.MO.VH.IY. .MNIMHV III, HMD THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON I'AHi: TllltKK " ----- ''FZaF rjr WB --., ,&' yw r . 'I . . pfw'L, ' ' ' soft's W v. , ' f'ar' j,rr tf ifc'jni.fi n.?.''1 Uil Splendid Darin Italians Is Rewarded ,i-i g of Klamath founTy News Herald's Classified Advs. FOR SALE . j..v.. l.i nil school tepoher arrived and school started Tuesday. FOR SALE- Or will trade for sheep or cattle, ranch on the west side of Summer Lake; fine Improvement! nnil A-l ranch; will sell for nnn.thir cash, balance to suit; price $27 BOO '"day P. M ,,.,., & Soni ,,-Vrk ' Oregon. tn-H 60LO.VS41. T&tE WAR '"J - Vt v x s- 7jC M;f;icfi of a Var Sjccladcc, (ilmed fom Authentic Scenes by a Thousand Cameras ACHIEVEMENTS ALMOST BEYOND BELIEF SECUR-, j ED BY BRAVE NAVAL OFFICER, WHO SWAM FOR NINE HOURS TO PLACE BOMBS ON SIDE ; OF AUSTRIAN VESSEL ; V A iKK liiu wur w.tjt yuur tymt ell of It frui i Ifw lirtt Mow tlrurli tuwtt It tk.f hoy.' dpfiancn of tUitlt 0:1 tl o liluoil dupe . f l' n Msillti, War (crura nn I mil, . , tlo cea, III tile lr. Clillt -enin-ulivn ' eointireheiulve -the one end only 'rtor'M lilitory rf the war. l.V, toldler. if every nation at war oil tl.o sri-nl :'" all llio fight- liiK fronli. Cee our liny on tli march in France ire liow they eat unci l: nnil fi(lit. S.e our Navy rlenwl for uction ri linw Uncle Sam it ;iilmlin; thru to rloriuu. victory. Sea It iUKC SEE THE "TREAT 'EM ROUGH YS IN ACTION to ii bund on ship. I'aolucel ankod the iliiilnila(l..iiral U ho and hla friend -night hIho try to save themselves, mil ho shook hands, saying- "Voii aro bravo men, anil desorye to live." They plunged Into the water anil swam away, hut ten minutes later th6 admiral began to suspect the bomb story, and sent a launch to brlnir them back. They were made Hie Bwlmnwrs worn In Hi- l() walk ,, Ulu la,,,,er un(ler walcIl LIBERTY THEATRE TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY Matinee 15c and 35c Evening 25c and 50c ROM II- (CorreHpondi'iico of tho ' AHKoclati-d I'roHi) It wa'i by n-.vlm-! itiltiK Inlo Tola harbor and stei rlnj; I two hiiihII HUbmnrlue motor lo.vlrif. I bombs that two Italian navnt oiIIjoim i duHtro;.'d the Austrian (IrnnluoiiRhl ; i Vlrlhus I'iiIIIh jiiHt beforu the kIkiiIhk , of the armlstlCK bi'twonu Italy and I Austria. ' .valiT tilni) bourn, and had to penc 'tniti: four ImrrlPrs arrosj !ho hnrooi (i!Mriico .two of which w.o co-npoi.-!ed of (iti'cl submarlliu nets. After tin1)' had attached lliclr 'jii'iib to I ho Hltln of the drondtlouKht, tlmy wore capturoil and taken on boird the vos- whi'ii tho Mrs. V. i:. Kotnp returned to her home nnr Keno Sunday after spend ing a week with her parents Mr. nnd Mrs. J. I). Hooper. Mr Kd. Itoyce wan In Mldlii.d Thursday from his ranch wiBt of here. Mrs. Win. Tlngley spent Wcdncs iHy afternoon with Mrs. J. I). Hoop er. The .1. I... Davidson family are rc loverliiB from the Flu. FORI) I-OU SI,K ChMp for oash. Phone 22M ,)r fiTY. ;;o )t MISCELLANEOUS ia iaee-afnj-) llin WANTED -Stock cattle in any num- her, write or wire L. K. Walker or Klamath Packing Co. 4-7-9-11-13 FARM FOR SALE OR RENT Call on Schubert, next poitofflce. 11-tt Wm Miller Tlnt!ley Is hauling .loo from Island. e IIOMi: FROM VISIT FOR RENT FOR RENT- Three room furnished apartment Inquire 39 High street, corner Cedar 13-lt Mr. II I'. Hauger, representative they had wit the bomb, which was to of the Wellman Feck, wholesale groc- Polar Hospital Serves Gigantic Territory j hid. unit wiro then This iu aiulng (lure was an In. b!iI ns blown up. tnriwtlUK llllUlinUon of the wide iihi fiilui'DH of Si Hlrplii'iiH, when the Antic xplonr. Vllhjimur Slefans con. ilni had bci'ii lying III at Hem- rind iHlnml with typhoid, had mdf h tilled 100 nilliw on a dog sled to ii-ai'h ihe hospital " t.Vt it .iniiiliiril iinllij Clillrolc .V Sinllli ngi'iii'). front the 21 COItlKlVA. Alnskn. (My Mall) I'm lit-r uorl. In Hi. Stephens lloipl Id of fm a w n Fort Viikon. Alimli.i. -ui.1 in I" tbi' moiii nmiliiirly hospl lal in Ninth Aim'Hm, MUri Marg irnt Num mill tl nn remaining Kntdu- nli' niiino of thi IliHllllliitl, Unn. In'cll nunidi'il "UM'lul mirvlrti rhi'Vton" hr tin" AiiicrliMii Ri'd f'tims. The l.oapltal, an KiiKlWh Cliurrl Imiiiiutii'ii loniicd Inn inlli'n linldi' tin' An Mr Clrrli- on the Vllkini Flats. U tlif only plain whi-rn mt'dlral ns-; Utiiiin' rati be obttlni'd III cnliU'lhlllK III,, ,n inio silinrn llllli's Hiild Arch' ill' iimi IlinUoii Stuck In urltlng to f In lli'd Ciiiki ri'(iii'Ktllig Hint the ( hi'tintl It ni'tit MIkh Nliiivlnlll TIii iinnlnKt iiji(iiill up tho Vil knti ! at ILiUMill 3fiO lllllns (iviy. nnd tin' n iiri-nt ilouu tin' rlviT Is til tlieiiiniN piMi nt I'ort (ilhlioii, :ir0 liillra ill-lillit, "Arrlldi'iirnii Stuck said. "And In all tin uldi- hlutm Ituil thorn Is no plil(latt" For a limn last siimmi'i Miss Nun lalll thought of going oiitnldi' to Join tin' RimI ('rnsa woiki'l Ik-IiIiiiI th Amnilinii linttlii lint's Sim wis pn Milli'd upon bv llio honpllal and rlnirih uutliorllli'- to rmnulu at In.'. not Hutu post mill rnnllntii bur mis sionary ami iiuisn work milling thn grout itiiiiiber of Alnakmi Indians ruled for I i.i tho hiupltnt. ,"lf It vttun iiernisaiy." Arcliilearnir Stuck said, 'to closn this limpltil-ln onliir to ulu Hi" war or that our uouudi'it should linvo prupnr rarr. I would iiiihcsltiitliiclv do so Hut If II Is possible thai tlil bully needed anil rontly wot), hIhiII continue I a.il: that tho rl-csroii bn gr tiii'd to Hint Mlr.s Xtinvlalll mn bi forlilli'd In ri'iualu hern illslliigulMbi'il from sl.tck itu and nlmi'iHi'i'M lit ll c .ittiiul mm ma has en ? reins They escaped without Injury, mid have returned to Rome lo loll of their exploit, which Is clniructei-1.i'd as one of the most daring and pne- lilm- cestful In tho history of natal vnr- fare. Only the fact that the Vlrlhus I'nltlH had been destroyed by Itulfun naval forces pievlously had beo'i made known, but now the di'liub. Iinvo been given out by the Italian admiralty. , The olllctrs who thus sent to tho bottom a 20.000-ton ship, ones of the most powerful In tho Austrran navy, wore Lieutenant Raffaolo I'aolucel and Mnjor Rnffaele Rossettl. Tho at tack was delivered on the morning of November 1, 19J8, To tow the bombs Into Pola har bor, tho two Italians Invented smnll explode In two mlntitos. Tho ladder was crowded with sailors returning to their ship, "Run! Run for your lives;" shouted I'aolucel, struggling to reach tho dork before tho explosion took pluce. He and Ro3scttl had reached wur tho dee'e and ran to the stem of the dreadnought when a tcrrlllc cxplo s'on rent tho air, and a column of water 300 feet high shot upward Admiral Voucovlch again gave them permission to save themselves, and they had been swimming away from the ship five minutes when they heard another explosion, and saw that the other bomb which had been left adrift, had been carried by the cur rent alongside the large Austrian liner WIen, and had there exploded. The Vlrlhus Unllls was then lying on her side, hutv suddenly the huge ship turned bottom upward, and L'cutenant Paoluccl saw Admiral Voucovlch scramble upward and stand with folded arms on tho keel, ready to go down with Itis essel. ' Major Rossettl and era, has returned from a two weeks business nnd pleasure trip to San Francisco. Jump from Bed in Morning and Drink Hot Water Tells why everyone should drink hot water each morning before breakfast. LEGAL NOTICES FINAL ACCOUNT FILER In the County Court of the State ot Oregon, for Klamath County In the Matter of the Estate of Fred crick Melhase, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the ad ministrator of the above estate has filed his final account herein, and 'that February Sth, 1919, at the hour j of 10 o'clock a .m. ot said day, at the . county court room In the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, has been , fixed by said court as the time and place for hearing objections to such 'account and the settlement thereof. Dated the 6th day of 'January, 1919. ALLEN SLOAN, 6-13-20-27-3 Administrator. Ii Ii Why Is man and woman, half the tlmo, feeling nervous, despondent, werried: some days headachy, dull and unstrung; some days really Inca-1 pacltntcd by Illness. ! It we would all practice inside-bath- ( Ing, what a gratifying change would I take place. Instead of thousand of, half-sick, anaemic-looking souls wlthj pasty, muddy complexions we should t.ki:s TANiar follow ixo at iwrn )!' LM'i.rirx.A ,xi m:- Sl'l.TS ARK WOMtKltlTL. see crowds of happy, healthy, roay- Lieutenant ticei:cj oone overywheie. Therea-' Paoluccl wore recaptured and taken , ... . ,,,-, ,i, i, ,,,., uvctnm .in,. nm , compressed nlr motors, to which were on boanl anolllcr Au8trInn warship. rW UtM oacll llay of aU llie wa9te, attached bombs. For six months the whcro lncv were kopt vtaoner until wUph cumulates under our pres.' two naval men practiced In long ills- Ule arm!stlcc WM alBned Bnd an Itu. cnt mod(, of Uv,ng For every ounce lance swimming. The Italian ndmlr- ,a warshlp entered the harbor. 0f food and drink taken Into the sys-! alty gave tho mthe use of a motor T1)en a launci, ,va3 sent for the two tern nearly nn ounce of waste material! U ! Sec Cliilcote i Smith for Are. life. accident nnd health Insurance. 03S Main street. 24 PROFESSIONAL CARDS DR. G. A. MASSEY Sticceor to Dr. Truax Suit 200, I. O. O. F. Illdg OHic phone 8&I Iti I'hniii- 801 "For aiiyono .iiifforlng fioin the aftei offecw of Influenza and needing something to build them up," said Fd ward W. Reno, a well known em plii) no of tho American Hull way Kx- boat. Reaching tho harbor entrance nt nightfall, tho two daring men started on their expedition, swimming beside their little motors and steering them. To escape detection by sentries on a wooden pier across tho harbor mouth Paoluccl and Ros3eltl bnd hats shnped like bottles, and tho sentry saw nothing but a couple of bottles heroes nnd they were sent on a de- must bo can led out, else It ferments stroyer to Venice, where the people and forms ptomaine-like polson3 gave them a vociferous welcome. 1$ 3 J? 'lBnntuimmiSiKiiffi m mm fySw "'B fjl Look tor the L fijilM scaled package, but jil illllirl have an cyc out ii i 11 111 ais or thc name I ! I lii'l' AJPSBil tV'C I I llllill WRICLETb 11 II 111 II I T')at name ,s your pro" 111 H1I 3 taction aealnst Inferior j 111 I jI I imitations. Just as the Ij III iill I sealed- pacliaite Is pro- pjj IfiSlilill I tectlon aealnst Impurity. j Jlljjffljjlllll The Greatest Name jg IlliSiiiiS ln Coody'Lancl " wi Ipi.: iMImm LVX) The WWM I la3aew " y af IPtw w l." ITT'ini llintrrrrrT-J.mr UdOlia HJiw.v'''',ri'i?'V'Tl pnsK (ompany. living nt 1.21 Ilroad- bcliiR tossed about by the waves, win. KaiiaiM City. Missouri, "Tnnluc, When his back was turned they mi ls tin. finest thing In the world, and vancod. and safely passed tho first I II itdl ou why. barrier. V Dm lug tho recent epidemic I was' A(,ur jnflnlto labor they fought tilt-i down with the 'Flu myself and ,ll0)r Wliy ti,ru ttl0 stuei net8 nml thc f. r t o weeks was Just about as sick, Austrian Heel lay before them, tut ono nets to ho. I finally managed nmtchlnc tho side of tho Vlrlhus PUT CREAM IN NOSE AND STOP CATARRH Tells How To Open CloRgcd Nos trils and End Head-Colds. You feel fine in a few moments. Vi.ur cold in head or catarrh will be gono. Your clogged noatrils will open. The air passages of your head will clear nnd you can breathe freely. No more dullness, headache; no to pull thru, but my, I was ns weak lis a In by afterwards. I lost twenty, five poundH In weight or more, and otory oiinri' of my strength seemed to b" got.o Of rtiurbp, I wasn't able to wl Uh are absorbed into the blood. . ' Jukt as necessary ns it Is to clean the ashes ftom the furnace each day before tie tire will burn bright and hot, to wo must each morning clear the inside organs of the previous day s accumulation of Indigestible waste and body toxins. Men and women, whetl.er sick or well, are advised to drink each morning, before breakfast, a glass of real hot water with a tea spoonful ot limestone phosphate In It, v.s a harmless means of washing out of the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels thc Indigestible material, waste, our bile and toxins; thus ERED WESTERFELD DENTIST I.ooinis Illdg., Klnui.ttli Falls CITY AND COUNTY AUSTRACT COMPANY .11? Main Money to loan on real estate at 8 per cent. Unllls. they attached tho bomb to her hull beneath tho ladder which leil to her deck, and timed tho bomb to explode nt 0:30 a. in. Ily this time they were exhausted. I roiuseti to answer inu iiui'sunns naui'ii i them by Admiral Voucovlch. At G15, ! however, they told the admiral what they had done, and he gave tho order raaiie.nr do ii bit of woik and It vvn.s Just about ' 1avl)(. ,1Pon , th(, waep ,oro ,han all I could do to walk around nnd my nJll0 llinlw. As tlu,y were leaving, legs would Just completely give out ; lhoy woro dIl(C0Vcm, na taUe 0 out.fim.fi 1 had no appetlto. either board 10 llreailnolI.llt. At rfi, ley ami uovnr rarou mr , tniug to eat. i "1 know I wouldn't bo nblo lo go back to work at nil fooling llko I was, and as I had heard so much nl'out Taulac I decided to tost It out. Well. It oowod to belli mo right from tl o lliht few doses nnd hua put mo In flhnpo lo where I havo nctunlly Rain ed twonly-flvo pounds In thirty days tlmo I have Just flnUl od my thhd bottle, and ll Is nothing slioit of as tonishing tl e way It has Inei eased my strength and hullt mo up In every respect. I havo not only gotten back all my old stiongth, but I really be llovo I fuel hotter than I did oven be fore I had thu 'Flu'. My appotlto wiw never bolter, nil thnt tired feeling Is gi no and 1 nm putting in ten hours if rod, haul work every day, and It roilly ilnosn't bother mo ono bit. To nv I'm stioiii; for Tnnlne I3 Inaklng l very mild. I am constantly tolling i'n filond ntio'tt It. nnd I thing h imdv v ho U In n rundown condl 1..1 t.ould do vvoll to glvo It n trial." As 1 n been oti.ted. tbero Is not a nf'o I'oillon of thn hotly that .la not hnnofltod by the bolpful notion of 'nnl'tp T.uilne contains roitaln 1110. dli'luiil propiu'tliu which enrich tho blooii and piuniolo 11 healthy appotlto for uciiii isliliiK food, thus hulplng to hulld up health and Htrongth In tho nutuinl way. And, iih In tho case of Mr IVto, T-iiluc will provo (nvalu ntvio to nil persons suffering from tho lor efforts of Influrnsui, in grippe, t pboltl u ml pneumonia, bronchial doubles oli'. Tnulai Is n .poworful rt'cuiistiuctlvu tonlu and ulwnys pro ducos most gintlfyiiiR roaulta, Tniilne In sold l' Klninnlh Falls by tho Stui- Drug Co., mid In Lorelln by thn Jnmoi More, Co, Adv. I. ...). I ., ,. cniifrlliirr tttiinrtnc' ittu ...,.. u. b. "-"---- cleaning, sweetening and purifying charges or dryness; no struggling tor J- ..,, , Wnp I lIlU UillltW UII1U.IIVU; . wuewe v 1 putting more fcod Into the stomach. Millions ot people who had their turn at constipation, bilious attacks, nervous days and sleep- become real cranks nhMt thn mnrnlnp iiwlilft haih. A' quarter pound of limestone phosphate 'will net cost much at the drug stdre, but is sulllcient to demonstrate to any one Its cleansing, sweetening and tioshonlns effect upon the system.-Ad brenth nt night. 1 Tell your druggist you want a small bottle of Kly's Crenm Halm. Apply tlitln n(ilil: fr.tiri-.int. anttsentic cream In your nostrils, let it penetrate aHa stomach, nei thru every air passage of tho head: li;ss "-S ,,s ,mc nlinill llin mrn soothe and hoal the swollen, inflamed luiKOtis membrane, and relief comes Instantly. It Is Just what every cold and ca tarrh sufferer needs. . Don't stay stuf-fod-up and miserable. DR F R. GODDARD ' Osteopathic Physician Surgeon Suite 211, I. 0. O. P. Tempi (over K. K. K. Store) Phone 321 . . (The only Osteopathic Physl lan and Surgeon In Klamath Falls ) HAVE IK III GENERAL FOCH AND FRENCH AND ITALIAN STATESMEN ARRIVING IN LONDON FOR PRELIMINARY PEAS ECONFERENCE I H (111 JertC't.-VrWit.W. jftfc .ft. ViS WWiwUMtiaVMiV.iiiaiWjWile Aft3 London outdid hoiwlf when Mnr- lutirlcs. Crowds lined the streets Hlml Foiii, Promlor Clomoncenu and about Charing Cross station anil .nx- Ilaron Sonnlno, Ilnly'o foreign mln- tondod down to Trufulgar Stiuare Istor, went to London early In Do- This photograph shows tho otllelul re- combor to confer on poaco prelim- coptlou at tho railroad station. Tho visitors and their hostes, Indicated by numbers, are: (1) Baron Sonnl no, (2) Ilaron Law. (3) Frontier Clemenceau, (4) Lord Curzon, (G) Promlor Lloyd Ooorgo. norody c.ix TKI.L wiiK.v on , DARKFX GRAY. FAUKO HAIR WITH SAGU TIM ' Grandmother kept her hair beautl ' fully darkened, glossy and attractive ; with a brew of Sago Tea and Sulphur. Whonever her hair took on that dull, 1 faded or streaked appearance, this I simple mixture was applied with won ! dcrful eftect. By asking at any drug i store for "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur j Compound.' you will get a large hot ! tie ot this old-time recipe. Improved 1 by tho addition of other Ingredient, I all readv to use, for auout 50 cents. This simple mixture can bo depended (upon to restote natural color and ' beauty to the hair. A VVI'll known U0VVUIUU Mii.ee.-- ,av3 everybody uses Wycthi Sage and Sulphur Compound now because K darkens so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell It has been appl ed it . so easy to use. too. You simply .lamron a comb or soft hiu h and draw It through 5our hair, taking one strand at a time. Uy n'0"' gray hair .llroppear-; after anothpr application or two. It I reared tc It. natural color and looks glossy, soft and beautiful. TUU preparation Udj delightful toilet requisite. It 3 intended for tho ere. mitigation or prevention of disease. Adv.