THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON MOMLtV, lK(TMIIi:il mi, ,, KrTT rrTMga OVERCOAT SALE IS STILL GOING ON y imei: koi;k mn xa liffS 11 'tfrS VI $t&k Don't shiver around thisMn'ff 6f weather, when ydu can buy a good, all-wogfefistyiish coat at the great savings we Vi are offering. SALE PRICES SAVINGS II I I III t I II ...... ..,. I. . . HI .... I. .-.I. ...! -H , , IHMM -II i -IN fray Leading Clothiers and Hatters K. K. K. STORE SALE PRICES Any $30.00 Any $27.50 Any $?.5.00 Any $22.50 Any $20.00 Any $50.00 Any $'15.00 Any $37.50 Any $35.00 Any $32.50 Overcoat Overcoat Overocnt Overcoat Overcoat. Overcoat Overcoat Overcoat Overcoat Overcoat for $21.85 for $18.85 for $16.85 for $13.85 for $12.85 for $37.85 for $31.85 for $28.85 for $25.85 for $23.85 Klamath Falls I Oregon I PARK HEAD CI SEE GROWTH OF TOURISTS SOON future, the report suggests that per manent legislation be enacted to ol low the Secretary of Interior to ac cept these, and to accept money gifts. An early fixing of tourist rates on railroads is also asked, that the travel ' to the parks and their management rollcy may be facilitated during com- ing years. Strange Quiet Reigns w Over War Zone Now WASHINGTON, Dec. 30. In spite of war and enforced restrictions on tnel, during th 191S tourist season the number of visitors to America's national parks was 93 percent of the total In 19 IT Stephen T. Mather, superintendent of the nitional park service established a year ago. has reported to Secretary Lane that visi tors' this i'car numbered 454,S4'1 against 430,705 In 1D17." For 1919. the director anticipates -that the new privileges and the released restric tions will lead to immense increass. Director Mntber -urges that the Grand Canyon of the Colorado be ad ded to the list of national parks, and that stera be taken to acquire for the United States the Mamraouth Care, in Kentucky, the sand dune area in Indiana, and the gigantic tree areas In California. Total" appropriations for parks car ried for the year beginning June 30, 191S. were $1,012,000, Mr. Mather teports, -while the revenues from the perks, in the year ending tbo same dnte; were $217,105, as- compared with $180,571 In the previous year (MULTNOMAH AND POIITLAM) I plan merging csoverxmkxt j FLOCKS OF AIRPLANES HAVE GIVEN PLACE TO ! FLOCKS OF CROWS EXTENSIVE RECLAMA- I TION IMPROBABLE UNTIL SPRING DREARY PISTURES ARE PRESENTED PORTLAND, Dec. 30-Theinoe-ment to consolidate the city of Port land and the county of Multnomah . will be given an active- start on its long journey thru the intricacies and red tape of the law-making depart-' ment within the next 10 days, when, the realty board committee and the budget committee will present the matter in the shape of a constitution al amendment to the Multnomah le gislative delegation. i The amendment, while apparently general in scope effects only the BEHIND TUB LINKS IN FRANCE. (By mall) This land of reent bat tles Is a queer land now Over the shell torn villages and blasted woods the pitted fields and tho ruin of all that once was, is a strong quiet The a crash A fair proportion of them bear Che Malloto cross that mirk them boche. There are trains of captured ene my artillery, particularly of motor batteries, driven nnd manned by Frenchmen, and are happy out fits. Often tho guns are decurated I'citi of Turin, tint II I hern In tin' r mole, part of Franco, whoro l ho war linn boon, that HcliU at night nmni must wonderful. oei l( Ihoy urn but fitiiillu or little lump Whoro nun emulous or staff cars loomod light It ill the roads I" tho lititiittiotil throat of collision . utul ofloii It u roiullhmon(. id" brilliant In ml llrhln slib tho night Thorn Is no village- now but whon the truvnlliiK stratigor cult obtain food, nut In vurloty. porlinpn but onuugh and very hospitably. Tho d procatory pollto and iioooimnry ro fusal to roiUost fur rofrpiliinonls that usually wore recohed In llttlo hainlottt or sIiikIo farms ha glvoii way to a rhenrful cifforlng of what thoro Is. for the farmer know mro that tho specter of a winlor of short rations has disappeared Tho ration Ing of certain foodstuffs In still in of 1 TO T IN 1 m: hk i'o j nation wldo niitMlKii u ! IHK uiuliirtod by th lotiii Siwlof) In oil. miinlo tbo l.iirliliiK of Herman in tbo si bonis tbiiiuul Hi" t'nllod Hi.iIm In a letlor wrltln Ibo prlniipn'. i.f peblli- schools. prUiilri miinuU ami ioUpkot ttiruoiit tbo roiiiury tho So. , clt ty urcoi that 1'tnirli. Ilullan. 1 Sprnlub and Uiixliu should bo shun feet llread tickets uro necessary In " I'" '''" "i tho curriculum with a mm fow lours Labor romlitt.m. I,m u( i mil no shell iroilblo tiMi titrriiutr ola to trot III 11 tll-o Mill bo i)ls nlpntod as roiidliluiiH bogm iu iln liruAo A gro4t donl of tu.ul t,rk it planned mid ninth bulldlm; in i,rt i'lv I (liiil Hint tborr U n tirji i,m o( llttolosl III W'r. trlti llitil.Fr TI'O t'.oultl lio rut iiottrlr rtl .( id,, mrr dilutable tlhlbor that ran ix- ' In Urn market gruornlli n.l mrm nf tlio llllll-IUoll Klld lllllltirr dralrD nro liMikllig to tbo Woil lirrr avm tloiia ma) bo roiutiirtod "it Utcv sraloa, many Houtliprn tuiiu Jt prarllrill) Idlo fur tho iramn lliti thoro I mi tliitbor BVullablr I IhlnV H aiiiiIiI bo a lino liloa If r timl in ovtutrnro tin old Clinuil.tT of Cum itiorm In ordor In lnloroi urh ii pl.t III what p liaVo W'r Iravo hrr nit tho ITlti hint for ttrl.. oil Tkih w,rr' I bll likely oavr my ltr inj rt'llilton I liopo to bo at homo auata A few villagers have crept back to greeting As thoy creep thru thu vll- . ..... . .'-.nnili ih.. Iniii-iintr.. nf tin hwhiI . . , , .. . . , , , ... . country aru forthcoming when unked r'" "" laneunk" "i ' " v'" 8 what remains of their homes and lages the populace Hocks out to view . i tuno biuiln uro r:aliird ltb ihn winter sky Is lacking in airplanes. city of Portland, as It provides that anJ sreat flocks of crows have taken erergreens, ami always the cities of 100,000 or over may. at their their place French soldiers laugh and wavu a discretion, combine and consolidate, with the county. Chairman W W. Danks. of the Multnomah delegation, holdings, but they am fow, and prnb- the cannon that for four )car sent has nzpressed himself in favor of the abl" th winter will have passed be- death and devastation to their land, amendment as drafted by L M. Lcp-jfore reclamation and reconstruction and the children cUmbur on tho car per; -and It undoubtedly win be I'res-.are undertaken on a largo scale ' rloges and out on the glim barrels, ented to the legislature. I Along the roads repaired and ro- Hut it Is troops on the waf buck bridged for the Allies' advance Into that are most Interesting, returning German territory, long camion trains to rest areas or to their ports of cm move slowly, always southward. They harkatlun for home. French or travel leisurely now, for the need of American, their behavior It the public eating placon. no nialtrr how unpretentious, butter anil milk aro seldom to bo had. and rhorxo Is scrnce, but of plain vegotahto anil certain moats thoro Is plentv. utul thn carefully hoarded stores of tho light red and white ulno of tho vlo to .tiettctlioulrti; truilo rolnllmu ,)rnx aftrr tho nmt ol tho yrar In .'neon thoip routitrto I ho Irttor v.hlrh U stimuli by Or William T Il..r.i8.l..y. toads ANNtH'.NtT.MK.NT "Hoports aro ttfo thai with tbo otulliig of tho nr thoro ! to lo ait attempt to (ill if upon our Aumrlr ti At this season thorn Is gam.i In tho! ",""1 "' l,,"lr fleni and brothors AXXOUXCFaiEXT small town markets, haros nml rab bits, vonlson, rcd-loggoil partrldgos and tho largo French quail and wild boar It Is high, but not so high us It always Is ut hutiiu The Klamath Falls Postotflce will You are Invited to road "Tho I'rolllit Pointing out that a large number of be closed all day on NeV'Years day p!fU of lands and rights of way have' S " moval Hdte fojbr 28-2t tyer J been made to the park systems, and Removal are likely to be made oftener In tho one week only at Jewelry Store. hurry Is gone They bring back the same. Always thoy uro luughlng or "' ;'llRo'.' ! latest book by fploii , , . ... ,, ,, .. ., . . , , ., . Clnclalr It surpasses ull efforts inado' "r"" """ '," "r "r ro salvage of battlefields, all the things singing, always thoy greet everyone , , nml), ,,f ,Upflr.nniurtlsiii undi wbntsnovor The mat Ilvo )oars inai go 10 mane war, aoanuoneu or ciiceriiy or boisterously, ana aiwas u a perfect clearing houso for all ro NYAL'S CALENDAR 1919 WEATHER CrrARf '; This popular calendar is now ready for distribution at our store. Call or send for your copy at once. It is f l captured. the French olllcers salute with n llgious slush and fakury from Minos I Truck load after truck load of smile when thev meet un American In the bullrusho to lllll Kalsor "III l-lflao nn,l tthullu nf ..".fn ftr.l,.u n n .1 .. . 1-11.. . It - .n ........ ..n.l ..... nUtCll . ..,a uu a..v.,n, if nu.w. ifUlllt-n ...It. v.... n IMIV .11.' I1IVI1 . U V V ...1.4 nilUUI 'haversacks, cartridges, machine guns, bayonets and trench knives and pis- You will proservu much1 flfirlt ni.ilfl ntl.l .intt.,utir V'ulru.ilf fr.atu "Lu guerre est llnls." or u almllnr K00(1 knol K ,, vlt(ll ,,.,., h. greeting. Even the children cry not reading this book Tho prlrim nf 'finis, finis." to tho passing car thu book are Single copy, paper. Strangest uf all uro the lights at r,0c; Itpnltl ;3 copies. $1 20; Hi ...,...,. , ,,, copies, $3.00 Hlligln copy, cloth. II night, In the hamlets nnd villages, polpaUi; 3 Copl. S.S6; 10 rcpliH. or shining frlcndlly from tho Isolated t. ()riur from author. Pnsatlnnn farmhoiiKPM, In regions further back Calif Yours sincerely. J. W. I.lml- For to long France has seemed a du- nulst 2K-3t sorted land to tint traveler by night ' . mantled flying machines of every Hour after hour the Associated Press Wutili our uiuilou fur roil IihtiIm type and nation, engine and fuxllage correspondent has traveled at night 2S.,t Wlnli'i. ,l nrl. i Mini-o ' i ttols, mess kits .overcoats, caps, an 'endless catalog of paraphernalia 'are .brought in. Thn battle zone is still full of It all, in heaps and racks, wait ing salvage j Now and then come trains of air planes camions, burdened with ills- i 1 lio Ouritiun language has boon imod a a wetpoii dlroctod at the hoarl of Atiiorlca b Gorman propagiiidlsti I: l llio opinion nf in ii ii y of our pnv itilitciu I'tltirutoM that tiormaii l not an oisonllal In an roiir.o of ..Mil) oimI It U tn bo Imped (hit nur Aliierl an youth will nut permit Its doing inn will wliii'-is a rrysialltxailnn nf oduintloii a! opinion mil upon that crr'talllit Hon will iioiiotid tho future uf Ainorl Kill Olllll'ltllllll "For those who would study a litn Biago for Hi futiitit utility tho tlmli-o llo between Fronch. HpanUh, Italian, nnd Uusslan rs our irado rolatlniii with thosu (uiuitrlos will bo Imtiioas iitobly liirroasoil now that peace Is III slliit To stud) Gemini! would bo tn miiilotie tho iilroillle. perpotratod Ii) tb' people who speak this loiiguugo " Tho inoiiiboni of tho I'nlon Iwlfr modlato t'hrlsliar) Kndravtir sro plan nliiK a skating party fur theitivlirs and frloiids oil Now Years Ko The wilt moe: at th Presbyterian rhurch at s o'clock .and proceed to th Ul whore thoy will sueitil nhnut ta hours .returning to tho church for re freshment and games, until tho Now Year has boon flttln.sly welnimMt, All rumor arc to bring either skstes ur ukololes Ten thousand pounds u( sUtir r shipped la Frauro by the Hod Crux, to our soldiers mlsht have relief from pain TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Foul) fou Half, phono :2.iVir. (ffienp for i-jsIi 'V 3M II it unknown onn hig stuck jf r aai no. iirnm iv'siro IIOIIHK OWNKIIH ATTKNTIl Thoro aro' sovoral anlmal-ifll Allaiuuiit any uno hav please cult fo li.ontfi for wlni taiuntit Dairy rsltlp. that place ko nrrsniso- Address At 30 31 fREE and running ear on the truck, and without a Kllmiuer to bo. Hfjn In tho (the great wingn on lt Hpeclally de- cuuntryMdo, anil now from uvory hill , Itrnnrl trfillnf nmo if nt. iim- otv.l nls. I it t..u .f I t..t . t.'U ul.l.w.' Oil II IU Kftllll' "f)V ,ss. i'wiim ws iKbin i u - UMII tll ItltJ l-UCVi; niMinn PIIIIIU (I... V t I I'lllti: IIMMi ( A ITCH .I.XM'AltV farmed, but many show bullet holes nnd tho villages aro ablnzo Tho pa in a fur Me lime u uuuil sun- ply of liiiiiiii) uiirs mill Mime prrlli WAHIIINIiTON. I) C . Dee .til - HTItAVKII...Tii Culllllboll S Mill. "I I Meadow Lake, about Dr IU. black guiding about )cars olil. l-'IKKr. vvfllgliii 1,200 lbs., brandml "1 on l" jstltlii Owner can hnwi same by pay lug food bill. T A tlimdtior. Kinm- thru tho frail fabric or the ruins of pars dovotn columns to tho illnmlnn- iuioi. lillroto .V Niiilth. :! I Thn dopiirinioiit uf .1 itsl lio will regard "" r""'' 3t 11 HEADQUARTERS OF THE BOLSHEVIKI AT VLADI VOSTOK TAKEN BY CZECHO-SLOVAK FORCES loiKoiiiratoil prlrn fixing by any In di.stry. uflor the government i onsen to ojtiftnlmi price lonltol nil Janil ii y. Ilrst. iim in restraint of fiou inni piitlon, It Is Jiiiioiiui'od & While we have several hundred on hand, the big demand always exhausts the supply, so get yours early. If you live in the country just send your name and address, and we will send you a copy. I Underwoods mms W v KLAMATH FALLS OREGON ttS" I SKjHA? Jk; $ Kt rj U i Wf4' f rW'& s- - ft' I H & 4 SUV i" J -.5'",;i-',,'" ij I tfrH l -A -".--. . - Set? rtp"H " .. ux , 'n n: : vm iei i :LARE TIMBER ; DPERATORSflRE : LOOKING 1ST LOKT -Oihi lilucky-biilll ui'iro wditt" i uboiit I.lfiO, lolor, strawberry roan; slur In omhoiil britiultii " on sllllii, also somu unknown brunils I Olio bay guiding, branded Imr on bnlli JawH, rangy built, weight '"" 9U0 lbs Heiuoimblu rownrd l 8 llfilliriwik. Mnlln. 10 31-C-T. w&Jfc4'i '-y to$ ?x zr;$v -7 I uwi-rvl WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE BUY THEIR DRUGS ' '" fw ut'W.tiiiM ittlU4td SCI ZZZll "yfTirr- jfeaf'' V&K fry rr& 5iS2Ek3?3f1 'n.- lACgyCYj This building was tho headquarters of tho bolsliorlkl at Vladivostok till thoy woro drlvon nut by thu Czccho-Slovaks, who marched across Russia and Blboriu. It wan riddled with machine kuii bullots nnd thu bolshevlkl taken iirlsoners, v 1 He timber o)iunilorH of the fioiith, I'livliiK cxIiniiHU'il their iivnllublti nil . ulv of niw iniiinrliil. iii'ii now looldiiK lowjrd tin) west fur fiituio oiierntloiiH mrniilliiK in (ity Attorney It. V. flrooiihdrli who with his fiunlly Is jMtlni? In New OrletiiiH. Mr. (Irocii luck bnllevi's Hint the old (oiiiiiioriiul nrKiuilziitloii Nliould ho revived lioro In onler to attract thu at tout Ion of our iiwoiiiioh. Now OrlemiK wciitlmr l-i MOiuelliliiK floKo, with ruin about nine lentliH of the timet he Niiys The wrller Ih emphatic In )iH pruforoiun for tho n it 1 1 mtt and Hiinshlim of Klauiiith. The letter In iiiolei In imrt: "I find that the ieoiu hero lire vt'iy oiitlmiHilc iih to hiiulucss In thu Vniler New Murgcmcni oVen ALlNIGHT I M Merchad DAILY j dA Dttitni rrano ts' Lunch 1:30 to 3, 25c Kninll) Hollclldl ( Owl Cafe BOBBIE WARD, Prop. , 4117 MAIN HTIIKKT N ) MAAAfWWWWMAMAAr