(Slfg fgupitinQ Herald OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER 0? KLAMATH COUNTY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH FALLS Thirteenth Year No. 3,544 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1919 Price, 5 .cents B W SHE "" it aiim K . in SERIOUS Miner' Home Destroyed Dynnmite Today , w. w.S ARE ACTIVE )Un Wtm llinMiriinl lu IMtiw VP Hirrrl Cars I- Tukrii li) OIHcrm. Mllllnrj rmir" Am Inrrwwwl Dur- !,. ,'Kii Mom- Mliu-r Ai(Kwril I ( W'nrk Tinln) HUTTK. Jlimt r'i'li. 13- -Chief of Police Murphy him arrested n man living lliw nuiiii) of Albert Hruwdy. who n alliVd t hnvo threatened to Wow up Him Mrtot curs If nttvtnptn were muilf I" rmuiun service. More men appcnruil for work till norilng ot tin- mine, despite tho fact iA Jilltiniil unions had endorsed tbt strike Three foreigners Imvc been nrrest ril fur olitlructitiR thn men koIhk to work. The mlllmry force Increased hermlurliig the ulghr. A Ktlck of ilyiuiniltn cilmlil un der Hie home f C II. Nolan, n llutta miner, lliU miimlnR. A portion of the porch wan blown away unit n shod Miirhy ilemroH'il No iiim ww hurt, ltho Nolan iiiul liln wife wuro within. Nolan In one ir the men who liuvo continued lo work ut tho mine ilurliiK the Mrlko I'lnneil lo tlio front door ol hi limine wim n piipur hearing thu figure 3-7 77 'I Intro wiiro tho nniua as thohi funnel pinneil to tlm boily of Frank Mlllu. tlm I V. W., who wan lynched a enr iirii. TACOMA IVIi 13 Hlx forolRiiolif held a lVdural prisoners duo to tlielr revolutionary actions nro now awaiting deportation. Tlioy hnvo been arrentoil ((ulutly ilurliiK tlio pant few Iny hj tlio Hocnit tturvlco. tt li iinilcrttmul tlml they Incltiilrt nnvor I ll known rtutlenlii who hnvo um'il their Influence to hrlnc uhoiit tlio re cent ttrlke -1 SAN KIIANC isro. Fob. I3.--A let rni frmn AeWnis PrMldrnt Wey nj of the Holler Mnkom and Ship tulldern Inlcriiiitlminl Union ImH In lrurte.1 (ho I'lielfle ConNt boiler tinker of whom thoro nro novornl Ihouiiiml Htrlklim horn, to wiunm Ihelr work mill to ohnoro nil tholr Krwinenu with their oinployorii and tlio Kiitermneiil Tlio iiivbhiiko ald fiat their union enrdR would biv ri voked If, the niemhum rofiiHod to "boy tlinsr HiBtnii'llons. TIiIh lipplles ' nil tlio unions on tlio Count. It ont to M .1 MaKUlip, bnslnenn Knt of tin. holier mnkoi-H liuro. vtsrioii ui:covi:iis i-iiom vi,v U. K. Diiiiliur, i brotlim-.tn-law of "t-W. A. 1.0011111 0, who eiimo horn 11 "lioit time at;,, for a vIhII from hlx I'oino t i:uKem, ,, VT)0 Wttn U. nic.llutuly lakim .town with tho Intlu fl. Is now able to bu imminl Rnlu, . . ELLA DEWS CHOSEN VARSITY HISTORIAN Jvimi ,l0 i.,VIirilUjf r 0;wn .. U" ,lm'0 ",,rlnK "' Pr,JI,t win nr, ,vluo tho nliimul hno w after rinlMiliiK HrlionPorarilH thin. Vr,l'loni' vms"' lPam'' ' " of UiIh kind aro KolnK to bo i uuLT"," ,r"k nf ,,,,rlnK '"" athP,'y """' Klln l)ow " Klnni- Un , ? W,m ,,,IH Jusl l)0l, rtMM university IllRtoilnn. 'Al.l.M -ro MISHOUUI (I, Tcirj- loft thin moraine foi n,0,Pl1,,MlMO,, wll0,'' lo ! i. pta',LMl '' H'o -loath r his father, ' wid Tl'" m',HHU; ronvoyliig t.rd!.a "" VVvn l0'ved hero yes. H'1 utr u month. by BAVARIANS'CUTTING FLAGS INTO CLOTHES MUNICH. Fob, 1.1. - lliiviiflu Ih no rliort of inulorliil for rnlldrcn'fc Cl'ithliiK Unit thn ijovcriiiiiont Iiiih l- tinl nn oritur confiscating tit flag mcamirinit morn limn xo ny so incuim no iin to UHii the mnliiriil In Ihnm i'or II, c miiinifncturiir of children.: un do wear. A mil linn been Issued to I tin public In tlmiu(i) uiiiiPcvHHiiry flJKB for. tlio Ktiiim purpoim. It In proatiincd Unit t tin olnrri will l)o is limltd from 111" flags before they urfi manufactured Into rlotliliiK. Vlir mnnuftirliiio of flag of imy hire In fnrtilililcii. chiuhtion science address iikhi: tonight Christian Hi Initio In to Iin tlm huIi Joel of thn lecture ut IIiiiihIom'h Opera House th U evening, by Dr. John M. Tutt. C. H, 0. of Kansas City, Miss ouri, who will treat upon the tloe- trluiw of till denomination In his add rem Thnru will bo no niliuUnlun Everyone l Invited. PEN BREAKS TO BE EMERGENCY IIIM, PASSES HOUSE ATTACHING IIKAVV PENALTY FOR l-SCAPINO Oil ASSISTING OTHERS HAI.KM. Keb. 12. lIvtuiiKu It wim reported thin there I nut been novuml nttomptN by tlio prlxonerH to eiicapu from thn tionltuiitlnry sliu-c thu Hen i Hheldon bill wah Introduced ut the reqilCBt of Wiirden StoVeiiK flxliiK heavy pouultleH for cHcnphiR or aid (tig oilier to I'Rcnpu, the Moiino nu Knded tlio rules mill paused tlio bill i today with an emnrKPiiey cliuinn! which kIvcn u penalty not to uxceud ten yi'tirn, T'lio Hnnate pimaed a bill providing Unit lifter thn flrNt offeiiHe no parolei would bti Krnnleil to antoniobllo tlllOPN. Gin IN NEED I'FOPI.K ,IK COMING IN IMHTKItl THAN Qt'AHTKItH CAN IIK CON HTIllftTKII TO. TAKK CAItK OK Til KM ii n a do ut timo to inilKl morn. Iioiinph, when thn people como in to locate imiiI thou ro out nRiiin, ho rn u no they, cannot llud IiousIiir nf any ' kind for tlicniHolves nnd fainlllea. I AJtho a largo nuuihur of Iiounou' have boun put up hero durliiR tho' pnHt twelve inoiitha, and u number of othorti nro now In process of construc tion, tho demand seems to bu Rrontor than tho supply, unit It lookH very much as tho Kl'amatli Kill la wus goiiiR to IiiiIro out nt tho sides. It Is Ronorutly oxpoctud, JuiIrIiik from nil Indications, that Klamiitli FiiIIh will have tho blRROHt Inllux of now comer In Itu history within tho next few months, and tho piohhIur need of ucuommodutlonH for them la boRlnnlnR to bo folt. Ono man who enmn hero with IiIh family lo remain, left yeiitorduy. snylnR ho could- dud no placo to live. To hay that this was a common oc- rtirnnco would ho ovor-drawliiR the hituatlon, ns all tho.w who hnvo ur rlvuil bo fur Imvo boon tiikpn euro of, but It Indlcntcs tho hip chanGo which hue Leon wroURhl tlnco 19 J 5, nnd tho need of looking out for tho future IIKCOVIIMS 1'HOM OI'KItATlOX ainudo Kern, tho nlno your old son of Mr, unil Mrs. Hen Kern of tho Keno district who recently undorwent uu operation for iippondlcltls nt tho Klamath (lenornl Hospltnl, has ro covored sufficiently as to bo ublo to leave the Institution, T OF NEW HOUSES, I bonnza M GET RAILROAD BY NEXT FALL Strahorn Anxious to Begin Work at Once BONANZA FOLKS BUSY Itnllroml llilllilrr Heady lo Hlnrt Early, Nrtt Month mi New Kpur of Itiillrimil to (1iit Leaf Town, I'ro- tlilril llli Trriim Am Mel by the I'eoplti There. A railroad completed to D.'ilry wlth the tirojectud npur s3en miles "iuhcaiil to llonnnza In timii to take e.iro of tho liuulliiR of tho comlnR noiihoii'ii cropH next Fall U tho aim of ltobeit i:. Strahorn, vho h build liu: the municipal lino to Dairy for the "'ty of Klamath. K.tlli an the that link of bin prnjnetnl rnllioml i!e 'e.opment of tlio Knot Int-irlor Orep cn A co-opcrntlve proposition offered lo the llonunze ruNldents at their re iiuent, Nome time ago by tho builder, that If they furnished tho grade and the tlPN. ho would lay the steel and operate train Nervlce, ban been acted upon with such avidity by tho en- thiiNliiHts of the Clover 1-eaf town that Mr Strahorn ImpeH to Ret tho project completed thin summer. To do this It will bo neie.iMiry for him to net to work uh early In March ns tho wenth. er conditions will permit. Ho points out -that It will bo finan cially lo his Intercut to Ret thu road done for the crop luiutliiR, if It Is to bo done this year. While tho prod nits from tho t'ppur country have not been of Mich Importance In prcvloug years, tho irrigation whlclj Li now KoIuk lu at many points around Hon aiita and l.niiRoll Vnlloy nre (joins to make a IiIr difference in tho yield from this time on. A larRiir crow thnn over has now boon put at work on tho rock cuts netir I'lnu Flat, which In tho last of the heavy construction and on the completion of which tho rails will soon ho laid to Dairy, tho terminus of tho municipal road. PARTY YESTERDAY FOR MRS. MASON A mo.it enjoyable. party wns Riven yesterday afternoon by MUs Agnes I. ee and Mrs. Fred Mills ut tho home of the latter for Mrs. W. II. Mason, who cxppits to loavo soon for Port laud. The following guests were prevent, Mrs. W. H. Mason, Mrs. C. W. Kbor lulu, Mrs. K. D. Johnson, Mrs. Chns. Martin, Mrn. tl. A. Krnusc, Mrs. K, li. Ilnll, Mrs. C, V. Stone, Mrs. Curry, Mrs. Hoy Mooro, Mrs, K. II. Honry. Mrs. II. N. Moo, Mrs, I.ylo Mills, Miss Kdun Wolls, Mrs. K. li. Mngeo, Miss Agnes I.oo nnd Mrs. Fred Mills. MltS. MOOIti; HAS TCHX l'oit woitsi:, Mrs. .Too Mooro, who has been sick for some time nt her home on West Main Street, but who hnd boon gradually recovering, had a turn ngnln for tho worse this morning. MO.VVKS FOU OAUrOllXIA C. II, McCutchnn, who guards tho Interests of Join'? I), Ilockfollor in Northorn California and Southern Oregon loft this morning for South ern points to look after tho welfare of his distinguished employer. divehci: SUIT I'll.KD Alleging desortatlon by the defoud oiit and cruol and Inhuman treatment during their wodded lifo togothor, I Indians of cattle and other livestock, uu action for divorce has been Instil- tho erection and furnishings of mod 11 ted by Phronla V. Moran against 0111 homes and other things that will Everett S, Morun In tho office of the County Clerk. Attorneys, Van Emon and Morryman appear (or the plain-, tut. GENERAL RAIN THRU . CALIFORNIA HELPS A throntoncd drouth over a large port of California was relieved the lust of the week byji fine rain which hus changed the outlook for crops materially, according to Leslie Rog ers, who motored thru the Fresno dlstrlrt a few days ago. Mr. Rogers reports that tho grain there which was well out of the K round hut cof fering for moisture will he greatly helped. YANK OKPK'tiltH K.NJOV WII,I IIOAH llt.'NTINf;. ItKMACKN. (Jormany. Feb. 13. Wild boar hunting has become n iop. ular apart among officers of the Am erican Army of Occupation In the hills along the Hlilne In tho region of Itemngen. Several hunting par ties have been held and several boars wefe, bagged by och party. A number ot hunting preserves aro owned by Healthy (iermans In the vicinity of KemnRnii nnd It wns within thctc re servation that tho hunts have been taken plnce by permission of the owners. The ordinary "army rifle was used by tho Americans In ttio wild boar drives. PRETTY PARTY FOR RETURNING BRIDE A small but delightful party was given yesterday afternoon by Mrs. Marian Ilarncs at her home for Mrs, J. II. Carnahan, who rccontly return ed to this city with her hu.ibnnd Cap tain Carnahan from Camp Lewis. Those present at the affair were, Mrs. J. H. Carnahan, Mrs. Agnes Mnstcn.j Mrs. Flora Itayden, Mrs. Junior Dag gett, Mrs. Goldle Houston, Mrs. Hazel Cqok, Mrs. M. I,. Allison and Mrs. Motion Hames. I IIASKF.T ItAIili TKA.M OF (MTV, (illtl,S AT F.VGKNK Cl.KAXfcT UP AfJGHF.C.ATION FROM COOS HAY LAST SATURDAY Klamath Falls girl basket ball players nt tho University of Oregon hnvo n team of tholr own nnd aro out to bring glory for tholr home town. Tho girls nro all members of tho Phi Ueta Phi Sorority. Last Saturday they played the girls from the Coos nay district and cleaned ' thorn up by a score ot ono to nothing, j Mi6s Clara Calkins mnde tho score for , tho Klamnth team. MIsb Kiln Dcws( Is captain of tho team. The line for tho game was as for lews: Coos Hay Pearl Crnlno ....F..., Noll Warwick F... Volina Ross -0 Marvel Skoels . .G Louise Clausen ..C . I Klamath Fulls Mabel Leavltt Clara Calkins Mnrjorio Dclzcll Audroy Roberts Ella Dews. GOVERNMENT AGENT AND ARCH ITECT HERE RUYING HOUSE FURNISHINGS . AND OTHER THINGS FOR INDIANS Roy II, Rradloy, government archi tect. Is In tho cltv from tho Aconev for the purposo of purchasing housn furnishings, harness and other equip- ( ments for some of tho Indians to tho value of about $3,000. This money' frs part of tho $400,000 appropriated' last year for tl.i purchaso for tho aid towards placing them on a self-1 supporting basts. Ho Is bolng uldod In making his soloctlons by R, S Spink of Spring Creok, 1 IN VICTORY EQUIPMENT FOR ! INDIANSBOUGHT E Formation of New Republic Cried in Streets PALACE IS" FIRED UPON King KrnliiiHtitl Wounded lir At tempting to Flee Willi His Family From Itiicliarest llnilic.-il HiiKsliin ItoNlietlk leader Ik ArrcMcd by llrrlln Aiitlmritles. I1KUUN, Feb. 13. A general in surrection Ls piogrebsing turnout Rumania, according to a dispatch from Vienna. King Ferdinand was slightly Injur ed while attempting to flee from Duclarcst with tho royal fainfly. The workmen blocked the road from the palace and the family was forced to return. 4 Workers have fired upon the palace according to report. The rioters are demanding tho overthrow of the dy nasty and the formation of a repub lic. They arc crying "Down with the Puppets." HASEL. Feb. 13. Karl Radek. one of tho Russian Bolshevik! leaders who Is accused by the Germans of Instigating numerous radical out breaks in Oermnny, has been dis covered and nrrestcd by the German police. The dispatch declares that the whereabouts of the man has been a mystery for 501110 time. FRANCIS OI,I)S GKTS CAIT.ll.VS COMMISSION. Captain F. R. Olds, Is tho wny our old friend Francis now signs his name since his training nt the Offi cer's Training camp at Fort .Monroe, Virginia. Captain Olds, who wus re cently granted his commission in the heavy nrtlllory following a period of four months training, has been plac ed on the reserve list since his re lease and will not be dlschnrged, ac cording to news received by his wife. He is at present visiting friends In the east and is expected to arrive In Klamath Falls in about 11 week. YOUNG MAN SUFFERS PECULIAR ACCIDENT Deputy County Clerk Charles P. Delip suffored a peculhi accident this morning. On II rat cutting nut or bed he put his arnu above his lice-J to stretch himself "nnd indulge lu 11 yawn. To his great. surprise something lu tho back ot his neck .snapped and ho was uiiublo to move with any ease for the next two hours. le was later ublu to dress and como down town for a doctor's examina tion. KLAMATH CAPITALIST BACK FROM PORTLAND L. Jacobs returned Inst evening from Portland whore ho hus been nt tondiug to mutters of business for tho past week. Whllo nway, Mr. Jac obs biiccecded In putting a good boost for Klamath in the Oregoninn, re garding tho factories and busiuoss conditions hore. . COUNTY OFFICER LEAVES County Commissioner Asn Fordyco loft this morning for Medford, Ho expects td attend to homo business matters thoro. and, then attend tho arguments on tho Court House Issues being honrd boforo Judge P.'M, Cuf kins at Jacksonville. FORMER AGENT HACK ' H, Holund Glnlsyer,' former Couiv ty Agriculturist Agent of Klamath County, who resigned froiji this work to enter' the tank servlco In tho army has returnod to this city. Ho arrived on the train last evening. N IN 1 1 T RUMANIA FUTURE WEAPONS TOO DESTRUCTIVE IJ08T0N, Feb. 13. Secretary of Vur Hakcr warned a large audience here that unless the league of na tions Idea prevailed,. scientists would Invent for another war weapons of destruction beyond the comprehen sion of thoso who fought in the recent world conflict. He jmld he knew of an invention that was being perfected which would enable men to drop electrically con trolled bombs containing 300 pounds of explosives upon unprotected cities 1 fiO miles distant. These Implements, he said would kill thousand. JIOltK I. W. W. TO GO SOON SKATTLK, Feb. 12. The Immi gration Commissioners has announc ed that more alien labor agitators and Holshevlklsls are to be deported shortly. Between ten and fifteen arc slated to follow their fifty broth ers to Kills Island within a ery short time. AGED PIONEERS ItV QUKKIl COINCIDKNCK CHILD RKN OF TWO OLD ORKGONIANS I.KAVE TO CELEBRATE EIGHTY THIRD BIRTHDAYS Mr. and Mrs. Silas Obenchain and Mr. airU Mrs. Jeff Wilson left this morning for Central Point where khey plan, to have a birthday surprise on Mr. Obenchain's and Mrs. Wil son'); mother, Mrs. Nancy Obenchain, who will be eighty-three years old on Sunday. Curiously enough on the same train Mrs. Catherine Wright and Mrs. L. Ktheridge left for Worden for a birthday surprise on their father D. S. McCullom, n pioneer of that district who Is eighty-three years old today. There are eight children In this vlcln--ity, who will attend this surprise. STOLE THE PIE OF KAXITY OF EFFICIENCY ON PART, OK LOCAL SHERIFF'S OFF! CERS UEMOANED UY ONE OF DEPUTIES A decided laxity Is ovidoncod by our local officers in detecting crime which Is perpertruted under their very noses, according to Marlon Darnos of the Sheriff's otficehero, who bemoans tho fact that things are not safe oVon in the offico of the law enforcer. It seems that there was a sale of bomb cooked articles by ono of .the Church societies hero a few days ago and tho tomptiug art-Teles on display lured Marlon into the placo where he negotiated u deal for a largo nnd ap petizing ie. He placed the pie in the offico where no fear as to its safety enter ed his mind. Imugino his dismay, tueieforo wlen he roturneoS-to dis cover its disappearance. All effort on tlir part of the officials to run down tho rascal have provod fruitless. Mar lon Indicates that if his associates in the offico, once picked up th.e right scent and followed It carefully, they would go mound In n circle and como back to their original' places. HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER LEAVES WITH HUSnAND. Dale Richards, who has recently returned from tho military service and w-ho has' bcon hero since last I Saturday oxpects to return tomorrow with his wife to Corvallis whoro ho Is Identified with tho Oregon Agri cultural College. Mrs. Richards, who wns formorly Miss Sanderson, has ( oeon connoctoa wiin. tno rncuity or thu Klamath County High School here during the absence ot her hus band. ' i GIN T I MARDN RESUMPTION OF' ID WTO HON II POSSIBLE Germans Slow to Keep Theii4 Part of Contract ARMISTICE RENEWED Wil-on Hajs He Will Not Hesitate to Order Yankees to Resume HooUli ties If Occasion Demands New Armistice, Tenjn Are or Short Time New Causes Inserted. PARIS, Feb. 13. The non-execution by Germany of the terms of the I armistice. President Wilson Is under stood to have declared yesterday,, would be an Incident ot such a na ture as to justify reopening of hos tilities against that nation. The el ective declared that he.would not hes itate to order the American army to again take up arms In that case. On the other haadtt Is reported that Mr. Wilson regards the resump tion ot the hostilities as a grave even tuality, to which he would ajreo only on the most absolutely essential con siderations, and not for any secondary motive. The supreme war council will re new the terms ot the armistice tor the enemy on February 17ttf for very brief period. The Allies are going to reserve their right to suspend thesf at any time if Germany falls to carry out the new clauses. It Is expected that the terms will provide that Germany must cease hostilities against the Poles, and maintain forces only with in fixed limits. A special commission will -draft conditions of an armistice which will last until the signing ot the peace treaty. These will probably call tor the demobilization ot the German army and disarmament. Germany's terms will be communl p.iimi in r.prmanv so that the nation al assembly, now congregated at Wei mar, will have timo to discuss them. Paris, Feb. 13. The United States .. 111 ,, .... imv nf nnt less 1U manual!, au uwia w - I than half a million men under the J Society of Nations .according to re liable reports, which could be usea wherever necessary. ELKS MEETING TONIGHT New matters of business to be iiroiichi mi fniiowinc the attendance of the local delegation to the Port land conference at tue ramuiu the Elks club here tonight necessitate tho attendance of every member ot the Lodge. It Is declared that the local chapter will have Its hands full from now un til the Stato Convention is finished horo next August. LAWRENCE MEHAFFEY IN SOUTHERN BANK L. W. Mchaffey. who for a number of years was assistant cashier of the First State and Savings uaun. 1 who left his position here to enter ? . - ii. i.nvarnmlnt ' tho radio serweo 01 wo a"- 1 during tho war, has now taken a pos ition as assistant cashier of the BanK of Anlioch at Antloch, California, ac, cording to nows received nei. Iloth Mr. and Mrs. MeHaffey hav f.ioH who will regret that. mull .. .. ,thoy nro not coming back to .tms city. SOLDIER AND HAttOH IIROTHEBfl ABK HERL I noy Nelson who entered tbo avU; tlon branch of the military wntel from the Keno dtotrfej. ev.l , months ago. has returned. Klamath Falls. Ho Is In town vWtln ol friends with bis brother OrMt, wM has recently come bat the' Navy. . - J?' "rill m