The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, January 14, 1919, Image 1

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    (Elf? Hamming Herald
Thirlffiilli Yenr No. 3,518
Price, 5 cents
New Armistice Terms for
tilii Ma) He ItrprrMithM n HlrM
riirmiil I'eaio Conferi-llto Presi
dent l'liin "1 1 1 Over V. H. on Ho
dim m Inform I'roplo if U'lml l
lloliig Dune In rriinti'.
I'AIIIS Jmi U llul tuny Imi
nprooiiti'd nt tlm firm fnrm.ii iiart
confi'n iter montliiK. ThU quemliin
ll be il' liU-tl tomorrow.
Tlif Ural quest Ion (11 rolllu tin for
ronnl'li'Milloii will Im I tin I.ouKlio df
Ci-nnul I'oili In now nil I oil I ii 'to
'Irfvos lo meet Ii"1 (icrin-in it nil U
tln cli'li-KiiiiM ninl la) down term for
I lie t'ltrnnlim of llio nrmtmltc.
Hiikki'oIIkii mndo 'mlriln)' l
liiuki' tin' Iitiiik of (lie extinnlon more
ilrimt woie not uirrlit out
Tin' I'lti'imlmi liuwciNor, provide
fur tin- iiirnliiK mcr of Uip Cnriimn
roitimrrrlul Ili'i'l to transport the
noons In ttsrlianKi for food, for ro
Ht l( ut ton of material liikiin from
France ami IIoIrIiiiii In full rum
plliuiro mill iln urmUtlro torm
The I'rcnlilcnt has detldnit to nun
munlrnto with tlm rttproii'iilatltfH of
tin' American n nun pi punt (liru mo
ilium of a pulilltll) iikoiiI.
Itii) Kiiiiuliiril linker, it former
iii.-ikrIiii writer Iiiih been chosen for
till Mink
I'AIIIS Jan II Piiwldulit WIUo.l
l iiiimlili'rliiK making it n nltliu- lour
nf tin' I niti'il Hnic lion lie Mi
nim anonling to mi announcement
itwiili' lime tmlii) Thin (our would
inkii lum in iiiiiny of tlu principal
illlm uf tlm I nl toil States .nt'l in.
Mill) In the I'uilflr CoiinI.
With Cuiikiom out of tlio w.i) .irly
III Mart Ii It U believed lie wnubl'liavo
I I tin- (or HiIh before ho returns to
KurniMi if Im flmlH such n rniun'i to
lir nrrittuiry
tin would also have tlmn for tlt
trip licforn (ho innvnlng Of tint tx
Irannlliiur) hohhIoii. should Cungou
decide to mil tmo
'I In- nliji'i of tln tour would Im to
Inform tlm people of tint rounlrf t f
tin' pri.reodlngH In I'lirln lllil 0
roiiiul out miii iMuoiiraKii tho fittl
nii'iil mippoitlng tin' pencil pi 1'H'lnl )H
wlthli he eumim luted anil w!il !i Id
''els have li. in uci lulii'cil by tin'
tmiHKl'h In i:utopi.
- o .
milu'.max visits
Hint Killur. ti twill known hIii'mp
'"in Ih In tow ii loiluy on mntlois of
liiiMiii' h Mr Ciiuir Ih wlnloilng
li'iKi liiiul of sheep In tlio Merrill
Mom; moors auk comi.mj
WASIIINHTON, I). U..'jtn, H.
'Ilu tiaiiHporl Mniicliuilu Iiiib Hitlliiil
from rinntii with 4,000 troopH, nuil
llio ti.uiHpoii Cumuli with about I,-
iioi.Mir.MK iiiiiiiatiin w'ahsaw
WAItSAU', .Inn, 1 1 llnUthiivIK
'"Ki'HiiiiMonvorKliiKtin Wiirwiw over
"nt" iiillrontl lined. It Ih Tuaii'il thoy
lll like the illy.
WASHINOTON, I). C. Jnn. 11--hiiuioi
Jduph, 0f WuHhlngton, lum In
tiodiKeii n bill In tho Honuto to Blvo it
"I'i't Ala Joi 'm I'ommlHHloii to yvJiy
'""il who Bet veil on tlio (lln'.l'lit or
''nil ImiiKis diuiDK (ho war. Thti
ii'Hliltmt Id uutliorlzutl Jy tlm bill to
isHiie ih, (ommlnHloiia, with tho un.
(uumtiiutK tbut thoy firry no niilr.
leu unu tlmt tho moif do couunlsNlunud
be imiilKni'il to no (oiiiuiiiihIn iii.t
iiblit limine Itieilnl U iiIhii uutlio broil
Id lit' provided fin enth mini bj tlm
Bi'fri'liiiy of Witi
Hi'( ri'tiuy of Interim I. nun will not
be iibln lo nun uliy putt of (tin $1,0011
DUO iinkeil for lei liimntlnii siirve)
for mi liivoMlgittloii of Hid IIIk Itotnl
IiiIkiIIoii projeit In IIiiHtem WiihIi
IiikIiiii which, propiim-H tlm IrrlKittlon
of .1,(1(10,00(1 iiernit of In ii il Promote) it
of (lie piojed made the nxiuenl Unit n
poitlon of thli in 1 1 1 Ion ilollnrn be Mil
iislilo fm tlntl pinjeit, but refeiemn
to tlm enlfniiiti'ii nuhuiltteil to Con
KrenK by ibe Keeiiiliiry of tlm Interior
shown Hint HiIn inoncy Ih iitikeil for
"revliimiillou by ilmlniiKe," ublili
lliniim tint) Il I'll Ii only be imeil t okiii
wy ilruluitKn piojrilN on hwiuiip m
lOKlii'il-off IiiimIh
llnpri'M'tilJlIti' Klunott'ii bill pnxiti'il
Ii) the lloilmi reteillllK title III tlm
Oovernormi'iit to ' ncrcH of Inml
In Coo ninl DoiikIiih iounten, Ori-Kou
known mi the Coon liny uiikoii ronil
liiiul Rrmil, neiinit Unit Uh'hh mi
toillllli'.i t be refiimleil nppioxl
mittely l.'OO.nou, pnlil out In buck
tnxim mill Unit (Key will rurelte from
triOO.Ulio to 17110,0011 from the mile
of till' liiiul
The fourth InHliilliuiinl of tho
Fourth Liberty Loan will bo due and
pn)ahle on ThtirHility, Jitnuitr) Itlth,
mill nil local liankH are iiiuIoiih Unit
thoHn who urn payliiK for their boniU
on thti liiHtnllmt'iit plan, bo prepared
to hike up thetie oIiIIkuIIoun, whirl)
will rellnte thdiu of oiiKldcrahle de
tail work 1 1 It hurt o tlm InntiilliuouiM
which have not been paid by tlm cuk
tomnrii hnvu been taken euro of by
Ihi) hanks. In order to protect tho
uhiicrlher uh fur an poalhle, but It
Iiiih Jieon miiioitnceil thin cukIoui will
be dlnrontlnued from now on, and
Unit bontlH on which then' arc over
due i!i)UiflllH will bu Hold In tlm open
Thti fourth iliHtulliuont will be 20
per rout, anil Ih the next to (he tlual
payment on the fourth loan
ci:nt iioi'.vtv itm itcu imih
or i:.its. nsT hi: i'iu4i:.nti:i
No loiiKer will tho biitill) Jack
rnbblt Imp gillv amoiiRHt Ihu ntKo
hi null of Klnmuth uh Iiiih boon Ihu
cane In the past, for it price bin Icon
M'l upon IiIh hi'itil by tho powers tb it
b, or rather upon his oats, for no
(ordliiK to a decieo IhhuciI by tho
Cciiiit) Coin I horo )ilorday eaih
pnl' of oitiH will be worth flo leuls,
iliitlug fiom Jmiii O, 1st
The) must however, bo IiiiiukIii to
tie Clerk'n officii In IiiiiiiIioh of flfl)
pairs In order to sate tlmo In niaklns
out Ihu bounty win i nuts Tlio now
i.rder applies to Jack rnbbltH only,
It Ih not ni'ci'KHnry Unit tho one
M'curliiK iiibblt uppeur fur the b unity
t'n In tho emu wllh itlieV nnlnn'. i
Any piiiHim may buy tl.o oars anil
'CK'ily securo tho In ut.ty
old k.mii,ovi:s OK ktati:
thi:asi'iu:iih ori'ici; 111:1,11.
HAI.KM. Jim. II.-John I). South-
orlln, fiishlor In tho ttoasutois of
fice roctintl)' nppolntoil by Hoff died
Kiidilenly while rending "t homo Hun
day night, lit) wiih Hlxty-ont' )onrs
old tinil hud boon oniinoctod wltl tho
Tru'iHiuoi'H offlcu for twenty-eight
Huff has announced Unit Lester II
Davis would bo his sureHsor.
. '
K. If. Ilutchor lHhoro Horn Los
Angolos negotlalliig llio liuitimso of
a honl ofyniltlo boloiiHlng to Sllns
iiKcovr.iuxu khom ui.i:ss
Mis, Ajtistln Whlto who has, boon
vory ill ut hor homo In this rlly, is
reportod to bo coiisldoinbly Impiovod
today, '
Governor Withycombe Ad-
, , ,
, drciscs Gathering
Alii for riinlliiK Uoik for Itetiiineil
Sntillerx, Mrr liiiul Murine for Ore-'
i Sinio
Hun, l'iirliienhl
I m
noil .Snllini I'risiil b i:eiutle. In
UpoilllIK 'I'll Ik 'I bin MorillllK.
.SAIii:.M, Jim 14 -.State co-operation
with Urn feilonil Kot eminent In
laud Hitttlemeut work, by "a rational
. i
LEG ffl
bonilliiK n)Hteni." aid for returnliiK lms Krown ainuzliiKly nlnco Its oittab
Holillem In Undine poMtlniiH, u Joint Hlmt.n( Vc yt'trH iiro," nnlil the
mnmorliil to concreHH urKltiR con-j R0U.rr Aftcr explnlnltiK how
jitructlon or a morcbnnt mmlne for jgso.OOO could bo b.hciI tho Htato by
Ort'K mil It'KlRtntlnii to Huhn the ,KCOntlnuliiK stntc alii, not now nenl-
HtiitoV Ilnnuclnl Hititiillon. were rt'C-J,., for tu. two jear iiltIoiI licRlniilnR
ommonileil by (locrnor Jnn' I tll jyi le ,j,ictj n,nt an additional
Vlth)combii In bin miiHHiiKe to tho ( ji;otooo could bo sarl prior to next
thirtieth Oregon leKlMntho uKHeni- JlIy M ,M0 U-KlHlnturo doclared pii
''' ) unmi'Kuncy In puhdIiik tho necessary
A HahiK of 6SO,0t)(i "by a hIiirIk ameiitluioiit. Under his plan, ttnto
IokIhIiiUvo itlrokii," In HiipcndlnK Iltt ottlcl not be eliminated perma
stite aid to the Industrial ncildent mmij, "as a return to normul condl
roinmlKHloii for the comltiK bltmnluiii,',,,, mKht creutu a new alluntlon "
bccnuiio Urn ronjmlHHLin now Ih In ' hxiunslon of the law to make the
uch a tlourlHhliiK condition Hint Mute wc,hl, cn'ii compenHiitlon act coinpul
aid U not neciled. wan another hub- hory for uj claKse.s of employi'i nt
Rt'Ntlnn miide by tho Kovymor He-
I conimondiillonii iiinreinliiR the stale
penitentiary .cutnhllshnient of u
Htato coiiHtiibulary. and IokIhIuUiiu
with reference to tlnh and Rttnie, wero
Included In the messiiRo.
"II Ih our reKpoiiHlblllt) to lay tho
foundation for a parliierHlilp between
1 Htato and nation In the matter of ro-
nrraiiRliiR public atllalr.i mid Itistltu-
tloiiH to meet a ultuatlon that Iiiih
borne no parallel nlnco the birth of
thin commonwealth," mild the chief
oeciithe, In hcRlnnliiK hi mosfciiRe.
'In many of tho sorloutj questions'
which will bo put forward during tho
noxl forty ilnys )ou will havo no pre-
oilenlH to guide you You will, In1
u curtain positive senso. bo plonoors."
j Itnferrlnt- to tho proud war record
of OroRon anil tlm need to provide,
i proper raio for the bo)s leturnlng
houlo .tho moHHiiKn next dealt wllh '
the question of land settlement, "es-
peclally iih It itlTeutH tlm returning
soldiers and sailors, who uro untitled
to overy eneoiiriige.iie,., m. ,.,.,y r..-
turn to civil lire" Four phases of
this subject iiro to be considered, tl.o
Kovernor ilorlunil The elonrliiR of
logRcd-otT lantlH. reclamutlon of Ir-
I rlgated liiniltt, ilrulniiRii or swamp
) Imuls mid tlm subdivision of farms in
humid sections I
i "CnnirreKH." H.ild the covornor."vvlll
iiiiiloubtodly miikti sumo provision for
federal assistmico in this work, but it
I will probably bo conditional upon
statu t'o-operatlou This will, of
course, Intuitu a now s.vstoin of
j tliiaiiclng Untlur our prosent 0 per
i rent limitation theio Is only ono wny,
as I vluvv It, that wo could undurtako
this outorprlsu .and that would bo
thru a rational bonding system that
would muot with tho approval of the
oloctoriilo of tho statu."
' Preferential rights for roturnod
HoldlorH In I'tintrnctH for ampin intuit
on public works, such as litKIiuy
KtiiiHii ut lion, vviiB tiigeti upon l" -
loglsluturo. Tho governor also asked j
passage of it bill providing that sol
tllors ubsotit on uctlvo duty bo nl
lowed to vote .and urged onactmont
of a bill fixing penalty for treason.
Ho pointed out that thoro Is now no
penally for treason on tho stututo
bonks of Orogon, mid urged that this
would bo u good tlmo "lo sot down In
the stlitutos, Oregon's upprulsnl ot I,
W. W.-Ihih mid other forms of tils
loyalty, so that thoro may nover bo
'nnv misunderstanding ns to tho do
grvo of punishment Orogon courts
mid Juries would matt) out to disloyal
jiursons," t
Attor describing llio tromondous
natural resources of tho state, tho
executive tloclnrod thoro Is noed of u
strong merchant mnrlno manned by
iOri'Kon iiiijii ninl iuiiiiiikcu' by ()rci;oii
Iiiiik "If wo urn to InirvijHt Ori'Kon'M
full crop, vtn iiuiMt look lowuril u ile.
! V(;l(ipiin.'iil of roiiiini.Tclnl hm well iih
II ti il ii Ht r t it I mill iiKrleulturiil re
HourceH," liu hiiIiI, "our Krent prob
loin Ih to create Mtnble uiurketH for
tlio proiluvtH of OroK'iu fon-HlH noil
iiiIiii'm, mill of Oregon furiiiH, Kiirileui
mill orUmnlH Tliureforii, I eiirneHt
ly reiomiiifinil Unit thin It-Klnlat urn
(llHpnlrb u Joint mnmorliil to the tou-
RroHH of tlio t'nlleil Htiitcn, Htronnly
urKliiK upon tlm feilural Kovurnmunl
i neivimibiuty of ihiiIiIIiik irKe
number (if nlilp tliul tould bo rhur-'j
iprfd nwliiy to the IiuhIhohh men im
Co.ihI HttitoH on toruiH Hint would e.n-
jnliln tlioin to compete HiircoRHfully
.. Ill I. I.. ....... I., ttw. .. ...t.l "
hii mi niuiifum ii 11111 niiiiu
C.overnor Vlth)rombe reltrr.tteil
'llln objectloilH to the tax limitation1
' provlnlon, mill ileclurml "Tlio llnun-1
rlnl Hlluiitlou In Oregon Ih iincerlnln, ',
''' H l I') no meiiiiH hopelohH. mill I
hnvi! fultli In the nhlllty or UiIm Il-kIk-Inturo
to Hohe the problem A u
in:. iter of ImslneHH (ixiieilirnry. tiermlt
inn lii Itivlli iilfetitloti tounril the ad- .
i . , n . .. . ,
il iblllt) of eKtulillHlilllK the end of
Un fiscal year nt July IhI, rather than
jjenuury IhI .thun running tho htatu
lnl.ser concurrentl) with tho bookH of
tl'u federal Kocrumuut '
"A ruy of brlKht sunshine con
frontH uh an we touch upon the In-
.1 !! f.l..... ...hMnluulnn t.l.lrl.
uuniriui iittiiiuui LijiiiiiiiDiiiuii, fun."
(Continued on page 2)
LONDON. Jnn H "ItusHla, that
Ih soviet llusslu. will revert to ab
solute buibn Ism within three )ear
If nsslstaiKo Ih not offered from the
outside." hu) a Hrltlsb officer who
recently escaped from Russia To
,n0 rorrespondont of the Associated
i', he added
"Mon and women of the better
classes who havo lived thru llio llrst
)olr ()f Ilolshovlklsm are dounliig
peasant gnib In self-defense and
dropping Into the dull, monotonous
village life. Theio's nothing else
for them to do. Kii'-.slii will soon be
as primitive as tlm Congo If allowed
to drift along iindei Holsbevlk con
n til It Is hopoless to -expect leudor-
,.!.. 1.. I 1.. .. 1.1. li ..III ul,rt lTrt
snip ... ..,. ...-. " -
counto from .everslon to ,
Ism. Tl.o Ihushovlk oadms mo not
strong. Opposition oadois nro mi,
weak that l.onlm, and his odl
seem buouk nj iuiuim.iim. ......
"re merely better oiganlzed thun an)
"tlu" K"'"l'
"" "
UIE.sjsJt ocilAit.,
sai.ivm. Jin. U.- With tho c eo..
tlon of Soimtor V.nton of Yamhill .,
tho I'resltlont of tho Sonuto, mid Soy.
inour Jonos of Murlon County as
Speaker of the Houso, tho Leglslu
turo swunk Into session yostordiiyi
The elections wero unanimous
Tlio commlttfcos on nssliinmuiiU
was announN'd.
S.iiintiit' .1 t'
Smith vvas nuniod
, C;lluirinull of th'o Wa)s nml Means
committoc. Senator IMdy of Rose-
bur(; ,s C,'alrmiu, f tll0 Commlttoo
on the revision of ltnvs.
s HKULIN, Jan. H. Qrddr has boon
complctoly restored In the cities out
side llorlin, whoso Spmtacmig havo
I o-ostnbllahod thomselves, Many
havo bcou miostod at Spautlau, limn
l)iii g and Diesdon,
uinim.Ns kuom cam forma
V, T. Shlvo, who has boon visit
lug Culltoinlu points far tho piwt fow
woeks has roturned to Klamath Falls,
General Cleanup Here
Be Made
I'lnu- of lliiMiiiH.- i:rrpi rK
' pie nne Dccome exoiea wun me re-stor-
unit Keoliiuriiiiii. I''-'I ' st that ridiculous stories of condl-
WeclnoMlii) mill Tbrii-ibi)
noons IINlrlrt .Marshals Appoint
ed Suire Mnll .Soon He Otrr.
'There are about ".. cases of ,
Influenza In the city Added to
this might bo about IS or 20
cases unreported and doubtful,
ho tbut ut the outside you might
say there nro not oer 100 cases
that may be put in the influenza
class " Statement of Health
Officer Soule at tho council
meeting last ceiiiiig.
! i
Ki'duicil to Its last mial.tsls, the
i iniiiiuuza situation in Kiamaui f ails
Is such as not to wairant the wild
.rumors and agitation that hate been l
prevalent fo r the past few days. Real
IzIiir this to be a fact, a number of.
tho business mon of the city met with)
urn major anu cuy council '"'' , anU to dean and disinfect after quar
afternoon and discussed the problem anUne has been fed are ,.
that was confronting the Health ' gtructed to al8Cnarge their duties
Hoard, and It was the concensus of wth courtesyt but to flrm,y enforce
opinion at that meeting that steps the law and regulatlons of the Board,
should bo taken to allay the nppre-
li..., tt llt.i lltttl.l nnrl ..iiIaI fncQltt '
of the biis)-boily by closing the town
for n portion of this week, that tlos-
, lug to be done foi tho purpose of
bilnglng about a general clean-up,
of the clt), disinfecting the disease-)
blooding -spots, that fumigation of
' every place that might be pioductlvej
j of influenza germs and thc Inaugura.
i lion of a)i "air tight" quarantine. '
With this end In view, it was decided)
at a meeting of the clt) council last
night to dliect tlio Health Hoard to,!
Pioceed with such a progiam and',
tint II would havo the full support
of tho cit) mlmlnlstintion In pursu-'
unrp of this progiain, the Health I
Hoard has issued an order closing '
"all m'IiooIh, theatres, dances, and i
(.,iuu.ll,!) abSoniblies or all kind shall
fcC0ltHIH, mc ()f 0, or
M n
M lNnrectcd
iiiw ((f thc lM,h
I Hoaiil. this to heroine effettlve be
j ginning nt i! o'llock Wednosdu)
, moinlug, .l.iiiuai) 15 and continuing
until sl o'clotk Mouiliy January 19,
I also, all t titles und places of bustnes.s,
oncuiH ding stoics .mil restaurants.
till. ill lw nlnun.l ilnrlnir Hut nflitl nnollfi
of Jniuiiiiy IB, and
15 and
'.' ..."
tuiiisiiiiy - " """ t'"""
Thiiisilny Jnn lii. and the;
.'.l bo cleaned and d.s.nfetted. ac -
ooiiiing to tlio lines or tin? tioiitn --- ,
ltoiiid " Bono liio by the committee.
Tho' puiposo tit this closing o.doT I W ' R- struWe' ,n hla addre8S
is to enable tho business Houses to , outlining the work of the year, om
hum,, thn oinso.1 noriod to tho clean. , 1'lmsized tho Improving ot Mills Ad-
, - - -- . ...---- - - - - ,
, i"B 1 "t uio promises to uiiaiiio tuu
.omplo.voi and oinpli)o to t'lenn up
mound theli homos amr to loie.isoj
' for nsslhtanto hi tho into of tho sick
thoio who may wish to pluco their
' soi vices nt tho disposal of tho Health
Iiomd, Tho wisdom of this policy
lioeds no comment. Tho snnttarv
roiidlttou of this city U n disgrace,
mid a move should pow bo made to,
once and foi nil tlmo, wipo out the
disease blooding holes that tuu to be
found thriiout the town. Tho Health
Hotud now knows that buck of II
stiintlb tho united stippoit ot tho city
and if it falls In tho poifoimance of
Its duty it will htno to answer ho
fuio tho bur of un enraged public
sontlmont. Thoio has been too much
"puss'lng tho buck" duilng nil of
thoso waves, bo Unit tho people had
no cential iiuthorlty to look to. Now
that tho question tins been placed on
a business basis und tho responsibi
lity fixed, tho people mo not going to
uccepl any excunc except th rigid
I'nforcement of law and health re
! guliitlonx.
City Health Officer Boole, Is now
' .itlHfled that there will not be a re
Mirrence or the present agitation, for
be Ih out to clean up the city and
keep It clean In dlscusnlnc the num
ber of cases of the disease In the city
he said:
I "There U no necessity for the peo
j pin of the city to become excited
1 oter the Influenza. When I xay that
' there are one hundred cascn that may
be considered as bavins Influenza,
that Is stretching the condition to
bring within the scope of the disease
everything possessed of the slightest
suspicion of that malady." "There
' Is no question but that the situation
has been grossly exaggerated. Under
normal conditions In this city for tho
) past ct oral years one hundred cases
! of sickness would not be unusual.
' Neither Is It this year, but some peo-
! tlons hae been spre3d, whether thru
design or otherwise, until the confid.
encc of the people have been shaken.
If the people now co-operate In the
I ,
t loan-up movement and aid In the
I enforcement of the quarantine. It
will not be many days until the prea-
ent scare is forgotten and everything
i will assume Its. normal condition."
The special health officers and
quarantine officials appointed by the
Board last night, with the territory
over which they shall exercise Juris
diction are:
B. J. Lawrence, from center of
Sixth Street to U. S. Canal.
fi. F Sevlts, north of U. S. Canal.
M. L. Miller, Mills Addition and
i Hillside.
Frank K. Ankeny. center btreei
to Sixth Street.
W. W. Wbitlatch. Center street to
giy,b Street
i west.
j The duties of these officers are to
i Innk aflor llin npeda of the neoDle
thn ,nelr terrItory who are quar.
antned) to enforC(J the quaranUne
The Mills Addition commUtse of
tho city council appointed by the
mayor to look Into the possibility of
lmpioilng the sanitary conditions of
that blstrict Is making an Inspection
till!, afternoon, with Manager J. It
Bend of the Klamath Reclamation
project and City Engineer J. C.
Manager Horn! has indicated tho
willingness of the reclamation ser-
, '' '" . , ... , .V. j..V
thcclty in allovlatinig tho conditions
l. nnnAwn a l nnodlhlo lft
l'teh uro known ,0 be deplorable in
l""lvi" "'" " " vim,ii
i that section. The Dosslbllity of iu-
... . .. ..... j
1 - ------
f ,, .,.
Tluoe directors are to be elected to
day for the Horsefly Irrigation Proj
ect in Eastern Klamath. The names
of all three will be written in on the
ballots. William Woods, F. J. Bowno
am W.llllnm Irwin are among the
candidates for tho positions. The elec
tion Is being held at Bonanza.
Flunk Muiry, a stocltnun on1 the
big Klamath Marsh in Northern
Klamath County, w'ho has been In the
city for a few days, left today for
Layevlevv and Sliver Lake and other
points iu La,ko County on matters of
Building Secured on Cres
cent Avenue
Kcd Cross Will Co-Opcrato With
Cltj and Count) In Sharing Kx
pnr of .New Institution I'aticntx
Unable to Pa) for Care Will Be
Treated on Charge Account.
As a further step towards ths prop.
er control of health conditions within
the city and county, the mayor and
county court held a conference yes
terday afternoon, when It was decid
ed to establish a Joint Isolation hospi
tal. This has been done and the
Health Hoard has secured a lease on
the S. P. White residence on Crescent
avenue, and Dr. Soule and a corps of
fsslstants are busy today fv'illng 'Le
place ready for patients
This Institution shall be open to
all, whether they have the means to
pay or not, but those who are in a
position to pay for the services they
receive will have to do so, and these
charges will be collected in adyaqce.
as In the case In other hospitals.
Where a patient has not the means to
pay, a charge account will be opened,
and when that person secures em
ployment he will be expected to re
imburse the city or county for the
coattf care. Manufacturing estab
lishments charging regular monthly
hospital fees will be asked to waive
tho contract conditions, and defray
the expense of any of their employes
who may be taken there.
At the council meeting last night
H .D. Mortensen made th following
statement to those present:
"I have been authorized by the Red
Cross to retender for the new er-idsm-Ic
their pretious offer made namely
that they will undertake one third of
the deficit expense, after deducting
receipts, incurred on account of the
Influenza epidemic up to an amount
not exceeding one thousand dollars
provided the city and the County will
each stand one third Our national
regulations preclude our making an
outright grant of any sum, and we
therefore, must pay out this money
to take up properly audited bills in
curred thru purclnV-cs requisition
permits uuthoilzed and approved by
the City Council or the County offic
ials and passed upon by our Treasur
er nnd executive committees for sup
plies or nursing
"Tho Red CroSb will also, as nrotl
ously furnish on requisition, my ned
Jackots. pnjamis, surgeons gown',
miuiks for muses or pueunnula Jaik
ets needed b) the City and Comity lnv
their fight agiinst Influenza
The non-pet Ishnble articles t" he
kept Hack of fumigated and returned
after tho epidemic, tho perishable
articles will not be expected back and
no charge will be made for theiu.
Those supplies will bo kept available
for distribution d.i) or night s
pret lously
Anything In oxters of Ibli contribution-f
tout the Red Cross will bo
paid oquall) by tho city ami "
mi:.ioan Ri:voi.r-rio.isTS.
MUSCON. Jan H -Seven promin- v
ent Mexican and American resident-!
havo boon nnosled here charged with
smuggling amis luto Mexico n con
nection with a new revolutionary
Dr F. M Whlto who Is wclUnowjt
inKlkma.h Falls, wheio he rracU
for many jcuib came In "t n,
from Ma.shfleld lo look after M.
ness interests. He Is le"
and says that his entfro family J"
escaped the Influenza thus tar altho
,t- has been very serious there.