The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, January 18, 1919, Image 1

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    Cijr lEmmttm Herald
Thirlci'iitli Year No. 3,522
Price, 5 cents
I U III III 1 1 1 I
UUIH liimiuu
Poll I I. ASH Iiiii s William
i t iti'M M AiIimi rmiiiii Miiiiinr or
. I... ll I IIUIlll (it iluIiiii...! .11.. . I..I.
i " ...... I J Mllll . ni.i-i. inn I f
UelH'llll "II Ml" I lilted HI II tl'M llllllljllll
iiiliiiiiiixiiniiiiii i IimIih: iuIiih'iI mill
Kioomed iih llu thief iiiiiillilulK fur
Mil ili'liuii talli iiiiiillliiitlini tut piesl
drill in I'iSii, in Mirilliu; in I M pott
i'i I H liuimlnil tin lliii niiNlciii iIIh
, . (- lilt' 'f ' Vmk mill 11 I miiiiiiiiiy
President I omeniro Upcns llimlm H ,,,,,, , .(irtllMll ,,
hU win in Ni Vdiit from I .nit Ang
i los
' .Mi AiIimi In llu 1111111.' lyllil Potter
I II Ik mime Ix Ilin only our wo Imm
, III llti' Fast in Mlilillii vvt when tin-'
RUSSIA IS LLU OUT. i'ibo n.miMMiii M.11M.J111111. in mi.nW I D EL Y
llnliM AIIImi hit IiiiIIk, originally ,
j froiii leiineiuit'it. MiAiIimi In claimed, -
a mi llimlm nnr whnto Iiimii' In In
Work t Ilitl Hi lliti Hi-ill lln-.New rk .MiAiIimi, without iliiulit ' iu It. in Our lit Tun stlluslucssj
kit a
With Address
I Kuch tin) thrri' ulll In- published In
this milium complete Inforrtintlon inj
to the Itiflucnui situation, llrro ulll
i lie fiiunil tin report of llntltli Offli cr
Houlc, the unities nnd addresses of
nctt tiiscs, mill nil InfnrMiat Ion I lint
ulll on tct tin cxnrt lonilltion of the
! public lirnltli. As nil oflliiul Itiforiim-
tlon icgiilillfig tltl" question ulll lie
published, tin: public Is ttuilii'.l
Death Follows Very Brief "K,","M '""'"k " ''' "'' '" Prominent Merchant Pain-
ihm iiiim' - iiirir runwmiwn iiir uii'ii
contnlnril In Tho HrraM. fully Mauled
nit. soi'i,i:h iu:roitT l
Tlir following discs lintc been re-
RESPECTED prii i uring th- .,im 2t TROUBLE
WASHINGTON, .tun 18 -Dlx
patches to the Htutf department siy
nil business between Lima and Cullno
Peru had been suspended, as a re
h ii It of the dynamiting of a portion of
thi- (Vntrul railway during strike
illfltnrhancct thlih btguti in Lima
illy In the week The lighting sys
loin was attacked, vtlih (csultlng
darkness thruont l.lina anil the strlk
(th attempted to Inteifcre with tho
water supply Lima Is being patrol-
! led hy policemen armed with ilfles
I .ind hy soldiers.
Volunteers Protect Prussian
Ii.iihc.1 hi limiting nl llul-lirt IK In
t,i i iim lit I iniciii' of ,X nt Ions First
ui. Issues Iliililiil Hi foil' Ai- U 1
iltnl of I limn I'i legates,
nIiiiwh more kMiuikHi IIiiiii iiii) iilhi'i
imin nt picm'til
Men nt I In- I'url for Mini) Venn.
T.iken III With lulluciiut, Willi Ii
tit I'.sinitri: covihai-is,
1'V.llls J hi l" All P"ir i .Me- In I'I (Ulll IlK't'HlIKH tilt 111 i-t
U,t t, 'on i In- amtfiniUlinu u( tin
I'm.. loiiKi''"' ttits nftunii'n'i
i'i, -hi. in Wii.un howt'N tr niiiilii
(.,i ,ii iln Mntitt iiintinlon t'i n
I l.itin tin input iirogrt'M it tin i'iiii
-n .(, rnhaiiritl ll) 'In' di'ft'.it
nt It.. Mil tihitin In Oornmio , wil'li
tliiiD iin'iii'ii i in' u to HtnlillUI'ii; 'in'
Kuti'iniiKiii Thtt iiui'sllon tJt.,ili
Luik"'' "' SniltiuM l lui uo ilrt
WASIIIMi'KIN. Ii (' lun IS J
tfiu ri'tnr) DiiiiIi'Ih nld todut (Inn
i'tii) iouii of I In' ii it di'pnriiili ut
ttutild In- nuil in for tho iicm'iI t h
lit Mil' lOlllpllllll'H with whli Ii ll ti.m
(dill I 11' Ik of Itwardn lllltdl' tl tilt' ttr
l.atnir llu.ird I In- Hi thlrlicm ' 'It
i.iii mi ii dan mfiiMil to put mil' of
tin Hi lunula i It ' it oprriltlou I
J. W. Itrntton, Jr. T2H Oak.
(I'rati'n fain II), 'MlK WiudiliiKton.
Mrx. I'atur. Iintk of lloitle nurajjc.
W'v hut i' iinilcr In titlKul Ion i-IkIiI
titsrs. I Imtc Instructed the uar
itntlnc ofllcrrs to iiurantln' suspl-
lli'ttlopiil I'ntal I'ni'iimiiiiht Ills (OUH rns's, mid hate tlu-ni send for
I'nthiT .rrhes Too Ijitf. tl.rlr pi-) -Irian, pursuing the pollt)
Itliat II N hi'tter to take steps for pre
j trillion during (lie first llidiratlons,
Joruph K Vone. a prouilnunt Utl """, '" nw,, I"""!"'" il''rlopm.-nl
xiii or Foil Kliiimith. iuirhciI to hU"f ,,,, "'"' This pollr) has p.ot-
lat tvM at Heti'ii o'tlork thU morn-' '" ""' ,HWt "nctli.Hl trleil, and It ulll
Inn follow Iiik an llliiciui from piumi- '" fiwl- TIip fact that a luim
MM A, Peru, Jan IS An uttcon
flrmed report has linen receUed hero
that Htrlkors hae dynamited the iow
cr t rani m IshIoii lines on Morocorhn
pioptrtles of the Cerro I)t I'asco cotn-
AltiTiatioii Oirurs In lloiiaiiAi Mrit't. , pany, flooding the mines Cavalry
i re-iniorceincnis nae ueen dispairueu
MutIIT Urines In .-s.ill.ini on
C'liarKi' of Assault Mrnlianl Suf
fers llrokeu .Nose .mil liked-.
Trout l.'ms.
to Morocoeha
ttrss ii:.s.ints iti:voir
.u.wi.xst nor.'tiiKViifi.
.Viii-iil Made to President Wjlson far
I'lotertiou Against t'erh Ann),
t'laltnisl to Up Threatejilnj; Hrest.
Coutinurd Armhthe Ktensluns
Are I'rotidtd.
uprising In the Interior of Russia i
To hate hlit nose broken, face la-jaKailst the Imposition of excesMto'
cerated and to he otherwise Kenerally j taxes b) the HolsheIkl and ngalnfit ijoining the colors In great niiafcen it
beaten up, was the experience of the "commltttes for flKhtiiiB poer- j KonlgsherR to protect thp noiindarWj
ty which e-erclse a tyrannical dlc-or east irlIgsa from the CoMievU
ItKKLLV. Jan. 23 Volimlren arc
"" " " ""' ' . i . . ' Oeoruc Snarretorn ai well known ' """-" .v. w......... .. , 0, eas, rrugs)a ,rom Ule u,)i,iiCvi
monla olid the Influenza Mr Vote number of placard, K up does not i'-rM. aparreiorn. a, Known t ,, , th ,lageg ls reported I a,.relon and aEanst tht PolpH !t
... . i i- .. i ..r .- ' inni-i'tintit iifinni,-.. , .,c, .1 ,. i- i,v it . .. .. . af,reion ana against me i oies. ll
was a loiuparatltel) youiiK man, nn- "" " is n sprfiiu m mu - ....... j in a I'etroKrad dupatclr. The peas-
ImimIiIi h
lii iiiiiii1 before lliu Wtll'ii
Iiik tlilrt) -futir eiirK old and III ( ""''". "! sIiouk the keen II.
dentil iiimiit ait a nhock to the coin- ""re "t the qiinraiitliie officers.
munit) altbo IiIm life bad been (lis-1 OK. A. A. KOl'I.i:
paired of foi the punt two dn) fit) Health Officer.
The ilcct'iiM-d came to Fort Klam-j
nth from (iotd Hill aliout twelve years ' The fact flint there Is slioun n tie
All iiii'Mloin al iMIln W'il bit de
iiko and him opeialed tho llalnbow ,riliil Improteiiienl In the health ion .' hllo not hcrionsl), wa most pain
(ianiKe In that town for eenil )ear dltlons ulll not ttarrant nn) rtlnxu-' nl"' "'a"Kled at the hands of ills
He In hiirtlted by his wife, but leiU'ii ( t(, ,lr ,uPr of Htrlct quiirun-i ol'l'oncnt. The altercation is report
no thlldren He Is n non-ln-law of ,K.. Ker) pemon iunriiiitliie-l C(l to bc tlie rcsuU of a dispute oter
Itlchard Melhane of Fort Klamath, a i mi..,ui,i ir,u ,Im.. n.n .,ii-r f Goods secured by the Hreedloe fam-
" Cllmj III' llM.m ll.T Mli: brother In-law f John IUwhIr. there ,iunrnntinp mcrrn ,m f nllu. ,s ny irom me sparreiorn uenera. sice
DnHILl,lrll IVILL 1 0
rlib I lii-futi' tho deli'KUlivi nt
i in nit nrrlte
ll tuts tmen derided that II I'll I'll-'
ium.ii. to hate Ituegt.i pmtiiiiltsl by'
Uli) Hiimliili element at prusun' I
Tin Iiiiiii ptibllilt) plan rails fr j
inn iiiieit uii'i'tliiK anil fho mcc rot mm-'
(lulls pei tti'tik I -
V bun new roMtuipiiuU'llilH itrtt i WASIIINtrlON. Jan In -II) .1
mill iiiiclntlnp 011 iiiinmrlototl pulillr. u (,f :, , .j, ,,,',. Senate 11a 1 a. lupl
", 'n a resolution leiummemln I lit 1
P.MIIS Jan IS -(l.iturt Tim ,m,j, f t. prlMleKes .mil ele
I'm..' lorif.reme was fortuiillv open- , ,,)mmm .lUmlliiK the dlit
H "'' ""''r "' w" n 'l"'" "y lottlt) chiirKeKbro.iKht nc-ln.l Semi-'
l'H'Ul..,t I'olnrnici (ir .ai.-(,,oll f WlncntiHlii lit Hie
.Mlniiosotii publlt H.ifel) i'oiiiiiiIhsI )ii
,,r" "' l'lrril III bluopenltlZ M.t.mlB ,f ,l p,ech (ill the ti,. .1,..
(iilclrenH. thanked the Allied nation nvu, .f, , si I'lullhim
lr hatliiK ihonHii I'niIh for their ,.nK,. t si Paul. Minn . Sept. i-ih. r
work nnd prulaed the tnlor of the 20. I01T. The reholutlon nid the
Allied aiinles which preHel tint tile K,)fmll ,J , jMfy all) ll-tloii by
iipltiil from tin. iaa;t'H of the nn- uiii .Senate I
"'" I tin the tote wlili h was pieu'di'd lit
M.tere arralKUiiieut of Sen.itoi' In.
I'AHIs, jri s Tin- 1 in retc. h) Senator Wlllliiuw of Mis-,
Mie whole toliiilde with .Im.i,,,,! -i'i iibllc an sen lloi s Hid'
. -.
and of Hi
A Mllll!' 01 IIII C 11) l.nill.l.l ll,,lll,, ll.nn ,,i.. 11....
Atils" si: THIl I'ltOI Wis- 1 1 Im father ti L Vose of fJold llltt1 1 ... 1 1 . . . I come In from Ilonnnza, and as Spai-
111s iiiiiii r ii 1. um " iiiiiii mir h,( N, liniiieiliately sent to I ,,
MM. liHOIM'i:i IIV ,:.u rame in last ulKbt on receipt of news . ,.,.. ,,ememlirr cvc ..jretoru Is not able to appear, the
,of hlmondltlon but was unable to net L.. .. .. 'hearing of tho rase In the Justice
.. ... .. . .. . ... 1
tin 1; in nu in -1.
1 to Foil Klamath In time to see his
I Min alho The funeral arraiiKcmeuts
hae not been announced
D mm
mm sold
censes to hate honor enough tit pro-:
lect his fellott citizens, then let lilm'
him the mnetl) of the pest house.
The him ulll lie raised Moncluy,
morning, mi fur iih the closed period
Tor the schools, theaters and churches
is concerned, but the quarantine ulll,
he more rigidly enforced, If possible. I
t inens snouici com mile, to join uitn
the health Ihhii-cI In the matter of en
forcing the nunrnntlnc, that the ills,
ease may continue under control. Do
our duty, anil promote the health of
tint (it).
111 runnrtpd.
C. Hrecdloe following an altercation arts In tho Tula government merci- TllP 1oKai Anzicgcr. declares fiat
In the street j lessly killed members'of such commit. thp eaEtPrn frontiers wiirsoon by lost
Sheriff Hiimpliie) who brought In tee3- I unless the Germans awak to the
Ureedloe from Ilomwa on a charge I ..... ' lfr ad to the fact that tight htm-
. Ini in k I If -T il HI 1 Tn nA.i iNr,.Mnnn ,s i.A.-
of assault, affirmed that Sparrctorn, 1 M M V I HUH III Hfll I I L t"--u .c..u..u, ... u....,
preenieu d ine ron iroui ,irrans
ing for the elections to the National
The Czechs are reported to have
an army of fle hundred thoi'stncl
men threatening the intasion u? Brest
and Silesia
People of the threatened til-triits
lac appealed to President Wil'nn,
listing his protection ag.iiust tho
Czechs sa)ing that their wintry is
being oterwhelmed
I As many of the witnesses hate not
Court has not been definitely an
nounced. ,
ran phoves
! UIILIII 111 Villi
Vr;tt jiimi.m. Ml ilia, ""jTIIIKF.STKAI.SOI.n
ti:ii t)i'i:xKi ui:ci:.ti.y to
I lllll.
1 "f tl I tilted Stales linestlgn-
Tim new Libert) theater, which
I" DeliliKllils Hilppoiti'il til" resolu
1I011. while I'll DemociatH and one
Itepiiblciin. Senatoi Smith of MI1I1I m "lioneil a few weeks ago liy I
Kan, toted ugaliihl It Am nu llmiie Jarolm of this clt), has been pur
Mitlug In the afflini'itlve mii-' Sena- chased thru a deal Just completed,
leu Martin, the Deuioiratli' leaner, hy II V Poole, who has taken the
.Soiiiitoi Lodge, tho Itiipuhllui'i lead- entire onulpnient .and litis secured a
er and the two Mlutiesotn n-natom, long lease on tlin building.
Kt IIokk and Nelson ' I It is the now owner's Intention, bo-
Tlie Somites action iIIhimihm of not furo leopenlng the theater ,to put In
only the Minnesota safett "oiiiiiilf- a double Hour, with folt hotweon, In
slant pioieedlngs which 'lit' he'll order to add to tho comfort of tho
pending for mole than a M'.n. but patrons A change Is also being
In effect also of uuuieioiis i'lllluiis made In tho heating system, hy which
to tlie Semite asking foi i'liiuto'' Lu It In assorted the building will bo per
Follotto's expulsion 'feetly entllntod
Incept for Hie attaik on Kniiotir j 4 w eoncreto front Is also to bo
l.nrollettii Ii) Seiialor Wllllniii". Hit) inKtallecl
lemiliitlon was adopted with Htllo de-j T10 H1ul, Mtaudiird of pictures,.
Ih'ite Dmlng most of the .iii'cc'il- wlu H(m0 ,rovonients, will ho
million, h i rfort to sec fiiuils lugs Senatoi La Follette cue ipled IiIh .mlr4l ,i,.r the now regime. Tho
fl "Ii" licnefli of Mm Itml Ckisi", sent nt the ft nut of the ceilei nlslo tlllmt()r wJn ,, ron,,y for i,s0ss on
leaned heie with tho elcxo or the nu. chewing 11 cigar and with 1 1. 1 stem- iMmuill)
1 '"1 nieiuheiHlilp dtlui ;. few wenKR l set I .
" I he 11101111) lias not .tliipinil loin-' " '"
'iK 11. aicorillng to Chiiliinun (Icoi'ko XIM'ls I lltiM I'OltTI.AML
M m 11 i. int. mm vis aiii: 1:1:
I l I l siNCi: CUlNlXi III" AN.
m u mi:miii:iishii ihiivi:.
km ii. tvi:it ni.iido.
HOSKlU'nd, Jan. lfS. A thousand
dollars has been stolen from tho coat
pocket of a toran named Henry
Leniiiu at the Soldiers Home here
There hae been other thofts teport
ed recently
M).l)i:i) I.l'CKK IV llMI OF IH'N
:i:its hook
Ue 11 11,
wlio aiwionnc'M iMl,iy il.c
iillmtlng leiiml iiuioinils icolved. ( ' Cathet 11 hnUliuf of Dr I
'Mb .111 lli) I.unibei' Coinpnu), $ 1 tl :t (leoign Cathe) ,w ho foliuei I) pinellr-l
"" Minim Liiinhei' Conipni) $112,011, ed tueilli liu lioie. Ih In the city lor 11
' lilhiiniln Luiiibei' Coiniuiiy ID (Hi Khoil limn flom Poilliuid
'''"' mi addliionul $7 rinin M11II11
'Hils bilngs Hie total or lint I'ouiilt IINKMI I'ltlhOMIIIS 'IO I
"lite 1.022, u 111, h h mil nil'.' HUM' lli:ill'll.l Fit.wci:.
"""'"v K I In loiiipiiilHuu ti I lie, I
Hl" lng iiiiiiln In neail) 11M11 . nil in ' PAKIK, Jan I.N. Ilncini) pilson-l
I'1" "f tlm Kiiinti)',
Tho Auto Fxiclo service station,
which has been operated hero for the
pasl few months hy tho Into Olonn S.
('alien, has been taken over by Judcl
Low- of this city.
Mr. Low loaves for San Francisco
within tho next day or two, where ho
SIV I'I 1.1:1. W. W.
1 in m of win will ui'l a limine to re
h.ulld tlm) hae wieeked lu ' ",r ,ll 1Cxl,, 'nctory, and
'Fninie. iKiciidlng to 11 decision of Hpontl 11 month thoro, to got a com-
tlm F th milium Just announced pleto Insight Into tho business.
Tim i.iison.iiH will be einiilotod ill Jl will also have tho agency for
RI'A'lTl.i:, Wusli .Ian IS- Ai- umo cm teciiiistiiii Hon work lu the the Case tractor for this district.
l'inxliiiiitnly nil ll wnrUnis lout Inn tin devastated legions, Two bundled j -
"l'"ti alt uniHH meeting uud Htnttliw; tll'iusiilid mo expected to be Intuiting! .MKIUNmi) IIAXKKH VISITS
" I "rutin Hun Ihn dty'H hiuluciM) ills- by .Match 2(1.
Ili:ili; FIIOM AI,(iOMA
Ptosldont C V. McDonald of tho
.lurksoii County Hank ut Med ford,
who Is Intel cwted In the I'lckott and
'l "Ingliig "I V " oiiKi, weio
llHIIUMItl ll) iiii moiiiited poller) niil.
",M NlllUitlllud hv flv.i nit iniiililloa
Miiitiilnlng pollen 111 ined with, tiiihlitoit' Itobeit H. Fiy and .son, Von AIImii MeDonnld (lonotal stoio nt Merrill loft
i'iiii beliind ti,Ml, u platoon or pullio uiu luim 011 mnttiiiH or business to- this moinlng for Medford oftor a
Uli tluba " ,day fioin Algotuu, visit of a wook nt Merrill.
1 How a pe.oey in the hands of out
'former fellow towuMiuin, l'mil Frlhe,
'or tho Knglneeih in Franco jiroted
J too much ror the B'.ii-it of 1 Hun air-
i".'.i in the recent unplea!.,intuus
e'en when armed wit.i r. loaded
o", ls well deseilbed by l.leuten.'iut
Colonel 0 11 Kelly of th 20th Kn-
'glneeis, who has Jnt retiirnod to his
' home nt Portland fiom oveueas oi
lcs Tho following poitlo'i of an
article In tho OiegJiilen, lelalos to
Frlsso's eNpeilenco
I "O110 of our fellow , way hack of
the lines, captured .1 (ionium ait
M'MIIHIt OHKilXAI.I.Y HKI.IHVi:!) I'lano and was recommended for some
I sou of a medal. 1 don't know wheth
1 er ho eer got It, though. The bo)s
wero getting out piling, when tho
m:cisaiiy to in: maixtaix.
i:d AiutoAD is 'ix hi: m:irri:i
Hoc lie airplane was, foiced to land
near whole the) weio working
Hveiyonc thought that it was nu al
lled piano and paid llttlo atentlou to
WASIIINCTON. I). C Jan. IS It. Hut 11 Klaluatb Falls boy, t'.iull
(loneial March nnnouncod today that Frlsse of Cetinan extraction liiim.elf
American forces In Frniico and o-- they bay walked oei to bine a
euplod lenltory of (.ormuny arfl to.lookntlt.
bo cut to n minimum strength "euu- "Thoro was F.nill. sizing It up,
Mutt nt with our nntlonnl obllga when out Jumpe'd tho oneniy alrm in.
Hon. I with his l.uger lead) for action. I
Ho said that tho number of iil-!lniit Jt know how potsuaded
alr.nR kept In Kuropo by tho Unltrd tho nocho, but our luinberjaek had
States will bo far less than the thl.'tv " I'cavoy ami 1 think be bluffed him
DMmoiis unofficially cstlmntod.
Filsso Is 11 cocky little chap, about
flo feet high, yet he established a
reeoicl for the loliehanded eaptuie
I'vt II. ft. nnito, Poitland, killed In .VOHTII SKA FISIUXO
Pt. K. J. Kelly, Dtnln, klllo.1 In nr
tlon, . .
PORTLAND, Jnn. IS. Call' Mag
tinson, btakeman on a logging train
for the Nchalem Logging
at Scappose died from Injuries le
eched when his train went down av
embankment last night. The nt
ililtiit was caused hy the washing out
ot the track.
Unelneer Ray Tenant and another
binkeuian, Archie Wlllla, are in the
hospital badl) injured Tho boiler
exploded nfter the accident.
PARIS. Jan IS. Tho i?r.'ctne,it
for the Oerman armistice which was
signed Thm sday prolded for a re
newal of the armistice from lime to
time after the month's extension until
the condnslcm of peace subject to
the nppioial of tho Allied govern
ments '
iirxs aiii: kktaixjm;
LONDON Jan. IS The Independ
ent socialists at Uerlin averted that
Katl Liebknecht did not attempt to
escape from bis escort of troops hut
was shot thiu tbe forehead a few
paces dUtnnl bv tlie soldier-, guard
ing him, .u-Lordlns to a Copenhagen
t sMiiitiM, in m:aii:
at i.i:m is .i.i.mvi:i)
SALK.M, J No smoking is to be
the Senate Chamber ot
LONDON, Jan IS. (leneral n
Winteifeld. member of the Oerman
nrmlstlcn commission, has sent a note
.-.1 ... ....... ii.. ... allowed In
,g captured materia, until the peace 10.-U" - -' J.
tieaty is bigned." according to a . b ,,,. T. J .L f... thr the
pasted 111 spue vi iu "-'
wiroless dispatch from llerlin.
Lieutenant J Hardin Carter, who
formerly practiced dentistry in this
city, and who has boen lu tho V. S
natal service, stationed in Virginia,
for several mouths, Is expected to ar
rive this evening. His wife, who has
smoke is considered to be a prevent.!.
tive foi the M'lead of influenza
watkii isFit mi:i:t
luily m:vi mom 11
The first meetln of the new board
or dire-tois if the Klamath Iinga
Hon UUtr-ct with U C lttudbury on
tl, 1.0111 d .t 11 bo t"u u"
1 Februarv 4Ui.
H is believed that
been very ill for several clays , is now (eorge 0f" Merrill will con-
reporteci 10 uu grauiiuii) uupiuviui, tjnue ag rrulilent of tno ooaut.
Mrs J. F Cobol, who has been in jilSs jiiidied (..illHhan .1 former
tho country for several mouths, ear- rinuiBth ( ou it) girl, a"1' "ott a
Ing for her mother, Mrs. A I). Hiovvn. ' tralueil muse of Portland, wir- among
who is seriously ill nt hor Langoll!(lie trtti uruvah last evening Sho
Valley home, left this morning for js t0 tako a potation .it tht Klamath
hor home nt Kllensburg. Shu was ac
companied hy hor two voting children
(Jonoral ho-pitui TlHt IIMI l"'ui:
homo at HollUtcr,
. ,. r-.. ll.n flOKPr
Tlin new l.areit liolitc eitnsti ueted I Callfoll.Ia and has IBH uu '
MItIinrrK.itiwd. the w teach.
,,r of .he hwil at fhlloquin, has or-
lived fiolil uer
nBRMN. Jan. IS The ricwh of
tho Oormnn tnlno sweepets. neccrd- wk ,,olK "oarly completed
Pvt. K. J, Schnoldor. Alt. Angel, died nK to the Cologne Volks oituiiK, ,10W harge is to cost In the neighbor
of disease. ',, rofllse to seive unless l hoy to-.hood of ?S0u0.
Pvt. Culvnn Kvnns, Odklnml, wound- !vo Incieabod pa uud u no v silted
od sevoroly. I "I calling for bums ns high m 1 00
marks dully, exclusive of the ii'sur
l.rt upV
bv A. Wlrkbtroni for tho Unner Lake vntlou to be 'ad) to as-suuio
tralllc, at Shlpplngtou, Is getting vvell'ditlet. Aloada) Mt
along, according to teports, tho frame
Meehnnle Curl Morroll,
wounded slightly,
t.oi.. IO SIH.AM)
j u 1 eiiiuiwar loft this morning
stay with Mr and W "W J
. . . t. iinA been 111 Ml"
iceiiiiowi "n" .-
unco Kiiurnnleo, Mlno sweoptng iu Otegon U11I11, modemte to strong 1'
.,.- II. la
the in t 'to lt,RP ' .,,
1,1 . .. k,..i, win. him until
Mm Ilnlflo itml K'tilb So., lino SOlltllonStOrlv CUlos. HUlll ' ll,u" '" . ,.,
... .,... ,., ,. , ............ r..:. .;..."... .......... ... . ; ,o. ....,.. ..-. .. hn ,.... , ,, o xe- '
111, uuuii tt , jiiiiiiuatv, iiiiisouio, uuu ilia iisiuug muiisir) uus ue'ju sus-1 ii j""""uj i , .
lululns lu action. I ponded. Minimum today 31 desieos. uio 1 otn repotted improve .
I pended,