fiuiiav. ri:iiMvx lM THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON IMHi: THREE ... i uir-i'i i: .,,: ivi. o i.-it. or ii. iirin- , ,Ml'..K'0l""'ll'Hl" l,' 'J"1'" lutncro" L Letters From The People Quality Drugs... l-n'l ruMHiIll) .' ' ' ,' WIM 1 ") ' ll llm l'-- " ,lr"''' V Im" K"!'"'1 I"' ,,,,, llilrno.' of our iiil.iner" by .-llltiK lrK- "I I'M ltlul- nil-Ill) iH.I). Vi.ii ."mint l.ii) mi) "lli'T ,",r'' mill )i.u nre nliw.)- .ifn ml -ure Hntl Hip lirol .trims "HI Iip l"l In thl -lure. Editor ICv.'mImk llnrnlil Tin. iru p.lH.'il Ii'kUIuiIiin lirfi'illlIK III" Hln-l;t 'Hid I'litlli. InilHNtlli'N In ill1, mi lily In Tim llm i.iihihii of iiiotmilir, . noli liiili.xtt') , I lii' Miicl.liiiin .ml mil ii It lillini'r of llils Mi'i'l Inn uf I lii' Hlnte Din' nf tit iiui(iiii'il It 1 1 1m iffi'illni; liiiml of luimnn. A fulr viiliiullon I liuliiMtrv In thin "lute would bo to ro- Improvement being would tin 4(i un Kir lii'iid, or uppioxl-l ciiluto tin. grazing of sheep and cut- bo It further resolved nun.' y 1208.440 00 Tiii vii un of tn on the nubile rniicu by proviuing council tiiut tnu roll tliu two ItidiiHlili'x lx obvious It Unit uny person own In? or having property be and hereby Is declared iviulif'H iib.iiil two pound of liny per, uIiuiko of ah.'op who herds, gra-oi iliiy for iiitch hIhhj. i.ii.I for nullum y I oi pustules th mini..', or permits or Mtoi k uiltlii ubuut twenty pounds pr .Hiiff.'is Ihe Hume to bo .grarud, or ili.y U iii'i'il.'il It i.'Miilrpt. iiboiu two pastured on uny cuttle range provi de! os of ku'Iiik li.nil foi cm Ii li.'iul ' oiiHly oceiiplod by f'uttl.i, yr upon any of Mliciip mill iiliotii tun inii'H of Krii.-i riuitic initially necupk'd by uny cattle IttK In ml foi I'licli lii'iul or outtli! oiower, either ns a sprliiK, summer or Kiotn a prnollnil business stuiidpnlut wliitoi rniiKii for bin utile, Is Kullty III.' inltli. liiiliiNtry In woith roiiHlilfr- of n mliiil.iiii.'uiior, mill the proprict- nlilit mom I him tho slit'i-p IniliiHtiy nry fi poHMcmory rlKht bftween cut- llownviT, Ihlii bill Ih not iiii'iint anil III.' mill hIiim'P owiihih to uny runge 13,975.00. And tlon of said street with Oil Macadam. J 1 1) ni i I by the Oommon'ut an estimated cost. Including ce- nCl"l(l S LlrWJltlPlI AflVC lowing described Jment sidewalk, curbing and grading, J lUOOHICll nUY3. benefited by said proposed Improve merit, to-wlt All tliono lot, parts or lotn, piece and parcels or lund lying and being designated upon tnu urn of 4,234 00, or placing upon said street .eight Inches of cinders, witn- iloi'H not luolillilt hIii'i'IUii.'U ft o in Ih llio-tiii'li liidiistij provides, tlinl guicliiK on pi Iviilelt owned liuiil iir umial mid oiisniimi II In nut lawful foi uny i..rHon ,m II... i.iibllc domain It moioly pin-' iiiiik.'. either us a owning til ln.Ml.K 'ln.rK.' "J "l.o.'p ,,.,, , Hmi,, h.,,,1,,, or lango ! It... .1 till blllllf ill lllll'lllll tlllllll III . . ' .... I tlctoriiitiieii uy inn priority in um ciiHtomary iiho or hiicm cattl. or Hli.-ep in lii'iil tin Niim.) in purnilt . limn to ti lii'iil.'d, mi tin1 li.nil oi iioiiiiiH'iiin lit I in rt of otb.'i ii.'iHiniM to bold till' Ml. Mil'. Ill' pl'lllllt lll.MII 10 Kl'llfcll wltlilll two lllll.'H of I lit tlUt'llllIK Iioiiik) of III" oniinr ot .iwiiui'f of 'iicli iioi.H.iHory (IhIiiik " Tliu m.'i.iiiiI tiflti of tln iroio'il ,M,r,M, mil lii ifv iti'-i nir ii liriiiiiiy mm in" Tin inomivfil m.-iiHiin- Is not un- HiiiMiiiiiililn oi uililtiuiy It Iuih been fuiinil licit (oiifllctH botween cattle wlio iI.iiIiim to miikii a IIMiik for lilni' iii'lf mill fiiiulh mnl Klvi'K him un mi ixii I mill v In cm i' fur n Tku In'. lit or i-nllli" lii IiIh limni'dliito vl.'lnlty. mid Mln'ep-lnirderH on tne Tbcii Ih iinllinlti'il milillc rmiK.t In ' public ilmiiiilii could bo reconciled lliU Coiintv which Im iiiiH.ittli'il mid .only by Hi.'W.'gi.llon. In National For- iiiiliilinlilti'il, r.u tlin grn-lim of Hhi'i'Pi uhIh whom tin. hhu or laud is rogui.v I i.'il liy fi'.l.jriil govt'iiimnni, me pian cation Ih widely atloplcu, ami HPf P WAWTCn out sldewallj, at an estimated cost of , ,--- ,..,". ....... 12,206.00. Said Improvement In WANTM) Sor,,.- on-- to take care of either event to Include grading, roll- two -mall hiidren 515 Klamath lng and curbing And be It further avenue r,-a resolved by the Common Council that clal plat as ho lying between the tjle property hereinafter described, north and houIIi center lino of ,n0 and hereby Is declared benefited by blocK 7 or Kiuirouu Auumon, mo -ud proposed Improvement, to-wlt north und south center line of Sec- Lots G, G, 7, S, or DIOCK ,0. Nichols Addition; lots 1, 2, 3, 1. of block 62 of Nichols Addition, lots 1 and 4 of block 01 of Nichols ---- Addition; lots G, 6 of block G7 of I'HONE Nichols Addition. i . i.. ii.- .. ... . i. in nf m L'l-ni'iit im m winn v auonicu. ann , . ?, ".", h.w ' I. I? I'-" Imc...' ... oi 1 ih. Hii " Ih iil "tl'ltrnry discrimination. ill. II I ,.i n ,r il. i-rtVi, t-I-rf ' fullfornla. Idiilin. " prcferen.e to cattleow'nerB In , '.vlVl r r r, . I., , ,h Montmii. and Nutiuln. for tliu l-rotec- prior o.cupmicy without i;rovldlnK 1 !li b..., Ii Iw o '"' '' "''"'ll -lo-kii.i.n mid I.uh '" " Ilk.. .ri.fnr..nru la .ejHiwnare , ... , .,kt wn ,.iov..i very beneficial Hon... of then,. In nrlnr ocn.pun. y, for x erl. ice "V l.i ....It i,.,.l,.ciH ll... HIiiliiH,-. bi.vt. b.'.'.i In fore for Ih- l'wi. Ilutl hIiw!" do nol rc .Ire pro- IIiIh bill tot mil) pHili'itH ln i- ir .liiillnr iuIn In I t.-'t "ii ng'tlnst (nrroucliiiictit by rai- small "..ltl.'f. but It will looted I Iw. ".' '" U " 'H- . rrJ'... "'."..' ll... ..nil that ciittlc-raiii-cm aie not iiiiii'i teiiiiflta iihiii iiHHinini nir nun ki ' ' " I. M.ilillelM who lioinenteitd IiiihIn In Jhe Kiitilorti pints of ()ri'Kii It In i. null liitown rod that thet)l mid cuttle '.. limit HtiiUvn on tlie ham. I li ll K'' TIiIm bill iIoch not iIIh crlmluntV' iikiiIiisI thi' Hbt'opmun who owns In Khniutli ('oiiuty mid l''i.Ht'ru Ol.'Kon, as be bus the .sumo rlr.lit us the -UM liiiiiin In ginre his sheep within the liniiiedliitt' vicinity or I.U home iipnii the public domain ! The re. olds of the County AMsmutoi show llmt there m owned In Klnni n tli County upprotliiiutely C r. . 2 7 :t lietnl of shexp mnl it fulr valuation of tlicHc hIh'i'Ii would b" nt Hid rate )f $If(J0 per lieml, showliiK an Invest inent of approximately $'..7'J.ono i Tl'tt rtiiini. lorords also show that IimIii.ii, I., tl... ,.ih ,i,l hi .It ,ir..f HMr " 'iu-ioacli upon range i prov nil II...... ,!., It nol Mi.n.l to r,'llwm on-ly ofcupled by sheeliherdors. The Ibul tlu. mill-. of JUiiimIIi , .pr oiy w ;". - '- from the tut ii.Im or ly tliun cattle has liciui generally ro- i'okuIz.mI The conslltullonallty of this tncas tire bus been tested In the Supreme Court of the United Slates and was upheld The primary object of this . . ... . ... I ..!. f and thl lttMullon I i.,M'i'.. i VK,K. "l" " "i,,", T.' l.i .r-.-Mi. I... (.Ill...lntiii.lrv . ..." I'.'""-. ' '" -.' I'iu.v. ...... Cuiiiily mnl Kiililein On-uoii Ik en lllleil I., (lie koiiio piitiis tlon'.' Fur thermore, the conditions wlilrti exist ed In Ihe Klati's nauiud, at the (lino these laws were passed, exists t gr in exteiii In the State or Oregon today .4.1) I., pill! tit affords 10 rattle- HnriATIUAfldS vnATVI2(y "'"r" ,,r" ( -h.v-h. bead IHUKI l''V,,'' r,ll IIKILI of stock entile owned mid In wV hlAMATII TALLS OifCdOrl'i J,"! Klauintli County and u fair uluiitfoti w " ' - '.!f."lt,, or Ibete ciitlle would be at the rate. WJBV K -1 f mi ner head, niiiklni: an In- JMX:..::: nf :!! mi per head, milium: an In- vestiut'lll or iiipioXllilHtel) 11.2(7 ,,(Ml Tliu smnV tix'oriU also hIiow that tliere am upprottinutel) 5211 1 i r. 0 M h fa ! :HLI g ! -ffiMfflHIH! .1.1.1.... ... r.i.iili oli. I WHICH ll Illt!ll-I' C us they ,:umel""'rH does not purjjort to secure to Nnr.l, tn url.-e l.l. the desert lands i "'. l"' or ' cuii.-uwc,-. v-.j. it. i i.b.. rnniiiv mi., .irivn tiitn to ' ctuly. tbc exciusivo use ana oc- '.,': ,.,i"n,."',',i ';!,:." ;;, ';:i;i; ? ' ""',"' ,r,s i,. .11 iii,.ir atnrk enlilit nt n noil oi tnv niiuo .v.uiiitn.-i'ii tum u' was no feed upon the open range for them In Ihr vicinity of their home It It. a mutter of public history that conflict between th" flhecp-ownor.s, catll.-muu and settlors were of fre- (1 nu n I uCtuirencu, rejulilug in violent oud Kullruud Addition, and the westerly boundary lino of the right of way of the Southern TacIflCj company, said lots, parcels anu pieces of land, being more paitlcu la.( , described as follows- Lots 1, 2, 3. 4, G. 6, 7. 8, 9, 10 of block 8, Itallroad Addition; lots 1. 2, 3, 4. G, 0. 7, 8. 9, 10, 11, 12 of block 1 1 of Second Railroad Ad dition; lots 1, 2, 3, 4 of block 20. Second Hallroad Addition; lots 7, 8, 9, 10. 11, 12, 13, 14, 1G, 16, 17, AUK.VTrt WANTKO-To sell our uulck Un of u dozen big money maker, lar profits, quick sales; particulars frc- W II , 1021 Wash ington strfc'-i 4-3t FOR SALE Si 1'KTON ior Wood -112R i-'nri sai.k Hf.iiFt.-in hnr,u- nm i., And that said property above de- K clt- an(1 will 8e1 one huck and scribed bo and hereby is declared f0Ur tjoeHi ihr,,e Wtj, Joung anj to be the property to b assessed for i,r(;,i again Inquire P. X., this the expense of said Improvement, iiice 72t and be it further resolved that Tues- . . day, the 2Gth day of February, 1919, KOll SAI.K--Singer -owing mac'alno ( U !.... .. O n'nlf.nlr n tn nt trie ...- .1 L'.Uflnt. ,l. -. 1. y-i .. tall oad2 Add.Uon; lots . 2. 3? 4. Council Chambers of the city ha I be ion... street. vot- r 7 j in ll 12 ll 14 ir. Axed as the time and place for the in 17 18 19 20 21 nf Ijlock ' 18 'hearing of objections and remon- POK SALK OK Til VDE-KTJjnber Second Itallroad Additien: lots lu, ?""" """.... ,,..-,... . " ""'" '-' "",ul" . . o.. ou o ii. a., ii r. r.i. ;improvemeni; anu ine i-oute juuku sireei. 6a, 6b, 7a, 7b, 8a, 8b, 9a, 9b, 10a, 10b. 11a, lib, 12a, 12b, 13a, 13b. 14a, '14b, IGu, 15b, 16a, 16b, 17a, 17b, 18a, 18b, 19a, 19b, 19c, 20u. 20b. of block 7, Railroad Addition. That said property above listed aril (l rlbed bo and hereby is declared be and hereby is directed to cause no tice of said hearing to be published POK SALE Cheap, well-built 27-ft. as by Charter provided. j speedy launch; will accept Llbertyv Bonds at par The Smoke. 3-6t State of Oregon. I City of Klamath Palls, ss: j FOR SALE OR TRADE Fine stock County of Klamath. ranch. rleht in the heart nf th I. A. L. Loavitt. Police Judge of the hlm,i, r. , mo1v,. .... ,, to be the property to be assessed for Jr.of .fn.J fS5i, I heaU of good cows -. gons, the expense of said Improvement. ihe!;e.b-c"Vi? 'Inv lhf , re0'".Bu.,1S" ha .all tools go with ranch. Any- oouy inieresieu, wnic. Jirs. ll. K. 3-201 and bo It further resolved that Tues- """, "'.,. nm, rnnnHi '""" .uiei-esieu. wrue. day. the 2Gth diy of February. l-i.ShVjM.CI19 Cavlness. Harper, Ore. Ul II1C IIUUT Ul O U ClUVtl It, III., ttl LUC . - ., II lmnfr-vn . Council Chambers. In the city hall, be'? " . " S"?,",,,1?,, ZTu F0.U .SA1'F-?.wiS8 .Toenbergl?k um,. .1,. Koai. am wantu Ave. 31-Bt fixed as the time and place for the hearing of objections and street, and approving the plan3. .trance's LKTuM nrore.''ncat.ons and.estlrnate of cost F0R SALE-Nlne room modern imorevoment: and the Polle Jud Is submitted By tne Miy ngineer 0USCi furnace. lawn, fruit trees. ....- F . ,K,V . . rr-A.. OI ft TfV..n , ... .. . HH.. .- . 1CIIIIB, 17 rfCUCIBUIl SL. 1-Dl .6. lOt Police Judge. hereby directed to cause notice ot said hearing to be published as by Charter provided. State of Oregon, City of Klamath Falls, Sinii.u dm rti'lit in craze Block unon nubile lands. The government has I County of Klamath. Breeding Success Xt tilting MirriH'il. Ilk .um-i. .....I no .urn". 1- m Kure it ll.i.l wliltli friilef- 'round it u"l iiromrtihi1 burking I' .'il-ltmirr. uf Tl.e l-'lrl Vnll.i.ii.l IliinU tin liusnes In m. iiliiinsplicr.. of .il.iefill liii-lnt'- mill fi.rmli.u hi well a b.'iiikliig. i:. it. iii:.mi:s, i litem. mainly suffered the lands to be so used It Is because Hie citizens pos stisa no such right that It was held b the court that the Socrctary of A ..rlnlilf urn .11 1 f-ti I 111 tlin HVfirClflft flf . . .... ...... ......a-. .1-. ..... ... .. w.. . lirouciies or I lie peace n is niso a , ,,, Kup,ni power to regulate forest mutter of lecord that sheep lire not , , p)!t.rVcll exclude sheet) and cattle only able to hold their own on tlui ,ll(,r(l(rom Al ,ll0 conference of the publlf domain with other I ve-stock. J (l0U.r,H i90K n discussion of bin will in the end dilve other Htocklh,8 hlll)jyCl Was hnd, and Quoting off tl.. range and that the hording rrom tliulr reports; "In the prolonged of shenli upon a .erlnln territory Is nu.i h,,. ..rnnn-nl tn rnrmrt nn aiipoopilallon of It almost as fully ,,, llbll()u of .,,,, ranK0. by leasing us ii me) --ir tiiii-mm'ii "V ,. i government Krazlng lands, tne pro It In not neiessHry to piohlbll thoMr(t,v nf ,nft..pUnr(ng rights as do- tiit.tiliii nt Inri'ii nf ulineli nltnifnther .. i . .... . .....nntln. I " ' .. "--- """., Itirillllll'll O) IMIUlllJ Ul Ul.VUJUUUII I on nccoiiiit of the fnct that therf,,ml 1IW ,,,, oe,, KOnoralIy Inslsttd ure in int. oiinti ihiki.- iinjun "i "...' I upon. ttnliil abllcd. wherti shei'ti can range; T)ln proposed measuro is not In- wlthout luterferrlng with tbo sttli- Hlslciice of settleri or Intcrruplliig the public peace. In order to make the settlement of our Isolated valleys' possible, ll Is niMSMtHiiry lo proWdu some protec tion to tlin .seMlers ngulnst the In niimerabli' bunds or sheep grnzlug In the Slate tended to prevent tho owner from grazing shoep upon Ills own land, although sltuntcd within two miles of Ihe dwelling of another. The sheep mid cuttle owners have an equal right with other, and tho State should have an Interest in these rights. The meie distance expressed shows nothing. It does not display the ne- ll Is not the purpose of this - j rc.s.tttlH of a sottlcr upon the public lute to iiiiikk .'e'""1" .imida. II does not display wnol pro ee First National Bank KLAMATH FALLS OREGON HERE'S WHAT PEOPLE SAY ABOUT TANLAC sbtiiiii owners and owners or oilier Kind of stock, bill to secure .niuallty or enjoyment "nil use of Hie public domain to settlers und cuttle owners with Bheep ownois. The owneiH of sheen do not purmlt them to I'linm ul will but they are iuh'i" the liuliieil' "otitrol of he'd jth who huvo Shepherd dogs with them I'.i.l wherever ll't"' graze thov nWi full poitsoHslon if ilio raiiK.. as effective'' its If tho land were fenced l. Im ii mutter of comiiK;i ol.sorvntli I' I e ml ext erlence Ibul sheep eat llm herbage closer to the ground thiui cuttle or horses, und their hoofs ho I,,,. H,..-ti the onui)iincv of sheep will devnslate mid kill all tho growth or veuointlo" w" "'.ver t,'.., craze fn i.nv length of I lino. It Is a part of the public hlstorv of IIiIh Stxto that .be i'ilutrv of rance-cnttlo has been Imgelv ilestroved liv llm encioach Ittent of Innumerablo bauds of shoop, Ciittle will not mure and will not lliilve upon lands where sheep nro grazing to any grout extent. Has the Miller who Iiun Iiwii onooiirimcd by the mttirix, llio gononil govenimcnt, to hot Ho upon Ilio Inmls, no proterty rlghl" l" Hriihifi giowliiK up.'" such IiiiuInV lla tho F.lnfMtHiiorh llio c i'IiinUo ilghl to gnivtos kimIhk "I on Ihe public ilonuiln ll' tho "4'H in i-lulitM to ll.o saino? Tho sheep Industry over this County Is I'ontiollod, und the sumo Is probably I. A. L. Leavitt, Police Judge ot the City ot Klamath Falls, Oregon, do Resolution to Change Street Grade Whereas, the Common FOR SALE 80 acres good fenced; small building; 60 Council Irrigated; f 40 per acre; terms deems It expedient td change the es- L Jacobs. ' 30-tf land; acres See tabllihed grade on Tenth street at its intersection with Pine street. Be It Resolved, That the grade on MISCELLANEOUS M-llff.l'-lf-f1fMWJMMMJ-. t nereby certify that the foregoing is a Tenth ftreet at Its intersection with WANTED- Home In best residence duly enrolled copy of a resolution pine.stlseet be changed from 176.0 as section of Ashland .to sell or trade adopted by the Common Council on now established, to 175.0 on the in part payment for Irrigated land, tho 27th day of January, 1919, de-northerly side of said intersection. Address E. Merrill, care Mrs. O. T. clarlng its Intention to Improve aDfj to 174.5 on the southerly side of McKendree. cor. 9th and Oak sts.. or Spring street from Oak avenue to saia intersection. , phone 197X. 3-6t Sixth street, and approving the plans, . r specifications and estimate oi cost aiaie oi uregon, WANTED To submitted by the City Engineer. A. L. LEAVITT. 5-101 Police Judge. ss: buy that are weaned. !14. Klamath Falls. young calves Address Box 31-tf RESOLUTION Tho Citv Engineer, nursuant to reso-'the resolution lutlon of Common Council heretofore Tenth street at its Intersection with County of Klamath, City ot Klamath Falls. I. A. L. Leavitt, Police Judge of said city, do hereby certify that the FARM FOR SALE OR RENT Call foregoing is a duly enrolled opy otj on Schubert, next postoffice. 11-tf cnanging Ermrc "I Feel Like Goinsr From House to House and Telling Everybody About It," Say. A. J. Living.ton-People'. J'JjE S Irom All Walk of Life Praise Medicine That Has Helped Them. "I Jum feel like going from Iiouhu "This medicine- Ih worth Its weight ..r wiintii own n row ucres ami mane their livelihood by grazing their sheep from uno ond of the State to tho other. Tho cnltlu Industry of this County mid Eastern Oregon Is not controlled by any body of men but by numerous Individual owners - n'MMM it ll III ll ii it nu Him ii. nvi i ll III ii lllllliut.' io nouBo and tolllnic tin. nnnnln nhniii In duIiI. mid If Ihn Price was fifty dol- i,,.vi.. rw head of nittlo to turn r.f.n 'V A J Livingston, Ashlund lurs a bottle Instead of one dollar, l.,,,,, ,.,,,, tb0 open iniigo during the .. "" would buy it jusi inti huiii.i n i ...... This Is really dm first medlclnn I tho money."- Robert Young. Knox nave ever taken ,i,...u .... .,m.. t.,,,,, nu I. ,.. .....n mini. .iiuj. yiiiij. . ii tnL !" "" J V- Holley, I.ox- "I'our bottles of Tanliw holpod mo inion, Ky , .... .,.,, iirtenii yours of inmllcnl l Would nut inifi. ..., i i . iimt mmi inn un iivoriiui) Hall, Foun- I would tint tuko ono thouHutid trcuitiuuiil t uuimrs rur what tliln wondorful mud- of $100 u your."- K. H. Mr. ii,'.'.1! ,' '",H ,0 " mo."-, tain City, Tenii. ';,! . 'U,I,H' 'ixlngton. Ky. . ".Money couldn't Imy tho good this Tnni!" K0,cl ." hottlus of Tuiifiio has ilonu for mo."- -Ex-Slmrlff .uiiiac und ,nve novor hud u dlsstu- Arclilu Amlerson. IIouhIoh. Toxas. ell,., f.1"'"11""-" Smlser Drug Co.. "Tiuiluo Iiiih certainly helped ino u iiblii, Tenii. ,( i rrcoiiiinuiiil It tu otliiiw for tho For tu.1. ... i ... .... . i:- (i.,..irr t i . ." ' J"ri iMiiuru ukntr Tim- uuoil 11 IH tl() iti nir. i..-.hiuiu w. i iiu.i i --... .. - .... I hud rheuimiilsm so had I W. Miinguiii, Atluutti, (In.. .. . .. " WtlllllLIHIIl un uiiint ralHii my i,,-. ....,. , ,nv w,,.,i, Hpeml tliu lust dollar 1 nuw feel like a now mun " had on ourtli for Tiinlac; rOOllW'iirl T ...I ..... .. f I ..I ..1 .. Iinlf iiMiiti.ld nil nun I i . t i'lllKlOIl, ivy, KIIIIIUII lllllii linn in... I"-"-"- - - 1 ,,.' Woodward. Lexington. Kv. tlmi i , i " Km"' ,lftor tuklng Tunluo hottltt. und foul JiiHt llko u now mini liallov.. i. "' "n"H ,mi y I J- ' AiiiiruwB. ihuck.? ,,,,"l, u ny "f thorn' "If tin people of this town only llevn i K c".r"' nl It. nml Im- know I ho good Tunlue did for mo you Wl ii ' .J,(m''l limit 'um ttll."-- J. A. wouldn't Im uhlo to malto II fust "lii . .i.1'" ulBlon, Ky. onoiigh to supply tho ilniiiimd." -Mrs. ii " '"' thirty yours nf untlvn Mult in C. Iloud. MoillllhlH. Tollll. -nvtht," ",'Hlc" Imvo never soon ' "Yoh, sir; I giilno.l twoiily live clno t , lV,,ml Tntili"" us u niuiil pounds by Inking Tunlue, nml It has IM..,. ", l"lu'ii results." .Dr. J. T. boon u long time bIiico I folt us wnll "vnuri u i.- i. ... ---- -. us I do now." Cupt. Jolt I). Rlgga. "WaulS, FllVllllnvlll.. ... "i ....j, mi II- ..'""" COrtllllllv llkn In VIl'ltHllllllf. MIhh. Tutiino..".' !lin """ who UlHcovoroi! "Iloforo 1 look Tnnlnc I would gladly huvo given u thousuutl uoiiurs llllVU llllUll IllllO III Olll IIIO Hlippo. .. ... . .1. .1.1. ...i . ....... 1.'. . I u., , , - rvo jusi iiuiHiiuii, .wim .-...'... ' ""lilllll I uka 11,.,! Nlnulivllln. ''.mil. I " '' M-tvn ---'.-.- ----. Is sold in Muimiiu r.iiin Dniu Co.. und In Lorollu by reensboro, (la, ' tho Jiunos Merc, Co. Adv, u.nini- iiioiitbs'. to feed from tho grass glowing unon tho public do iniiln. Thorn Is sufflelont loom In this County and In this Stuto for both Industrial, Cnttlo innnoi nml will not giuzo upon land slmllur to thoso which .-hoop gruzo upon. Tho constltutlonullty of this. Sta tutu Is umiuestlonahlii, tho right of tho I.Kglslntuio lo loguliito uiulor tho police power of tlin stntu Is un UU.Hitlouublo. A fuw shoop owners In thin County nm organizing thorn solves Into un association, und pros outing their sldo of tho Btory to the fitv f'nmifii of Klamath Fulls, huvo biivo1 teloginpheil "heir mombcrs of tho Lo , RlBlnturo timt this meiiBUio Is harm. ful to tho Industry. Tho City Council, tho cltlzonti of Khimiitli Full und KlnmiUli County ui"i being hoo.l-wlnkod bj u fow doz en .shoop owutiiH to tho dotrliuunt of every small sottlor und rnnchor of .Custom Oregon. it is another well known fact Unit communities mo built up by miiiiII Btittloi'H who own ii fow bond of cat tle mid n few liouil of shoop. Instond toctlon Is needod; not from one sheep hut from lurgo flocks of sheep, or tho relation of the sheep Industry to other Industries. These are some of the considerations that make tho pro posed ineiiHure necessary. Xo.v, .Mr. Homier, Mr. Sottlor, Mr. Kt.K'kiiu.n: Tlie sheep men Imvo ex rrrsoil lliolr doslro to control the I'.iltllc Uiud-. lo .at off tin- uruhs m omul oiir homos, to drive you out of tho hiihlnoss of niiing u fow hentl of tcilllo or horses mnl Imvo written, tologriiphod nml telephoned to your iiioiiiIh-i-h of the legislature, protest Intr ngulnst tho proK)HOd ,-iieiv.uro whirl, was ilmfled und prepared for your imilooiion. Are you going to allow IhU roiiilltlon to exist? It is up to )ou lo present your view by mail, telegraphing and telephoning your members of flu Ifegislature und de mum! Unit the proposed, mensurt be eiii'cleil into u law nt the pirwont set tlon, LOUIS QERBER Pros. Klamath Cattlo & Horso Asa'n DOES YOUR RADIATOR LEAK? If so. I can stop It! I am a spe cialist on Radiators, and know every kink of tho business. I havo naa v years raciory experience on rum ntor work; know I can dollver the goods, und will guarantee every Job that leaves my shop. If you have any troubles whatever with your radiator or gas tunKs, ici mo lane them off your hands. If you can't bring It. send It. All work, fur and near, solicited. And, rumember, I absolutely guarantee ovory Job. K. D. NORTH. 6-31 131 Fourth St. (iet n stiindaro policy from the Chilcoto Hiultli agency. 24 Pine street, as passed by the Com mon Council of the City ot Klamath Falls, Oregon, on January 27, 1919. (SEAL) A. L. LEAVITT, 30-10t Police Judge. NOTICE Mntlrn in hm-ehv elven tha't all nar- for irrigated farm sons having claims against the estate I will pay cash difference. adopted, having, under date of Janu-j uary 4 .1318, filed plans, specifica tions ond estimates of the cost of im proving Grant street from Eleventh street northerly to the property of the Linkvllle Cemetery. And the Council having taken same under ad visement and finding said plans, specifications and estimates satisfac tory; Be It Resolved, That said plans, specifications and estimates for the said Improvement ot Grant street be and the same arc hereby approved. De it further resolved that the Com mon Council hereby declares its in tention to improve said portion) of Grant street, in accordance with the said plans, specifications and esti mates. Said improvement to consist of Oil Macadam, at an estimated cost ot 1,695.00, or ot placing cinders upon said street to a depth ot eight Notice fo ,,e.lo , Vacate Stim menus ui un usuiuuieu cost, oi WANTED To buy or trade; pony; must .he absolutely gentle for chil dren to drive; will xy, or trade lor a 1,200 pound mare, Lewis Noll, R. F. D. No. 1. 5-4t WANTED To sell or trade, modern 8-room house In Klamath Falls, 60 to 80 acres; Vern Gor- of E. W. Gowen, deceased, are re quested to present same, properly verified, to me, at my residence, 305 Pine street. Klamath Falls, Oregon; and those knowing themselves in debted to said estate will please set tle with me on or before April 30, 1919. Dated Klamath Falls, Oregon, Jan uary 17, 1919. SARAH H. GOWEN. 17-24-31-7-14 don. 224 Michigan ave. 5-4t FOR RENT NMW LEGAL NOTICES con. (i , ""'. I.. Wlntor, Ma- to .. ' wouldn't tub. .. i ..-. ';.. i tho I..... i . . " "nmriHi acres rtunuvuui. 00,1 t,i. i '"."' '" "'"'Kin for Iho' Tunlue Is Moody i l!nB " mo'-r-Z. T.itho Blur Dri """J. (Jrecnsboro. fiu ' i, t...... m of by tho holders of lingo acreage which Ih uiiliinauiioii uu.i iiiuiupiu.. ml Thoio Is nothing In this proposed hill which prohibit.! iha shoop men from continuing to ongngo In busl uess In this County. Thoy havo tho saino right us tho smull Individual ruttlo or horso owner. Another measuro which would he of liuimfit to both brunches of the ItKHOLUTIO.N Tho City Englnoor. pursuant to roso lution ot Common Council horetoforo u.loptod, having, under date ot Janu uury 4 .1918, tiled plana, specifica tions and estlmatos ot the cost ot im proving Spring street from its Inter section with Sixth street to tho norm lino of Oak avenue, including Inter sections. And the Council having taking tho sumo undor advisement, und finding said plans and specifica tions and estimates satisfactory; It Is horoby Rosolved. That said plans, specifications und estimates for tho suld Improvement ot Spring street bo, und tho same are horeby up- proved, und it Is further rosdlved that tho Common Council horoby declares Its Intention to lmprovo said Spring street In uccorduncu with suld plans, specifications und ostlmatos, said lm provoment to constat ot paving auld Spring streot with olther Wator Hound Mucadam ,or tho placing upon said streot ot clndora to tho thickness of ton inches and rolling sumo down tu un upproxlmato thickness ot sev en Inches. Tho estimate coBt of the former Improvement being J3.97C.00 und tho estlmuto cost of the luttor $1,158.00. Tho said improvement in cither event to Include grading, curb ing und rolling. And be it further resolved by the Common Council, that the property hereinafter described be and hereby is declared to be benefit ed by said proposed improvement, to-wit: Lots 1, 2, 3. ot block 68. Nichols Addltion.'lots 5, 6, 7, 8. 9, of block 60 of Nichols Addition. And that said property above de scribed bo and hereby is declared to be the property to bo assessed for the expense of said Improvement; and be it further resolved that Tues day, the 25th day of February, 1919, at the hour of S o'clock p. m., at the Council Chambers, In the city hall, be fixed ns the time and place for the hearing ot objections and remon-1 strances against the said proposed' improvement) and the Police Judge is1 hereby directed to cause notice of1 said hearing ,to bo published as by Charter provided. State of Oregon, City ot Klamath Falls, ss: County ot Klamath. I, A. L. Leavitt,. Police Judge ot the City ot Klamath Falls, Oregon, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a duly enrolled copy ot a resolution adopted by the Common Council on tho 27th day qf January, 1919, de claring its intention to improve Grant street from Eleventh o come tory lino, and approving tho plans, specifications und estimate ot cost submitted by tho City Englnoor. A.. L. LEAVITT, G-lOt Police Judge. Notice is hereby given that at the regular meetllng o" tho common, council of the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, to be held on Monday, the ' rd day of March, 19i'i, the under signed will present to sa 1 council a petition praying tor th' vacation uf that portion of Johnson avenue ex tending from Canby st -eet to Nelson s.reet. in Hot Spring!. Addition to m.d city. Dated, January 24, 1919. G. K. VAN RIPER. 24-31-7-14-21 NICE CLEAN ROOMS Palace room ing house, under new management, 526 Main St.. phone 209J. 5-6t ESTRAY NOTICE I have at my place one muley red and white spotted cow, branded OK on right and written N on the left hip .and pitchfork on left rib; left ear cropped, under half crop and upper slope on right ear. Owner plcaso call and get cow and pay charges. CHAS. H. FLACKS. 3-10t ' Dairy, Ore. Dassengers and Baggage anywhere in the city quick service ke.vsex.vuli: hatks PHONE 187 WesternTransferCo. RKCKARI) RENT SERVICE Phone SO Night Phone 345 SAW MILL ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION CO. Designer, and builders of mod ern Saw Mills, Planing .Mills, Box Plants. Complete plants contract. ed. Appraisals and reports made. Dredging. We contract to build any class of u building mid install machinery of ")' kind. Drafting of nny kind done. Blue Prints made. PHONE 140J Ofllce in K. I. Building vwwwmmmmmwmmmmmaammaMmamM HESOLUTION Tho City Engineer, pursuant to reso lution ot Common Council heretofore adopted,, having, under dato ot Janu uary 4 ,1918, filed plans, specifica tions and estimates ot the cost ot Im proving Lincoln street from Ninth, northerly. to Eleventh street, includ ing intersections .and, tho Council having taken same muter auvisomoni and finding said plans, specifications and estimates satisfactory; Ho It Horeby Resolved. Thut said plans, specifications und estimates for the improvement of Lincoln street from Ninth streot, northerly to Elev enth a'troot, bo and tho sumo arc hore by approved. And be it further ro solvod that tho Common Council hereby docluros Its' Intention to Im prove said portion ot Lincoln street tn accordance with said plans, speci fications and estimates, said improve ment to consist ot jmvluK suld por- New City Laundry We Guarantee Our Work. Shirts and Collars Laundered. We alto wash si Ik, wool, and col ored gods very carefully. Try us .once and be convinced. Our prices are right. Phone 154. 127 Fourth Street Back of First National Bank VWVfA. Lot mo design jour building! Whether It be Urne or small, can save you moue. an 1 aunoy.uico Eight ) cm j. Arehlteiturul Practice (10.17 Clients) Four with Engineer Corp l S. A. LIEUT. HERBERT V. POAGE Architect .ui.l Striiitmal Engineer 07 Odd Follows inti! DULL, SPL! flN SICK HEADACHE CONTRACTING IN CONCRETE Cement Work of ull Kinds nml Routing Let Me Make You an Estimate W. D. MILLER Contractor Dr. James' Headache Powders re. lievo at once 10 cents a package. You tnfcn a Dr. James' Ileadacb Powder and in just a few aiom-nU your he.vl clears and all neuralgia ana Distress vanuhrf. It's the quickest and surest relief for headache, whether dull, throbbing. Pttin, LTUI$ racking. Send someone to the arugrf store and get a dime package nowJl Quit .uu-cring-ifs so eeUea. Wi sure 'Jrou get Dr. James' He-dacha I PowJBM-th?n there will be no aap- I polntmenL "S, . i a si .Ml m: ,s IS iiM UK'-'- m ftii I iU to