MONDAY, .IANTAHY 20. Ililli IWCIR TWO THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON The Evening Herald i:. j. m unit ay EDITOR Published ilnlly except Sunday by Tho Hornltl Publishing Company ot Klamntli Fulls, nt 115 Fourth street. Kntari'd nt tho postodlco nt Klam ntli KallH, Ore, for trnuamlsslon thru tilt) mnlls us second-class matter. Subscription terms by mall to any address In tho United States: One- year $5.00 Ono month .50 Mi'iulior of the Avmh-IiiIoI I'rcw Tho Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication ot all nous dispatchos credited to it or not otherwise credited In this pa per, and nlso local new- fubllslicd heroin. AU rights ot republication of ipc- clal dlspntches herein are also re Kcrvcd. P Moses that is to lead tho country! away from the bondage ot the meat I trust, and prevent the pollution ot, the halls of congress, the press, and. many other public and senil-publlc sources by the dirty dollars ot the, "packing trust." Mr. Heney seems to forget that the people thruout the nation have taken his measure. Just ns the people ot the Pacific Co:nt have measured him and found him ununK. .,..,. i ! Kail for a short time. I no people oi me Linieu f mies , v. r r.iiMi-r is a iMiiiiiiiiu runs are beginning to reallie that the cry lsitor from San Francisco I Mr and Mrs. J, 11. Mitchell and against corporations nnd railroads ... ,, ... , .. . I ' lc'or Miller aro County seat vlst IL ERSONAL MENTION MTTi.K HIOKMflHT ON LOCAL 8AWKX1NG9 AMONG TUK PKOI'I.R OK THIS CITY AND VICINTTY. tiOINGS AND COMINGS OF LOCAL FOLKS Mrs It 1-mul U a recent arrival In John Shook, a pioneer cattleman Klamath Falls from Hcml. I of the Dnlry district. Is In Klamath was rnlsed by a bunch of cheap, tin-, horn politicians, who were quick to see that It "took" with the voters. V H. Franklin came in Saturday exenlng from Weed, California. tors from the Dly district. F .1 t.Vlllirit wlln tind tiAnn linrn ,. .. .. .. . .... !...: " tf".-- ...... ...... wvv-.. ..-.. i. onus ,.. :i i!m-iiKit iui me .. -.,,, ,,..., ,, Klw,.,.0 ,.,.,, hl. I , ...- . -- . ... ..- . ..!.. kl.t . .......... 1.... k . .. t-.,..!- I " "' a " " 1 , " wua iuh an huiicm uiut eiiii'iu mi iin ii.uu mu imu units uuni can riiiuvia; MONDAY, JANfAlJY 'JO, 101t PITII.r.SS Pl'IIUC'lTY" 'Pitiless publicity!" Pooh! Where Is It at the Peace Conference? What has become of one of the President's precepts about "open covennnts. openly arrived at?" A not very care ful search will find them among the "scraps ot paper" in tho waste bas kets of England, France and Italy. Word comes from Europe that the gag rule Is to be enforced, and the public will know of the proceedings nt the peace table only after a deci sion has been reached and definitely dlnposed of. During the progress of the war we were told that the Peace Conference that would lay the foun dation for a peace that would (or all time end war would be the first at which the people of all nations would have an opportunity to make their will known and felt; that all ot the proceedings would be open and above board, and that the day of secret diplomacy wus at an end. President Wilson was the strongest advocate of such a doctrine, but we can find no yhere In the reports that are permit ted to leak over the wires- from France that he Is today demanding, on behalf of the American people, that the proceedings of the Peace Conference shall be open-to the world nnd that the newspaper men from the United States shall be permitted to sit In and tell what takes place at the proceedings where the interests of the entire world are at stake. The only uncompromising friends of tho people are the American news paper men. The British representa tives of the press were quieted with the offer to have one of their number handle the proceedings for them, but the Americans, manifesting the same spirit which turned the tide and won the war of liberty for the world, re fuse anything but unconditional sur render to the will of the people. Tho silence ot the President and the American representatives Is the greatest surprise so far growing out of the proceedings, and It must event ually lead to the conclusion that this ullence Is due to a desire on their part to keep from the American peo ple the sorry spectacle they make at the table, where they must acquiesce to the dictation of the nations that were defeated were it not for the men, money and munitions of the American nation. It is tho duty of the President to btand firmly for "pitiless publicity," that the people of the world shall know in advance that their rights are not being bartered. If this program of secrecy is followed, It will be the final act necessary to convince the world what it bus long suspected that the "fight for democracy" was a humbug, and was a slogan used only to blind them to the fact that it was really only a battle for spoils. IIKNKY AGAIN AT IT The Irrepressible Francis J. Heney bus again found his voice after the repudiating drubbing he got at tho hands of his fellow citizens in Cali fornia at tho last primaries, where he was so overwhelmingly beaten for tho democratic nnminutlon for gov tir'nor. Tho average person (under the same humiliating circumstances) would "silently fold his tont" nnd hide away. In the hills In the hopes that ho would ho forgotten, but not so with Heney. Wo find him appear ing before the senate agricultural committee raising his "voice of righteousness" against everyone and everything connected with the pack ing Industry, hurling, forth his threadbare cry of "trust," and be smirching the good name and repu tation of some of tho leading mem bers of both houses, because they have hud tho tomerlty to question tho accuracy of some at tho state ments of the gentleman from Cal ifornia correction of many evils that wen' co prevalent a few years ago. Heney was one of these, but he, is not smart enough now to see thnt the people have tired of this class of ottlce-seek- ers. One of the strongest proofs of II morning for Son Francisco. Concerted Move For National Highways On KANSAS CITY. Jan 20 A im-.try. for which federal bucking ' 'I" tlotml orgunliutlon will bo formed sired, will be outlined al tomorrow 'h hero tomorrow by representatives of ootneiitlon forty-one big trunk line road ussocIh-! At the 1'hlnigo conference II 0 tions for tho purpose of seeking fed- Cooley of ..Minneapolis win appointed oral aid for established national high-1 temporary chairman ami Frank A 'Daxls, Kansas City. lmporar necni It Is hoped that out of tho couveu- tar. Hon will grow a union sulllclently! Mr. Dal win that the road ushii- :: Ros.s W. Finley, 1). O Ivan and S. R. ' ,, . . ... . ' strong to Impress congress with the clatlons Interested In the coinen Sargent are County seat visitors from!!' ' ,',., J ,, . , ."? P .'need of official recognition of the 'lion represents between Ilfi.mtii and Merrill. j " ,,nS U bnCk " hU VMl ,0dny highways represented .and of exteu-j 10,000 miles of established l.lKh O. Adams and Robert Hurlon , .. " c,.v. . ... l.k. .... , ,,,,. rrriH Instead .. . . (i ... , . . . ... Itttttlt. ( ' 1 IX J tll IVIIIIIIUM IM'HI H IIVIM I I'J H'lll" ......-.,--. ..,..: " ," ' - ;. ., short business visit in California, the published reports of the earn- from Portland. ings of the leading packing compa- nles. These show that some of his ' statements are untrue, it would In deed be a relief If he walked the plank leading to obscurity. Miss Ruth Avery nnd Miss Alleen Smith made a trip to Weed Cnllfor-1 11. D, Newell Is among the recont city arrivals. He comes from Hermit- i ton and Is stopping at the Hotel I Id 1. The convention was decided upon I of continuing as) Individual orgunUa- recently at a Joint convention of the American Association of Slate High way Officials and the Highways In dustries Association at Chicago Rep resentatives of thirteen trans-cond itions, it Is believed that rapid prim ress In road building will be possl hie, Mr Davis said cieciea uovemor or i Kansas While Abroad! i ma y e:it'r!iur. I ,v., ,., ... .. t na Ktranud. a aheep buyer Is , ... .. v ........ .- .... ........... hcfe ffom Sjn PrancUco for a fcw nenui and Interstate highway asso i" "'",. ." Tm roKls,l,re, days, lie Is a guest at the Hotel clatlons attended this conference, at the Hotel Hall. i,ii ... . i ii m expected inni a uemme sys We sell milk from tubercular-test-1 Mr. ana Mrs. Al Molhnse left thbi ed cows. Anyone wishing the besti morning for a visit of several weeks Item of roads covering the entire conn quality of milk with prompt nnd elfi- icient service, phone 49. i 20-6t ALTAMONT DAIRY. m ii Hopes Women Will Adopt This Habit As Well As Men l Glass of hot water each morn ing helps us look and feel clean, sweet, fresh, with relatives and friends In llerke ley. Mr. and Mrs. D. McKcnile are here from Portland for a abort time. Thej , aro guests at the White Pelican Hotel, i ' T. W. (Iruham came In last even- , Ing from ReaHluff, California. He , Is registered at the White Pelican , Hotel. t Don Kern, who operate a cattle ranch In the Keno section, la looking after business Interests In Klamath . Falls today. Iff IT N E PUT CREAM IN NOSE AND STOP CATARRH TelU How To Open Clocged No. trils and Kjid Hrnd-Coldn. Quality Drugs... II Isn't ecniioui) and It Isn't wise to Ini) Miijllilnu but (lie In". I In drugs. - We Imve gnluetl Hie inn llilrmc of our iiisluiiieis ! xelllllg ilrilgs of llie lilubeil qiiallt) only. You I'liniint buy mi) oilier kind here, mill )iui ore nhtii)N .iifi. mtil Mite (lull nnttilng Iml the besl ilillgs will lie mild In llils store. Ufderwoofc Pharmary V0 hLVtVlll tAU-S (IKLtiOrt . " I V .r HLAMUII IALI.S IIWLIiON SOV-ELta UtNKr J AUEM of KAtTAT Henry J. Allison, editor of the I Hippy, bright, alert vigorous and vivacious a good clear skin; a natural rosy complexion and freedom from ill ness are assured only by clean, healthy I blood, if only every- woman and like wise every man could reallie the won 'ders ot the morning Inside bath, what a gratifying change would take place. Instead of the thousands of sickly, anaemic- looking men, women and girls with pasty or muddy complexions; In stead of the multitudes ot "nerve Wichita (Kansas) Beacon, has just wrecks," rundowns," brain fags" and returned to this country after spend- pessimists we should see a virile, opti Ing eighteen months on the American rulstlc throng of rosy cheeked people front as a Y. M. C. A. secretary to everywhere. y take up his duties as governor ef: An Inside bath Is had by drinking. Kansas. He was so busy with his leach morning before breakfast, a glass "Y" duties that he did not return 'of real hot water with a teaspoonful of for the campaign, and has the dls- limestone phosphate In It to wash from tlnctlon of being the only absentee jihe stomach, liver, kidneys and ten candidate ever elected in this coun-'yards of bowels the previous day's ln try. IMG AIR KKRRY FROM LONDON TO PARIS ON. digestible waste, sour fermentations and poisons, thus cleansing, sweeten ing and freshening the entire alimen tary canal before putting more food Into the stomach. . Those subject to sick headache, bll- LONDON, Jan. 20. A regular nerJjousness, nasty breath, rheumatism, lal passenger service between Lond-coids; and particularly those who have on and Paris In connection with tho;a pallid, sallow complexion and who peace conference will be inaugurated 'are constipated very often, are urged tomorrow. A number of airplanes to obtain a quarter pound of limestone have been fitted up for the service. , phosphate at the drug store which will They have a comfortable, cabin for lCOSt but a trlne but Is sufficient to dem two passengers, including cushion on3(rate tlle quIck aml remarkable seats and a table entirely enclosed icljange ln bolh ueaUn and appearance with glass. The airplane will make awaiting those who practice internal the trip ln two hours. I sanitation. We must remember that , Inside cleanliness Is more Important Licking war-savings stamps leaver than outside, because tho skin does not a pleasant taste In the mouth. Try absorb impurities to Contaminate the it. Chicago Dally News. .blood, while the pores In the thirty HOW SCOUTING PLANES ARE LAUNCHED FROM BATTLESHIPS FROMUTOP OF BIG GUNS Now that the wur Is over the con- shows a Hrltlsh scouting piano leav ing one of tho new Hrltlsh battle sor is permitting the public to learn icrulhura. Two of the warahlp'H big some of the moat Important military guni( support tho runway and landing According to Mr. Heney, bo Is thojsecrets. This official photograph J platform, Orb Campbell, a well known ranch er of the Pine Crove section bought supplies of the Klamath Falls mer chants Saturday afternoon. Leo Saucr, who has been, working In the Klamath Falls Creamery left this morning tor a short visit with his parents at (.rants Pass. I No more dutlnetu, hnnducliM, no I hawking, snuffling, mucous ills I charge or dryiins. no aim lliii; tor ri;.TF.R WAS SO WK.IK COI'I.D' bieath at night 11 IHIILY WALK (JAINS TWKV j Tell jour druggUt im want a small 'I POUNDS r.V I'.UdMI rV.; little of Kly's Cream llulm Apply I-C f I a little of this fragrant, uuiUoptlc 1 cream In your uotrlln. let It penulrato "I will chcorfully tell anyone, who'"'"-'' -'ory ulr passage, of tho head, la looklnc for something to t,n, ! aoottiu and heal the hwoIIiiii, Inflamed mucous meinnrane, ana reuri comes Instantly It Is Just wiutl every cold and ca tarrh sufferer needs Don't sta stuf-(ed-up unit mlsurable. Vou feel line In a fnw moiuents Vour cold In bead or catarrh will be tgMg ?!! !? !! gone. Your clogged nostrils will open The air passages ot jour nenu will clear and you can brvntho freely them up, tluit Tanlac certainly brought me out of tho klnki," win the characteristic statement made b) Jchn A. Meyers, house pnl.iler and ('.ecorator of Deardan, Washington .vhl'c In M.mottroyd's a- Sp)kime, "'.tntly. "I enn't sny that ' H-id-rcl r n v particular pain," he continued, "I' ..... ... . ... i Harry W. Cheesewrlght arrived Ju" nau '0 lle"o '"" K"t 'o Saturday evening from Chicago on terribly run-down condition. I he matters of business. He Is stopping. I,cve could l,avu " u wook wUh' at the White Pelican Hotel. I out fcellnR '"'). What little I J did eat was forced down nnd Hnemed1 The remains of J. E. Vose who pas- ,0 j0 ie no good, ns I lost weight sed away Saturday morning at Fort ,.nd strength all the time. I hnd. Klamath are to be shipped tomorrow K(-(ten jown to n,oiit skin and bones, FRANK T. GUNTHER watciimakhr and ji:wi:li:r line Wiilcti Repairing n rlpeiiiilty (121 Main Street to his former home at Cold Hill. H. N. Moe ot Moe and Company left this morning for SanFrancosco, where he expects to spend the next few days on matters of business. Lieutenant Dr. J. H. Carter came In Saturday night on a twenty day furlough. Ho Is In the Naval Serv ice and at present stationed In Vir ginia. . W. E. Lamm of the Lamm Lumber Company of Modoc Point came In last evening from San Francisco where he has been on matters of business for the last few days. You're welcome to calendar for the New Year. We have good sup ply of homely ones and m pretty ones. Cbllcote Jk Smith.' 24 How about JHIbernia Irredenta? Chicago Tribune. H OUST ON' Metropolitan Amasemeat s HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE DARK STAR THEATER TODAY Tlilnl Official Government War Film "UNDER FOUR FLAGS" Five Solid Heel of vivid scene. filmed by photographer of tho U H. Signal Corp, V. K. Navy and Allied ArmlcH of the lost great buttle, lend- Ing to the downfall oT Germany. Alo A Throe Keel Comedy. AdinliNlon 10 29 cent. Show Start 7:00 and 0:15. TEMPLE THEATER TODAY Triangle Present ALMA RUMENS AND Una V. MONO In "THE PAINTED MLLY" Also Hearst I'uthe New and A Real Comedy, AclmlNolon 10 211 cent. MttUnco U.0. Evening 7:30 St 0. MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION PIOTUBKb TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS Merrill, Oreo ond was so weak that I was actually nfrnld to go up on n house to paint j My energy nil left me and I had t;ot ten to where I couldn't hold out to. do a whole day's work. "I had read about Tanlac bolni; lnc for poople In n rundown coniC tlon. and I now know for mysolf, fort It bos put mo In shape to where I have already gained twenty pounds.! And speaking of appetites, I've got the best ono I ever had. Meal tlinci j comer too slow for me and when thny j i'o pet around I hardly know wh'on to quit eating. I bara gotten my i sttength and energy back too. mut now I can do as much work as any innn my age. I had been losing gtniind two or three years and ncth. Ing ever hit the spot until 1 got Tan lur. so It certainly Is the medicine' for me." Tanlac Is sold in Klamath Falls by the Star Drug Co., and In Lorelta by the James Merc. Co. Adv. High Grade Ladies' & Men's Clothes MADE TO ORDER FINEST MATERIALS REST OF WORKMANSHIP LATEST STYLES PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED Prices arc very renionnblo Your inxpcrlion Invited Chas. J. Cizek MERCHANT TAILOR rtJS Main Ht. RECKARD RENT SERVICE Phone (to Night Plume 3(8 Motors and Pumps For next irrigation eiiun lniiill ! ordered now ,lu order to gel the prop er tiiilpiueiit ami Injure ilellverj lu time, nt ImieM ml. Lei Uo lnlnll jour iMiuipliig plaul. VOU WANT VOI R MOTOR RIGHT VOI R PI MP RIGHT VOI'R INSTALLATION RIGHT THAT WILL STAY RIGHT Place jour order wild u, unci jitii know Jim are right. Guild eiigllieerlug nnd liitnlliitl"ti hiivii anuiial evpeuie .mill given liet ter elllclency. EMlmato fiiriiNlieil. Link River Electrical Co. Ttti nnd Main Ht. iSK I'LL GIVE UOU 15.0, TU WHY SELL" EXTRA LARGE COYOTES FOR $I52-WHEN Vnr mnro linn fhlrlv-fivo vn.irfi "SHUBERT" lms hfiun nlvlivi Kur Shlnncrs nn honest and nssnrlment nnvinir tho Iiinhest market Drices aendinir returns out Droumtly render ing "better service" "quicker." "SHUBERT" Wants Oregon Furs-All You Can Ship A "SHUBERT TAG ENVELOPE" on your shipment means "more money" for your Furs "quicker" "the best and promptest SERVICE in the wotld." GET A SHIPMENT OFF TODAY "m c ' I S., IM. HllMlnl ffl .1tU HEAVY PAVftTC nRRlD,CASE0 lUlUIL OPEN AND HEADLESS IMUSKRAT WINTER FALL N?I,EXIRAWRGE tXTBA TO AVtPAOC 23.00lo23.00 22.00tol8.00 3.00to 2i0 Z30lo 1.90 N? I, LARGE EXTRA TOAVCPACE HH.ME0IUM (XfRA TO AVERAGE 20.00(0 17.03 16.00to 14.00 225lo 1.7S t lOio 1.60 15.09(0 12.00 12.00to 10.00 l.GOlo UO 1.50to UO H9 1. SMALL EYTRA TO AVERAGE N92 AiTOsirtc euiiiir 10.09(0 8.C9 ' 8.00to 0.00 l.lOlo .S3 1.00(o M 10.00to 6.00 8.OOI0 4.00 1.03to .75 .85(0 .60 N?3 ASTOSIEiesWUTY 3.00(0 2.00 2.00to 1.50 .50to .40 .35(0 SHIP YOUR rURS . s m tj DIRECT TP Eft me as -- 4m mam mr-m warn wrm m vc THE LARGEST HOUSE IN THE WORLD DEALING EXCLUSIVELY IN AMHICAN A.W. FURS. 35-7i.W AUn Ave, VtfU J53Z Vnlcago, U.S.A.