The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 17, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    pav, ywitnmnr it, imp
rarrrr raiHFC
IT FBI in !
tnnntln-clnd hordnmnii, Ho wmilil hco
nlmi I Iiii coiiiiIIonm little- Orcok gnni
Iiih, illrty inn) rugged, ihul am r.u
1 much u port uf tlin llfo of tliu eupltul,
mill who shine. uIioi.'h and ucll lottery
Another runillliir xlulit would be
tliu old women, thin, tnuiieil und lion I
with yviim, with black huiidkcrelilofn
tied umlur Ihulr chins ,mid rtirryliiK
(in llinlr bucks dilapidated humpura
of wild horlm mid unhid Icuvcn, which
page tiiiikk
County Court Proceedings
.Ll.STAHY TKHM 1IM "-Continued
Mondiiy, Jnimmy, 13lh, 1919
nny or Term.
I Kill), mid nnld report hnvlng heen
puonciy read in open Couit on two
tOlllt lilut pursuant to Uilloillll- illffoliml mill HiiriMMlvn ,lm if II. I
muni when wiiiu prepent It. U. i I ii it - totiii of Court
noil, Co, Judge, llurrelt Hhoit. Co. n u ii...rnf,,r.. i.,,i.,,-n,i i. n.
('uiiiiii, Ami Fordycu Co. Coinin. when Hint Eild iwport Ixnccuplcd and to-
tll') following Procccillni' with Imit imflir-i- nil I, Hi., i.lf.i r.M.i ril.i ........
I'"" II
l I..I.....I Inllnr frulll "XW H1,"1 " I" Hi" IIIMtPllllllClUII '""" or 11.0 lllll lo)' Of Hilltl lOUll IIP Word-
(Noto-Tlio "'"'J" "J'1' """" Orook hoiiBiiholilerH of tliu nnle-hbor- '" ,l,', ('OI'NTY COURT of tint ed In tin- proper words of JCIiimutli
ulm wm rll " "' '"".' " " """" " j !, . "' ' ' .' HTATIJ of ORL'OON for KLAM- Co.inly, Oregon, and MrHier o..lered
igonilmt of tho Aieuic(i ed I run will hood for iihout 1 ispta (5 amis) n AT COPNTV. , (lint 'mild road lie und hereby is do-
wint to Orot'co iiflar tun j"""1"" "r rjimrt Oreek funeral iirociwdoiiH, In iti,,, MATTER of thn PAYMENT cI"'"'1 " ! III hlghwny mid county
-miftiirii. iiiiii t" .- -. . uiiiiitii iii.i i.n.iv .if !. .i. iii. ....... i i.. j.r ii i ilium iifiiiii'itt idiiii ii iiii iiii i inrir m t im I'uir in
,1 to lo. by culdo. of tin.
''. mid nuiiioroiin dontliH
' ... ihn 100.0011 or moro Orneka posed mid without cumin or rovorliiK.
ttou "'"'.. ,', ,. i, iii-,.r. ... in... ..ii.,..
Siring ml numoroiiH iloatha cnrrlml In mi opiin hearse, fully ox-
j.iwrtdil from Macedonia hy lliilgur- urn fiinillliir night
ucpvi .. , ntnl llin lirillilrtlim ..
It nnnwiiliiK lo tin. inn 1 1 iimi Hut ' hcudiy dlrrftuil to notify tlio propor
hiiiii of wim npproprliited l'i'rvlMor to opun mild roitd ncrord
tiv tlm Conn r.r- ti... nnvttw.iii if ! to Inw. At 1Mb time tin; ncroud
bounty on blnck tall rabbltn, killed """""K f ' VlfWer'ii Itcport wiih
liotdiirlnff th witr, ntid tlio prolilomii otr c,,1t C1U,IK0 W,, tmPH ,t iKlmniith Couiiiy. Htatn of Onoii. '"'Jyl'"'!
untUKMOrf.) t "' ' cnturlim Hint ''"voJ-rimt bounty of fi u.ntn hI.i.11 bo paid '"" n
"v . . .. .. Wliai mm in III it iliiimJa'... - . ill. . 17 II llilnHiill Pnimlir IiiiIiia
Keno, Tlimn wniH wlthlu u doendn
ATHENS Corrcupnnili'iico of Ah huvo iilton-d only ullitlity tlio llfr,
loclilftl I'rfni) Knw larito cltlnH of cliornctorUUcH mid liiiilltiitlinni of tlio
Ibt country that rro ununited In Ihn micli'iit rlty of Holla,
irbir bn li'ii affected by It tlinn , .
thl inefcnt nipltul of Oroeco. Kr
rtllrtly from lbi inennoB of air
nidi ami hontllo Iniinbanlinont, and
partlclpatlni: nctlvidy In Ilia war for
tompiritlvHy only lirt tlmo. An
ill Ii today In "'I rmwntlal fouturo'
mctly U w ln Prwnr uaya.
Thr Ii ncnrciily.nny outward Inn
thil Ine country ovnr wrm In Ihn
ireal world conflict During Hie on-J
tin proircn of tlio war, all tho
ilorf. tliatim, cuff". muouni anil)
plictt of ainuiciiipnl In tho Oroek
MFrntn cnur
on earn llnbblt aoalp proncntnd to n. H. Hunnidl, County JudKo
tliu County CliTK In lotH of not Ii-bm mirruii nnori, i.oiiiiniBHionur
thnn r.O Mi'iilpH nt any ono lime. Ami Kordjci-, CoiiimlHSlonur.
Tho mild bounty Ih to bo paid In Snlurdnv, .liiiiunry. 18tli, 1019.
tho mimo mannpr nn othur (lfiiprnl ""X nt Term.
I'lind bills urn puld by mild County. ' r"'fl "ct puraunnt lo adjourn-
It In fiirthnr ordered Hint tbp Clork ' wIlt'n n" moinherH worn prem-nt
riiinio to bo lU'iitroyoil nil bucIi uforo-"''" f'dlowluK proceeding wore had
lucntloni'il icnlpit upon the nrcHnntn-' o-wlt'-
Hon niul rillnK of mild rlnlnm for! In I In- COl'NTV ('Ol'IlT of the nnd 11I111II hold such fund for the uao
UOIIIIiy. IHlKllfll) J MTATW Ol Ulll.liU.N IOr KUAM-
n. II. nimnell. County Judge ATI! COUNTV
llurrntl Abort. CoinnilMlonor.l .11,'VKMIiK DMI'AUT.MI'.XT
Am Kordyro, Commissioner, in tho mutter of the APPLICATION
Tho followliiK Konoral fund clulnm of MH8. JI'NIKTA TAl.LMAN Tor
woro nllowpd und tho clork wnn 1 n u wldow'n pension.
atriictud'lo draw warrants on (Juncrnl OkIit AuiimIIiik IViihIoii.
Hind for IhPlr rcHpectlve iiinotintH. i n appfailiiB to tho Couit thai tho
towlt, Jnnunry 1.1, 1919, nil nxponnoil
ineiirreu in tne operation and main
tulnance of Hold hospital Miall be
1 boino eiiually by tho parties hereto,
inch hospital to bo iriulutnlnod and
thin uijreouifiit to continue In full
force und ofiett until dlucontlnuod
and unnulled by unanimous uctlon
of tho auld partlcH.
3 Tlint ald hoapltnl ultall be un
dor thi' bnalncv-i dtr'-Mlon of an of
fUlnl (Ii;Ii;iiiiIci1 (ih HunlnesH Manager
pvli'ctotl hv nifrr'nini.til r,f fin nnrllr.a
who hIujII on or about tin- 1st duy of I
enen mm pwry month hcrr-nftor ub
inlt to cneh of the imitloi tilllrt to
mo iiiiiunm oi one niirn oi all ileuls
ip''tirri"l In tlio oiieratlon of Buld hoa
pltnl during tho pred-dlni? month,
nnil who ilnill also nt that time nub
nit to enili of iho parties u complete
Hut of nil tftirli IiIIIm ho Incurred dur
Ini; tie preceding month, and a state
ment of nil moneyi received by Milch
Mamigpr In tho operation of bucIi
liOHpllnl during tho precedliiK month.
Such Mils ho Hiibmlttod shnll be nc
ronninn.oil hy rernlilon of ald
ItiiiilnosH Mnnncer, excent n to ,iuch
Itcmn as mav bo fixed, salary of
mnnnenr, rent. IIkIiI, etc.
4. K.-ich of tlio parties heroto ngrees
io oi'V promptly Its aharo of bills o
Ti That said btinlnees Mnnader
will, an part of his duly, collect bo
far an poBiblo from each natlent thn
ictiinl cost of caring for bucIi patlont
w m.
Herald's Classified Advs.' miscellaneous
""rv 'y'
(ilnim & Prudhommo Co., Of
rico mipniins
Wnrnm Hunt, (inllenKc
llnilth Officer (dUallowod
ln mini of $3,00)
Warren Hunt, examination
paid Mm. Juiilotn Tii II tn a n residing
2.19 nt Meirll. Oregon and Ih tho mother
.of 'I dhldreii under the ago of sixteen
WANTED Cabinet letter file; etyg
description and price. Address
R. M K Herald office. 3-tf
n ml benefit of the Parties hereto, i PHONE PEYTON for Wood-
Piom time to tlmo as tho parties shall i :
iiti.-inlmnii.1f,. ...M, II.. nl I FOII HALK Hit TlfAnRPIno alnpL-
........wur.. .(h. DU1.I1 I1UAIIIVD9 " " -- - .--.- . ...- v.uv.. ..!.. ' "-0- MW.-
Manager Hbnll divide audi recelptu' ranch, right In the heart of the "'""" u"Jr """ speciaittea, direct
WANTED Live salesman with car
fi nail n.l.l 1 t . v,,
.w .v.. ,uui Briu uins, wagon box-
us ho has on hand and shnll pay to bunch grass in Malheur County; 35 : .rn "s; rlellt Party n make
each one-third nead of good cows, chickens, wagons, " ' T ... 1-uuu a montn out of
tho parties
Vlt'MMA (Piiiriiatiiiiiilmirn of III
nutropolli were, doing buslneaa ns .....i iriMM or im nnt. im. .and tho Inhnhllmita foil only, ., ., .,,.,, w,.r .,.'. forl)lat. Atty
i.i. ii.. iri or thn wir1' ' " .- - (Iro. T lliidwln, Court hoiiBo
remotely the errecta or trio war. 0( )0 orilorrt nl ,jec0rnilon bo- fixture .. '
Price of food and clothing '. Hlow,i ,, ..tlnroi mid nobles dur-, Wnrnm Hunt, (nilluago Sell
ing tliu war Is Indicated by u llttlo " r. ' '" ? ' huhowoii
... . ,,. in sum or 3&.ro)
atory now going the rounds In Mun-'wurrcn Hunt oxninluntloii for
nn. It concerns Albrecht. thn ion ' I)lt Attv
of Archduko Frledrlih ' Mr. "1I1 Clark, nurao quar-
10 00
1 Ml a LlllUIUII UIIUVI IIIJ "H" " BIAin'll l'"" tap. .(. f VUJHIllUi; VliU LUI
)oarH, tthoaa namci and neH aro.i'crtfoii and dlvlfilon, la the above
hm nt ft
....v- v,.. -vk. baau - o w..wt uusv..v..u. .. unwHu. .. ... w
i hacks :all tools co with ranch. Anv- uur position, in answer state ae.
C. L'pon dlB-ontlnuance of said hoi- body interested, write. Mrs. n. E. "Perlence and reference. Our goods
pltal and retirement of tho Manager Cavlncss, Harper, Ore. 3-20t , ? nUar'J Tliere ,s a '''e demand
thereof. Hie piirtle.s hereto shall ap- . 'or tnom Coast Culvert & Fluma
point un npent to continue the col- FOH SALE 80 acres good land- Com'mn'. Portland, Ore. 11-61
moch higher than In pnnce times, but
thi p?opl aurrcrcd no such scarcity
of tbe and other nocaiiltle of Ufa
ii did the populations of London,
I'trli and other continontul cltlea.
The tourist who at ono tlmo wu
joarH, wnoso i.aincj anci nges nro,, cruon unu ciiv mon. in me above fenced; small building; 60 acres ,,.,..TP,n n
respectively, lleisle II. Tnllmun, bom pronortlon, of nil funds duo to and irrieatpii' J40 nPr ir-rp- i.-m. q wa.ntkd Drei3maklng, plain and
Mar. 27. Itifl? mid Maggie W. Tnll- ""nld to the account of said hospital, f ",,,' l0,m,n ., fancy sewing Mrs. A. C. Smith
man bom June 13. 1003 Ih nntltloJ ' frm nnd by former patients. ' er Brandenburg's Store. 16-7t
i"nV.VfQilS bo;..: 0Vp,rll,er,,,Phrone,:??t0Prtni: 'ANTED-To buy span good work
.unanimous agree- calyr w lo-Ct' , 0mnarf3 '". by ck; weight from
s hereto. cany new. lo-ut 125o to 1.500. Gail Downing. Blue
Anv action relative to the onera-
non mm mnlntaina
titl Hlinll he 1 1 lion
ment of the parties
FOR SALE On H. D, Falrolo ranch.
Front barn.
Downing, Blue
Ho was aligned to tho front with
u Tyrol Knlaer riip.lmi'iil, but with
imuidor that hit limit timer bo en
dlillKPted. In 1917 the regiment
cm of the mot abundant auurcoa of inatrucllona to the colonel mid com-
revenue, liouevor, disappeared n
ttrcly during thn wur
The pasjlng years nppenr on thn
wbolo in have umdu little rhnngu In
lb Athenian capital. If tha.vlsllor
bo knew Athens well m days long
i(i could puy another pilgrimage, to
the historic city, ho would still seo
the tame quaint sights Hint have ul
;i made Athens appear to tlio for
, elgner rustic and unsophisticated .In
tbe alilt of all Its rimmopolltonlsni.
He would nee. a number of mllcb.
loiti roatnlng dovn ono of tho main
itrVets, picking up orangu peel and
piper bag in the gutter, while their
owner drew the sweet warm milk
from them In nil thn hottlea und
pltcheri of the busy Oreek house
wIvm who emerged from tholr homes
In reipome to the tinkle of the gnats'
belli and the hanking cry of the fus-1
by nnd between City of Klamath
i burlier nnd otliers, when said report '""H Orogon, Klamath County, Orcg-
litihllelv read In onen Court for on, and Manuitli Chapter of Amorl-
IiiIIiik, Soptembor. 1918 14.00 IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED
In the mutter of tho REPORT of AND ADJI'DOEI), Thnt the a.'ld Mm.
VIEWERS on thn M. MOT3CHEN- Jutiletn Tallmnn be, nnd bIiu U hereby
IIACHICR ROAD. allowed the sum of J17 GO per month
I-Ii-hI HmulliiK of lteNirl. until tho further order of this Court.
On this day comes on to bo con- Plrst wairant to be drawn FebN 1.
I.l.r...1 ll.n ,aim.. nt Ti.tu tllv,.. .....I lDin Sll'IlOll)
had n Htrenuouii Initio with the Unl-,jnmPl, y. Jory viewers J C. Cleg-. " Hunnell. County Judge
lalin ut Hchltiilerhut'h and suffered Lorn surveyor, heretofore appointed T,,,! agreement mndo und entered
t iiotvy losses lo vliiwnd locate u prolKned County "" nia i.un nay or jnnuury. lain
. Wl.i. il... ..ntlwii-lil,.. Innk...l nvnr ."""" I'uinniiieii mr uy .11 . .iioisriiou
HIP nsi 111 rveoiiiiiieniiniioiiH lor our-. wu. ,,
orations nfter thn batllo It -was notl- itbe first time. ,n Red Cross, corporate bodies
red that Archduko Alhrecht's iinnie Wlioreiiiiop rourt iidjourned until. WITNESSETH: That for and In
reu nun Arcniitnu. Aiur rui. nanin S(f. 'consldorat on of the mutiial coven
was not present. It was learn.-d that .J',; "" Jnr '"'. (' , ngroonienla hereinafter contain
In; had been three, kilometers behind j j. Hunnell, County Judge 'd to bo kept nnd performed by each
tho lino during tliu fighting The col-l llurrell Short. Commissioner tliu aforesaid parties for the beno
onel declared .10 could not cite hl,l . ' . .- Kordyco. Commissioner , Ht . vnt-go o each of tho ot h-
1 unntinr. jiintuirr. i-iiii. ijjj, j -. - - - -..-..
. . nay or icrm.
Court met iminiiant to adjourn
. i. - .,.... n it t...
nirii, nurii H7 iim-uin i, 11, iihii-i, - .-- -- -.-,-. .
eell. County Judge, nnd Abu Fordyoe. l Kn"w" "."" (CB,Knnted us Ctrl
e i-n...n.i..inn... -i.An .1... f..t. AM) COI'NTY ISOLATION HOSI'I-
llintidlng the colonel to lecommend . Wnc proceedings wore hand to- TAL be )ponedby said parties nt and
Albrocbl for thn golden uiednl forjwltr 1 upon Lot 4, of Itlock 32 of Hlllsldo
bravery, nnd when tho officer r.. In , be .MATTER, of the COUNTY ? lA0TJl!,.
fused be was relieved from his coin- ""'" ,flTiT !"., .. i Hsbed and maintained for tho caro of
to .1 uMiir. 3 ponslou to 'Jhi-t In 1 lie
8 17 mipport ..lid mnlntciian''3 of huioelf
mi I niioti elilldrun whose niuiii-i, ngrs
4 id the Mnoiint which nlioni.t ii- al-
71.00 lowed to turh per ninnth. ruipfictlwly
..v.. n. r..ll..ii... .IT m .. Hn..l. I liurlfno l.iirnln l.n.'n nn.ifln.l .1.1.. n..
lull (in li'lllinti. AIti' liui Ilium I, ' t i 1.-11.1W t..M: i uuacu I II II UK I ce- . .... v. .. n. .
10 00 MOOl) for the lint child and S7.G0 i ment to be executed In triplicate by 3 a '"i'ensd ""1 l ,i" ner ton- WATED Furnished house or
ui iiii; reiuiiu i-iiiiu i '" "ii"i ii i-iii-ii iiiiiii.-uuiu uy me . -. ...,r ' '. -. ... I uuanmeni. not Icsa thnn 4 ,nnm..
lhoVl ,mrtle" dUl' and laWfUHy Si-wTlSr n8J I'wtr1, ""-Jtlon; no children NoTify
ntv of Klnmnth Falls. ZZTT7T. T T '
HV I. R. Strub e. Mnvor. ru" M lou acres irrigated
Klnmnth County. Oregon,
Hv II II. Hunnell. Judge.
Ktamntli Chanter of American R. C. '
Hv J. W. Siemens. Prcs. PO1 SALE Nice 5-room modern
Wberennon court ndiourned until residence, large corner lot, splen
ns ono of Ills bravest, slnio It would i
miika Ill-feeling among the soldiers
nnd was not Justified.
An order then was Issued com-
' llwi until nni'ttnu flti lini-.tliir tiln.l lli.i,..
.'selves each to tlio other uh follows;
1. Tliu I a public Isolation hospital
i half cash, half city property. X.
'Y., Herald. 14-5t
Monday Jnnuarv, 20. lfiio, fSlcned) did location; must be seen to be ap
R. IL Hunnell, Countv Judge predated. Price $3,000. Chllcoto
Jturrell Short, Commissioner & Smith, 633 Main street. 15-tf
Asa Fordyce, Commissioner. I
IFOR SALE Dodge car ln perfect
I condition; driven 9,000 miles.
i wo ucrman steamers are to be Pearl Dolvin. 14-6t
Y )
Chili Con Carne
and Tamales
NOW open '
211 E. Oth. Solicit Home Trade
used In taking American ofllcers and
men on excursions up and down the
Rhine. No wonder the ex-kalser is
reported to show signs of becoming a
hopeless lunatic. Ilaltlmoro Amer
ican. -
(n the
it v
tf N
K a
HBFm m -fri
T 1 lkrTX
I Lf" ' ,ts -dness I
Jy Protected, preserved.
tf8r CS Th flawor lasts! I
iSK for. ad be 5URE"
I to m WRIGLEVS. It's ID
a sealed package, but look
'or the nameth? Greatest
i Mame In Goody-Land.
I likife
lsealed Tight -Kept Rlght'i
Mnlsehenbncher mid otliers.
Onli-r Allowing Viewer's rcMiil
nnd Hcrcmil Heading.
This mutter, coming on regularly
to ho bnnrd'upon tho report of Tom
Dixon and James W. Jory, viewers,
nnd J. C. Cloghorn. surveyor, lioreto
"ore appointed to view nnd ropoit up
on n proposed County Rond, petition
ed for hv M. Mnt.qchcnbacher nnd
othais, which said rond Is located
nnd described ns follows, lo-wlt:
lletrlnnlng nt tho Southerly' end
of Rnllroad Avemto In First Addition
to South Mldlond, Klamath County.
Orocon (In section 1, Township 40
R. Ringo 8 K W M) thenco In n
Fouthweeterlv direction nnd follow
ing the Easterly sldo of tho Right of
Wav of tho California Northeastern
Tiallrnad thru Sections 1. 11. 12, 14.
23, 26. ?7 Township 40 R Rnnco 8
I! '.V. M. lo tho mennder line of Low
erJCInpiftth Mnmh In Soctlon, 27 (p.
40 H., It 8 E, W. (I, thonre in n
N'oribwestorly direction neio5 tl.e
Right of Wnv of snii cniirmnin Nortu
liersou.s suffering from the contag
Ioiib diseaHo conimnnly known as
Spnnlsli Influenza.
2. That from mid nfter this date,
School Hoard of Dlst. No. 1. will
receive bids for wood. Hid on 160
cords of body wood. 80 cords to bo
dellverod ut Rherslde, 80 cords to
be delivered at Central. Wood to be
cut from green timber, etc. See form
er 1 ids.
Or will receive bids on 240 corda of
slnl. fir and pine. Bid on fir separ
ately tnd plno separately, stating
amount of each to be furnished. Fir
! preferred. 120 cords to bo delivered
I it Rlvcrjido and 120 etirds at Central.
C'erllfl"d or Cashier's checlc 5 per-
' cent of bid accompany bid. Scaled,
marked bids for wood. Ulds must bo
! rpcolved not later than March 1,
I 1919. Address IDA B. MOMYER,
Clerk. . S-121.
""" " i-iTiirv'iWVWMWvwyw;
Physicians and Surgeons
Office, White nidg.
Successor to Dr. Truax
Suit 200, I. O. O. F. Bldg
Jump from Bed
in Morning and
Drink Hot Water
Tells why everyone should drink
hot water each morning
before breakfatt,
!,,. i. ,.,.. ,.,.1 .,.,,, .i.4ln the Matter of nn Eslrny Stoor
' .. -.. " ' . A Biimciont .affidavit having be
Order for Sale of Estruy
In the Justlco Court for tho Precinct
of Lost River, Klamath County,
.. , , . . I A Biiuicioiit iiiiuuvii uuving oen
tlmo feeling uoivous. despondent, 1 0Iea tUo lst (lay of February. A. D.
worried; some days headachy, dull' 1019, n the omco ot the undersigned
mid unvtruug; some days really lucn-, Justice of the Peace, by L. J. Horton.
oisturn Rnllroad nnd following the j pndtiitoil by Illness. regarding n certain cstray 2-year-old
mill meniiiiur 11110 ui uuiu ihi . i ,,.-wnnlil nil iii-ukMpi. lnli) lmli ' nicer, uuu sain uiuuuvu nuviug ooen
Klnmitth Marsh ns nemly nn practical I If Bu "oul1' ' ' cUc ln3llle bat 'rimnde In nccordmice with Chapter -36.
tn tho Westerly sldo of tho Right of lug. what 11 gratifying change would ...... ... oroiron. Session 1917.
said Rail Rond, thonrp In n South- tuko plnco. Instead of thousands of I jjow .therefore, I, J. T. Bradley, lnS the gray hair disappears; but
Westerly direction to tho Nurtliprlv hnlf-alclc. uniioiuliMooklng souls with Justice of the Peace, of the foregoing, what delights tho ladies with Wyeth's
"'!. ?f,.ft!U,li'inl.0n,iti, rno'ifiv nr.ffmi ! I'"8')', niiiddy complexions wo should, Precinct, do Jioroby order nnd com-1 Suge aud Sulphur Compound s that,
WO dell III hlnmntll l.OUIliy UlogOJl .' . . . . . mnnil Ihn salil Jj J Hnrton tn nrn. ' 1 . . ,. j .
(In Section 34. Township 40 S. Roiigo soo ciowds ot happy, healthy, "-"'"S,, accordant beautifully darkening the
X R. W. M. and terminating nl tho cheeked people everywhere. Tlio rea.1",," ",,,"..' hair after a few applications it also
Hair that loses Its color and lustre,
or when It fades, turns gray, dull and j
lifeless, Is caused by a lack of bu1-
phur ln the hair. Our grandmothers 7
made up a mixture of Sage Tea and
Sulphur to keep her locks dark and
boauttful, and thousands of women
nnd men who value that even color,
that beautiful dark shade of balr,
which Is so attractive, use only this,
old-time recipe. .
Nowadays we get this famous mlx
turejjmpiovcd by the' addition of oth
er ingredients by asking at auy drug
storw for a 50-cont bottle of "Wyeth's
Sage and Sulphur Compound," which '
darkens the hair so naturally, so'
evenly, Hint nobody cair'possibly tell ,
It lia3 been applied. You Just damp
en a sponge or soft brush with it ana
draw this through your ha'lr, taking
one small strand at a time. By morn-
Ofllce phone 86.1
Res Phone 80M
Loomls llldg., Klnmnth Falls
Crlsler & Stilts bldg, "th & Main
Phone 854
last nientlonod pint). 30n s thnt tho hiiiuun system does not
It appearing from snld rojiort that,
snld road Is located upon 'a good. 1 " " U801t olu" 'm ot "" U1 wa8l
niiictlcnblo routo, nnd will be of pub- which It accumulates under our pres
llc utility, and thnt no claim for dnui-lent mode of living, For overy ounco
ngeH or romonstrnnce ngmnst mo io-'or fo0lI ,, (Il.Illk tukou lllt0 tho Bys.
canon oi pmu iiroposuu iuuu nun uuuii
tlieil. Aim 011 in ropuri. iiuviim mi nui
dnv of this torm of said court
been' publicly rend In open Court, to
wlt On the 13th day of January.
Motors and
For next Irrigation season should Im
ut-derfMPnotr ,ln order to got the prop
er equipment nnd Insure delivery In
time, nt lowont coit. I-ct us iustnll
your pumping pluut.
Plnco your orders with us, und you
4tnow you Hro right.
Good onglneerliitf nnd Instullntlons
rnivflg niiimnl openso ,and gives hot
terofllciency... Kstlmatea furnlshucl.
Link River
Electrical Co.
7th and Main Sta.
torn nearly nn ounce of waste material
muBt bo carried out, else It ferments
nnd forms ptomnluo-llko polsoii3
which 1110 absorbed Into the blood.
Just ns necessary ns'lt Is to clean
Iho nhes finm.tbu furnace each day
befoio tho llio will burn bright nnd
hot, so wo must each morning clour
tho-lnsldo orgnns of tho previous day s
sen sum osiruy. 1 , , . , - - .
Given under my band this 3d day ""s u--n mo siu.!i nuu msire uuu
D17 Main
Mime) to lonn 011 lent estate at
K per cent.
of February, A. p. 1919
Justice of the Peace tor Lost River
Precinct Klnmnth County, Oregon.
NotUo of Hiile of E-tiay
Now, Hiercfore, iu uccordnnce with
the foregoing order made nnd direct
ed, I will ofTor for sale und soil at
public auction to tho highest and best
btdder for cush ln hand ,tit 1 o'clock
p. in., ut the Horton ranch, 17 miles
oust of Klnmnth Falls, Oregon, on
ear and branded Crown O with two Administrator of the estate of Ant
Dated at Boumun, Oregon, this 3d
y of Feb
day of February, A. 1). 1919.
Tuesday, the 2Gth dny of February,
accumulation of Indigestible waste "i'..?n,2 V nV"Z "nlT
anil uuuj iuaiiis, .ucii uuu cumuli,
whether sick or well, nro .advised to
drink each morning, bofora breakfast,
a glass of real hot water with a tea
spoonful of limestone phosphate In It,
ns a harmless means of washing out,
of tho Btomnrh, liver, kldnoyu nnd
bowels tho Indigestible material,
wnsto, sour bile aud toxins; thus
cleaning, aweutciilng nnd purifying
tho entire alimentary canal booro
putting more food Into tho stomach.
MIUIoiiH of pooplo who hnd tholr
turn at constipation, bilious attacks,
acid stomach, nervous days nnd sleep
less nights have become real crunks
about tlio mum tag Insldo bath. A
iiuarter pound of llmeatono phosphate
will not coat much at the drug storo,
hut Is sulllclent to demonstrate to any
ono Its cleansing, sweetening and
freshening effect upon the syatoni.-Ad
gives It nn appearance of abundance.
Notice Is hereby given that the un-1
dersigued has filed ln the County 1
Court of tho State of Oregon, for!
Klamath County, tho final account of
his administration of the estate Of
Anton Johnson, deceased,, and said
Court has fixed March 1, 1919, at
2:30 o'clock p. m. as the tlmo. and
the court room ot said Court as the
place, for hearing objections to said
account, und tor the settlement
Dated January 27, 1919.
Osteopathic Pht. Irian Surgeoa
Suite, 211, I 0. O. F. Temple
(over K. K, K. Store)
Phone 321 . .
(The only Osteopathic Phjil
cluu aud Surgeon ln Klamath
Falls )
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dorslgned was, on January IS, 1919,
by the County Court of Klamath
County, Oregon, appointed ndmlnls
trutttx of tho oBtuto ot William O.
Tallmnn, deceased, and, nil persons
having claims against said ostnto
are rotuo3tcd to present same to
snld administratrix nt the law of
fices ot R. C. aroesbeck, Klnnuth
Falls, Oregon, within six months
from tho dnto ot thla notice ,
Dated, January; 20, 1919.
Administratrix of tho Estate ot Wll-
Hum O, Tollman, Deceased.
Johnson, Deceased.
Notlco Is hereby given thut the un
derslgnod hus bceu duly appointed
administratrix ot the estate ot Orvlllo
J, Eskolson, deceased, by the County
Court of tho State of Oregon, for
Klamath County, nnd all persons hav
ing claims against snld estate are re-
mill-nil In nrnnnnt aima ln-anl.l n4
' I -... UV....W t UM.U HU .JrfWW. wS
Designers and builders of mod
ern Snw Mills, Pinning Mill. Box
Plants. Complete plunts contract
ed. .ppi'iiial4 and reports made.
Dredging. AYo contract to bulla
any clu of a building and Install
miichtner of any kind-
Drafting of any Kind done. Blue
Print, niiido. PHOJIK
Ollli-e In K. D. Ilulldlug
mlnistratrix at the law offices of R. C. '
Qroosbeck, Klamath Falls, Oregou.
within six months from the date ot ,
this notlco. All persons knowing
themselves indebted to said estate
are requested to inako prompt pay-!
ment. '
Datod January 27 ,1919.
Administratrix ot tho Estate ot Or
Vlllo 1, Eskelson, Deceased.
Let mo design jour tmliauigi
Whether It be large or smnll, an
save you money and n"a,n"
Khjht yciir. Architectural Practice
(1037 Clients)
Four j earn with Engineer Corp
U. S, A,
Architect aud Btructurnl Engineer
s:07 Odd Feuowa ojuj.