t. i. li 1 I' i V ! n.vrrmi.w, mm'aiiv i. i E) I'AGB FOUll THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON HID hi SECOND UNITED STATES OFFICIAL WAR FILM "AMERICA'S ANS Wtmmmmmammmmmmmmmmaimma W17 1? i t i ! i HI . Fl H II IJ If IV Si ffiJii MS Hi f I if m mi i v mt 3 NO ADVANCE IN PRICE Star Theater Sunday and Monday SPECIAL MATINEE SUNDAY PRESENTED BY THE DIVISION You want to know how the Government is spending your money in its prosecution of the Great War. You Want to know just what your Soldier Boys are doing in France. "America's Answer" tells you. This pictorializa tion of the greatest War Drama in all history has been made and is presented for public consideration, not to make money although it must necessarily produce a rev- OF FILMS COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC INFORMATION cnue, in order to meet the expense involved but in order to show the millions of contributors to the several Liberty Loans ,the purchasers of Thrift and War Stamps, Tax payers, and those who have so generously given in other ways for the needs of the war, exactly what has been ac complished in France during the first year of America's participation in the Struggle for Democracy. GEORGE CREEL, CHAIRMAN While showing the tremendous activities of the United Stated in France, Rrowisitf out of the colossal needs of the war, "America's Answer' 'also replies, in the thunderous roar of cannon and the driving force of America's Soldiers, to the kaiser's declaration -that "America wouldn't fight" The answer has already readied the Hohenzollern.. It is your duty, as well as your privilege to see "Amer cia's Answer." ?3ES32Si! LL QUARTER OF U. S. WHEAT FROM KANSAS MAAMMAAMVWWVWVWVVWW Local Red Cross Activities .. w Those present at the Sewing room Dec 30 were Mesdames O. D. Burke, L. E. Sullivan. Tuesday, Dec. 3 J. Mesdames E. Bice, L. E. Sullivan. . Thursday, Jan. 2. Mesdames Bob Itobertson, J. B. Itees, O. D. Burke. L. E. Sullivan. Hrtdir, Jan 3. Mesdames Geo. Humphrey, Percy Evans, B. N. Lewin, ' more than ono third of the 509,304. .Vettlo Next-banks, G. C. Mitchell, Al- 000 bushels for the average annual len Stansble, J. E. Mills, H. J. Win-' consumption In the United States, the ters, J. H. Hamilton. L. E. Sullivan. ' report says. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Jan. 4 A report by Edward C. Paxton. field agent for, the federal department of Agriculture, declares that Kansas, with 11.1S4.000 acres.Jias 22. S per cent of all the winter wheat area of the United States. A full crop on this enormous acre age, which is 13 per cent larger than the record acreage of last year, would total 200,000,000 bushels, or IN Mil POEM ey cm IKES II HIT The following Is taken from the Sacramento Dee of u recent issue- "These last few da.'s have been busy, trying times for Postmaster V. A. Delzoll of Kl.uuath Falls, but he has found time to send to Post master Thomas Fox of Sacramento a Christmas poem. "It is believed that the cleverness, the thoroness and the timeliness of the verses composed by the postmns-ter-poet will maka them long remem bered by the Sacramento official. "The poem Is entitled 'If, -and is 'with apologies to Kipllus-' It foleows: Lumberman's Protective League Now Disbanded ORGANIZATION WHICH WAS FORMED AT THE TIME OF INDUSTRIAL WORKERS BIG DISTURB ANCE, EIGHTEEN MONTHS AGO, FOUND TO BE NO LONGER NECESSARY mn:Mi.T 'I In- lli'ili' Iti'il t'ron will inri't liui'Kila), Jau tit It from ! to 4 tit Hi' lii'iin' of Mix ('lias l.ntln, iin iuIIc south of the llitnli)' .School on the Merrill mail All am Ittvltml to limit' iiul bring tliclr lutirli VI ATIII t! I'.KI'OItT Oregon I'nlr anil roll, .rfllh him tinned Unlit easterly iiiiU Minimum ji'.ittirdny 2S tl rie Minimum unlit) 9 degree Thirty-two tlioumiml nrlinut thll dreit In thu school of I'nrln n r oivlitx rcKiiUr lunch from Hit Ri Ck during the. pad year TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 1)11 WIIITK'B furnished hau.e lot runt. 41 IMnn ulrnrt Inquire I. It Kliinimr, Whitman Drug Co !(i r'Oi'NI)-- Pocket book with imiil amount of rnnli. Owner ran hut Htmio by rallltiR 30M unit ileicrlV Iiik property. 4-lt l" SEATTLE, Jan. 2. At a meetlixi tho dangers of n strlko tbut throJtun of leprescntatlve lumbermen and log. (1 to tie up the Industry . ..i. ii...ii..,..iii.ii,(,.i "Soon after Hint situation luid ger at tho Washington Hotel ia beat .... been met successfully, tho loern tie a fe-w days ago the Lumbermen's' t l0k c)nlro of mlr ,,,, Protective League, which was formed , 80 fnr ng production of Oovernmoiit In the summer o f 1017 to represent j lumber was concerned and thu Loyal the Interests of employers In tho lum-, Legion becamo t part of tlio (iovorn- (With apologia to Klplliiig) If you can" figure zones when alt abo.ut you The Babel of tho voices doth arise If you have weighed the parcel so that none can doubt you And to all the C. O. D.-insuranco kinks are wise If you can register a foreign letter And write the address down all straight and truo While all the lobby full of peoplo crowd And ask a dozen foolish things o you ber Industry, was formally disbanded and the funds remaining in the treas ury were voted to the American Red Crocs. Since the formation and successful operation of the Loyal Legion of Log gers and Lumbermen the employers have had no need for a separate or ganization of their own and the Loigue, therefore, has bocn Innctho. for nearly a year. i At the time tho League was formed j there was much agitation on the part , of the I. W. W. and i Ible elements for ment program. The Loyal Lugloit line succeeded so well that our fur ther activities an a tei.irntt organi zation are entirely unnecessary. "It remains for the lumbermen now to get behind the Loyal Legion nnd glvo It tho same active and whole huarted support that they i;nt the 1'rotectlvo League " In order to yive more of our customers a chance to get their orders in and get the benefit of our Limb Wood Deal Wc Imvc extended the time until January 10th Two cords four-foot limb wood, $15.00 spot cash. No more nnd no less to a customer. We guarantee sawinrr at $1.25 per cord. Klamath Fuel Co., O. PEYTON, Manager. Phone 112R Electric Cooftngti Meat Bills a. i; 4 Tho Hughes Klcctrlc Range effects a.wcwderful saving orr other fuels in meat hhrlnkago freqaeatlra much as a pound on a single roast. With meat at from" 25c Jo :V5c a pound the saving on meat bills each neck is a er- appreciable one. The remarkable oven, with, nulls us heavily insulated and heat concerting as a tireless cooker, retains aU tho rich juices or the food usually carried off by air currents and the deli cate flat or often spoiled by gaseous fumes. This is but one of the many unusual cooking advantage? of the Electric range. You can bake, bread ctenly without burning it; roast meat without basting; brown case as etcnly on lite bottom as the top; cook cabbage and onions in tho men with very little water and no odor at the same time obtaining better flaoretf food than you have ever known lie fore. California-Oregon Power Company Change in Star Program k Owing to a mix up In the film de livery today, J V Houston wns In- rnoon tin' t red Stone If you can trade a Thrift Card for bancCt. n th(j ,umber ln(lu8try an(, would not be mailable for tho slim And twenty-three cents bonus e employers were combed . jo form J-t Jn Instead. nd other Irrespons- termed "X " wire this after strikes and dlstur-1 "Tho (J"t" trlng Kr on the side And write a money order to Shears Sawbuck Company, An don the package get tho C. O. D. tag tied If you can answer phone call rings And start a tracer for a parcel lost last May And forward all Dad's letters but the duns And see why Ma's "Home Comfort" went astray If you can tell Jane when her beau Will get the candy that she sent to Franco And when tho Fluey ban will lift And on the Red Cross raffle buy a chance If you can tell the Dee-part-ment Just why you failed to write That Hob's old stage was late an hour Because It rained tlmt night If you can fix, tho passports up For a dozen aliens, too, Who want to chango their resldenco Ilecauso their "yob" is thru If you can keep your temper Hweet And not say little things like "damn" Your Job In In the Fostofllce A servln' Uncle Sam. fil 1TTII nn organization to repretcnt their Interests to combat tho agitation. I Shortly thereafter the War De partment, thru Colonel Hrlco P. DIs (Uc, effected the organization of tho Loysl Legion, which since has ndc-, (tuately represented tho Interests of j both employe and employes In all, activities of the Industry. Xow that the Loyal Legion Is to be. continued on a peace bads, abandon- ment of the League wis unanimously! ..... weed upon. The meeting In Seattle W" '""'I Ju'1 recvcdi" "'"" merely wns for the purpose of taking "ed,r01!8 h1rtcr that no mor , , ., i .i i i 'knitting will bo necessary, extent to forma art on toward this end. . ,, . . ' .. , ., . , mako up yirn already distributed h S. onmmor. who has been , Wo ftrQ L,ro Uia n ,jo Cba rman of tho orgtnlzatlon from , ,y reCsTsa tll080 w avo fcI, Its Inception, urges all employers to falMuy gnco , ca nnl nmo unite in tneir support oi tne i.oyni Cle aranceSale AT THE Sill H 13111 l the sowing effort tu for knitted cootls. I'eBlon- I Now thut thcro Is only "The Loyal Legion now Ih doing all , Ioft ,et UH mak() ,, tne worn mat tno rrotertivo League R0t h done quickly, over was Intended to do," says Mr.j Tmo rcf,igeo garments are needed Grammrr "Ub principal function at(for winter nnd should bo roidy for the outeet was to hnrmonlzo whatever shipping now. nrv a thrift stamf today differences might arise between employer and employe. When tho League first was organized we faced the. The eewlng room Is open mery afternoon but Sunday fiom 1 o'clock until fi. Band Box I Starting Monday, Jan. 6 DRESSES, WAISTS, PACKAGE GOODS, EMBROIDERY ; MILLINERY AND CORSETS Every article in shop at Great Reductions lMlMMIIIilTMM--iTmiiMeeiiiiii " V,i-iVVVWWVuVuVWVWV"V''' "TO HELL WITH THE SERW LIBERTY THEATER SUNDAY AND MONDAY A SCREEN CLASSICS, Inc., PRODUCTION THE BIG, SMASHING, ATTRACTION SENSATION OF A GENERATION ' DIRECTED BY GEORGE IRVING STORY BY JUNE MATHIS METRO PICTURE CORPORATION, DISTRIBUTORS rJ!l 6C-enC.f 'B, Ascription. The kaiser', council ahSi?rof8tl tWnS Be,B,a village, are burned; there are .hot. of the trenches and a fleet ofairplane. i. .hown in battle w,th nval aircraft. In the realm of fancy the kai.cr ii shown Bo,nS to his final destination, "the hcVplace' m&imzmEsm jjrt-i .