The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 14, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    ,b,pav, n;nmmiY u, ni"
' li
Hrgulnr flOc ViiIiii'
Matlilij Ilul-li, :t.()0 Vnlmx
Wlillo Ihry tnt
Whllo llipy litml, fi,r.llr-
nml Work
One Lot, Special
Hlll tlllh U.I HT Wit lIU-
iiiiuil mi a ISj)' Hull, iiml liil)
Mlilli llicrc h mi uitiirtini'iit.
1 mi niHMl any of thef
Hpcclnlii ,lni) rnrly, for Stock
N lliiilttil.
Ten palm left
Valencia v
llnublr, 5-lh. 01x70 Inchex
$6.50 Grade
$6.00 Valuei
01 Blanket", regular 9R.00
iiiluc. 10-1 ihUo
A few left, rrgulnr .'t.(W nlue
Saturday Specials
:t.:t.1 lind a liu) ul
Saturday Specials
S3.00 Values Bale. Price
PORTLAND, Feb. 14.-The- Cfith
coast nrtlllory Ih on tlic war from
Cnmp Dlx for the Pacific coast, ac
cordlng Jo word received by Emery
Olmstoad, chairman of tlm city com
n.lttco on rocoptlon and walcomo. It
Is hoped by the committee that er
rongemenU now being mado by tba
Union 'Pacific system to bring the
Oicgon troops Into Portland abou',
noon Sunday, February 1C, will be
Herald's Classified Advs. ft" sr ?,." :' slHr
lIml"' '' opportunity to operate
timber fine opportu to'o'pVt'r
to $40 per acre, would conside? .mall
PHONE PEYTON for Wood 11 2R Portion Klamath Falls prooertV eit
or country, term, on L17' c"?
....... "?'". ooa
FOR SALE Mare ana colt; 2 wan u' Scnlecf, In White bulldlne Klam.
on, 3 nnd 3 Inch; 2 gets good atli Falls 13.51"
harnoss; Studebaker hack; 1 .fresh .
cow. D. N. Crank, Mills Addition FOl SALE Improved fnnr S3 son
U-0t' "l M" ot Mallns 200 acre,!
130 a. res In crop. Addre JBm
FOR SALE OR TRADE Fine stock Krogue Malm, Ore. ,, ,mes
Attornby Walter Vun-Emon, who
has been c In Portland on 'business
since last week, roturned last even
ing, .
School Board of Dlst. No. 1 will
recolve bids on furnace In house situ
ated on R'oclc100,-Mlllj Addition,
this blni; the "property of tha liltl
Address blda ttf'IDA U. MOMYER,
Clerk. S-Ct
School Doard of Dlst. No. 1. will
receive bids for wood. Old on ICO
cords of body wood, 80 cords to be
delivered at Riverside, 80 cords to
be delivered at Central. Wood to be
cut from groen tlmbor, etc. See form
er I Ids.
Or will receive blda on 240 cords of
ranch, right In the heart of. the
bunch grass In Malheur County; 35
head of good cows, chickens, wagons,
hacks ;all tools go with ranch. Any
body Interested, write. Mrs R. E
Cavlness, Harper, Ore. 3-201
rnti t 1 . .
. .v pAi.c uougo car In
'-uuumon, driven 9.000
IVirl rin'v.n.
FOR SALE 80 acres good land;
fenced; .small building; GO acres
Irrigated; 1 40' per acre; terms. Seo
L Jacobs. . 3u-tf
. S C
FS,a.r i.6,0 ..?"?" ''ted;
' 14-St
FOR SALE Cheap. r.ein:ngton Jun
ior Typewriter. Phone 17. Practi
cally new. 10-6tt
-Five thfirnttfo.i in..
turkoy hens and one bronze gobler.
tQcper pound lmulro Hcralo. 14."
FOR. SALE FIno black registered
Percberon stallion', coming 3 years lease for one year,
old; also standard bred stallion and lice
race horse with a-record 2:09; both
7Ky Elghl or ten worni. for.
...t.w , uniurnisneu house, to
Apply Herald of-lMt
sound; and, gentle";! big bargain for ANTKD Cabinet letter file; give
quick sale.. T. h, Ta"lor, owner, description and price. Address
Medford, Oregon. 7-8t ,l sf K Herald otrice. 3-tf
FOR SALE .On H. D. Falrclo ranch. WANTED Live salesman with car
9 miles from Klamath Falls. 17 to "11 metal eraln him ann 1,'
tons second cutting hay, S12 per ton; e, 2nd other farm specialties, direct
zu ions ursi cutting nay at ji'J per '" "" farmers; rignt party can maka
ton. W. C, Uurk.' 12-Sf Ironi 500 to $1,000 a month nt nf
.,u. inuiiusuion in answer atato
FOR SALE Two adjoining farms of experience and references. Our goods
521 and 160 acres, on Pacific high- are standard There is a Me demand
slal, fir and pine. Hid on fir separ-1,' ,n l""'" cuounty; On.. 20 J" e Coast Culvert. & Flume
ntoly tnd pine separately, stating imlles .h Roseburg, In the well Comjany. Portland, Ore. n-6t
amount of each to be furnished. Fir known Umpqua. Valley; the best west- ...,..
ntcferred. 120 cords to be delivered. Br wregon cnmaie neiween 1'ortiana "'" iu nuy young calves
at UUcMido and 120 cords at Central, and Afbland; contract for 1175,000 ''"" are weaned. Address Box
Certified or Cashier's check 5 per-1 been let to surface the highway be- 214 Klamath Falls.
com of hid accompany bid. Scaled, , tweon Yoncalla and Oakland; farms
marked bids for wood. Rids must be Ho midway on this roadf only 1 mile. Sec Clillcote & Smith for n nr.
u.nlv.,1 nnl Inlor llim Mn.oli 1 itn S. P. II. I? otullnn. .Dm.'JI.I.... l.l . . ... "' '" "i lUt,
J1S19. Address IDA
Saturday Specials
Itegulnr S.1.2.1; Now
Home of Hart Schaffner. & Marx
Rids must be no miaway on this roadf only 1 mile. Sec Clillcote & SmiUi for Are life
an March 1 jto. S. P. R. R. station; same'.dlstance accident and health Insurant..' hju
H. public school; dally R. F,D.; tele-, Main Htreet. ""urancc. tfSS
' S 12t 2i
Notlco Is hereby given that all per
sons having claims against the estate, be It further resolved by the Common
former Improvement being $3,975.00'
and the estimate cost of the latter
Improvement being $3,975. OC And
60 ot Nichols Addition
of E. W. Oowen,. deceased, are re
quested to present same, properly
verified, to me, at my residence, 305
Pine street, Klamath Falls, Oregon;
and those knowing themselves In
debted to said estate will please set
tle with me on or before .April 30,
Dated Klamath Falls, Oregon, Jan
uary 17, 1919.
Notice fo Petition to Vacate 8tict
Notice Is hereby ghen that at the
regular meotllng. of the common
council of the City of Kl.tmatb Falls,
Oregon, to be held on Monday, the
' rd day ot March, lfU'i, the under
ilgned will present to tu 1 council a
petition praying for tht vacation of
that portion ot Jobusci avenue ex
tending from Canny at ect to Nciajin
meet, In Hot Sprlagb Addition to
Fii.d city.
Dated, January 24. 19l9.
low plates along Hi mute, It wits
llin highest miter In the river slnre
December 1012, At the power plant
ut Ooldrny tlm uuiilii)is fought tin
riHToucliiiiviitH of tin' rising wntor
which tliroJteued to flood the plant.
MKDFOItl), Or.. Feb. 14.Not for
0 years lini there been aurh n deltigu ,,,,ar fcok wns on n rampage Sattir
of rain In a short time as fell Sutur. ,lrty ,,Ik1" ui"' Suiulny It unshed out
l night and Sunday heroTlila pre- ""' ,,r,l,,!" " ,ho sI,,irt-r,u AR",U
flpllallon tint Hoar creek, Koguo rlv- lo"1,
r and smaller streams of the valley', , ... ...
IB r (Kli mm III,... iui.ll.. ii.. JWiimii lt.A I.
"" iwil, tfllllU &IIU lillll-l r, . ...l.... ....1 !.....
OUllilllH V.lllliri 1. u ll.lllv
Not only liavo I been relieved ot rhou
I matism and Btomach troublo but I
-hnvo also gained thirty pounds In
i weight, besides. Now those, aro my
' reasons for thinking so well of Tan
lac nnd I will gladly toll anyone who
enrcs to call on me what I have found
out by oxporlonco about It."
i Tanlua Is sold In Klamath Falls by
the Star Drug Co., and In I.orollr bj
tho James Merc, CO. Adr.
r.ii h... . ...... Hiiiuriiiiy
. . "u " uu' ' " the Peerless Orchestra, wlilclt com-
"i Haturdjy night, Ashland Um prlsoH tho host iiiuhIcIiiiih In Klamath.
i-J Inchei or ruin, which wa n re-They will furnish tho Intent music for
wd breaker for that locality dancing. Thoro will bo plenty of
The Ileum, river m nn,i i'i,i. ,.'? in .keep to dances running.
810 feut "' Sunday floodod many K .mnclng. rniuo.
Notice of Filliig and Hearing on Pe
tition for Inclusion of Certain
Lands Within the Boundaries o
the Horsefly Irrigation District
Notice Is hereoy given that Grace
Lytlo did. upon tho 4th day of Feb
ruary, A. D. 1919, tile with the Board
of Directors of the Horsefly Irriga
tion DlGtrlct a petition praying that
the NWU of the SEU and the NE
of the SV of Section 29. In Town
ship 39 south, Range 11 east of the
And that said property above de
scribed be and hereby Is hmId.i
Council that the following. described I,, "e the PrPeJty to be assessed tor
property be and hereby is declared, ", , , T . . 8ttm ,mProveuirnW
benefited by said proposed improve- )fna .! "ItVr resolTel that Tues-
ment, to-wlt: . i day, the 25th day of .February, 1919,
.11 .u . . . . . t at the hour ot 8 o'clock p. m.. at the
All those lots, parts of lofr. Council Chambers, In the citv hall hi
pieces and parcels of land lying flxed as the tlm and ptaS iloi M,
and being designated upon the offl-l hearing of objection. Jtnd remon-
cial plat as so lying between the Frances against the Mid proposed
north and south center line of Improvement- and th P,Li,I?.!i
block. 7 of Railroad Addltloi. ..the .hTrecUd".''!..
SthBB.nn-,Itl,aH!J, "ne i S.lC' SaW hearInB t0 bc Published m by
ond Railroad Addition, and thei Charter provided
westerly boundary line of the right '
of way of the Southern Pacific' 'ate of Oregon,
company, said lots, parcels and lt' of Klamath, Falls, ss:
pieces of land, being more partlcu- Couity of Klamath,
la.j , described as follews: '. A. L. Leavltt, Police Judge of the
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 6, 7. 8, 9. 10 cll' ot Klamath Falls, Oregon, do
of block 8, Railroad Addition; lots hereby certify that the foregoing Is a
.1, 2. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. 10, 11, 12 du'y enrolled copy ot a resolution
of block 11 of Second Railroad Ad- adPted by -the Common Council on
dltion; lots 1, 2, 3. 4 of block 20, the 27tu dav ot January, 1919. de
' Second Railroad Addition; lots 7, elariue Its Intention to Improve "
8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,i'-ranl slreet trom Eleventh to ceme
18. 19, 20, 21 of block 19, Second terJ llno' and approving the plans.
.Railroad Additien: lots 1. 2. 3. 4.i'ecwcauons ana estimate ot cost
5. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. 13. 14, 15,
16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 of block 18.
Second Railroad Addition; lots la,
lb, 2a, 2b. 3a. 3b, 4a, 4b, 5a. 5b,
6a, 6b, 7a. 7b, 8a, 8b, 9a, 9b, 10a,
iui, lia. lib, 12a. 12b, 13a, 13b.
14a. 14b, 16a, 15b. 16a, 16b, 17a,
17b, ISa. 18b, 19a, 19b. 19c, 20a.
20b, of block 7, Railroad Additlou.
That said property above lis9d m. 1
(Uim ritjed be.and hereby Is declared
to be the property to be assessed tor
the expense of said improvement,
and be it further resolved that Tues
day, the 25th day of February, 1919,
submitted by the City Engineer.
5-1 Ot Police Judge.
The City Engineer, pursuant to reso
lution ot Common Council heretofore
adopted, having, under date of Janu
uary 4 ,1918, filed plans, specifica
tions and estimates ot the coat, of Im
proving Lincoln street from Ninth,
northerly to Eleventh street, includ
ing intersections .and the Council
having taken same under advisement
and finding said plans, specifications
snip on uuuiii, imago n east oi tne """- --- . ou.u.j, .it., . p,filn..., satlifactnrv
Willamette Meridian. In Klamothat lle hour ot 8 o'clock p. m.. at the BBe n SSrebr RSoWed That W
County. Oregon, be Included within Council Chambers, in the city hall, be , Be 'Ve cifiatIons and estimates
the boundaries ot tho Horsefly Irrigated "a th.e Mm. and place for the ffatotlLSml
tion District. The tract of land which i hearing of objections and remon- r'h mPr ' tXtXt
strancos against tne said proposed i .v. vC 1 Tu .. iT.i'
improvement; and the Policy Judge is fnth ". aAnd ' TfnXr
hereby directed to causeNioti of b" approved. And bo It further re-
Is petitioned to be Included is bound
cd as follows. Commencing at south
east corner of the SW4 of NE ot
Section 29, In Township 39 south,
Range ll'cnst of the Willamette Me
ridian; thence south ono-quarter of n
mile, more or less, to the southeast
cornor of the NWV4 ot the SEU of
said Section 29; thence west ,ono-halt
a mile, more or less, to the south
west corner of the NE Vi of SW of
saia section 29 ;tnence north one-
J quarter of a mile, moro or less, to duly.a x ,1 CoPy of VesoI ot '23I4-10.0-1 0f pls?inf ,upn'it;
I NEW YORK. Fob. 14. "Nut" the northwest corner of tho NEU of adopted by. the Common Council on street ,eigh Inches of cinders, with-
o i...i ...i, ,iij .i .n.. o'sWU of said Section 29- thunrn i the 27th day of January, 1919, de- out s dew ulk, at an estimated cost of
Goodwin, who died recently after a w or Mia bection .9 .thfnco east intention to improve S2.aas.oo. Said Improvement in
X gSssE-fr&r It
jppw . TTM'lwnfmiTOa i n
il d fiSr IllL III III llliLJIL B TJW"
f El id (si IM I h
li y UlK-illlnRiL" nl
long and successful theatrical career.
left an cstnto of only 6,000, It was
diHdosed when lettors ot administra
tion were applied tor an behalf of
the. actor's parents, Mr. and Mra.
Nathaniel C. Goodwin of Roxbury,
Mass. The comodlan was Interested
In various mining and commercial enterprises.
Why It's a Good Thing
To Have a Bank Account
Vim, It give you muxlmiim wifely In KEEtMNG
?Y!Jri HCC,,,I,' maximum ronvrnieiu'o In HAND
ii?. "' '""'' third, tho maximum mhiiiitiiKO In MAK
IO more. .
, ''ook around ut the pronnerofii ileposilorN of Hi"
IIRHT NATIONAL RANK. You'll understand Hint
weir connection hero lias contributed to their miwcw.
K, It. Reameii, l'itvlilont.
L. F. WlllotN, Vli'M'iviililoiit,
lcIle Rogui'H, CiiMlilvr.
A, M, Collier, Aiml, Cnnhlfr.
John M, Mooio, Ant. CdMliler. ,
fa First National Bank
"If 1 oould spoak with everybody
liemnnnlly who hna stomach troublo
' nnd rheumatism," said Mrs. M. E.
Hoylc of 1329 Penniylvnnla Avo.,
, Kansas City, Mo "I would advlso
' them to tako Tnnluc, for I have tried
myself, and thave nevty found
nYivihinc to onual It. I hnvo suffered
I .'. . ., . . .u. . ... .
mm rneuiuntiBni niinng iuu ihui ion
years until I thought I would go dis
tracted. Tho pnln would extonU from
my hips down to my nnklos, the mus
cles nnd loadcia felt like they woio jVvf onarl
'drawn, my knoea were bo stiff I VlvJlvIl 5 CaIIU
could hnrdly bond ovet, nnd many n
night tho pain was so sovoro that I
could hardly kcop from crying. My
niuiAiltd u'lo vnfv nrtAr nnH mv atntn
noli was so out of order that what Fof M1 "tl0" M-
little I did cat mado me miserable. I oruereu now ,m oraer w get we prop.
suffered terribly from Indigestion w equipment and iniure delivery in
nnd would bloat up so badly from the time, nt lowest cost. Let tu install
ens on my Btomach-that I could your pumping plant. ,
senrcoly breathe, nnd thoro was also YOU WANT
n dull aching laln In tho pit of my YOUR MOTOR RIGHT
stomach. My completion wns very YOUIt rUMP RIGHT
bad sallow and yollow looking YOUR INSTALLATION RIGHT
and I Just felt badly all tho time. THAT WILL STAY RIOHT
"Rut Tanlao has been a wonderful Place your orders with at, and you
blessing to mo and no ono could boo know you are right.
tho change that has takon place Iu' Good engineering and Installations
inn during tho past few weoks and saves annual expense ,and givea bet'
doubt It bolng ft great medudne. All tor efficiency... Estimate furnished.
my rheumatic pain nnu sunnosn is
gono now and you may know I fool
llko n now porson. My nppetlto h
Bplondld, 1 am never bothered" with
Indigestion 6r gas any moro, no mat
) tor what I 'eat, and my color la fine,
directed to cause notlco of
said hearing to be published as by
Charter provided.
State of Oregon,
City of Klamath Falls, ss:
County ot Klamath.
I, A. L. Leavltt, Police Judge ot the
City ot Klamath Falls, Oregon, do
nereby certify that the foregoing is a
solved that the Common Council
hereby declares its intention to im
prove said portion of Lincoln street
in accordance with said plans, speci
fications and estimates, said improve
ment to consist of paving said por
tion of said street with Oil Macadam,
at an estimated cost, including ce-i
ment sidewalk, curbing and grading,
ot $4,234.00, or placing upon said
street .eight Inches ot cinders, with-
one-hnlf mile, more or 'loss, to the'cla,?nB ,ts Mention to Improve $2,206.00. Said Improvement
point ot beginning,
All persons interested are hereby
given vnotice tof appear at the offlco
of tho Board of Directors of the
Horsefly Irrigation- District in the
town of Bonanza, upon Tuesday, the
4th day ot March A. D. 1919, at the
hour ot 2 o'clock In the afternoon,
and show causo, It any they have,
why the petition should not be
Socretary ot the-Board of Dlrectora
of the Horsefly Irrigation Dis
trict. 7-14-21-28
Link River
Electrical Co.
7th and Main SU. ,.
The City Engineer, pursuant to reso
lution ot Common Council heretofore
adopted, having, under date ot Janu
uary 4 ,1918, filed plana, specifica
tions and estimates ot the cost of Im
proving Spring street from Its Inter
section with Sixth street to the north
lino of Oak avenue, including Inter
sections. And the Council having
taking the same under advisement,
and finding Bnfd plans and specifica
tions and estimates. satisfactory;
It- li hereby Resolved, That Bald
plans, specifications and estimates tor
the said Improvement ot Spring street
be, and the same are hereby ap
proved, and It la further resolved that
the'Common Council hereby declares
Its Intension to Improve said Spring
street in accordance with said mans.
specifications and estimates, said im
provement to cpnslst ot pavlugj said
Spring street with either Water
Bound Macadam ,or the placing upon
said street ot cinders to tho thickness
ot ten Inohos and rolling same down
to an approximate thickness of sev
en Inches. The estimate coat 'of the
Spring street from Oak avenue to either event to Include grading, roll-
Sixth street, and approving the plans
specifications and estimate ot cost
submitted by the City Engineer.
fi-lOt Police Judge.
The City Engineer, pursuant to reso
lution of Common Council heretofore
adopted, having, under date ot Janu
uary 4 ,19 JS, fllod plans, specifica
tions and estimates of the cost ot im
proving Grant street from Eleventh
Btreet northerly to tho property of
the Llnkvllle Cemetery. And the
Council having taken same under ad
visement and finding said plans,
(specifications and estimates satisfactory;
Bo It Resolved, That said plans,
ing and curbing. And be it furtuer
resolved by the Common Council that
the property hereinafter' described,
be and hereby Is declared benefited by
said proposed improvement, to-wlt;
Lots 5, 6, 7, 8. of block 56,
Nichols Addition; lots 1, 2, 3, ,4,
ot block 62 of Nichols Addition;
lots 1 and 4 ot block 61 ot Nichols
Addition; lots 5, 6 ot block 57,pf
Nichols Addition.
And that said property above de
scribed be and hereby is declared
to be the property to b aised fcr
h.. mrnonnn nf said Improvement!
and be it further resolved that Tu
dny, the 25th day of February, I9I,
at the hour of 8 o'clock p. ra., at tne
Council Chambers of the city hall, M
fixed as Uie time and piace-ior .
nnciflcaHnna and atimatB fnr tho
nM ItunrAvamAnf nt nnn aa fen j ltn.iili.. nf nMnPtionH and TdttLOU'
and the same are hereby approved, Istrunces against the 8lj'd,I pr0?,?jSi
Be It further resolved that the Com
mon Council hereby declares its in
tention to Improve said portion of
Grant street, In a'ceordance with tho
said plans, 'specifications and esti
Imprevement: and the roiice juu.
bo and hereby is directed to cause no
tice of said hearing to be publunaa
as by Charter provided. I
State of Oregon,
Said Improvement to' consist i. wi.nih piia. sj:
0t, .li an"'"' Rt ,nn ,eat'mated ?08t Couutv of Klamath. ,
of $1,695.00, or ot placing cinders, , "' , , vUt Poce Judge of ths
upon said street to a depth of eightlp1,rt'K, ath' Faii8, Oregon, d?
Inches nt an estimated cost ot&" bcef ty that the foregoing U. a
$1,168.00. The snld improvement In "f 1 "h"? copy of u resolution
either event to include grading, curb- du ,' T v 7he Common Council on
f the 27th day of January, 1919.1 V"
lng and rolling. And be It further
resolved bv the Common nnunnll. thnt i -"",'"' , imnrove
the property hereinafter described be "7. 8,,pet from Ninth to Kleven'h
and hereby la declared to be benefit- " "" owuortag ",0 plan''
eu oy nam proposed improvement, 9,ciflcatloni and estimate i w
to-wlt; :rr' ,,,, hv ,hB city Engineer.,
. . . . . . . ,"" -' ... t.Et.VITT.
Lots 1, 2, 3, of block 68, Nichols,
Addition; lota S, 6, 7, 8, 9, ot block G-10t
a ' r.. LEAVITT.