The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, January 25, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    (.VII HI"' J'W't"v 'M lt)"
I'AOK three
COME on 111
ll? Aire:
Without Pomp or Ceremony Body of Theodore Roosevelt Is ' ' ff5J
""".'Taken From Sagumore Hill for Last Rites at the Village Church
!li FINE!
YM tA 4Z.:WhiX? & i ' ' 'A
. ln,r(.N(im fnrt iiboitl tlin I'IkiI"' w'H "'fl' fotttinil with lieu i itotl'lp.i
An Allen Enemy," hi wiilrli 'Inn t his Intent picture Hlilois of
llK""" ...... ...... ,1, .l.iil ll.ii I'm 1,1,. Mmk.i ' u 1:1.1. ..ill I..
tU I.OIllH" llllllllll llliini'B ' "" '"'
nir in I'lirnltii I'lnyta. unit whli'h shown at Hid Libert) lii....tie for
""ill" be t tin- I.H'oity theatre today, two ii)j beginning Sunday ufni-
ipen 111 Berlin, or
,. .1 ,.i t h- ntlllV 0
IB " ....,,,, I,,,.
I III lltUT I'"' l""""
.limn I'linriicuirn, in
AiIiiiIimI fioni .urn (hoy's fuiuou
lUlVl'l Of I tll Hllllllt 1111101. "ItllllT'l of
I lui l'ntii Hint"" It'll it Hlin Hint
lir.'lltllt'S llll till) tlim'.l'illlrrH, VlllIlM
llllll VIIMllll'HM of lln great West III till)
oiilly pluiii'iir iIiin. mill .ifforilx Mr
I'ariiiiiii nn otroptlntiiil oinirliinlly
it nn
i-Hl'V tlll
........i io tin' t'n'toil Stale", nml nt
,,, c, ,.i tin' t.lrttiru. thru tho il.'vnl.
,, f tin- iilnl. tlii. m-imoii are
Ji.) in Prime, mill with the. mw
i ..nit-tltiK ll"' prlriHiml role.
Tii,. atiiHUph.'ie "' n" "'" '"',",,',' t0 I'oilmy thorn. Moiling iiiiiUIim of
i the local color In II"' proiliirtlon mmihooil ulilrh lnun ni'iiln him in I
""'. .niiiimti nml ;,v" n" n,r "' rpn1' ",l,,ntht """"IB ,,,i"" "f thu
i" ' 'iliiil iimkt'H tii" pleturn olToctlvo Running ihru tln pliloro in mi ttli
"'". ,,m n MIm ninum npnitnrt rolhliu; lino story Hint nils of in
. !. ., IIUdUM I Mlnnl llllll nt it iMlllil lllllll fll- ra rdiftil I
ihnllltiK" I" i'"' '"" '" " ' " r
nn Aninrlraifhoni hut 'K-i ( woman
niio In sent in Aim -i
. .. n -..l 11.. ... .n... u. r u u il... 4.. ... ..ft
n iiiiMiilii'r ill cue i.'imni i.-.. ..' mm . ik". m.. ,.i....n
iitelllKnrr Department. Thu Picture Mliirtlng Klslr Kentirioii, .'nil
mpcclnlly for now tiring cxiiiiill.'.l -it l . hinr
Thoatro, pri-ni'iitu nn iiniiniinl nton'
.lint nn miii nro heaving h sigh of ro.
Ilnf nt tho Irluiiiph of l.lly Kurdos- -tho
rolo plnyoil hy Mlns Ferguson
in i
Von lr"l
iuiui bred girl
i.i. nirr won written
Mlm r.Murii hy thu Parnlta Uf.' nil
lloi Miiiito M Knltcrjohli, nml w
.mirul i-ii'lt-r llir dlioctloh of Wnll'i M
'i r.Ooy
William Kitrnuin'" nnniu h.i'i bo
rn.i.11 iiworlntnl Uh film I'liv, or
i,ii.r nml uwii ilrmnitl' 'Intrnitliy
Tliortifoix ' I'lft.trn pilllillii
(Viiirul Work of ull KlmU
mil nootlutf
Let IvIj Make You an
In ImfflliiK I Im litimnn wolvim who
hiurnt tho pnth of tho i:lrl uho IickIhh
n n nnloiiKlrl mill mirrnnU In uliinliii;
nn ii himhninl mi i.x-i.nuiilor who In n
mull) iiillllomilrc. "thu woinmi mcimm ' tnkrin n hniil mill riinnliiKly om
l rl v'n I" I'lnro thu outip. clrl In .i
coiniiroinimiiK poMtlon mill tho J'' il n
wm&m&mM$wli I If M m
v.'d' . ' ea ih "zr -- -&?
. .
', .
W V 9
- X.T "
m .,
SI -l'
'iV r4. .i
..,.-' - 'i"-
. a" Y.'fi
-Ii tr -J. . f :i.VZ'-' v. .W . i' -.
:. ttr.v-'w4 '" r A
Herald's Classified Advs.
FOR SALE One model 17 Bufck, In
good running order; new tires.
Price $300. C. U McWllliama. 20-31
WANTED Messenger hoy; must ho
16 years of age; excellent oppor
tunity to learn telegraphy Apply
Western Union. 04.
W II In ill pump or mriMIIOII). till'
hotly o. Tli.'ii.l.iro IIoiihihi-Ii. prcnl
1I1M1I of 1I1.1 I 11 It fit Hlnt.'K for iti'Vi'ii
, ruin, wiin lnki'll fioni SiiK.imori. Hill.
nml olili-rly himhmul nintM hor off IiIh I.iiiii: Inlunil holm' ill ())Kti'r Hay,
TIllMI follllWH It HI'lll'H Of Jil'tlHHl lOll ll
IlirlitmitH In which the honiltlfiil Mtt
Ki.rc.iiiioii iIIkpIioh l"r tuli'iitH un nti
uinotloiiitl iiilr.'Hn 1
Tim nppi'iir inr.. of Miihi'l Noriiimul
iih ntur of It". !! (lolilwyn patriotic
romniy-ilrmiiii. "Joim of l'latinhnri: " ,
hy Portor Kiiiithoii Hriini. ronntl-i
liltcn nil nM'Ilt of lliori' thiili imllill '
Inti-rom In tin1 world of tin nllriit
dm in n !
In fiich of hor printout iJiildwyn,,
Hiiri ojoii'h 1 ho ttir Ihih ilUplii)oil 1111 1
olitlroly illfforont iihiino of "ilm now,
10 tho Ilttlo I'rotcnlmit Kpliicopal
hiiuh lit th" llliiKi' TIiIh phntii
I'.inph nliun n Hit' Iiimihi 1. ml Iho 1I0Z-
n or innrf automohilcs In which only Beloctoil The procession was escort-
liu family mid Intimate frlonus or
ho ox-prcHldrnt followed for the
readliiK of thu simple rites hy tln vll
Iiiro pastor It was the wish of thla
vlrllo Ainorlruu leader of men, writ
er mid warrior - that lie he laid away
iiiilotly In tho beautiful plot he had
ed b a Kuard of honor from the New
York City police department, of
which Mr Roosevelt years ago wag
Apply (Vain In Notrlln
Open l'p Air I'luuigrji,
Ah' hut relief Your clocKod no
Irili open rlitlit up, thr nlr piuaKc
1 Miiliel Noriiiiiiiil." nt the samo 1 1 11m
1 ri'liilnltiK "II hor old fanrlniitlon nml
charm An Jonn. tho little orphan In !
."Jean of I'liittMhurK." shi Is Khen
1 opportunity to di'iiioiiHtriito
llllirKIIIIIO Ml UIIK llllllllj ..
rent) uiiiiiuiitliiK to 30.000,000 francs
.1 id Jewelry of 'i .nt l:o s,Mne 3luc
I'l'li'lsltioiiN,'' nihti'1,1'1' 11
to eiieiuy wnr loans nml d.uniiRes sus.
tnlned hy private financial concerns
re estimated at hOO.000.000 francs.
There are now nhout 100,000 ills
nhled persons to he cured for and
mini' than U.o.Otio orphans to he fed,
clothed and ediuateil Tensions,"
.sas Mr Savck. "must he provided
for the er lurno number of widows'
and Baggage
I'HOXK 187
SEVERAL Used Pianos; low prices:
I convenient term?. Sbepnerd Piano
Sale. 23-tf
ORGANS $8.00. $10.00. $15.00. etc.
1 Shepherd's Piano Sale. 20t-f
;CVES FOR SALE 700 head. 2 to 6
1 years old; will lamb In April; bred
to coarse bucks. Hugh Falvey, Mer
rill, Ore. 17-6t
I ,.,.--- ,. ... . .
FOR SALE Several pieces of fur
1 nlture In first claBs shape. Phono
299Y 24-2t
'EIGHTY ACRES Highly Improved
land In Willamette Valley, 25 miles
of Portland, to trade (or Klamath ir
rigated land. Cbllcote & Smith, 633
Main street 24-tf
If the Kaiser really wants a place
in the sun, why not send him to the
Sahara Desert? Dallas News.
WANTED Experienced couple to
run boarding house Phone 9SJ
WANTED To hear from owner of
a good ranch for sale state cash
price, full particulars I) (' Bush
Minneapolis. Minn
on Schubert, next postofflce. 11-tt
WANTED To buy, hy March 1st.
I about 15 hens; price must be reas
onable; either brown or white Leg
I horns; not too old to lay or too
.young to eat; In emergency might
take Pllymoutb Rocks. John E.
Walker, Algoma. Ore., box 44. 24-3t
FOR RENT -Single outside offlcs
room, light, heat, hot and cold
water. Inquire W H. North, room
219. Odd Fellows building. 17-tf
(li:.S'i:VA. Switzerland. (Corres-
iioiuli'iiio of the Associated Press)
,10r r,,'i I.MHH..H HiiHtniiit'il hy Serbia clurliiK
1 . .
wnr nn. .stlmiitiMl hy Mllos Sav-.TemoM-u
HaiiKlnK nil the way from hnydnn- . lmM11.,r f .i,,. Central Commltteo
lull romi'iiv IO ItlNHircMi piiiriuiiKmi ,, ,,.. iiriuitriirflnii here, to
of )our hnul me dear mid jc.11 can ,, tioniilirul solf-sarrlflr". tho play, ,t ,,u. l0 tnf'l 000 000
breathe freely No mora hawking. ffr,, MlM Normand what Is un- i , " ,h,ixcIuh,; of' ,,, uir expenses
iiufflliiK. mucous discharge, hrnd- lU,11,)y ,lc , KeroMlnK nml ' lflmM, ,,y S(,r,)la imil ,)f ,iu. wttr
che drynrsi- no truKgllliB Mr wrtli.lillo pprt.inlty of hor iibm. , w, p, Sl.rba rerCVl., from the
bieath t nleht. your cold or catarrh nrly h(.,.,.f,tl rl,,.r -jomi of j A,.1,
U"onr . . ,. I IMiitlMliiiri;" comas to tho Htnr , 'Savdo llHM.,lH that tho present
.... t stay .tulfed up (let small Tr(, ,,.,, 9mi,,y , , ,er wolllll
0 .,, o Ely . croni ll.lro from you. . vx WI(R , U0 , of
r.vrMSi.T -"ta,7,;,rT :r:u:z-;u ,,LB,ruc,,",, or m-ooo'ooo-oo.
n,,rn.. let It penetrate thru every ' Zl - 'bh Montenegro." declares
sir pmnsK" of tho head; soothe and,," " ., , . . ..,,. . ,,.., 1,,. '
1 ., ., ,, 1 .. . ' iiKton Post M Save r, "hnve suffoiod greater 10s-
henl the swo Ion. Inflamedi mucous." . ... . . 1 ,.u ,i,
, , , ... ... I ses in lives, relatively speaking, thnn1
membran... giving you Instant relief. , ... I "'"'.'.,, ..' Slr. n,nn
KtllK lieorKO l seuni "" unj hi mi' u.m-. ....... ,
III the prosoncr of Mr. wii- 'lost niioiit asu.uuu uiuu up iu mu ..-
I In Confu In 191H.i unc-nnir
pel tho enemy to repair roads, bridges
tunnels, railroads and to return thu
shlpplni; and rolling stock which was
New City Laundry
We Guarantee Our Work.
Shirts and Collars Laundered.
We also wash silk, wool, and col
ored gods vtry carefully. Try us
once and be convinced. Our prices j
are right. Phone 154.
127 Fourth Street
Back of First National Bank
Sealed bids will- be received at the
Klaniath State Bank by the under
signed until 3 p. m., February 3,
1919, for the purchase of the build
ing now on block 100, Mills Addition;
said building to be removed at the
expense of the purchaser. The school
board of District No. 1 reserves the
right to reject any and all bids. Ad
dress all bids to .
24-7t IDA D. MOMYER, Clerk.
FOR RENT Nice sunny bedrooms,
I In private family. 416 Pine. 23-5t
1 Not havlpg Senator Chamberlain's
sources of information Germany fail
ed to detect all that American mili
tary incompetence which the Senator
Is still talking about. New York
Kly'a Croim Hilm U Just what every
rold sml cntnrrh ' miffurnr Ima IHTVOlls
"eking It's Just splendid. Adv. I .son Toledo Illnde
All Restrictions Off
Darkened streets are no longer necessary no
longer desirable. "Lightless Nights" have been
abolished by order of the United States Fuel Ad
ministration. You can light up your street and
your store front reach out for more trade win
renewed and increased prosperity for your busi
ness with an Electric Sign.
The lightest streets always attract the greatest
crowds. Do your share to brighten up your
street to attract people to your store.
Brighten Up For the
Boys Coming Home
See how new business makes new jobs places
ready for the boys in service when they return.
California-Oregon Power
J of her tiixpaylng citizens and ono-
I third of her population perished from
sickness, epidemic diseases and try
unprecedented savngery of tho enemy
ill the time r the Invasion of 1914
and during the three years of domon
ntlon of the Hulgars and Auatro-Mag.
Our enemies nought not only to
destroy Seihln econonilcaljy hut to
exterminate her people, so as to rid
themselves once and for nil of tho
harrier which blocks (lormdiiy's wuy
from Hoi II11 to Iliigdml.
"Tho lostoiiitlou of Serbia will re.
ijulro a rortulii amount of time. Tho
enemy muBt loturn everything ho
Plundered fiom the Sorbluu mus-
PORTLAND. O10 . Jan. 23. Plans
for a state wide irrigation progrom
In Oregon are well under way. lands
In this state susceptiblo to Irrigation
total 3,500,000 lU-ies, with meiuuir
ed water facilities for the irrigation
of at least four million ncies Irri
gation yas begun in Oiegon many
years ago but duo to lack of gov
ernment aid. so land owneis claim,
only nbout one million acres has been
brought under Inlgatlon.
Thu gieat projects tiro located In
eastern and uiegon, us tin-
south us the California Hue
Look and Feel
Clean, Sweet and
Fresh Every Day
Drink a glass of real hot water
before breakfast to wash
out poisons.
In the County Court of the State of
Oreeon. for Klamath Pountv
In the Matter of the Estate of Albert!
E. Elder, Deceased.
The undersigned having been ap
pointed by the County Court of the
State of Oregon, for Klamath Coun
ty, administrators of the estate of
Albert E. Elder, deceased, and hav
ing qualified, notice Is hereby given
to the creditors of, and all persons'
having claims against said deceased.
to present them, verified as required:
bv law. within six months after the
first publication of this notice to said!
Carl A. Plath and A. L. Wishard. at
the office, In the Star Drug Store, on
Main street, Klamath Falls, Oregon
Administrators of the estate of Albert
E. Elder, Deceased.
Dated January 3, 1919.
Successor to Dr. Traax
Suit 200, I. O. O. F. Dldg
Office phone 80J
Res Phone 80.M
Loomls BIdg., Klamath Falls
I'liniH. llbrmh'H, Unlvot allies,
1 dies and schools and whntovor has
' been ih'Btrooil must bo replnred.
(luriniuiB, AiiHtro-Mugyuis nml Hul
giiis must 1 etui 11 the livestock which
1 thu) diovo nwny and pay for tho tlm
! her, lneynids and orchards which
they cut down and mined. Agricul
tural Implements und inilustilal mn
rhlnuiy must bo loplaced in lclnd.
Tho Allies must supply us with food
ns quickly as possible, with
tuxtlles, and niedlrul moron, nil of
I which 1110 rouipletuly lacking in Sor
I bin. Devastated towns nnd villages
must he rubulll, Hanks, loan aocI
' cities and savings hanks must ho sup
'piled with money so that economic
enterprise may bo revlvod."
Kstlniiitlng tho damages inflicted
upon Sorbin, M. Snvclc, who wna
former Suihliiu minister of Public
Works, places tho vnluo of 0110 yonr'a
harvest In Serbia lit 1,000.000,000
frillies and adds that the enemy slez
ed tin ou harvests, Tho Invaders des
tioyod 130,000 horses, G, 000,000
Hheep mill goats, 2,000,000 pigs, 1,
aoo.OOO cut tlo mid more than 8,000.
nun iwiiilii'i 1
Manufactured goods to tho vnluo ""l101,1''
of 750,000,000 francs woro curried.
Life Is not merely to live, hut to live
well, eat well, digest well, work well,
sleep well, look well. What a glorious
lu the condition to attain, and yet how very
WHIJmnolte Valley, one of thu moit easy It Is If one will only adopt the
productive on tho Pacific coast, tlieio "'""""b iu umu.
'are about two million 11 ores which' '""Iks w"0 me accustomed to feel
may bo Irrigated for lnieiisio farm- dull "d heavy when they arise, split
lug purposes, survejs luivo shown, ling headache, stuffy from a cold, foul
1 What Irrigation has dono In the tongue, nasty breath, arid stomach.
Bttite has been conducted under the can. Instead, reel ns hesh us a daisy
Reclamation Act. tho Cuiey Act and by opening the sluices of the system
by private Interests. Several of thu ench moinlng and Mushing out the
latter havu roeolved government aid whole of the Intel mil poisonous stag
Much uttentlon has been paid by ant matter.
pilvato Interests to reclamation by J Everyone, whether nlllng, sick or
Ii ligation, at the cost of many mil- well, should, each morning, before
lions or dollais. Outsldo tho Wlllla" brenkfam, drink a glas3 of real hot
motto Valley reclamation by drain- water with a teaspoonful of limestone
ago lias been almost a nellgiible quan. phosphate In It to wash from the atom
tlty thus far. Theie nro sovorul mil- ach, liver, kidneys nnd bowels the pre
lum anus of swamp and low lauds ,vlous day's Indigestible waste, sour
susceptible to such development, ov bile nnd poisonous toxins; thus clean
poita have declared. Ising, sweetening and purifying the en-
Tho total water supply from tho tiro alimentary canal before putting
streams of eastern nnd central Oreg-jmore food Into the stomach. The ae
on capable of utilization for Irrlga-'tlon of hot water and limestone phos
lion Is 6,077,000 ncin-feot, sufficient 'phate on an empty stomach is wonder
to bring under product thruo million fully Invigorating. It cleans out all
ncies of ilch desuii hind. Tho total tho sour fomentations, gases, waste
acre-feet of water available for Ini- juiul acidity and gives one n splendid
gotlon In western Oiegon Oiegon Is nppetlto for breakfast. While you nre
2,360,000 enough for one million enjoying your biealsfast the water and
Notice of Sale of Irrigation District.
Bonds i
Notice Is hereby given that sealed 1
proposals will be received by the
Hoard of Directors of tho Sunnyslde
Irrigation District, at the office of the
secrotary of said district, at Merrill,;
Oregon, till, the 18th day of Febru
ary, 1919, at 2 p. m of satd dato, for
the purchase of bonds of such dls-'
trlct to the amount of $2,000; such'
bonds to bo Issued In denomination
of $100 each, bear Interest at the rate,
of 6 per cent per annum, payable I
semi-annually; said bonds to mature
at the rate of four each year begin
ning January 1, 1924,
The board reserves the right to re
ject any or all bldB.
Secretary Sunnyslde Irrigation'
Crisler & Stilts bldg, 7th & Main
Phone 334
, 1
.Money Io loan 011 real estate at
H pel tent.
Oiogon's prcsont population Is es
timated at 0110 million. If all tho
Innd lu tho state capable of Irriga
tion wore brought Into production, it
would suppoit n population of twen
ty flvo million, necot cling to Irrigation
nwny or destroyed, ho says, Dam
ages to pilvnto property such ns furn
It 111 0, machinery, etc,, lie ustimtitcs
at 400,000,000 francs. , The enemy
curried off from Serbia sllvor cur-
Horb Hoover told two Gorman
foodrobbors In Belgium to go to h .
with hU compliments, and they
promptly returned to Qermuny.
Washington Post.
phosphate Is quietly extracting a large
olumo of water fioni the blood and
getting ready for a thorough flushing
of all tho Inside organs.
The millions of people who are both
ered with constipation, bilious spells,
stomach troublo, dieumntlsm; others
who have sallow skins, blood disor
ders and sickly complexions are urged
to get a quarter pound of limestone
phosphate fiora the drug store, which
will cost vory little, but Is sufficient
to make anyone a pronounced crank on
tho subject of Internal sanitation. Ad.
The excruclatlnc ijonlfs of rheuma
tism are usually the result of failure of
the kidneys to expel poisons from thr
ijktem. If the irritation of these uric
arid crystals is allowed to continue, in
curable bladder or kidney disease may
result. Attend to 11 ut oucr. Duu't
resort to temporary relief. The sick
kidneys must be restored to health by
the use of some stsrliuc remedy which
will prevent a return nf the disease.
Get some GOI.O JIKOAL Haarlem
Oil Capsules tmixi-diatflr. They have
brousht back the jojs ef life to count
less thousands of sufferrrs from rheu
matism, lame bark, lumbago, sciatica,
call stones, grave) i-.iu other affections
of the kidneys, lirer, ntumacb, bladder
and allied organs.
They will attack the poisons at once,
clear out the kidneys aud urinary tract
nnd the soothing healing oils and herbs
will restore the inflamed tissues aud
ergaus to normal health.
All others are imitations. Ask for
(OLD MEDAL and be sure the name
. OLD MEDAL is ou the box. Three
ucs, at all good drugxjsts.
Osteopathic Physician Surgeoa
Suite 211, 1. 0. O. F. Tempi
(over K K. K. Store)
Phone Ml .. w
(The only Osteopathic Physi
cian and Surgeoa In Klamath
Falls )
Phone ."SO
Mght Phone 318
Flue Watch Repairing a
eai Main Street