Tlll'IIMD.W, .lANI'AHV It), nun TAGK TWO THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON The Evening Herald K. J. M U It II A V , EDITOR Published dally except Sunday by The Herald Publishing Company of Klamath Kails, at 115 Fourth street. Entered at the postofllco at Klnni ath Falls, Ore, for transmission thru t he malls ns second-class mattor. Subscription terms by mall to any address In tho United Slates: Ono year 15.00 Ono month ......... 60 Member of the .iMclntcxl Pre Tho Associated Press Is exclusively entltlod to the use for republication of nil news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited In this pa per, nnd also local news published herein. All rights of republication of spe cial dispatches herein arc also re served. Thursday, .iaxcarv in. ttu OXK-MAX GOVKUNMKXT Soldiers returnllng from France land In the United States without money, tho many months pay Is due them. If they are sick, no hospitals nre ready to receive them, says the Oregonlan. No provision has been mndCi for their civil employment, ex cept that tho government employ ment olllces nre open to them as to nay civilian. No allowance has been made for their maintenance until they II nd employment, such as the Allies have made. They are no long er needed by the government since tho Marne has been won, the Hlnden hurg line wiped out, the Argonne for est cleared of machine guns .and the lost battalion found; so they are giv en no more attention by the govern ment ,und they aro cast aside like an old, well-worn shoe. - Yes, they are well-worn In winning the victories for which President Wilson hns been re ceiving the laurels. Care for tho returning soldiers should have had the attention of con gress ' last summer, but congress blandly assumed that the war. would lust another year at least, and it whlled away the time in bootless talk, lluvlng caught congress unprepared for war, Germany caught it unpre pared for peace by inconsiderately making an unexpected surrender. As Congress had to make an army after the war began, so It has to make provisions for the soldiers' home coming after they are home. The cause of this callous neglect, which is a national shame, is not far to seel:. The President, from the day of his first Inauguration, has taken all initiative Into his own hands until he has finally destroyed all power of iutive in his cabinet and In his party In congress. The only present member of the cabinet who has shown any of this quality Is Secretary Lane. He Is the only one who has made any concrete proposal for readjustment to peace conditions, but his scheme needs much fixing before It will be workable. The other cabinet mem bers are obedient clerks, especially since Mr. McAdoo stepped out. The democratic members of congress have degenerated Into rubber stamps for the President's decisions, the only exceptions being those who have made well-merited criticism of the administration and have received condign punishment, nnd those few who have had hobbies to ride. When tho present session opened, the eleventh hour for demobilization and readjustment legislation had struck. If the President has called upon congress to give this work pref erence over all else, It would doubt less have got down to business with nil the speed of which it Is capable. He said nothing in his address about care of thesoldlers during demobiliza tion, loft everything to our "quick and resourceful" people, simply com mended the Lane scheme, stated the railroad problem and gave it up, and announced that he was goln, gto Eu rope to settle tho affairs of the world nnd would run tho United States by wireless. Since his departure the govern ment has been like a family deserted by both parents ,or like a tlock of sheop milling around without u shep herd. Tho dollar-a-year men who hud Injected some business energy and efllclency into tho departments, have returned to their own uffalrs, leaving tho small-size chiefs to shift for themselves. In the absence of the big chief to tell them what to do, und of tho business men to show them how to do It, these tame politicians nro nt a loss, any initiative or cour ugo thoy over had having been drilled out of them. Tho so-called demo cratic louders lu congress are in as bud'a predicament. Thoy are not ac customed to propose anything with out tho President's O. K. .and they have been used to carry their trou bles to him. Thoy can scarcely do that by wireless. About the only democrats who originate an Idea are men llko Senators Chamberlain, Hitchcock or Meed .and they exposo the administration's deficiencies more unsparingly than any republican could. Sluce the President himself has re duced both the heads of departments and congress to this condition of Im potence by taking nil Initiative Into his own hands, his duty Is to come home and take the lead In urgently needed legislation, that the soldiers may bo paid, fed. healed and put to work ,nnd that Industry may be speedily readjusted to the new condi tions which have suddenly arisen. The teal of the American people for (the salvation of democracy In Europe ,'iloes not flag, but they do not forget that the President was elected for the primary duty of carting for democ racy In the United States. It It should not soon receive more atten tion than It now has. It may get Into a bad way, anil may even be com pelled to call upon tho democracy of Europe for help. Surely tho Presi dent does not desire such an anti climax to his efforts to "make tho world safe for democracy." The business men of Klamath Falls are to be congratulated on their atti tude towards the movement that was Inaugurated among them for the cleaning up of the city and the allay ing of the unnecessary apprehension over Influenza. The order to close, clean and fumigate was strictly obeyed thruout the city, and we have to hear of a sllngle complaint In fact, the general attitude was one of quiet satisfaction over whnt has been developed. The cool-headed, thought ful and conservative people felt con fident that there was no occasion for the scare ,and they also believed the quickest way to dispose of It was to show tho people'-that there was no oc casion for It. That their line of reas oning was correct is proven by the small number of cases that were de veloped and the quick recession of the fear that was taking possession of the people. There will, for n day or two, be sporadic outbreaks of rumors, but llnvestllgatlon will prove them to be baseless, 'as was demonstrated In a couple of cases yesterday. The ex act situation will be detailed dally in The Herald until the health board concludes there is no further need for it. In the meantime, follow the rules of the health board, report any violations of the quarantine regula tions, and If you are under quaran tine, obey the instructions given you by your physician and the quarantine officers. IDAHO PROHIBITION LAWS VERT DRASTIC LOISE, Idaho, Jan. IC. On Janu-H.-y I. 1919, Idaho had b;en bone dry for three years. Tin Idaho Pro hibition law Is one of the most drasti? In effect anywhere in the west and makes it a crime to have liquor In i possession even for medicinal use. Special permits are Issued for ship ments of wine for sacramental use in the churches, but all other ship ments are strictly barred. In spite of the vigilance of state officials a great deal of liquor is! brought Into the state by bootlegge'rs and sold at from $6 to $11 a quart. according to the scarcity of the sup ply. Since Nevada went dry on De cember 1C bootlegging prices have been mounting rapidly. Idaho's bone dry law gives sheriffs and their deputies, as well as city policemen, power of search and seiz ure. Any home or business establish ment may be entered if reasonable suspicion exists that liquor may be on the premises and thorough going search may be made by the officials. BRITISH PAYING FOK KKPATIUATING IIELGIl'M LONDON, Jan. 16. From South ampton nnd from Grimsby, Scotland, ships are taking back to Belgium the first consignment of the thousands of Belgian refugees who sought shelter In this country at the beginning of the war. Present arrangements for the repatriation of the exiles contem plate the return only of those belong- Ing to Antwerp and vicinity, Luter those whose homes are tn other parts of Belgium will be tuken care of. Speed with which general repatri ation of the Belgians will be carried out depends upon the internal condi tions of Belgium nnd Improvement of road and rail transport. Tho repatri ation will he at the expense of the British government. Putting In order lines of communi cation with released territories In Belgium bus been a slow, laborious work ,und there aro many Belgians In England who have not yet been able to get Into touch with their peo ple at home. Get a standard policy from the Ottllcote Smith agency. 24 P ERSONAL MTTI.K HIItKLlGIITS ON LOCAL HAIVKXIXG8 AMONG THE PEOPLE OF TUIS CITY AND VICINITY. GOING!) AND COMINGS OF LOCAL KOLKfl IL J. Crane and Paul Jacklln nro1 county seat visitors from Mgomn to-' day. Thomas Browne Is In the city on I K. it. Heames hns gone for an ox matters of business from the Midland j te'nded stay ut his California home district. at Mountain View. It. Jones was among the train ar. , Mrs. J. P. Campbell and children rivals last utght from Sacramento. ' He Is n guest at the White Pelican . . M. l.ovoludy has returm;.! from; the Jenny Creek district whero he I is reported to have been buying ei.t-1 tie. ; , , ,,,, ,,..,, , I ltobert Glffon left this morning , for Ihinsmnlr, where he will spend the next few days on matters of bul- j ness. ,,, , .. ,. .. . ; Hick Kenncally. n well known sheepman of the Merrill district Is In the county sent today on matters of business. i ... ' II. espe who hns been employed as n plumber on the Court House. : left thU.mornlng for eed, on mat- I ters of business. , W. A. Dwlght of tho nwrsht Lum. ' ber Company of San Francisco who ' Ls vice-president of the Dig I.nke Lumber Company of thfs city, came ' lu last evening on matters of busi ness. Dr. H. V. Hailman of the InJinn Service with Mrs. Hailman, arrived last night and left this morning for the Klamath Indian Agency en the Reservation on matters of offlMnl business. The Hailmnns reside nt Washington, D. C. Mrs. F. C. Burnett and son,, who ports that all of,tlie boys from Klam have been visiting at the home of the nth Falls, with whom he Is In con former's daughter, Mrs. G. L. Kelley tact are well. Ilalley Is with the on Washington Street for the past 4th Company of the 20th Engineers, four weeks, returned today to their and tells his uncle that they aro hav home In Fresno. Mrs. Burnett ex- Ing regular Oregon weather, since pressed herself as greatly pleased , "It Is raining to beat tho band, but with the Klamath Falls winter cllm- we should worry, now that the war ate. Is over". Horrors oi Told ARCHANGEL, (Via London) Dec." 20. Tales of horrors within the ter- rltory controlled by the Uolshevlk government are brought'here almest: dally by some adventurous Ilusslan, often a young officer who has made his way thru the Holshevlk lines. These stories arc published In the Archangel newspapers under the headline, "Tho Russian Nightmare." . Two of the members of the Ar changel City Duna who recently re-( turned from Moscow where they had been taken under arrest, quoted Nlko lai Lenine, the Holshevlk premier as saying: "Our days are numbered. We know that, but in leaving the power, we will shut the doors in a way to , make Europe shudder." One of the Archangel papers says r that the record of the "Central Al-p Russian Investigation Commission Is one of tortures and horrors. Arrested , people," it adds, "disappear by groups. Agents of the German gen ARMY AVIATORS DROPPING FLORAL WREATHS wziii4vaMKMii ,awMmllimM MENTION O. It. Hess nnd R. 11ms are guests nt the White Pelican Hotot today from" Duninuilr. left this morning for Ashlnnd, where thoy expect to spend the remaining winter months. J. A. Maddox, who operates the I. one Pine ranch In tho Merrill ill."- trlct Is here for a short time on busl- ness. He Is a guest at the Hotel j,nl) President J, O. Goldthwalte of tho Modoc Lumber Company of Chlloqulu accompanied by Mrs. Goldthwalte left ,h. mornln for San Fronclwo whe ,ov wl a wxmX (n J. Frank Adams, a prominent stockman has returned from t round- ,R(. min(,h nf hor8M . , ,. or , of ,he Con,y A(,3.n8 ,, ,,, wh0 mnrkct for psht horsps ,g yery ,?w hc hM n trouble In disposing of his heavier animals ut satisfactory prices. n. C. Durtonof Pendleton, who has been visiting at tho home of his sis ter, Mrs. C. II. Browne of Hot Springs addition, for the past few days, left for hLs home this morning. He Is much pleased with Klamath Falls and expects to return. He has just been released from the military service. James Ilyan has received a letter from his nephew, W. L. Ilalley, who is still In France, In which ho re- Russia by Refugees eral staff are working in the commis sion. People are shot In tho build ing of the commission Itself and In groups of 20 to 30 at a time. Those who come In order to Inquire about arrested relatives are themselves ar-i rested and disappear. Only lhoo' who can afford to pay a large sum of; money are liberated. For 30,000 or 50,000 rubles one can cave his life. Trotsky, formerly foreign minister, has lost all sympathies among the working men, but Lenine still has great success In some places." ' One Dolshevlk member of the Cen. ' tral Soviet, Comrade Zlnovleff, Is quoted as saying in a speech: "If, you come to Petrograd you will see ; the bourgeolse paving the court ef: Smolny Institute, unloading the ships ' on the Neva and cleaning the bar-1 racks. Winter clothes are being rov qulsitioned In Petrograd. Tho bour geois fur coats will not exactly fit the Red Guards but they will pnticntly -s..i&s,;ii.;.;E..L2i i -"," .- , ' PRESIDENT WILSON AND GEN. PERSHING REVIEWING AMERICAN TROOPS AT FRONT msmj& -iitimmmimmmmimtr,tm wm Ia 4i"i--W ' i fi J rV J fill Or t .ftDnnffnnnnl C&cmxaiUitn.iiUUasMt m This Is one of the first photo graphs tn reach this country showing President Wilson reviewing the American troops at the front, lu tin- bear this Inconvenience. On the Ural frrnt we have already distributed among the lied Guards t'OO suits mid ocrronta belonging to tho Roman off. The bourgeolse mnwt disappear In u socialistic state. If we go on sti-oolly wo will soon teneh the Rub rlnti bourgeolse what ought to to Mid after thai Hie bourgeolse of tlu world. Another speaker nt tho Soilo. gov ernment Ilukhnrln, Is quoted a-, suy. Ing that Germany and Austria no lo.iRcr were dungornus tj llolsiic vU:i but that the main danger now lay with England and Amerlc.i "Wo in r si support tho revolution In the Central Empires nnd wo hnvu derided tn sacrifice our blood und our bread to Hit Gorman proletariat." Other refugees hero rooo't that the Iloiihevikl openly confeJR that their hope of maintaining power nro v:iy weak and that their only niipe Is n world-wide revolution, Local Red Cross .'. Activities .. Those present nt the Sewing room Jan. 13, wero Mesdnmes I), M. Smith, Percy Evnns, O. I). Ilurko, L. E. Sullivan, Mhvt Gertrude Smith. Tuesday, Jan. 14, Mesdnmes O, W. Robertson, Carey Rnmsby, O. I). Ilurke, V. M. Smith, L. E. Sullivan, Miss Gertrudo Smith. Wcdnesdny, Jan. 15. Mesdnmes I). M. Smith, O. I). Ilurke, L. K. Sulli van. TkoBo who mndo pneumonia Jack ets Wedniwduy welre Mrs. O. A, Hunting, Mrs. M. S. Sargent, Mrs, A. I), Addison, Mrs. C. R. Glendennlng, W. H. Robertson, H. N. Moo. ON ROOSEVELT HOME - ,., xT ' -., &L frtV&A stands, watching the doughboys go by are Mrs. Wilson. General Per shing. General Liggett and General Dullard. Klamath County News spring iaui: Mrs. W. F. Reeio Is uulttt sick again. j Mrs. Fnink Stewart Is spending a few days lu town with Mm. Glen Stoaman. i Chuyne Druthers hauled hogs to market Monday. i Mrs. Green Is reported III with the Influenza. PORTLAND RANK RURIIER SENTENCE! TO THE PEN , PORTLAND, Jan. lfi. Arehur ('. Davis, who pleaded guilty to robbing the Eust Side bunk of money und sur eties of a value of more than $U)u, 000, and who was apprehended some woeks later thru the efforts of Mrs. Lola G. Raldwlu, former Portland police-woman, has been sentenced hy , Judgo Stttplctou to from one to ten ' years In the state penitentiary. i Davis' attorney, Itimcoo P. Hurst, made a (ilea for parole, which Judge Stnplutou denied. j DRINK HOT WATER BEFORE BREAKFAST Says you really feel clean, sweet and fresh inside, and are seldom ill. I If you nro accustomed to wake upi with a coated tongue, foul breath .or! a dull, dizzy headache; or, If your meals sour nnd turn Into gas and Inclds, you havo a real surprise uwult- ing you. Tomorrow morning, Immediately upon arising, drink a glass of hot water with a tcaspoonful of llmostono phosphate In It. This Is Intended to first neutralize and then wash out of your stomach, liver, kidneys and thir ty feet of Intestines nil the IndlgOHtl ble waste, poisons, sour bile und tox liih, thus cleunslng, Bwcetonlng and purifying the entire nllmcnlnry canal Those subject to sick headaches, hackochc, bilious nttneka, constipation or uny form of stomach trouble are ,urged to get it iiunrtur pound of lime- stonu piiospiiate from tho drug store nnd begin enjoying this morning in- Hldo bath, It Is said that men and women who try this become enthusl. attic and keep It up dally. It Is u j Plenum iicnitu memuro, ror It is more he Inside than on the outside. bccniiBo ill to skin poros do not absorb linpurl- ties Into the blood, causing dlscaso, whllo the bowel pores do, Tho principle or bathing Insldo Is not now, as millions of people practice It. Just as hot water and soup clonns, purify und freshen the skin, bo hoi water and a toaspoonfiil of llmostono phosphate act on the stomach, liver, kiduoys and bowels. Llmostono phos phate la an Inexpensive white uowdpr, and almost tasteless. Adv. : : : : Quality Drugs... It ln'l fciiiiiiinj iinil it Nn'l wl-o tn buy mi) tiling but the Im-hI In (Iniuo. We liiue gullied the inti llilriici' of our customer b) m-IIIiik drug" of the IiIkIiom iuulil) only. Yon cnnnm buy mi) other Mini line, mid jiiii nre iiIwiijm Mifc iiinl Mire l lut I nothing Inn the lie-l drug ulll he xulil In tliN Mule, V W hi AMM II r AILS Or-TU) ::: : FRANK T. GUNTHER WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER Hue Wntrli lU-pnirlnu rlpeilnllj 1121 Main Street (liidcrwooflsphaiiafv ItECKAKI) RENT SERVICE Phono nu Mtiit I'lione :nn The Common-Ssnse Building Material Cement Blocks Roofing of All Kindt W. D. MILLER Contriclo" VAAMtt0WWSAM New City Laundry We Guarantee Our Work. Shirts and Collar Laundered. We alio waih tllk, wool, and col ored godi very carefully. Try ui once and be convinced. Our prlco are right Phone KM. 127 Fburth Street Back of First National Dank Oassengers r and Baggage A.NVWHLKi: IX TIIH t'lTV ' QUICK KKRVICK RICASONARLK RATKH PROM: IH7 WesternTransferCo. CREAM FOR CATARRH OPENS UP NOSTRILS Tells How To Get Oulck Iltllif from Head-Colds. Il'n Splendid I In ono mluuto your clogged nostril) will open, tho nlr pnssngps of your head will clonr nnd you can hroallio freely. No moru hawking, unuffllnit, blowing, hoidnclm, drynoss, N" struggling for hnmth nt night; )'"' cold or catarrh will bo gonu. (let a small botllo of Kly's Cream llulin from your druggist now. Ap ply n llttlo of this fragrant, antisep tic, healing crimm In your nostril It puiietinloH through ovory nlr pi'1 sago of Hie head, soothes tho Inflnnf cd or swollen mucous muinhriitio ami relief coiiurn Instantly, Its. Just fliio. Don't stay stuffo'l up with a cold or nusty catarrh K llof comos po quickly.