The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 05, 1919, Image 1

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    Cljr Itmmtng
1 tllv
Thirteenth Ycnr No. 3,537
Price, 5 cent
Seattle Will Be Thrown into
Chaotic Stnte Tomorrow
Iluiiilml f lliiiiiiiiiil IIiiiimii Out
of i:iiiilii) I" "Ikui-I Mii
.Strike In IIMiuv of Cotinlr) I'll-
,,. Did I liillr Id nil) fur Ail)
Oultircik ur IMwifili r.
Tin ro mi" bi'i iiik llttln If any linpo
of arrrtlliK Hit' KiKUHllr ulrlkn here
luinurron u tioii bulweem III. (Hln ami ,
50,01)0 union workers expect in null
out In tin lilfKi'"! slrlko In tlm his
tory o( Hi" I nliiil States
Tlicru In nu i Miniate of how mini)
thomauil utiiirgiiulteil workers will
be thrown nut of iirk but It In imlil
to rirrnl 1 0 (1 0 U 0 There In u grnvit
qurttlon now an to whether tint ill)
will hove light
M)nr Hanson said ttlrila) t tint
the fit) would lie lli.lili'il Ii) )
Irlfnl worktr lint union lenders sny
that all lights hIII li' shut urr, In
cludhuc honjiltiil light
Taxi on which urn printed tint pic
lure of n koIiIIit n Millur mill u work
Insnmn murchliiK tiiKiitlii'r urn Iii'Iiik
until on tlm ulreet lit 25 ii'mIm imcli,
tuuhl ihi itrlker
Although clt) nltlUiils refuse to lu
quoleil ,lt In known linn coiisldortihlu
UDtialnrM mints iimnilK pullm nil
thorltlm our tho strike In u slnto
mciit lnutil Ii) Ha. strikers' public
It) roinmlitu'. it In dc lured Ilin
trlke will lie loiiiluctoit In mi order
ly mmiiur 1'ollco mill mllliiir) an
thurltlen, however, urn ill claruil tn
Imrrail) fur mi) oiilhiouk of disorder
HKATII.i: Pill. .', - I he (Vuiral
laliiir Count l imoU toiilKlit to iii
I'rino the Kuicial Htrlke dato. It It;
rumurul tlm ihe mjilke may he,
minli' ii on ni) four hum walkout
tut unl) I'nluii ItmlerH hinii infiihud
to minim m on tl In i,iu,oi
SlIA'lTl.i:, lVh r Luhor leadoiH
l""t imln) ih'ilaii'il that mil) the
action h) I'ri'Hhleiil I'lc of the Kinui
Kcnc I'Ik'I Coiiiiiiatlon inn prment
wiilkout mill he Iiiik not heun huunl
tneiinis op nu: itiuntsmi;
m'iiooi, Winn: ,a-i:sTs vi.s.
li:illl VT I'llLTl'V Ht.NCh.
A ni"M .nJcDahh, blrtlulny pnrly
'"'''''MlMHiiirmlolMikurof tho
lcrblil Hihom was tho guest of
"oni,.-, was gV( jin,,,,,, , l. MesdainiiH, C A, I'l.ith,
"' Amiln lliDden ntul Mt.s. .1. u
'"r."tton, t wi.i.i, tl) tnui1H ,
ilinolwiuegueHls AtworouiHii
lun hcou was sened and tlm host
n.? w """' ''"'"''ilnil In plulc
d" t VI? ,l",,"". Huiwrlntmi.
11 II Diiuimr and MIhh Apple.
In 1 im m,,Hl' ",,ll'""-n'.ios,'nt
I" "WH'mi lo the rogiilur tea, hots
01 KlvcrshUi
.i. ' '"ilog, n Hiitpilho patty wn
'i"s raik
it nt hor lionio at
Toifmo i i.i
(lino by intiinliuiH of ihIiow lug ii liimntlfill (liirinan woman
iwnW "'i 'l,", "f whkh Bl, B
' piesont
A tlolllllltol llllH Im'i'II filed III till'
I IINII llf IM WllHtOII Nl'lHllH II I, Do
Ariiioml Ii) tlic ilofciideiit s toiiiiKiil
Altnrui!)' lleiiuer ami (Tiiistahi In
Hit' offlin of tlic County Cloik TIiIh
hi lion wlili Ii was flloil n feu iU)x
ago sought it final mi tllomoiit Ii) Do
Arinoiul, wlm It wns iiIIuki'iI hail wnst
i'il t lit fund of tin' firm of Weston
ami Dc-Ainmnd
Ui'iitftinnt lli'ilint A I'oiiki', an
oxporleuud iirililtmt anil stun tuuil
engineer Iiiik npoiml offiics In thcii
Oilil Fellow building With an nr I
i lilti'ilnriil priiitliit extending over ii.nrtnit
period of man) joins ami nssoi lutloii
with tin' 1 1 tie I tin r Corps of llm t'nlt
i'il Htati'H, ln In woll iiinllfi'il to de
sign mid Imllil mi) iilriii lino, whither
largo, or hiiihII, to llm ilocldnl mlMin
I'igo of l tie Investor from tho stimd
pi, I'll of lift UK saved doth mom') unit
iiiiio)an '
lS' mcsical ri, st iii:i
l'l.i:i I'OK HOI SKIN'S I'llllt.W
"WindiiilllH or llelgltiui" lit the
inline of the inimical entertainment
Willi ll will lir preiieutid h) the Stll
ileutH of the Klamath Count) High
School at the lloimton Opera Hdiikc,
I'rlilni evening
The opeiettn In gheii for tlm heue
fit of the Junior Ited Cio.hh, which
llMH heeli nitlvil) Hlipporteil h) lilts
tiiHtltiitlou hIihc carl) In the war
The work of the farmer In llelglum,
IiIh inethoilN of agriculture Ih iiiiilnt
ly plitiiml In thin prett) Htor)
The tlelglau lostiinieH are er) at
tiiuthe and unity plelt chono.i
and ilnnii'M are gheii The piiplln
have I ti prai (icing fin some time
on tho pleie
I'ollowlng lie the piogrnm of nnml
Clll lllllllllOIK
Ail I.
"Opening Chorus"
"W'hnl Ih II"
"Mother MlnuV
"Spider ami the PI)"
"There aie Olheis".
(llee Chili
M l.essops
Mine LohNops
Hilda and Piauz
"Looking for a (llrl"
Plan?, and Choi us
"Fishing", Duet Wilheliula and Hob
Mil DriHinliiud Ilium and Chorus
"Wooden Shoe Hunt u" Choi us
"Wooden Shoe and Fliialo" Choi iih
Ail II
"Dunn Song". Tilo Wllhelmlna
Dob, and Choi us
"I'll Nevi t Spouk to Von
Again" Wllhelmlna ami Hilda
"Shuine on Von", Tilo
Wllheluilmi, Hilda and Mine
"A Coiumoii (lame", Trio,
Williiilmlna, Hilda and Mmn
"PoppleH, Ited null While" Choi tin
"A Mint In IliiHlness" lloli Ymiko
"When I Whs Like You" Lessnps
",N'otlilng to Do", Duet hob anil
"Flnnlu" ChoriiH
COIILF.N,, Feb, .1 Three (lor-
mniiH Miio eoiivlttuil ilurlug tho last
fovv iluya ot I'lrc'iilntlng uuoiuy propa
ganda among tlio Amei-ltati ttoops
In tho otiuphul area, Opo sliopUoup-
or Iiiih olloieil for sale walcih fobs
With American and (lermati Hags
erossoil upon thorn
I'ostcurdH havn hnnn coiillscated
with tiny Amorleiin, llrltlsh and
French uoltllorH dancing at Ihu end
of u stilni; to hor caprice,
i General Fund Warrants Not
Taken on Certain Taxes
l.'illil Ih One Cxpeli'il in He
Coiili'slnl In tin' IjiI Souri ! of Ap
peal Cum I Ai Ih In AiroriluiK e
Willi leK of .liulye Iti-ii-nii, Who
Ailnilltiil Clinr.
I Wherein, the ulieiltf and tax lollnt'
I toi of Kliimath Count), State of Oie-
koii h now MiKiiKfd In the (olleitlon
I of titxi'H from the tax imjorA of Kl.un-
illi Count) and that unrrant of mild
1 Klamath Count) are llkid) to liu prei) .
ented foi ia)iiient of Hiild tnxei '
T herefore I
lie It ItiHotvod That the uliurlfr
mid tax (ollertor of Klaiiiath Count),!
Slate of Oregon he and In hproh)
nrdiied and dlreited not to aciept ,
I an) general fund warrantH of Klam j
ii tli County mid aiMib an) nortloii
thereof on the pa)iuiml of tnxi-H that
Iiiimi lieen rreiited li) Mrtue of eei
for the oeatlon of whnt urn termed
' Sperlnl I'uudrt ' of Mild Klaiiiath
Count). Slate of Oiognn "
IIiIh liiuo.ent.looklng IIUlo onlor,
which Iiiih h i'il miterrd on the. Journ
al of the priKeedlug of the Count) .
Court Ik llahle to Ktnrt flroworkK that
.....) haw, their li.Ht explolon In ,,.
Mipreiue court ot tue Kt.iie. lor
IiIIm at Minn tiling that Iiiih hceu
hone of loiiteutlon In thl rouiit) for
man) jcarn It had to do with the
Hot SpriugH court Iiouko orlglnall)
The opponents of this structure con
tended that Kcueial fund warrants
should he atiepted In pn)tneui of
that portion of their taxes that weie
to go Into the fund This j
lonentlon was not lecogiilied by Cap-!
lain .1 W Siemens, then count) ,
liP'iMiiei, and the matter was taken
Into the CliiMill Com I .lodge Hot
son was on the hem h lit th" time, and J
he declilid that tho position of the
count) tieasuier was wioug. and nil
ed aicoiillnglv, hiisliig his opinion of
deil'lou rendered h Judge lleini
lof the Supremo Court
Captain Sle-
i mens did not lake an nppial, foi ho,
vviih siifflilentl) iiroteited b) th side of tho Lake .Mativ of the Khun
ItoiiKon deilHlnn, though ho was con nth hiciiIc enthusiasts have maintain
vlui'ed that tho ludge had made an ed (hut the Count) Is losing a big
error In ilet tiling the inse us he did scenic asbet hv lack of .such an im
ln this belief the Captain was coi piivemcnt and that a ronl tiie'O
retl foi Judge Housou Intel own- would make one of the most boautl
ed that he had plat oil n wiong con
stitution on the Dean decision, and
fieel) admitted that If tho case were
te opened, or If It innie hefoie him
agilii In ii legiilar manner, ho would
i lev else hlnuolf and Issue the ie-
straining oidei ueiessar) to prevent
the dlvor.shm of the monies fiom spot'
Inl funds, thru the uso of geueial
fund wan ants.
As soon iih Judge lluunell and Com
mlsslonois Short and Ponljco look.
ed into tho mattei, they deciiled to
take the hull b) tho bonis and made
the above cmloi That It will ho eon-
tested Is almost certain, unless In
tho nieautlmo some cnmpiomlso may
he i eit lied thai will settle all of the
tows that have heou going on for tho
past it t no vears Shot Iff Hiimphioy
Is going to stand pat on tho older.
He has tho suppoit of tho county
i oiut and hi viow of tho fait that a
voiy delicate inptlon Ih Involved
that might Jcopaullo his lionilsmon,
ho Is not going to lake nil) chances
'lie icsult will bo Hint nil) one who
wishes to cash In theli wairants and
have thorn appl) to a special fund
will have tn piotiile tin ouloi of the
Citcuit couit to gain his point, and
III view of Judge IIousoii'h pi hate
illi turn on this point, them Is little
Ukllhood of sin toss along this lino.
SOLDI Lit itinrit.NS
Hoy Nelson, of tho Keno tllstilct,
who Ih woll know it In this city and
who luis.heou tn Ihu nvliitloii set vice
In Mltlifgnn for suvouil months, io
tiiineil to KhimuNi Fulls lust evun-iui.'.
A :ii tltiK of tin- dlrm Iiiih of tn
K'niiii.lli Irrigation dlstiltl wn.s held
)iMiiilii) nferuooii at llio Hot turn. i
t on liiilldlng
'I Iih clod Inn of offln ih of HiIh lioily
w'mli was schcdiilt i to (oino ii j at
II Ih Hiiiii, wim iloli.Mil until n-ixt ,
Hi'iiriinv u In n Hid llontil will hold
aiiotli, meeting
Would Save Many Miles if
Opened Up
Neu IIIIimi) W lid Ii W ill SKlit Hem-
tlfnl I'pper l-ike fur Long Di-laiiie
! -Non I'ropiceil Mine I'moralih
Couxlilereil Would Add Much to
.Si cnli Aom'Ih of Count).
A new road i mining for some iIIh
,,.,. ,,. , W)h, ,,Up ()f ,Tp.r
Klaiiiath Lake, whlih will add niiah
the pcenle heaut) of the drho
rciml HiLi hcautlful Khoet of water,
I' I'u Pttltlone.l for hv rt-HWcnt.
of that dlKlriit and tins the faor.ihIu
,,,,., f
loiiHlderatlou of the Count) Court
".aicordlng to lupoit. It Is holleed '
that thin will he a class rlianeo
for tin; new (iood Itoads Asiiolatlon I
to do some prnfltahlo hnostiug
The proposed hlghwii) will cio-,h
the he ud of Link lth or on u lnlilge
skirt the lake past the Frank Mi
Coriiack place ciobs the Woous mart, It
dike go In near the ICagle lildge
Tavern and Join tho old road again
t Hock Creek near the Doalc Hunch
U HI ho fifteen mlle.s long and will
i"t off nhout seven miles of tho old
r"l 1'i'nlde ohvlatlng tho long hills
Mini guides Those who are hehiiul
Hi" move, hope to get the load at
least opened foi turn I foi the (omliig
T heie has heen a gieat deal of dls-
cusslon hero In .vea.s past regarding
the need of n hlghwii) along the west
fill tlilves in the Count) Whllo the
piopodcd loatl does not skill the
entile west side of the lake It will
cover a substantial portion of it and
the toad if built will luro main tour
IstH, who hesitate to negotiate the
hen) glades of the old road
,sTi:i.Ul.N(i (il'.AIl (ilVP.s OPT ON
now i:.scapi: viii: cah
it uns ti'kti.i:. .no dm; iii'iir
To I. ne tho stoeilng geai of his
automobile give iij on tho toad a
shoit distance this side of Algomo
nntl to upset tho iiiathlne tlnii this
ai'cldeiit, was the linfoi iinate nxpeii
oneo yosteiday of Owen IMilIn, who
was iKcoiupaulod by M, N.vhntt anil
Jmnos Johnson, Nemo of the pint)
was lnjined by the mishap.
Ifniiy Stilts of tho Ceiitial (latage
Is getting tho mathtnu lighted on the
road again today.
iiaxk DiitiX'Toiis mi:i;t
Tho Directors of tho Flint Stato
and Savings Hunk held tholi logulm;
meeting Inst night.
Judge Indicates Plans
' Good Roads Body
lllo,liwi (Iter (iti i n Spiiii Miioii-
l lain, Itonil to Miriill anil Itoail
to North to Come in for lli'.a)
Slum' of Ciinsti in linn Will
Unlit to (,'i t Outside I'iiiiiN.
, That approximated $20 000 of the
I $100 000 ilhcituil for road work In
I Klaiiiath Count tjils car. he
, Uhi d on the Oieeii Springs lllghwin
I to Ashhind $20 000 on the ro.ul to
Mcirill $2.",, 000 on tho road from
Klamnth Palls to the north and $2 -
ooo for geneial repair work w.i, in
dilated h) Count) lodge K II Bun
nell In a talk hefoie tho Klamnth.
Cood Itoads Asioeiation at 1
the regular meeting last evening 'WI'ALTIH
These highwn)S are all post roiiK
and tln-ir Improvement will ho of
hiich a nt.ture as to warrant addition
al funds f i oni the State and Federal
government, accnidiug to the
In tho road to the north which gets
In such deplornhle condition during
the winter mouths, it Is planned to
huild a route across the low ground
from tho Pelican IJj) Saw mill up
! the west side of the Southern I'aclfic
Hacks to a point near the C.rali.iin
nnch out tho Algoma road This will
c lit out the adobe hill n short distance
outside the clt) which gets almost tin
passihlo in wet weather
Tho Oood Holds Association in
vlted tho Court to meet with them
and tllsciis plins with an idea of co
operating with that hod) in its pro
posed progiam There was no hint
of criticism and the meeting was one
ill which coustiuctive policies were
forvv aided Follow lug Judge Ilun-
nell's tilK Coninii'-t'loner Asa Por
iljc in ide a lulef addrtsx
That the membership committee Is
still bus was evidenced bv the plan
outlined foi a house membeiship can-
iss jn tf futittn wlinti thn
ifnuii . iu . , ,.,., ,,,,,,,
I It Is also planned to send delega
tlnns to Mnlin Morilll, Poit Klamath.
Ilnuanza and all the sniallei plate
In the lountv and spread tho enthusi
asm which has permc.itted the Conn
tv -eit
I i ei:
m:ah i;i; splpcikd.
sLltilir CtT IN W (iKs pei:
mi;n vnd IPAMS
Charles Umgdoit tor D.iit) II K
Winnind for Laugoll V.ille), Ptlward
Drlscoll tor Port Klamath, Deit Vo
gel for Poo Valle. P It Deal tor
Crescent, V, L. Praln for Topsv, and
A Stliller for tho Woiilen dlstritls
'weie the deput) road masters up
pointed tin Klamnth Count) for tho
coining )cai b the Countv Court
A clocjioiisu In tho wages allowed
was orderett b tho Court, which
nmounlh to fit) cents poi da) for men
and teams The toad mnsteis pievi
ousl) recolviiig $1, get ?.l 50 poi d.i),
common labor is cut ftoni $.1 50 to
$,'., and horst'h mo to bo woith $2 50
pel span per ilti)
Tho Dlieetots of tho First Nntlou
nl Hank hold their regulni monthly
tueottiiB at tho bunk last ovoulng
llotli tlic Willi uncoil and Hprauo
llivirH on the Klamath Reservation
am now open to logging according
to report .mil the Modoc Lumber
Company In getting logs Into the wnt
ii With the ordinary amount of
now fall in this district the comll
lions would lie IcIujI for logging now,
but the of tlifs, handicaps tho
woilv to ,i serious extent
witiiopt a stomach.
the most remarkahlc cases In the his
tory of medical science, which has
hafflrd tho leading physicians and
surgeons of the world, has Just coino
to light here In the death of Mrs
Laura M igglni, prominent memlier of
the local Italian colon) and pioneer
resident of San Franclsio Mis Mag
ginl was In her 80th )ear and for 21
)ear.s, following an operation, she
had lived without a Mom.uli Ur
Chailes Brlgliam pel formed the ope
ration at St Lukes hospital after all
hope for her had heen given up
(il ll.TV ON TWO COf.NTs AT
i:m or a si:.vs.tional tkial
PORTLAND, Feb 5 Henr.v Al
hers has been found guilty here on
two of seven counts.
This verdict completes the sen
sational trial of Henry Albert, former
piesideut of the Albers Milling Com
pan), one of the largest flour lulllin
concerns In the West who was found
guilt) of treasonable conduct during
the war with (
The Miller, whose technical charge
was a violation of the Espionage act.
was anested earl) last fall for pro
(iprmnn utterances while on the
train from Oakland to Portland
Shoitl) after his airest, he leslgned
as president of the Milling Compan)
Ills tilnl has attracted wide atten
tion all ovei the wes In addition to
his alleged statements on the train
testimony was introduced to show
that he had made other lomarkb to
the effect that he was n Kaiser man,
while on an auto tlip near San Fran
cisco He was also declared to have
mailo wngeis with other millers that
Clonimi) would win the war
When placed on tho stand Albeis
declared that he had alw.ijs been a
film friend of the United States and,
that while he was bom in Hanover
(lerninny, he came to this couiitr) at
mi enilv age and had mud a hl en
the fortune hen? He had nlwa)s
opposed the mllltar) polit) of tho
Kaiser, ho said Aa to his roni.u ks
on tlie tiaiu at the time ho was ap
Piohendod the ilefeiideut said that
he was intoxicated during the entire
trip and had no icrollctlon of what
he might have said
1 ho maximum penult) of eiih of
the counts on which Albers is con
victed is ten thousand dollnus fine
and twenty )oins impiisonmvut The
Jui) hi ought In n sealed veitllet aftor
three bonis delibeintlou )esterdiv
and this was lead in tho Couit toilav
The Judge has granted a thhtv davg
stii) of execution A. now tilal will
bo asked Albois has been leleased
on bonds of ton thousand dollais
which are the sumo as those on which
ho with out it ev ions to Ills Dial
POUT YPKON, Alaska, ( ll Mill)
Doc J I Tod.i) Is tho slimiest dav
in tho )o,u Pii hoio In the snow.
bound and Icebound counti) be)ontl ,
the Arctic Ciitlo that fact would not
bo known, howevei. wmo It not for!
tho almanacs, foi tho sun has not
boon seon for da)s i
Toit Yukon is in the counti) of!
six months' night and. six months'1
day Six months from now tho sun
m loniulii above the hoilzou tho
ontlio twoiity.faitr houis of tho long
'est tin).
jNew Bill Would Make Prac
tice More Difficult
I'llni iple anil Inlcrot on District
Reclamation ISmidi Would He
ll.n Led I'p hj state Under Kastcrn
Oiigon Aim's I'lan Itlrli Chem
ical Deposits in .Southern Oregon.
SALKM Feb " Lobh)ing will be
nduced largely to a written, rather
than n verbal pastime, If the bill
' now before the legislature, with an
emergenc) clause. Is rushed thru as
predicted The measure forbids lob
bvlng with legislators either in or
out of the state house and provide
that arguments for and against pro
posed laws must be made before
committees, in the press or in print-
led statements delivered to the mem
bers on their desks
Following the adjournment each
lolib) 1st must also filo an expense
account with the secretar) of state.
Before taking part In an) activities
around the legislators, they must re
gister with the secretar) of state.
The penalt) for violation of the,
law would be a fine of not less than
$200 not more than $5,000.
SALKM. Or, Feb 3. The pro
posed constitutional amendment by
Iteprcventalivee Gallagher of Harney
and Malheur counties, to authorize
the state to guarantee district re
clamation bonds contemplates that
the state shall guarantee both the
prnicipal and Interest on bonds Is
sued A bill accompan)Ing the resolu
tion for the amendment, would create
a cpmmlsslon to pass on the bonds
and make It optional, after Investi
gation of a project to be reclaimed,
vv hether the state shall guarantee
the bonds The commission would be
composed of the governor, secretary
of state stale treasurer, superinten
dent of banks and state engineer. All
expense incut red In determining
whether a pioject is feasible and a
good Investment would be borne by
the district
SALKM Feb '. The Joint wa)3
and moans cominJttt'o of the legis
lature wa, told hv W L Gazzaiu.
foi met Seattle capitalist now Inter
ested In southern Oiegon mines, that
tho chrome and manganese deposits
In southern Oregon are the heaviest
in tho vvoild Authority for this
statement, said Mr Gazzim, was a
lopiosontntlvt of the Guggenheim In
torests ITu statement was used as
a basis for the icijiiest bv the state
boird of mints ind geology for an
approptiatlnn of fift) thousand dol
lais Suthcrn Oitgon last )car produced
iilnetv five ponent of the chrome of
the I nlted St lies Mr Gazzam said,
and tho state board has gone Into
the mnikets ot the world and brought
cupital In touch with this state.
SALP.M Feb " The House has
passed a biH legalizing tho expendi
ture of $4 " ?" bv the emergency
boaul dining the pJt vear. Of the
total . xiHiiihtun $2J2.7.U was ex
ponded foi the Oiegon military po
lice Sevoi il Representatives In vot
ing explaiied that they would not
hnve favored tltowlng the military
police that nnoiint had the question
boon burnetii beforo tho legislature,
as the) Yonsldtrod it n "political m
gnniz ith n '
Captain ' W Siemens has ordered
onough seed ftehl peas thru the nev
i Count) Agent K H. Thomas to pant
. two acio on lUo Aukeny ranch inu
vour He Intends to give tbU vatu-
uble ciop a thotoiiBli trial hero.