i Herald b? OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH FALLS Thirteenth Ycnr No. 3,523 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 20, 1919 Price, 5 cents itutftttnn WORLD POLICE POD GETTING ; SILL SUPPORT- League of Nntion I Being Formed ! ! : RUSSIA IS CONSIDERED Vmm lrln lli-liu War Mn Hf D. rlnrisl, l HHiik Athnnititl li) Mmi) IMcgnlr Matter f Kit, furring League"'. Dt'i'M""" l ''l1! Ilmiiil Willi NiHloii-.. I AltiS Jim 2" Marked priUfiAi U I cm: liltiilti nl Hi" l'oai" Coitfiv .i,i ir. iiinpiirliiK III" viiilnii plana lor i In' fi-rmalluii nf thu League 'f Nrtuui. imuI hiiriiionUIng llnm Into ui'ity l li!' I'ri'i'lilrnl Wltnou Iihh twenty five r.urn winking ilny biifotn hit io tiirni nnd "HI tiy anil brltiK tin i ut. nun t'lBi'tlii'i- In Hint time. It HOW M'l'III.H Ugrci'll Hint HlKIO III In n- mipi-r-Hiiviiri'lKiily or Com- llloll .illn flir( I' I'atlllllllllll'il. Tin' ii.i'Mioti an to whether the Nbtlniin rtlut 1 1 tniitrlhuli' fores '. I rarryliiK nut tlu l.engun'M declitlonti will li- Ivll In cih'Ii untloii Individual ly rin it'll 'ill pluUOmult tlilko.l Itbt.ul I'lltLoilll'l till' I'llllirKOUKMIl o t'io I'lliu liili-n KintnliiPil In tilt' !riiitli!it nrxotliitloiiii by William Jennings llryan, which provide for u year' iliOiy bcli r the declaring 'f witi. Tin' 111-11111111 of IIiihhIii will ho t.il.i'it tip I'y ilif Supremo Council of tint I'o-tre t nii'iTi'iifi' today. BOLSHEVIKI ARE SLACKENING "PACE WAItHAW. Jan 21). Tin. Ilnluli -WklM Ironin linvn ulucki'iu'il tlirlr ml.; viiiut nt (tin I'ollnli Imrilnr. Tim I'm Inn Ii'iiiIitii alli'Ko tlm OnriiiiiUH liavn IhtiimjIIIhk nrniH to tint llnlntinviklun J who nrn IhhuIiik trocliiiuatlon that thi'y linf coiiiil to roHlini' orilcr. Tlic IliilHliovlklHta Mihllorn liowovtr, lime lii'nn ntrryliiK luinnitrti lnrrl'nl "I.CH1K l.lvo. tint lli'il Ti'rror" 'iml "ltoatli in Non workurn". siiitiii.w ritt:.Mu:it kkskins i KAI.ONIK1, Jan. 20. -Nikola I'. I'nclilti'li, tint Kitrliluii promUtr has ri'tlKiii'il mid u now nililnul In to tui fnrincil for nltl Sorti. Croat. Hlovoii')' Kintfiiinii. It Im nnnoiini't'tl. M'WtlACAXS ATTII.MI'T TO IMIK 1IIOV IIAM.OT IIOXKH, HIT AlllI nii't!i,si:i itv (iovi;itx.Mi:T lltOOI'S. HKHUII'S ir.VKXOWX. LONDON, Jan. 30. Hints occur ""'1 at Herlln.ilni'lnR Iho nlRht f.ftcr be Spminciin.s attempted to ilcntn.y "if l.illol boxe, used In Suinlay' tlecllen. 'I'lie Hparliicnim huvn been imihiIiipiI nerywlwiii by the Rovernnuit troopH. IHOItUN, Jan. 110 Only HcottorliiR nlnctlmi loturnn arn iivnlliihlo. In onn Precinct tint majority hooIiiIIhIh poll ''! 1028 vote ninl tho Independent tnclMlhln. Hoven. TAX I.IKNH KIliKI) Tax lions lmvo boon filed by Johho iN "low iiKaliiHt A. J. Doylo and tho uiiKnown holra of, T, Ziino nnd ngnliiHt rrli Mead In the offlcu of. tho Co,oity Clerk, ITS FOLLOW RUN ELECTIONS XOTM'K TO AI'TO OWNERS Them will liu n iiirotlnii (if tlii) iiiiliiiiinlilli) ownurit nf K In mi nth (.'(Mi nly In Din council chain burn of I liu illy hull, til K o'clock TilKMluy evening, Jiiniliiry 211, fur the purpose of organlclng u I'liiilily iiHHoeliitlon. and taking ' niich Hinpn Inwards net'tirlng ' Hluti legislation iih will tillable Kliitmitli Coiiiil) In Join lli pro reunion fur till' Improvement (if ItN highways mill furnishing initio! opportunities fur tint rtt t urn Iti k Hiilillcrn In ni'i'iim mil ployiiii'Ml Show your Interest In homo development mill piitrl ntlmn hy attending IS CALLED ! STATE HIOHWAY COMMISSION j must present plans i-tm j OMIXC vi:.u TO lcoisla. ! tohs xi:.t moxdav. j SALKM. Jan. 20. Following a 'spirited ili'lmtii IimI hy Klii'liliin of . Jiiilii-on County, who pleaded ul.ti the legUliitnr.', not to P'trnui flui Oitopiih" known an tin- Mtitiuluou.i I'nvliiK TriiM, to procure it blond ttii'Llur HirmiRiilioM upon tint goo.1 p hiU itiovi'iiimu, Senator Timmnrf trrn nteil a minim Inn rn'lltji: upn:t : tin Highway rnmmlwilon to pienenl ' loml proKram to tint legislature. ! I'lll ri'HolUtloll llllHKllll tllll lIllll'.O ' with Iht ami'iidmciit that tliu ii.o'Hmk Im next Monday Instead of Thtirulny. BILLY WEEKS IS HOMEWARD BOUND Tlnit Knriti'itnt Illlllt WiM'kn. who Iiah lit'tui In llif aviation tlcpuitmrnt of tin' military mrvlcn ulnrc Hit' out Itrt'iik of tln win-, li now on lilit way lioiui' from I'miirc, In Ilic Kind ni) Jilhl icci'lvfil liy IiIk Hlstnr, MIkk Doro thy Wt'itkH of tint Klrt Niitlnnal Hunk. IIIIIIii'h It'tlor, wrttton two wiMiliK iirii nl.'ilcil that hy tht) t lino It rfarlit'il htr ln would Im on IiIk lioniowiiril trip. WtkH In well known In li'lti clly whi'rn In' hh I'inployi'd nt (lilt Klrnt Htaln and HiivIiikh Hank. IIAMtCIt ATTi:XI)S roiiTLAM) Mi-:irn.M. Ciulilir John Sli'iut'im, Jr. t'f llto j rimt Stntit and SiivIuks Hank tuft .M'Kini'iiay uir ronianii m iiuunu Htiifkluililfim itiocdiiK of lint Hunkers nnirtKiiKtt corporation. im Kiriii-n nv roi.T C. C. (Illmon of ltKU lllKh Stittct hail tint mlHfortujiit yostiirday to liu kicked In tint fncii hy a cult ami to hnvi) IiIh iiohii liatlly cut, coritT .mi:i:tk sati'udav The County Court met at tint Court House Hiilurtlay afternoon for u short mimhIoii, hut mi UubIuosm of Impor tance wiih traiiHarted. IM. WITH IMIXl'MOXIA ,. N. llannttn in rniorieii io mi fcrlomily III at tho Klamath (lonenil liosplial with plural pneumoni.i. STAXDAHD tHli MAX I.KAVIIS Mr. (J. II. McCutrhan, Kale maun Kor for tho Standard Oil Co.. loft on this mornluR'a train to look after tho htiHlncHB of hit territory which comprint' Northern California and Southern Oioroii. , lUXOVKHS l'KOM IXI'M'KX.A Mra. Wheeler, wife of Dr. C, 13. Wheeler. Iiiih liaen nuffoiliiR from an attack of tho Influenza In Onklund. accordliiR to reports rocolvcd hero, but Is now rocovorliiR nlcoly. WIIATHIMt IIKI'OIIT OruKon. Unlit, inodorato uortli- oimteily winds Maximum yesterday, 48 dcRroos. Minimum today, 27 dourocH, M COUNTY AUTO BE FORMED HERE ; Organization Launched To j morrow Night 'many favor move Organ ljtl ion I'lirlintl Willi Vlrw of Hwurliig Itouil IH-Kinlntlon From I'rrncm St-itlon t Salrm Mnuy Cur OttlMTo KkHx-trl to I In on llaiiil All Intltnl. Tliu llmt iiiiivc on behalf of bt't tnr hlKhway will bo made tomor row ulKhl. whi'ii tlm automobtlit owncrt of (ho county will k.iIIht at I liu city hall for tliu purpose of or Kki IiIuk an aulomobllo r'uh tl,i iMi'iiilicmlilp of which will cmbraco th tutlro county. On of tlio pili.i ttr obJcctK a ml olio which will bo klviu atli'iitlon at (ho meeting to on now iiIkIh, will bu the tciiiiiii'. Htitli li'Rlnlatlun from tho xtatu an will nimble thin county to join tho proct'Hnlon that In forming thruout Ort'Ron for the construction of per manttnt romlK, Thin In itomcthliiK that will bo of vital Interest to every renlilent of Klamath County and one that kIiouIiI receive careful consid eration. A number of the owner of mach ines have been dlscimsInK the matter of orKitnUliiR an ntitomobllo club for tlm county, and Snturday nlfiht sever al of theft) derided that the qulcke.it way to tiring the matter up for con Klderatlou would be to Issue n call for a meetltiK of all the owner of math liitm In tint county. This they do thru tho columns of The Herald. Already tho matter has been discussed thru out the bu.slneim Bectlon of the city, and tint Indications are that there will be a largo attendance. The meetliiK will be railed to order at S o'clock, and iih there will bo it number of iiiestlons of considerable Interest to be disposed of thoso con I templatliiK uttenilliiR nru urscd to b; on hand early. rut pep Into lint start hy Iiolnc piesent and show your Interest In th welfare of the county by luudliiR r.n rntlni.sUsllc hand In the orRanlzatlon of a club that must of necessity play an Important part In the development of Klamath County CALLED ROME wht: oi' wki.Ii known haxcii. an is t.ki:x kauky vkstku- DAV AITKItXOOX. HAD HKKN IICACIIKIt IX CITY SCHOOLS A i-o v cio toss to this community was sustained shortly afternoon yes teiday In the doittli of Mrs. Hurry Kinney, who passed away at 604 Ninth St, following an attack of tho Influenza with other complications. Her husband Is a well known farmer of the Olene dl.strlct. Mrs. Kinney, who was possessed of n beautiful disposition, came bore Motif years iiro from Wisconsin. 8ho was n successful school teacher and tiuiRht tlurhiR a pari of last year at tho Hlversldo School, Tho dpcoasod was Miss Flossie linker, previous to her murrlaKo. She was born on March, 3rd, 1887 being nearly thirty-two years at tho. time of bor doiilh, In addition to her husband hero, she leavos a father and brother In Wisconsin, No arrangements will bo made for tho funoral until word has been re ceived from tho eastern relutlves. COUNCIL MKKTH TONIGHT. The regular Boml-monthly meet ing of the City Council will' bo hold this evening at the City Hull, 1 i mm THE INFLUENZA SITUATION Kuril ilny (here ttlll be pulilMicil In till column complete Information iih to tlm Influrnui situation. Here will be found the report of Health Olliccr Hottlr, tlm name anil mltln-sM-i of new cucw, unit nil Information Unit Mill r.uivej tho exact cuinllf Ion of tho public lienllli. Am all nfllclul Informa tion leRiiHlIng till uwtlnn will be pltliltsln-il, tlm public I wmin'il iiKiiliift Ix-lievInK "' Kloricn that do tint intt- it their foundation the facts , rontnlnci! In The Herulil. ll(. KOCI.K'H ItKI'OIlT Tint follonlnK iisi- linvc been re ported to me during the putt IH heur: Klrtchcr Kalph, llt.'t (iriinil nte. Waller I'oiiicruy, Imbj, Mills Atlill Hon. Mr. Stllcfi, Km-II ranch. Dlt. A. A. SOL'I.K City Htvtltli Officer. YANKEES ARE STILL AT WIMi ADAMS SAYS XO AltMIS TICK WITH COOTIK HAS HKKX AltUANtiKD. IICX CAVKS COM. I'AHKI TO LAVA IIKDS. The war Is not jet over declares Will Adams of the 104th Engineers in France, In a letter to his father. J. Frank Adams of this city, because the cootie seem to be entirely ignor ant of the fact that the armistice has been signed. Will has been st ran Re ly exempted from this strife however, due he believes to his fondness for raw onions, which he secures by honesty, treachery or brlbory on all occasions. The letter which Is of unusual loiiRth, tells of tho officers under ground quarters visited after they were deserted by the enemy. Three stories or more down under the ground, tho Hun had (Iur themselves In, Adams says, and It was liko Ruing down Into thf eaves at the Lava beds. Toward the end of tho conflict tho (lermans appeared very anxious to surrender to tlio Americans, and he describes one Instance where a rook unarmed, brotiRht In uiRht of the enemy. Tho writer tells of the heroism of many of the Yaukeo wounded who walked to tho hospitals with bullets thru them In order to make room In the ambulances for those who wore more seriously hurt. Me was nmoiiK tho boys who built tho roads for tho American army In tho Argonue for est and Is mighty proud to liavo been with hi associates, lie tells of be ing promoted to Corporal and hints of another posslblo promotion soon. Tho letter was written on Decem ber, 10 th and the' grass was still as green as In June. It Is declared to bo a very pretty country with tho quaint old houses many of which were built In tho early part of tho sixteenth cen tury, Adams hopes now that tho war J,s over that he and his brother. Hob, who saw somo of tho heaviest fighting in tho front trenches will be discharged aud sent home, but ho hus no means of knowing how soon. MERRILL BANK HAS SELECTED OFFICERS Tho following directors liavo boon raiiiod for tho First National Hank at Merrill for tho coming yoar, nc cordiiiK to an announcement mad it today, W. C, Dnllon, John Moore. Leslie Kogcra, E, M, liubb and A, M. Collier. - W. C. Dalton has boon olccled prctldent, A, M, Collier, vice-pros.'-dont nnd E. M. Hubb, Cushlor. I H1SSK VRKNCII, NOT OKItMA.V The EmU Frlsso of the Ejiglncera of France Is not of Gorman extraction as was reported In thfa'Oregonlan and quott-d In tho Herald In Saturday's Issue, Is emphatically stated by Ills Wothor hero, vh6 says that tho family Is of French descent. Tho quo tation was taken from- a stry tolling of FrlPse'a capture of a German avia tor, with a lumberman's poavey, 1 i IS CALLED El Prominent Dealer is Sum moned This Morning COMMUNITY WORKER! KiilerprNiiiR llii-lne-- Man Who Hail i Ileen nl llr.ul of Local Civic Organ-, IaiiI Ions K Suihleiily Stricken lit) llriilli l-iirly Toilay .'l Conies as ti'renl Shock to the City. Klnmuth Falls suffered a shock this morning when the news of the death of O. J. l-lskelson, prominent furniture dealer and business man becamo known over the city. One of the most progressive and enter prilng of the city's business personel, the los.1 to the community, will be a ss-'eru one and the shock to his flier ds Is greater, as his illness was of very short duration and few knew o' it. Pneumonia Is given as the cui.ee of his death, Mr. Eskelson has figured prom inently in nearly all the big moves for the advancement of Klamath Falls and was considered ne of the leaders In matters of this kind. He served a successful term as president of tho Klamath Falls Dusiness Men's AsM-ciation and was for a long per iod, a director of the Klamath Com mercial Club. Ho was born on September 7th. 1S85 In Lexington, Morrow County. Oregon and lived there nearly all of l'ir lifo until coming to Klamath Falls eight years ago. i He has operated a furniture and .second hand establishment since com ing to this city. Ho Is survived by a wife and five children and one sister. Mrs. Robert Wilcox here and a father and mother nnd seven brothers and sisters at Lexington. The funeral will bo hold a two o'clock tomorrow at the Whlt lotk Chapel, It will be of a privato nature. The d.eceased was taken 111 Wed nesday and tho end cume at 4 o'clock this morning. A host of warm f 'lends hero will mourn the passing of Mr. Eskelson. E Ikkost now oit of tiitor.M) so THAT SXOW AND ISAIX WILL SINK IX. HOADS AIM-: ITT IX HAD SHAPE HOWEVElt. Tho heavy snowfall which is fall ing ovur tho County today and the warm rain which has descended dur ing tho past two nights, conies as a boon to tint farmers and stockmen of this section, who have been somewhat anxious over tho agricultural out look for the next season. The ranges last yoar in many sections suffered severely for lack of moisture of tho winter previous and tho prospects wore again becoming dubious. Tho warm thaw boforo the storm, took a largo part of tho frost out of tho ground, -so that a large portion of tho snow now falling will sink Into tho earth Instead of running off Into tho streams. Tho rccp snow In tho hills will also ussuro good flow from tint mo'untniu springs by which much of tho meadow hay Is secured. Tho thaw has played havoc with tho roads, howovor and travelers report that tlioV nro now almost Impassible In tho sou the ni parts of tho County. 1'OHMKIt HESIDEXT ItKTL'ltXS Ernest Wolford, who formerly re sided In this -city and has been away for nu extended period, has returned und will probably remain, M a M IT NT T OFFICIALS for new OIL COMPANY NAMED At a meeting of tlio Klamath Oil ( Miiipny, Sunday afternoon, lh; fcl I louluir off Iters were elected Ed llloonilug'-smp, president, Gcorae ' llloomlii'rc.-iiiip, vice-president, Cnpt. J SltmciiB, Secretary-treaurer nnd ( 1 N'.l Cinipbell, man.'iRnr. Ed lllnom- InRiamp, Ceorge IllooiiilnRcanifi, J. ; W. ?!i'i!ifun, Nell Campbell anil David Mdler are the directors of the ncwl ompr.ny. The company in now awaiting ;he arrival of an expert to assist in Je termiuatiUR the best location for the sinking of tho first well. j , - TO BE CURDED (OVKItXMKXT COXTEMI'LuVrKS THIS I'OLR'V I'LAXS TO HKXD TIIKKK DKLKATKS TO THE,' I'KACK COXKKltEXCK DUBLIN. Jan. 20. Tuegorern-. it is reported here,' is nbour'lo issued - - - . v ' proclamation tightening the laws against the Sinn i Felners. Some mouths ago a proclamation'' was Is sued under the crlmesfitct-declarlng the Sinn Felners were' dangerous. This was the necessary preliminary step to the suppression of the organ ization, but no subsequent step has been taken. Once a proclamation suppressing the Sinn Fein is issued It becomes a crime to belong to the organization, and the government -can send any number to jail. The Sinn Fein Intends to summon its own parliament, and already has held two preliminary meetings. It treats tho last election as an act of sclf-detoriuipatiou, and looks upon all persons elected, regardless of party, us members of tho Irish republic as sembly. Thirty-four of tho Sinn Feinors elected arc in imprisonment, und this has delayed the calling of the nation al assembly. When the assembly Is called the question is whether tho government will ignore It or suppress It. Two influences are operating on the judg ment of tho lord lieutenant. Viscount French, who Is the real ruler. One side declares the Sinn Felners have an impractical policy and will wear themselves out If let alone, while, if they are hnrrassed they will retain thu support of tho country. Viscount French is said to lean to tho former view. The Sinn Felners intend, if tie na tional assembly meets, to nominate threo delegates to the peace confer ence. They will claim representation as if Ireland were a separate state, like Belgium or'Serbla. They do not expect their claims will bo granted, but arei doing all they can to get President Wilson to raise tho Irish question. HOOVER IS URGING ARMENIAN RELIEF PORTLAND, Jan. 20. A telegram to Federal Food Administrator W. K. Newell from headquarters at Wash ington states that thu national cam paign to taiso $30,000,000 to relieve tho Near East, Including Armenia, Assyria nnd Persia, has the unquali tied Indorsement of food administra tion aud of Herbert Hoover' person ally, who Is u6v abroad to investigate European food .conditions. "Mr. Hoover hus .cabled- his per sonal views," reads tho telegram, and urges thu necessity of making tlie campaign a succosh. Kindly do everything in your power to assist in your stato tho organization ulready formed for this purpose, " SOLIHKK HOYS RETUUX Andrew Voso and Earl U Stewurt who have been stutloned ut tho Can tonment camp ut Camp Lowls, have returned to Klamath County. They loft this morning for their homes In the Merrill sectlou, N N BUTTE FALLS ROAD ORDERED TD STOP RON Operations to Cease Ten Days With in RECEIVER IS NAMED Kxtcnsion of Sctcntj Mile Would Connect Itoad With Klamath Fallt mill Open Cn Valuable Tract of Timber IJobert E. Strahorn Has Attempted to Mnke Purchase. PORTLAND, Jan. 20. Judge Wol verton of the Federal Court here has ordered the Pacific and Eastern rail road running between Medford and Butte Falls to discontinue operations in ten days. A receivership was asked for the road last week and W. F. Turner, 1'ie.sldent'of the Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railroad was named re ceiver. Inability of the company to earn enough to pay operating expenses and bond interest has forced the company into receivership. The road extends from Medford northeasterly to Butte Falls, 33 miles and is owned by the Spokane, Portland & Seattle system. An extension of about 70 miles vould take the railway to a connec tion with the Southern Pacific's Kla math Falls line running norther'y from that city. This would give a di rect outlet to Portland for the large volume of tonnage originating ir. tn Klamath Falls country and moreover some of the largest tracts of choicest timber would be accessible. It is known that Robert K. Stra horr. recently negotiated for the pur chase of the road which was left high and d-y thru the United States rail road rdmlnlstration's relinquishment of control, but when he abardonad attempts to buy the property at less than the scrap value application for appointment of a receiver followed. Kaptern bondholders have urged the scrapping of the road and it is under stood that Portland interests are figurinr to buy the road and extend f. If these negotiations to fcfsien a foreclosure sale do not matfl.inl'M he Pacific & Eastern rails n'oliably will be torn up and with the equip mo.it told for use elsewhere. BAN IS LILTED IN CITY T NORMAL BUSINESS RESUMED AITER XEAHI.V WLI'If. -THU SCHOOLS Ol'EX WITH (iOOl) AT TEXDAXCi: REPORTED Tlc iiil'in-tua ban was llftod from t.'iu city today and normal business relations have been lesuined after an Interval of nearly a week. The schools opened with a good attendance ia all pints of tho citj, liccurding to reports. A. B. Epperson of tho First ptato and Savings bank is substituting in the place of MUs Laura Hammer, Jn tho mathematical department of tho Klamath County High School. OHEtio.v CASt ai.tV list r,AV Pvt. Roberl O'Neill. Salem, killed In nctiou- j. a ,.r Corp, Harold L. Dlxou. Norc, ..died u' Lieutenant A. C. Heston, Portland. wounded severely. Bugler, J W. McTyman, Empire. missing Hi action. Pvt. K. r. Snow, Portland, missing PTt'! Ear"'r. Clulbrulth, Pendleton, wounded severely m