(Eif? iEutfttinn Herald ' it" - OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH FALLS Thirteenth Year No. 3,509 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 3, 1919 Price, 5 cenU EMBARGO M PLACED UPON FDOD EXPORT All Cluiics of Freight Arc , , , , Included " PIERS NOW CROWDED Ntrllte nl Freight I'mull"! nntl le irrn-r nf Iwilmr ilfil n Chit for lllmkuitc of l'oinllitn fur lliiugt) l.'uropeuiK. Willi li Hi Miule tin- Order ic-iir) I Ni:V VOHK. Jiiti. 3 "-Shipment ill all tlnnac uf freight pnrllculmly fpntUtuffi littrmliM 'of Ahii'mi-4.1 troop nhiuud and the slmlng pen I'lo of Lurope wan embargoed front oilier parts of the (oimtr) lodnv tluu the ports of llo-iion, Philadelphia mid New York,, for mi"M ! the older of the Fedttrul l'ood Ailllllnlntrr.tlnu An iiimilntlinu on tint plorit r no Ktnit Iiml the) iue ilcdarcit to be Itn pomiltilii to handle The chief rnilm'ti urn u strike of the frrlKht liniiilU'W. which I upreitdliiK a dlM'oiHlon on Ilu. part of owiirri in uut vntwi-1 In ilryiliick him tlm wir Mrnln n rellexed, and tint ilerreime of InlKir ilurliiK the hollil). , llallruuil otllrlnln Mild the iimburKo Iiml been cnited hy Inrul coni-.i'ited riindllloni. which tit Ik lit be remedied In n week, and oilKht not to Interfere with Ihe oversea, movement of sup- plies for American troops and civil- Ian relief progressing fuMirabl) The siirf is The mbiirgo was declared b) Urn hreiil.liig higher oter I tin transport freight traltle committee of (he North than jesterday. despite the oil put Atlnnllc ports on thu suggestion of on the water A heat) rain Is fall Hni food administrator .Supplies go- Iiik now Ing abroad will hit roilliyl thru ports, outside tho congested norm i Kllti: ISLAM). Jan 3 - A piui- m toon bridge m.i) bo soon constructed SENATOR BALDWIN LEAVES FOR SALEM Senator tlioige T. Ilaldwlti has gone Io Silein for the purpose of at tending the. npprorclilng session of the statu legislature!. The Senator has a number of innlleis that .ire of tltnl liuporlnitre Io Southeastern Oie gun and he is In) lug Ills plans Io laud evert thing ho Is going after Not In lis hlslory has this section of the stnto needed Ihe legislature aid thai It Is hoping for, mid never did it have a representative who will try hardei to secure for ll the recognition its rapid development demands COl'HT AI.I.OMS IIII.I.S The County Court held a short meeting nl tho ('unit House )eslerila) afternoon The time was spent In the allow Ing of hills. iti:covi:its iito.M .ii.i.nkss MIhs Vol t Houston, who has linen III nl hur homo, fs again able Io io- suiite hiir duties nl (hi) Cotttily Clerk's officii Big Delegation Should So fur iih Is kiiutvu, Cuptuln J W Sleinatiii of this oily will ho I ho only' Klamath lopicsnutntlvo nt tho an- J ntnl meeting of tho Oiegon Itrlgif tl'in Coiigioss ut Itoi'tland on thu iiliilh, lenth nnil (tlitvuntli of tills month, . eight num. Kliimath should Imvo a' II M'fiiiH iloplotahlu In thu light of.imin fioin at least each unit of the tho Importance of this' convention, nut to Imvo it large delegation fiom tlio Kliimiilli Country, . Thnio will prohahly bo no section IdHrCHnnted nt llilu e.iiivniillnn. whein mi grtMt n tutrllnry Is itlroady iindof wtor ind cortijluly none, wheio tlio ontomplutuil ddvoltipmiiiil is so ox- tensive. Tho ptobloms which will be wrought up for discussion aro vllnl to the Inlutcsl of tlio grimier portion of tin. A....1....1. i "Kill lllllliai population III Olll . County, Tho benefits to ho dorlvod.iro of Iticsllmiihlti vnluo to till con-.to fiom fittomlunco would bo Incrousod . In proportion to tho uUo or tho dolo-'lu, PRESIDENT WILSON ! ARRIVES IN ROME ItOMi:, Inn :t I iioldcni iiml Mr VAnniliow Wilson milveil in Itmiii- in ilu) Tlmy were orriiilt reielv.'d h) tin' King iiml Queen iiml iepin Hi litlilltitrt of Hit lli(. nun nt An llllllll IIMi I'lUMil WnlMlUloil till- I'lenl ilmilliil im I)' with tin greate-i en lllllhlllllll. I ii.i.i.miis M:.nnt ilaims I WILSON lll'l V; Sl.AMM'.KIM WASHINGTON, l (', J.iu :i jlitijiloi J llmiiltlon l.ew.s ill IIP noln has charged tln lti'iiilillmi i'il -r with .oimplilnt; to iIIm-ioiHi ITimI. 1 lll'lll WIUllll, Ulllll' III! Ill llllli.lll j Mil. I. VISIT IN sill III Mi .Inn H fallen mid son. He) moiii lent III 11 few din for Hni rn nntito mid nllim f iilliiuiilii points t,. I"R Mialltes IS HALF UNLOADED Ni:V H)ltK J.iii 3 Infoniiii- "" '" "PProxlimitnly u Ihoumind r"'P". iK'I'idltiKMimo wounded, have I"'"" remmeil from the trainiport Norlhern I'.iclrle. has ln-uli reii!ed hy naal iiillrliiU loday It I milij that (here are now leM than 1.MJ0 left aboanl the xleaiuer. which ran unround on the Klre Inland reef off I.oiir Inland The work of removing II en In small boats mid b) breeches buoys Is I to the transport vi:.Tiii:it m:i'oiir Oiegon. .lau 3 -Fair mid inntln tied cold with gentle eiistoil) winds .Maximum )esterda) !!! degices. .Miliimtim today ' degnes LODGE SAYS EARLY PEACE M'ASHINIirON, I) (' . Jin J Senator Lodge denied the charge of J llaiiillloii Low In of Illinois that tho republicans aio attempting to omb.ttatH tho Pteslileut Iiml to pio veut unit) In the Senate Ho said that the potto negotiation should bo loinpleled as soon as pos- slide for oven ilio's delay made It inoro difficult to mako peace with, Germany ' i Attend Water Meeting gallon and tho illllgonco vvltli wlilch tho Ideas socuioil aro spre.id among those at homo, at Its conclusion Othei illKtilds wlilch Imvo rr less toason to paitlclpato In tho Cougtoss mo simdlng dologill'iiiH of Kiven ami big Irilgatlon ptoject horo as won imi from lliv pilvalo wntor onteiprlsoi. J Tho now l.nngoll Vnlloy trilgtilion ( dlstilcl which Is Just coining Into ho. I nu'. would find II liivaluiihlu In linvol u topieumtatlve Io absorb Iho now IiIiuh JuM ul litis Mine. j Klunuth County has always fought 'shy i of pattlclpntlon in Stnto moot- lug of any kind, both fmm lack of Interest mid on annum of Its Inqon- vonloiit iiillioad position, hut II will i... i. . . ...... .1 u.miw.i in Ifilm tlint these I'll iiuhim-h n .' ( cornod nnd that oul ly those, who mix got tho benefits, Nil1,'1 FJ 1 TO BE M0D!F!E0 EvcrythinR Ready for Ncxtl.iAi'.wiiHi: hankers aiii; .. , iiitANnii.vr; to siiiciua. Monday NIGHT SCHOOL OPENS lliiicti'il 1 lull ll Mil) lie l'niirn".-iii) tu Lengthen Siliiiul Ve.ir, Hut Stilt t Aili'inliiiii e Mill lie N- - ill j fur All Student-. Mini llvpeit In I'll-.- the I'llliil- Ku'rthliiK In beliiK made read fur the openliiK of hi boo) at tin IIikIi Sihool llulldliiK on Monday morning J n Old 'I'lii' entire hiilldlnK Is lie iiik thnioiiKhlji fiimlKtii-l ''lln week It will he ncccexMir) to modify man) of the eotirHes In order to tei the eimentlal and filiidmneiilal fnelc of the MirloUH Hlilijects ilrlilK I. e re nialnliiK weekn of the clitinl )ear I') Htiih modlflcntloiiK and by ion entritltiK on nrhool work alone, ell. m,miM1K ,, ,j(i,B ,,,j utKl.:- adhltleH that iibiiall) draw on thu time of xtudcntK, It Ik thought tbot the present nrhool ypar need not ho very materially lengthened If It iteel be lengthened ut all. Parents are eiperlally urged to co iipuiultt with the school aulhorltiei ( ,.,,,,,,. . uU,.,iihc. and pui.c-;ul tuallt) of the students as near ler- feet n possible It will be nrcciSiry Io adhere closely to the ruling the! slikness shall louslltute the only e riii for absetue I'aretils are f'ir (her urged to not ask special favor 'of the teachelH In legard to making up lost woik etc everything th t, .can reasouabl) he dime will be ilnni'i (to keep" the students work up to standard Students should not bring j lenuests to be exrtifcd before the re. gular se'slons are dismissed unless the exi iimi Is most urgent All temheis will exerrlso extreme vlgiliitie In washing the health ton tllllons of students. Students who show signs of Illness will be Hvit iwitmt I lit miwtl.it tl ii ll f 1 lllrnnttl nrn """ m ,.,,.. ,J I - ...' expelled to cooperate with school off Stornovvay. . Scotland. LldliiR the work of tho Local Evemp and health authorities In watching Tlu, ..,,., ,...., ,0 sniirs ,. I ,.. , ,.,, f. ,,i1!5 (Intel) the health of their children N'lght School will be hold as usual on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursdiy evenings ptomptl) nl T o'clock. It Is planned to entry on the courses In this woik as originally outlined. New student for night school should te glslur Monday evening Jan fith. T IS WASHINGTON, 1) C, Jan :i Tho Senato Military Committee, has iiiiaulmouHly i ejected Soctotary Ilak eis locommoudatlon for legislation Io valid itu tho Informal war contract, vvhldt would logallo these contracts hut plaeu tliolr adjustment in tho hands ol a iinii'ititmostod commlhslon lut tend of tho M'at- Dopmtmout. FLU MAY POSTPONE THE LEGISLATURE HAI.K.M, Jim, a. DlhCtisslun rum- om Iiml thu l.eglslatuio nuiy bn post- pont'il on account of tho Influcnin, rjovot nor M'lthycombo snld lodny that U) would back up tho Hoard of Health In this mnttor, but ho bellovoa W NT IN 1 that a postponement will bo tinnec'Drug company and tho Star Drug cossitry, Thu Governor doubts his .authority postpone n Bqsslon of tho LoglBin- .lino, rno nouy mignt nave to meet 1 mid then adjourn, ho said, FORMER RESIDENT ' ILL AT ASHLAND Robert Casey who former!) rcsld- I'd In Klamath County ami In null known here. In eported to bo very III at IiIk lioini' In Ashland. Thiee , ol Mix children. I II, Casey unil Mrs George Noblu i f Lorollii mid Mm, j Chester l)i-l,iii lnvr left for .Ashland ' III rOHPOIISP to tlllK IICWH TOKIO, Jim 3 --Two Important Japanese banks rontl'inpliite oslub illul.l,.., I..,...,.!.... .... ..,.... I..u In .... eril Important fltlos or towns Iu'LUiVIdLK Custom Siberia to enlarge their bti ' slncss Interest. One of tliem alread) Ik doing hanking bunlni'xn In Man rhtill, Chita, Khabarovsk, Spaskayi and other prlnupal Siberian towns I with Harbin ns the renter of Its J nptivlilcir ANIll SCAEPS i One thousand nine hundred audi fifty dollars Ik the amount paid out In the county duritiK thu past year for bounties on predntory ilma!r. according In Deputy County Clerk, Charles E. Dol.ap, Thu money ni expended for coy- BIS SUM PI BY COUNTY FOR ()tL IinJ uob cat gcn,)s presented, no'uer of cors shipped out far exceeds Icouger pelts hating been brought In 'those which have been shipped Into Tnu co)ott. bounties were by far tho rK,.Ht. The bounty money Ik paid by the Coull(y aftcr hMl Dl1 ,,,f rcfumted hy tho State. TERRIBLE SEA LOSS SUFFERED fif BRITISH LONDON. Jan 3. Two hundred and seventy sailors were drowned Now- Years Day as the result of tho, ltuu it tlin tlrlf(i.ii ulnum innlit fnl int ' .W1WI IUU tlllllKII UtbHIII ;Ht...l IWIttllU. board They vvero on New Year's Iiilllitiiv lene Tho vessel struck on tho dangerous rocks known as "Tho lloasts of the Holm," near Stornovvay harbor, and. only about thirty on hoard were saved Many of these were terribly ft III lil j 1 lit 1i ii If ulTflftu tm miii.iIi li.k iiijiiivvi u t aix t i uui n i i.tii tuu j shore. ' All the othcers and crow of thu! i lolalru wore lost. j ! Thu lolalro was a vessel of IIC2I tons, Shu was built in 1902, and he-' ! (oru thu war belonged to the estate. , of tho Into Sir Donald Currie. IICTCHI.NS I'.VKIOS THK SMOKK 11. Vance Ilutchlns, who for a num. t hur of yeius has boon Identified with i tho varuiiH newspapers of this city In tho cVpuclty ol city editor, has decided to fotsitko the lure of the repoitorlal vooitlon and embark In othor business. M'lth this end In vlovv ho hits lonted tho "Smoko" whoro ho will open in n fow days with a stock of cigars, tobacco and cigar ottos. In addition ho will have card tiblcs and soft drinks. Mr, Ilutchlns has- a wide circle of friends who vvisli him success in his new ccntuie. II, KINXKAK GOKK TO KA.NTA CHUZ. Within tho next ten days L. I), Kinnear expects to lcavo for Sintn i rTritz Pnllf u'linin ho will ncamiin . ..., vh,,.i, ....... J ..w ..... HUKIttltW the management of one of tho loading durg stores of thnt City. During his resldonco In this city Mr. Kinnenr has been Identified with tho Whitman Stoto, and his many frlonds will be sorry to learn of his docislon to tnko up his residence In tho southoru city. Ho will bo accompanied by his flrlfo unci unity and his mother, E or is Nearly 2,500 Cars Shipped Last Year i HEADS LIST 'Train NimiI) Ttwiit) .Miles luiu MiMllll lie lteilllrel! In I'llIP the l.uiiiher. Cut tie, M'ool ami Oilier I'rodilils Sliippeil riiim KI.iiii.iIIi Ciiiinli) Iist Vear A total of two thotiand four iin dred and scten cats completel) f.llel with Klamath Countv piodutt.s hau been exported from Kbmntli Falls during the year of IMS, aciordlng to j i statement made b) Agent S H i Herry of the Southern Pacific Com pany today I'ractlcall) three fourthb of these exports have been In different varie ties of lumber, the total of lumber cars being 1871. Cattle shipments ionic next, with 1.18 cars, grain 30. wool 19, flour i io, potatoes S. Kleven cirs with mibcellaueotis products are listed Mr. Kerry declare- that the num- the county. Figuring cars of forty feet length, these shipments would make up a train between eighteen and nineteen miles long. XKW IXFI.UKX.A IMTIIJXTS The following new Influenza pati ents arc reported today by tho local authorities. Miss Mullen. White Apartments; two lleckley children, seventh and Washington streets; C W Hansen. Midland. May Wick and Jack Hugo, Riverside Apartments and Call Simmons at the Isolation Hospital. l,i:.VKS Hill CAMP M'.WIS ,, ..r,,,r i.o.,,iM . who has ),..,. ctnilnniwl nt Klamath Falls and , 11UJ1 DU'llli UM ntv; mot v w.... left tllth moinlng for Camp Lewis. i,K.vr. koii i:i'gi:xi: Miss Audiey Hobeits and John Houston left this morning for the I'tiiverslt) of Oregon after n vacation i . , . . . !,",,l J- PRIVATE PAPERS DF EX-EMPEROR ALL DESTROYED PARIS, Jan 3 All the loud spondenco of tho former Gorman em peror who was kopi at Potsdam, had been burned, us well as a number of documents dealing with internal questions, according to a statement made to a torrcsponrtont of tho Mat in hy Curl Kautsky. who Is prepar ing a white hook dealing with tho origin of tho war. Knutsky said tho hook would con tain all diplomatic documents bearing on tho war, fiom Hit assassination of Francis Fetdlnnnd to tho Invasion of Ilolgluni. It would ho In thteo or four volumes nnd tho Hrst volume would appear within l."i dns, Tito book will contain muny papois anno tated In poncll In tho handwriting of the former emperor WAR LOSSES TKRRIRLK 1 wm ASTONISHING LONDON, Jan, 3 The British, Russian, Ruln.n. French, American, Gorman and Austrian armies lost 6,290. G4 In killed and ovor 16,238, 270 In wounded drrlng tlio war. L. FIVE YEAR TRIAL i URGED BY McADOO WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 3 'William Olbbs McAdoo Is testing before the Senate Interstate Com merce conimlttec, recited the ac-l cornpllshments of the railroads under1 government control and the argu- inent for a fife year continuation of government opiatlon to provide a fair test of the experiment. j rktcrxs to hekkeley Holand Stltzer left for Berkeley thin mnrnlnir after snendlne the holl- dayx here with friends and In Dorrl.i ' with hl parcntrr. Kolind wag one of t'nelo Sam's Marines but failed to reach the fighting zone before Kaiser Mill called quits. VISITS IX CAMKOKXIA Mr and Mrs. W. J. Roberts left on the train 'this morning for Stockton. California, for an extended visit. LARGE BUNCH OF BOYS COAST Mil WASHINGTON. D. C. Jan. 3. Practically the entire forty-first. (Sunset) division Is included In the list of units announced by the War Department for early convoy home. More thai; five hundred officers and sixteen thousand men of the Sun set Division comprising troops from Wishlpeton, Oregon, Idaho, Wyo mfng are ordered home. The 162nd Infantry, (Third Oregon) is the se cond battalion included. WASHINGTON. D. C. Jan. 3. Socretary Baker told tho house mili tary committee today that no deci sion had been Reached by the war de partment on the question of universal military service. When asked whether it would be necessary to keep a largo force in Kurope for at least two years, Secre tary Uaker said: "We hope that this will not be necessary, and wo are not planning for It." Several hundred thousand men have been discharged since the armis tice was signed, he said .and there wilt be a million more within the next five wears. IIAIX AMONG CASUALTIES NOT KLAMATH FALLS MAX The name of J U Bain, of Poi1 land In the casualty list from over sons has caused a r.mnbir to wonder whether this is not the Joseph R. Bain who was recently connected with tho Klamath High School Fa- fculty. according to Principal C U. How man. Inquiry however, shows ! tho man listed to be James R. Bain end In nil piobablltty Is another per son, Mr, Bowman believes that Jos eph Bain is still In Texas, where he has been Identified with the Aviation Department, FOIIMKU KLAMATH HOY HKI.KASKD FROM THE NAVY. A telegram ling been received hero from Haiold D, Kinnear to the effect that he will shortly be released from tho navy, in which he has been serv ing as chief machinist's mnto sinco ho enlisted about a year ago. Mr Kinnear is well known In this city, having attended high schodl hero. STOCKMAX VISITS Con O'Connell, prominent sheep man of Maltn is In town on business. m HKRi; FROM MERRILL Maurice Keune, a well known sheepman ut Men 111 Is in tho city. ROM BIC FORCE- OF YANKS ABROAQ UNNECESSARY 'BIG HATCHEHY CINPI FTFIt M C. D. POWER GO. Work Will Be Finished This Week KLAMATH COMES FIRST Hullillng of Fish Wheel Oter the Illg Copco Darn It Found to Iks Imprac ticable Hatchery U Unlit by the California-Oregon Power Company Instead of Fiihway As the result of a controversy of the advisability of the construction of a Fish Ladder over the big' Copco Dam, the California Oregon Power Company Is Just completing a large Fish Hatcherjjat yFall Crtek a short distance below Copco, from which It is understood .that all the eggs and fry, needed for this district, will be finished this week, "rThe construction of a fish ladder tr. take care of the iizi coming up the Klamath River was at first dis cussed, but found to be Impracti cable. The hatchery 'built by the Company is about 135 feet'long'and about halt df that In width? .Whether It will be operated by the California and Oregon State Officials or by the Federal government. Is still uncer tain. KSl'KK MUX OX EIGHT HOUK SCHEDCLK XOW. Car employees of the Southern Pa cific Company here, who have been working on n ten hour schedule were put on an eight hour shift? beginning with the New Year. ICil believed that this change will only be contin ued thru .the winter jmpntbp however. I FIH IS PARIS. Jan. 3. After outlining the financial situation of the allied goverlments and the need for the ap portionment of war moemniuw. Aloxander Ribot. former premier and minister of finance, turned to the problems confronting France. "Our national debt has grown from 32,000,000,000 francs before tho war to 170,000,000.000 francs, and will continue to grow until the demobilization of the army," he said. "Nearly 2,000,000 men, the flower of French manhood, have either been killed or rendered unfit for participa tion in tho activities of the country. This loss in man power out of about 40.000.000 inhabitants, Is more keen ly felt slnco the population of France ceased to grow before me . We cannot hope to repair these losses, as can countries like Russia, Germany and the United States, where the increase in population Is "Take the francs revenue which before the war wm the maximum figure for France, and estimate that it was Increased by In flation to 40,000.000.000 during the war. Compare that with the 250. 000.000.000 francs of revenue re ceived by the United States, and the gravity of the decrease in our pro ducing capacity becomes nore ap parent, Rirri'RXS FROM MKRRILL Mrs. O. T. McKtndree has return- ..i.u. iho home of Wi cd trora a vioit ,- w.rrlll and Mrs. Albert Myers HeloMtrriu. m VISITS FROM MEXP Martin Daly Is In" the cltyrom Dond. " v"-, - NIAN POWER LOSS BIGJPIP .. - .-