wkini:hiav, JANWAnv in, inio THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGK THTtRH Defense Body Continued On a Voluntary Basis Tim following It'tlor huit hnm r .(i le of il.l. H-i i.. u n the opinion CAlrcit y tlio local chairman of lint of llr u ember of llin Htulii Council. Statu I'ouncll tif Dufenso- nt xpii" t In i tmo.iltiK he'd (IiIn il. tlmi out oik iiilriitlnn on n ol I-lrui..) refer to circular lottur of ",,,n"r ''n"1" "1"ml'1 '"utliiue n Ii.uk ., . i i.i i. .... .., . or until hikIi u lime im tlm (lover ,,,rib.,r Illi hlch. In vlnw of )()r (f Hii(j (j . .. ....!. lmin filitt I nitiijiiti'fii! matters ""' "",v "" v.iioiii iiiin liini) en inii Into nditteiiri hIiiiiI to lone $200,000 which tlmy have already Invented mill imlil In Tliu voters of this (ounly hiivi) never I'li'i tod ii member if tlm (oiinty court lo win known to oppon thu hot HprliiKn locution anil, on t ho other huiiil, liavn hy thulr votai retired lit tlm Miry Urn! opportunity uvory mem I vr of tlm court who favored nny otlmr ii I -i co. Then If It Is right for thu tiifijor Ity to iiiIk wlieru Im thu Justice, of i'Miii i'oudIiIi-iIiik nny otlmr locution' If ii roiiiiioiulni) cull liu miitlo, n Mr Hliimnus suggekti, hy using the hot mii Itini for ii county mat which when completed would hu a hullillriK LITTLE THINGS LIKE SHIPWRECK IS ONLY AN INCIDENT IN LIVES OF WAR NURSES NO WRIST WATCHES IN LANDES' COURT, ruction loderli I tlm t'ulted Htiites for ii federal build- lliiK might hi wise Holutlon of tint Viewing thu iiintdi" from another I Htuuilpolut mill from print ohsurvn I Ilium, It would nemo Idle to phre I much faith In thu very rmnoti prob lability of tin- I'tiltud fltiit f-M accepting j uuy Hcionil-liiiml liulldlnK, cither by iiiir in mi imiiii in iiitii linn i ii r ii I modern deign. rrqulr. fiirllirr iimmiioiH. . should ludl. Hi. Him It. ..irvlci nn, 7 '"" "' ,"" " """ "i, " u" .,U,.r .lain of ll..co,nh..r Mil., no l....K..r l.e,..l.,. .....I il.l. I,.r ,.,'"' '''ol(liir. t.o wIioIbcouii. .. ' .. .. u'i.i .p,i... i... " '' 'l'o-iil of tlm old Kilo to liu i.vruriii, '"'""'' !. - -.. "",iu.r.i.....H fdinltr. ni... tho Chiilruiwi of lie n n o!unttii ImimIh wilt (oiiUiiih ... . ..II It. null fin fllltliWta! tlllttl mtlll II tlllH "..;,..:,.!.., ,'rl,n..N It won'.l l, ' l.iill... detail., . to J(,M.I . ""!""""" " J Cn". h" """"I1""""" unwlim to iimlluue thu OriiKon itu'c Im sent iu In tlm near future Cuiliirll of Dofi'limi on nil i.ctlv lusot WILLIAM I WO()lWAIII. liuvn nlM)M IhouKhl It Mho'llil Ii) Chairman " nil meuim continue i.h ii vol mint)' uigsnlMtlon, In order ihm It ui'iy mi- Mi (' Ii (iiiiipenliig n'nl:iiml iih - l......i ..r unit A linrilVnr ill (llllliti. (hulrlillili .liitnini I I (l I l liblr llh Kcdrr.,! or . Slut.. Onv.uk... uml H... A.IMH..ry'iMiiui.lii.'.. .'.I...-I...I I J'"" ,","M or ,w' 1,y lft' l,1,,,t ,""1 """ ., .. ... l hi'i-n roiiHtrurtiid for i.noltmr nur- limn I IIOK.ll, l IlllirillllU I ... . lius t particular fiinrtlimi to Mr IIukiik ui'ipiiii with tln uml prrfnuu In rofurrucp to th worlc of net umIIiii: thin iiiioiIut nluill Im riail.ilmniil li'ili'il ut tlm iuxt iniTtliiK of tlm 'Alter tlm pjlunlnkliiK nrl.i rcn Couul) Cnuiiill .i.i h itm vnrloiiji iin.nhcirii of Mr IIoimii Iiin nlmi Iiiiii uiiihiIiiIimI ,U, mllr ..iwnliMloii m-r mnio fount, fhulnnun for tlm ..rk ,! ""ll'i"l''n "'uonK other hulldlnK moiitlm of uiirtlin.i urtlvlty. It hoi.IiI lUtliu: icliirnlni; NOtilliim for iiuplo) h unfair To auk thrni to continue to uii'ii! uml will rull u uu'i-tltu: of llionc ilrvotr all of tlmlr Prr tlnrn to tlm lutnniitii iih uihiii iih tlm iuflutlirn illltrrrnl lypr of prolilrmx which will loudliloiu liiipron mifflclcntly now ronfronl im, hut I mn In hopen1 - tint tho Counrll of llcfcmi' tunrhlii-1 piiHi whlrh would huvn to he rcinod- i ilid mill worked oxer In the entire , Intnrlor- tlu outward appeurauca he. Iih: oliJi tloni.hlo the foundation he I Iiik xery iiuiiMtlouiihle, Indeed thu mid oliHtrurtloiiH until It ran not Im ilinirrlninri than a block dlutnul anil iMr way lucklnK In Kranduor It would Heeiii the niOHt unttiral tliliiK for an unent enl here to pro rut o a hIiu for a pomofflce, having i ..iltl.,-1 .. h.i.i .Mu I. nil r i-it uiiifT in n ininiunr iiiriii t-iiimiiiui iiuii mil tiilliuiiiuuLU ui rrr mar vr Utlllxeil to aiimitiuce in ,. .. , ... . . ' ' . ., Ii" ' u l lme n kimmI ui- ,. patrorm. that down about Seventh tnc now hotk ,,l,. ,,f tionirh nun mut onn iirrti) I . .ii ..,., -....i.i i, n, ,,, ...!.... ..r mir .ii.ii.ri.ilnn i,i id... , . . u i.i .ii HH. I Slain Htreett wouiil 1)0 tne IllOHl ' t onrlnu of our obllKiilloil to tlmi nun, riillciili A SiiiIIIi. J I i . , .-,... . , i i praitlcul upol This In auy uxuit. Is a Ioiik wuy off ) In fact, thern Is morn or leiu run- tie whtHpi-rH In tlm wind at thu prM , cut tliim about moving the poutofflce I Into that vicinity without waiting for tlm hIow proceK.H of securing n j rVderal hulldlng. I If a rompromliio enn be effected on J thin or any other basin compatible with Justice, It would be a grest sur print) an well as pleasing to your hum ble Mirvnnt. 11. A, KM MITT. P . X&-&&,--, i CIIICAOO, Jan. 14 Federal Judge il.nndls has Issued orders that only lawyers who had seen military ser vice could wear wrist watches In hli couit room, Tho question arose whon a young attorney wearing a wrist watch ap peared to argue a motion. Judge Landls noticed the tlmo piece and Inquired! j "What particular military servlco have you performed for your country und when wore you discharged?" ' Tho attornoy blushed, and admit ted that he had not served In nlthor tho army or navy. "Hereafter, I don't want lawyers' who have not served In the army or' I navy to wear wrist watches In my court room," remarked Judge Landla. Herald's Classified Advs. FOR SALE "" ' -- KKK FOR SALH One Durham bull, 15 months old, weight 1,000 pound 1 Holstein hull, 3 months old. weight 600 poundi, 1 itolllon, 6 years old 1 work liors- weight l,6Iu Grubum Ilroa. box rj city Pli-.n.. Fon Klamath line j it. MISCELLANEOUS FARM Foil .-.AI.F. Oil HE.VT Call on Srt.utji t neri po-itofflee 11-if HOL'TII A.MERICAN I RIOTS CHECKED I SITUATIONS WANTED WANTBD- li) colored woman, cook ing or work as maid In prlvato family or hoarding house Phone 3 13-3f KSTIl.W .NOIH'K Strayed to my place at I'ine drove, black yearling heifer, under half crop In right ear, swallow fork In left ear. branded with overturned wine glass and C on left rib. R p Ilreitensteln. 14-3t i 1 BUENOS AIRES, Jan. 13. Thei j government apparently has the strike! situation in nana nere aiier severe riots yesterday. Seventy-two per sons were killed and 83 wounded in tho riots which occurred here the last of the week. LEGAL NOTICES MIhh Miii-)- ,. .Murpli) i A little thing like u shipwreck didn't bother .MIhh Mary A Murphy of Haylesvlllc. It I , und MIhh Ituth M Walker of North DarUmouth, Mass , uumett who wore returning from Franco when tho transport Northern AGED TOY MAKERS WORKING IN FIFTH AVENUE TO HELP SWELL RED CROSS FUND US.-' VSISWLSX 'il If1 , i." i 'Pr 'r ' f I i ('Incliod "Isn't ho rather fast, dour?" asked tho nnilous mother. "Yes, mamma," replied the girl, "but I don't think he will got away." -Argonaut MIsh Ruth M. Walker Pacltlc went ashore on the Long Is land coast early New Year's morning. They were rescued after waiting bravely for help for 48 hours. This photograph shows them just after they reached shore, cheering up on hot coffee and sandwiches NORTH RUSSIA BACK TO PRIMITIVE LIGHT TO N I Not .lvii) tho Hrtnio , "So you liuvo promised to mako Cholly hnppy, eh?" "I've ngrcud to marry tiliu. That's nil Kunnim City Journal. DRINK A GLASS OF REAL HOT WATER BEFORE BREAKFAST. Say wo will both look and ftl clean, twatt and fraah and avoid lllnaaa, riaiiltnry scIl-ucq lias of late madu IvjjHllSTliaWir M1' ZSrr' .VfiSW' '"lW2i In'Pl'l strides with results thnt are of UKMMsZStlSsa&ZMiiuC- - ' - luntold blMsIng to humanity. The lat est application of Its untiring research Id llin ri.riimiiiAnilfttlnn thaf It In fl Hantu riaus may wmir u cup mid u nue. New York City, who helped to IHH.llliaary t mtend to Internal aanlta- heard, but u lot of his usslstunts do iniili) It mimhIIiIii to till u lot of C'lirlHt- i(,n f ti10 druIimKO ayetuiu of tbe hu- tinl. Horn are two of them, busy nl iimti ilt'cklngH und nt the sniiin tlmt)lmui ijy ns it f0 the drains of the the lied Cross toy shop In Fifth uvo- till tho Iteil Cross treasury house. TIiohu of us who uro accustomed to feol dull and heavy when we arise. cur.- one xnnp where tho court house jB1)1Ut,I1B headache, gtuffy from a cold. Is lon.tnd. hut at the sumo tlmu they f()11, t0llgU0i nngty breath, acid atom uro not. In their good Judgment, ex- woll nuii u8tona, fool as fresh at a peeled to overlook the fact that they ,m8V ,,y oponug tho sluices of the hiiM) already iitHhe.1 In approximate. B)H,em oach mornlng and flushing out ly 20i),000 In hurd moiioy on thu U0 wllolo 0( lll0 utornai poisonous not npinmH Hue, v. uii'ii umy uui .Hincmiiit matter. WITH AMERICAN FORCES ON DWINA, (Correspondence of the As sociated Picgs). The shortage In1 kerosene -and candles In Northern Russia has brought Into use once' more a primitive lighting arrange-j ment known nli the "svetlla", an ar. rangement to burn birch twigs. , Tho "S'ietllas" have been rcsur-, reeled from BOtue ancient storing place In thu log houses of the vil lages and are woodeil trough, about two feet long, with an Iron pan to catch tho ashed from the burning birch twigs, which are placed In a fork llko arrangement so that they slant downwurd and burn easily , Each twig or "lutchlnkn" bums about five inlnutiu, with about as much light us u cundle and much more smoke. The membeis of the fnmlly take turns feed Iiik It Tho "svetllu" to but one sample of the resort to old tlmu customs oc casioned hy the general slioinge of almost every imported commodity In tho vIITukih along the Dwlna River. The peasant women uro ngiln gener ally employing thu "p.eelko", a pilm ltie wooden loom on which they1 card and woue flux for their gar ments. The result Is cloth both of coarse nnd fine varieties, and not at nil bad looking. ' APPLY SAGE TEA LOOK YOU.NG! IIRIXG RACK ITS NATURAL COLOR, GLOSS AND ATTRACTIVENESS NOTICE OF 8ALK UNDER CHAT TEL MORTGAGB Notice Is hereby given that under and by virtue of the terms of a chattel mortgage, made and executed by R. P. Short, mortgagor, to the First Na tional Bank of Klamath Falls, Ore gon, mortgagee, a aale will be bad land held of the following described personal property, to-wlt: Twenty-nine head of mares, geldings and colts, and one stal lion. Said sale to take place upon the 25th day of January, A. D. 1919, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m., at the H. F. Phillips ranch, about ten miles south of Klamath Falls, Oregon. All sales to be for cash In hand, and delivery of DroDertv Durchased to be made im- mediately after said sale. First National Bank of Klamath Falls, Oregon, Mortgagee. 14-10t. Common garden sage brewed Into a heavy tea with sulphur added, Willi turn grny, streaked and faded hair beautifully dark and luxuriant. Just a few applications will prove a revela tion If your hair Is fading, streaked or' grny. Mixing the Sage Tea and Sul phur recipe at home, though, Is trou blesome. An easier way Is to get a C-cent bottle of Wyeth's Sage and Sul phur Compound at any drug store r.11 ready for use. This U the old time recipe Improved by the addition of other Ingredients While wispy, gray, faded hair Is not sinful, we nil desire to retain cur youthful appearance and attractive ness. Hy darkening your hair with Wjeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound, no one enn tell, because It does It so nntunilly, so evenly. You just damp en a sponge or soft brush with It and ' draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morn-1 Ing nil gray hairs have disappeared, and after nnothcr application or two, )our hair becomes beautifully dark, glossy, t.oft and luxuriant. Motors and Pumps For next irrigation season should be ordered now ,ln order to get the prop er equipment and insure delivery in time, at lowest cost. Let us install your pumping plant. YOU WANT YOUR MOTOR RIGHT YOUR PUMP RIGHT YOUR INSTALLATION: RIGHT THAT WILL STAY RIGHT Place your orders with us, and you know jou are right. Good engineering and installations Hares annual expense .and gives bet ter efficiency... Estimates furnished. Link River Electrical Co. 7th and Main 8ts. I.IItltAHY NOTICE All books will be due at th U3ual time as given on the ca-di, altho the library will be closed, "leaso leave them In the box on the porch be tween the hours of 8 a. m. and p. m. Public Sale At U. S. R. S. Camp near Court place, six miles southeast of Klamath Falls. THURSDAY, JAN. 18 ,1010 AT 1 P. M. Four cars with extras Two Bulcks (would make excellent tracks), 1 Warren-Detroit Hoadster , 1 Carter Car, 1 set extra gears for Bolck, 1 set extra gears for Warren-Detroit, S Jocks, S pumps, 3 sets tire chains, 8 new tires, 34x4, 2 used Tires,-84x4, 3 inner tubes, new, 34x4. Five horses, buggy, wagon, drill, mower, rake, complete household furnishings, shotgun, tent, guitar and rifle . ... ....Terms of Sale All under SUB, cash; all over S25, bankable note, six months, with 6 per cent interest. Five per cent discount far cash. GARTRELD & GUPTILL, Owners. MERRILL & MOORE Auctioneers. PROFESSIONAL CARDS MVVWVMMA0,VSjVViMV,VWtMMtaAMM DR. G. A. MASSEY Successor to Dr. Truax Suit 206, 1. O. O. F. Bldg Office phone 80J Res Phone 80M Letters From The People Hdlter'Heruld: -As to tho com promise of the court house site I ould suggest that If It could bo filled satisfactory to both factions It would no doubt ndd vory mutorl ally to tho proRresslvenosa of Kluin. th County, besides removo tho atlg- m of being the laughing stock of thu w.hole pacific coast which wo now enjoy, The suggestion of those who have Proposed, In good faith, a comprom lu la commendable Indeed, but tho question lsf how can It ho donoT There Is tt Very Important financial Inlerest, ns wolt as a groat moral prUclplo Involvod, which will sorlotiH ly enter Into a just and satisfactory si'ttlemcnt. The waning factions of tho world could Imvo sottlod with tho Kalsor "Wo than a year ago ou pooco terms, but they said, "nol It must ho sot IkI night!" Now the question arises, what Is tiKht In tho court houso controvorsyT No Holf-raipeotlnK cltlien will dlnputo uu' wnut right ought to provall. To 'y mind thore la but one right ploro Jjr the court house and that Is tlm lot Springs, It U uul oven presumed from general observations thnt thu tax-payers of the country districts inallii) will hu lost In Its entltuty hu tildes n gift of flvo aero tract of valuable land In i-nsu thu old sit.) should prevail. Thuy mu not going lo fntgot this fact; and nulthor will nny iiumhur of unnectwHury voxi.tlonn and otnbaiiiHsIng putty luw-milti mako them forgot It. On tho other hand, should the Hot Springs situ bo miloctod tlm county would thuu own both locutions, whoru upon thu old Hlto could and would bu disposed of for n valuable coii.ilduiiitlou and the, proceeds used for tho piiymunt of Just dobtu or ImprovutnunlH, In tho Judgment of thu county court, In fact, thu theory of building a now ALLIES' DELEGATES AT VERSAILLES DRAFTING ARMISTICE TERMS Kvuryono, whether ailing, sick or well, should each morning beforo brenkfast, drink a glass or real hot wntur with a teaspooufu! of limestone phosphuto In It to wash from the duy'a Indigestible, wusto, sour bile and poisonous toxins; thus cleansing, totuach, liver nud bowels the previous sweetoning and purifying the entlro nllmeutnry canal before putting more food Into tho stomach. The action of in empty Btoiuach Is wonderfully in-' vlgorntlng. It cleans out all the sour forinciitatlons, gases, waste and acid ity and gives one a splendid appetite for breakfast. Whllo you are onjoylng hot water and llmostono phosphate on court houso hocnusu It was choupor your breakfast tho phosphated hot than finishing one partially con-J water Is quietly extracting a Urge vol- Htrui'tod Is absolutely luughublo It Is us facetious us tho Cul. & Oru. Power Co. hacking wntur ovur nun m p laud to inuku II dry. Again then) Is a grand pilnclplo prnctlcod fiom tho 111 hi Inception of our Koveriiinont down to thu priwunt inuiiiuiit tlmt tho mujorlty oughik Hhould und, by right, must rule. Tho volu of thu tux payots of Klmuuth County Imvo uxpressml thu' profoionco for Hot Spilngs situ no loss thuu hIx times und probably will) continue, to do so u.s lout; uh thuy ii in u of water from the blood and get ting roudy for n thorough flushing of nil tho Inside organs. Thu millions of people who are both ered with constipation, bilious spells, utomnch trouble, rheumatic stiffness; ntheis who hnve sallow skins, blood disorders and sickly complexions are urged to gut n quartor pound of lime-. stono phosphate from the drug store. This will coat vory little, hut Is suffl-l dent to make anyone a pronounced crank on tho subject of Internal san itation. Adv. I Is! HBI MSsfl IHsll W FWCpr4r BtrVLssssMs-) f i i'4b'bHsbmw:bbsHIH0v9sk)CK a- ' 'Vk- .sMBrXi v ;vt- " im.-SiVWa 5s6ia'iB.KBSQ,lawBl4iSlr" -J-v ... T K (,''"'' VH 'i viv,-fe;,cfuJi.? JSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsH'sflf iLJksBBBBBBBBBWSSSBBBBBBBBBl! rSSBBBBBBBBBSsVlirsVaW if rM'MMl: . . -a. cj-!imMMgrHK5tl I II IBS. I lWW ritSiaBSWMM FRED WESTERFELD DENTIST Loomls Bldg., KlamaUi Falls CITV AXD COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY M7 Main Money to loan on leal estate at 8 per cent. DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Physician Surgeon Suite 211, I. 0. O. F. Tempi (over K. K. K. Store) Phone 3il . . (The only Osteopathic Physi cian and Surgeon In Klamath I Falls.) lliS35SSWsfcW!-ft This French ofllciul photogrupu Is rlRht. ure: Oeneral ill Robllant, Itul tho flrat recolved In this country ot War Minister Connino. Italian , . . . . ,, , Premier Orlando, Colonel Edward M the delogatea ut work at Versullos ,, ' .... House, aenerul Tasker H. Bliss, (uoxt drafting tho torms of tho urmlstlco mun not known), Qr0ok Premier Ven whlch ended tho world war. At tho Uoloa und Serbian Minister Vesnltch, left sldo of tho tnhle, from loft to night side of table, from left to right: Admiral Wemyss (back turned), Gen eral Sir Heury Wilson, OeMral Sir Douglas llalg, Oeneral Sackville West, Androw Honor Law, Premier Lloyd Ooorge, Premier Clemenceau and French Foreign Mlnlstor Stephen PInchou. MhHHM ; CATARRH OR A COLD;; Says Cream Applied In Nostrils ; ODens Air Passages Klght Up. f 4-K"M"-!"( lustant relief no waiting. Your clogged nostrils open right up; the air pass igcs of your head clear and you can breathe freely. No, more hawking, snuffling, blowing, neaa acho. dryness No struggling r bteath st night; our cold or eatarrn disappears. , Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Dalm from our druggist no. Ap ply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic, healing cream In your nostrils. penetrates thru every air passage of the head, soothes the Inflamed or swollen mucous membrane and reuei cornea Instautly. . It's Just fine. Don't stay stuffed up with a cold or nasty catarrh. aot .ii