The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 23, 1918, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    Monday, iii:n;.Min:n 2:1, huh
Four-Minute Men
Wind Up Duties
PORTLAND. Dee 23 flirlatiniiii
I e Mill l"' III" OlldlUg lf U'llVllil'li
,,f I'm four 111 lit II 1 14 ntrtl. Willi llllVn
M-rw-d fot 1 14 yearn In making
.pew lll'H III I'llH "I "t lllllUm'llll'llt.
lull itii'nllllK") iiiiivi'iitliiiin mil other
imtilii gatherings itt On' riiiiit or
Hi, - 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1
riii' I'limnilttt'ii nf imtilli- liifiirnm
1 .in 1 iniiiii9i'i of ( 1 1 1 r 1: 1 ti'i'i iini.r
iiin ilii' aecretnr) o atute m'lri't.m
.r war 11111I siirmtiir) or tho iiivy, up
in. 11 1 i'il Wlllliim II InKtTHu I. im .1
li'lil nf Ihi liigmmill U tli h i'imiiii:iy,
an nut niiii! iliM'ilur uf fimr minute"
liii'ii Tin' i(i'"iti o loiiiiulllce In
I'liinlinii. i of HI11M II Mull I'liulr
11,1m (iur W liillmt 11111I A (1 l.'ililin
"llnse mi'ii III linn limn appoint i'il tm III every lowu In Ilin
'I'hi. if mi'ii liitp liri'il I'd'Hi'llli'il
w Hi lirnni tin 1 1 on k mill their mime
nr.1l.1l at V iisliliigtnii I) C , im
mi'ii miih nf (Ihi four in null' mi'ii or
rum ut im
By Strategy
Many U-Boats Were
LONDON. (Corrrjipirinlcnre of the
vmxHiitted l'ri') One of lint mint
. . ttitiK f'ttni'lcirn of ilii nr ngultiM
. t-r until C-bonta l n aeries of in-
. mils nf itotible piigin-Ptneiils Im
iween Hillluli ilnrny ships mul Hi"
iilininrliii'ii, iiiniln puhllr b) tli, llrll.
lili Admiral v While the whole
lory nf llm part ilt)il by tin-up !
my vcaaela. "mlcr) ships" or "Q"
irnft hia not heen revealed, II Is l
li'tit t lint aevernl of them were used
i.-ilug lli'r vi-ssr". lull nlwayn leaving
11 Imnril niiolln r mm to initn tint
r,mia mill finish tin' niibmulno If It
rmiii- ni'nr enough
Tin- Drat ein'"iintiT inotitlnneil lv
ll'O Ailinlriilty tool. plate In March.
1'ilfi. whim tin. riirnlioroiiKli, 1II1
gulaed mi 11 colllnr unit nttnckcil b n
ntihinurlne TI10 "panic pirly" look ( Verdun la not only tlm nnini of
to tlii liouu nml when the .submarine
closed In to nliont MM yards tlm
Piplitmrnugh opened fire on bur
Mi:iti un. 1, itcMCMiicit
I AllllTllll Will IlllVel forget 111" KH'-
liint mninl of tlm lltlli' lii'lKl'in Army
In A 1 1 1-1 1 m t . I'M I, nrnliml threefold
oil ild Imw limy linlil tin. Hun legions
for two weeks I'liulillni: I'mtne In
umhillru giving lliltnlii .1 litefithiii'?
I spine to tin i) v Iiit llrsl liutiilivit
thousand across tin- (hmiucl. Insur-
j I 1 !' the miigtilflietii vlitor) of tli"
."(.rim when I Ihi Hun in hn'i'il
lllll'll to ill" In I M' lll'fl'lll
Wo will not forget low Itnly, bv
. loir prompt declaration of iihiol.iiii
j iifiitr'llt) delivered to I'rniiro on the
eve of war, enabled t'he highly tinlti-
I i'il I'rnirli iiriuli!.s lo withdinw Iron'
1 tin Italian Alp nml Ming tlii'lr vl il
I weight Into I li' nuiln against Un1 tn-
I viiilcr; we will not forget the gl".'l hih
ivHnry of thn l'lnvi ntnl tliu
, Iiik dcfeit of Atistrln-lliingnr) which
opcni'il tlm hark iloor to llrrlln.
, Nor nn wo over form t l'w ltui.ln
in ilimi' tirilhlc cirly iluyn of tho ivr
icirrli'il lior vlrtorlom lmnnorn 'jii lo
! Prinnlnn mill; wi will not fcrKft iIk-
fiiuioiii llruilloff rninpnlKii of I'JlR,
nor tluit ulif Riivi- tin Ihi'i of 3.000,
nno of Pit imnn In tho Brent Ciusi
I iifori- CiTiumi Mm roii'iucrijil wii.T
I tlmlr ntM'1 roulil tint pnnn. V tuc
n ilcM to ICiiPHla which her proum'
pllRht IniltcH iih to illMPliiirci'.
1 Tlmri' 1.1 no fi'ir li'Kt wo lorci'l l.'.'
hntllf fninp of our old nil v Friii'
nnvll upon whl.'h fell tho Niti-imi
linmim.T troki' of tun linn, it ulatnlii
kIko for nil tho n-olulo inlKht of
i:lorloiiH Krntiro, flKhtliiK ui:Unt
, M m$fri'.? rmmm
1 SHKHIDA.V. Vo. Dec. 23. A
throw of tho dice will determine
which of the two slate senator elect
ed nt the hint state election to repres-
ent Lincoln county In the state le
gislature shall serve thu long term
I Lincoln county, which Is a newly
' created county, elected both of tho
senators Cranney and Gardner for
four year terms.
No provision was made tor decla
Iiik which should hold office for
four years, being the "hold-over"
renator nt the next election, and
which should sere only two years,
so the senators will have recourse
to the dice to make the decision.
ANTIICnAOK, Alaska, (fly Mall)
- Farmers from all over the Matanu
ska v-lley ewarmed Into Matanuska
Tuesday evening for a peace Jubilee
to celebrate the signing of the armis
tice with Germany. The owner of
the Allen hotel played the part of
, host and served a banquet. Donfires
were lighted In tre streets of the
town and pitrlotlc speeches and mus-
1 lc kept the celebrants occupied for
half the night.
For the
Old Folks
Don't overlook the old folks.
Tlit-y, too, ulsli to lie remem
bered nt Christmas time.
Hooks, Calendars, Vacuum
Dottles, Magazine Sublet Ip
tlons. Hot Water Dottles,
etc., arc appropriate for the
w-CC TnA MO.l jl
'-.gV '
1 3m$-J-IJJ j l ! ! j-25
t:i.iiiT..i 1 ' . 1,
fijlnr CI, 1. tn .it 1
boys ol-i tint' 1 1 i - Mil -i 11
1 ll M'l-ll in i' i' In
; nnliiK 'o 11 ' i' -till 1 -
... ,0 A (.itt boxes to be f-?nt
,, , Wan i'il sent his daddy a
I i,r i,r iiindli-i. a layer of candied
11 ' r. ult , a knife, three lln.ia handkti-
1 ''" - Im. fh and a pair of silk so' l.s That's
jiil : !l he coirlil cram Into '.l.e box.
to lurn tlr Hun iimlrraen trnft to TI o I' mibun-ici'il ntnl tin- I'.irn-( Mlorlous Iriinrc. llKiitnik n,uiii
lli'lr ii'lriicllim hormiKh pnsscil omt Iiit droiipliiK fciirful oiMp, di-fcnti'd ti dozen tlini's C
Hotiii- ImlilentK of IhU rnmpnlitii ileptli-lKimlm The mitimnrliin renp- nml 'i eternnlly undcfonteil. rull- V
..Iri-mly hii lu'i'li liimli- known. d"iil p,ir0 si uiiIIiik nlmosl on end l'le lliK like n rock to Hint desperate, , I
Hie chiefly with n few of the ilnl'a rounils wn fired Into In-r nt nenrlv
..I Commniiiler (Jnnlnu niniln-ll s tuilnt lilntil. rnnvo mid ahi' went to
liiliater of the ii-ro) Neimnlit. lull oth- the hiittom of the aeu.
.-r In which he mnl other niptiiUK prior lo tluit ni'tlon the Fnrnhor-
I nrtli Ipiited now ure nvnllnhte Tluit ouch luul cnilned ihriioul the entire
it limal a amnll fleel w.ui lined In thlf winter wltlnuil beliiK nll.irkeil
work U evident from the fact (lint1 W'lllilu 11 mouth the K1rnl10rom-.l1
( niuihel ill illffiiteul times uppenrs coned miolher nubinnrlite near
tin tie tiinater of the KiriihoroiiKh, euoiir.h lo sink her by nunrlre Com-
Hih I'nruuat. tlm Diitiraveu mid the mnmler Cmupheli liner whs trnnsfer-
Q S red 10 tie loinmiiiiil of the l-5 nml
ri... I'm., ilninv kIi! ti. wan in ili, fi.llnuliiL- I'ehrunrv. HUH 111 t
,....!. ..I I.. I l..i.l.,i.ii, Wllllhlil ....... 1 u. inn ixln.lil III' n mltllll i rlnp n1"' K'lv'' ti"'
..lll,.,..ll'l.. ... .,..,...,..... ..,-..,..-, n..H , .---.. --r .- . (
1,-loilous cry. "They ahull not pnf.s'
Nor slnll there ever be effned from j
the RrnnllK or history, tuc name in
Mirshnl Kocli.
W'e will remember, too. how the
Ciund Kin-1 of Ilrltuln held the Hun
Navy nml Mercantile Marine help
less, when otherwise they would pure
ly have turned the tide of fortune
We will not forget how Ilrltnln's oim
from every pari of her far-flung do
minion milled to the common oiuso
Instlng lie to lho.e who
i:ii hliiH-, HI and Lou
lit. I lie) Mciirimil Hi'.iranil,
l-U Mlllll
Says'you really feel clean, sweet
and fresh inside, and
are seldom ill.
If you are accustomed to wake up '
uf the many lo)s who nrclwith a coated tongue, foul breath or'
a dull, dizzy headache; or. If your
' meals fccur and turn into gat and '
adds, you have a real surprise await-1
l.'Mlii-.lti-ly at
K. K. K. STOItn,
General Petsninu'n i.W A Mll.i: NOW WIIKUK
i .. . L. I. t'l.mli. ii'nu t-rtt - eveiiuinllv api.roached po near uis,.ere.i w.m . .-r ....
I .1.. I.,l,i.nliil. he- ""Il- 'T mnnilOOll lirrmimii, nr, h....,
I II PIVII M Villi t. '- a .r..
We will not forget that n mill-
f Smiilera and tin- Htock Korce by
I liiili-iiniil Harold Allien ,
at .. .1 ..... .l..rf I...I......M 1 ......! 1. I'.ltttnl IK.Irllll DM llA gOIlll
mi., .1- in in.- . 'i ........v.. iri-iiii.-.i ..... -'..... !,, II, II
1011 ill hit iirim'i niiii- ... . ... .
'ni'lf that I.lhert might live.
' We shall not soon forget the suf-
I'AIUS. Dec. 23 Not many for
tunes In AumrlCJJi S'nsll changw me1
h- lug apent by
flgl ting men .for tbiy an. .n't l "H
like tho old atylo privtrt1a the day
It j. n.'
I'lii Wntili Itcp.iirlng a
22H .Main Slrt-rl.
win .i in my pay ai
lliene ahlps and the I'-hotls are filled i-llmbeil out of Hie lower, the sub
with d ...ila of heroism mid Inainnri', mnrlne wn aiiuk with her conning
In whi. h il.e illnclnlliie of the llrltlah tower open and hei crew pouring
Nivy was illpl(leil under the tr Iiik out Destroyers towed tlm Q-fi In
rlrciiiualaini'S l-'or mnny months nu, heached her. Por this exploit
the ili-cn) .hlpa heavily nriiied but the Viitoila Cross wns awarded to
with their runs hidden behind fube ' ('nmiihclt
bulwarks st'-atned zig-zag pnths ill The decoy shin I'nrgusl with
the an a which were the limiting Campbell In command torpedoed on
'Since Tanlac has relieved mo and
grounds of the submarine
In their character of lary colliers
or alow enrgo rrufl they presented to
t'-n submarine commniiiler nn Invll
.lone 7 I'M", while disguised ns i
llrlllsli inerchiilii vessel TJio sub
mnrliie cntre within fifty yards of
the I'nrgusl which then opened fire
lug object nf iiltnrk. hill once Im was ,, iM,r win, nil guns The siihtnsrlno
well within mnge of the llrlllsli gun, crew poured out of the conning low
t'e fnl e superstructure hilling the r nml held up their bunds In token
run. fell nwiy nml the helpless coll. ,,f surreiwliir. hut the IMinnt tenmed
ler beenme aiidilenly trnnsfoimed Into nwnv trying to encnpe In the mist,
n fighting craft, bmil on destruction. Tin Psntust again opened flro on her
It wns dangerous wotk reuulrlng 11 unit sunk her with one man clinging
high order of courage for I ho sub- to her bow as she went down. Tho
murine must be lured near before the (0coy vessel was towed hick to port
guns could safely begin their woik ,v American ileMrovers Two Vic
ferlnrs of Serbia nml of ravished Hou
Mi an In; nor shall we forget the nnines
of nnv one of nil thu long and glori
ous list of Allies who hnve Knight
Willi us -side by side, for world-freedom.
Belgium. France, Russia, llrltnln.
Serbia, Montenegro. Jnpin. Italy.
San Marino. Portugal, llloumnnin,
Greece. Cuba. Panama, Slum, Ltburla,
Chlnn, Pirirll, Guatemala, Nicara
gua, Costa Ulca, Hnltl. Honduras
To each one wo say from full
hearts America thnnka you; Ameri
cana will remember'
1,.,- person. It will be recf.llefi, l'-t I
his entire month's emolunni.'H ri i
fifimi mlnutoe exuoni"ntlng vlih,
cihi. vvlieroupoii he slvunscd n t built mc up so much I reel twenty
si oiildeis. comme.itln-5 plii'inoi'iil- yeirs younger." 8aid Mis. W. B.
'ipiIV "Oh. well, easy torn"- env ai " .;iI(6ipv. who resides at West 2115
The new typo of Yluhrs eiilh'e.l j.-((enln Ave, Spokane. Vabh.. re-
, mitt Is'nt like that l 1, a sivin 0,-ntly. man and he -ends a good sK- ..j had gu(ferod from stomach tiou
of hih ini"nliiBB homo to l"'n u' M ble." she continued, "until I had be-
, wife or auv other partial dependenus l.,.me a,noi,t a nervous wreck and
that he may leave, lu fuel, he send.s ,,,,-hi,. to do my housework and look
hack as much money a? bo spends on ftPr PlV .-hlldron. Mv stomach was
hlniFelf. if flguros from Y. AI. C. A.
flnnnce lopnrts may bo lateen as a
ciiterlon. And they ought to be ion-
i sldered
tag you.
Tomorrow mormng, Immediately
ipon arising, drink a glass of hoi
water with a teaspoonful of limestone
ahosphate In it. This is Intended te:
drst neutralize and then wash out of WASHINGTON, Dec. 23. Ap-
your stomach, liver, kidneys and thlr-i polntment of a new director general
ty feet of Intestines all the Inaigeatl-1 0f railroads to succeed William G.
ble waste, poisons, sour bile and tox- McAdoo resigned, Is' expected to be
ns, thus cleansing, sweetening and i announced by the White House wlth
purlfying the entire alimentary canal.' (n a few ,jayS-
Those subject to sick headache. I .
backache, bilious attacks, constipation ;
or any rorm or stomacn irouoie, are
urged to get a quarter pound of lime
stone phosphate from the drug store
and begin enjoying this morning In
side bath.
Notice Is hereby given that tho un.
derslgned was on November 30, 1918
dulv aDDoInted administrator of the
It Is said that men and estate of Alma O. Ellis, deceased, by
women who try this become enthusl-jthe County Court of the State of Ore-
. .,-. T ...... 1.4 l.nvil.
SO V9-K anU UPSCI lent I cuuiu U...U-
v retain a thing I would eat. I lived
or davs at n tin o on nothing hut
b..lled milk and poached eggs, and
half the time trey failed to a'ree
with me. I was kept on a diet all
1 1 e time, -"id my stomach -van pump-
Meantime the Hun fniiiieiitly had
sent his torpedo lioiuit ntnl the decoy
Nlilp wii.h dUlhled, HOinellines on file
nml part of her crew wounded In
Hint cntiillHou tlm Intlle was fought
and often thu stibium Ino destroyed
"Panic parlies" wns one of the
ruses pi in Heed by I be decoy ship's
cnmiuiiniler to coux tho siibmnilno
alongside "Whim the mysleiy ship
was lorpedoeil theiu pmili- pmlli'
took to tlm boats, apparently uhaiiit-
turla Crosses were nwmileil
successful uctliiu.
for this m:i)ONDO IIEACH. Cnl. Dec 23.
rv-KAisrit iiecovkus
AMKIIOXGEN Holland, Dec. 21.
Tlm former empeior who bus lieen
III for the past several davs Is able
lo walk about the castle iigaln today.
wni:iir.'s vtirit hi'ttox?
tV I Ti -'
Let Us
Do the
For Christmas dinner you'll hftve plenty to do
preparing the Turkey and "Fixings.
Besides, our bread is the very finest that can be
baked. It is toothsome and palatable, as no other
bread is. ,
Order a loaf of our Pan Dandy as a trial. You II
ee the foolishness of home baking with the hrst
Fresh Pies and Cakes baked every day.
Hirvi Baking Company
i fair Indication of the way
tho pav goes.
In tl-e first place-, the private makes
an allotment of half his base pav by
government order If h baa anyone e,i,t nearlv eve." day, but thU nor
tit home that neoiK 1$. And if he' ,,rX( .,inB elso did me any -"Hi. 1
hasn't the government t'kas it and w , . ,nised tint u hlgh-v altitude
Hives it for him With Veiv few o-' m'eet bein me so I took i inn to the
-Grammer schools hnve been closing cor.tlnn.s, he also u. tho bolder of , . ,,..,tulns In Canada, but vv.w b.srk
govetnmont inurnme iwi-v, pi .,.nie .mat as oau on m .,ii-u . .f.
ta"ke? nnotbor bite i-et of his eirn- ; i,i:t I ate would sour on mv stomach
Ings lly the lime hts elloimeut and',,.,,, t)'e gss formed by Xwo'ilii bloi'
Ms iti'-niance pavnienu have been de- , ,. , terribly. Sometimes my hea
ducted, there Isn't a Piott deal left ' .. , k: nalpltate like some oia bea'
Yet liom this little, ha, manages tojiei; with a hammer, and t'-cu st' ,
save what In the aggroente amounts smn'only and keep M io I iiik ilmt
m a turn. !l ih.upht 1 would never draw m -
... .. ... ...i.i. .i.
In four or ire live nuia irom wnu-.n
figures mo nvillalile In oue Y. M. P
A. division, the holdiera sent more
monev home than hey spent on
tliemii'lvcs In buying canteen supp
lies during Urn iiioulli
i.. ii... miior Inn. llio amount of
morchnudUe sulos was only a small i i!-i sleep was almost liii'.inssiiu lo'
percelitnge gronlei tluui tbo borne re- u.e
mltlnmes h milled h tho Ued Trl 'Now this is Just the condition 1
angle. Taking the live huts ns nU i in when 1 began t.i'tlti'; Tiinlae
vvliolo. tho difference In favor of the ,.i.,i comnumced lo pick im vl;!i my
mniiiimires was over 120.0110 franc! His bottle. It was only i short tlm.'
for the month
one whoso business In all depart
hero during tho Influenza epidemic
Mint tho work of education goes on.
! Equipped with u small portable
blackboard and necessary toxt books
and records each teacher calls upon
each pupil mil oiled In her classes
mid hears recitations mid assigns
'lessons. Where pupils are living In
! houses quarantined because of In
j fluonza Hit) teacher sets up her black
board on the sidewalk, tlm pupil ie-
mains Inside the property lino nnu
the school session begins iiotwlth
sliiiidliig the quarantine regulation.
othci biealh. Mv back, over mv kw
ne s 1 urt me dieidfully mid ' t!':ies
nn left side pained mo u.Uil 1 could
hiiiolv etsnd It. 1 wis coi'ti'nily
i isini- sometliiuc to relluv cous.pi-
tii nml was almost fr.antlJ a lini's
v. i heauacne. uuu s ".'.
astlc and keep it up daily. It is a
plendid health measure, for It Is more
he inside than on the outside, because
hte skin pores do not absorb impurl
les into the blood, causing disease,
while the bowel pores do.
The principle of bathing Inside Is
not new, as millions of people practice
it Just as hot water and soap cleans,
nurlfy and freshen the skin, bo hot
water and a teaspoonful of limestone
phosphate act on the stomach, liver,
kidneys and bowels. Limestone phos
phate is an Inexpensive white powder.
and almost tasteless. Adv.
gon, lor Klamath County, and all per
sons having claims against said es
tate are required to present same,
properly verified, to said adminis
trator at the office of the Klamath
County Abstract Cou Klamath Falls,
Oregon, within six months from the
date of this notice.
Dated December 2, 19 IS.
Administrator of the Estate of Alma
O. Ellis, Deceased. 2-9-16-23-30
County Survcjor
Civil Engineer. '
.Money to loan on leal estate nt
N pel tent.
1IYATI1I1.1.E. Wyo.. Doc. 23. To
have lived In flvo states without hav
ing moved from her home was the
distinction held by Mrs. Simnn IltH
not Luiiiaii who died hero n abort
time ago nt the ago of 82 ouh.
She was believed to be the oldust
white nutlvo of Wvoiutng,
Mrs. l.iiniaii was born at Fort l.a
ramie at the tlmo w lion It vvns u fur
trndlng post mid sho lived there for
Hlxty years, being a resident shitchs.
Ivoly of Missouri, Nebraska, Idaho.
Dakota and Wyoming without mov
ing from tbo place, due to changes In
tho boundaries for the five states.
Tlm Hod Cross sent 15,000,000 rig
urottes. 50,000 stacks of cards, 20,
000,000 boxes of nintchos and 1,000,
000 chocolate bars to England for
Amorlcan soldiers, waiting to go to
One of the huts, the until : was oitlng most nnyiliini: else
I vi. tit, without tbo least bit of tiou
'bin fiom II. M headurhes and pain
is 1 1. gone and I have ilro'i.'.- galnoil
jtjn pounds In weight I alee" "!e n
eh'!,' every night Jliil hnJ mi iiiut'h.
'mi v stionptb and energv that '. inn
j well; a mllo, where bofmo I tr."k
iTi.un'O 1 coildn't walk two Mocks
wlibi-ul being till tired nit. Tanlac
hi- not oul.v liolped mo, bui mv linn,
bun 1. who Irs been troubled with
Hi s'nmsch for ti good' ears',
... .. .... v.. .....
leiirosented 1 1 1 1' tnniwg it wnu juji s k"" i-
mi's. Some of any neigunnrs me uw
tiVim It on my lecomiiiciuli'tion, no
you on n see what 1 think of it. I
ii'ii thankful for U't It t" ,!o" fci
lee lu tell everybod) about It. '
Timiar Is mild In Klamath Falls
tnouls was the biggest-of tho flvo.
I bent to Amui leu almost three, times
1 iih much money n il received for
sale". All of which shows that the
' Yankee soldier Is as guiiovous mid
thrift) as he Is liriive and capable.
Hero nro the figmes in total; Mer
' cliandl-'e sales, 2.-.l,202.ltetulttincos
:i77.4(iS frillies.
! In the entire dlvlalou, the business
'office lianiUed l.niis.aty rrnncu or.
I which 502. f.Tti fiaucs
iciiiitpon svles and ."0"..5"0 finucs ro
I inlttiinci's to tho I'nlted Stntos. or ap
proximate!) half mid half.
No one over got ilch niorolv by snv
I.... ...nto-tv Vmi lntist invest it A
.."., I ,ni ii i tn lmv Wnrhiv the Star Drug Co., and lu l.orella
KIMIII Mil 3 li' llt ' -" .
Savings and Thrift Stamps.
by James Aleic. Co.
Thnt beautiful, even shade of dark,1
glossy hair can only be had by brew
ing a inlntiiie of'Sage Tea and Sul
phur. Your hair Is your chat m. It
makes or mars the face. When It
fades, turns gray or streaked, Just an '
application or two of Sage and Sul
phur enhances its appearance a hun
dred fold.
Dou't bother to prepare the mix-1
hire; you can get this famous old
icclpe Improved by the addition of
other Ingredients for 50 cents a large (
bottle, all ready for use. It U called
Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compouud.
This can always be depended upon to
bring back the natural color and Ini
tio of )our hair.
Everybody uses "Wyeth's" Sage
and Sulphur Compound now because
- , - ,.n ...ilnwnlli' n.,.l ftVUnlv
11 UUlKC'tlS 3" liniM.aj ....w .-...
that nobody cau tell It has been ap
plied. You simply dampen a sponge
or soft with It and draw this
through the hair, taking one small,
itrand at a time; by morning the gray
hair has disappeared, and after an
other application It becomes bea tl
fully dark and nppears glossy and lus
trous. This ready-to-use preparation,
is a delightful toilet requisite for
those who desire dark hair ami a
.-outliful appearance. It Is not in-i
tended for the cure, mitigation or1
pievuntjuu of disease. Adr. j
Osteopathic Pliyalcluu Jt Surgeon
Suite Sit, I. 0. O. K. Temple
(over K K. K. Store)
Phoue ,TJ1 . ., Res. Phone, -38R
(The only Osteopathic Physi
cian and Surgeon tn Klamath
Kails )
Plume no
Mght Phone Sin
Don't let winter find )our wood
shell empty. Kill It up with
ulce, t'leun, dry
while the prices nro right.
Klamath Fuel Company
O, PEYTON, Manager
Office 001 Slain. Pbone 112-1$
Terms Cash