1 I. HH1I paoe TWO THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON nT.Mt,v, .1 r.itv ft The Evening Herald i:. .1. M I- II It A Y EDITOR Klamalli founty News Published dally oocpk..Snnday byf , ," Tho llcraltl Publishing Vomp.-itiy uti I Old Klninnlli Palls, at 115 Fourth street --- KLAMATH ITEMS v ! P ERSONAL MENTION I.I1TI.K SIDKI.KimS ON' I.OCAIj MAI l'KMNOH AMOM1 lilt: PEOPLE OP THIS CITY AMI VICINITY. (iOIMJS AM) COMIMJS OK I.OCAIi KOI.K.H Entered nt the postofTICc nt Klain ntli Kulls, Oro . for transmission thru the malls ns second-class matter i Cnmlltlims have never been better1 at tho Kort than they are tit present Enough snow to make good feeding. ' perfect feeding weather anil an abun- Subscription terms by mall to auyi , f . , . nddrnsi In tho United Statos. i ,.?. . Ono year J5.00 , ullat ,s- l'rhap.s. the last xhlp-f Olio month 50 Intent of stork cattle out of Wood Utv- Mi T Pemu'iub i let is hue foi a short time fiom lci t Itiml K 11 II ill .mle. I t night from an extended .lent Ion in California M M. High Is n reeont nrtlvtil In Klimntti Kails from Mc.Mltitivtlle. t ' er Vallev for thl season was shinned T'ocuie':, la,'c&l'rom Ch'U"I,,, ",' "V .., j A 0U01l of n.,Mlr h here ui una hi. Mini. iiinv """- on matters of ljnsln. ror ii few i :i . .. . .... .. .. entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it head of cows owned by J. C Mitchell or not otherwise credited In this p.i-'cmoposcd tho shipment. per. and also local news published; The first cases oMIuto attack resl- nero.n. I Mrs N Otterbeln. Mis Jus llrU- oil. Mr Frank J Ar.iut and J. II, Mnim went. to Uouiiuiu todn) to at tend the election of Ulterior) for the llorstifh Irrigation 1'lojeot Clii) Ion Kirk, u well known Indian of the Khuu-itli Reservation, who has charge of the Lumber Yard at the Modoc 1. umber Company at Chlluqulii LEGFSLATURE SESSIONS OPEII (l on 1 1 lined fiom pane I) was recoiniiiemled, as was the build tin; of a stale ludiistrliil hospllul lit Tort land iftei loferrliiK to tho good work of the stato pollen, "despite ihe vti'lous criticism leveled against th's oranliitttoit by tho law loss elfl'ienw .. ....I.I. -...!.. I.. I... ..-., ...I w uiie iinuiit. went iimi'i? nuviiui-i , All rights of reiiibllc.itliin of spe cial dispatches heroin are also reserved. rrKsllAV, JAM'AUY II, IMtll TIIK IXPLPEXZA S1TCATIOX dents of the Kort appeared Monday morning Mls Jo Driseoll. principal It Is reported hare n more on foot to sub-divide and sell the Abner Weed tract of 20,- 000 acres, located In the southern part of Wood Rlvcr Valley. This is one of the best tracts of land in the I state .and If sub-divided and prop- erly handled, would support a great er population than is now- in the- whole of the valley. XO COX VAL ESC EXT .MILITARY HOSPITAL FOE HOSEIlCHti. vehicles. No cars going that way. Ti,ni .t, n..i .,f .i.i- t... i....... 1 - s-r. win is me mine in (in- .,., ..i.- ii-iiiir .pi una ...,. uti.ir no reason for unnecessary agitation jnew "V- "rk uno" wp over tho Influenza situation 'is shown I a"pc la uc 8,u" n"1 s""'nler by the report of the health officer at the meeting of the city council last evening. At the very outside, ho stated, there are only one hundred cases that might be termed Influ enza. It is true that this statement will not be. accepted by many who have worked themselves into the be lief that every home was Infected with the disea.se, and on the other hand will be an equal number that will contend that not all of this hun dred can be classed as being afflicted with the malady. Hut In either case it must be admitted that one hun dred cases of this class of" sickness Is not exceeding the average for a city of ..the population of Klamath Kails, nnil probably does not exceed the nor mal number of cases In years when the public mind is not inflamed with tho , fear produced by the constant discussion of what so many term a plague. Whilo the opinfons as to the closing of the schools, business holises, and other institutions differ widely, there is no difference in jKlamath Kails when tho purpose sought is under stood. At a meeting that was held Sunday afternoon in the! office of the mayor, between that official and a' number of the business men of the city. It was decdide that the most ef fective method for the Inauguration of the quarantine plan would be to closeuhe city so that every man, wo man and child might participate In the work of cleaning up, disinfecting, fumigating and caring for those who may bo afflicted with the disease. Then on Monday resume normal con ditions, with the one idea fixed In the minds of everyono to aid the health board In the enforcement of the quarantine law. Those who have been clamoring for effective and dras tic action have had their wishes com piled with drastic in the closing of the town and effective by the estab lishment of the quarantine. Now if they will Join with those who have advocated only the quarantine in work, instead of talk, and pitch In and clean up their own premises, and render any other assistance they may be called upon to do, everyone will bo happy, and in a few days the situation will be such that there will not again arise any occasion for the agitation of the past few days. Mrs. I.oro.v Knn!or Is toglMerod tho White I'elltnn Hotel from Med ford todn.v. Miss Tht'lmn Marks Is a 'countv of the high school, and Miss Hippo. ,; yMiot from l0 .,01.ri 8t.0,u, Intermediate teacher, were reported she Is stopping at the White IVllctm 111 with the dreaded epidemic Hoth Hotel are doing nicely at this writing. The road to Crescent via Sand,1 c u McCutritan was nulling the' Creek Is Mill open for horj.0 drawn . r"1" "hnl last night from Snu l rani'lsfo. Ho is n gtiOht at the bud the mlsfoitune yesteiday to got '! )' "" activities of the stnto p.i-, nt Ills left thumb crushed while piling Hce .and by tunny well im-iinlii fit-J White folium Hotel. I'rexton Nine, II. l.ep and .1 II. Pet erson c.inie In vesterdnv from Chllo- ....i.i . ..... -ii i.i ....i - r.. meiive oi mo (iu.tiuuu m "e;qul ,, rattirs of business. Thev enterprising stock raisers of Wood ,ar csu ,.,,.. . .i... iio'tel Unit. i - le piling lumber Ho Is hi town today getting liens who were not Informed tritii- uicdtiul ticatmeut. 'fully," the message rccommeiviod the jixitubllslimeut of a stato coiisubul'i-v of tin oi fifteen men as a sin ill im ! do Cor"o lor state police duty TIi.'m lien w.iiild help enforce the prolil I 'Hon li d g.ime laws, and aid In pie vein".", fores' tires. "I am hopeful," snld thu executtv '. that fair-minded committees of tho CREW OF WRECKED ; VESSEL RESCUED wireless v.vce's HAI.IKAX. Jan 11 -A message from the rescue standing by the steamer Cn-itt lla.i legislature will make a careful exam I which has been In dlsties.s since early j ..uiltoii of the state penltentlurv anil Saturday, said tbaf the iesc:o of i learn the real truth ulmiit u situation foity-four of the trew, begin todi) j .illicit' litis been made the foot ball' One life bo.it containing .seventeen i for politics, .spiteful vengeance and J men was capsized and two nun were deeetv lug manipulations Alllio the drowned. inter aiie.v tu ueiter die ucsi, is j shown In the fact that several tons,1 J.- K. Hall of Chllotiuln has been drowned. - ! t.hyslcal status of tho penltontlarv of Economy stock food Is being used called to Portland by the Illness of The Castalla was reported to be piopcrty leaves much to be b'slred. this winter. It has been said that) his wife ntid other members of his Nuking Saturday, slty flu) miles. , Woli pleased with the uhiilnlH thls valley already produces the best family He left on the train tlls ' K'ulll of C.inso. The Castalti U nn'trillen of the Institution under t'i beef and mutton on the coast. morning. Aii-erlnin steamer of three thousand itr ,i,nagenient of my own Imliutl- that Chlco parties! I l"", ,",' ,s "'l-orieii navo -leeu Mlll choosing. In a mouth 111- new uiitt.iti has been amuzlngl) uffo"l!io In hi- work, and 1 am confident tin) I 1 l.eo Houston, who hj been In S.m i Krancisco with his family since the I tons. a great l.iiko Steamer vnicii was cut In two, taken thru the cm it Is to' middle of December, ha returned to the Atlantic ami put together ag-ili. ' Klamath Kails. Members of his j family are still there recovering from attacks of the Influenza Mr. Houston ' will re'iune his work nt the Itoberts and Wbitmoro grocery. iy one conversant witn aclti.M 'oti- tlltio'is will concede readily that this I penal Institution Is now being .idinlii- Istored on a most satisfactory Imsls Considering the responsible and e WASHINGTON. D. C, Jan. 14. j Roseburg cannot have a convalescent militajy hospital as had been asked, Senator McNary was told by the War Department today, because the sign- ing of the armistice makes necessary' no further facilities for the care of wounded and sick soldiers. ! FRANK T. GUNTHER WATCH.MAKr.lt Axu ji:wi:i.i:u Tine W.itcli ICcpairiiig a Specialty OU1 Main Street iiiiy a.mi:mmi:xt ritoiiiitiTS IXTKIIVI'ATi: TKAXSI'OltTATIOX. WASIIINOTON. U. C. Jan H - The Supreme Court has held that the Heed Hone Dry Amendment, prohibits interstate transport llion into dry .loned. but "becaus'i of the nresen states of Intoxicating Honor, for bev-' n..i i.,.. ...,,,.. ,.r . i... -,... ! erago pin poses, even when Intended J flmiliri!8 t my liu necessary to defer for l"-T-"'ial use. (for unoti,er two years this almost liu- jperutlvo Improvement " The outlook (Jet a standard policy from (lie for tho handling of thu Max Industry acting nature of the work, 1 feel tho warden Is underpaid us mi olllclal." Need for a new cell house Is men tioned, but Cliiliotc .V Smith agency. H OUSTON' Metropolitan Amusement s Sec Cliilrote ii Smith for Hrc, life, accident and health insurance. 0:5:t Slain street. 24 HT LESS BT H T Public Sale ! i At t". S. It. S. Camp near Couit place,1 six miles, southeast of Klamath Calls. I l TIII'IISIIAV, JAX. Id ,101!) j AT I 1 JI. i KXKeitci: tiii: qcauaxtixi: TAKE A GIASS OK SALTS TO Four tars tilth cxtr.e Tuo Itulcks KI.USH KIDXF.YS IF niiAUDKIt (would mukc excellent trmks), II HOTHEItS YOU W.irreii-Detrolt HoaiNter , 1 Carter , , Or, I set extr.i geai-s for Ittiiik, I HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE DARK STAR THEATER TODAY I'animoiuit I'rcscut wai.i.aci: KI.IU In "Itl.MIlOCK JOXI'-S" A ti're.it Woslei'n Story , Two Iteels of Comedy. Adiiiission 10 and "3 cents Shoii .Starts 7::0 unil f):l.". Now that the health board has adopted the policy of quarantine, let it bo enforced without fear or favor, iintl In this work Tho Herald will Eating meat regularly eventually s'' ' Rears fo Wtirren-Delrolt, :l produces kidney trouble In some form Jacks, :t pumps, ;j sets lire dialns, :i or other, says a xvell known authority, '"" 'Ires, :ttxl, li used Tires, Jtlx I, Tpwp. p t u p A TCD because the uric acid in meat excites '' Inner mlii- iv, :tlx. jltrarLt ItltAibK the kidneys, they become overwork-1 e'd; get sluggish; dog up and cause' . all sorts of distress, particularly! Five horses, htiggj, .wagon, iltlll.j backache and misery region; rheumatic twinges headaches, acid stomach, constlpa-'rllle. Hon. torpid liver, sleeplessness, blad- .Matinee ii::i Kienhigs .7'.tO X n. der and urinary Irritation. The moment your back hurts ur '"'r",s "' ?" "' "der ml'.V kidneys aren't acting right, or if blad- 'ls.": "" "", - i"nKiiiiic note,, der bothers you, get about four oun-,six mouths, with o per cent Interest. ces of Jad Salts from any good phar-l ' '" I"'- '" llseoiin( for r.ish. ! macy, take a tablespoonful In a glass I of water before breakfast for a few' tj.Utll.l.W, A. (.1 1111,1., Owners iit the" penitentiary Is good, according 'to Governor Witliycombe, allho tho past two seasons have been tho most unfavorable, cllmutlcally, of the lust .forty years to Mux growing Ho ux prossed doubt as to the wisdom of laws which prevent tile salo of prison mado articles In competition with 'those manufactured by free labor. J "Tho population of the Oiegou prlstei is so small, ho declared, "that tho effect of removing this restriction would have at most but a negligible I B. I ,. A. n .... .1... t.lf.J... ,.1'll.lf I.I ll'lin,, i III1IIICII.,J Oil ,IIU IIIUUI IIIMIIXUI. , I.UII I we' consider thut the tuxpayors of j Oregon arc paying for thu sustenance of tho penltentlur ylnmatcs It seems short-slghtednesH to erect legal ob structions which serve to prevent them from earning their own way as I nearly us possible during Incarcera tion. A law granting prison authori ties a free hand to dispose of miy t commodities thut may be produced ( advantageously by tho prisoners! would undoubtedly tend toward ccon-l ,omy anil lower upkeep, as well oh Reorganization Sale Having bought out the intoi'ostsof C. V. Shep herd of Ashhuul, Ore., I am reducing my stock of pianos to secure cash. I will place these instruments on sale begin ning January 18th, and will continue bona fide reductions for fourteen days only. This is an unusual opportunity for anyone considering the purchase of a piano ii the next three years, as our firm has always opposed hav ing sales, believing it a fairer plan to price all pianos as low as possible, but my urgent need of cash makes this sale advisable. Shepherd Piano Depot EARL SHEPHERD CO.. .Next Ihmr to PoMcifflte. M.AUATii r.i.i.H. oiti:; ' In the kidney mower, i.ike, complete household i severe furnishings, shotgun, tent, guitar and TODAY Vitiigniph I'rescnts IIAItltV MOItltKY In "A dMJIK WITH FATE" Also .1 lllK V ('oinetly. Matinee ii::i KieiilnKs.7-.to X Admission 10 and II cent days and your kidneys will then act JMF.KUIU. A. MOOItE m lloiieers. I render every Iloretoforo wo possible assistance, j fine. This famous salts Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with llthla, and has been MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTIOX I'lCTlTItEH TUESDAYS A-JD SATURDAYS Merrill, pregon H-t't have refrained from i 1 used for generations to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal tlm fill liltrn I l.i.i it ,1m nn,im. sf llif.an . .,.,,,. .activity; also to neutralize the acids xvho were reported to he affllctidl, ... ,. , , ,. . i n ttta nrlna dm ft nn lrntrar (prlt'ilau xvith the dlboapo. because such nuhll-l .. cation lucks real news value. This policy will bo changed and we will dally publish u list of those report ed as having the disease, when Ihut injure anyone; thus ending bladder disorders. i jatt sans cannot makes a delightful effervescent 11th- lawater drink which millions of men nnil 'u'nttipn tnVn nnur nrwl Then ffi C list Is furnished and signed by the'koep te k,ney8 an urnarj. organB j. clean, thus avoiding serious kidney : disease. Adv. . LIBERTY lie.ilth ufllcer, and as long us ilia quarantine law Is enforced. ''ir reason for this publication Is to gio 1 I ir notlco of thoso quarantlae 1 o that the public may bu In u potlll. n to assist tho health department by promptly roporting any ono known to 'huve violated the ordinance. Now that the lieulth board bus shouldered tho responsibility for the proper pro tection of, tho health of tho city, tho public Is going to look to it to do Its duty without any consideration ex cept that tho attainment of the good results sought. JMDKIIKWHKI'K tVF. IS ATTEMPTED. OENKVA, Jan. 14. Igpaco I'ader ovvakl WU8 attacked b)' an assassin at Warsu,iv, it is announced today. Ho jh declared to have been only slightly wounded.- NO HEADACHE II i TONIGHT ONLY NEURALGIA 1 Get a 10 cent package of Dr. James' Headache Powders and don't suffer. Wlien your head aches you dimply must have relief or jou will' go wild. It's needless to suffer when you can take a remedy like Dr. James' HimcI oiMe Powders and relieve the ji.itn and neuralgia at on(c; Semi somiono to tli" 'rug store now for a dime pjekngo o Ir. James' Headiicl)i. IMtvdern, Don t sufTer n a few iniuiieiits you will feel fine headache jjotic no mor' seiUAljtU palx , n "Crashing Through To Berlin" ADMISSION- Mali , l."c and :t."c. Ilienlng, 25c and .10c. toward a better morale among the men." In connection with consideration of highways, tho governor suggested u law requiring drivers of both pas senger automobiles ami motor trucks to bring their vehicles to a complete stop before crossing tho railroad tracks outside of towns and cities. With reference to Huh anil game legislation he advocuted tho ceding of .Malheur I.uku and .Mud I.uko In Ilaruuy county to tho foderul govern ment for thu purpose of creating u permanent wild bird refuge, and also urged the plan of tho federal govern ment for the complete dustrur.tlou of predatory animals. llesldcH urging thu overwhelming, If not unanlmou tlonal prohibition governor referred puojects, tho containing approximately eight thou suntl words. Quality Drugs... It Isn't cioiioni) nnil It Isn't nine to buy an) thing hut the best hi drugs. We have gullied the con fidence of our customer by Helling drugs of the highest uallty only. You cannot buy any other kind here, mid j on arc nltiiiys safe mid sure that nothing but the bent drug villi he mild In this .lore. Dassengers and Baggage A.VVWHEItC IX THE CITY gUICIC Se.llVICE HEAHOXAIII.E HATEH PHONE IH7 WesternTransfer Co. New City Laundry We Guarantee Our Work. Shirt, and Collar Laundered, We alo waah allk, wool, and col ored goda very carefully. Try ui once and be convinced. Our'prlcei are right Phone 154. 127 Fourth Street National Bank Back of First wMwMvywwvwtlsAvA Jl. J . aBk. A s endorsement of nu-l I inflPnlhjOuS iflifiTliljt'fX amendment, the UIH' M' IIKILI to numerous other -n""J"rMW, mtlisngo whltli ara:a " rciiiCT , ::::::::?:: : ItECKAIID UE.NT HEHVICE Phone fiO Mglit Phoun ilia This Theater closed until Monday to help the Authorities combat the "Flu" f Z STOP CATARRHI OPEN NOSTRILS AND HEAD Sayn Cream Applied In Nostrils Helievca Hcad-Colda at Once. If your nostrils ure clogged and your head Is stuffed and you can't In oat ho freely becauso of a cold or j catarrh, Just get n small bottlo of Kly'H Cream Halm at any drug aloro. Apply a little of this fragrant, antl septic cream Into your nostrils and let It penetrate thru every air passage of jour head, soothing und hoallng tho Inflamed, swollen mucous mem brane and you get Instant relief, Ah! how good It fools. Your nos trils are open, your head Is clour, no mare hawking, Mtiuffllng, blowing no moro hojdacho, drynesa or strug gling for breuth, Ely's Croara Ualm Is Just what suffuiors from houd colds and catarrh noed, It's a de light. Adv. i There was a Crowd in k the Store aeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaflaP ffclW .laBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBlaaBaBaBaB JP k J aLaaaBBBBaBPTaPVajn l 7iaBaaBaaff and they were trying to josh the 'Tobacco Man "Have a chew on so long it costs noth me, saysneurealc off just two or three squares. That's a man s size chew of Real Gravely. It holds its cood taste ing extra to chew thi3 class of tobac- CO. ... goes further that's why yon can get the good tasto of this class of tobac co without extra cost. ' PEYTON ffRAND Real Gravely Chewing Plug w "' fw. olwu ri a uuuLift EZ3ZB32