FRIDAY, I'HIIHUAHY It, n PAQB TWO THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON m 5 r 5 1 I VV" K- , Herald J. MURRAY EDITOR Published dally except Sunday by HeAld Publishing Company of Kumatb. -Falls, at 116 Fourth street Entered at tha postofflce at Klam- Hon of nil these Interests, In spite ot I the resolution of protest ot the city council o( Klamath Falls, tor these people recognized the danger ot such n measure aud the financial loss it j would be to Klamath Falls and ' Klamath County 1 Representative Mcrryman knew In advance that the presence ot Hid, ' sheepman hero meant the eventunl ' erection of a scouring plant, ware P IL ERSQNAL MENTION mtti.r bidklioiits on local nAiPENiNas AMONG THE PEOPLE OK THIS CITY AND VICINITY. OOINOS AM) COMING OF LOCAL FOLKS tvnrit. ' the making ot Klamath Falls ono of II. C Nelson U here on matters of business from San Francisco, C. II. Kimball Is hero o nn short business visit from Portland, Mrs. G. O. Stqwnnl Is a guest at llioi Mr. and .Mrs. V, C. Ornff were BaaaetlatloB tarns by mall to any the sheep and wool centers ot tlio address IB tha United States: ' west. Yet he has singled out his homo n. . ce nn . . .. . One month " 60 counly nUd w n0m Cll 7 ln O0V 'Mrs' "' " ra, n UW,J nl u, among yesterday's nriivals In Klam una aaonm o joct of his shaft of destruction. .Hotel Hall Irom the Klamath Agency.! ,h Pnl. Thnv nrn rn.i.,.,i , Mrs. J. Lacoy, Dennis I.acey, Clias. Duggan nnd Pete O'Connor are In the county sent looking after business interests trom Merrill -. wtt ------ fc- Mesaber of the Associated Press K. A. Multlopn Is n recent arrival the Hotel Hall from Algoma The Herald Is not posing as the t-AiirAaanlilllvn rtf lha sllAADnifin TtlffV Tlie Associated. Press is exclusively arc only an incident In the scheme of I" Klamath Falls from San Francisco. S?tiVitit5ui!l,Vr orKTt development that Is in store for Klam-1 0; w. wimberly was among the Sr not otSrwKredltcd in this , pa-' th F?s- " wou,d uke th 8me fain arrivals from nosebnrg.aast ner.'nnd also local news published stand If a measure of similar Import n,Bnt iT - . ki.J& " . rt.A aIihaiI n ia iitltla man thn ' , ' j. r " nth Falls, They aro rogUtered nt X t t t t Where to Buy Your Butter kerrta iAU rights of republication ot spo il,, dispatches therein are also re aerred. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY' 14, 1R10 MORE SPECIAL INTEREST LEGISLATION. ere aimed at the cattle men, the , Representative Merry man ha again .demonstrated his titter unfit ness to represent Klamath County and Southeastern, Oregon in the leg islature. The first" concrete" evidence of this fact was brought to the atten tion of the people of this county when he practically refused to join with Setator Baldwin in, support ot the 'constitutional amendment permitting the raising; of funds for the construc tion of permanent roads. Pursulns his characteristically vasclilatlng pol icy, he raised a question as to the wisdom of placing the limit at ten Vercent. preferring to set up his Judg ement against that of the people who pay the bill and sent him there to represent, them. Not once has he 1 teen to the situation and shown him self lo be possessed of that keen in terest and enthusiasm for the devel "opmeni ot this county that a real representative should nave Eo con stricted have been his. ideas that he "has not once made an impression up "on tfie legislative program, nor been "incidentally Identified with a single constructive plan that has been be fore the present session. He wasent there to protect all of the Interests of the section of this .'state that he Is supposed to represent. Every asaa who cast his ballot for .his, election did so feeling a confid ence U him that iustftled his act and believing that when he went to Salem he, would not permit Jiiiuself .lo Jbefcorae the v representative of a few to. the Injury of -the many. But .he has betrayed this -confidence. He lias .done that which, not another re preentntlve In any legislature of the JJatted States would do introduced a bill whose sole purpose is the de struction of an Industry that means hundreds of thousands of dollars td bis home county. This may seem un .belleyable. For more than thirteen 'years we have known Dr. Merryman. 'We have numbered him among our 'personal friends. . We have felt that be was all that bis constituents be- -Ueved Him to be wnen they elected him to represent them at Salem, and it is with the keenest regret nnd dis appointment that we have before us "today the copy"of a bill that will drive '.from Klamath- county every sheep man, within Its .borders. On February 11, Dr. Merryman In troduced, a bill that provides that "It. U , not lawful - to herd sheep on 'the land or possessory claims of otherpersons or to permit; thf-m to graze within one mile of the .dwelling house of the owner or own ers of such, possessory-claims located ,wtthin Uie County of Klamath, State of Oregon." If' that bill should become a law Jt would destroy' the sheep industry ot Klamath county. Under Its provf- Is a guest at the Hotel Hall. turned last night from Roseburg. I where they 'have been for the paatJV1 I week visiting Mrs. Shepherd's par-' ; I n W nrrlnl.l iimalilnnt nt llm V Mtss Frftnces Heatty left rhls morn-1 Kl.TTunth Irrigation District is among'. & Ing for Cottage Clroe whore she ex, the County seat visitor today from, A pects to visit for the next two weeks. Merrill. Halt. Mr. nnd Mrs Dale Itlchards left on the train thU morning for Cor-f Mr. and Mrs. F. U. Hullo ure down for n brief vl.ilt In Klnmath Falls timbci men, or anv bthei one indus try of this county, it la, opposed to this bill for It knows what it means to the financial and material welfare or Klamath county and Klamath Falls, and A appeals even at this tale day. to Dr. Merryman to cast aside the pettiness or influence that has In-, J. K. Paddock of the Bonnnr.a tils-1 duced him to take this step and stand trict Is among the county seat visi- PI,ts ueiuie ins wwuiucuia iiic muu ,iucj lurs ii"i 4t wwwiui io,,v.a i....... believed him to be. It asks him rsn to the occasion and bocomo the representative qt his entire district, to protect .the rights and interests of the sheepman, the farmer, the ' business man, of all'who are .Identi fied with this industry, to Join the people ot tills city who are working for a metropolis In Southern Oregon and who are reaching out and holding on to everything, that will aid in the accomplishment of this purpose. We are asking Dr. Merryman to go before the committee to which this bill has been referred.'tell the members there of that his constltutents do not want this special legislation and ask them to klll'it. If he will do this, .then we will believe his act. was one of mis Judgement and not ot deliberate In-, tent. Klamath county Is not in -need of legislation that is not applicable to the entire state. If this bill Is good I for Klamath it is good for all of I Eastern Oregon. If It is bad for any ' other section, then it is destructive here. There are no peculiar condi tions existing in Klamath that do not ' exist elsewhere, and it, therefore, be- comes a duty of honor on the part of Dr. Merryman not to-pick out this county for such legislation. llruco I.upton was a passenger this, morning on the train for Wilbur V Springs, California, where ho expects to remain for' the next month. (& IX v Mr nn.l Mrs f!. W. Snndera and I Mrs. John I.owery who came 111 ', ' ii- ,-. -..i- -..i.... v.i. l from tonrrln lo liniir the Christian aauytj icii mi- iuuiiiiuk ivu iiumu- - , - torn Alslt with relatives. . science lecture oy ur. iuu ibsi eyen- I ing, left for her home this morning, & Miss Delia Waltz Is a Klamath! Foils visitor today from Dorrls. She .Mrtanu airs. r;. i.oiiepnoru re- i He Is a guest at the Hotel vallts, vher they exjiect to remain In the future. C. F. FHnn of the Chlloquln Lum ber Company came In jesterdny and left this morning for San Francisco on business. H OUSTON' Metropolitan Amusements s HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE DANCING SATURDAY KVENING JAZZ .MUSIC STAR THEATER TODAY VALENTINES UP TO DATE. D. W. GRIFFITH Present "THE GREAT LOVE" .Starring HENRY II. WALTHALL I Anil the "Birth of the Nntlon" Cast. A Story' of the Regeneration of '. , Women by War. Also 'i'wo Reels of Cnmcdy Adnrisslon 10X 25 cent. Show Starts 7:30 and 9: IS. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 14. Thrift Stamps for valentines is the slogan advanced by the War Savings'! division of the Twelfth federal re serve district. " j , Here's their sample verse: 'To you with lots of love, I send this little gift; 1 "My yalentinel hope yoVll be .vhen ' T E M P'L E T,H EATER you see I'm strong for thrift," " TODAY Trinnglo Presents DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS '. In t "THE GOOD BAD MAN" NEW MILLINERY SHOP TO OPEN ' A Dasliius old Fashion Tlirlller of t Western Life itli Lots of Laughter. I from Modoc Point. Mr. Hutto has charge of the Indian experimental farm at that place. Mr. and Mis. W, D. MjUern were passengers "this morning op the train j for San Francisco. They, expect tb .spend the next week on matters of business and pleasure. Mrs. Carrie A. Oearlty who has been In the city for the last three ' days In the interest ot the Florence Crlttenton Refuge Home at Portland, ' left on the train this morning for I Medford. j A large group ot School boys were ! at the depot this morning to say . farewell to Miss Laura Hammer and ' Mrs. Dale Richards, their teachers who have given up their work here and are leaving the city. ! Miss Laura Hammer, who has been instructor in mathamatlcs at the , Klamath County High School for the 'past two years'and who has given up her work here to go to France as in structor for the refugeo children, left , on the train this morning for Phlla fdelphia, where she will take a course of' training for this 'service. . k, Here are the merchants who sell butter ' made by the Klamath Falls Croamery. These are the men who are making it p9V ' sible for the farmers to sell their cream, to patronize their home merchants, to keep home industry going ,to employ home labor. Show your appreciation by patronizing them. There is not a working man in the city but who should buy his butter from these merchants they employ white help, pay living wage, help us to do the same thing. Patronize these merchants, for they are the men who are helping to build up a great city here: v ,M Hines announces he's going to car ry out the policies ot McAdoo. Fine.' Carry 'em out, and for goodness sake don't bring 'era back. Knoxvllle Journal and Tribune. See Charles S. Hood, Klamath, Agency for health and accident in-, surance. . 12-tf i Get a standard policy Chllcote A Smith agency. from the 24 Also Heai-st Putlie News Iitestof Current Events. - Admission 10 & 15 cents Matinee U.SU. Kvcnlngs 7:30 & 0. See Charles S. Hood, Klamith Agency, the real estate agent. He will write your contracts and other i legal papers. 12-tf ) - Do Not Discard Your Broken Castings Mrs. W. J. Harrington, formerly of St. Paul, has leased the Bend Studio, i 519 Main street, and will run an up-! to-date millinery store and beauty v parlor. After a visit here last sum-, mer with her sister, Mrs. Jesse Bailey, J she was interested In Klamath Falls.' Mrs. Harrington has been for several" years with the leading millinery MPRPII I- OPPD A UHI IQFf welding: Mr. Schubert has an .A-l F Rhd will nnnn immwi,ij a vw 1 , ,., m ., . . ciassiucaiion irum me war ueyuri MARSHF1ELD, Or., Fob. 1 1. At a meeting of the Coos County Tax payers' league, held in Mnrshtleld,' i ft was. decided to secure recall petl- service of the United States, with new, tlons against County Judgo 'James, and up-to-date methods In acetylene WntBOn and commissioner Archie We have with us Mr.- Carl Schu bert. who has Just returned from the SUNSET GROCERY, Tenth and Main Sts. FRED GARICH, Next to Postoffice. ROBERTS & WHITMORE 802 Main, Sixth and Main. B. P. LEWIS, Sixth Street.' Klamath Falls Creamery t T ? ? t t ? T ? X T t Y t T t t t ? ? X i t ! W. P. Johnson, Manager hhHhHH COOS PEOPLE W RECALL THEIR JUDGE Ah winter begins to bo a little rex-1 .tlvo on tlio lap of spring, soma peo ple aro getting moro Interested In the National Leaguo than In tlio I.ciruo of Nations. L'olumbla Slate. ' AA.a.aas T : : e ! ! ! . ; v -www-- .- houses in the East. She will ODen March 1st, with a full line of Eastern1 millinery- The store -will be known as the Parisian Millinery. It I OPEN FOR BUSINESS j Now is your chance to get your' auto repair work done, and done right, at fair prices. Low rent, strict attention to business, fast workman simp, and thorough experience make it possible for us to assure you satis faction at prices that wont conilscate your car. We also do general black-. MOTION PICTURES TUESDAYS. AND SATURDAYS Merrill, Oregon ment, so that In'sollcltlng your work we feel we can guarantee satisfac tion. Give, us a trial. CENTRAL OARAOE, - 12-Ct 422 Klamath Ave. smlthine and horseahnAine. An pt- slons sheep could not be grazed m-ar . perienced sboer will put your horss tl,A "iMBajwiAn lflfmn" Af nnvtno nn ' nn hla toot rtptit w w.iw.., .... wu m.u bwv .JO,.. the "possessory claims' utatler-whether that person lived thereon or not. "Possessory claims" fa"the Joker In this bill and is put tberf with the deliberate Intent nnd purpose of forcing the sboapman to v-mere. Dr. Merrymon knows this and, ..If, be does not, then he had no right t to Introduce a bill with the effects of which be is not fully familiar He has fathered this measure and iimat jshmjlder the responsibility. If it be- e(,aj'es"a'law It will lose to the tax .rolto of this .county property to the "value, of over a million dollars. It will take from the business men ano farmers money that represents nearly "" aaj7mftCIrannually, for it Is a well ksfewiffact that thesemen keep their 2iiiieyit'lieme and are liberal spend- en. It will, take from tha farmers of Um Merrill-Malln section a market tr;tW'J that thU year proved jiVOadaand to many of them. How - would hay in the Merrill sec- .istoirbtiWWtli' today if the sheepman wstwsarts MMT to feed It? That bill Iwm lB4JrM JPte o the opposl- All work strictly guaranteed. SIXTH STREET REPAIR SHOP 7-6t eod LOPER & POUTER. RECKARD RENT SERVICE Phone 09 Night Phone S4S . iiiAAA New City Laundry We Ouarantte Our Work. Shirts and Collars Liundsred. We also wash silk, wool, and col ored gods very carefully. Try us I once and be convinced. Our price are right Rhone 1M. 127 Fourth Street ack of First National Bank WlrVMMMMMWWMW LIBERTY THEATER "THE BEST IN PICTURES" . H. W. POOLE! Owner TONIGHT " ' "THE MILLION DOLLAR DOLLIES" Featuring the Famous "Dolly Sitter" in Their First Photoplay Funny Ford Sterling in "HIS BLIGHTED CAREER SATURDAY T Warren Kerrigan in "THE TURN OF A CARD" Special Saturday Matinee- Valentine Day Number - SUNDAY v . William Farnum in Victor Hugo Masterpiece "LES MISERABLES" Admission 10c and 20c A child accompanied by par ent tidniitted frco with a .30c ticket, oxec-pt Saturday night and Sunday night. This Theater now properly Heated and Ventilated. . t Fumigated every night Philip of North Bend. The league also went on record nsklng the court to provide a special accountant to ex pert the road funds nnd expenses of the past few yeurs, with a view to submitting the findings to the next grand jury session. Oassengers r andBaggage T "ANYWHERE IN THE CITY QUICK SERVICE ' REASONABLE BATHS PHONE 187 WesternTransfeiCo. High Grade Ladies' & Men 's Clothes MADE TO ORDER FINEST MATERIALS BKST OF WORKMANHIUP LATEST STYLES' PERFECT FIT OUAItANTEIOD Prlros nre tcry rrnionnhlo Your inspection Invited Chas. J. Cizek MKItCIIANT TAILOR AIH Main St. Quality Drugs... II Isn't economy and It Isn't wine to buy mi) llilng bill Hie beat In ilmu. Wc jinve gained the ton flilciico of our ruitouirr lX hulling drug of Hie l!lett quality only. You (atiimt buy nny other kind here, nnd you lire alunj- info mill sure Hint uutlilug bat the best drug nlll be M In till store. nndcrwooftPhariM Wv, KLAMATH TAOS OREOOMtfkij" V; urxm h:m x IT'S WELLMAN'S YOU'LL LIKE IT, TOO IA A?woFTe Beans From, 4B CENTS THE POUND 4B CENTS THK FOUND (SSh AAAs"A MKVjVNs'A mSffiiU IR PFRTII I7.FR The Sunset Grocery WAvV'v Increase Crop Yield 50-200 per cent.' Murphy Feed & Seed Store 1 : , 124 South Sixth Stret. Phone V Y Y X s : Y T ? : t ? ? ? Y 7 ' i "T"'rVT'-' I v '. VI i't '? V"! n ".. ' . 'Mr . .r.v .. & rA i4 ?