THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON l-ltlll.W, l.M AUV II. HUH PAOK TWO Jt I The Evening Herald u. J. M C It It A V EDITOR Published dnlljr oxccpt Sunday by Tho Herald Publlshlne Compnny of Klamath Kails, nt 115 Fourth street. Entered at tho postofllca at Klam ath Kails, Oro , for transmission thru the malls as second-class matter. P ERSONAL MENTION I.ITTI K StnKI.Il!lll ON lOfVI, HAI PIVIVGS AMONG THK I'KOIM.i: (IK I'HIS cm AM) VICIMTV. GOINGS AM) COMINGS )' I.OCA1. POLKS I I ' Klamath founTy News At the Theaters . . 1 - SIIAM'A VIKW Subscription terms by mall to any address In tho United States: One year 15.00 j -.- al. trt ' WHO H1UHUI . - v i U.ill l ill town fo. .1 o" d.iw Lhn llon U honu "ii ;i furlough from Modv t Point w"h hi- iMU'tttM Mr and Mr Thoin a I'tvoii. riom tie Mare islnnii .Navy rds ii II Joll i a roirnt nrriuil tioni Cunibtrlmd. Maryland. Member if tin Associated Press The Associated Tress Is exalushely cntltled to tho use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited In this pa per, and also local news published herein. All rights of republication of spe cial dispatches heroin are also served. KltlDAV.-JAM'AHV :t, 11)1!) A CncKn is ft county business Usitor trom the Mnlln district. Hubert Got don Is down for n short business ltt from Fort Klamath. ( Mrs. F K. Downing and son are here foi a short time from AVordon. t p N" C.risev was union;: the train nrriuil la-t nlcbt from Ahland. Ho 1 Is a ; ii est at tho Hotel Hall. ' - O i: Hunt tuiully has been sio', with tlio tiifluoiwn but ii ro able to bo out llglltll C M Ktikpitilek and fntnl'y nnd H i: Wilson and family spout flu Ut mas with A Tumor tiuil fiimlly nt Khiinnth Fall) Clarence Moodoy Ins bo, d'a Herald's Classified Advs. Uonaon Dl.on ret u mod n fow days auo from I'ortUnd wher he hud boon on biifliiow onti is uoxv sick th tho tntluenn at the home of Louis liKon l charsod fioiu service In tho army and at Wilson lirldxe jrrturnod to his homo lat wuo'n. It lis needless to say that his patent Altos l lorn ( alKtim, who has boon ' spondiDR the Christmas bolidiys with her parents, left this morning to re- i ' -..-.. .........r. ..v ....... xillUt IPF StlllllltVS HI lilt I UltflSll r(-- ...... ..... ! II'J I I HIUI oi wirjcon at Kii(teno. i no ponrnts j iioutko iiu en ami wim oi h:iim W. K. Lamm of the l.amm Lumber. Mountain woro week end lil- nt Muse Oorrls and llobbiotto Tuttle Company of Modoc lolut Is In Khun-' J. I, Hatlos. of tho I.orolla district are in tue nth Falls looking after busiuoss In ' rit for :! few daVS Visit. i tnriwtd 11a iwnnptd thnt tho tnu-iwf 1 1 (are rejoicing Hon Daniel of Merrill mnilo u fl) - ; Ing trip to his bomostoail in this nl- j ley Friday hii:i. woi'i.i) srcKit n.iuit OF I'ltCSS HOV-i AHIt(IVI). Frod Stouo. for many oiirs ,i foio most comodlnu In muslial uniiodliM, i mnkoi his public debut lit motion pic tures in "The Gout" a sploudtd plto tophi which will tn soon al tlio Star Tliontio toulKht Mr Stone l noted fur his athletli piowoss. ami his nklll In .ill forms of ngllo ami doxturoiis K.wniiastlc woik t'pon the stiiRo. in initio of his flnost musical eomoil production , Iu giue con,tlniiousl now example of his ovpottltom In this direction , Mr. Stouo Is. purlmp:. best known for his eccentric comedy idles, such! as in "The Wizard of Ox," but In 'The" it will ho Fred Stone al- most in portiuat propla. so v fir as. tnakoup Is roucornod The ilmraotur ; aliotiuili In mouionts of real pathos human mititio and iibiie all, whole some comedy. " " Ameilia's Answer." lho(!onin- I'AltIS, .Ian :l '.Mir.' Cr-nd ment'H Offlii:il War I'lrtuto which foiiimi head of the AiluiltiNinilld'i will bo known al i ho Star Sun- I 'illicit dopaitmuit In i-ply l Iba du ami Mondii) Is pait of the sorlos luli-Ism ftoni Aiuorli'i slnco III, du- of hUliulc fllmn, "Follow luit the Flat;, docliited Me wished In haw to Frnncn," which will be piesorved I'O'li'ntt lo do wlui tin I'rosj dol'ti(- In i ho nichlM'S of tlio fulled Slates 'It f lifter riMi'liliiK UiM.ipf. tMWMMAMlMi- FOR SALE r000 , FURNITURE FOFt SALK Piano., vlctfola, rocker. Morris chair, dln-j InK room set, all oak; brass bed. oak' dresser and chiffonier. Imperial kit-' chen range, heating stoves, rups, ! dishes, etc. 1S01 Esplanade. Phone 441. 3-2f . SALK OR RENT Call1 Miss lleraldlne Reed camo In on the ' train last eeniug from Wood, Cali fornia She is a guest nt the Hotel ' Hall Mr. Hunt made his children a ........... tf ............ .i.-.. .... t. ....... i .. .- i-iis. up rt?iuris linn iui lunm Clirlstmns prosoiit of a new initio tomooraturn nt thnt nlnco has boon oleen below tero In The (!oal" Is that of . j a outiK iron maker wlm is infatuated ! i with the moNii-s nml ho his man) In I I torestliiK ad.onluros The pla purrhased of the Shepherd Company of 'Klamath Fills. FARM FOR on Schubert, next postotBce. 2-6t FOR SALE Hay and piano; must be sold this week. F C. Iiuckholz. Merrill route. 2-3t FORD FOR SALE Cheap for cash Phone 22M or 67Y. 30-tf INVESTIGATION nr fflippini; i BOARD WORK I i Ira H. .Morris, who since Ills en-! listment in the Marino Corps has i been stationed at Mnre Island. Cali fornia, has been spending i holiday fin lough with relatives hero. Ho Is dolightod with life at tho barracks and Is a booster for the service under fnelo Sain. Ho returned on New- Year's dav His Pixision expects to, lie sent to Texas in the near future for rifle prictlce - I ! Mrs - MIDIiA.M) iM,inol:","'x,"-":-"M"'X"s,"X: 1 j. END THAT DISTRESSING COUGH OR COLD - ' DAMAGING FIRE AT DALLES YESTERDAY E t! Dais and son Hobble ir rtwd on the train last Thursday from ) Ashland 1J Mr and Mrs James Jury loft on tho train Frldty for San Francis o I J 1). Hooper Is hniillnK snv.'dust 1 from Klamath Falls to put up -ro. ' j Mrs J. I.. la lilson was in Mldl'ind i Tuesday. Mr and Mrs Homer Pepuy nttetid od the New Year's duire at Klamath Falls. LOST AND FOUND LOST On road between Henley ranch and Klamath Falls .one. Mitchell Bumper Return to Central garage. 3-U LOST Nose glasses with black tord, on south side of Main street. Phone 276W, room 12. 2-lt LOST On way from depot to town, small wicker suit case with leath er strap. Notify W. O. Smith, Her ald office. , NWMAM MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Clean cotton rags. W O. Smith Printing Co. l-3t See Chllcote it Smith for Are. life. accident and health insurance. 03.1 Main street. 24 BUY A THRIFT STAMP TODAY, STOPS HEADAt 1 PAIN NEURALGIA Don't suffer! Get a dime pack er" Dr. James' Headache Powders. You can clear your head and relieve a dull, splitting or violent throbbing headache in a moment with a Dr. James' Headache Powder. This old time headache relief acts almost magi rally. Send tome one to the drug store now for a dime package and a few mo rnints after you tnke a powder you will wonder what Uv.-inic of the head ache, iieiimli.i uud pa hi. Mop suffer Jiu it's Ht'illi-M. i' e yuu get w hat ;"Mi ak f-ir. LIU OFF WASHINGTON. P. C, Jan. J -The Senate Commerce Committee' has voted to extend the InviM'IcatiOM ' of the Hog Island shipyards into 1 general Inquiry into the acliWiioi of the Shipping Board. It It nnnoiirr-d that the Fleet Corporation decid ed net to take over the Hoc It. land yatd. now in view of the marked im provement in conditions here. THK DALLES. Jan. rb throe I ! - O!" building occupied by tho Oplim- ' "?i PublLshinc Company and the Al bert Hotel burned here earlj es-l torday. Huests at the hotel made j their escipe In their night cloth s. ! The loss is gion nt forty thousand.! partly tovered by insurance. si'Ki.; LAKi: DltlP I'l.VtiS An) jifToction ot tho throat, clirM or lunit I ilaiiKoroiis nt tlio lnt of limes, for )oti nev er ran toll what It tim. loud In. Prompt attention ultli Syrup Eucalyptus and Ammonia Muriate 35c and 75c The old reliable n-uicili for i-oiiulis nml colds will slop ll. It's (lie -Mine old reined) Dial lini been ucd for )ears. STAR DRUG CO. DISTItllll TORS .lib ami -Main Sts. Get a .standard polic) Cliilcote & Smith agency. from the. Itr.TTttV FKo.M OVKItSIUS M I W. F Ueece has been hnuling hay from K A S'hrelner's this week j Mr and Mrs W'm Cheyno spent 1 New Year's day with Mrs. Cheynq's parents. 1 Mrsr. Stewart visited with Mrs I SchiWner Wednesday afternoon. Karl Mick will return to school the' last of tho week. 1 H OUSTON' Metropolitan Amusements S ON lMcwn't Hurt 11 llitt Hoi-e CoriiH lift right off uitli fiiiK:i. .Mngk-! HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE DARK STAR THEATER TODAY Artcraft Prevents FRED STOXK 1 1, "THK GOAT" Fred Stone is a Rival of Douglas Fairbanks so don't miss this Picture. Admission 10 and i!5 cents TEMPLE THEATER TODAY Presents GLORIA SWAXSOV In "THK STATION OF CONTEXT" Also Hrni-st Pullie X'eus latest War Picture-, anil t'linont 1'ients Admission 10c and 15c. MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION PICTURES TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS , Merrill. Oregon 1 Leslie PItnalo and Roy LaPraiile who have bten In the Aviation De partment of the V. S. Service hive returned from overseas. The two boys left Klamath Falls together ', were separated in New York and on their return thru an odd circumstance ' met agsln and cama home together They were only abroad for a short 1 time 1 Owl Cafe I'mler Xew Management OPEN ALL NIGHT Merchants' Lunch DAILY 1 1 :30 to 3, 25c UN HAVE i BIG Ii IN HF.1GIN, 1 Klamath Truck Co. DOES HEAVY HAULING GItAIN, HAY, ETC. Hits Five -Ton Packard Truck Phone POM J. G. GOBLE MAXAGEH KKCKAKD KENT SEHVICE Phone .19 Night Phone .lift r.tmil) anil Dance 'I ratio .Solicited Owl Cafe BOBBIE WARD, Prop. IU7 Ml STHEET ra JflJ ':--h-'---:---K'':----:--:--;--.:-''-.:-.:..:-..j-:-..-:-.j-:--..-:...:..... LIBERTY TONIGHT Costs few touts! Dtop a little Freezone on thnt touchy corn, in stantly that corn stops hurting, then you Hft It right out with tho flngers. Why wait? Your druggist Bella a liny bottle of Freozone tor a few eentB, niifflcleut to rd your feet of every uurd com, soft corn, or corn between the toes, nnd calluse. with out soreness or Irrltatlou. Freez one Is the much talked of discovery of the Cincinnati enius- ' FRANCIS X. BUSHMAN & BEVERLY BAYNE IN "A PAIR OF CUPIDS" SATURDAY WARREN KERRIGAN IN "A MAN'S MAN" J SUNDAY AND MONDAY J I "" "TO HELL WITH THE KAISER" ! I ALWAYS TWO REELS OF COMEDY ! I MATINEE EVERY DAY I ADMISSION :EveninR8, 10c and 25c. PKItFEtr VENTILATION UNEQUALLED MUSK I 1 EFFICIENT KEItVICE HI 'ST I'K'I'I'HES NEW YORK, Jan 2. "I went to Franco to lend a hand' and they took a leK Ho was a big lad from a mlddlo western farm, tho American soldier who rilled out this Jest to chcor his nelRhbor in the sick bay of the Em press of Britain, the tirst transport to arrive here with "litter rases" from the American hospitals in France. "That is Just a sample of the never failing humor of thee hoys, rising above suffering, above helplessness." said Miss Maude Kellam, chief nurse on the big vessel, as she came ashore a fev days ag'i. "All tho way over they yearned for a sight of '0 d old girl in the hir hot' " she (outluiied, "yet when we came up the bay and norio of Ihew could get on deck to hull the Statue of Liberty as we piiHseil, there 'oro no ((implalm j "Tills Ih the spirit now but I'm ofruld for the future", said Ml.ii Kel lam who w is superintendent o( ntin'ch at the Colorado Training Ft pool before sho onteiii tlio army She urged woinun to nie o'tc themselves for their pa". In th" rioi'iinnictioit peilod, not In the lr v.istatod regions of Enrol)'.', whose people, hIip said, preferred to liniulpj the 1 roblem themselves, but liaro tt h jme "There Is plenty of rceonslruotloii worV for the woman who wants to heir.' hIio asserted. "I'm ufrnld our epthuslaHm is going to spun 1 Itself after a year or so about the time our wounded soldiers nrc ho gn tilng to feel only bitterness at t lie tlifjiirht of 'the mlBsIng lei;' Then t'-.fv will need tho women. I don't kn'.w Just what tho women will bo lulled upon to do, but their work Mil turn up. The boys will need tlieli enthusiasm and sympathy then m re than now." High Grade Ladies' & Men's Clothes MADE TO OltDEIt FINEST MATEHIALS IIKST OF WOHK.MANSHIP LATEST STLES PEHFEtT FIT GUAItAXTEED Prices are ory reasonable Your Inspection lot (led Chas. J. Cizek MEItCHAXT TAILOIt filS Mitln Ht. A War Stamp a day keeps tho kaiser nwpy. ESTHAY NOTICE 1 Strayed to my pluco ut Pine Orove, 1 black yearling linlfnr, under half crop iu right ear, swallow fork In left our, branded with overturned wine glasi und C on loft rig, It. P, Hrelten- IDICJU, 1-dl- Just to Remind You Have the storage haltrry In your utito tested and filled tomorrow, and bo sure to liatu It In prime condition; cooler mornings makiiH the engine crank harder, longer eieiilngs lights nIiIiio longer, roiiirei more strength In the haltrry, (lose attention to the electric Hyslem will give heller satisfaction mid save oii dollars. We arc equipped lo gito you Hie bo I service, when )ou have elect r leal nu lonioblle troubles, al the Wlllurd Service Htatlon. Link River Electrical Co. 7th nnd JUlu SU. CHILDREN OR PARENTS' FAULT? S--1 1 vvi V 1 rl' liio f.iull Is it thai so few Mi llion mill) plu) the iiliinu',' Musll) It Is the falitl of both the fiilher nml timtlior. Vim W, father mid iiiiilher do nut pun base the plaint mIii'II Hio ihlld Is )oiiu euiuigli bill llil nione) goes fur something that brings lliem greater personal sut Mnt't Ion. Vintr 1 liild inn bo iiiuulded If uiirketl mi in lime, so don't blmno the 1I1II1I, bill consider Iho parents' iltil). A beautiful L)nu .V Heat) Plniin auiills N OF nt our "lore. Ileglu nine teen iiliioteeii right b) making sumo sncrlllro mill -eriirlug Ihal plaint now fur Inline mid ihlldieii. t oinenlent terms. EARL SHEPHERD CO.. Xtnt Dour In I'ostofflie. KI.MATH I'ALUS, OHEGOX " The Period ot Reconstruction Join with the Flint .Siiilonul Itnnk In helping our re turning snhllci- 1 Mime their position', iitnong us, iintf In assisting Ituslueso to puss (rum nr lit pence time biisis, Mini In detelnpliig Fiiruilng, t'ominerie mill llllsi. nes. Your nccoiinl licie pntes the ii) to civ'opeintioii. I). IC, ItemiicN, rrivildrtit, I.. I'. Wlllels, VlrisPivsldent. I.ixllit Hogors, Ciisbler. A, M. Collier, Avil. Cnshler. .Ii'lni M. Mooro, AsU Ciwhlcr. &?? First National Bank KLAMATH FALLS OREGON . J O riW' , Ci Y is. :AQoc SQrrtU SSow JOor1 ,1W( JoTfir 'or 5 .11, .i w, .'jcTtW- SOTdTc v-lwc OOT )OOC d --r-0'? . JtPOc OOT jr-iGJijii&yjvttillll .5r?p r ,f mcuuM cup " f.71 C-fc IT?' a ircL.& ! V TLt-,V'& i. J ftzj-z&scr ?) Hfl Jews? x VrtC inose cups ma- - rr JS &kc IwsM fill W 111 IS S Hi W& m&rZS Qfi00 Miles S Wakefield & Sullivan I 9 Fourth and Klamath I nturdy, wca r- defy in'j leave their safety impressions every vhcrc. They are tho only projections guar cntoed not to skid on wet, slippery pave ments, and arc found only en Pennsylvania Vacuum Cup Tires. They cost approximate! the same uo ordinary 3,500 mile lire:), thoiif'h they are fiuarnsUaed per warranty lac for