he baa been n busy man, wh)la alt thin trouble wiih gutting uin oay, Senator IMcrco took u "il In the game nml introduced n .' ldc bill, n, 11,1, wn, rfcrriMl Ibe rommllte,. on Publlr Lands, ber the llidliallfinu np.. II uin ... '". for tin, sr-.itluient In th'o sen, -"irotiKly against state wlilo l. iWillon of ,H klli Tl(iro luH ,' "ruaK Mk f I'urtl bill nppll. ' to all stock mi fv!mcIl ,;. ,i,m " Introduced It would Htnnrl ood chance of ,,., ,Mr U,L, , "!" ,l" '" t. ami there Is lbll.y tl.i.t they W cnl.tllc "t off altogether Jhcrc arc only fmv ,,llV(, Mt fl0 ruiTi'T "" ,,aC" 8l,lc "' bo "ofWIvud, but no miltll,r w,,,ch w It will l. rmnomboro,! for n '""Stlmu b) pnitifipnntH, v J WEAS FACE KUMIXJM, wvwvm C(,TKKi fV KKK..N(j ,AX ,;U0M HmVm , K'Kv iirruiuxd him Miv. ijjjWlWlTON. D. 0ll Ko.,. l., Vo V5,.,.,r.l",, N.,vy Danfeia 1,,W irf,,;','1 ''' c't Mattiai o Medical n ' 0l,Q nf "10,,0 lrt bribe tc A? " flvo U Mollur Prtlciw ' ,ln,nllH Porinltttnu an finitely 1 mmUx "t'homo ludo 9 be i i . "t,lur CftBCB n, n announce,, i,H yot, DNTROVE RSYON B IN SALEM E CHARGES AVIATORS GO-THRU HARD ADVENTURES HAN DIKtiO. Cob. Hi - Atlilfl 4U mllt'it nt iH'ii In n tlUiblt'il Nciipliino for 24 Iioum without footl or wntor wiin the thilllliiK I'xptirlciKo of Kn hIkiim TIioiiiiim KoiiIIivmikI, J. V (iiini bln nml A. H, MiiIcn of tlic miviil itlr Htutlon, North UIiiihI. TIio miiiIiIimi illmippi'iimtiio of tbo ti t vn 1 nvlulom Rtiturdity inornliiK, thu hiiliHoitii'iit jtonrrh for thum by HonpliinH und mill murliio tlumciH, nml tlu flmil rcNciiu off Point On ii MIkhi'I, I. oh it Cull for- nla Bmidny has bcon officially nil iioiinriMl hero. V.Al(KK I'ltlVATKS HI.KKP i.v itoVAi. iii:isri:.iw. COIII.KN., Ki'b. IN.- An AniiTlntti rorporiil'ti Knmil bun beon nIoupIiirI .... i.. ..... t ... ...... rri'uiyi) 10 urn imjiii i iinn-ii in i iiu 1 111 a on tbo Klilniv Vhin lh Aini-r-IriliM rami) lo Cnliti'iu tii) look cmr nil llm litrKor Kovitrmticnt InilldlnitH nml tlio nffiilrx of ulnlit nro iiiovim! to tlu nmimlon hlch I iTTSn known n oiin of tlio frimtr KtnprriHM niiiii mur palucoM. .Aiiiorlmn urn now per mitted to iMilijr tliu palncc under un order of (lenml Dlrktnnn To Inforru tli In ruin two khnkl I'lml Hcntrleri urn on duty dny nml iiIkIiI lit the iimln eiitrnnce Tim room lined iik Hltiop IhK iiinrlfri by I he Ainnrli-niia unn formerly occupied by (Ivrninn ho. diem doliiK Kimrd duty Htu-itc.MK coi'itT m:.ii:ns din cihid.n which wii.i. in: or KHI'WIAI. IXTKItKST Tt WW TKH t'NKHS OX V, S. I'IMMKCTH. Ill nn opinion recently rendered by tho Suprcmu Courl of the Stnto of OrcRon, In the ciikc of Klamath Water .Uaera Aaaoclallon vuraiu 8. 1. (nrtln, nnd othom, u very Important ruling wim mudo, nnd ono of atperlnl Inter eat lo witter uacriv opon government project. Tho tleclslon liiNohed nn, Interpre tation of tho no called stock mihscilp tlon nml, contract which thn fanners on the Kliunatli I'rolect nlgncd, Mr. .Martin had purcJiiiHod a plcco of hind that Iirid been algnod up ny n provi (iiniwnor of tlidliiml. but the tnrmn hartnovvr been compiled with In that nn ...... tlt-iil 1.. t fnr 11 Wilier HiHiL hntl ......,.,-.,. .., r. nvur'bcen pleented through tho prop. or clinneln. Tho oHHOclatlon aought lo coinpelMr. Martin to miiku the up. 'plication, Und pay oceumuhited nimr,gn?for"wiitcr, but tlio doclslon held that Mr. Martin wuk not chargo nlilo with t;oiiHtru;tle noilco by thu "rocor.dln of thutrrK contract. Thn opinion tiW hold, wjilch wuh nn ar flrmutlon of tho iloclalon of '.Judge Kuykcnitull that nlnco thcroUnd been n default, thu forfolturo cIhiiho hud opernted, uid tho' Itinils excluded irom I no nrojuci, , John Irwin ropron'ontml th6jiRnocln. . . - : ... .J.' ........ ... ...H- tlon aiitt Y. px wjif)' wm mo iuiui ne.for pr. Mfirtln. ' RUSSIANS REFUSE TO MEET BOLSHEVIKISTS ' WAHIIINOTON. D. C.F.ob. 19, jHupr'K9iiUtvc8 of tlyo go;nment,of( Blborfn, Xrchannpl atd SouChern Rub-' sin, according to a dinimtch to te Ilng'alan KmbntiHy liuvo hnnilod to tho1 pontfo-Conforonco nt I'urls. tho formal rejection tp Uo .propositi Unit thoy meet .with tho IlolHlievlkl unit other nuHH(nn(lolognlrH nt tlio Princess Inland. IIAM.OT CO VSTf X(J KXI'KIHTICII aAl.KMi Fob. 10 ;Tho IIoubo od thn Crawford bill hero thin after, noon which provldcH for grontor miaoil In rountliiK ballotn ut elections. Ill pvlilcH thai tho ballot boxeslmll bo opened ovory hair uour. m WKHTKH.V MKN AHHIVK. NKW YOUK, Fob, ID. The'Tinns port Cnnoplo has arrived with over tvvelvp hundred men of tlio Slxty seiond Infantry of tho Forty-fifth dl vlslou whoso membora woro formerly tho ' Oregon, WoHlilngton, Montana Idaho, Wyoming National Guard. UTIN WINS IN IMPORTANT CASE if? iJZwnuxQ KLAMATH FALLS, ME TO PUT County Agent Want Farm era to Club Together NO EXPERIMENT NOW ('Inline', to (Jet Another Cnr IhxhI , 'Mils KprlliK lli'iirflrlnl HphuHn Are Known to Follow LV of Ttilx (lieiiilcnl One ("iir loml In lt tded liiiinelintc Ail Ion Nelrl ItcalUIng from IiIh past experience tbo big lidded production of lands when treated with sulphur, n. strenu ous effort Is being miidu by tho now County Agriculturist Agent, K. A. ThoiunH. to arrange for another cor loud shipment for tho farmers of Klnmnth this Bprlng. One ear load ordered by J. W. Siemens has already arrived Agent ThmnaH states that several have shown a dlspti-iltlon to club together on another car load but a sufficient number lins not ynt been seen red "Thu results of tho sul phur treatment are no longer nn ex periment," says Mif Thomas, "and under ordinary circumstances tho In vestment mnde will bo returned with lingo Interest to those who make It. With thn present prices of hay In Klamath County the Income rier aero would be substantially Increased." Ho Indicates that tho cost per acre -xv 1 1 J now bo about four dollars put au tlio hind nnd that It.s application should Increase thu yield one ton, at a coirservallve estimate. Small machines for spreading tho chemical ran bo secured for about fifty dollais and four or mora ranch era can club together on ono machine. About ono hundred pounds, to the ncro Is tho roirect amount, and the beneficial results will contlnho for about four years. Km mora of the Doschules County to tho north who have boon trying this treatment befoio have ordered over -100,000 pounds for uso this' Spring. Mr. Thomas Indicate that thu buI pluir .should bo put on the ground as sobn as tlio farmers can get on It now, In order to get tho best results and hopes that an) ono who would bo Interested In the mutter, will sco him at hlu'offlcQ within the next four or flvo days, I.I'MIIKHMAX I.KAYKft Herbert Suvldgo. who was formerly hi InislnoBs In this city and who Is now Socicliiry-tronsurer of tho Mac ombor Snvldgo Lumber Company of 811 Kroiiclscq, loft for that point thlsi-mornlng-aftor n short business visit' in jKluniath Falls-. " .AllUIVK KltOM STOCKTtX. C. A'. Webster and II. V. Tarter w'ero, among 'th'o train arrlnals'last nvonine- frnm Rirlckton.- Califbrhln. ,They arc. here ou "business in connec. tlon Wjtlt the Klamath Mnnufactur ing Coinpany; "',' i : " OKK FOR l'OUTLAXn. Marlon Humus as n representative of tho local Exomptlon Hoard left thU morning forPortland whore he will take up matters regarding do .sertors and delinquents from tho Horvlco. v SUIT TO QUIKT TITLE. A suit1 to quiet tltlo, bus beon in-i slltutod by John W. Cox versus H. A. Wood and others In tho offlco of tho County OJerk. Attorneys Rutenlo and Yiidcn nnd lloraco M. Manning icprosont tho plaintiff in tho action. m CIRCUIT 'JUnnK ni'.TURXH. Circuit Judge D. V. Kuykqndall leturned lashovonlng from Portland, where ho has beon on matters of bus InosB, ' w . SULPHUR NT n OREGON, WEDNESDAY NUMBER OF IDLE GROWING LARGER WAHIIINOTON, Kb. 19. IJiicm. ployment Increased durliiB the piotl weak, reporli lo the United Htatcn eiiipoymont hcivIco allowing 321,7011 Ide woikcrM, nn Increase of nearly 31,. 000 over tho week previous. Tlio Hervlco reported tbnt blncc lnt Sat urday It hud been unable to find Juba for mora than one-fourth tho appllciintn. A heavy KiirpluH of Inbor wan re ported Ihruotit New KiiKland, prin cipally m'none mechanic and boot and hIioo workeiH, and In Northern Now tork, but In Now York City and Duffulo thorn uro Indications of a revival of public building. Mnrktid Increases In unemployment Mere ahown In JMttsburKh, Cleveland, Dayton, Detroit, Han Francisco, I'ort lund, Ore. und Scuttle. L GET NO RAISE PIKZ INDICATES THAT NO AI VAXt'K IK IIKI.XM CO.XSIDKItKD. PORTLAND MEX VOTING ON IIK.' STIUKK TODAY (It) Associated I'ress). WASHINGTON. D. C, Fob. 19.- No shipbuilding wago Increases are being considered, Chairman Picz of tho Emergency Shipbuilding Corpora tion declared here today. PORTLAND, Feb. 19. Tho Pa cltlc Coast Metal Trades Conference Ih voting hero today on tho calling for a coast-wide strlko of shipbuild ers The vote will no bo announced un'.il touorrow. SEATTHE, Feb. 19. Dr. Marshal, roprcsentlng.Chalrmun Piez of the Emergency Fleet Corporation, has an nounced hero today that nil snip- worker" must return to work under tho previous conditions before thu government will consider tho de mands made, othorwlso no shipyards will be permitted to open. Boiler makers and Iron shipbuilders have doclded to stand wKh the strikers. 1IUTTK, Fob. 19. A smnll lire, which wns believed to have been of un Incendiary qrlgln, was started this morning ut the Speculator mine, but was extinguished boforo It had gulli ed much headway. BONANZA FOLK' ENTHUSIASTIC ; f UKSIDKXTS OKCliOVKH 1l.KAK TOWN OPTIMISTIC OVKH PIIOS- "PKCTH KOH IIAIUIOAD'ANJ) 1R. RIGATION THIS YEAR'' With u good. prospect for the new spur of tho Strahorn railroad run ning Into Donanza from Dalry-thls year and the ussuranceof more than a"tiiousahd mpro acres hi that Immed iate vicinity, put ,under Irrigation, the peqpleof that district have taken n new lease on life, according to Mon roe Lytlo, an Intorprlslng- resident thore. who uaB boon hero looking af ter .business Interests, - Mr, Lytle nsscrts thatvthe sub scriptions for tho now road have been most liberal not only from' the re sidents themsevoa but' those who own property there and reside. In other localities. Tho proposition mado to the people was in effect, that they woro to. furnish the right "of way, throw up tho sovon milo grade bo tweon Bonanza and Dairy and furn ish tho ties, In return for which Robert E. Strahorn agreed to lay tho steel and operate train service to the County seat, twenty-five miles dis tant. Mr. Lytlo believes that the thing will he accomplished and that fertile area will bo transformed with, in the next two or three years. Herald FEBRUARY 19, 1919 L Interest Runs High Among the Boys of 'the City THREE SCORE MEMBERS New Organisation Seems to Hit the Right Spot Roving ami (i)iiuuvil- inn Work Given Knur KtvililiKN Knell Week Gitinc nml Reading Itoom Drawing finds. The new Klunrath Falls Hoys Ath letic Club which has Just been stnited In the rooms beneath the K. K. K. Store at the corner of filvth and Main Streets, Is going to be a whirl vlnd success If tho Interest nnd at tendance which has been manifested it the outset. Is any indication. Eighty four member have now Join ed the Association Mid the big room la crowded full during the full time that the rooms are open In the after noon and evening. One pool tabic, some gymnasium apparatus and read ing material "have been secured and more thing are, being -put In each day. The boys will hold a meeting to night at which they will olect their officers and conduct muoh of the business of the organization under the supervision of L. A. Robblns, the superintendent. Dr. V. A. Leonard bus consented' to give the Coys boxing Instruction on Tuesdny and Thursday evenings. H. Stelzemuoller and L. A. Will will give general gymnasium work on Monday nnd Friday evenings. The Club room is open each school dny from four to ten p. m., and all day Saturday. The rooms are also open on Sunday afternoons. Mr. Robblns, who Is hard nt work equipping the establishment Is anx ious to get hold of any old comforts o. quilts which might b- available to make into wrestling mats. He also announces that any athletic apparatus which U not In use In the city, would bo greatly appreciated by the boys. All tluiho who have been backing tills now move feel greatly olated oer its success so fnr. GOKSTOTUHI.OCK. Mrs. It'. II, Spencar who bus been visiting here nt thu homo of Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Wilbur left toduy for her home at Turlock, California. Mrs. Spencer tesided horo nine years ago and sees many changes since that time. t m PHKSHYTKIHAN.Sl'PPKU KItlRAY. Tho cafeteria supper which was iro luubly announced for tho Pres byterian "Cburcli 'for Thursday even ing, will be; hejd 'on Friday evening February- the 21st from six until seven o clocki' ' . LEAVES FOR ROSTO.V. '.Mrs, ,C. K, Brandenburg -who te c?ied word Monday of Minus in her family In tho east, left thls-tnorning for Boston, whoro sho exports lo io lvmitt for u month or lougor. CORVALLIS MAN VISITS. II. E, Seymour who Is connected with the Oregon Agricultural Col lego ut Corvallls, Is In thu city for u short tlmo. Ho Is registered at tho White Pellcnn Hotol. f SHEEP HUYER VISITS. Jim Burns, a shcop buyer of tho firm of Levi Moffatt Co, of San Fran Cisco has been In this section buying for his firm, HOME FROM MEDFORD. Otto Klum Is home from Medford whero ho hn's been for some tlmo on a visit. w N CHED W TH IN II AUDITOR AT WORK ON COUNTY BOOKS H. K. Now ell has commenced his work of auditing the County books all the Court House, his first work being, . In the County Clerk's office. .Mr ( I Newell came In last week from San t-rnncisco anu nas made a trip muck to the Day City 8lne that time. MOVAIH.K KITCIir.X OK K. C. WORKS WOXDERS. PARIS, Feb, 18. One of the ac tivities of the Knights of Columbus In the war area Is tho mobile kitchen group which in following the units of the American Expeditionary Force ItUlil vniiiii iu vuauji On the long jnarchc.1 that have be come the rulo since tlio signing of the armistice the men find hot choc olate, bouillon and other warm food most acceptable. Twenty of these cars are In use in thcarca of mili tary operations in Franco, Relgium and Germany. Others Kill soon be sent to Italy und the south of Fiance. Like every other .service of the Knights of Columbus thu distribution of the products of these kitchens is free. It is announced. The service will be continued until the last Am irlcan unit has embarked for Amer ica. NATION LEAGUE -IS phoiosi:d society ok nations is roundly scored ix skx-ati- today iiy poixdextkr ok washington WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb.MO. Senator Poindexter, republican from Washington declared in a prepared address here toHay-.that the United States entrance Into the League of Nations would mean the surrender of American rights, privileges, sover eignty, the abandonment of the Mon roe doctrfutf, and the violation of'the Constitution. He fenld the Constitution of the League of Nations was indefinite' in, the uncertain machinery It-proposes to set up. He declared that it was" similar to the Soviet government of Russia, nnd that- it should be submit ted to the American people in a poli tical campaign where it would be made un issue, otherwise he said the self government of the American peo-, pie will have disappeared. FILES SUIT TO , COLLECT FEES KLAMATH FALLS ATTORNEY FILES SUIT FOR LARGE KEE IN CELEURATED MELHASE OASK IN PORTLAND The.following article is taken from tiieOrogonlan of last Friday: - Charles J, Ferguson, one ot tile leading attorneys of Klamath' Falls. filed suit In the circuit court yester-4 dny for a fee of $9250 for services rendered In the noted .Meuiase win case, in which he'v broke a purported will involving a .$100,000; estate nnd was sustained In the supreme court ofiOrcgan. . " The action was filed against Hen rietta, F. Melhase, wldqw. At tho death of her husband, brothers se cured koys to his8afe depdslt bok and opened It. They offered a will dated In 1908, depriving the widow of most of her husband's 'property. She engaged AJtorney Ferguson to fight for her rights and he brought action In the probate court with a contention thnt thore was a later will, dated 1910, leaving most of the prop erty to the wife, which disappeared from tho safe deposit box. . The suit was lost in the probato court but won in appeal to the cir cuit court. A second appeal to the btate supreme court resulted in the decision that thore had been another. will and the restoration to the wid ow of a Inrge pnrt of the property, The cuso attracted much attention in southern Oregon, - Attorneys Magulre and Winter of Portland, Renner and Chastnln and Walter C. Van Emon ot .Klamath FUls appear for tho plaintiff. CRITICISED OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH FALLS Price, 5 cents - , , THIS 1QRNING Aged French Premier Only Slightly Wounded fpivp SHOTS ARF FIRFn Assailant Relieved to J!c n Russian, Attempt to Kill the Premier as He Steps Im'ii Car Wounds hi Rack nml Shoulder Slight Will Recot- cr Assailant Arrested . (Ry tbo Associated Picss) PARIS, Feb. 19. Geoige Clcmcn ceau, tho celebrated Premier of Fiance was shot and slightly wound ed this morning as he entered his automobile for a drive. , Five shots were fired by the assail ant and it was at first thought that the agpd -but igorous official had been wounded in the head. It later developed howeer, that the wounds were In bis back and shoulders, and were apparently not dangerous. His assallent who was Immediately arrestecruas an ordinary looking man dresseifas a workman. v Policeman Ooursat told the Associ ated Pres,s representative that the Premier rushed up to the assailent nnd grappledwith him The latter'3 name is Emlle Cottln. He Is twenty five years vf age and was born at fCroil. The Police here are inclined to think him a RubSian as he is fair and tall with long hair. There was only one eje witness to the shooting, a Jjarbgr whp said ho heard the first bhot and thought it was the American.;, firing Into tho I air as they are In tho bablt of doing The crowd immediately Jell "P"" the assassin and bea'l him. He did not try to make his escape previous to the arrival of the officers. President Poincare,-tbe American Ambassador and othr officials went Immediately to tho Clenymieau home on hearing the news. It is stated that unless complications en sue due to his age there Is no danger but that be will reeoer. PARIS. Feb. 19. Physicians say that the bullet entered the left shoul der, and bus been located In tho, right shoulder, buUnot yet removed. The Prouiler coughs a Reed deal, but, mites no blood. He was un his war to a conference , .with Colonel Houso und Balfour when hhot. s LONDON', K. b 19 Emlle Cottln,. who shot rie.i"!'iccau, is known-as a ihi'ifc'orous anarchist, according to it ParisisnaUh He took all the ra suonsiblllb for shooting tho premier, Lwho was hi three times, two bullets grazing bis right hand and rlgni arm. unr ills FIGl'lirs I ROM HIX'KVr, COX- FI.UT Ri: kiij-i: "ii: w-"'?" TIC. OK 1 URMtJlt WARS! IRS EASE I'AM s SMALL P'J" cEiT WASHINGTON, 0- Feb- 1?,- Tho buttle death rate in the American army during the recent d the death .ate turn, dlse. accord- lnE to nn announcement" whde , by General M,,.h In '"S In the battles. The battle death iato "r he American Expeditionary torn qaWa.s fifty seven mouprthoYand and the disease rate only .oy.Rleto mon per thousand, 'uLHHCEi m anu i in rwiib ARE MIKED I; I! n i .11 M 1 M 1 m M M