The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, January 16, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    TlirilHIMV, .IANRARV HI, mm
Clean-up Sale of Dress and Work Styles at Great Saving to You
' i
I il
1 f
These are Savings that you
can't afford to overlook at
this time, so hurry and take
advantage of the opportunity
Masks are worn to protect the rone! to protect the other man from
other follow not yourself, the surgeon our cough and sneeze. Remember
wears a mask while operating not to the Qoldcn Rule In this matter
protect himself, but to protect tho It Is difficult to realize the laiish
wound of the patient. v' nca with whl-h some Individual dls-
Some masks are camouflage. A tribute saliva. Not by expectoration
mask should be of good size, six or
seven layers of gauze or else several
layers of gauze with some sterile ab
sorbent cotton in between, in sand
wich like fashion.
Put a suitable mark on the out
side, so if the mask is removed for a
few minutes, it will always be replac
ed with the same side out. As these
masks are cheap it would be advisable
to change them daily or keep them
slightly dampened with weak solution
of carbolic acid. Boiling is the best
During ordinary or loud spee'h, '
infected material from the mouth is
rarely projected to a distance of four
feet and usually less. A four-foot
danger zone exists about the patient
under these conditions. During
coughing or sneezing, Infected mater
ial may bo projected at least ten feet,
so the dsnger zone about a cough
ing patient is ten feet.
I recommend that every one caring
for people ill with fju wear a mask.
In a crowd jou should wear a mask.
In the open don't wear It. Your
lungs need to be ventilated. You
need the pure air and not that lad
ened with carbon dioxide.
I recommend that those exposed to
the infection and all members of the
family where a case of Influenza is
existing should be inoculated and im
munized with combined influenza vac
cine. There are many kinds of vac
cines. Let your physician cafe for
you and have it done right. By vac-'
, . . . . .,,
cines or sorobaclerlns much illness.
can be prevented and serious compli
cations avoided.
A mask should be worn to pro
tect the other fellow. Anyone with a
slight "cold" Is just as dangerous as
one with the most virulent smallpox
as far as contagion goes. I have In
structed the doctors of the city to
make no fine-hair diagnosis,
cold, grippe or flu are all to bo Isola
By b3d cold Is I mean one with
headache and slight fever, and not a
rntd whfeh la n mm-Aiiinn .it ihn
nose and throat from acid air or ir-
ritation This sort of a enld Is nof
ritation. This sort of a cold is not
accompanied with headacho or loss
of appetite, 1
Let's wear masks in the danger
BCiiilAd?r'l'MB liil'
no decent or intelligent person
would spit In a public place but by
tho thoughtless contamination of
everything with the saliva.
"When we remember that one in
each fie individuals harbors virulent
pneumococci or "cold" germs in the
mouth; that rfractically all harbor
germs which may become virulent to
others under favorable circumstances
this universal distribution and ex
change of saliva becomes something
more than a joke.
A. A. SOULE, Health Officer
Beginning February. 1st, we have
1 qt. milk, per mo., 30 days
2 qt. milk, per mo.. 30 days
3 qt milk, per mo., 10 days
4 qt. milk, per mo., 30 days
1 pt. milk, per mo., 30 days
2 pt. milk, per mo.. 30 days
hi pt. tab. crm., dally, 30 days
1 pt. tab. crm., daily, 30 days
hi pt. whp crm., dally, 30 days
1 pt. whp. crm., dally, 30 days
hi pt. whp. crm., single dtliv
1 pt. whp. crm., single deliv
hi pt. tab, crm., single deliv.
1 pt. tab. crm., single deliv.
t 4 50
:i 71
4 75
5 40
10 50
1 qt. and 1 pt. milk, daily, mo...$6.75
1 qt. milk, hi pt tab crm, mo .. 9.75
1 pt. milk, pt. tab crm., mo. 7.50
W pt tab. crm, 10c, or per mo.. 3.00
1 pt milk, hi pt. tab. crm. mo. 5.50
Bottles must be put out dally to
fnmirp flplfvnrv rt tvilltr
1 .,-,.-. .. . .. - .
. 'c.els B'i on ana alter reoruary
1st, take new rate,
a- ,i.t,i j
milk and
prompt service, call 15F3
(Formerly Klamath FallsDairy.
In accordance with the eouest i,f
(he Board ot Health and City Council
mere win dc no sen-Ices in t!.j Pits
brterian church npvt i
the meantime the room la bolni? fnml.
(rated and cleaned, stove nines end
Cjlmnejs are being cleaned, an fl.
10 fia? whif lv t" 1 e (I .m,ley
'tin ZIZ he" ?ervices b,fSn a'iin v o
till have a clean, sanitary -nd well
warmed room for public service ,
Pupils can secure their Sunday
?noYnlnZu?eer; Jn0.nHUirMh.n"i,d?,y
morning Detween 10 and 10 30 A. M
Assortment No. 1 $9.00 Dress Shoes for
Assortment No. 2 8.00 Dress Shoes for
Assortment No. 3 7.00 Dress Shoes for
Assortment No. 4- 5.00 Dress Shoes for
Assortment No. 5 6.50 Work Shoes for
Leading Clothers and Hatters
Popular Young Man Will Return
Rutins With Wclls-rurRo Co. '.
R E llanlon, who for nearly two
ears was messenger for tho WcIIb
Fargo Express company between this
city nnd Weed, has returned from
Camp Funston. where he had been
for about n ear in training for over
seas service. He was In the city jea
terday greeting his many friends, but
nowhere will "Bob," as he is affec
tionately called up and down the line,
bo more cordially welcomed than by
the people who know him between
here and Weed. And there is a rea
son for this.
Along the line reside a number of
homesteaders and others, who con
stantly have business with tho ex
press company, an dit is often neces-pres-s
company, and it is often neces
sary for them to Impose, to a certain
express messenger. Slnco Mr. Han-
" "me on the line, he has handled
all this business In a manner that has
won for him 'the gratitude of the pat
rons of the express company, as well i
as a warm regard for that well known
corporation. During his perlo'd of
service there was never a word of
criticism of the Wclls-Fargo, and It
would be well for employes generally
, - ,u .j , i. , .... ,
His uniform courtesy to rich and
Poor, high and low, has won for him
the regard and esteem of the patrons
I . . . . . . ...
or nts employer, ana it must follow
that it will bring from his employer
tho reward of promotion he has so
well earned The practice of the pub
lic in days gone by, of holding the
corporation responsible for the sins
nf the. emnlnvpa in p-rarltintlv rhnnir
, V . . . T T
ing, and the public is beginning to
look to the man with' whom It comes
In contact. It would be well, there
fore, for some of these fellows to fol
low in the footsteps of this young
man, who has dono so much to make
popular in this section the Wells
Fargo Express company. 1
The namca of Dorothv Walton, jik
organist, and Jessie Momycr as Mar-1
shall were ommltted In the announce-1
nont of tho Easlert s'ar Installation
In yesterday's issue of Tho Herald,
The name, S. O. Mills. Sentinel should
have read L. 6 MIIU
The banquet was called off on ac
C0'.nt of the. """"alnty of the quar-
antine regulations.
Shepherd's Piano Sale
H m fWfffrfT-' TPZjm- BmA'' Lr9iyiiPi' jtffTB7 "- A 1 '
mil' , mmmtiWrWwm M HBBt. IS'' mTitt' xlli
Bohemia's Envoy Until
Minister Is Appointed
Charles Perglor. American delegate.
of the Czecho-Slovak national coun-
c nas zecn appointed by Dr. Thomas
Ci. Mnrarvk. recent lv plnrtnrl nrnnf -
dent of llo Czecho-Slovak republic.
t0 represent Bohemia until a nilnlstor
Us appointed hllo Dr. Siasaryk wan
. 1 w n . , l,
m.orii.-u .r. j-ergiur ucieu as nm
secretary For four years he was tho
most noted worker in America in tho
cause of Czecho-Slovak independence.
Something In One Lesion
"Do you think you could learn ti
love me?" asked tho young man .
"Well I don't know," replied
tho sweet young thing.
"I have $5,000 in Liberty bends,
$10,000 Invested In good paylnc
stock "
"Go en: I'm learning"
"And $50,000 In woll paying real
"All right, dear; I've learned. Be
lieve me, )ou'ru somo teacher ' -Yonkers
We wish to thank our friond.s pnd
neighbors for their kindness oxtended
to us in our late bereavement of tho
lois of our baby girl und sister.
Mil. & MRS. .1 F. ETHRHJOE
s H
' J J?
RANGEHOl'S oi'thhcak or HOI..
SEATTLE. Wash., Jim 16 -Shout-ItiK
sedition from tin1 rostrum ut uti
open-air meeting Sunduy afternoon,
hotshot tk 8mputhlzcrM numbering
nearly two thousand defied thn poller
and attacked a police captain after1
tho meeting had been closed by tho
police. A riot followed, In which n
force of ono hundred policemen, aid- j
cd by military pollen and other sol
diers, was required to restore orde' '
and dlsroiso tho crowds. I
Thirteen men wore arrested after1
the pollco hud used their clubs freely
Speakers at the meeting urged u gen
eral strike to purulzo all Industries
engaged in the manufacture of up
piles for the American army und its
allies In Slborla. Chcerfl for the red
rla,. werc Klvot, rcpcatedly and I W
W. hymns sung.
f'-ill fnr llin mpr-HtlLf UltH Illllde tl
f . 11.111.. - r .. i.i,.i. .. ..u
I sKnc,i by tho International Work'.s
loaguc. Hulet M Wells, n Sodullsl
, f Seattle, tinder sontenco for oh
' .
. btructlng the army urau, was
as the chief speaker, hut was indls-,
posed and Walker C. Smith, Mild mj
bo author of I. W W Literature took
his place. I
Twenty police officers hoard tho
start of tho meeting. Notified by n
police sergeant of thn antl-Amcrlrnii '
utterances of tho spenkers, I'ollin
Captain W, H. Searing wunt to the
lot and announced that tho meeting ,
was at an end. The man addressing '
the crowd at tho time wild "We'll bo
bolshevik! now," according to the
pollco, and summoned tho crowd to
follow him, I
Many of the crowd broke Into I
W. W. songB and started a parade
Captain Scaring caught up with the
head of tho pjrudu and oidered M II
Sttimpf. Its ulleged loJilcr. to slop It
Stumpf continued to wnvo his iirniH
to the crowd and when placed under
arrest fltruck Seirlng In the fnco, t
said the officer A half-dozen sym
pathlzcrs tried lo attack tho captain,
who was rescued by polite officers
In the meantime a huge crowd
gathered and from bore and
camo cries of "Cheers for tho red
imaiuu unr, Jun. io. uiscus-,
sion, privaio anu journuiiiuic, in m.i
question or oiccting a
dent Carrauza, in which ho stated ho
had not thought of, nor would lie ac
cept re-election. The fact that thu
Venustlano Carranzn as president ofn ,.. WI1V ... .,, .... u ' l" r,ll,"r '" "oriln and tho next lie
Mexico in 1921, was given added lin-l m"l r,l f u . . Z ., ,'f ed'' IT L T" l r0", "r,,,",n
petus by what a leading pro-Onrman ' , , Jk I Br an. I 1 d, M , ' Nl'''l'i. He H.iffera .nu.H
Lrnlng naner calls Is record "Hcoon'-i ',.,. IorM ''' ,,,H fr"11' ''" llf"" "' rroin Insomnia
morning paper tans is rocoru scoop new (Jeriiniii i;oviiriiiiienl M , ,, ,. .,,....
n Hneurlnir an Interview from Priu.1. ' """ " ,n "''i ""
now Constitution expressly forbids
two presidential terms was not mun-,u,1,l
tloned In tho "bout."
Among candidates most frequently
mentioned aro Genorals Pablo Don-1
zalos, who has, on varlotiH occasions,
1.1 - ,,,.. .
uilnuBDuu uiinncii un pro-Ally, anu
General Alvaro Obregon, ut prosent
in buHlnesHln Sonura.
Pure Cider at the West End Gro
cery. 16rtf
? -
American Publishers
Urge Punishing Huns
LONDON (t nei.oiiili nie of the
Ahmh luted I'ii-.khI IMIIoim ami pub
llKluirit of A iiK-i li'tui trade Journal
who leeently Initial the former bat
Helmuts la Krmue sent n letter to
Piesldenl Wilson timing his ittii) In
England In whlih they proposed pun
iHlitnetit fur the (ieruun leaders and
tholi aguut.s for plinrt, murder uttd
i pillage. Tho louimunlcutlnii w.m
1 signed b) llorare M Swutlaiid of Nun
I York, iih chairman of the part) of
journalists, linger V Allen, piesl
, dent of the New York Business I'hii
IImIiimh Ahxoi latlon and nine others
from New York, llnslon nnd Chicago
After stating that the lincl lNlleil
the b.ittlefleldH, ruined ellles ami ob
literated vlllaKi'X of ttelglum and
France, they added In their lettei
'Thn dentaton and ruin wrought
are not the work or one man or 11
group of men The arc the rimull
of a system the policies of which liae
been executed with thurotighiieiH liy a
willing people The evldeui'ert of
Bavaria's Representative
at Conference in Merlin
This Is
the 1'iiiwt photograph of .
)r lri
ElHuur, ivrl minister
t ,,,, ,ncj ()f (ornlull HtaleH
i i lliivr ill IV Iliurn ill l.nni hi ntm
IIoIhIoIii ycnillng hnlfni, with crop
sP'lt In left ear, uuilnrsloiie In1
right eur. Owner can have kiiiho by i
'1$ r$ ;
right oar, uniliirslopo In left ear, hull-
wattlo under niick and hraudod ilia-
llinnrl n,i lufl 1. 1 n ..1, ..-.
""" .."""' '"'' I'leimu iiouiy IIIO
V I l WW 1,1,1
I'uitloH holding Chrlstlun Hcloiicj
ir nn books, plonsu lutiirn to ni7 Mnlii1
Bt. by Snttiiday, 1 U-2t
wSmm ml
" " mi i ,. ,
successor to ,,.. ,lril ,,, ..i,,,!, , ' "
K v-i.
oigaiiUed plllugo anil luuilallMu ma
on ewny hand
"NMiry law prcnuppo'en a pernio
for Hn violation The lawn of imtloin
. thai ehllltatloii has mo painfull
built ti thru tho (enturlivt hae Ihimi
wantonly vlolnled for four long ) earn
To fail to enfonu tlieno laws im
would be tacitly to loncnle the pouer
of by the erliuluula themaehtu
Thexo Iiwm niimt he ro-uittahllshed Tit
our minds, the enforcement of mm
plete restitution and reparation tr
tho 1 eople of iiurmaiiy and the pun
IMlimmt of the leuders and thlr
guilt) iiKeulii for the crime romiult
ted In violation of uxlitt'u: las
ngnliiat piracy, murder and pllliiKe
will do more than anything elite could
to liiNtire thai future laws made by
agreement of the mitlmm will he
"We are writing this to you know
lug that the MunllmcntH exiremed
would riiihe the unpptirt of nil Am
erliaiiM, toiild they sen thcio thliiKn
iih we hae Keen them and hour the
terrible evidence from the lips of llm
unhappy li tints,"
LONDON, Jan 10 The sain of na
tional war bonds, which will clone
niixl Saturday, has been thn most Mil
pemtnim llnundal niiccchh ever nm
din led Ceorgo Sutton of the Nit
tloiial War Having" Association hits
declared that tho total bus now been
brought within uiuuHUrnhlu illMaurn
of 1, 1 liOO.Oflu, Olio pound sterling ($7
500,01)0,000) and It Is hoped to remit
1,000,0(10,000 pound sterling before
the campaign cIosch Thn pruvlnus
ntonl held by the Fourth Llhurty
Loan In America totaled Just under
1,100,000,000 pound sterling, or $7
LONDON, 'Jun . 111. William Ho
licitnllnrii, foinior kaiser of (loriiiany
Is going Insane, according to a ills
patch to the Dally Express from Am
Hteidam today, quoting a ptomliieiit
Hollander who reienlly dined with
the (ix-knlHor at tho cnstlo of Count
"The former kiiluor will ho a fit
tllllf.llt fir ti itinllu.Hiin .illil.i ulv
,,,. fll) 1irnwnl Uol.uoll .
hint f I om leaving IiIh bed at nlglil
anil wandering half-clad In thu paik
of the (untie gioiinds,"
Kilt hen Colloiiiy
' .
"In tin left hind foot of u rubblt u
sign of luck?"
" 'Tin ." rmirlr,.,l Mr tfr.intun
ruiuurkod Mr.
I'lnkluy, "of you owns (In rost of do
rabbit," WttHhlngtoii Star .
l'uru Cider ut tho West End Gro
cory. lfl-tf
rnvna pontltiMiillir rt A. it- t.n intuitu