wkiinhhiiav, januaiiv aa, loin THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE THREE STATE POLICE IS OBJECT OF : NEWMEASURE HUTiiiniir, mi- iiiiiuii iiuornny or coroner, iinmtor riHh h-iiiiIkh or oilier pnweeutliiK ortlror, It would liu tlin duty of tlin Mt nt 4i poi id nu.HNt In running ilown offriMli'iH. Phi ili'iilur liii'litliui In iiiiiiIu uf iiior law viola! Uoim, Members would be rolinhiirit ml fur tluilr t)titiMtin whllii on ilmy. ' Tin' tiiiperlnti'iidoul woulil give nuih ollty In iimiiiinl subordinate mill woulil tin ii'ijtiiioil to ii'imri to tin' governor SERBIANS SUFFER FEARFUL MISERY HAI.I.M, '". Jim. 21. Tho crnil Hon of a stain poll"'" department and the appropriation of $(10,000 to atari H are proponed In I'M Introduced by Bmiiiior Orion of Mtilinoinnh court ly A miporliitendont nt n Hulury of J3.UUU ii yi"ir, ii iliitity mipnrliitun- drill i f'i, '" u (',tco r ,2 of' rici'K nt 11.600 ii t-sr each, iiiitlior. Ity being Hlvcii tho aupiirlutendunl to appoint his subordinates, nro pro. pixi-il in till' meniiun'. To provlili' tin- nuci'wtnry equip mi'iii tlio xtnto property officer of llit national guard would bo reqillr i,1 lo Imiiii' l) tin' Hint" polliv depnrt. nifiil mil of nt licit now on hiillil nd formerly acquired by the mill. ...... "."' " ... tnry poll.e, all mippnes neieimnr). '.(,.,.. 1(ll, UvuUU liiMirmiri'. iii:i ""'" 'I'll" lrl". In eutw.iriuenri;, i When roquimeii in " "y I"" BIG BUTCHER KNOCKS PACKING REGULATION WASHINGTON. Jh. 22 OdKen Al mini r, who iippi'iiruil as a wltnem lii'foiu tlm liiiiirHtiitn iiinniii'ri'it com mittee todiiy, (old th liicin Ikth tluil III" poildlllK legislation H'gllllltllli: Hut parking liiilimtry wiim ii'iii'tlon- nry uud must of niTOHliy ri'Niilt In great Injury m tli IiiihIiicm. Hit fuithor staled IiIh liidl'if Hun tin- pro. potted legislation :i iiniorintltllt Iiiii- ii I WASHINGTON, J tin. 21 Tim of flilul htiii'iiii of liifoiiiiiitluii of tlm Kingdom of tho Hcrb.i, Croat mid Simmies iiiiiiIu puhlli; todiiy u dls piitih from HiilKriidii giving u pic t ill n of IIik gieut misery which pre viiIIm In liberated Serbia. Tlm ills pnlrh, dated Jiiuiinry If. says In purl. "lli'lKruilii todiiy presents the iiHpDCt of n roiiviilaiciiiit after ti serl oiih IIIiii-hh Tin) populiitloii which before tlm war numbered 100,000. 1m now ledurcd to a hhlf. Certain HinmtM. mid even certain quartets am Mill di'Hi'rii'd A vury groat uiiiiiIjit of hoiiHim have been destroyed. wholly or In part by tlm bomban'- iiH'iit. Tlmri) I n want of material to iccoiintruct t.hem. j "Trailii Ih dealing only In gnodi of . inline necessity All olliur morclum- iiim- ih iivaiiniiii! in very small qniiii. cl'XliiiK vmln $Z0O, n pair of hool $ ', lnitit $10 to $14, shirts $20 unci stockings $0. In tlm provini.e.1 .t!io HtUtl Of tllltllSH III Htlll WOIM?. All tln (hlldri'ii tire iiiinctnlf; iiud Infant UK itullty Is Kii'ut. "Dome forulKti rullof ml.nloin iiavo lioKtni lo work and nto dolm; i;ood. All (iniiiunlcatlii bittwuvn Ilulxruilu and Haloiilltl ', Wile rupti-d. It Ih nlso l" -it lirldKo him. dcrtt.-'iycil As a! coimuiiiuu(i), Kcrblu Ih practically ' Inolati'il from tlnj world, .Tlin popn-, Intlou, whatdver thftlr hocIuI posl-! lion urn roiiipli'tuly without under (IoiIiImk. a nil aro forci-d to wear III fltiliu; mid worn clothcH. Home are' veil In mkh. I "Tlio proiallliiK mlHery Ih terrible. II Ih ImpoHilble to apply tlm mout ele mentiiry ineiiHiireH of hyKluiiu iih there I Ih no emu of tiiklni; bathn or wuhIiIiik ' llimn. A 1 I lof.rii m (two poiiiulH) of! very Inferior hoiip cohIh four dollars. " i American Heiress Who Will Be British Countess COME The new Herman (loveriiment doi-Hii't Nt'i'in Miry dependable, which .kIiiiwh that It may not be much of a Koverniiieiit, but H'h very much der ail Brooklyn KaKle. lnln kirri-t. M icii' olrnordlnarlly IiIkIi. A till of fi'el ii Ntamlaril policy C'lillcolt Al Sinllli iiu'-iny. from (lie i 24 Oli IMUTHE AD'S ssw w Mar iiriMj iaia' lllv HBBi TmbTv" i Herald's Classified Advs. ! miscellaneous LADY BCATTV London reports that earldom will lie conferred upon Vice Admiral Sir FOR SALE MVUMMWWMMMMMVMMAMW MMMMMMAW ip.- -- . WANTED Sewing of any Kind, vory reasonable. 707 Klamath. 2t-St OKOANS $8.00, $10.00, $15.00, etc ' FARM for gAi v no ovkt n .. Shenberd'n Piano Sale. 20t-f A"- L."i'-?AKE .0R RENT Call ptimueri. neit postOUUe. 11-tf EWES FOIl SALE 700 head, 2 to 6 1 criD DTmt years old; will lamb In April; bred" j.VK KfcN I (.. iinra h,trra lllli.h Calvsv Mnr.l ' " '" ' ' ' ' n u w.w. .h...... . a wj , ..aw. . VMI. 1 t. fc'T t. . ll.-ivl.l Itc.-iltf iitul Flolil Mnruhiil Sir! rill Clra t.Ctt "- '"" rurnisnea ....... ..-., j w.. .-. ........ ...I.,.., v.. . A.-VV UoiikIiih HalK In recognition of their services as cnmmaudeni on sen and land durlnu the world war. Lady Hcatty, wife of the commander of the grand licet, will, therefore, become a countess. She was formerly Miss Ethel Marshall Field, daughter of the Chicago 'millionaire. FOR RENT Nice large room, steam heat, hot and cold water; two bed In room. The Claremont, 228 Fourth street. 21-21 FOR RENT Single outside offlc. room; Light, heat, hot and cold water. Inquire W. H. North, room 219, Odd Fellows building. 17-tf The Hibernia Savings and Loan Society HIBERNIA BANK INCOHI'ORATliD 1864 OFFI JE MAftKCTrMeALUSTER AND JONES STS. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA Assets $72,610,458.23 NUMBER OF DEPOSITORS, 85,003 ')r.JC TO OS FOR BOOKLET AVERAGE AMOUNT OF DEPOSIT, $807.33 'BANKING BY MAIL" High Grade Ladies' & Men's Clothes .MADE TO ORDEIt FINEST M.TKIt!A!.tt IIK8T OF WOIIKMANHIIII' LATF.HT NTVI.KH I'Kltl'KtT KIT OIMUANTKKI) I'rlrm are very rmaonabla Vour lnMX-tlon InvltiHl Chas. J. Cizek MKHCIIANT TAIXOK ' Main 8t. MOVIE THEATRES Mh land claim. The wealthy men op- prm8 Ii t in In all ways; by persuasion ' and by force. Finally they resort lo u 1 11 MM rFOR SALE Crown organ, worth $125; will trade for a $50 Liberty Pond. 904 Main street. 18-4t operations of tile. On one area of white land drains are Installed to study the relative value of gravel as against straw for bedding over the tile lands, to assist water In entering these drains in sticky soil. Results thus far favor the straw bedding aa moat desirable and far cheaper. It - has been thoroughly established that ' Prosperity. Rebekah Lodge will white land can be successfully tiled, !hold a P'e meeting tonight, and and there Is a great Increase In the fST.1", V, Si?.??"1 " . . . ... members are requested to be present, use of tile on such land. Outlet By order of the Noble Grand; ditches on the district plans will greatly stimulate tilling of individual fields. aDartment' steam neat, electric range. Phone 21GR. Call 115 N. 6th street. 22-5t ATTENTION REBEKAHS CORVALLIS. Jan. 22. Approxi mately 9,000,000 acres of land await reclamation In Oregon, according to the oltlcial report of Dr. A. B. Cord ley, director of the Oregon agricul tural experiment station, for the bl ennlum of 1916-191S, which has just been made to President W. J. Kerr of the college. Almost 3,000,000 acres can bo profitably reclaimed by Irrigation, more than 3.000,000 acres of swamp, tide and other wet land needs drainage, and 2,750,000 acres of burned-over nnd logged-orT lands can be converted Into profit able farm lands. Blood is thicker than propaganda. Greenville Piedmont. Klamath (oiaty News TULE LAKE HOMESTEAD NOTES Harry Caton made a trip to Lan gell Valley this week to bring down some farm machinery. Three hay stacks belonging to Mr. They were LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF SALE UXDER CHAT TEL MORTGAGB Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of the terms of a chattel j mortgage, made and executed by 8. P. Edler burned last week &nori. mortgagor, to me nrsi na,- on tne lake ,and iionai uunK oi iviumain runs, ure-, gon, mortgagee, a sale will be had, and held of the following described personal property, to-wit; Twenty-nine head of mares, geldings and colts, and one stallion. Said sale tq take place upon the 25th dav of January. A. D. 1919. nt thn Operations exemplifying combined i,our of 2 o'clock p. m.. at the H. F. ii practise nude notorious by the re-' drainage and Irrigation are cited by Phillips ranch, about ten miles south nut expose conditions among New j tho report in the field work in Klam-j f Klamath Falls, Oregon. All sales Vn-k minmen. They hire u profevath Basin. Two diked areas of W?ffi' blonnl "killer," n man who agrees to lands In Klamath Basin, formerly im(.,.nt1v .. anI,i .jB Hundreds of girls who nro strug- which but too easily forgetsjiow she glint; for a roothold in the artistic world, wheru thn paths that lend to recognition nro especially slippery, will follow with tense attention the devi'lopiiients In "Her Price," a new William Fox piodurtlon which will be shown nt the Liberty tonlghl. Virginia Peaivmii, heroine of the film, ilei'lared during Its malting nt one of the l.iiHiern Fox stuilliM that meets the supreme crisis of her life when she cannot look u man in the face and say lo him, "I am worthy of you, who bring mo thu tribute of pnio love," foiniR one of the mint thrilling situations In movtedom. ,Monroe Salisbury, winner of screen laurels for his work In many master nine hint photadrnmiis. Is at the Tom- sliu had never derived so much sniih.l" inentie wuu ins miesi ami pei factlon floni n picture 'linniuturlt-"'im "wl ni'HoalliiK drama of the (Ion as In the -delineation of Mnrclu , KH"t west. Incidentally, bo creates Calhoun, this woiniin'of laudable inn. ' ,w role to add to tho wonderful bltlou and an Iron determination to! KiilU'iT 'f characters he has already scale the heights, he the cost what n'made famous. muy. How Mnrcla dlstovers that As Alan McDonnld, a Scotch home, there nro more valuable tliluge In Mender, the stnr fights the catlo bar life than the plaiidlts'or it puhllei ons who nro trying to drive hint from do nwny with the troublesome ranch' er for a cash settlement of $500. 1 you like ii good scrap, If you aro in sympathy with the man of moder-m-. means who I. bucking tho mono ply of big busl.it''.-, yon will llko Alji.--.' Salisbury ns Alan ATeDonnld in "Winner Takes All." founded on (5. W. Ogden's novel. "The Rustler of Wind Itlvor which will ho shown at the Temple Theatre tonight. mediately after said Bale. tulo lands, were drained to a depth First National Bank of Klamath of 3H inches an acre of storm water Falls, Oregon, Mortgagee. ut the beginning of the growing sen- Bankable notes will be accepted aa ifnan nt n Mnvn ela .4tflt Later about six acre-Inches ' as supple- Mr. Kotera Is hauling his grain to Malin. Mrs. Crandall and son, Russell, spent several days in Klamath Falls last week. Mr. and Mrs. Gregory were in Klamath Fails on a short visit. "The" Red Cross work is being done by the women in their homes. At present there is little Influenza in the vicinity, but many have hard colds. IMPROVES A ITER OPERATION i Little Claud Kern, tho nine year old son of .Mr. and Mrs. Hen Kern of the Keno district underwent an ope- ration for appendicitis Monday at the j Kltimnth General Hospital and as his ensu was found to be very far advanc ed, his condition nt tlrst was consider ed most serious. At last reports, how over ho was said to bo Improving, M.aMaBMnaBiaMaBiiiBai.iBaiHBaaaav DELEGATES OF SOLDIERS' AND WORKMEN'S COUNCIL ADDRESSING CROWD IN FRONT OF EX-KAISER'S PALACE FROM AMBULANCE TOP Motors and Pumps For nt Irrigation nennon should l uidernl now ,ln order to got tho prop " equipment nnd innuro delivery in ttline, nt lowtvit cost. Lot ua lustall )'ur pumping plum, YOU WANT YOUIl MOTOK RIGHT VOim PUMP RIGHT YOUR INSTALLATION HIGIIT THAT WILL HTAV HIGHT Place your order with u, ami you know you nro right. flood cuglneerlnK ami Ins t alia t Ions ""Vi niinuiil expense ,nnd given bet w etuelency... Kstlmute furnlHhnl. Link River Electrical Co. 7th and Main HU. msmsESBBSSBaasssBass' ,iosstsr :. r" SiS?!J.iWf??fe syttisi ns?' ;S5 rEd'gggg iiiaaspMWMwm .. mmk .. .nii--Mt,-- -jw... j-h 'v"-) -,.'r'-;.i'.jfaMis: -...: 'jnniTJ rMH n iw'b' phis tmmMgMsw :i-aiWM''Hi$ 1 Bt? jWieJRlWT. afflSfc'TE2MR. IslJiWMli . H3EHIS'jSrVf.'K."v iS3I .. !KT 'T1j.MxfiBlsgllCKB?lKCTiiE5Sa!ra IVjHsVsijlBBHBBiHkBVBIiBBBBi .HjB I BSaBBsWlBlflBHBHBBBH SBBBaBBsViBEwHBPtVBBBBBlr ' I rBBBBBHsVHiBlsVMsSK WHBKBIHHHHBVsaHkBBStBBBllBBIBBB2lBlB9L 1 '"r JJ.JJ. .J-J . T h' ) BHHHBHHHHHHMsaHB son. were applied last season mentary Irrigation. ' The effects of these operations are! iudliMtcd In the production of forage' crops and removal of alkali. The average, yield of tho tame grasses was about three tons an acre, chiefly ulsiki) and timothy. An appreciable amount of alkali was pumped off in these drainage and Irrigation trials, the total of solids amounting to 266 pouiuU' an acre, being tho net amount removed. 1 nlrly definite methods of Improv ing the wild meadow and alkali lands have been developed. In tho recla mation on the pent lands drainage Is tho 'Irst step, while on the wild slt meadow better control of the Irriga tion water is of first Importance. Tho average of all trials Indicate a gen eral Held duty of 12 to 17 inches of theso lands. With better control of tho water, uso of tamo grasses and legumes, it is believed that it will bn possible practically to double the production of about 500,000 acres of marsh uud wild meadow lauds in the state. The wot areas undor Investigation Include white glands of tho Wlllam otto Vulley, seeped hill lands of West ern Oregon, tide and overflow lands of Juo Lower Columbia and coast re gion, water logged lands of Eastern Oregon. From studies on drnlnngo of whlto lands it has "boon established that on lands of this charactor tile laterals i should be four rods apart and thre icet ueep, wun capacity oi tne main drain for rovoming an acre inch of water from each aero in every 2 1 hours. Because drulnugo is expen sive and improvement of whlto land la slow, it is necessary t,o locate drains nnd "luuullo the laud after drainage, so as to loosen tho soil and facilitate the entrance of moisture Into tho tile In order to innko tho drulnugo enter prise most profltnhlo uud successful. Lime, clover, ninnuro, green ma nure and combinations of theso wore employed In these trials to fncllltute Get the Habit of v Drinking Hot Water Before Breakfast Saya we cant look or feel with the system full of poisons. . right PROFESSIONAL CARDS J. .M..-.-MMWMW)W''J Millions of folks bathe Internally now Instead of loading their system with drugs. "What's an inside bath?" you say. Well, it is a guaranteed to per form miracles it you could believe theso Lot water enthusiasts. There are vast numbers of men and women who, immediately upon arising! In the morning, drink a glass of real hot water with a teaspoontul of lime stone phosphate in It This is a very excellent health measure. It Is Intend ed to flush the stomach, liver, kidneys and the thirty feet of intestines of the previous day's waste, sour bile and In digestible material left over In the body which If not eliminated every day becomes food for the millions of, bac teria which infests the bowels, the quick result la poisons and toxins which are then absorbed Into the blood causing headache, bilious attacks, foul bu'ath, bad taste, colds, stomach trou ble, kidney misery, sleeplessness, Im imro blood and all sorts of ailments. People who feel good one day and badly the next, but who simply can not got feeling right are urged to ob tain n quarter pound of limestone phos phate nt the drug store. This will cost very little, but Is sufficient to make anyone a real crank on the subject of Internal sanitation, Just as soap and hot water act on tho. skin, cleansing, sweetening and fiesheulng, so limestone phosphate and hot water act on the stomach, liver, kidneys nnr bowels. It la vastly more important to bathe on the Inside than on the optslde, becauso the akin pores do not absorb impurities Into the blood, while the bowel porea do. Adv. DR. a A. MASSEY Successor to Dr. Truax Suit 200, I. O. O. F. Bldg Office phone 86J ' Res Phone 80M FRED WESTERFELD Loomi.s Hldg DENTIST Klamath Falls DR. WISECARVER DENTIST Crlsler & Stilts bldg, 7th &, Main Phone 854 CITY AM) COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY B17 Main Money to loan on real estate at . H pet cent. DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic I'hy.lrlan 8urg Suite JM. I. 0. O. F. Tempi ' (over K. K. K. 8tora) Phone S'Jt .. (The ouly Oateopaimc ru..- clan and Surgeon Falls ) in Klasutk KKt'KAKI. HUNT 8KRVI08 Phone ftU Night Phone MS