The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 13, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    ,HHi..ri:'"nv"1' tPlB
K. Sugarman
Garich's Grocery News
Tall Can Milk, one dozen to person ... $1.75
M. J. B. No. lb Coffee in Bulk . .. 30c
Next to Poitofficc
Phone 326
Watch for
bandit, nml t ltd two of limn fight their (cu dnyn tutor having nut only learned
wity thru flnrno uml liullnt to liapt'l-' 'ory tilJk of horsemanship the
gunlmtlon of suld Enterprise Irriga
tion DJBtrlrt, or in tho proceedings
for tin; Issue or sale of suld bond),
may, on or before tliu day fixed lor
the hearing of said petition, demur to
or answer said petition
Thin notice lis published pursuant
(o'un order made by the Honorable
I). V Kuykendull, Judge of tho Cir
cuit Court of the Stute of Oregon, tor
Klamath County, made and entered
on the 28th du of January, A I).
County Clerk of Klamath County,
Oregon, onoV Clerk of the Circuit
Court of tho Stute of Oregon, for
Klnmnth County,
ny Chas. F. DeLap, Deputy Clerk.
30-fi 13-20
wholaHomr, humane,
rnwboyH could hIiow hfm but having
lined moot of them in the picture.
Ami ho mini thnt no one doubts
Clean. wholaHomr. humane, nvui-i
bollr, and nlovutlng. Bolect Pictures' for Dug. Fairbanks, whatever the
Hpi-rliil attraction, ''Ruling Passions". rUU. If there Im flomuthlng hurd to
I written and cllrortcil hy Abraham H, do, lllco mtboxlng a piofosslonnl pug-
Hchomor. which comes to the Star Ull, or outriding fc wiry cowbpy, Unit
Theatre tonlaht nffords ono of tho "H th nnrtlcwlnr thing that tho Irro-
presxlble joung star Is looking for
ward to with a hoy'H enthusiasm,
lie found plenty of the fiort in "The
Good Had Man,'' and, In the words
of one of his cowboy company, "He
Just aot'um, licked ills lips and look
ed for more." Temple Theatre tonight
at tko 1
the wholesome nurse, bring to tho
part a freshness, aud glowing woman
liness that Ik h Joy forever
Douglas Fairbanks, who Is almost
every port of an athlete, finds new
I I'hiinres for acrobutlr In "The flood
....... i, . . n. i , ,i... Und Man," tho fourth of his Trlanglo
Ho. .until .u Ilk. to be captured. HolUlo Montgomery, tells her hat -,,,, wu1, (Q 10 dwm
most Interesting Jicreen entertain
ments ever seen In this city. tIio
story Is exceptionally well written,
mid every scone Is so finely develop
ed that the spectator feels that he
Is looking at ii n Intimate strug
gle In human lives.
Edwin Anion, who Is featured in
this pioductlon with Julia Dean, Inn
the pan of John Walton, a wealthy -
luokcr. Mr. Arden seems to live and The Ml. Lakl Improvement Club
breathe his part, while Miss Dean, as wl Kvo n' chicken plo supper Friday
nigiii. reoruarr 11111, ai .111. l.uki
Tho City HngliiBor, pursuant to reso
lution of Common Council heretofore!
adopted, having, under date of Janu
uiiry 4 ,1018, filed plans, speclflca
tlotis and estimates of the cost of im
proving Spring street from Its Inter
section with Sixth street to the north
line of Oak avenue, including inter
sections. And tho Council having
taking the- same under advisement,
and finding said plans and specifica
tions and estimates satisfactory;
It is hereby Resolved, That said
plans, specifications and estimates for
, tho said Improvement of Spring street
a A 1 A It A n A nA 1iapaI.ii '
iir( uuu vu v nuiuo uiu miiuu ui
Herald's Classified Advs.
quick selling line of a dozen big mon
ey makers; large profits, quick sale;
particulars free W II , 1021 Wash
ington street' ll-3t
to public school; dally U F.D.; tclo-phon.-,
ovpi '00 acres nmlor cultlva
t in remainder pmture and valuable
timber, fine opportunity to operate
camp and pay for place, Price J30
timber, fine opportunity to opin tit
to $40 per acre, would consider small
portion Klamath FalU property city
or countrv terms on balance .See
I).; chlef. in White building, Kam
otli Falls 13.5t,
PHONE PEYTON for Wood 11211
FOR HA I K- Improved farm 13.G00.
7 mile- east of Malln, 20 acres,
13u t.crp in crop Addrwi Jamej
Krogje m! n Ore. 12-31
FOR SALE Mare and colt; 2 wag
ons, 3 and 3 inch; 2 sets good
harness, Studebaker hack; 1 fresh
row. D N. Crank, Mills Addition.
FOR SALr Oakland Six nutomo
bile. 1-, - model; first class condl
t on. 'Wall around, one extra
tire, 2 s ts chains. Inquire Modern
Shoo Store 12-2t
ranch, right in the heart of tho
bunch grass In Malheur County; 35
head of good cows, chickens, wagons,
hacks ;all tools go with ranch. Any
body Interested, write. Mth. K. E.
Caviness, Harper, Ore. 3-20t
- - inwvv
NICK ( LCAV ROOMS- Palace room-
ing hous under now management
526 Muli! it phono 209J 5-6t '
FOR SALE 80 acres good land;
fenced; small building; GO acres
Irrigated; $40 per acre; terms. See
I, Jacobs. 30-tf
FOR SALE ClieapRpmlnston Jun
ior Typewriter Phone 17. Practi
cally now. . 10-6t
,m-Jfc j - . )
WANTED EIKht or ten rooms, fur
nished or unfurnished house, to
lease for one year. Apply Herald of
fice 11-lt
FOR SALE: Fine black registered
Percheron stallion, coming 3 years
proved, and It Is further resolved that
I the Common Council hereby declares
Its Intention In Imnrrivn until Knrlni-
street in accordance with said plans, ioIl; a!soBtandJ bred stallion and
unnHflr.itfnria nnri pctlmntpa nai.l lm..race horse with a record 2.09; both
provoment to consist of paving said sound and gentle; big bargain for
Spring street, with either Water?"1? ? T L. Tn lor, owner,
Hound Macadam .or the placing upon;-Medf"rJ- Oregon. , ,''8t
said street of cinders jo the thickness . . ., 7 ., , ,' T
run 0iL.c uii n. u. ruiruiu tuncn.
WANTED- -Cabinet letter file; glvs
deicrlption and price Address
R M K Herald office 3-tf '
rt t nn lnilinii n i I fiilllnir nnmr, lritrn I
.r ." U:."."" '. r? "::h", "" I miles from Klamutu Fulls, 17
Z ," I ' " I...1" r. '':"." ".V. second cutting hay. $12 per ton;
former improvement being $3,075.00 t20Jn.,0"v.n"tBCuUrtkUnK "a' atil"ter
uiki uiu utfUJiiuiu tu3i in uiu muer
b,.bandli l..n everybody feared, . Ioncs her P.n, ,0 capture l)lrcP0I,A,llin .nn and several ""clalfv the hovs who hi '0 return
,d ,ha I....I ll,.i ou lm,1 laltan lu Mack Jim, a notorlou, bandit and t pec ally Im a who hao rew.
I.T.MH. Mi., This U tho .iu.llu.iKil tlm o f..r,.d rov,rd so tlmt .. tonderfoot. Ho camc back Phlillps'sec'y M. L 1. C. 13-lt
- . , ... ......... 1.. .n.f t.-K...l.lli. ,... imicrv Tin. hnniit.
church. This occasion Is being espe
cially planned to dedlcutc a beautiful
Hllk service flag, which tho club 1ms
till refill a.,,1 iiti.1 u'lll (iliipn In flln
church building. There wllj be ubout Improvement Imlng $3,975.00. And F0R SALE -Two -adjoining farms of
twonty slurs pluccd In honor of the "" " '""" ' ,,","-" "'- -"'""',, 521 and J60 acres, on Pacific high
.. . .. . Hunn, flm Itiu fnlliiu'lnir 1 Aanv1hi.fl I . . . .
noy-B or t ii im community wuo nave en
ter ed thn service Four districts:
Mt Lukl, Henley, Falrvlew and
Spring Lake, will Join the club in
honoring the bos Everybody, and
WANTED Live salesman with car,
to sell metal grain bins, wagon box
es, and othor farm specialties, direct
to the farmers right party can make
from $500 to $1 000 a month out of
our proposition. In answer state age,
experience and references. Our goods
are standarj There Is a big demand
for them Coast Culvert & Flume
Company Portland Ore. 11. Jt
WANTED To buy young calves
that are weaned. Address Box
214, Klamuth Falls 31-tf
i. -MM. i..u.,i r'nrninti. U tiluLril lii and Kru'ddlo rim marry The bandit
tjr 4atc,t Wllllum Kox Photoplay, upsets their plan by cuplurlng both
"Uww l.oe,-' whlili will bo shown of Ilium, Freddie uiukos n poor lio
tl the Liberty tonight only. i Iiib. whllo the bandit, captivated by
MlM Cannon nrt apliears as l.n Ueralitlnu, falls In loo lth hor and,
lifllr (leinldmc Icidlng lu'ly f I'loluct hur Whon the gang turns on
ireairlrnl rmpini sttiiiiiU-il In n their leiulor In an attempt to steal
Mtcrii llei ilsiicliig pnilnnr.1 ilernldlno, ali cnsta her lot with tho'
County Court. Proceedings
Compound Lard
Xo. A $1.00 No. - $1.43
Xn. II) S2.00 Nil. a.00
Phone 83
534 Main St
Hututdu), Jnnunry, 4, 1919. i National Surety Co. ns surety, said
Day of torin. i Itond tit this time approved by the
(Viuri unit iiiirMiiunt to adjourn-1 Count v Court.
'ment, whon wete present Hon. R. H." II Is Therefore hereby declared
lliunncll, County Judge und Huriellt that' the said C. T. Da r ley Is the duly
Hhorl. CoUty Commissioner, wncn l.locted und (iiallfled County Sur
!tlio lollowlng proceedings were had.
I Whereupon court adjourned until.
'Monday, January, 6. PJlP.-iSlgned)
I It II. llunnoll, Jildga
llurrcll Short, Commissioner
Ami Fordyco, Commissioner.
iur of Klamath County
Dated this fitli day of
IP 19 (Signed)
R II. Ilunnell, County Judge
llurrcll Short, Commissioner,
Asa Fordyco. CommlsJloner.
Conies now Earl Whltlock the duly
elected County Coroner of Klamath
County, Oregon and files with the
Cleik bis certificate of Election, with
hi i oath of offlco attached, also his
ortiiial Bend with National Surety
Co.. an Surety In the sum of $3,000.-
00 inld bond being at this time ap-
piow'd b the Court.
It 'g Therefore 'hereby deciurou
1.UUIIVH iiiui inn u.iioiiib ueatriueu Wfty ,n Douglas county, Ore. 20
.iui.mi iiu uu uciD.,y uiu.u .miic3 north of Roseburg, In the well
benefited by sal.d proposed Improve-1 known Umpqua Valley; the best west-
ment, to-wlt jern Oregon climate between Portland
All those lots, parts of lots, and Arhland;""con tract for $175,000
pieces nnd parcels of land lying. been let to surface the highway be-
nnd being designated upon the offi
cial plat aa ho lying between the
north und south center line of
block 7 of Rullroad Addition, the;
tweon Vpncalla nnd Oakland; farms
lie midway on this road; only 1 milo
to S. P. K. R, station; same -distance
north and south center line of Sec- ,.. : T"
ond Railroad Addition, and the " hour o 'S o clock p. m.. at the
...... . i ii , .i. .!,. 'Cduncll Chambers, in the citv hall, be
of way of tho 'Southern Pacific "f Lh,e ?' ?"d. Pi"? LJ
on Schubert, next postofflce. 11-tt
FOUND BIcycle;owner may have,
same by proving property and pay
ing for this adv. . 12-2t
LOST Ford tlia chain on Valley
rojil t,j Merrill, double cross l'nka
ratent fafrtenfrs. Return :o City
irans'ei to ll-st
Monday. Junuuiy Cth, 1919
Day of term.
Court met pursuant to adjourn-
...AH. ...I..... m ttra nrmtltnt It. H. Hull-
'noil, County Judge, IJurrtsll Short.
County Commissioner, nnd Asa For
dyce, tho duly elected County Com
missioner, v. hun the following pro
ceedings woro had:
Vnu. fmiiihi Aui Vnrilvce. tho duly
cloctcd County Commissioner of tint the said Earl Whltlock is the
Wlnmnlli CoillltV. OrCKOIl. nlld fllO!
with the Clerk his certificate of
Election, with his oath of offlco nt
Inched, no bond boiug required. .
It Is Thorefore hereby declared
that the said' Asa Fordyco bo and ho
Is tho duly Elected & qualified Coun
ty Commissioner of Klamath County,
Oregon. ' . '
Dated this Cth day of January.
1919. (Signed) , . '
R. H. Uunncll, County Judgo
lnly rlorted und (unllfled Coroner of
Klnmiith County. Oiegnm
Dnted this Cth day of January,
1919 (Signed!
R it, Bunnell, County Judgo
llurrcll ohort, Commtsalonor,
Asa Fordyco. Commissioner.
notice ron bids.
School Board of Diet. No.
1 will
, r r.a. i j. v.
VC'litn you walk into a dependable
noe norc and ask lor a pair ot
BuaiicciiT Army Show, you
can be sure -
Tliu tins Army Slio u up
mnuara -llut it U
mJ by hutLmrn who
"ulurnjii nut mote ih.m
foopn Army Sliwi un jtt
tJPtft lUtHTVmnn -mm. I .1...
lutlw J ,y , .,,,) uf , ,),, fify
rtno mmt ,1U mnufAft.iring.
Louk for ,,ur riRjfroj (j, Mn
iJ.Hiu:iir niiduii ihrMil of tvtry
"'"""Iw our mutual tvuteA.iui.
M:$r r
Tlicrc's just one tiling
to retnciiilxrr ask for
Shoe by name and be
we tfhtt )cu get it.
Then you will appre
ciate why it ii worn by
thousand! of
Office Men
- and others in every walk of life.
nit Manufactured by
BUCKINGHAM & HECHT, San Francisco, Calif.
For H11I0 by
.Hl.i:v SUPPLY CO., and
$72 to $82
tiiirrAii Abort. Commissioner receive bids on furnaco.In house situ
Now comos Cleo I.. Huniphroy, the nlod on P'ock 100, MIIU Addition.
y elected Shorlff of Klamath this bguis tho proporty of tho Dlt
AdJrOJtf U1U8 10 IUA U. MUMl ISIv.
Clork. &-6t
iilw aloriri
County, Oregon nnd files with the
Olerk his Cortltlcato of tloctlon.
with his oath of office attached, also
his official Hond in mo sum oi..v
000.00 with U. S. Fldollty and Ouar
only Company an surety, ns Tax col
lector, and tho sum of 1 10,000.00
with tho U. 8. Fldollty und Guaranty
Company, ob suroty, ns Shorlff. said
llonds holng approved by tho Coun
ty Court.
It is Theroforo hereby declared
that sold Oeo. h. Humphrey bo and
he Ii, tho duly elected and qunlltlod
Sheriff of Klumath County, Oregon.
fluted this 0th day of January,
1919. (Signed)
netici: ron inns..
School Board of Dlst. No. 1. will
lecolve bids for wood. Did on 160
cords of body wood. 80 cords to bo
delivered at Riverside, 80 cords to
be dellored it Central. Wood to be
tut from groon tlmbor, etc. See form
er I Ids.
Or will rocaho bids on 240 cords of
slal, fir and plno. Hid on fir separ
ately r.nd plno sopnrately, stating
nmnunt of each to bo furnished. Fir
preferred. 120 cords to bo delivered
at Rhersido and 120 cords at Central.
n ii himiinii Pountv JuiIko Certified or cusnier s cnecK i per-,
LlrJt Mho? Commissioner, cent ot bid accompany bid. Sealed,
nurrpll Short, Lommissiouer, . ... . d jL.uwfM o
Asa Fordyco. commissioner -' .rA,Y ;n clerk S.t2t
Now cornea C. R. tho duly IDA II MOMM.R. t lork. sat
elected County Clork or uiuniuiu
r-nnniv. Ot-oiron. und fllos Willi tno
hoarlng of objections and remon
strances against the said proposed
improvement; and the Police Judgo is
neroby directed to cause notice ot
suld hearing to be published ns by
Charter provided.
State of Oregon,
City of Klamath Falls, ss;
County ot Klamath.
1, A. 1a Leavitt, Police Judge of the
City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, do
hereby certify that the foregoing Is a
duly enrolled copy of a resolution
adopted by the Common Council on
tho 27th,.day of January, 1919, de
claring' its Intention to improve
Grant street from Eleventh to ceme
tery line, and approving tho plans,
specifications and estimate of cost
submitted by the City Engineer.
5-101 Police JUdge.
The City Engineer, pursuant to reso
lution ot Common Council heretofore
adopted, having, under date of Janu
uary 4 ,1918, filed plans, specifica
tions and estimates ot the cost of Im
proving Lincoln street from Ninth,
northerly to Eleventh street, -including
intersections ,and the Council
having taken eame'unde advisement
nnd finding said plans, specifications
and estimates satisfactory.
Bo It Hereby Resolved, That said
plans, specifications and estimates
for the Improvement" of Lincoln street
from Ninth street, northerly to Elev
enth street, bo and the same are here
by approved. And be it further re
solved that the Common Council
hereby declares its intention to Ira
prove said portion ot Lincoln street
In accordance with Bald plans, speci
fications and estimates, said improve-
Sn-lno. drool C-nm Rnl- nvnnno In'"101" lu """"- " !""' ." l'u'-
.Sxth street, and approving tho plans, ""I ' ".Vmm , ?lifto.'
...-' ., i .i.7 n,at un estimated cost, including ce-
suhn tte by the City FnR?neer lcttt 8ldewnlk- curbln6 and Sd,nS-
submitted by the City Engineer. L, ?4(234i00 or iaCng upoM said
r m. pi i,L street .eight inches of cinders, wlth-
I 5'10t Police Judgo. put Bldewa,ki nt an estlmated C03t or
I nvcnt iiTinv t $2,206.00. Said Improvement In
I iw.sui.ciiu. I either event to Include grading, roll-
The City Engineer, pursuant foreso-lng and curbue. And be it further
lnltnn iif fnmmnn Pnnnrll hArnlnfnrn , , l ,. . n n , .,.
...... . ......... w--..-.. ....-..- rosoiveu Dy Hie ivuniuion council tuai
' n.ifiTi.nfi imviiii iiiiiif.r itiiih ill .iiiiiii
uary 4 ,191S, filed plans, specltlcu
company, said lots, parcels and
pieces of land, being more particu
lar i described as follews:
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 6. 7, 8, 9, 10
of block 8, Railroad Addition; lots
1. 2. 3. 4. 5, 6. 7, 8, 9." 10, 11, 12
of block 11, of Second Railroad Ad
dition; lot-l, 2! 3, 4 of block 20,
Second Railroad Addition; lots 7,
8, 9. 10, 11, 12, 13. 14, 15. 16, 17.
18, 19, 20, 21 ofblock 19, Second
Railroad Addition; lots 1, 2, 3, 4,
B, 6, 7. 8. 9, lp. 11, 12, 13. 14. 15,
16. 17. IS, 19, 20. 21 of block 18.
Second Rullroad Addition; lots la,
lb, 2a. 2b. 3a. 3b, 4n. 4b, 5a, 5b,
6a, fib, 7a, 7b, 8n, Sb, 9a, 9b, 10a,
. 10b, 11a, lib, 12a, 12b, 13a, 13b,
14a, 14b, 15a, 15b, 16a, 16b, 17a,
17b, ISa, 18b. 19a. 19b, 19c, 29a.
20b, of block 7, Railroad Addition.
That wi'd property above Hs'ed a:. 1
dri?( rlbed bo and hereby U declared
to be the property to bo ussesscd for
tho exponso ot said Improvement,
land bo it further resolved -that Tues
'day, the 25th day ot February, 1919,
at tho hour of 8 o'clock p. m.. at the
! Council Chambers, In the'clty hall, bo
I fixed ns tho time nnd place for the
hearing of objections, nnd remon
strances against tno said proposed
J Improvement; and the Police Judge is
hereby .directed to cause notice ot
said hearing to be published as by
(Charter provided.
State ot Oregon,
City of Klamath Falls, ss:
County of Klamath.
I, A. L. Leavitt. Police Judge ot the
City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, do
nereby certify that the foregoing Is a
duly enrolled copy of a resolution
adopted by the Common Council on
,tho 27th day of January. 1919, de
claring Its Intention to improve
LOST Between Klamath Jewelry
company and Hot Springs Addition.
lalr of nose glasses in case. Finder
piease return to ueraia orace. He
ward. l0-5t
I'll j -.Icians and Surgeons
Office, White Bldg.
Successor to Dr. Truax
Suit 200, 1. O. O. F. Bldg
Ofllce phone 804
Res Phone 80M
Looniic llldg., Klamath Falls
Crlsler 5 Stilts bldg. 7tu Main
' Phone 351
5 1 7. Main
.Meno) to loan on real estate at
8 101 out.
Notice for llenrliijt Petition
Clork li'ls certlflcnto of Election, with In the Circuit Court ot the State of
his tnth of office nttaihod, nlso of- Orogou. for KlnmntU County
flclol Bend In tno sum o iu,uuu.uu m mo wuuur oi mo iu ui mo
with National Hmoty Co., as Biuety, I. Board ot Directors of the Entor-
RJ "l l.fw tln. with
'ii..". . "ei" "m, l'tve organs.
tnr. (H I., ,.., 1, ... . . ,.
' !" ti , J "' ""1,"' I'f'l'ir worl
" iirniuiM.;,! '. ,"" '" "crerrnu am
l Le ft U itVrE"1 ,'"'t eUS"M
''uknotiHO, iii.i , iiL i.tV ..'""ovliig llm
'H Jfsis ' ''"al,llty du,. to mivane.
'.""" n.,,,u in i . " rUm,?r, oM-lliuo
il.I MK iJai " i' "'' ,' '' i'trndiirtlon.
" fia'11"1 Oil i iiicfosed
'" ' S , l'"1 i" lulw emitalii.
ii,n ... ..". ." 'Hum t'uih. 'r,. i,.. ,i.... ...
" ll stlmuiuim the kidney ,'
action nnd enables the ortnns to tluo
off tho pnlnons wlili I. run hi- prr-mutir
old age, New Ufa nml HtriM'Ktli Inriciu
H yuu rnntliiua the tieutuii'lit. Win
ciuuplrti'ly restoii'd coiitiiine tnklni;
capsule or t i'iiiIi niiy. tiDI.D Mill
AL llimrli'in Oil Cn.uli'n will ki'np j
In liciillli uml vigor and prvtvut a let.
(if tho dluvnso.
Do nut wait until old nuu nr dUi
liino kv'ttled iIimmi for tiooil. At tin- l
slirn that jutir liiduoyx nn unt rl
pinperly, ri to jnur ilnitrlst uml gi
i.ux of OOI.I) MEDAL Uuurlciu i
CapxileH. Money refiimlcil if they
not ht'lp you. Tli iff fllri-H, llut
ini'inbiir to nsk fur tho urUiual liupoi
OOI.I) MUlUIi bruud. lu a.-sU'il pu
..lii linnil beliiK nt this time npprov
ed by tho County Court.
It Is thoroforo hereby declined that
tho said C. R. DoLnp, is tho duly
elected and qualified County Clork
of Klninuth" County, Oiogon.
Uutod this Cth day of Januury,
1919. (Signed)
It II. llunnoll. County Judgo
Bill roll Shoit, Commissioner,
Asn Fordyco, Commissioner.
Comes now O. K. Van Ripor the
duly olectcd County Tji-oasuror of
Klnmnth County, Oregon, nnd fllos
with I lie Clork his cortlflcnto of elec
tion, with his oath of offlco nttnehod,
kIho Offidul Hond In tho sum of 50,
000.00 with tho Amerlcnn Suroty
fcimminy of N. Y. as suroty, said
Bend being nt this tlmo approvod by
thn County Court.
It U Therefore horoby declared thnt
the t-iild O. K. Von Rlpor is tho duly
olfiied and qunliflod County TroaHii
io." of Klnmnth County, Oregon.
Dntcd this Cth day of January,
to 19. (Slgnoil)
B, II. Utinnoll, County Judgo
BurrelliShort, CommlHslonor,
Asa Fordvco. Commissioner,
Comos now O. T. Dnrloy, tho duly
elected County Survoyor ot Klamath
County, Orogon. nnd having filed
his certificate of oloctlon with onth
of office attached, also Official Bend
In tie sum ot $5,000,00 with the
nrlso Irrigation District, of Klam
uth County, Orogon, prayiug that
nil tho Proceedings in Connec
tion with tho Organlratlon of the
District, nnd tho Proceedings of
tho Board of Directors and ot
Said District, Providing .for nnd
Authorizing the Issuo anil Salo ot
Bonds ot Said District, may be
Examined, Approved and Con
firmed by tho Court.
Notlco Is horoby given that tho
Circuit Court of tho State ot Oregon
has fixed tho hour ot 10 o'clock In
tho forenoon ot tho 24th day nt
February, A. D.1919, und tho court
room ot s.ild Court as tho place
und tlmo for the hearing of the peti
tion ot tho Board of Directors ot tho
Enterprise Irrigation District ot
Klamath County, Orogon, which peti
tion has boon filed with tho clork of
tho Circuit Court nt the State ot Oro
gon for Klamath County, and which
Riiid potltlon prays that the Circuit
Court ot the State ot Orogon, tor
Klamuth County will oxamjno luto all
the proceedings in connection with
tho organization of the Enterprise Ir
rigation District, and all the pcocood
ings providing for und authorizing
tho issuance ot tho bonds of said dis
trict, Any peraoa interested in the or-
tlons und estlmutes of tho cost ot im-
Iprovlng Grant street from Eleventh
Btrcat northerly to tho property of
tho Llnkvlllo Cemetery. And the
Council having taken snmo under ad
visement and finding said plans,
specifications and estimates snllsfac
tory; Bo It Resolved, That said plans,
specifications und estimates for the
said improvement of Grant streot bo
and tho snmo are hereby approved.
Bo it futthor resolved that tho Com
mon Council heroby declares Its in-
!."?" .1 'ra.SV Sil,f"t,lfcn ?'.t the ho'ur of 8 o'clock p. ,..'at the'
tho property hereinafter described,
bo nnd hereby is declared benefited by
said proposed improvement, to-wlt: i
Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, ot block 56,
Nichols Addition; lots 1, 3, 3, 4,
ot block C2 of Nichols Addition;;
lots 1 and 4 ot block 01 of Nichols'
Addition; lots 5, 6 of block 57 of
Nichols Addition.
And thnt said property above de
scribed bo and hereby is declared
to be tho property to bo assessed for
the expenso of said improvement;
and bo it further resolved that Tues
day, the 25th day of February, 1919,
Osteopathic Plitlrlun Surgo
SiiItolMI, I. 0. O. F. Temple
(oi er K K K, Store)
Phone 3--M . . "
(Tho otl) Osteopathic Physl-
clnn and Surgoon In Klamath
Falls )
Grunt street. In accordance with tho
snld plans, specifications nnd esti
mates. Snld improvement to consist
of Oil Macadam, at an estimated cost
ot 1,695.00, or of placing cinders
upon said street to a dopth of eight
iucltos at an estimated cost of
$1,158.00. The snld Improvement in
either event to iucludo grading, curb
ing and rolling. And bo it further
resolved by the Common Council, that
the property herpluutter doscrlbod be
and horeby is declared to bo bonafit
ed by said proposed Improvement,
Lots 1, 2,.3, of block 6S, Nichols
Addition; lots 5, C, 7, 8, 9, ot block
' CO ot Nichols Addition.
And thnt said properly ubovo do
scrlbod be and heroby Is declared
to be tho property to be assossod tor
tl'O expense ot said improvement;
and bo It further resolved that Tues
day, the 25th day ot February, 1919,
Council Chambers of the city ball, be.
fixed ns the time and place for tho
hearing of objections and remon
strances against the suld proposed
Improvement; nnd tlio Police Judge
bo and horoby is directed to cause no
tice ot said hearing to be published
ns by Charter provided.
State of Orogon,
City of Klamath Falls, ss:
County ot Klamuth.
I, A. L. Letwitt, Police Judge of tho
City ot Klamath Falls, Oregon, do
hereby certify that the foregoing Is a
duly enrolled copy ot a resolution
adopted by tho Common Council on
tho 27th duy of January, 1919, de
claring Its iptontlon to improve
Lincoln stroet-from Ninth to Eiovcnth
street, and approving tho plant,
specifications und estimate of cost
submitted by the City Engineer,
5-10t Police Judgo.
De-igutri nnd builders of mod
op Saw .Mills, Planing MM, Be
PlnnK. Complete plants contract,
cd. Appiais.aU and repoits made.
Dieilglns. IVe coutract to bulla
uny cinss of ,i building und Install
iiiiicliliiiTj of any Kind.
Drafting of an) kind done. Blue
Prints made. I'HONB 14W
Olllco In K. D. Building
.... .,. iiuiiuiiim
Whether it be large or small can
save you moner ","i.-,ii I
Eight jcnis Architectural Practice i
(1037 Clients) -
Four jc-nr. with Engineer Corp
U. S, A.
.,r...... lriMiiiERT A. PQAGB
Architect and StructuriU njftt
207 OiIU zZ3S
.. 1