The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 04, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    TUI-jtlMV, I i:nin'Av I, llll
.-M.i.T.r.K '-' rirKtwia
liiimli'iilT I'X'uMi tiNu "f hIiiih'Ih nr dink curtains Ho
who 'it (ipitiiuiK ii'i Iihh it h.'imiUoii lii lii i!iiiii f nun
lh also
vnrnnlliinn) unset Is dm terse pltrnno
"Let's (Jo," ii chorus rIiIjo million
aire' noil, it domineering olil vulut,
tl'iim.i mill iiimiy otlu-rii make up
Thr (iri-nt Mnrciirt
.. i ...hiii iiitim w
v. ...inner ul the Hlnr tonight iiihI Ibo (Ionium mitum crons
irriiM n tfli' Ih "ms'ilonxl one of i:tn mil of hand, nrr, li'glroiiM. strnlt-
,'""f(,u,1(l , ulipe llttlHlx '"I ! J"kilH etc. Willi the gient.'Ht iijihii t
I .M I nl lii' other Irindnill Miiiciih bus recently iiitunii'd In
m""1 Mm' ii uilxml'l" H tt-M-npc-H in tin. tiig.. nrier doing IiIm lilt Wml
.'."..'i.... .,r iliu miil.iiiH'w tltiiill In" nAmliiy night Im will attempt a
fill til "
Ue ( going INSTALL
., moioii m roil' H'N
ir mi. " " """' ' l1'1"
,,! .r I of MOTORS from
tin-la. lor) ..ciiin w..'iiiii-lu.lf
the freight. Till-il"K I" l''
)iiui-. We ! more limn l'"J' huh. A( (oln.
ami .Me menu1). IT "' ''
in Ml) )..m MOTOR mill PI'MP
Hlim )nii iii-'-'l '. "M "l" ''
In lime I ' I" I"-0-
Ill-V VOW.
11 in design mnl liflnll
your IM'MI'IVfJ PLANT " n
rosl I'lii' II1-1' """ l,',l'' Wi
run ) ill"'"')'
SAW Mill
rjiglneering and Construction
oni.e In K. l. Iiiillillni:.
Nlriiltjii' lii'l I'lu'iip" in mil) ulr, whlln
hiiniiiiiiIi.I by lilti feet friim tlin rimf
nf Mm Hur tlii'iitur at 7 p in sharp
In imIiIIMiiii in tln great Marcus,
miioIIiit feature Ih Low Miitiiny, vnrl-'
itly in it Hint I euterlalucr, playing man-1
dnllii. liiiiiju mnl guitars AIho Frank j
Karl, blink fin i roiiii'.lhm, tint iiuiii
Willi tin' nervous font. In singing,
talking anil dancing ai'l
Tim fniitiir.i pli'liirn will Im Charles
Hay In Tin' l-'ntn ll Hkiiletou." with
tlm usual v .
I'aiilllii' Sim ke, Triangle Htar, who
In nun i' olt.ui referred to nit '"I'll.)
I. Illli. lilrl with Dim lllg IVrMinallty,"
i in
llll(' I
Doctor "Tell your wlfo not to ,
worry about her duafties), as It Is
merely un Indication of advancing
yearn "
Mr Weekmun -' Er would you
mind telling hor yourself, doctor?"
Jh'jmtrtt Irr tft
('OMI.KN,, K.ili 1 (CorrcHpom
i i'Iki nf Hi- Aforlntcd Press) The
'li'riiiaii wiiBlii'rwiiiiicii of Coblenz
liavi' won a victory In their llrst sklr-
iiiIhIi with nfflciis of tlie American
A r my of On upatlon l.urk of soap
iiuiixi-il tlie ciiiiipllnitloiis
In Ci'i many soup Is In Krcaler el -iiuiiid
tliun cIhmdI tie or (oliiicci. The
I pooinr t'liiH"i)H Ii t luilly have been
; wliluiitt It for se.'tiH, iiiiiiiiikIuk to net
I nlmiK hoiiii' how by the use of Inferior
. mini-nil HiibHlltutes Many of the
I uhhIiii woiiieti at nrewrir iluvit hint
,111.. iuiiiihIiik cant of Clmrl-s lliiy'n , ,.,. (lllt of inKeHB ,lllt t. Am-
new.-Hl Piiiiinimitit plrtiiie. "Tli J ornmj, ,...
' i'liiully Hkeleloii" which Is to Im Whvlt . tra(., ,.,, Aincrlrnn
Known at tue Hiar ihentie idiiIkIU nirheil In Coblenz by the thoiisan.l
Hlvln llri'iuer ilnyn lh I.'ii.llnif nutuiitlly them was a Kriinil rush to
feminine lolu In Hiipport of Mr. Hny , H,,m ,it ,u,,illes of washing Tho
while clever Hilly Klmer Ik the ex- women were perfectly wIIIIiik to do
ji"The Family Skeleton!
Iti'solutlnii to ('limiu; Street Griule
Whereas, the ('(itnnion Council
ileems It expedient to chance the es
tablished crude on Tenth street at J
Its Intersection with Pine street.
He It Resolved. That the erado on
Tenth Htreet at Its Intersection with '
'Pine street he chanced from 170 0 as)
i now established to 175.0 on the,
tifirthorlv .. dn of said Intersection.
and to 174.6 on the southerly side of
said Intersection
State of Oregon,
County of Klamath, sa
dly of Klamath Kalis.
I, A. I.. I.eavitt, Police Judco of
said city, do hereby certify that the!
fort'KoIng Is a duly enrolled copy oll f t F 11
the resolution changing- crade on J HCfcUCl S L12SS1I160 AflVS.
renin street at us lnierseciion wuii
Pine street, as passed by the Com
mon Council of the City of Klamath
Kails, Oregon, on January 27, 1919.
.10-101 Police Judge.
prlio flKhlor.
old .oilKer, hr ill'ii'le Him flees from
the old milder with WckIoii, a crim
inal who iitti'iiiptn lo atliick her but
Is Kililii'd of his prey by Drowning,
plioii't h t'liKKiin Purgtiison. Ilrown-'
lug lu working us it criminal under
lie alias of "Mn I y lliouu," and sur
r.'.'.U In iiv.-nifliiK himself on the
ll lee i.nioIIi ut his e;i I nlc III u
txrli" of itilpiint: ami trenchant rpl
k.iil.'M I
A I'tile flghler whone sol.) roil''
er oil in on
,i'... .
Other playeis In the.the work, but they demanded a cake
will be seen with Chhhiiii Kurgesson "'"' r" Andrew Arlmckle. Otto lloff-. r Mn wm, (.oh .onslgnmenl of
ill II.., Temple Tbeate. Imilghl , ' man an.uarK l.jer l mler the per- clothing The Amerl.ans scoffed at
Alias Mini ll.ow.i". a story of the '"'l ""I'm vision of TliomaiMI Inc ,,e suggestion
tm.lerworl.l wlih a "11111101 " , himself, litor I. Schertlnger ill The laundries had all they could do
MN H.aike porlrus the tole of ,,r",1 ,h" m"lr" Proiliil"ii to itl.-ifl to their old customers and
an Im nt little girl adopted by an' . " m m7Z " '" lllnlrL''1 ,,"",,)t''- of nv 0,,t;H' I""1
minille niter imuilli' Fent out ny gen
erals ii mr Kilon.-ls and pi hates too
weie returned In a hurry And hack
ngalu to the washerwoman went the
bundles, and the women returned
them lo the officers with the .tlmple
explanation "No sonp" All the
IP'eullngs of the Herman speaking
olderlles bad absolute!) no effect.
Kven the terms of the armistice
were considered, but there wab no re-
I ; feience to the shortage of sonp, and
j I "o the situation became worse day
I DALLAS, Ti:XA8, Jan :it Kin-, after day Just when It nppeared
innclnl suciess or failure In the lew that the Army of Occupation would
I Texas oil fields so often depends upon, he compelled to get Into the laundry
being llrst to u-ach a certain u.lni business a 1,'nltcd States sales torn
jtlmt the airplane may become .i -'im- I mlsary opened In Coblcnz and an of
Jimin means of locomotion among olIfM.r discovered plenty of soup for a
I men, according to big dealers Thoif,.w cenls a cake.
airplane was need recently by offl-j Then the bundles began going to
leers of two oil companies to hurry the washerwomen again lu great
jfiom Hanger to a new found field j numbers and wrapped In Ire center
j Offlceis al Hiirron Fluid, the gov- f ,,.lr, W1, te mte w-i, j t o pleco
I eminent flying field bore, say It will ' r o:l,. And when the bundles came
j lift only a short tlmu before alrplaniM hack all the clothing was clean and
iuo In general (ommerclal use 111 the ti. washerwomen of Coblenz are now
,1)11 fields, because of thelt speed and , ,ng the greatest business in their
the adiipnblllty of the country for J history- -with the Americans furnish
! flying purposes. i nii the soap.
The lliu run Field authorities estl-j m
'male that It (osts the government! ,.,.,.,.. s,,. ,... . .,,
$.'.0 an hour to ke..p a plane In the rc(,., , i.m, insurance.' ttl.1
ii Ir. but thai the oil men .oul.l oper- Main street. 24
ate a machine for $to an hour (lood j :
pilots toiild he . selected at not prohibl
tlou saluiles fiom among the hull'
dreds gradinted by the Win Depait
meiit lu (he Inst year
FOH SALB -80 acres good land;
fenced, small building; 60 acres
irrigated, $40 per acre; terms. See
L. Jacobs 30-tt
ll'llL"PL'n rr nnA fn nt.IM.nn ni.l
of afternoons or evenings. Inquire '"Bn s'reei
Herald office. 30-6t
FOH SALB Young Jersey cow,
fresh Inquire Lee Ilussev. nan
juxixrLnnjvriiviM''ii'"r - ..
OR SALE Stock cattle; 80 head,
Durham cows, yearling steers. . O.
W. King. Montague. Calif. 25-tf
X?fi4(A tu ircklit crlvon Ihfit tfin lltl.
IcrHlKnt'd wur on January 11. 1919,1
Oregon, for Klamath Count dnjPHONE PEYTON for NVood-112R executnr In the matter of.
the estate of Anna Fordyce, deceased. 'FOR SALE Singer sewing mac'iine WANTED Home in best residence
All persons having' claims dgainstl and Edison phonograph. Call 722. section of Ashland .to sell or trade
salil estate are required to presont Tenlh street. S-fJt .in part payment for irrigated land.
same, properly verified, to said ad-1 , Address E. Merrill, care Mrs. O. T.
mlnlstrutor, at tho law office of R. C. IFOR SALE OR TRVDE Timber jMcKendree, cor 9th and Oak sts., or
Groesbeck, Klamath State Bankj claim. Nellie Wall. 226 Mortimer! Phone 197X. 3-6t
lnilliliniT. Klamath Falls. Orecon. i -tmni .t-nt ! J .
within six months from the date ofi ! ' WANTED Cabinet letter file; give
this notice. ... FOR SALE Cheap, well-built 27-ft.L d.?"IpH "nd Prlce- A"
a.. ,...nh. .iii o,or,. MhoMvt, " " " neraia oince. 3-u
Dated January 14, 1919.
! Executor of the Estate of Anna For-
dyce. Deceased 14-21-28-4-11
speedy launch; will accept Libertyv
Uonds at par. The Smoke. 3-Gt
for sale OR TRADE Fine stock
I ranch, right in tho heart of the' 247.
NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT! bunch gross in Malheur county; J&
Notice is hereby given that the un.;head of f,ood cows, chickens, wagons.
derslgned has filed in the County hacks I all tools go with ranch. Any-
r'o,.r. ,.f ,!, siito nf nrenn th finni body Interested, write. Mrs. K. fc..
... ... . f.,,lnia llD-nop (ra 3.90t
account or ins naministration oi tne"""'-''' '"""" ""
WANTED To rent two or three
room apartment or house suitable
for light housekeeping. Address box
estate of Henry C. Garvin, deceased,)"
and said Court has fixed March 1, FOR SALE Nine room modern
1919, at 2:30 o'clock p. ni and thejhouse; furnace; lawn; fruit trees.
court room or said court as tne place, terras, zis jenerson si. i-oi
for hearing said account and for the
settlement thereof. v
Dated Junuary 14, 1919.
Administrator of the Estate of Henry
C. Garvin, Deceased 14-21-28-4
Do You Want to Know
. Both Sides ?
Swift & Company's 1910 Year Book,
just out, tells you ,
What Swift & Company' profits
were in 1918,
Tho truth about the Federal Trade
Commission's investigation,
Why the prices of butter and eggs
are so high,
And many other vital facts.
Whether or not you agree with us after
reading this Year Book, you will at least
know both sides.
You will find it Interesting Americans like
to hear about big things dono In n big way.
You will also discover that we are merely
human beings like yourself, doing In the best
possible way a neccssury Bervice.
Legislation Is pending in Washington; as
good American citizen you want to know
both sides of this question. It concerns you,
as well as one of tho most Important industries
in tho country.
Do not hesitate to send for a copy of this
booklet, Your name and address are all wo need.
Address Swift & Company
Union Stock YiuMs, Chicago, Illinois
Swiff& Company, U. S. A.
- -.
WASHINGTON. D. l, Feb. 3 - J
( Peishing is authorized bv tlie,
war department to send ho-.n i for
Immediate discharge any drafted on
enlisted man who presents convincing I
evidence of sickness or other illsiicsai
lu his family. I
and Baggage
WesternTransfer Co.
IN T 1
A well-known authority states that
stomach trouble and Indigestion am
neurly nlwnys duo to acidity ncld
stomach and r.i.t, ns most folks lo
Hove, from n lack of digestive julcua
Ho stuti") that "in excess of hydroch-
lotlc ;ui'l Id the Momach retards di
gestion ami statin food f-i mentation
than our i.ienta sour like nr lingo lu
a can, formlnt ucilil fluid? and gnsns
which lufl.i'u thi ttlomnch Hko u toy
balloon. Wo then net that heavy,
; lumpy feeling In the chest, wo eruc
tate .sour food, belch gits, or havu
huiutbiirn, flatulence, watorbrash or
He tolls us to lay aside till diges
tive aids ami Instead, get from uny
pharmacy four ounces of J ml Salts
and tnko a tublespoonfiil In a glass
of water before breakfast wbllu It la .
oftervesciiiK, ami nirinormoro, to
continue this for one week, While
relief follows tho first doso, It is Im
poituut to neutrallzo tbo acidity, ro
move the gus-maklug mnss, Btnit the
llvur, stimulate tho kidneys tho kid
noys nnd thus promote a frco flow of
piru dlgestlvo Julcos,
J ml Salts Is Inexpensive and Is
mmlo from the arid of grupea uiul
Irmon Julco, combined with llthla mid
Aiidlum phosphnto. This harmless
htiltH Is used by thousands of people
foi Btomuch trouble with excellent t
s.ilts, Adv.
L Apply Cream in Nostrils To t
Open Up Air Passages. !
All! What relief! Your clogged nos
trils open right up, tho air passages
of your head are clear and you can
breathe freely. No more hawking,
snuffling, mucous discharge, head
ache, dryness no struggling for
hicath at night, your cold or catarrh
is gone.
Don't slay stuffed up! Get a small
bottle of Uly's Croim Halm from youi
Ii uggist now. Apply a llttlo of this
frugiant, nutUeptlc cronm in your
nostiils, lot it penetrate thru every
nlr passage of tho head; soothe and
heal tho swollen, Inflamed mucous
membrane, giving you Instant relief,
Ely's Cream Halm Is Just what every
cold and cntarrh sufferor has neon
senltlng. It's Just splendid. Adv.
Don't suffer! Get a dime pack.
of Dr. James' Headache
You can clear )imr liend ami relieve
- .lull, splitting n r violent throbbing
h.'iidiu'lie in a moment with a Dr.
.. miles' lU'iularliu Powder, TliU old-
i lint' lic.idaclic relief nits almost magi
"illy, .Setul Home. ono lo tlm drug stoic
for a ilinio puckiigo and a few mo.
i Mits uficr j on take a powder yon
.ill wonder wlit beuun of the bend
.'lie, iii'iirnluln mid 'ilii Stop sulfcr.
' -iiV iiecilli"!'., I' uu yet wbat
. -.1 aik I'oi.
Kuiniuons for Publication in Fore
closure of Tax Lien
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Klamath County.
Jesse N. Drew, PlalntIK
A. J. Doyle, and Jakm '.': liens of
Libltha Zone, Deceased, Defend
To A. J. Doyle and Unknown Heirs of
Libltha Zane, DeceaseJ, the nbovo
named Defendants:
In tho name of the State uf Oregon.
You are hereby notified that J-isso N
Drew, plaintiff, Is the holder of Cer
tificate of Delinquency numbered 723,
issued on the 1st day of April, 1S16,
by the Tax Collector of the County
of Klamath, State of Oregon, for the
amount of sixteen and 95-100 dollirs,
the same being the amount then due
nnd delinquent for taxes for the year
1914, together with penalty, interests
and costs thereon upon the real prop
erty assessed to you, of which you
are tho owner as appears of record,
situated In said county and state, and
particularly bounded and described
ns follows ,to-wit;
Northwest quarter of' section 13,
township 37 south, range 11 H
east of Willamette Meridian.
You uro further notified that said
Jesse N. Drew has paid taxes on said
premises for prior or subsequent
years, with the rate of interest on
said amounts us follews:
Year's tux 1915, paid April 5, 1916,
tax receipt No. .133S, amount paid
$13.54, rate of interest 15 per cent.
Year's tax 1916, paid April 2, 1917.
tax receipt No. 1739, amount paid
$ 1 2.4 S ; rato of interest 15 per cent.
Year's tax 1917, paid March 22,
191S, tux receplts Nos. SIS, 819,
amount pnld $12.48, rate of interest
15 per cent.
Said A. J. Doylo and Unknown
Heirs of Libltha Zane, deceased, as
tho owners of the legal title of the
above described property as the same
appears of record, and each of the
other persons nbovo named are here
by further notified that said Jesse N.
Drew will apply to the Circuit Court
of the county and stute aforesaid for
a decreo foreclosing the lien against
the property nbovo described, and
mentioned in said certificate. And
you uro hereby summoned to appear
within sixty duys after the first pub
lication of this summons, excluslvo of
tho duy of said first publication, and
FOIt SAbi: Swiss Toggenberg milk
goat. 819 Walnut Ave. 31-6t
FOR SALE) 360 acre relinquish
ment near Dorris, Calif; 22 acres
cultivated; good vyell, small house,
with camp outfit, stable; 160 acres
fenced. All for $300 cash. Have
larger interests here, and cannot
spare time to prove up. R. Sylvester.
107 Richmond ave., Richmond, Calif.
Summons for Publication In Fore
closure of Tax Lien
Jesse N. Drew, Plaintiff,
Carrie Meade, Defendant.
To Carrie Meade, the above named
In the name of the State of Oregon.
You are hereby notified that Jesse
N. Drew, plaintiff, is the holder of
Certificate of Delinquency numbered
724, issued on the 5th day of April,
1916, by the Tax Collector of the
County of Klamath, State of Oregon,
for the amount of twenty and 96-100
dollars, the same being the amount
then duo and delinquent for taxes for
the year 1914, together with penalty,
Interests and costs thereon upon the
real property assessed to you, of
I which you are the owner as appears
of record, situated In said county and
state, and particularly described as
follows, to-wit:
North halt of northeast quarter
of section 23, townslilp 37 south,
range 11 east of Willamette
You are further notified that said
Jesse N. Drew has paid taxes on said
premises tor prior or subsequent
years, with the rate of Interest on
said amounts as follews:
'Y'ear's tax 1916, paid October 4,
1917, tax receipt No. 4,952, amount r
paid $16.06, rate of Interest 15 per
cent. ,'
Year's tax 1917, dato paid March
22, 1918, tax receipt No. 821, amount
paid $15.60, rate of interest 15 per
cent. I
Said Carrie Meade as the owner of,
the legal title of tho above described
liujori us uiu same upbears ui rec
ord, and each of the othor persons
above named are hereby further
notified that Jesse N. Drew will apply
to the Circuit Court of the county
and state aforesaid for a decreo fore
closing the lien against the property
abovo described, and, mentioned in
said certificate. And you are hereby
summoned to appear within sixty
days after the first publication of
that are weaned.
214, Klamath Falls.
young calves
Address Box
on Schubert, next postofflse. 11-tf
apartment Main.
One 2-rootn furnished
Phone 369; call 102
Strayed to my place near Donania,
nine head of cattle, branded O on
right rib, crop off of left ear, under
bit in right ear. One spotted yearling,
blotch brand, crop off right ear, crop
and swallow fork on left ear. Owner
can have same by paying feed bill and
for advertising.
3-3t W. H. SPARKS.
I have at my place one muley red
and white spotted cow. branded UK
on right and written N on the left
hip ,and pltchfork'on left rib; left ear
cropped, under half crop and tipper
slope on right ear. Owner please
call and get cow and pay charges.
3-10 1 Dairy, Ore.
Successor to Dr. Truax
Suit S00, I. O. O. F. Uldg
Office phone 8(U
Res Phone SOM
Loomis Hldg., Klamath Falls
Crisler & Stilts bldg, "th & Main
Phone U54
KIT Main
Money to loan on leal estste at
8 per tent.
this summons, exclusive of the day of
said first UUbllcatlon. and defend this
defend this uctlon or pay tho amount action or puy the amount due as
auove snown, logetner with costs i
and accrued interest, and in case of '
your failure to do so a docree will bo
rendered for foreclosing tho lion oft
said taxes and costs against tho land
and premises abovo named.
This summons Is published onco a
weok for six weeks by order of tho
Honorable D. V. Kuykendall, Judgo
of the Circuit Court of the State or
Oregon for the County of Klamath,
and said order was made and dated
the 27th day of Junuary, 1919, and
the data of the first publication of
this summons is the 2Sth day of Jan
uary, 1919.
All process und papers lu this pro
ceeding may bo served upon the un-!
derslgned residing within the State'
of Oregon ut tho address hereafter
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Address, Klumath Falls, Oregon,
due as above shown, togethor with
costs and accrued Interest, und In
case of your failure to do so, a decree
will be rondered foreclosing the Hen
of said taxes and costs against the
land und premises above named.
This summons is published onco u
week for six weeks by order of the
honorablu D. V. Kuykendall, Judgo
of the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for tho County of Klamath,
nnd said order was mudu ami duted
tho 27th duy of .Junuary, 1919, and
tho duto of tho llrst publication. of
this summons is tho 2Slh duy of Jun
uary, 1919.
All process und papers in this pro
ceeding may ho served upon tho un
dersigned, residing within the Stute
of Oregon, ut tho address hereafter
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Address, Klamath FuUs, Oregon,
Osteopathic PhtkUInn Surgeo
Suite -Jl I, I 0. O. F. Tempi
(over K K. K. Store)
Phone Sit .
(The onl Osteopathic I'hyil
ciau and Surgeon In Klamath
Falls )
Designers and builders of mod
ern Saw Mills, Planing Mills. (Box
Plants. Complete plants contract
e.l. Appraisals and reports made.
UietlKlnx. Wo contract to bulM
any class of ii building and install
miK-hlnei-y of any kind.
UruftiiiK "' ' kmd une-DU,a
Prints made. ,
Office in K, D. Building