OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY lj? iutttnn M traiu OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH FALLS Thirteenth Ycnr No. 3,502 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2(, 1918 Price, 5 cents HUN GOVERNMENT AGAI OTTER! MM ARE KILLED IN BERLIN RIOTS WWWS VVSNAA POPULAR CITY ASTONISHING T MMMMWMWWWWAOVtfWWWWWAAWVArtAM COUPLE WEDDED RAFFIG FROM T IBM NIGHT RESERVATIDH FLU BAN IS LIFTED M CITY TBI? FIEUTEDS FROM jyj MHiumin hill set man IIOMI. i:ilIN. IS .SOI, I. MMI It lirj.KHHU'MI.MNOr MMiS. 1AM. FLU CASKS (IP IMsl sl MUTINOUS SAILORS CAUSING TROUBLE EBERT in nor smhm.s i tins. BLAMED FOR PREDICAMENT IN WHICH . ceui.i: li:au: urn iionm- GOVERNMENT IS NOW PLACED i MOON ,N ,,,,: M" "' lllllt, AM) AM. KIM or I.IVF. STOCK COME I.N I'llOM CHII.O- oj'i i.n n: months. Sill.!. m:i:i:t in r m:i.ii: i:i in.r ii'ii i if i:it sriti.M) or i.i'idi.m- H" AN NOW III. "III.CM:i. (. VLLWI" KIOIMENT or AKTIL-, in which hi:i:it.ii m ml uens aiii: kni.isti'.k n.i. I i:i:.rn ni: iokk soon. REPUBLICAN GUARDS FAIL TO TAKE ROYAL STA BLES, WHERE MUTINEERS HOLD FORTH. HUNDREDS KILLED ON STREETS (By Associated Press). BERLIN, Doc. 20. Political lenders are riteposuri to be lieve that the Kbert-HuKse government is no longer intact, as a result of revolts and riot here Tuesday. The independent .socialists hold Ebeit responsible for the predicament into which the government is now forced. ihey declare their lepresemauves weie nut .iw.ue mac. uc cnllud on the Potsdam troops to oppose the sailors and to watch the armed forces. LONDON, Dec. 20. The Alexander and Franzcr regi ments have openly come out with the revolting sailors at Deilin. It is predicted that the entire Berlin garrison will support them, leaving the government without troops, ac cording to advices ai liornn . nnsuiuis ihbiu. BERLIN, Dec. 2(5 The editorial rooms and plant of the Vorwaerts has been .seized by a member of the Spartacus group. BERLIN, Dec. 20. Later It is announced by the Spar tacus group that Dr. Leibknecht and Ms associated social ist leaders would proclaim the overthrow of the Ebeit gov ernment today. LONDON, Dec. 2(. Nearly a hundred persons were killed in street lighting, which began in Berlin Tuesday, according to reports reaching here by way of Copenhagen. The republican guards tried several times to take the royal stables and the headquaiters of the revolting sol diers, but were repulsed. LONDON, Dec. 2(5.--Mutinous sailors, who have been holding out in the red palace at Berlin, have hoisted the white flag and been allowed to leave under guard, accord ing to Berlin advices, via Amsterdam. The government troops now occupy the palace aim me iuyu sutuicvs. , A putt) roiii.inii' was minimal' d ClirlBlm.iH ! In tliii ninrrlJM" or Miss Ailu Could ami Jnlii'M Fi.dei .it I )! Iiuimi of Mr ami Mm I 'I P. l- 'ir on Alameda Avenu.i Tli (oro mom unit i(r(oiiuc& t seven n't lot k l llic Itevorond I! I Law. mm- i the Prcsbjlerlan ciiurrh in the pros 1 inn' nf lhi Immediate .ulu'HiH and fi ( mis Tlic young cmiil hail in- 'llmuiid their Intention of hi lug mar 1 r!n on Clirlstjnts morning to obdu'c p-blldt) but ttmlr real iil.ui who ' ilUioxcroil anil lan." pail) of 'friends npptart'd Into In 'ho jvonliri 'to belli r( li-brntc Hip o'.oit Tlic , I aii pair left on the Inn jesleul.i) morning for Soiitlicrn .illf'ii.ili It would take a train sevent) uiI1.h PORTLAND, Dec 20 - The WILL NOT SIT IN AT BIG MEET G'.lli n,.. Ik l mini) imrinh lnirrh - . .. ...x. . . notlitofif ulitoli iitimhnrc min CiTS- long figuring on cars of slxt) foot After tmore man two " ' ,VeiUn t7ranK711 pribl'.iv be NKlllULSMA ADDKHS, CLAIMS . . romparutlce InaLtlon. during which gon men In Hj ranks, win prjoi iv in. length to luiul the live stock lumber ,,..,,., q.,lqh i this country before the first of the .r ..... , . ,.w wuirit mid logs which have been brought In from Clilloquln on the Klamath Ind Inn lleservatlon In the last )oar time the gently (leaded .Spanish In this country uuore me nrsi oi me. Influenza bus held sway here, Klam- "ar. according to official report'. I ath Palls again resumes its The rompan) was lit the thick of tlw Alilin tlmr nr n tow MCnUIIS lor I- w KVn I" u. i tw II li.'HCr UllUll IU llll- mi. J "' t , Htll llll mill" iuvi C - lording to information re.ehed from eases still In town I, U belleod y . of the rml.ce taB par. l. ...(l.,,.hU.. !. 1.n fnrnn nf flirt 111 llti; lliaJUl n"" ...- ...--- Station Agent Johnson at that point ""-.-"'"""""'; ' , ,.,. bv Uie 6-.,h ,vas cited for by Klamath Fall Agent S It Herr to;vr.s, which imi hi: takpx cahi: oi nv sI'l.CIAIi HOHV. The shipments are Itemized as fol lows 4774 cars of logs, 922 car loads of lumber, 26S cars of feeder cattle, 27d taw Beef cattle, 3 cais of horses, one car of mules and one of sheep Tho live stock has been slilp- epidemic lias spent itself and that by the G'.th was cited for good work and a careful quarantine of the IndliiJ- "ring and established a record for ual casei it can be kept from spread wotlng the big guns. In the future I T,le cotnl,a' entered the big fight Since earh in October, all publ'c from Uouroy. France. They partlcl niPetlnu. hool. mode theatre-. ' imted In the big offensive at St. Ml- ,...! i.nii. .,n.i fnr.loni of anv kln.1. , hlel. Later the were transferred to sheep Tho live stock has been ...,- IJ - - , ' t"h. Ar.onne forest where they were ped since Jul, first, and numbers T'I" V,"nlil Vl L , in the midst of terrible fighting At 1C.233 head. wlure tlu will siidid tlifl - ho:u i moon Tlic brlilc li n daught jr of llenn Could or Kcnni'lt. t'allfo nil Mio l.t ,wi known In tills rltj wbcrj slm I'.li 'Ik (li ciuplojed at loo and Com- iftti and nt the I'dlian Ilij Lumber Compain office 1 Mr Poster Is in the eniploj of tho Siiiubirn I'adflc Compinv Iloth psrMeslini a hot of friends In Kliini nlh Palls who wish them eier Imp pliifi In their future life nnDTi iiun cuid YARDS H0LD1NC U.S. RECORD in Nn.i.lrnhlp nnmliers. hto been '" ""- '"'"-" "." " " strictly under the ban and the com Verdun they hid the distinction o munli ha, been obliged to proceed rt the first foreign troops to enter the half speed Ken with the preca-i- old town, and they fought side by tlons taken the results hate been Mdo with the famous French fearful Fortx deaths l.aNe occurred torps of the 4th French army, under and about ten times number of command orfieneral Gourard. persons hae suffered from the J Is. ease. Business has suffered a Mum,! Klamath County is well represent, from which it will take months to -e e(j n tliia. famous regiment. Paul Hil cover The school children, who will toni Clarence Montgomery Elmer nrobably resume their work carlv .Lawrence. Hen Mitchell. Edgar Mc will bine a hard time to Cullom. ltobert Turner, Clifford MXTHAUS Wll.l. IWUTIClP.m: I.V rOKMI.NG i.kaepi: OP A Tio.Nh. wii-so.ns aire novAii iuci.nio i.v i:m;i,a.M). PARIS, Dec, 20. Tho Allied re presentatives hae decided that tho neutral nations will not bo admitted to the Peace Conference. It is re ported that the neutrals mavaddrsss claims to'the belligerent po.vers who will refer them to a special body to be created b the Conference. The neutrals will participate in tho formation of the League of Nations RESTRICTIONS PLACED ON MOVIE THEATERS NINETY-FIRST REGIMENT TO REI IHROi I HAU'M, Oi'C 2(1 'Iho soldiers of tho HlHt roKlmonl nio not nlntud foi ourl) inliini iKioidlug lo n lottor ' (loM'inor W'ltlijionibe fiom Malm (Jiimiinl William II. JoIhihoii, coin- iniindoi of Iho Didsloit Ho said that tho '.MhI Iwul been k leded us nno of thill) lomlint dll sloiis ileslgnatcil to itminlii In Ftmico for fuithiir liiilnliiK and possible nor vlcn. Ho romminmiilril Iho Oregon mtu for vnlnr In battlo n,i)liK thoy did not l.osltalo to nllnck Iho boii of tho I'liiHslan KiintdH YANKEEBATTLESHIPS REVIEWED BY DANIELS NnV YOIIK, Ooc 2fi -l."ad bj tho Hiipor dioadiiatiglit Arl.nUi tt'it rrcat biiUloslilpB Hlcnmod In lodow luifou' Hccrutiiiy DiiiiU'Im hum to lav. Hiindri'dH of thoiiBamls of speita toiM llnud Uio nlioioH of tho liaiUw. r i FIRE DAMAGES NINTH i STREET HOME TODAY, Pirn broke out this morning at tho resident o of V. I l.iwicnco at .I2' Nlulh Stioet Two llltlo chllilii'it wine In bed at the limn the blaze was stalled, but lhu were seoiiied and most of the uiluiblos lukeii out I he liisldii of Iho bouse was damaged lo kiiiiiii cMont but Iho loss Is not mil mis Plans of amusement opened to tho public under following regulat'ous 1 A gn.ii to bo placed at each placi of i mini li nt at tho oxpent.) ( f 'he man ic'ini'llt b the clt lu..i 1 of health, to seo that no person Is sneez ing, loughlug or expectorating, and to see that all persons, are seated to mold (row ding 2 - Persons Micelug, roughing or nxpodoratlng to bo sont homo and In stituted to lslt their fainll phl dun next morning, who will report mi their condition to Mrs llogardus, assistant city health olllcer, at tho city lull It will bo necessary for those persons to show a clear bill of lit tilth from it phjBlrltut or to remain In Isolation .1 -Theaters and phues of public gathering must bo well heated, com fortably enttlated and freu from draughts 4 These regulations to bo in forto tho unstring ten das Hoard of Health, Warren Hunt, C H O YniilArr L h I 1 II I C Lm Lw V-J III r.s , PLANS FfflT ACROSS OB LOCAL hoy niiiriisor , AHMISIICI: CI'.LPHHVIION. Tho woii of Mr 'iind Mrs It II Dunlm , oei the dioi)ubouls of llirll son Pied In Pianco, has been lolloioil lis Iho loulpt of foul lottois, whldi tin hod at otiie No nows had been loielvcd for a long (lino w lilt li rait hud imhpuiI his piicntB no little nnxlnt) Pied wioto Hint ho was III Paris' Iho night or the nimlsllco lolobintlon aul thnl It was an oonl which will lonit bo reini'iuboicd OHHCON CASl'ALTY LIST TODAY Wounded Sewieh I'lhato han II, Yales, Hanks. Wotimlcil, Hegrec Pnilcti-i mined l.leutenimt Mortimer P Cook, Port land Wounded Sllglitl) Prhato lleo Schiewo, Portland. HssiiK In Adiou I'lhntL John C Nlelson.'Tlllninook. next month catch up and complete the reguU v ork assigned POItrLA.ND. Or Uec 2 A I Following are tl,n new e. re check on the statements and flares', porter toda b the nuthoiitio". h o t ,(, HKludion of the ar.os wood '.l,W Mill, Xddl.lo Pbll M-jch n and steel lards on the Pacific (oas, b.cher and wire M. All.o Ilaldw-n re eals the fait that the Portland dls- Onal and I emunl Pord trict not o nil has been tho laigest i.rnilmnr of filllllS (111 the I'lldflcl i i" " ' ' fmsi ilnrlnir the emorgenej lesiilt-i lng from the war, but has ecllpvd erv other shipbuilding center In the United States in the production of ships," Mijb a statement prepared b the local Chambei of Commerce "In lOlfi with six jards for wood rn ships beginning opeiatlons but four wood ships were launched In 1017 thlrh-onc wooden ihlps had t lipped fiom tho wajs nnd the recoi 1 for Ills, mi to and Intituling Ileum bor to was ono hundred and 'hlrfen wooden ships, making the total for les than tlneo jears ionht..:dloii, ono bandied and fort) eight woodn U'ssels "In steel lOiistructlou. the lefi'i 1 ir production In Portland N lenuk ible fiom the fait that, whH Perl laud Is the hrgest lumlTei nia'it.fae t'lilng cttx In tho woild she has de eloped a largo nw Industn In tin coiihtrudlon or snips oi . . , , .,.,,,, r th ,, .101,;. ,h,ee steel ' ,, ( but no launching -cc.,.-!" uureporte.1 ed in the fo.lowlng , oar eight s. e 1 , M,ssels were launched and the num.. ' " ' , Amartau , of a,ds incensed to (he , 'N ;, " 7 in be uco'iipanled HilS thus far. thlit-boon stool ships sold eis mil m a,o been l.unihed and .eiernl mo.e on - P - ' - soon will b read) to put Into tho """ " Wllllumette, making a total of fort Peits and Oerald Sears being among tie number These bos were sta tioned at Fort Steens near Astoria pinions to 'heir remoal to France WITH IN TAKES BRIDE FOI X- MAS LONDON", Dec 20 President and Mrs. Wilon are now at HucklnKbam Palace in England, On their jouiiio from Paris, they were accorded nil the honois eer given -oalty As soon as the President enterel the Palace crowds outside thu Palaco including a hundred wounded sol diers shouted "We want Wilson" The President and his wife and the King and Queen then appeared on the balcony. Mi. Wilson waived Ids hand but tho crowd Insisted on a speech He then briefly addiessfd the soldiers expressing the hope that they would come thru sarely to en joj the full fruits of tboir ictory. LONDON' Dei '-(. Ka heitue Stlnsou Amodi.ui adatiK. has an nounced that she will uu nipt to fh from Europe to America She e-pie-sed confidence in 1 or ability o do wjiat no mere man has over don Miss Stlm-on ts the fli -t pilot or Per -ex to fls over l.ondoti She ac lompllblied the feat a few dajb ago In u Handle -Page maeliluo Tho American glil is oxpocted to fh to Pailb soon wliete she will en- tei the emplov of the Hed Cross Ae- m:i choss m:i:r hhimjs i).t. Elghlj dollars Is tho sum rwrilieil foi Iho Hod Ciosh from tho sale of tho beef donnted bv and sold at tho Klam nth Piuklug Compaii Momlii) nflei noon. A .box of apples waa doimlod by Iho Klnninth Deimitinent stoio to nld this cause Private James P. dunlins or Cot tage tliovo, piovlously reported miss ing, slrk In hospllnl Harney WoUo, Ashland, previously repoiled missing, wounded, degree undetermined. five steel ships for less than two ears opeiatlons " Theio are at present J2.100 men oi Ar.Red In shipbuilding nnd allied Inrtustrlos in Paitl.ind and tbo land dlstilct, nnd the monthh ia loll Is $1,471,200. The contracts for lillS called for 1230,000,000 the Chamber of Commorcc repoiled Wll.Ii HOt) ATTEND l-OHTIiAND COXYKNTIOV. PIONEER HARDWARE FIRM MAKES CHANGE bother Santa Clius brouc'i" h's ,,r..n,,f ,imm tliB rlilmnev or not is1 a question that K 0 Argiaes of tl i cltv hab refused to discus, out anwa he appears xery h.ippj with hi? "lemGiiibraneo". St Nicholas wrs ludsted somowhat in the nnttoi bj the Iteverend E P Lrwreno jester day forenoon at the Lnwtenco home at Jd and Jefferson when he pro n jimcod Eugene Geoige Atgieve and J itt Etta Spha man and 'vHe lie ii.p coromonv was used TheJirlde Is a Sacramento gill who has made her home in this elt for some time pa.t Mi Argraves has lesdded in this cits for a number of jeais where ho Is well known and has considerable piopeit Intel estb In tho cltj and count) lhe )oung couple oxi ect to louialn here for a few weeks sad then go cast for their wedding trip. DEFENSE BODY I MKhrSW H ! END OF YEAH SALEM, Ote Dec 2C Tho Or-2-on Council of Defense will coase to exist after January llrst. Tho exe cutive committee appointed by tho Ooernor tindei tho Chairmanship ot the Ma) oi of Portland will take caro of tim demobilization and recoil- stiuction problems. A desire to savo expeiue caused tuu decision to disband. lll'ILDS .KY IIAlMli: Captain John Llnman hus the lum hoi on thu ground and Iho keel laid for a big bin go. which will cost ap proximately 1,000 This big bargo will bo used with his now steamer vvoik for general freight. I'aldwln llarilwaio Compauv, n corporated. will bo tho name of tho Oeorgo T lladlwln establishment in this city aftei tho tlist of the voai Will T llnldwln who Ins been with tho business foi -cvmteoii )oara will bold tho positions of Socretar). trcis liter and manager. Thlo business vv rstabllshcd as tho Pioneer'llnrihvaie '. Rlemans of tho First Stale Store foil) jcars ago by Oeorgo T and Sivlngs Hank oxpocts to attend ( Unldw in tho Oioson Irrigation Congress ttj .,...,,,,, ri,.r rortland. which convenes oad) in1 AMaiHI.H IH.IOl.l . an. a. y It Is Probable that Captain, Oregon-IUIu In west fair in Slo inns will bo delegated to oast ".tonight warmer. lain 1 ri. la) ent tho Klamath Irrigation District In H rain or snow In east; In at tho important meetlns. creasing southerly winds. ULULVlll HOY HE'lUHNis ntoM si:n ici: ahhoad, One of tho Mist Klamath bo)s to letutn horn ovciseas service Is Cad Schube.t. Jr who ai lived on thu tialn Inst evening. Cad has beon In tho Aviation branch and has been nninloved most of the time at Liver- pool and some of the tlmo at Win chester. COMiHESS ASKPD TO .NAME WHEAT PHUES J WEHIILNO HLHE YP.STEHHAY Mr. Lee llan.bleton nnd MUs Imo gone Jackson weit united In the bunds or mutdmoii) at tho homo ot Mis E K. Iloldrick, li" First St. Itev M L Itossmnn or tho Lutheran Church petrol mod the ceremony. WA.slIlVC.lO.N, D C, Dp.o 2G. Tno deparPnent of AsHcul'tiro' mid tho Pood Aitnilnlstiatlon has icoi j rirnded legislation to Congress So make erreitho wheat priqoa as a guarantee or tho 1919 ciop aud to safeguard tho govcinmont against losses by tho suggested extension be jond June, first of tho date, for the put chape of tho ciop, the continuance ..f the fiialn Coipoiatlon and thn creaiiqn of a new nguncy to buy itoro nnd sell whoat olfered to tho goVorn nent. Leghlatho provision? vvoro i jggested to protect tho Kovornmcut oriust wheat or flour bought fiom foreign countries and to protect buy i.s of such wheat. b: '!