OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH FALLS OF KLAMATH COUNTY Thirteenth Year No. 3,529 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 27, 1919 Price, 5 cents HEMES COMING HOI ! THflNEXPECTED . i Number Excccdi That Orig inally Announced UP TO THE PRESIDENT .. .. I i.. ..!.. I ,..!. .. Iln III.. All Camp- '" iiintillliil In N'' Month Over Hundred iliotintiil Hate Now Ar-I rltrd I rum Europe !" i'hnn Ten llMon to lli'innlii. ' WAHIIIMITON. D C. Jnll 27 'Tim number of American In he held ntirimd In tin- army of occupation l Hi be determined by President Wll iiiii," rmld (ienerul March, In an In terview here today .Mure Yankee soldiers have already been rk'nlKiialeit for return homo than win originally proponed by (Jon itrnl Koch, who Indicated that ten illtlxliiiin would be America's con tributing force There are Mill nboilt 7 .HMO II men In the camp lit the United State. xml tlu-se lll all bu demohllUed In ' a immlli. eicept those who arc to hjfih,i nils wor'hy couple to prcjp-Mly rHiilaeil for oxerseas duty. Up t, el-brute tliolr ninth wiMldln iinnl- Satunhiy. 104.000 men had arrived from overseas YVAKIIINOTON. I) I' . Jnn. 27 (ieral March has Informed the sen- ... .,.,,, uie iiuiiiui; riiiiiiuiiii-ii iiim nniiiiiiK nrrniiKi'iiii'lits have been Hindu h)'jnie Iticllldod was served by the which 3U0.OO0 num mlKlit o traus-MUns. Until Miller. Pearl Liindy, purled home monthly, and that all Inex Dell and Vovenne Better. the American etpedltlonnry forces, loulil be returned and deiuohlllted In tit liiantlis I.KAVCNWOUTII. Jan. 27. -Tim retinue of in ronsulentlous objectors win. Iiave been honorably dlscharieeil frnm tlio service by tlm war depart lm lit was iiiadn today E . MIIMIILK OK IIKill S'1IIM)L IMC- m TEACHER nrr Til FRANC ,,.,.. ,11 inner l ompany in nyiacniiKii, na ll.TV HKSKiN'S TO TAKi: HP . .. .....'. .. ,. .....I IMI'OUTAXT UKCOXSTIUK.TIOX WOIIK IX W.lll .OXI1 Mlks Laura Hnmnior. who has been 1'leiillfle.l with tho faculty of the Klniimili Counly Kh Bc'nool hero fr the last two ,ear. has resigned i."r posh ion hero to tnko up civilian iifiiiistriictloii work In Krnnro 11ml Mi iiiih cny in auoiii two .. 1 . . . ,, v" Us, acordlug to ,, announcement of -rlon Inn Run belonging to I' llonal tax levy on nil I Uxn blc .proper naiilo today. I Hltles this morning In tin Junt'c' , ty. the proceeds to bo used for road- "in nave this city In about two Minn Hammer l stilt .....nri.i.. n. Just what thu nature of her now rU Is to he, hut thinks that sho '"'1 '" '"''" ' Hw uci-malon 8ALLM. Or. Jan. J .. w"l be placed In Ihn achoola Tor tlm I'-HutiuntrK M Innoeonso nn.l rticlai-jof tho leglslntmo elect "niliiinH which are being mtalill-titiil '" ' h, wn" ,hp nrM "", J1'0 Knrtorn Oregon htw In Ihn Verdun soclor I '" wll,e1' llu '",(' l,m'n "irllH0(l of m-""- Jnmino at l'ondloton, a Klin goes from hero to IMiiladidnhla l'i'io she expects to recclvo n shnit fi'irse in training before going nbriMil, Miss llammnr has bnnn en. donnrlng to Kt to t,H work for iual iiioutliH. Him leaves a large r""' " f'onds , this cnmm,n..y III) w logtt't losing her from Khun- "Hi Pulls, Ml XK.WS RICCKIVKD William luimoll of Hits city re. IvimI llm sad 110WH by wlro this "joining of tho death or his fathor, Nl'lml Immoll nl West Ilond, WW- i"H6lll, His death fnllnwml nn nt.l 'rl of hiiidonlng nf tho nrtorlos. ' notU'o yostordny of tho death and Tm tlecDiiHoil was slxty-flva years of burial of Mrs. Ilalousok of tho .Inlln "" Owing to the r.tstunco and tho district, boliovod to bo Mrs. Kllu Hal j"(t thnt ho couid not ronclihu homo ' oiiBok. No dotulls togurdlng tho j" time to attend the funeral, Mr. lease nro nvnllnblo oxcopt thnt tho do "iiiuell will not go back nt this ttmo, I ccasod wuii it victim of tho Influenza, REPORTED KILLED, BELIEVED LIVING Tint reported ili'iitli of Frank Tur ner may prove to lm Inrurri'cl A few ilny" "K letter wnA received from, tint liny liy It In father, of IIiIh city, conveying the Information tlml hu j Itiul been lutilly wounded In lioth i eg, mill Intel been coiilliicd In tint I hospital for several weeks. Iln fur-i llior tolls his father th ii ho t'Xn' ti'il to lm illHcliurKi'il from the hoipltal In nlioiil tun weeks, mill lm Invallik'il iiniiin. The notU'ii f lilt iieatii ' rci'olveil In October, lint the letter, would liiilluili! auottim mlil.ikit i Iiiih been maile Tim hoy neglected i to iliitu IiIm letter, ho Hid tlntii of writ-J lug can only lie giiesm-d at. It usual-j l lakes aliniit thirty ditvs for a h't-J tor to cotiiii from France, anil If t It Ik ! ruin holds r.ood In till" ciinii the nun1 from Tucker wit written many weekn after tt In reported death i DINNER HELD MAXY FHIEXDS Ol' Mil. 1.4 AUDI. TIOX COO'I.K .Hi: tJl'IWTS VKS- TKIIIIAV .IT .ll'I'irn.IXt! rn.iKT. rixi-: timi:. Thill) -four Kllesls a.Hneuibled jes teiilav at the home of Mr. and I'.ts. jvmj. Howard In Mills Addition u The house wns most attlillc-illy I decorated with carnations anil the I 1 ... i ,bli: tiibles set In the form of a rrom.j An ,.i,.ii.lm renuat In which turkevi ,"" - - - anil oill(r equally nnpeiiEiiiK vhiiiim. The follewlm: Kuests were piesent I Mr, and Mrs I' K lliiiuion. Mr and Mis. rU'iinm, Mr ami .irs. i, inner, , Mr mil Mis, ('has Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Wills. Mr and Mrs. Hetxnr, M.- f'l Mtm. Hnilth. Mr. and M-s Mot- srlieubarhor. Mr. and Mm. I.lnmin. Mr and Mrs. Hell, (irandp.i n.'Il. Mr .Mr anil Mrs. lieu, iiranup.i ihmi. -r i .i Mr- l ei, oho Kl lu.non Mr ' nson. Jack Llnman. Mary .low ' - "r ' ' '" " ' ' ---P tiirrs oi'i'KH rno.M .il.iii.ima t' P. I'rlrr.le, who has heen Identl- flod wlili Urn 1 'nil en n Hay Lumber co. for the nast three years and was. lirovloun lo that time for ten years IN will. t.mee.ii.uniuer.ou.pan,....s r,,.0l,lu.lMi Uy Iloprosent.ittvo 11. icrelved an offer as IokkIi.R Hnperln-jjim,.H ,KK confess t0 enact le- tendent for the Wlsconsln-Alahama(,Kn(,m giving the Indians on the t . t .. 1 tt..l ......... A I.. I i.uinuer 1 ompniiy 111 o, ......... ...- hnmn. Mr. KrUxlo will make a trip t lilr lands. This would place two there to look over the situation ami mHlon dollars worth of land on tho will remain If ho decides to accept, j(,x ro.s, Tho sennto nlso adopted He will return In n month or six , ,, Uouso Julut momorlal urgliiK con weks If lm iloe.i not nccept tho offer. K10H(1 l(, mHH tho Slnnott bill for np- Ilu expects to start the last of tlio . week, and will bo accompanied by Mra. KrlMlo nml lllllo boh. lMIISSKI OX TIIKKT ni.lllK. There Ulni lack of evidence to 1 ..1.1 Drokshnr' n a cliiiruci : - mil f N. J. Chapman, no wn '""'' 'I he dofendent iipp.vircd I doing. IA.MILV HF.fOVKIJS wi... .ti.1,11. rrlmiilu nf Mm. Duven- ' port and daughter. Marie, will be ' ,. , learn that .hoy have recov- ered sulllelently In permit of the llft-i Imk of the quarantine. 1 nov nnui 1 had 11 very sovnro attack of tin Inllti onn, hut tlm cnrnful mining of Mr. Davenport rosultotl In t iipnndy re covery, MUIX WOMAN KMT VICTIM Unrlertnknr Churrvman roColVQd MOVE TO PUT BITTERS OFF MARKET 1 n:ii Raniin LifJUOr Subiti- tutes Launched RECLAMATION URGED, j . , ,, , .... . . ' Mure Inns fur Itlulll Itlllllllliu nlll-. The Influenza situation In tho city j il Tim k Owner- Mut Pii) More, I ' mill Those Who Hide for PleaMire, . I Will Find It .More Kiirnliii, It Ijihk Proposed f'nrr). HAI.i:.M, Or. Jan. 27. A bill pn pared by the antlKiitoon league of! Oicgou. with the approval of Attor-I ney tieueral Drown, to curb the Bale J of "hitters and tonics now being ' sold In OtcKon. It 1h allotted as sub- stllutes for Ibiuor, wa Introduced In the IcKlHlature by Itepiesentntlvo Kl- more. It would islve the state board of pharmacy power to prohibit the I iHiile of any alcoholic mixtures or com-. ! pounds Intended or likely to be used I as uoviiriiKen. SALi:.M, Jan. 27. -The repeal of, the present motor vehicle law and In-1 crease In motor vehicle taxes amount-j Iiik to several hundred per cent for! some classes of vehicles, is provided j for In it bill prepared by the roads j .....I I. I ..I. ui, i.u ..ii.nmlllnn nf tliu anil. HUH lUKU"Un iuiiiiiihh: w oi.- n M of , Rf0lJ roUs ,)ro.; c i ii in Those who ride merely for plea sure must pay for the luxury anil operators of heavy trucks will bear: much of the expense of malntalnlnc roads worn out by their vehicle, nc- I rorilliiK to this measure. Tho high- est assessment iiKalust them would be irioo for trucks of over six tons capa city. Klectrlc pleasure vehicles, termed "rich men's toys" by soino committee members, would be taxed tlft . . , , ,,, ... tc irnii " ,l0 1,",,0,"1 of ,h0 l'reHt'nt 6 ,lccni80 tract on Lost river bolow Bonanza by J, 3"' ,0 "r the .U..,e IS ins.ead of at pre- JS B .hh tSri"n which ... ..- .......I.I l..k .Irttiltlnil i ' mmiL The tax would bo doubled on eleilrle service vehicles of not more than one Son and set at $20 Instead ..r . 1 11 I I'" " ! 1 SALLM. Or,. Jan. 2.. 1110 henaio ,, nl,0,w, ,,o memorial n-' . . . . ., H(,,r resorvnlion 100 simpio nceus id prpiiriation of one billion dollnrs for reclamation and drainage In tho west ern hlntes. SALICM, Jan. 27. Senator Plorce Introduced it bill for reference to the pooplo at tho first election hold lii tin state, providing tor an nnui- .oui.uing purposes 8ALKM, Or., Jan. 27. Committees declclcd to visit hospital for the ml the stato soldiers' homo at Hosoburg, during the weok-ond adjournment. Repre sentatives Kuhll, Chllds and Haines and Senators J. C. Smith, Jones and Lnchmund will go to l'ondloton until M..u frltnt,ilian mwl ""'" '"''" ' "" " n', ' ." " - . "' " ""r " " ' ROAD imiLDKJt ItKCOVKRS Road Supervisor, Thomas Dixon Is able to bo around again tiftor his second alcgo of tho Influenza, Ho declares that this Is tho urgt tlmo in bis It fo that ho has ha'd to go to bed on account of fllnoss. OFKICKR IN PORTLAND Deputy Sheriff T. K. Griffith went to Portland yestorday where he will appear as u witness in a Fodoral case. ITHE INFLUENZA SITUATION Much dii)' thrrr will ! puhlhlird In Hit column coinplrtr Information an to the InrlucnJt situation. Here will 'be found the report of Health Ofllrer Hoiile, the nnmrw nnit nddrCNHe of lieu ciwr, and nil Informntlon thnt will ennve) the rvnrt condition of the I public hi'iillli. A nil ofllrlnl Inforniit- It Ion irRiildlnR IIiIn qurntlon will he j published, the public In warned ,,'I"'"M b"cv'"K ""' ""r',H' 'I"11 ''" not lint r a their foundation the fact contained In The llrruld. DII. KOULE'H REPORT Mr. Welir U the only neu inflti- "' riiHfl reported in till clly In the RNt forty elxht liount. Harry Kvnn at S23 Third Ktiret In dot ii vtltli wmall imi In n very Unlit fonn "K,M- '"" N mm greatly improved on indicated ' the above roKrt. A. A. SOULE. City Health Officer. ALLIES WITHDRAW IN ARCHANGEL NOW LONDON. Jan. 27. The Allied forces on the street In South Arch- nnRcl mainly American and Ui.islan troops are evacuated the town -f Shcnkursk under the prcasuro of the Ilohihcvlkl. and withdrawn their troops to make a short line, accord- Iiir to n statement of the Hrltlsh War office. m SIX Ht'XDItKII MOKK .ICHKS N K.I It IIOX.IVZ.I WILL IMtOHA I1jV IIK I'XllKK IV.ITKIt THIS sk.isox. niTCHixt; txni:u way One more evidence of the rapid de velopment of the fertile hinds of east Klamath County Is Indicated by the arrangements for watcrlnc another K)Sg Sutt01( n r()mnont -eslrtent n. .,, llMlpv, ,,..,.,, 1. nnn nf tlip ,,,, fnrtor8. There arc five ranch- ers Interested and tho water can tic ' placed on tho land for the coming vna,. . .. ,. wnn(hnr rn,llHons ,,, faVorablo. Mr. Sutton Is mak- ,nK ,ttnfl (o g0 at tho dltchlns .luring t,J0 month or Februaryi ns ho l)t.. 0VeB t,)al ,ho backuono of lno win. ... ,, ., broken and that there will bo no more long cold spells. The pump and equipment has already been secured. The territory will reach aa far down as tho Upper gup on Lost River. It Is oxpectcd that tho cost of get ting tho water on tho land will not exceed fifteen dollnrs per acre. ASSISTANCE ASKED FOR CRATER PARK HALKM. Jan. 27. The Senate has nuopted Representative DodJ's joint memorial relating to thu reclamation of arid Innds In- Umatilla County and urging tho passage of thu Sln nott momorlal which asks Congress to givo government assistance to tho development of Crntor Lake National Park. BIRTHDAY PARTY Soven frionds assembled ut tho home of Miss Mnrlo Humakor of the Underwood Pharmacy, Saturday ovo nlng, In honor of her birthday. A lino tlmo is roported by thoso who wore present. RKCOYKRR FROM ILLNKSS Klarlan Barnes ff reported recover ed from an attack of tho Influenza. NEW SHOE MAN HERE Mr. V. Young, a rlist class median- .to arrived last night to look r.fter the shoe repairing department of tlm Modern Shoo Store IN NT 1 T N P SITE 0FFE0E0 Water Users Have No Use . for Canal Now TAKEN FROM PROJECT Original Irrigation I'roject of Kl.un nth Count) I'll! in by U-irgc Land Owners Prior to Kniliince of (,'o ernnu'iit Here, Ma) (' Komi to Big Corporation. Consulting Knglneer I). C. Denny and George W. Ollleld, president of the Water Users Association, last Thurs day made an appraisal of the Ankeny cannl and power site, from the Upper Lake to the Leavltt place, the pur pose being to submit to the Secretary of the Interior n llgurc at wwhlch this property can be disposed of to any one who may desire to make the pur chase. Sometime during last year a reso lution wa-s passed by the board of directors of the Water Users Asso ciation, severing this cannl from the Klamath project, this action having the effect of notifying the reclama tion service that this cannl was of no use to tho Klamath project. Fol lowing out tho effect of this resolu tion, an appraisal has been asked for, and this was done last week and the value set forwarded to the Secretary of the Interior. The Ankeny canal' was one of the original Irrigation projects of Klam ath County, and was constructed by some of the large land owners who desired to bring their tracts of land under Irrigation. When he reclama tion servlco came In hero some four teen years ago, It purchased this ca nal, along with others, and after the completion of the main 'canal it was practically abandoned, being used only to furnish water to owners of rights within tho city. These rights wore finally acquired by tho city, which now- owns 1111 interest in the property to the extent of twenty Inches. Tho rights attached to this canal, exclusive of those of the city, are sufficient to develop S00 horse power, anil it is understood that the California-Oregon Power company has made a tentative offer, or indi cated thnt It stands ready to take over tho property if satisfactory ar rangements therefor mil do. AL'TO ACVIDKXT SATURDAY XICIHT. Jim Flynn had tho misfortune Saturday evening to run un automo bMo on to tho side wulk u:id iuii ally through a window at tha Houst on building ut, Second and Main Streets. The young man wiib com ing from Klamath Avciuto 'inil made a quick turn to avoid another mach ine on Main Street whon tho accident occurred. A wheel was knocked from tho machine and It was other wise Injured, but none of the'occu pnnts was hurt. lAKitiKitS 1I.IND1CAPPKD HY laCK OK SXOWIMLL. Lack of snow has so soiiously handicapped the work in tho wooda that n numbor of the men at I ho Ilnrnes Lumber Camp havo been laid off. HK.roVKHS FROM OPKRATHIX Little Cliuulo Kern, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hen Horn of tho Kent) district, who was operated upon for appoa Il eitis last week and who was in a vory serious condition following, Is now reported to be recovering fnst. OREGON CASUALTY LIST TODAY. Sergeant E, C, Day, Dallas, wounded soverely. Corp, Guy B, Miirdus, McMinnrllle, wounded, degrco undetermined. IN I TEACHERS EXAMS I HELD HERE SOON' An examination for teachers In nil tliu subjects required for n one-year certificate will be bold In the short hand room at the Klamath County High School Feb. 2C, 27, and 28. t Cliould a five year paper expire bt forc next June, the holder may bavo It adjusted by writing the State De - ! partment regarding It. ' Sources of uestlo na and progrum will be the same as In the December exainlnatjon. i:i)NA WELLS. xo "klu" at thi: fort Wood Kler Valley and the Fort Klamath hcctlon are now ontir-ly freo from the influenza, according (o reliable telephone reports from that hcitlon this morning. The very row' attacks that made tjielr appearance I are now a thing of the paHt and . evpryonc Is enjoying the best of health. j 'S STOSE II. X. MOi: KIXDS PRESENT Ql'AR. TERS TOO SMALL TO TAKE CARE OK HIS IXCREASLNG I1US IXEKS. ADDS ROOMS In order to, keep pace with the in crease in the business which he built up in his three years in the Klamath Falls field, H. X. Moe, of the wom an's Store, has completed arrange ments for the extension of bis estab lishment, which will now include the entire tlrst floor of the White Build ing. Ope important feature t the en larged store will lie an up to date In fant's department. Mr. Moe declared today, that he had long seen the need of this addition and is ?Ui-l to bo able to meet the requirements of tho public in this line. The proposed improvements will mean the addition of the qunrters previously occupied by the A. A. Bellman and Son and (jeorge Watt, and also those vacated by the I) & M. Cleaning Company. Tho partitions are to be entirely removed and tho wholo thrown into 0110 open space. Tho work of remodeling is tq com mence this weok and vvjill be complet ed In tlmo for thu annual Spring opening which is set for the tlrst of March. SECRETARY MISUARI) WILL XOT QC1T WATER VSERS The report of my contemplated res ignation as secretary of tho Water ITscrs Association is n mistake, and was duo to it misunderstanding. I wish, therefore, you would correct, it. I am btfll with the association, aiulj expect to remain us long .is my ser vices nro satisfactory to tho directors and members. A. L, Wishnrd. STEPS MADE TO CIU'SH PORTUGAL ROYALISTS LISBON, Jin. 27.-The govern ment Is assembling largo bodto-j of troops to put down the royalists re bellion at Oporto. Loyal troops have dofeated some, tioops who declared In favor of tho lebels. ELY MAX BRLN'GS l COYOTES FOR BOUNTY. Twolvo coyote pelts, securtMl in tlm! Illy section have been presonled to County Clerk, C. It. DeLap for bounty by T. II. Bartell. .They brought ft total of $i"0.00 and when ..old to tlio furriers 11 substantial biun will bo ntldcd to this amount. COUNCIL MEETS TOXIGIII' j 1 Thoro will bo nn adjournal lwut-i lug of tho city council tonight nl ; tho City Hall. Matters rolating to! btroot impiovement uro to bo hi ought j up, according to report. GOES TO MERRILL Austin Hayilcn loft for Merrill this morning 011 matters of business. WIN I WON FINDS BATTLE AREAS IN1KI1LE , j ' c c t . jaJr otenes or Uesolation Cannot Be Expressed CONFERENCE MEETS Some American Soldiers deported Dcliai lux In Itcgrcltiiblc Manner Since AiinMUc was Signed Mnny Mitrtlcrs Assaults and KlghLs. .More Polite Protection Xcedcd. PARIS. Jan. 27. The Supremo Council of the Peace Conference met btre today. President Wilson, with his wjfs, Admiral Grayson and a small party vtsterday made their first visit fo the battlefront and to the devastated rcc: ns. They visited Chateau Thler rv, Ithiems and other points the with of centuries had been wiped oiit In the terrific conflict. On his return, Piesident Wilson said "no man can put into words the impressions I have refclved amongst such scenes'of desolation and ruin." PARIS, Jan. 27. Thirty-four nvrders , twenty-two assaults and five hundred s-erious fights due to ll.o American soldiers In the depart ment of the Seine during December, are recorded, according to the "Mat in" A reinforcement of the Police contingent is demanded by Briga-dip- General. William Harts. Many American deserters "hav5 becu arrested, according to newspap er accounts which declare that "some cf America's bad lots, have grown manolousb since the signing of the fi'ti.lstice" and state that "the friends le the t'nlted States deplore tho fact HUe ourselves " TIB FREED HID BEEN IN JAIL liniE 1'OR MiML TIML, I HH'II WAS HEKM I'D I PMSIIME.NT BY JUDGE. C.inillT LN SKITTLE John GUI mid Herman Gartland, two jeunu: men, )ho have heen in lv Couut Jail for some months charged with the then 01 an vv mobile belonging to George Blehn of t'10 Ford fi.uage. plead guilty to the clu go before Circuit Judgo D. V. Kiij Kendall. Saturday afternoon and weie pu'-olk-d on their good behav ior. - , t H was tho belief of the Judge that the'dofoudtiits had already been pun. ishoil to a considerable eMent as they had been In Jill for several ;i)onth3, j'i. , bovB b id rented the, auto a', tho local s-rage and iho:i skipped fou pmts unknown with it. Tlicy were locaud .it Seattle a suoit time inter nnd bought back by Cjn.toMa, Fred Morlev. Gill claimed, to be a . . . . ,..u..,n. iili-mu liqpnew or Mir me '')" '". 1. GUI of Seatt'e. Both bos are under ago. .SOLDI CIS RETURNS " Uoyd Adam, bo was previously identified with the firm ot Tyron and McKemlno here has Just return ed from Camp I owls, whore be dischnrged u.n the military service Mr. Adam, had been on a transpmt fur thren iiouii waiting to Ball for Frnnco when the news of the arroW Ico signing w .eCelvod in 'the'XIni- , te.d States. i UETUBNsTnoM WASIllXfiTON ! Mrs (harlos"poiudextor bM " turned from an extended UlvJ" hor sister it ChcuolU, Washing 04, UTO