THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON TiiriiNii.w, iehhcarv n, mi,, AT K. K. K. STORE GREAT CLEARANCE SALE II ifsm ige F-oim I" wtt WmM0i Th Boot of XnT-lafc aw , You are overlooking a mighty good bet if you don't get one of those $25.00 Oregon Cassimcre 'Suits for $16.85, for they are good all-wool Suits, finely tailored, worth $25.00 of any man's money; and at this low price of $16.85 they certainly are bargains. Sale of All Overcoats Our Overcoat stock is always the largest and best in this part of the country, and at our Clearance Sale is your chance to get a good, stylish, warm Coat at the following exceptional savings: ANY $20.00 OVERCOAT, NOW $12.8S ANY $22.50 OVERCOAT, NOW $13.85 ANY $25.00 OVERCOAT, NOW $16.85 ANY $27.50 OVERCOAT, NOW $18.85 ANY $30.00 OVERCOAT. NOW $21.85 ANY $32.50 OVERCOAT, NOW $23.85 ANY $35.00 OVERCOAT, NOW $25.85 ANY $37.50 OVERCOAT, NOW $28.85 ANY $40.00 OVERCOAT, NOW $32.85 ANY $45.00 OVERCOAT, NOW $34.85 ANY $50.00 OVERCOAT, NOW $37.85 Twenty-five per cent off on All Mackinaws . Everyone knows "Patrick" Mackinaws nrc the very best Mackinaws made. For style and wear they are in a class by themselves, and you don't generally get a chance at them on sale. But we are going to give our customers a chance to buy these fine coats at 25 per cent off the regular prices. Men's "Lumberman's" Shirts We stock the WhaleBak, Shcd-Raine, Patrick, and other good brands. $11.00 GRADES FOR $7.85 $12.50 GRADES FOR $8.85 Here's your chance to stock up on Woolen Shirts at a great reduction. We have in stock all the very best pat terns and styles in Woolen Shirts, all sizes, and are offering them at this Big Clearance Sale for 20 per cent less than regular. Pants Specials Wc arc exclusive agents for the celebrated guaranteed "Dutchess Pants," and have marked down every heavy pair in the store. $5.00 Grades heavy all-wool, now $3.85 $7.50 Grades heavy' all-wool, now $4.85 $11.00 "Patrick" Grey Mackinaw Pants, now ! $7.85 1fif3 Don't buy a thing in Clothing, Shoes or Furnishings until you have looked over our stocks and prices. IT WILL PAY YOU K. K. K. STORE LEADING CLOTHIERS AND HATTERS BBjSM Big Bargains in Shoes at This 9EHJU&HL We have put some mighty good shoes on sale at about IHjRS? one-half what they sell for regularly. ( $6.00 Shoes for $4.35 SBHBPIbW $7.50, Shoes for $4.95' 9K&A $8.50 Shoes for $5.45 VliiiSSM $10.00 Shoes for ,$6.65 N D BRITISH I 1 E LONDON, Feb. C Naval authon-, ties announce that the "rigid alr bhlps" of the super-Zeppelin type now , under construction In Great Britain will be at least twice as good as any thing Britain now possesses and "probably superior to any other air ships In the world." Although no details of these new airships have been made public the ' naval authorities say the German modern super-Zeppelin have a capa-, city of approximately 2,000,000 cu bic feet of gas, and possess a range of action from 4,000 to 8,000 miles with a maximum full speed of about 75 miles an hour and the ability to rise to a lieiglit of about 20,000 feet. It is claimed that the rigid air ships now In use or about to be con structed could, in settled weather, cross the Atlantic and return with out descending. It is also asserted that a rigid airship of 10,000,000 cubic feet capacity could carry a commercial load of about 150 tons over such a' distance as the trans Atlantic passage. Naval authorities are quoted here as saying, that the building of these huge airships is a "practicable proposition." ran of m CUTS BRITISH'IMPORT EMBARGO SCORED DOWN GARBAGE WASHINGTON, D. C. Feb. 5. The Democrats and Republicans In the Senate have, Joined in criticising the British embargo on Imports. Sov oral have attached the Carnegie peaco foundation activities abroad and ques tioncd Its loyalty. Some'havu declar ed It should bo dissolved. GO TO MARSHKIELD Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Francisco and Mr. and Mrs. George Merriman left on the train this morning for Marsh field, where they may remain In the future. OUR LOSS YOUR GAIN Just received a shipment of Buckingham & Hecht famous Dry-Foot Shoes; made on the Mun son Army Last; of finest gunmetal calf; two full soles with cork filler and rubber welt sewed into in-seam, keeping water out; 6 and 8 inch tops, ago. Regularly priced, $8.50 and $9.50. We should have had these shoes three months Closing Out, $6.75 ALL BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S RUBBERS AT TEN PER CENT DISCOUNT THE MODERN SHOE STORE GEO. T. BRADLEY, Mgr. 727 Main St GREAT FALLS, Mont. Feb. 6 Not only has the war with Its attendant high prices of food commodities had the effect of cutting down the amount of garbage In this city, but because of its value as stock feed and for other purposese, relatively a small amount of It is permitted to go to , waste. There has been a decided decrease in the amount of garbage handled by , the city, according to William Shea, , sanitary commissioner, but what Is available Is In such great demand j with stock feeders that Us collections Is carried on In much more Intensi fied fashion than before. The result I tin.. I.... Vf BVttHi aatri ilint Ihnrn' is no waste of food value in tjils city at present. The local packing plant makes careful collection of fat trimmings from butcher shops of the city, and j these are rendered Into lard, or they j are tried out by the butchers them selves. This latter also Is due to ad-" vancing prices, and It Is estimated that 1,500 pounds of lard monthly are saved by the butchers from this source. It Is estimated by Mr. Shea that Increased frugality by hotels' and restaurants in the use of fats be cause of the war scarcity will account for a saving of borne 600 additional monthly. Matter Impossible to bo utilized for other purposes Is worked up Into fertilizer by the packing plant here, which produces some 12,000 pounds of fertilizer monthly. NOTICE, K. OF V. MEETING I Special meeting Wednesday, Feb ruary 5th, at 7:30 p. m. Important; please attend Chester C. Cleveland, C. C. 4-2t DANCE FRIDAY' AT ELKS Thero will be a danco Friday ovon ingat the Elks Club, at which un usually fine music will l-n fiTiilr.hed. All Ell's are urged to In present 5-.jt PLEASE NOTICE First, our herd Is 50 per cent Jersey: second, they are tubercular tested; third, tho milk In handled by ourselves, and wo nre dot irnilnod to glvo clean milk to our customers. Tho price of hay is on tho decline; theroforo, beginning February lOih, 11)19, wo will charge as follows 1 qt. milk, per mo , .10 dnya $ I 00 2 ql. milk, per mo,, 30 days,... 7.50 3 qt. milk, per mo., 30 days .. 11.00 4 qt. milk, per mo., 30 dnys. 13.00 1 pt. milk, per mo., 30 dnys. . 2.23 Vpt. tab. crm, dally, 30 clays . 5.00 Vi pt. whp. crm., slnblo dollv. . .25 1 pt. whp. crm., single dollv. . ,50 pt. tab. crm, single dellv. . .20 1 pt. tab. crm., single dollv ,40 Combinations 1 qt. and 1 pt. milk, dally, mo, $6.25 1 qt. milk 4 pt. tab. crm, mo. 9.00 1 pt. milk, i pt. tab. crm., mo.'. 7.00 Vt pt. tab. crm, 10c, or per mo... 3.00 1 pt. milk pt. tab. crm., mo..' 5,25 Dottle must be put nut (billy to inburo delivery of milk. CITV MILK DEI'OT K. L. FRENCH, Prop. I'Ikiiii; iiUOJ. 2;S7 Esplanade D-3t WORLD'S TALLEST MAV IS l.NTLL'CX.A VICTIM.' LONDON. Feb. C Alfred Ilrough tho tnllest nrin In the world, lx dead from tho "flu". He wuh 7 feel 7 MJ Inches in height and was funm-ily with tlui ltonton and WemlieltH inmia gerli), with which ho. toured Kuiopu and South Africa, lie retired nine years ago nnd berame an lnkopir at Nottingham, v Rl.Tt'll.VS TO LAKCVILU L. It. Itoliorluon, who was fornii'r'y nintiiiKcr of tho local officii nf thu Pacific Ti'li'iilionu and Telrgraiili Company here nnd who lias lecently piiiilumi'd an Interns! In Mm l.uki County Telephone syMotii, Inft tl.h imirulng for l.alunluw nftrr ,i Blunt lnlt In tills city. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY VNfl1 LONDON STRIKE SITCATIOX CONTINUES, TO HE CRITICAL. WANTED Home oho to tnku nirr of two hiuall children. 615 Kl.uiiath avenue. fi 21' LONDON, Feb. 0. There Is no Im provement In the strike situation here. OUT AFTER SIEGE OF ILLNESS. Charles LoomU, owner of the I.onmls Building. Is able to be out again after a siege of small pox at his home on West Pine Street. Ho ' was not seriously sick, but says It j seems mighty good to get down town I again- For Grippe, Colds, Fever and Chills, Take K. K. K. COLD TABLETS . When you have that miserable feeling which usually accompanies a head cold, get busy and do something to relieve it before you are forced to take to your bed. K. K. K. Cold Tablets, if taken in time, will prevent serious cases of grippe and similar ailments and even after the fever and chills have put you on your back', they will put you on your feet in a few day p. Keep a box on hand during the cold, disagreeable season. PRICE 25 CENTS nnrjerwwfe mms Wy KLAMATH FALLS OREGON to? I V WHeRE PARTICULAR PEOPLE lj I PURITV I BUY THEIR DRUGS Iac:&2aI AOKNTS WANTED -To sill our quirk line of dozen big minify makers; Inrj-u priilim, quick hiiIm, particulars fire. W II , 1021 WiihIi Inglon street. 4 It ;i'.ttt,4,1l1l..t i 1 i I M NEW MODELS 1919 A miiiiII hhlpmeut of wrj medium. .prircil PlmiioKnipIis nnd Vict tolas Is nmv on display. Why not drop In, look (Iii-iii over, ami oiinii u lnu. Meal iiihirumi'iit lor jour home, EARL SHEPHERD CO., Nt Door to Poslofflco,