The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, January 18, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    M.nTIIIMV, .MNt'.WlV IM, HMD
Incomes Taxed
Heavily for War Costs
HAS I'UASCIHCO. Cut , .hill I ;
III winding ""I fur till' HrilJ tllHO frtV
i nil ' 'ii' "'i' tixituiph'H iik In ili' i'V
,,,H I,. iiMi (iiii'iitiilldiu mill linllv-nlihil-
ill lie culled miiiii lo help
!(,,.( 'i i win (ixn'inlliiir'H liy pay
ment nf inx'K . Iiuiiiiiii hikI prnritH
n ihi' iii'mliir )nir ItilS under t lit
1,1111 nf 'In' i,w icveiine law about
lo Im .muted, Cnlleeior or IiiIiiiiiiiI
Hcti'tiiii' JuxitiH H Win doll today mild
llliil I i' I. ml I ototoroio fully ii. nil
led llin iiiiiiiii'iliiiilii mope of tlm
luxe nliiiiit lo In. .olio, toil hi bring
In I In- ii, into. noil, nun contemplated
b lhi frnmcin uf llii bill,
and Baggage
AswMii.iti: i Tin: city
yl ICK Si I.VICi:
Western Transfer Co.
tiilvatico mo Irregular lint climb rn
ikImiiiicm mo Irregular hut climb ra
TiiliiilntloiiH made loiliiy with ii not
Income Warden offlc,. showed thnt
" iii'Miiii wlili ii n,. Income of l,
MMJ.IIO". will Imvi) to give ii i 1,.
"SH, 11.111 lo lll.((loVi'lliltR'llt while II
taxpayer with uft Income nmountliiK
lo t l.uuu.iiiji; win hi- called upon to
ri'liniiulHb 7i):i.u:iu The mini with
mi liiioin,. of If.OO.ooij will ho liable
to n titx of .12,1,U3U net Iiicomiph of
lUOO.Oiit) mill IZDii.oou respectively
will pny 117."!, 030 mill 10I, o:io.
"I'liiliifrililpM nro not to be tnxed,"
Colleilor Wnrdoll mhIiI. "but Imllvlil
lllll tlllllllerri llr.V In mi nil tmf Itiiii--
TiHM luioiniil ll.ivt.mic iiillHPlloiiiUlHi. prom,, nrionlliiK lo tliflr jilinrfH
In 1UI. for llui outli.. eounlry. ro wn ,, m.lm!l) from ,)tllr
poili'd ill I he end or Hie rlmnl year miiiicoh
June 30. IUIM, nmountc.l to M.C'JI.-j -A new efln.tlon Is mmlo '
.I3.IHIH of whirl. $S.H3!i.iiN3.noil ; "iNTinitinl Horvln, Corpon.tlonV
n""" f" ,,",'", '""' '""" Profit J Th,. Htock holders of Hiirh nre taxed
unit s;,r.,iii'.ii.iii fiom n moiiitud.i i. their dhitiihutlvo. share,, of the not
of mh.ellmi.muH Hourcvi j profltH In the Mime mnn'ier nn part-
I'ndor ihe le. Mm ..r the Hei.ale hill. ,. , ,IlX)1( sVl.r )of ( ;, 1 1 1. r.i
tl... miiu or heiul or ii fmnlly provided where stockholders permit
I I'l nun i I a i.i '
,. ., ,.,.", ,..,.,,., a tinme prorilH to accumulate beyond legltl-
poioii In.f. mi ex iitl.m ,,r ll.ooil j ,,,r.,8 ,mloiid of being
only I'm e'U'h .lepeiuleut child n .Hvl.leil
- -. ' - .
COME On 111! -Tin: ADS
cocld.vt lift is ,it.M on li:u
1'ito.M nri. twlac iti:.s'rom-.;
ii i;.i,th.
"I wish I mi til hnve foun.l Tun-'
I lie font teen yeiim ago," mild William
I). Lawieiieo, who Ihui at 417 Kant,
HUlli Street, Tmoiiiii, WiihIi, ii few i
(IriVH i.ifo. I
"I have Hiifreteil all Iho pangs of'1" ''K",0H '"'"l.'IH he-e
DETROIT, Mloh. Jnn. lS.--tiei'.-thrie
ileatliH .'in.l a lo.t to hipping
of from fi, 0(J(l, 000 to Is
the disaster toll of the 1'ilS MiippliiK
seimori on Ihe ("M. accord In,;
The loss.
man got an exemption of
I "on
The normal lot Ik i; pur cent on
He llrt I l.non of Income ahovo ex
eiiil.iloii I'm ii luarrleil man with
no children. Ihe rale U tlierefore fi bii.iln.nH wltb mi invni.i r,..,i.-,i .,i.,.
P. r eiit on niiy nmoiiiil In iixcnh ol ' Mie(iric exemnllon nllowod mid iIih
raid ttiu 2 per cent , t per cent or C
"Kor the noimal iiiioiiie tax on
coiiioriitlonn theru In proponed a flat
rale of 12 per cent on n nut Income
leimilnlni; after deducting the war
exciiHH prollt tax to he computed on
New City Laundry
We Quannte Our Work. J
Shlftt nd CoIIjk Laundered. I
We alio vtH illli, wool, and col. j
ored Qoda very carefully. Try ui
once and be convinced. Our prices
are right, Phone 154.
127 Fourth Street
Back of Flrat National Bank
li.niin iimi no; in cxumh of tri.ono '
It Ik I'.' per leni III exrenri of f!.00li. j
III Ihe lime of n "IliKle period
ulioie exemption Ii tl.ODll. the lax'
on mi turouie of J2.0II0 would lm
rt" oh nraliot 120 under the law of,
I H 17, on nn Income of 13,000 ho nyn ,
II 2i in nKaliiKt 110 In l!U7 and on'
mi Imome of i-.. (Mi ii be p.iya 12 H a-,.
liKIilllHt ISO In I 17 I
I in nine up In l.'i.uOll Ib exempt
from Riirlix On Imome In exuix of
I '..llliil and not In exce.m of( Iti.OoTi.
Ihe rule l 1 per cent The rale then ,
iiliiuret 1 per rent for ench iiddlllnii
nl. $2. noo up lo lluo.ouo ho that Ii
run 2 per tent from in. 000 to S,-
Oi'fl, '. per tutil fl Ollt I.K.000 to 110..
ooo mill no on Above 1 00,000 the
per cent
Inriimutoiy IrheuuintlHin JiiHt
many yearn," he continued, "mid
many tlincn I huve beau In kiicIi palu
mid uilnery I would allium! wIhIi I
(itilld die mid end II all. My whole
body vmih racked with pain nearly all
till) time, and I would not leirlhly
Kwolleii all over. Hometlmex my feet
would mwcII vii had I (oulilu't cut my
Hhoex. on. The nwelUiiK and pain
would Kiine ho Hiiil.lenly In my feet
ut (linen thai I would haw to cut ihe
HtrlnKe In my hIioch ho I (onld i;ct
them off real (UlcU. I wan ho bad off
ut one lime that I was flat on my
buck for two or three months In a
Htretch and (oul.ln't ralne an arm or
lee all durliiK that tlm
part of my body Just ach
i of life, wad umiH'inll heavy, due to
the dimwilnc of 7s until of the tv.oi
French mine Hucoperx that disappear"- j
ed In a (tale on Lake Superior, Nov-j
l ember 21. I.oi :r hlppli,; was t tin
liKhtent In many ys.tri ;
I Four vi'HxeU wcr-' citnl. In colli-'
'hloiiH, five foundcru'l In hIoiiim, ;n.d'
'(lie CoiiKdon, on; of Ihe larttost I
i b1iI("j on the lakuj, wen to p'eces
' on Canoe rockH, near PahHUKe Inla id.
I.nlu Superior, with Its cixruo of
' Involving a 1oh of $1,.. or. 000
The two French mine sweep rj. '
ferlnolleH and Ini.'.'rinnn, cccan
hound from Fort William, Onl., 'je
cnmo feparnted fntn their fleet anil
.1. ...,...... I 111. ..!....,.... ... .. f. -
nll.l iVPl' """I'l";. L'u lini-" -jiitiiMM. vine, .wu:
,,.'.. ...iii.'..,.i'" estimated lot of S2.od0.000
Herald's Classified Advs. miscellaneous
UltlMJ ll.('K fOI.OH AMI Ll!K
Tlti: It) II.MIt
all the time. I went ntplit after nlsht
v. .tnout n mluule'ri sleep, Jm. i t.)
Il( there mid miffer I
"I tried eei)tlilui; I could Ret III)'1
hnudH on. thlukinc I would not pome-,
i tbliiK after it while that would do hie
pome cood, but nolhliiK reemed to
help me very much. I thought a
chniiKe mluht do me hoiuu Reed, eo I
line lo Tncomii a short time oko, and
when I not litre I heard a Kreit many i
people talkliiK about the Reed Tun
lac had done them, and I thoiiRht I
In 1918 thrco tcasch were nleil
lii"lui!lnK the wlu'lebitil'., llemy fort
Hunk by the gteamc Midvp),. In LiUq
I'rle In Decomb"- 13' 7
i War restrictions on such com
uindltk'H n.s coal, and the transfer i.f
ilniRo vessels to ocean service, made
traffK-llRhter than duiltiR the pievl-
j oun four yeara. Traffic thru tie)
Sault Ste Marie locks aRRre&ated 85,
Gi0,327 toiiR. the lightest In four
I years, with a combined rcRlstercd
tonnnre of 01,100,211. the lowe-it
BWKS FOIt SAMS 700 head, 2 to G
years old; will lamb In April; bred
to coarse bucks. Hugh Falvey, Mer
rill, 0p. 17-Ct
FOH SALE Juniper posts, at the
. Edmonds Lumber Co. mill; good,
large 7-foot posts. H. H. Edmonds,
813 Lincoln. Phone 25 lit. 17-3t
on Schubert, next postofflce. U-tf
WANTED A few loads of mahogany
wood. Klamath Packing Co. 17.
WANTED To hear from owner of
a good ranch for sale. State cash
price, full particulars. D. F. Dush,
Minneapolis, Minn.
Phone FOR
RENT Single
Vou're elcome 'to n for
Ihe Xcu Year. Wc liae a kk.1u
ply of homely one-, am) miiiio pretl)
nic.. C'lillcote V Smith. 24
outside oftlpn
room, light, heat, hot and cold
water. Inquire W. H. North, room
219, Odd Fellows building. 17-tf
i:stk.v viiTiri
Meats for
Sundays Dinner
From nice, juicy, Klamath County Beaf '
' s
Sec our Bargain Counter for Special Prices on
Klamh Packing Co.
Phone 68 524 Main St.
Thnt beiiuliful, oven shade of dark,
KloiHy hair can only he had by brew
ing it mixture of Sago Tea and Sul-
phiir. Your hnlr la your charm. It
j makes or mar the face. When It
i fade, turns gray or streaked. Just nn
'application or two of Sage and Sul-
pliur enhances Its appearance a liun
jdre,! fold.
Don't bother to preparo the mix
I lute; ou can get this famous old
'irclpu Improved by the nddltlon of
I other IngM'dlcnts for 50 cents u largo
I liiiltle. nil ready for uko. It la called
j Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound.
TliU can always be depended upon to
Hiring back the natural color and lui
; lie of your hnlr.
Everybody lines "Wyeth's" Sago
mid Sulphur Compound now because
II dnrkeiiH ho naturally and evenly
that nobody can tell It has been ap
plied. You simply dampen a sponge
I or soft brush with It and draw this
through the hnlr, taking one small
Utrand at a time; hy morning the gray
'hair has disappeared, and after nn
.other application It hccora.Ni boa tl
I fully dark and appears gloasy mid lux
I irons.
would try It out myself. Well sir. it;""1'" "" lu"' :.-". '-
'flfl ll.n lnie..l I tni... ,.nnPIr
began to oveicome my trouhle right I""' "'" ,u""v "' '"'" -,l" "'
1 have .it my place at Lorclla, one
Ilolstein earllng heifer, with crop
and split in left ear. underslope in
right ear Owner tan have same by
proving property Anyone having
iiruy came wmi trop and split In
right ear. underslope In left ear, bell-
Notice Is hereby given that under wattle under neck and branded dla-
TEL MOItTfi.Mi!)
nwny. I am pnu tlcally free from those
Copper shipments were light In
and by irtue of the terms of .1 chattel mond on left hip, please notify me
mortgage, made and executed by S. P 16-31 r. c. COWLEY.
terrible rheumatic pains nflw, and all I1918' b,,,t lro" ore shlnraent8 wcro Short, mortgagor, lo the First Na
that swelling Is a thing or the past.l u,,u"uu'" ",-u,'
mid In fori, nil that. fourteen years of! Mi,,Ine mm "redict tl,at a "e'v
mlrery seems to be over. I sleep like I 1i1k11 ,onn3Be rctorU wl" be es,nb
n log an.Wnt.1 gaining both In weight lflhl,J cxt 6ea90n' startlnK wt" tho
and strength ucry day. I never " PraI niovemont down tho lakes
i..n.. rrmn mv work now. lll spring. They declare that a
put In full time every day, and Just
roll good all the time. It Hiiro U
great to he in hiicIi fine shape after
fourteen yearn of agony. I don't
believe there Ik another medicine ii
the woil.l c(ual lo Tanlnc."
Tanlac is hold In Klamath Falls by
the Star Drug Co., mid In I.orella hy
Iho .lames Merc Co Adv
An Electric
No larger than a
grip and as easy
to carry about
Sew the Modern, Easy, Way with an Electric
Sewing Machine
Devote your time and attention to tho stitches,
not to the weary push-push of the treadle.
Is offered you at small cost in the possession of a
Portable Electric Sowing Machine. You can
sew in. bedroom, library or kitchen wherever
you wish by simply putting- tho plug in the
Electric Light socket. v
California-Oregon Power
Wash the polsona and toxins from
ayatem before putting more
food Into stomach.
lays Insldo-bathing makes any
one look and feel clean,
aweet and refreshed.
tlonal Bank of Klamath Falls, Ore
gun, mortgagee, a sale will be had
and held of the following described . '
personal property, to-wit: All books will be due at Iho usual
Twenty-nine head of mares, time as given on the cards, altho the
geldings and colts, and one stal' library will be closed. Pleaso leave
liOtl. tl.nn. In lhA l.n A k. i. ...
greater quantity of grain is stored in Said sale to take place upon the 25th tween the hours of S a. m.aa"iv ra"
the holds of ships on the lakes this day of January, A. D. 1919, at the ' ' " '
winter than ever before in C.reat hour of 2 o clock p. m., at the H. F.
I akes navigation history. !P'li"lps ru"cb' abo"t ten "fouth
,. , ., ,, ,,... of Klamath Falls, Oregon. All sales
The fourth United States govern- to be for cagh , ham, and dellvery
ment lock nt Sault Ste. Marie, the of property purchased to be made ira-
lurgest In the world, was prnctlcally J mediately after said sale.
completed this season. j First National Hank of Klamath
m ! Falls, Oregon, Mortgagee.
( 14-10t.
i:x;i:.e postal clkhk
-A. M
I notice to chkditoks j
in tho County Court of the State of
uregon, tor Kiamntn county
Successor to Dr. Truax
Suit 206, I. O. O. F.lJldg
Office phone 804
lies Phone 80M
Portland, cooper
Smith, Federul Director c.f the IT S j
Employment Service, U making a
Wasp yourself on tho Inside before
breulifust like you do on the outside.
nils' Is vastly more linpoitant becauHo i " swing Is being pu
T.'N'ri.'vi.. n .... ie
U.MII...1,, ji ., unit. xv.j. .'i . ,,.,. -..,. - iw. r.., - .it .
Dickey, on of the clerks in the Eu- j E cider. Deceased.
gene postoffke, has been dismissed j The undersigned having been ap-
from the service of the government. 'pointed by the County Court1 of the
according to an order received nt thestafe ot Oregon, for Klamath Coun-j
office from First Assistant PoMmast- l administrators of the estate of
. ,. Albert E. Elder, deceased, and hav-.
erdeneral Koons. ,lg qual,0edi notlce is hereb). glven
Thn rensou clven for the dlsniiRsa u . n.A j -n I
PORTLAND. Jail. IS. AS ellUi'-- . tl.nt 11B . S11J tn hnve been lon.'hnvlnn- plnlmc nfnlnet onlH .lo.o I
" " . -o-.. "."''I'
man of the united States faoldlerj (open In his expressions of sympathy to present them, verified as required
and Sailors Enplncemont Bureau fof j with C.eimnny during the war. The D' law within six months after the
Oregon. Heorgo L. Ilakr. Muyoi ol order states that his services are he- ;"" p4ub'1ra.t'0". "f tblsT n""f " t0 a"
atlng with Alfred F. eud ,n,m,cnl to the public welfare. the om'ce in tho sta' D'rug Store," on
Main street, Klamath Falls, Oregon
See fl. Unite jr Smllli for lire. life. A. L. WISHARD,
hprole effort to ascortaiu conditions I ,.,.,. i,i..t ,,.i i,,...iti, i.ii.r.. .... it.-t!i CARL A. PLATH. I
.elnilnc o oniiilovment an 1 uneiii-1 . Main street. 24 ! Administrators of tho estate of Albert !
... A ,ii i., n,-.,r..., ..) I E. Elder. Deceased
M-J ii.uiii up VAiiiiin at v'-n"" "
the present time, nnd prospcen for
tho next three months.
There are now, according to ic
ports gathered hy tho V. Employ
ment Service, about C.000 Idle men
In tho state. Thousands of i..i!dler3l
nnd sailors are being released trcnij
Service- dally, nnd It is for llu I'M-1
nerntlvo necessity of absorbing these'
men Into tho Industrial iifo of the,
state thnt nn tictlvo im;ulgit new n
Loomls Kldg., Klamath Falls
Dated Janunry 3, 1919.
Crisler & Stilts bldg. 7th & Main
Phone 3M
iiishul in
ost vig
Evory emp.loyer In OroOu has been
listed, and n blank will hj sent out
during the coming week asking for
Ihe skin pores do not nbsorb Impuri
ties nto the blood, causing Illness,
while the bowels pores do.
For every ounce of food nnd drink-
taken Into tho stomach, nearly an
,'ouncu of wnste material tuust bo cur-
j i led out of the body. If this wnate ma-
. tcilal Is not eliminated day by day It
quickly fetments and generates pois
ons, gases mid toxins which are ah
I sorbed or sucked into tho blowl stream
through the lymph ducts which Hhould
, stick only nourishment to sustain the
, body.
I A splendid health tuoaauro la to
' 1 t-l ii 1." lieTnre lirenkrnnr i.neli ilnv n
! glass of real hot water with a tea- '" employment
Notice of Sale ot Irrigation District ' f
Notice Is hereby given that sealed
proposals will be received by the.
Hoard of Directors of the Sunnyside
Irrigation District, at the office of the
secretary of said district, at Merrill,
TAKE SALTS AT FIRST SIGN OF Oregon, till the 18th day of Febru
llLADDEll IRRITATION OR a,r' 1919,' ut 2 '" f sa'l ''ae. fori
iMPKAriir lll,a Pllrchso ot bonds ot such dls-
"2 ,tr'ct t 'ho amount of $2,000; such,
j bonds to bo Issued In denomination;
Tho American meu and women of $100 each, bear Interest at tho rate!
must guard constantly against Kid- ot G, Der nt Per annum, payable
ney trouble, because we eat too much ?, b"'"1 ' ? .h..f '?&
... . .... w .. LHbta Jl-M MV-hlil-
517 Main
Money to loan on iea estate t
H pel- cent.
Information as to thf number of!l "r fo Is rich. Our blood is ntB jnnUary 1. 1924.
now employed, If tho forea cnu bo
Increased, wngos paid, elm of work
etc, Tho employer Is ui-,'ed to
promptly fill out the blank with the
required information and .'
tho earliest possible date to the of-
flco of tho Federal Director tif the
filled with uric acid which the kid-
noys strive to filter out, they weaken
from overwork become sluggish; the
diminutive tissues clog nnd tho re
sult is kldnoy trouble, bladder weakness-
nnd a general decline In health.
When your kidneys feel like lumps
Tho board reserves the rlglu to re
ject any or all bids.
Secretary Sunnyside Irrigation
1S-25-1-S i I
Osteopathic Physician & Surgeoa ,
Suite ail, I. 0. O. K. Tempi
(over K K. K. Store)
Phone 321 . .
(The only Osteopathic Physi
cian and Surgeoa
Fails )
in Klamath
U. S, Employment Service or II oiof lend; your back hurts or the urino
nearest Local Superintendent whoro
tlie information will he avnilitblc
for Immediate uso in dlroetl'U; up-
Hpoonful of llmnstono phosphate In It.
which is a linrmleus way to wiwh those
poisons, gases nnd toxins from the
stomnch, liver, lcldnoys nnd bowels
Importuut to keep cloan nnd pure on
thus clemming, sweetening and fresh
ening the entire alimentary canal be
fore putting more food into the stom
ach. A quarter pound of limestone phns.
plintn costs but vnry llttlo nt tho drug
Mtoie, but Is Hiimclcnt to make anyone
an enthUHlnst on Inside bathing. Men
wako up with n dull, aching hvid or
have furred tongue, bad tfists, nasty
breath, sallow complexion; others who
l-.iivo bilious attacks, acid utoninch or
consllimtlon are iishuioU of pronounced
Improvement In both health nd p
pearanco shortly. Ad?.
Counties Nvhoroin highway con
struction or otlierv public impro-o-ment
Is eontoinplnted or in progress
nro requested to'ioport itlso, giving
tho number of m?n thnt can be usod,
when work will begin, wages to ho
pnld and other Information that may
bo of value.
Quick action is tho koynote. Let
everyone got busy who can, and slart
.something In tho way of improve
ment that will give employment lo
nno or moio tdlo mon.
Thoro nro places in Europe, wlioro
the fourtoon points appear to scratch
painfully Philadelphia Evening Led;
Puro Cldor at tho West End Gro
cery, 10-tf
Apply Cream in Nostrils
Open Up Air Passages.
.-. i.i..t-1-i.i- -.--t..i.H..t. ...
All! What rellof! Your cloggod nos-
is cloudy, full of sediment or you are
obliged to seek rollof two or three
tlmos during the night; If you suffer
with sick headache or dizzy, nervous
spells, acid stomach, or you hnve
rheumatism when the weather is bad,
get from your pharmacist about four
ounces of Jnd Salts; tuka a table
spoonful in n glass of water before
broakfast for n few days mid your
klduoys will then act fine. This
famous salts is innde from the acid of
ernpes and" lemon Juice, combined
ivith lltlila, and has been usod fur
generations to flush and stimulate
cloggod kidneys;, to uuutrnllzo the bottle of Ely's Croam Balm from yout
nclds In the urine so it no longer Is diugglst now. Apply a little ot this
n source of irritation, thus omlliig fragrant, antiseptic cream in your
bladder disorders, - nostrils, lot It ponetrate ,tUru every
Jnd Salts is inexpensive; cannot In- air passago of th'o head; soothe and
Juro, makes a ilollghtful offorvoscont ! heal tho swollen, Inflamed mucous
llthiu-wator beverage, and belongs in membrane, giving you instant relief.
every homo, because nobody can .Ely s Cream Iiaim la just wnat every
tills open right up, tho air passages
of jour head aro clear and you can
breathe freely. No more hawking,
snuffling, mucous discharge, head
ache, dryness no struggling
In eat h at night, your cold or catarrh
Is gotio.
Don't stay stuffed up! Get a small
Ki.lupy Jlcne U in rejector of per
6un 1. attacks 11uu.j mid old alike
la rooi.t cases r't tictim is warned
of the npiirtinihiujr u.nger. Nature nthta
b.ick. lii'.tdiu'lie, i liU'i-stlon, Insomula,
luiue back, luuiLa;.". fcciatlca-rheuinj
tUin, pain hi tin" 'tjiw nad lower ao-
.1 ... .J. .i: ....1 . .. ... .ii.llna nil MFA
UUIUt'II, UlUllllllj III uiiiiu..'.! -' -
f" indtcatloii of trouble brewine in your
innko a mistake by having a good
kidney flushing any tlmo. Adv.
cold and catarrh sufferer has been
sooklng. It's Just" splendid. Adv.
Yeu such symptoms appear you will
Bliiit cirtniali had quick relief in
(iOI.D MLDAL Huuilcin Oil Capsules.
'J'ldi fninom old remedy has too4
the tct for two hundred jears iu nelp
lug wuiiUud to t'sht off disease.
It is Imported direct from the tome
laboratories in Holland, where It ha
bellied to develop the Dutch Mo on
of tho stutdiest mid hettltliieat ''
the world, and It may be hail
almost Mry drus store, '"if"1.0"
promptly refunded if It does r.t W,
liete sou He nine tn gft the temlM
ilOI.I) MEDAL Hraud. JusmU-J pav-'
m, tliri'c pizes.