The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 10, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    nxi.n,i-n'"'mv l)',"J"
i I
Keep Your
Watch Clean
uiii.ll I" ,l,,Hl
Ill-lit If"'' H''111'" fll'rtll-
iK ciiifiiy ii"Mi' ii'
ll ilri" "l k"1' '""
, ,- fin- Krtiiy 'I"1"'
Timi "in ' l'" ''"'I""'
Tim tliini: i '' H "
;u- I I'P !"" ,mr
untili '' ir' '" ,M
HUlfllll- If '" ttl"
luiutor )"" '"" "I'1 '"
nunc war nil lint il"l
Icnlf imrln Thai will
III, inpolllllwt ft"" ""
Kli-p III imlny ami ll,v"
nur wiui li euimlneil
All v.ik I" Kimriin
(,.i f.r u i"ur. iiml
irtrm mi fuir iiml
Frank M. Upp
,-ill Miiln Sticcl
I'lnr Willi ll llepulrlim
iiw HALLJAKK stun. (
inn ii L.'ii! niirri'
imiiiii.ii-t ..".-' -
I'OIITI AND r.-h I" When llumi
j!nl,riiin aioie Tl.urHiliiy mm nine In
i wIki - Hi her klti-liitil lit 3 'IS
('(null Slri-.-l hI,. Hilt prolllpll tnlil
lir lln-Iii'iiiiI.'ki to hIiiiI up mid U"t
link to lied. iiiior.lliiK t her in
mti In limi'i-nors llnllx-r iiml l.eon.
tril Sin- unlil neeral mull euteied
her aiuiilnn'iil" mid prepnred ii mini
ami ale It l lie) mom ner iiiiiiiiiiuk
ami a n- nieces of clothing All were
lor.lKtit-is The pnllc, me endeaMir-
lug mi lorai the Mippo.ed burglars.
Now In your chmire lo gct.vnur
miln rntirtlr rtrl ,i,nt, ,t,.t ,,.,ii. ,. i.i, i ... ,... n-i,.
" ..... vo ..-..I, .
llrntlna to business fnsl workman-
ant-muni hi iiuniiiinn, uim uorhinuii-
i-i.i ".in h.ii.iiiik.i i-M'criuiii-1 uiiiii,
I, .' i,i, i ' ..,,.
..,..,....,, ,,., .... ,.,,,, . , n,..ii.-
fac'imi m prices iiml wont roiil'Hruu,
jum ..ii u uinii mi Ki'iK'riii niii-R-
mlth nc nn.l liiir,-lniltif Vi. ,.
iiMMing nnn uomesiioeiiiK Ml -x- ,,,
K...H.U.I 1....- ...ill ,.
i'v. M-fti.-ii ptiiiri iiiii inn iinir mil.,
' M, . ' ,,,, , ' ' ..'-,.!
on his feci right
All unrk mrl.-ilv ei.iiriniii.i.,1
o.vm... ... ....'. '1"ir,,,,"',s,l
8 XT HT IT II E I'AIH rlllOl'
:.6tii..l I.OIMMI i-. i.mi-1-i.Mi
M)l'i:it & I'OllTHIt
WwtfwiB H" w i
I fWlllil;! WmWrn I
I The Flavor Lasts I
I (M three kinds sealed I
I in air-tight, impurity- I
I proof packages. Be I
nt miiull wur.eH. uk I don't n I ii mini
1 ' vol y bin! ' Tint stranger milil. Mm
I Tin. follow In,-. InleroMIng hIc.-I.-Ii of ,,rok(l ,. rlKhi ,,, , ... I(( umll,r..
tint i-nrlv ilun i.r Klnmmli Counly hy foot I liuv.-n't cniui. down to work
I'ikiI l.ockley nppeiirw in a ii-ci-iii Ih-.Ihk for my hoard yet' Hn jodo on
nun of tint Otegoii Journal'
, i H'd MIkiiiiih of I'llnnvllle wits In
1 Pniltmid li fw ilii)n iiko Mr Bti'iiniH
Is it luittomun. mid tookH It Hn Iiiih
tint .nit -or dour., look Hint nuirkii tin,
m..i from mini of lint mountains Hi
niHt'i. I'liii) hr.i.l llnri'ford mill.- On
l,u i mulmitm mi.,.-i. ...,.- iriM..tin..
1 1, .. i, ...... i i -,u, ii ,....i. ii.. ..t...
mill iu-i.,1 .if riiimiimr runt'., i.l
tln IimiiiI of tho DitsL-liul.'ii ItltiT. iii'iir.H,u" "",l "lKl" wUI
I. u Phi"
! "fortlmnl In a ureal pluui to m.-ut,WUH " M WiV l" l,rll'K ''l '"
'old tliiin urijuuliitmiri'H," hiiIiI Mr I
HteatiiH "Vim urn iiluuys liavlui:
(i-iiin ciiiiuiih in nut) iiiii. i or milliner, i
it nhlrli peopl.t from all over the
'l.ite run tie met Vnileriluy I uim)
HtundliiK III the lobby of tint Imperial
hotel, wb.-n I n u mull .otiin up to
,lh.,, I thouKht I r(.n(KtlU(ll
i.i , .,,.,. , , i ...i-.i
"" '."I'l" '"I' ... ..,.. I'M...
Aii-iiI on Charlie I t In of JarkHou-'
tllli'"' lie Niild. 'YitH Hon did oin
uiiiii iih-' I Hiild. 'You hae the I'rlm
,.)i- und e)ebrow You hi-,, I iiiii
f,,!,,,,),! ,,, j,,,!,;,, prim, inn, of tho
early eltler of .liu-kHouvllle ' Chur-
ley I'rlm mild, 'Your fnr Ih fiuiillliir
Wo liuu, met noiiieuhere 'I Huid,
l) name l Sid Htearns We never
met but oinie. Iliul Ullx Sii e,irs mill
e m.-i mi lln- roud ii' l.lukville. '
n Klmuatli CniiHty. You were dep-.
y Hierlrf of .lacksnti Coilnty, and
,,r( on )our uu lo AltiiruN to et
hotHethlef ' He reiiieuiber.-d all
! It ,1Mll , toll , ,w ,0
, ,,,, ,, ,,u ,...... t... !....-..,.. !
..,., i..... mli .... .,,... M ,.
.,., ,,,,, ,rlll ,. .....i.i,.., ,
I ., , .... . .
I i hiiew mi. niiriH-iiiivi in- win. u-
ler. He wiih ii liknhltt rhup iisldit
f i.i. i,,i i,,.i,ii f ...bin,. n,ri,
.,.',,, ,,... ...... ........ ... ........n .....h.
tiK.lliln'rt lllirm-H I I'll, u'llll
...... ... ......... .
miiii in miner mi nun mi). i nun
. , , . .,..., .
,jrvng u btiui-lfof rattle down In i
,., .... . , .i . .
Klamalh County toward the head-'
latent of the reuther li-r I wiih
HiupiniiK liter iiiKiu im n ciose-imi-
, . . , ,. .
rancher A young fellow roilo up
... .... i : '' ,,, .-.,,, wo .,w ..., ... . ... ..w
()M tw imritu tlml was about n II In. , . ,, ,.
I stranger mukliig his getnwway after
H ""' l-iUiererl with sweat and dust, .... , ..
. , . . .,, . , . .In gunplay. No longer do ) on sec the
lor t hud i r i den hard. T he i . ., ... . .
slriiiiger said he has lost IiIh way, and ,
i... ....
him lii'im In tliii middle :t0 hour. He
I Mopped nil night with iih iiml I
nhiirud my hluuketH with him lt
wi.. looking rnr ii Jolt, no I advised
li Iih I" Mllke thti rum-bur for u Joli,
'an hi' ni'itili'il ii mini On tin morn
ling hn (inki'i) tliii rancher for u Joli
TIim rancher fiiuiiil out Hid Htruugor
win broke, ho hn milil I II let you
woik foi oui hnnrd foi u inoiitli. nml
If you make i:ooi I mil y put oii on
with inn for ii row- lioiirH in-xl morn-
I UK. lln hum Hiiro ii kooiI rlili-r, u
i-riick ihot mid u cood-himrti-d chap.
1 iool iiilti. ii liking to him A duy
"f ' ll"r I found hit hud Im-i-ii In
" '"'""I' w111' "" ''III'''" 'f l't- law,
","1 l""1 """l" " 'l",,',t Kt-uay lii
,,ml ,m,,l " ""l" '" " ":'' nl'
frl,,,"l l""1 ;h"" l,ll "w"y- l"'1 wlic"
Ihu ollli-i-r i limit in iirntMt him hn Iiml
him he hud
uili) his es -
ii.'iu inn oiiiritr nt iiiii
i 1....1 iii ., i . . .. i
"' "" "'" rillllitll .lu llourH
UM....I t
in-ii ii
iiiiu ('hurley I'rliu 3(1 yi-urs iiko hit
Tliii) don't iirr.'Ht uiiiii any more
lln- uuy they arrested him. He and
his partner uer.t tracked down hy a
posue from AhIiIiiiiiI In till) io.ih.)
mik u depuly sheilff from Altiirus,
't..Mi. I,.. i .. i .it i inn
"" " ' "' -'""'" "
W"l,,, "f AhIiIiiiiiI Hill wiih on,, of
Hi" l.-Ht HhotH .. nil most feurless men
' K'lHthern Ori-Kon The possi, over-
Klmuatli country They ucro ramp
ed near u hIi.ii corral made of
ntoiii-H. The poHse round shelter on
the hillside abovi) them, and culled
douii lo I liem to throw up their
luiliiU. Iloth of tin, horsu
thieves dropped Hut mid h.-KJli shoot.
Im; The vhap I hud slept with cnl
up mid Hturled for II) bee, Webb and
the r4t of the posse, but Webb broke
his iih with a bullet II knocked
Ii I in down The oilier chap never
stopped, hut I'june rlclil on with a
Ktlli In each hand, HhootlllK at the)
posse ax hu wiilked up the hill Hal
-........ ...... .....
' - 01 ""iiosi io mem oenirr m, u ,
killed. They asked his partner tho I
c - liup I hud met -wlint win, the numn I
'of the .lend horsuthlef He rurused I
i to tell. He mild they hud made a
- """' - v' "v"' '" "" "" '-" ",2
a.tiaii jio n - i.iii it ii 1 1 niiiunu ir
limy weru ciipiuren, aim in ngiu mr
i . , ii..
'each other to the
eath. He Miilil: i
... , , , . .
llury hlm here, mid put on ills huail-,
, '
iJimrii, i rnu io ins uiu. no iiiui. ,
.. ' . , , . . .
ih inn inscription nun wiih pin over
xv .
i u mil uii)i iiro koiiu. i.iiikviiiii
, ....... .i I
I.... In, .,,. .,li,i..u lit., Iini.rlii,lu tf Mini
HP"rl ' '""",' ol l"" w""' K""
jnor the huddled form of the crooked
gambler on the lloor with his life-'J.
I blood staining his marked cards. The
! old daya of the free range are gone.
, , .
forover. 'loduy you must own your
summer range. Thu cowwhoy and
I tho Blxshooter will soon bo extinct."
I Charles Iladger Clurk expresses tho
thought many of tho old-tlniu stock-
' men are miahlu to voice, In his poem,
, "Tlio 1'iiHslng of the Trail."
There was n sunny, savagu laud
lioueath tho buzzard's wings.
And there, m-ioss thu-thorns and sand
Wild rovers rode as kings.
It's like a tale from long ago
And far across thu sea-
Could that hind he the hind wo know?
Tliosu roving riders wo?
The trail's u luue' The trail's a Iniiu!
How comes It, purd of mine?
Within a day It slipped away
i And hardly left u sign;
Ami history a tale, has gullied
'lo pleasu the )ouug.stur ears
A rncu of kings that rose and reigned i
And passed In fifty years.
To pleasu the )outig.stur ears-
Dremn back beyond tlm rramplng
I lanes
To glories that have been
I'l'liu camp smoke on the sunset plains,
j Thojldors loping In;
i l.nin'ii.Tulii u'nd roweled heel to sparo,
i Tlii, wind our only guide,
For youth was In tho middle there
i With half a world to ride.
The trail's a lane' The tratl'H n lane!
Dead is the branding lire.
Tho prairies wild are tame and mild,
i All closD-corraled with wire.'
The sunburnt demigods who ranged
I And laughed and lived so froo
Have topped thu lust divide, or
To men like you mo,.
I'OHTI.AND. Feb, 8. Tho 05th
.Field Aitllleiy Ueglmont will bo lu
Portland on February Kith and 17th,
' according to word received hy tho
soldier's mid .sailor's reception com
mittee, sjeclal (nil n of 952 offlcurs mid
moil Is now uiironto for Camp Lewis
for demobilization.
; WASHINGTON. I). C. Fell. 8,
, Tho U, S. nuttleshlp Kansas ami flvu
rnuispoiU bringing flvo liunilroil of
flcer.s und nearly eight thousand inon
have sailed from Frunce. Tho HGtli
Engineers, consisting of many Oreg
on troops, tho aboard' this ulilpment.
Oilier Tor Halt- of Estrny
In tint Justice Court for thu Precinct
or Lost Hlviir, Klamath County.
Oregon j
In tint Mutter of mi Estrny Steer
A HUlllclcnt ulllduvlt having been
llli-d tho 1 tit 'day of February, A. D.
Ill Hi, In tho oltlc- of the undersigned
Justin- of thu Peuco, hy L J. Morton,
regarding a curtain .-Htray 2-yuur-old '
iit.-cr. and said allldavll liavliu; been
Iliad.- In airorilmicii with Chaptur 30,
Laws or Oregon. Session 1 U 17, ,
Now .therefore, I, J. T. Ilrmlloy,
.ItiHtlrit of tho Peuco of l tin foregom
precinct, do hereby oritur and com
uimid'thit Hiiid 1.. J llorton, to pro-j
i .ji-d In uciurdiinco with said law to
Hull Miiltl .-HltaV. I
Olv.-ii under my hand thin 3d day
of February, A f) 1011
JiiHtli'it of tho I'cuci) for 1-ont Illvor
I'n-clnct Klamath County, Oro-
.Viilli of Sail- of iNtray
Now, thurofort-, In accordmicu with)
tho fon-KoliiK order made and dlrecl -
.i - d, I will offer for sale and Hell at
I lit, ilfn tilirllim In Ihu till, lit.uliitiillifiufl
-....- '". "V ?-?-
ll.tlllt'l nil IUD.I Jl. Hill. i. ,.ii l itiutivi
,... i. , - ...ii. .i
p. m , nt the llorton ranch, 17 miles
eust of Klamath Falls, Oregon, on.
Tuesday, the 25th duy of Kebruury, I
I'jia, one z-yenr-oni red nicer, ear
marked with a short crop off each
ear mid branded Crown O with two
Dated at Bonanza, Oregon, this 3d
day of Kebruury, A I) 1919
(Sinned) I.. J HOItTON
.NoTin; to citKiirroiis
Notice Is hereby given that the un -
ilersimied was, on January 18 1U1U
hy the County ( ourt of K ar-Mth
County, Ori-Kou, appointed ailmllils -
Irulrlx or Die esliite of Wlllliiin Ci.
Tallinaii. deceased, and ull persons
having claims against said estate
are reouesU'd to present same to
said administratrix at the law of -
tlies of it. C (Sroesheck. Klmuatli
Falls. Oregon, within six months
from the date of this notice
Duteil. January 20. 1919
Administratrix of the Estute of wil -
limn 0. Tallinn!), Deceased.
Notico Is hereby given that the un
, , , , , , ,, county
court of the State of Oregon, for
Klninnth County, thu final account of
'" aiiminisiration oi mo estn
Anton Johnson, deceased, and
'Court hus fixed March 1, 1919, at
30 o'clock ii. m. ns the time, and
me court room hi said uouri as me
I'lnce for hearing objections to said
and for tho settlement
i.,.,,i inn,,,.. n-r
Dated January 27
Administrator of the estate of Anton
iimo n..n,..o,i
......n... .-..v..ov...
" &v A-
Notice Is hereby given that the un
derslgned has been duly appointed
.administratrix of tho estate of Orville
Eskelson, deceased, by the County
Court of the Stato of Oregon, for
KXataMU County, and all persons hav-
, Ing claims against said estate are re-
alr0(1 to vroaoul game t0 sald nd.
, mlnlstratrlx nt tho law olllces of U, C.
C.roesheck, Klamath Falls, Oregon.
within six months from tho date of
this notice All persons knowing
tliumaolvca Indebted to said estate
are requested to mnko prompt pay-
Dated Jnnunry 27 .1919.
Administratrix of tho Estato of Or
ville J. Eskelson, Deceased.
i ItcHiiJiuIon to Change Street Grade
Whereas, thu Common Council
deems It expedient to change the es-
tahllshed grade on Tenth street nt
its intersection with fine street.
tie It Uesohed, That the grade on
Tenth street at Its Intersection with
Pine street ho changed from 176.0 as
now established, to 175.0 on the
northerly side of said Intersection,
, , .'.,. r ., aoutllurIv a,jQ of
"'V1, , .I'4'B , ' tl10 S0UU10rl 3lao or
' l"tm'sectlon
State of Oregon,
County of Klamath, ss:
City of Klamath Falls.
I, A. L. I.cavltt, l'ollco Judgo of
said city, do hereby certify that the
foregoing Is a duly enrolled copy of
tho resolution changing grudo on
Tenth street at Its Intersection with
Pine street, as pnRsetl by the Com
mon Council of the City of Klamath
Falls, Oregon, on January 27, 1919,
30-10t Police Judgo.
Tho City Engineer, pursuant to reso
lution of Common Council horotoforo
adopted, having, under date of Jnnu-
iuary 4 ,1918, rued plans, specifica
tions and estimates of the cost of im
proving Spring street from Its Inter
section with Sixth street to tho north
lino of Oak uvonuo, including inter
sections. And tho Council having
taking tho same under advisement,
and flailing said plans and specifica
tions and estimates satisfactory;
It Is hereby Resolved, That said
plans, specifications and estimates for
tho said Improvement of Spring street
bo, and tho same aro horoby ap
proved, and It Is further resolved that
thu Common Council hereby declares
Its Intention to improve said Spring
street In accordance with said plans,
specifications and estlmatoa, said 'im
provement to consist ot paving said
Spring Btreot with olthor AVater
Hound Macadam ,or tho placing upon
said street of cinders to the thickness
of ton inches nml rolling same down
to an approximate thicknoss of sev
en Inches. Tho usthnato cost ot the
former improvement bolng $3,97Ci00
and tho estimate coat of tho latter
Improvement being 3,975, 00. And
j hu It further rcnolvcd by tho Common
Viiillitn iiitu i hi; luuvniii), u;nLiiurii
property hi mid lif-reby in declared
benefited hy nuld proposed Improve
ment, to-wlt
All thoio Iota, purtH of lota,
pleceK and purcelii of lurid lylnn
and lioInB d"ilnnated upon the ofll
clnl plat im ho lylni: hetwer-n the
north und south renter lino of
block 7 or Uullroud Addition, the
north and aouth center lino of Sec
ond Uallroad Addition, and the
Nw.-Hti.-rl' houndury line of the rlcht
of way of the Southern 1'aclflc
rumiiany, Hiild IoIh, parceln and
pleci-H of laud, belnK more partlcu
lu. j ( deHcrlbed an follows
l,ots 1, 2, 3. 4, D C, 7, 8, 'J. 10
of block 8, Uallroad Addition; lots
1, 2 3, 4, 5, 0, 7, 8. 0, 10, 11, 12
of block It of Second It ul) road Ad
dition, lots 1, 2, 3, t of block 20,
Hocond Uallroad Addition; lots 7,
K, 9, 10. 11, 12, 13, 14. 15, IS, 17,
18. 1, 20, 2t of block 19, Second
Uallroad Addition; lots 1, 2, 3. 4,
0, 0, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
1C, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 of block 18;
Second Uallroad Addition, lou la,
l u)( 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b. 4a, 4b, fin, 5b,
" Ca, Cb, 7a, 7b, 8a, 8b, 9a, 9b, 10a,
10b. 11a. lib. 12a. 12b. 13a. 13b
liU, 111), iua, XUU, ItlEl, lull, 1,3,
.-. . . . . . .. '
17b, 18u, 18b, 19a, 19b, 19c. 20a,
20b, of block 7, Railroad, Addition.
That nub! property above lls'ed a.i 1
doi rlbed be und lieroby is declared
to be the property to he assessed for
the expense of said improvement,
and bo It further resolved that Tues
day, the 25th day of February, 1919,
at the hour of 8 o'clock p in., at the
Council Chambers, In the city hall, be
fixed as the time and pluuq for the
hearing of objections and rcmon-
istrances against the said proposed
,liprovumBnt. ani, tMe ,.0C(. Ju,,Be ,
jllcre)y (lrec,t,( t caU80 notlce of
BaIl, i,arln(. , ,,,. published us by
, charter provided
State of Oregon,
('Hy Klamath Falls,
County of Klamath.
i I. A U Leavltt, I'ollco Judge of tho
, 'City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, do
nerehy certify that the foregoing is a
July enrolled copy of a resolution
adopted by the Common Council on
the 27th day of January, 1919, de
'cliirlng Its Intention to Improve
npring .street rrom oax avenue to
Sixth street, and approving the plans
specifications and estimate of cost
submitted by tho City Engineer.
5-10t Police Judge.
The City Engineer, pursuant to reso
lution of Common Council heretofore
adopted, having, under date ofJanu
uary 4 ,1918, filed plans, specifica
tions and estimates of the cost of Im
proving Grant street from Eleventh
street northerly to the property of
tho Linkvlllo Cemetery. And the
Council having taken same under ad
visement and finding said plans,
specifications and estimates satisfac
tory; De It Resolved, That said plans,
specifications and estimates for the
said Improvement of Grant street be
and the same are hereby approved.
Be It further resolved that tho Com
mon Council hereby declares its in
tention to improve said portion ot
Grant street, in accordance with the
said plans, specifications and esti
mates. Said Improvement to consist
of Oil Macadam, at an estimated coat
ot $1,695.00, or of placing cinders
upon said street to a depth of eight
Inches at an estimated cost of
S1.15S.00. The said improvement in
either event to Include grading, curb
ing and rolling. And bo it further
resolved by tho Common Council, that
tho property hereinafter described be
and hereby Is declared to be benefit
ed by said proposed improvement,
Lots 1. 2,s 3. of block CS. Nichols
Addition; lots 5, 6, 7, S, 9, of block
60 of Nichols Addition.
And that said property above de
scribed bo and lieroby is declared
to be the property to be assessed for
tl e expense of said improvement
and bo It further resolved that Tuos-
day, the 25th day of February, 1919, iday, the 25th day of Fobrunry, 1919,
at the hour of S o'clock p. m., at the 'at the hour ot 8 o'clock p. m., at tho
Council Chambers, in tho city hull, be Council Chambers of tho city hall, be
fixed as tho timu mid place for the fixed as the time and place for the
hoarlng of objections and romon- hearing of objections and remon
strances against tho said proposed istrances against " tho said proposed
improvement; and tho Police Judge is j improvement; and the Police Judge
horoby directed to cause notice und hereby Is directed to cause no-
said hearing to bo published ns by.tice of said hearing to he published
unartur provided.
Stato of Oregon,
City of Klamath Fulls, ss:
County of Klamath.
1, A. L. Leavltt, Police Judge ot the
City ot Klamath Fulls, Oregon, do
hereby certify that tho foregoing is a
duly enrolled copy of a resolution
adopted by tho Common Council on
tho 27th day of January, 1919, do
clurlng Its Intention to improve
Grant streot from Eluvcnth to come-
tory lino, and approving the plans.
specifications and estimate ot cost
submitted by tho City Engineer.
5-10t Police Judgo.
Tho City Engineer, pursuant to reso
lution of Common Council horotoforo
adopted, having, under date of Janu-
uary i ,191S, filed plans, specifica
tions and estimates of the cost ot im
proving Lincoln street from Ninth,
northorly to Eleventh streot, Includ
ing Intersections ,nnd the Council
having taken same under advisement
and finding said plans, specifications
itnd estimates satisfactory;
De It Horoby Resolved, That said
plans, specifications and estimates
tor tho improvement ot Lincoln streot
from Ninth streot. northerly to Elov
onth streot, ho and tho 3nmo aro horo
by approved, And bo It furthor re-
solvod that tho Common Council
hereby declares Its intention to Im
prove said portion ot Lincoln street
In accordance with said plans, sped
flcatlons and estimates, said improve
mont to consist of paving said por
tlon of said street with OH Macadam,
ft in ,! .. i i i
Herald s Classified Adis.
quick line seller of a dozen big money
makers; large profits, quick sales,
particulars free W H, 1021 Wash
ington street. 4-3t
WANTED Girl or woman to do
general housework Phone, 2C8J
WANTED Position, by young lady.
Experienced In 'general office work
and clerking. Address xyz Evening
Herald 8-3t
PHONE PEYTON for Wood 11211
FOR SALE OR TRADE Fine stock nice CLEAN ROOMS Palace room
ranch, right in the heart of the ing house, under new management,
bunch grass In .Malheur County; 35 526 Main St., phone 209J. 5-6t
head of good cows, chickens, wagons,
hacks ;all tools go with ranch. Any
body interested, write. Mrs. II. E.
Caviness, Harper, Ore. 3-20t
,. T 7T.
FOR SALE-2-Furniture; living room,
dining room and kitchen. 741
Walnut street
FOR SALE 80 acres good land;
fenced; small building; 60 acres
Irrigated; $40 per acre; torms. Seo
L. Jacobs. 30-tf
PPORTLAND, Feb. 10. Emery
Olmstead has been elected president
and Frederick F. PIttock, director of
the Northwestern National bank at a
meeting of the board of directors of
the bank. The election was made ne
cessary by tho recent death of Henry
L. Pittock, founder and president of
the concern.
at an estimated cost, including ce
ment sidewalk, curbing and grading,
of $4,234.00, or placing upon said
street .eight Inches of cinders, with
out sidewalk, at an estimated cost of
$2.206 00. Said improvement lu
plther event to include grading, roll
ing and curbing. And be it further
resolved by the Common Council that
the property hereinafter described.!
be and hereby is declared benefited by
said proposed improvement, to-wlt:
Lots 5, 6, 7, S, ot block 36,
Nichols Addition; lots 1, 2, 3, 4,.
of block 62 of Nichols Addition;
lots 1 and 4 of block 61 ot Nichols
Addition; lots 5, 6 of block 57 ot
Nichols Addition.
And that said property above de
scribed be and hereby is declared '
to bo the property to bn assessed for
the expense of said improvement;
and be It further resolved that Tues
us by Churter provided.
Stato of Oregon,
City of Klamath Falls, ss:
County of Klamath.
I, A. L. Leavltt, Police Judgo of the
City of Klmnuth Falls, Oregon, do
hereby certify that the foregoing is a
duly enrolled copy of n resolution
adopted by the Common Council on
the 27th day ot January, 1919, de
claring Its Intention to improve
Lincoln streot from Ninth to Eleventh
street, and approving tho plans,
specifications and estimate of cost
submitted by the City Engineer.
5-10t Police Judge.
School Uoiud of Dist. No. 1 will
receive bids on furnace In house situ
ated on I'.lock 100, MIIU Addition,
this burnt: tho property of the Din
Address bids to IDA U, MOMYEK,
Clerk. S-Ct
School Hoard of Dist. No, 1. will
recolve bids for wood. Wd on 160
cords of body wood. 80 cords to bo
deliverod at Riverside. SO cords to
be deliverod at Conttal, Wood to bo
cut from green timber, etc. Seo form
er bids, ,
Or will rocelvu bids on 240 cords of
lal, fir and pine. Did on fir separ
ately cud pluo separately, stating
amount of each to bo furnished. Fir
preferred. 120 cords to bo dollvoied
at Riverside and 120 cords at Central
Certified or Cashier's check 5 per
cent nf hid npfomnnnv lit.l Snntnil
mnrlrnil hl.l fall- u-nm, Aililraaa In '
Address to
IDA n MOMYER, Clerk. 8-12t
ffiv ' S I I li It It ' wAi
rJ -- ifr 'p'p
V0 '1AI'h n,ne bIa registered
race horse with a record 2 ( i,.i.
sound and gentle, big bargain for
quick sale T 1, Taylor, owner,
Medford. Oregon
M-WgW .J..--ru-Aj
WANTED Cabinet letter Tile; giye
description and price. Address
H M K . Herald oilice. 3-tf
that are weaned.
214, Klamath Falls.
young calves
Address Box
on Schubert, next postofflce. 11-tt
FOR RENT Three room house on
Cresent Avenue, $8.00 per month
Chilcote & Smith, 633 Main Street.
8-1 1
I have at ray place one muley red
and white spotted cow. branded OK
on right and written N on the left
hin nH ithf.i, i-. .,1. .......
'' ' , , ', ".."TC.T T " ' '"'J "T"!
cropped, under halt crop and tipper
slope on right ear. Owner please
call and get cow and pay charges.
3-10t Dairy, Ore.
Phone 09
Mght Phone 540
Succcor to Dr. Truax
Suit 200, I. O. O. F. Bldg
Office phone 80J
Ke Phone 8CM
I.oomio ltldg., Klamath Fulls
Crisler & Stilts bldg. 7th & Main
Phone :!"il
ft 17 Main
Mom-) lo on real estate at
N per lent.
Osteopathic PhjMcbin Surgeo
Suite ail, 1. O. O. K. Temple
(over K. K. K. Store)
Phone 3S1 . . . M
(Tho only Osteopathic Phyal-
clan and Surgeon in KlanuUh
Falls )
Designers nml builders of mod
cm Saw MilN, Pinning Mills. Box
Plants. Complete plant!, contract
ed. AppraUals and reports made.
l)i edging. We lontruct to bulla
any class of n building and Install
machinery of uuy kind.
Urnftlii; of mi) kind done. Blue
Prints made. PHONE 14W
Oilice in K. D. Building
Let me design your "U1U8'
Whether It he largo or small, can
save you monev and annu0c
Klttht e.irs Architectural Practice
in.-ir rili-nts)
Four em with Engineer " orl
r. s. A.
u-liltiil and Structural I Knilineer
"07 Odd Fi-IIQiysiiiiiK.
I ---W-k-H-fc.--WV-Vi-"-" j M