SB w (Eij? 3u jptmuj Herald OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER 0F KLAMATH COUNTY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH FALLS Thirteenth Year No. 3,543 imiisiE KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1919 Price, 5 cents MS IK 1 THE HUNS PUni for New League of Na tions Are Engrossing ARMISTICE SOON OUT Abraham Lincoln pi.ii. -,MX-t';i'.?.TV:( UTO ""' .. ..tZSUSr 4fvPJ:Hi s 1 W Wfe-i 1 'E?M'iK sSSeSW&i - xVV'k llfcVHv.;: !&. fed ''I KIIERT PRESIDENT . OK GEHMANV NOW WEIMAR, Feb, 12. - Fredcr- ' 'Ich Kbort ,tho former rhuncol- ' lor, Iiuh boon tlionfii ns tho now president of Germany. Tho pealing of the church bells hero ' unununced tho election. T EAST OREGONIANS DON'T WANT RES ERVES, ISSUES ARE TO BE HEARD JAPANESE SIT BOLSHEVIK ATTACKS REPULSED WITH LOSS 'Atlorney. Leavc for Jack. sonvillc This Morning I SALEM, Pel). 12 -Malheur and ' Harney Counties huvo declared war on tho bill to cede the Malheur Lake , to the Federal government. It Is pro loosed by those who forwarded this ; measure to devote this lake to a fed eral bird rcHcrvc, but the people who le.sldc in that district nro strongly! In favor of devoting this territory to i ci;iiiiiuiiuii worn, mr uiu increusr of the people rather than th birds. NO QAAREOI WITH CHINESE Prfwiilrnt iiml Premier. Hint IHg Job Piling X"'" ArmMIrn Twin. Ix-KKUV nf .Niillmit lo Act on lice-. wmiim. Inl Ion. Kiihinltleil It) Hum rl (lumper. I'AUIH, r'.li 12 -Proldcnl Wl. ( iniul tin' Allied Premier and Gen fftln arc deeply engroiued In per-1 fccljlncu plnti for the creation of the Boflrly of Nntloiin mill nrruugliiK the ntv arinlntiii' Iitiub for Germany. The nntiUtirr expire on Monduy. It U exprrtril Hint other iiubJecU will ( be (nin'cl mi to th Society of Nntloiin . bcn the hitter U created ninl ready' to opersli" i The rrcoiiimi'iidiitluiiii uf the Com- rfM'iitwl AinerltiiiiUm In Ilk hlghc-l m-iim', wIium- fur-Nlghtiil mlliirs lit u mlHlon of International. Labor login- time of iinlioiinl rriN, mi ml the Nation to Hm-H; mIhinc urejit heart win lltlou liciulcd Jiy liDinparx will lie one of tlit Important Niilijrrtii wblrli It In fiptrted Hint the Society will tnke ,, rr r-rr LONDON, Keb. 12. The Ilolshe ; lkl have launched nn Infantry attack I Saturday against the Allied positions near Srcdmakrrngn HOtithcitHt of Archangel and were repulsed, There were albo operations F-rlduy I In which the American, llrlllsli Rilh-I man troops improved their positions! I north of Dndlnr) with heavy losses re jsTiltrhg to tho IloUhevlki. Ull.MSTKItlAL IIODV KKI,K(TS OI-'l-'ICKItS. FOUR ISSUES ARE UP KruTiil Iiitrritiil Kirrlntor.s Accom pany CoiiiiiiIskIiiiut Klioit ami Various Atlornojs Kcnt'liiR Ite- (iltlFFITHS OFF I'OK CAMFOHMA VISIT. BIG APPROPRIATION FOR A. O. A. FAVORED SAI.KM, Kfli 12 Thn Wny and llnm Coniiultti'e have without dU cnl ollowcil tliu OrcKon AKrlcullurul ColleM niiprnprlniliin of $299,100, Mrh Is the full aniouiit nuked In the tiurlKC t for the hiiiiIiik Iwo ynnrx. The anion Ik tentative, hut w probably mnml The fimdn nro In addition to avullutde federnl fiiuda anil niiitlniiliiR Htuit funilx. 'The Senate Conunllleii on ICdiirn Hon linn reported fniouilily on n hill IncreaiiliiK the per raplta apportion fntnl ol fiiiulK In ncliool dlntrk'tK fiutn flsht to ten dollnrfl. W WU..IU vmniMvi jitwmn A mall In uliose lionor every Ainei'lriin, ri'KanlleM, or politlenl purty or rel lltlou-. citmiI, Ixiik In reterenl Iioiiimki IliU iIii). A mini hIiom- life rep- tilK enouuli In due hi- eiiemleN u well ax liN frlemli, unci who ulll uvh llotiii the !- tut one of Hie renl llKnrr. of liltory. The Klamath Kallti .MIulHterlal An Koclatlun elected officers for thu com iiiK j car at a mcetliiK yebterday af ternoon. The followlnB were chos en, Rev K, I. Lawrence, First Pres byterian Church, presldont Rev. C. P. Trimble, Christian Church, vice-president. Rev Blmpson Hamrlck, Metho dist Church, secretary treasurer. kIiih Tomorrow at Take Tho !)), UiiTfliick Will 1 TN LOOSE ICE IS WD CHAIRMEN ARE ANNOUNCED N 1 IIKAVV I'ltKSSl'ltl-: I'OIU'IM )UT KOMF. OF Till: I'll.l.VO AT Till: Kia.MATII .MANfl'At-rfUIXt ("O.MI'AXV MOISTURE NOW COMING FASTER -HIXOIU) Kilt FKUltUAUY 1H KX. l'Klil.i:.N T SO FAR. IIF.COIU) KOH TKX Vi:. its AL.MOHT lUJACIIKo' i ti:.v A blK Ice Hoe on the I'pper Klani nth Lake Iiuh flowed In from tho north and donu hoiiiu ilitmiiRe to tho PIIIiik at the Klamath MauufacturlnK Company at BhlppliiRton. Tho lee In In a thin rheot, hut the troiuun iIouh pressure'tiehlijil It force-t mo-Jt ovoryihlnB out of the wny with which It co men In contact. Representa tives of Hie Company Mate, that the ,. dnmnKe donu lo the piling In not serl- onii. Further up on the lake, on Rear Island thu Ice enu be Menu with k1(ikhph tilled up nlonK the Hhoro to n height of tw'onty-flvo or thirty feet, arcorditiK lo report. MUX WHO Wll.l. 1IKAII THK ItIO lltl'i: FOR MFMItKltSIIII-S TO JOOl ROADS IIOIIV ARK KKADY FOR WORK M Mr. and Mrs. I). M. Orlfflth are In town fiom Ivaglc Ridge on the Upper Klamath Lake today, on their way to Southern California where they will spend a vacation visit. Mr. Orlf flth who has been feedliiK a large bunch of cattle reports that winter feeding conditions have been of the best In his vicinity. To argue various Issues of the , Couit House controversy here. Ktver-i TU Report of Yesterday Believ ' ed to Be Overdrawn NO TROUBLE PROBABLE Foreign MitiMcr Declares Thnt Japan Has .Vi Intention of interfering; With Wlmteier China May'Makc at the I'e.icc- Confcrenco Rail n.ij" (n Ht.irt In Siberia. i al attorneys, accompanied by fi lends left for .Jacksonville MOItK MKMIIKRS FOR i(K)l ROAD AHSOCIATION ARK HROL'OMT IN FIMI RKHKRVATIOX IIV KX-THUSIAHT - One Iiuh and four-hundredtlm of rainfall f u,r AnrtuK , ,, lorn. Sunday and Monday, accord- .UK to Hy.lroKnipher H. M, Humph. J" f thu V. H, lteclnmalloii Sorvtco !!er T'"' rainfall up 0 tliia time .nurinR Kebiuniy wUh fourti-on bun. ""hi,, iiiukliiK tho total Mr the "', tlW,u, ''"Jh of the month, one nd nineteen hundredths. KiiRlnecr Iluiiiphroy deelaros that '0Men,Ko n.luf.,11 ,,' for Kliru- "y for tin, pgl ,,m y,mrH llB(Mll,on n. a inmilerlnchei., so that, in- .1. '".''""' "f ",0 mo,,t" H " '. e rt "' "lu "v,,r" w u "" ear 'r-,'" ,,Vor,,M '" tho first J ," "' w,,,,r u f'"- Holow norm. fall 1 10 '""'"""-o thlH winter h.m ""ICII IlllllOwl ....!.... , " "iy on unfrozen STRIKERS Moat of tlie ehnlrmon of tho differ ent products ao secured their mem bership books and aro now prepared to launch tho big house (o bouso can vass for memberships for tho now Klamath County flood RoniU Associa tion, nccordliiK to Frod Oarlch, wm. has rbarKo of this work. Mr. Oar lch announces thnt tho drive will be conducted on the snmo plan as thq various war drives of tho past few mouths and that with tho nominal feo for membership which Is, nuked, there Is ovcry roason to bcllcvo that a Ini'Ro per cent of the residents of tho city will bo brought Into tho or. gauUatlnn, If any nro not members after th,n eanvnus is made It will not be because they linvo not boon solicit ed. Thu following are tho Chairmen of tho vailoiiH products, Andrew M, Col lier, precinct one: Fred Houston, piecluet two, K, L, Klliott, precinct three; W. T. Leo, product four; F. M. (larlcli, precinct flvo! n, 1 Lewis, precinct hIx; J. J. Stnlger precinct seven- Jack Furbor, precinct eight ;L. A lti: CliliKI CI "OX iioe, precinct nino; mm uarry suiih, prociuci ton, inese ehalrmnn will havo a numbor of ns HlstaiitM In the work. I BUTTE ACT! Rob Spluk, "tho minute man" is still at It. Nino more members is thu last toll and more coming. If theio was halt a dozen like him lu Klamath county, the membership of the Oood Roads Association would soon bo close to tho 100 per cent mark, and It will not be far from that in his neck of tho woods at tho rate ho la going. Rut the uholo Job should not bo loft to Spink. There aro otnor residents in tho Fnit Klam ath and Reservation section of tho county who should tnke Just as kcon an Interest In this work and lend n( thci.-this itio.-rlng and will coinn.ciue argu ments before Judge F. M. Calkins at ' ;en o'clock tomorrow. In the forty one thousand dollar suit by the County Court to recover money declared illegally Issued for the construction of the Court house op Rlock Thirty Five, the plain tiffs demurrer to the defendant's answer will be heard. In tile case of Ward and Loomls versus the County -Court, the defen dent's demurrer against the plain tiff's complaint will bo heard. The defendents demurrer against the plaintiff's ""complaint will also be heard In the case of Loomls versus tho County Court. In the case of John Kootz against the County Court, tho plaintiff's mo tion to strike against the defendents answer, will bo heard. Prosecuting attorney, William M. Dunran, Assistant Prosecuting Attor ney. Wilson S, Wiley, Attorneys K. L. Klliott and Fred Mills. County Com missioner Rurrell Short, Mrs. Short, Percy Evans, and Alox Davis were among those who loft on the train. It Is believed that it will take about two days to hear tho arguments. The main Issues of this lengthy controversy are not lo be heard at this time. HN WARDKX flAD IJKKX LAIIOIUXCI UXIIKK KItltOlt AND I'KRMIT TIXG FISHIXG OX FORHIDDKN POINTS Thnt those who have been fishing recently at Spencer Creek, Klamath River, Seven Mile Creek and other points, which have heretofore been opened at this time of the year, have been doing so In violation of the law, is the announcement made to day by Game Warden Henry Stout, who has Just received the news from State Game Warden Call D. Shoe maker. TOKIO. Feb. 12. Kljuro Shldc hara and Vice foreign minister of, Japan 'declared Ina statement here today that Japanese had merely call ed "ChinaCs attention to the estab lished proceedure, according to which neither government has a right to publish confidential correspondence without previously consulting the other." He further said that "Japan has no Intention of Interfering with any of tho demands or contentions w-hieh China refers to the present peace conference." -WASHINGTON. D. C Feb. 12. The fnltd States has formally ac cepted Japan's proposal regarding the plans for the restoration of the railway traffic In Siberia. LONDON. Feb. 12. Baron Nob auki Makimo, head of the Japanese delegation at the Peace Conference i has been Instructed to disclose all Mr. Stout was under the Impression I tlle P"''""" treaties between Japan that the above Places were now onen and China, according to a Reuter - I i.elpmg hand to Mr. Spink and hcojHUGE TASK FOR I'H'IWTINU IS RKSrSIICR TODAV. KOLIHFRS TO DISPKRSi: CROWDS. ARIZ OXA MINIMIS OUT MUTTI'J, Keb. 12. Picket actlvlt) hy tho iitrlkoi'H was lemniied hor.o to day nftur Inactivity yesturday. Organ Izctd bodies of pickets tried to ronch tho minus but woro dlspereod by tho police, .HoldloiH wero called upon to help In two Instances whoro crowds gnlli- Brnun i . ' "" "iniiituii L I?- """p l,ns b "'" v1 m-0(l' inning off ,,t() ,)Q sfri)lllllH .. ,,, Thoio wciro only threo nrroslH mndo (. i . . . i for Interfering with tho men going to work. A fow mora of tho men wuiit to work today, HN y IT oi l Imuran,.,,. f()1. C0l,nicl wo, twt or are .oallzed tho chntires for bctlo ii n, , f"n,,crw w" b0 el l,K1r'"MT(ltliHITIiAND RUTTK, Feb, 12, Dologaloii ro- prcHuiitlng varlou.s crafts connected with copper mining at a rocont con- jff, . . i "iiixc.imo 111 Oil Will., lorciiro III waHlllllgloii nuvu muim- idnv i. If1"08' from I'oilland Run. lnnusly rocoiumondod thnt ovory until ""i loit for iiini ... .... i.... ,. l t KE P PROMISES AI.I.IKD (.'OVKRXMKXTS HKND TIIRKATKXIXG XOTI TO KHZ IIKRGKR IT)H FAILURK TO COMI'LV WITH ARMIST1CK V li in.. . iierttrin ul.... . ,.. ,u,i for that point thh miniilng. ' roturn to work, ATTORNKv ILL ' '7"u ''uto today, .JKUOIK, Arlzonii, Fob. 12. Scores of minors uro louvlni; hero us If they cannot best his record of a man a minute. Klamath neods men of tho Sptnk spirit and the Herald Is hopeful that they will step Into the limelight, that tho people of tho roun- ty may gnzo upon thorn with nn ap proving smllo. Here Is Mr. Spink's last report and let us add that the trout which ho so generously remomberod us with was appreciated. It wa.s one of the finest wo over had and It more firmly convinced us that tho opportunity for overyono to get blmllar ones should not he locked up by poor roads. Spring Creek, Williamson Riv er, Wood river tho whole nottli country should be opened up to tho people of tho world three hundred and sixty-five, days In tho year, by the construction of good roads. Editor Horald Hero wo uro! Nino good road subscribers uro herewith lurnisncti you, all paid: 1 Chas. S. Hood, Klamath Agency, 2 George Gray, Klamath Agency. 3 F. L. Carlson, Klamath Agency 4 K. I). Long, Klamath Agency, 5 C. C. Drophy, Klamath Ageney G Dr. Hullman, Klamath Agency 7 F. L. Hums, Fort Klamath. 8 W. T. Norrls, Fort Klamath. 9 B. A. Page. Fort Klamath. Had I tho tlmo to dovoto to It I bo- Hove I could got tho membership tflilld nf the Fort Klamuth district, and a great numbor of Indians. However. I shall do all I can at such times ns I can. - Thore is ono follow from tho Fort district thnt rofttsod for tle present, I shall try him again; if ho still ro fusos I shall give his name as a slacker. I also furnish you ono of our rm. rosontatlves of Snrlnir Creek in tho Bhapo of a six-pound trout. Tho Ash ing is lino. Vours for good roads, non spink Theso NEW COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 12 Secretary o f War Raker has an nounced tho appointment of the "I nlted Stntcs Liquidation Commis si n of tho Wa.- Dcfaitmi'iit" It will bo tho huslnnss of this body to !iuuldnte tho bu.tne.n and flnancl.U nfiulrp of tho Amurlcnn Ainw !n Ung luin and Franco. L'dwln II. Parker o.' Houston, Texan, has been sohcted ,i Chairman, for fishing purposes and had been permitting this practice. His letter from the Portland office of the State Fish and Game Commission is gien below : "In reply to your letter of tho 7th Instant. In reference to closing Spen cer Creek to fishing, will say that when this creekwas closed by the Hoard of Fish and Game Commission ers in 191S, tho closing' order was made to read closed until such time as suld stream is reopened to fish ing by order of the Board. "This being the case, it will not dispatch from Tokio. MOVE TO CONSERVE CITY WATER SUPPLIES SALEM Keb. 12. Hecause the sale of hnds that form the watershed supplying water to Corvallis, Dallas, and Oregon City threate.n to destroy this supply, a joint memorial has been lutioduced into the Legislature ronnlrn nnnthor clnstn.? nrdor hv ,, I asking that Congress urge the pas- Board, the stream in question being sage of the bill to withdraw the lands now closed until such time as tho J from sale Board sees fit to reopen It to fishing. 'm "Tho same order applies to the Klamath River, Seven Mile Creek and portions of Four Mile Lake and I Four Mile Creek. All these waters are closed until such time ns the Board reopens them." OUIS CSBTS D1SCHARGK KLAMATH OFFICKIt DISCHARGKD FROM TIIK 5IIL1TAHV SKRVICK. COPKNHAOKN, Fob, 12 England mid Franco huvo both sent notes to Presidont Kizborgor of tho Armis tice Commission, douling with tho failure uf Germany to dollvor tho lo- tueso membors show the right coinotlvcH and agricultural machinery BPMt. Thoy are men who want to us iigroud, Tho, notos are reported oo Klamath grow, and are willing to to virtually constltut'o a throat to that Join bunds with tholr follow citizens government, A similar note la ox-, in u work that Bhould have tho uuan- n rosult of troubloa following n wugo( ported to bo sent by the United Impus co-oporatlon of tho cltlzonry cut by the copper companion. Status, ' jot tho county, ' ,, Guard Van Riper, who returned Inst night with Mrs. Van Riper and II. R, Dunlap from Southern Cali fornia, reports that Sergeant Major Garrett Vun Rlpor lias received his dlschaigo and is now with Ills wife lu Sacramento. SILVKi; TKA TOMORROW. Tho Woman's Foreign Missionary society of tho Methodist Church is to give a Silver tea at tho homo of Mrs, C. V. Fisher. M2 Eighth St. on Thursday nt 2.30 P. M, All membors uro urged to bo presortt with their friends. Word has been received heio that F, R. Olds, who has been In tho ar tillery service and who has been sta tioned at Camp Lee, Virginia, has now received his discharge. He will visit relatives In tlys east before re turning hero. PORTLAND IN DYS EUIB HACK FROM CALIFORNIA Mr. mid Mrs, John Jonos who haxo bocn visiting In Sun Luis Obispo, California for tho past month havo returned to Klamath County. Thoy rcsldo in tho Dairy district. AUTO I'AIXTIXCJ SHOP OPENED. J J W. Lnno has oponed up nn auto painting and sign pnintlns ostiib'Jel: ment In frame building at tin corn er of nth unit Main StrcoUi, BOYS CELEBRATE GET SUSPENDED V AFTER BEING DISMISSED FROM SCHOOL OX ACCOUNT OK FACE DECORATIONS, TIIKV PARADE STREET WITH SIGN MAX WHO HAS HAD MICH EX PERIEXCi: IX DEALING WITH VOt'XG IIOVS TO UK IX CHARGE OF NEW ROOMS HERE A group of nbout twenty High Srhool bojs recognized Lincoln's birthday this morning by appearing ut school with tholr faces decorated In various shades of red paint, woro summarily dismissed by Principal C. ' will bo L S Robbing who has recently Jiarrlied fiom Portland, is to havo charge of the new Klamath Falls Ath letic Club, which Is now being fitted up in the loom beneath the K, K, K. Storo at the Coiner uf Fifth and Main Streots. Mr Robbliib has been associated with tho Juonllo Court with Judge lieu Lindbey and has bud other work with joum; bojs which 1ms fitted 1,1m for this particular work. On pool tablo has already been secured and is belu; set up In tho new quart or, tthoio there will bo all sorts of games and athletic appurtus for the boys who have time to spare-fo these things. It Is expcctoil that tho rooms opened in a few days. uv. . 1 . nkli n unu'inm, uiti. iim Dfii.miiiTn ot.ntli f.uivrnnrA has been Dttmea VJi w f "! V HIIVIIIIUU 111(11 Mt"v w thoy came' there for work and not .man of tho Board of Directors, ur, for celebration purposes, W. A Leonard, vice Chairman ana a, The boys then lined up In fiont of Sugarman's storo, stood guard In front of tho door for n time, and then got a sign to tho offoct that they and Sugarman wore, celabratlug Lincoln's birthday, with which thy paraded Muln Street. n ' vimmuin. secretary-treasurer. A general request has beon- roado that anyone who has games or atn totie apparatus suitable for these rooum they are willing to !", over to tho Club, notify some one ol directory 1 II im I5i)