OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY thirteenth Vivir- No, II IUH HINDENBURG LINES UP NEW FRONT CLOSE TO NEUTRAL ZONE HINDENBURG NOTIFIES BERLIN OF HIS INTEN TION OF FORMING NEW FRONT EXPLAN- ATION DEMANDED BY LEADERS j i MARSHAL DECLARED IN LEAGUE FOR COUNTER REVOLUTION, WHICH THE GOVERNMENT IS POWERLESS TO RESIST (By Atsocinted Press). PARIS, Field Mar.shal von Hindenburg has telegraphed Berlin government, advising it of his intention to form a new front six miles behind the neutral zone fixed by the armistice, according to a Zurich dispatch. The govern ment has asked Hindenburg for an explanation of the movement, but has received no reply. Two regiments of the active- army may be sent to Frank fort on the Main at an early date, it is reported. Reports here affirm the minor that Major General Scheush, the Prussian war minister, von Hindenburg, and General Lcquis, who commands the active troops in Ber lin, are behind a counter revolutionary movement now un der way. A correspondent declares that the existing gov ernment is manifestly in capable of preventing the realiza tion of their scheme. LONDON, Dec. 20.- "A People's League" has been or ganized in Berlin, says a Copenhagen dispatch. The league committee includes Prince Maximilian, Hugo Hassc, Count von Bernstorir and Mathins Arzboiger. 4 i .... AMSTERDAM, Dec. 20. -All the leading ollicials of the Gorman foreign office are on a strike, as a result of the government's acceptance of the resignation of Dr. Solf as foreign minister. IN T T LOST LOCATED AT TOE FOOT A wiro received this morning (rum rumriit, unking for Inforimitluii re I'linlhiK l'rlvnlu I'crr II Mnllnr) who left burn for Unit point a wmiK ngn liiHt Tliusdii), eatiHoil IiiiiiiimII.iIi) nliirni uinotig thn liullcs of tlm Wo limn'H Itnllnf Corps, who luul humi active In Niicurlng Ills triiiiHpnrliillim north, Tlio meiHiigo was r'ii)lul It)' Mrs C. K llriiiiilonhurg, nnil u prompt Investigation by hm broiiRhl out thn fuel that Mullory hail p'IicIikiI 1'ort Kliiiniitli, nml was uiiublo to get furllier, anil was Mill ul thn lluil 'ilxou thern 'I ho young iniiii l ro louHeil on a furlough, anil iupiiiih will now ho Inkun by relnllvim nl Crefutmt to sniiil for him Whtui thn iiiiwh was recolMid horn It whh feu red ho had nttomptod '" walk north, nml had lost his way. he had never been over the rouil I'liiiLOL'oii i:xti:i)i:h ro aii m:i f hosh, Tlio fiirlnugli of I'llvoto an) !. In wan extended to December 31 Officer Mudd of tho l.otternimi Hon I'ltiil In lorogiiltliin of tlm Hplunilld Bervlco being poi formed by I.oaIh In the ClirUtmiui Hud Oiows Holl I'nll Clj? urnmy I EAGLE FOUND One uf Mm lurgeM Imld englns ro pulled In this dlslrlit for n lung perl od was illHunertd In a mwite trap near Keno Msteiilu h Hon mid Halo Kimle anil (Irani Nilwm, "lio wore hunting In Hint illHtrlit It was n )imiig bird, mid hud Jusi i iimimmi ed to gut balil Willi wlngK out slretiliid It meiiHiili'il 7 "j fi'i't from tip lo Up iii:m.i: iti:i choss j I i,iini:s ahii iii'sv. An HIiiBlrloiiH exninplii uf tlm Spir it of Kei vlui was hliiiwn Weilnemh) b) hiinio t' ii or n ilorun linlli'H of tlm llmilii lliniieh of tho IlPd Crot-H 'lliusu ladles hail u inrtaln allot- I intuit of sewing to do ho that day anil 'mi nil day meeting h called Ii) 'ihnlr Clialrnian foi that puiposi). I They luouglit n goodly .supply of food mid an unlimited amount of on- thusliism nml It wim 't "ntU - o'lloek In tho inoiulng when tho tiisli win toiiipletiiil ami tlm I'ulioa tired, but lontenteil, departed for thulr 'novernl lioineu, fitini two to fuur miles 1 YOUNG BELOW KENO dlutmit. KLAMATH FALLS, OF COUNTY PAY IN MORI; III N I lilts THAN ANGLF.HS INtOINTi THIS i HAH. TOTAL' I I OH COl NTV LICKNSKS .NK.ilt l. Ol It 'IIIOl'S.i.NH. 1 'I hree Ihoiiiuiul dKlit liumlriMl and fort) -nine ilulliirx from Hpurtiinent Hii'iiHtM tuiH been received during the punt In Klamath Cuutit. accord Iiik ! tin records of Count) Clerk C It l)-!-i( i ()( this iiilliitii'i the hunters lake tin- li-ml with J1124. the anglers next with )'H: nml tin) tuniblnatloti third with 1237. There wero nine rold- nt ll(i n s ItfXllllll One hundriMl and forty-fltc dollars, uf thin amount remains In the County mill the rent goes to the mate coffers fur Hie unliirleH of game wardens and other prntictlon of the fix!) nml game DEVELOPMENT IT rolfll.ANI). Dee 2U Ilespenk-' log more unlfl.d effort for Oregon' i,.,.i .i,,i,mi the Orenon . . , .i . ....., ..,i .i... npornn rr gallon congress and tho Oregon i ..7 . .i .. .... ,. I II lllllll'll TtMklll I1IIII1I1V11III11I;1SkUKIUI "" ' " grams In annual tonvontions bogtnn lug nt the Imperial hotel In Portland , Jmiiinr) !, mid continuing thru Jnnu-j an II j I'lirtlrulai linpoiUneu attaches toi Ibis )imi'h ilellbernllons of tho Irrlga. lion mid ilnilnage men because In re-' t oiiHtriHtiiiii leilmnntlon measures the stale legltdaturo. which opens a ,ek after the contention closes, will be guided lurgel) b) their recommen diitlous There will ulo be a leitaln coiinec lluti between the contention and the ..I..... f. ....iimlnir retiiriilnir sol-1 diets iimlir connlderntloii b) the Unl-J will he sent from the departments of the Interim and of ngilculture. (internment aid In the sale of Ir tlgitliiii bonds will be one of the pro minent juibjeits before the eontcn iinn Tho recommendations of i.r,...kiiii k- lime sneretnrv of the TIN LARGE 1 BODIES MERGE P II Interior fur an elaborate suitey of 'trance Into the conflict and tho enor- tie determination dues not full) ac iii Id aw iimp, lugged-oter and other moils effort put forth by the nation cord with the Ideas of tho Italian r.,.n.i'inniiti h federnl or state'Uint brought tho final decision of tic- got eminent Just how or b) what iippiopilntinns or ny uisirici orgaui ritlon will bo glten consideration. JOINS FAMILY IX HAY CITY W T Hltlto left this morning for Si.n Francisco where ho will Join hie fnuill) nml spend tho w Intel months. urn califohxia. President K R. Reams of tho First Nntlnnul Hank left today for his homo at Mountain View, Califor nia, whoio ho will spend tho Christ mas liolldn) with Mih. Reams. TO WINTUH IX SOUTH. p I. 'Fountain has gono to Cali fornia whoio ho will remain until Spilng MIW AHHIV.iL AT HKXLKY'S Mi, mid Mik, James Henley aro the luippy pureutB of mi eight and a iiuniter pound dnughtor which arriv ed thin morning, Mother and daught oi nro ropotted doing nicely. OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1918 LAXITY SHOWN ill BY SHIP) II 1 RFP0R1 HE TK.V MILLIONS IN HI MM I'HK- I'AIIJ AM) NO KKKOllT MADK I TO AHCKRTAIX ii IIKTIIKH GOODS WF.HF. DF.LIVFItKl) WASHINGTON. D. C Dec 20-- A rejiort o' the Department of Jttstko on tho Government's Hog Island ,,ro. Ject sa)s that a .searching Invcstlgit lion his disclosed no criminal llaull- Ity but recommends a Board of Ar- nitration to determine what part. If anv-of the sixty million dollars thai1""" ner'"Br lo "" u,e " """ plant cost. ttaii an excess of reason-', nble necessity. It says that the bills j to the extent of ten million were pre- paid, but no effort wag made to prove whether the material paid for was reccltcd WILSON VISIT KING GKOItGK NKXT iVKKKi (KIETH AMBROSE IS London, pec. :o.-iu dcnniteiy , joy ,A LIEUTENANT announced that President and Mrs. I ... .J . I . - -W ' ' ' -A. wimon - w arrive in isonaon-Tnurs-j .lav nn,. h ih. ,,.. nt K.n.' GeorKP at IlucklnKhnm palace. iinent nt the outbreak of the war, ro- KLAMATH WOMAN MHKS lcehed his commtssloir as lieutenant IIHOTHEItOX IIATTLKFIKLIl.j'n tho U S Marines at the officers' jtrnining camp at Quanticoo, Va . on ... . m.-t .,. .i... 11tfm,linp 1 fit Ii .iffn rill til' In n.'lv s '"- lnU11 "a""'" i iv, recehed the sad news of the, of '" urother. Wllles K. Jen- hpn, who was killed In action In Franco. September 29th. The news '. ..!..! . .!. . .-..-. !... I w l. 11 II LU IU tilt? Jllh iiii.II n iiwiiik I . iiki.. r... I.... . . n nt Hanks, Oregon but was not for-1 warded here where his nearest rela tltes are, until )esterday. Tho de teaied was a member of the 322 re giment of tho 91st division. He was a citlt engineer and was a graduate of tho Pacific University. WE'RE BUTTING IN l lie quesuon ot now greiu n toici tho United States government should of the various nations on the nionien- tous peace which Is .soon to be estub- lished Is a serious one Indeed, mid ono which is to be considered from many angles. Kvor ono admits that H wns owing to the Amerlqmi en- tory to the Allied side, but It Is equally as true that the Allied nn- tlons fought our war for three and a half years before tve accepted the re- fponsibllity and at a tremendously greater sacrifice It now Boems doubt.' If tho Kuropeun nations mo-t In ful wbother tho responsibility which torestcd hud boon quibbling over this tho administration has assumed In matter and iinablo at lust to agreo, Its etitlro apparent readiness to ad-j had Intlted our opinion, it would bo Just all the dollcato issues that are quito another affair. We entered this suro to arlso, is necessary. rno United Stutos as ono of tho partlcl- pants of tho war and ono of tho win- nine victors should of courso bo In- vlted to alt at the poace conforonco and It Is to bo oxpected that tho vlows of ltn representatives would bo asked and glvon tho most careful consideration by tho other Allies, but It doos not seem appropriate that tve should Jump Into the ring; with the splurge that we novo made, among the other nations who have really. nald the heavy price of tho victor), . i.. i. i. ovlrlent thai n IiikI settlement Is not going to rosult from'the tussle, went In nt tho last half of tho efforts of tho Kntonte themselves. 'tho ninth Inning, knocked the home Wo hate taken halt an army of collogo specialists along to ndvlso our peace commissioner how to tell our neighbors what to do about Hrrald NEW E SPEED KUiMATH STANDS .NINTH I.N sr.iTK I OH HHCWITS OK FIIUT TJUO l.i VS. SOLDI Fits I .iiti: ritovisc; me iu:i.r. 1 he total up to last evening for ho " Cross Annunl membership drive " ,6H """"'" TMh nn-omit i Includes Klamath Falls, Toe Valiev. and a partial report of Msti'I zi I iin. f:w, nr.rinn. tviiiin hr !i. crease oxer the da) prevlom Ii eon- nlderable. It Is not according . the ' quota by MoniU) The soldii r on . ,., .,.-,,.... ,.,,, rpmark..i,iv coo, orkt bringing In eonsldoial.'y over one hundred dollars In the state at largo. Umatl'la and Clickamas are leading outsid" ff Multnomah Eight Chapters wero iil.fdd ot Klumath In the rcreipn lor the first two da)s of the caropatrn ,, - t -.r- . . . nmn AmD"'?- ,f,Known' '? Klamath Fallsr'wherc he held the po sition ot firo chief before his cnlUt- , , "-""- receUed b) Austin Ha) den KI.NK MIliTGIVKX TO THK HK1) CHOsS. I I l ..1 .. tnll.n. l.n .1.... ..n.i l.nll ..f .liner Muinci hub iiifiiMiiru iiiiil ul a lery fine beef to the Ited Cross. This will be cut up and on hale Mon dty afteinoun at tho I'nluto Market, .mi1 ;i fine opportuniU Iji offered to II obe who nro looking for fine Cluist. mas toasts mid Julc) steaks uing mnuers iney are proonni) ter) cupablo of settling sulUfaeiorll) lllt'lII.ICU fv t U tilt' hUlllb 1IUU IUC mnttrr as If p felt tho oicht of the Hhftlo jo,, ,s ou mir 0WJ 8houlllers, ;Vc read thru the Associated l'ress this week than an Investigation b) Colonel House shows that the extent uf torrltor) which should go to Italy on the principle of racial or Unguis- nuthorit) Colonel House should bo In ( a position to correct tho errors of the Italian government wo aro unable to discern, but it seems ns If we are to bo the bo)s to inn the whole show ' tvnr in n nig wu), wo inugiii in a uig way and wo won in n big wa), hut It , seems that wo are in some danger of 1 belittling oursoltes before the world by our promtnont participation In a peace which tve hato made a cum- paratltoly small sacrlflio to bring' about. Wd mo sondlng our chief i IKLLULU IN R. C. DRIVE executive abroad to direct a peicoJhUppoit President Wilson's declaia- pact basod upon a sot of principles which tve oursoltes hate never boon ablo to Intorprot, much less become agreed upon. Wo watched tho proceedings from (hn blenchnrs durinir the blc nnrt of .run which decided the score, mid wo are now parading around in rront ot tho grand stund as if-tvo h,nd won the set-jwholo game. HUN ARMY CELERY FROM IMPORTING FROM NKIGHIIOHINC SUKPIUSKS LOCAL OI-FICF.HS ON C.iHKFUl INVi:sTI(J.iTIO.V. Old ou ever oat any of the Dor rla celery Its great stuff In fact, ,Ul0 tIle Klamath County celery Rained such a wide reputation oter 1 the entire country and secured the rst prize at the Worlds Fair In San .Francisco, it develops that the (Dorrls article I, far superior to any thlnK tasted here and is now bclns imported bylhbse who xae dlscoer. ed Its excellence A spirit of Io)cIty toward home raided articles howcxer, permeates the local police and sheriff's office and In spite of the quality of outside goods they object to seeing them brought In without a protest. As a cotu.equenre pt this feeling, they stopped John Rodegues Inst night on Hi".w'a' rlvaTfroTTTDorrfs'nnd tnokr"pos- sesslbn of the crate of eelef)'. hlch ho was carr)lng. It might have been somewhat due to the fact that Rode gues had been fined two da)s before b) Justice N. J. Chapman, for boot legging, that caused this mote, but the officers maintain that they were strictl) out to, protect Klumath vege tables Imagine their surprise therefore, on examining the crate to dlscoter large demijohn of "spirits frumlntl" snuggled comfortably In the midst of the unusual surroundings. It would seem that Mr. Uodegues bad been undergoing a set ere attack of rheu matism and that he had taken this measure to rellete hlmsqlf of his In tense suffering More thoro examina tion of his person b) Officers Griff ith. WlUon. Hilton and Recob was not time 111 spent as it disclosed a pint of booze In each of his high cut j shoes, a pint and a half In other patts of his clothing aa well as a good- I) suppl) of eatibles It was apparent that Rodegues realized that he was about to be slezed with a long siege of Illness I He Is teported toda) to bo resting as easll) as could be expected at the Count) jail U. S. ENVOYS SI PARIS. Dec 20 The American delegates to the peace congress hate icsolved to adtoiate tne sinmnb ' (l ic surieudored eneuiy warships mid rost an) proposition to dlstilbuto 1 Iiotn on tlm lusls of natal ibis announcement is made by lhoo j dose touch with the American ro. piesentntlves, who. It is added, feel that such u position would leMilt In molding contention mid materially tlons that war .tas not based on ug- giesslon or tho aiqulsltion of prop orty England, thin Sir Krlc Geddos, I first loid of tho admiralty, previous!) hml nenuinscoil in tho AllierlCUIl plan to do,tro) tho captured or surronder. I ed warships, and it is declaied, wltll continue to support tho United btatcs ultho it itf expected that some of the lesser naval powers tvill demand that tho pilzcs be dltarlbutedj i i niiiini i TnllNCERTAIN OP 1M.KT.II1L., II A I I I A I V I1 NO EI OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH FALLS Price Five Cent. AOAVMXWVMMVVWvMVvywwWVMWMI PRESIDENT W'lLsOV S.iVS UK IIOKS .NOT WHAT IT.iLV bHOCLO HIT WILL SUI'POlir I K.NOW gkt, WH.iTKVKH .UTIOX IS Jl'.ST. GKItMA.NY SH.NDS A.NOTHMt . HOWL FOK KA.MKI THHM TO 1N1TF.I STATKS IX Sl'l'li: OF ) INSTRUCTIONS IIV LiNnlMi. TOW.V I 1111 I I Ul I A QUESTIONS PARIS, Dec, 20. Prsidciit Wilson ccnierred,nJUulUUan-vstatPsnian franklysald he ilUUnot l.ruw,wUat,. ,f t Italy would receive but intended to, . .' support such action as woull he just. J -Mr. Wilson, then conferred with t Captain Andre Tardelu the Trench high commissioner to tho United States with whom be discussed re lief work and economic questions WASHINGTON, D C , Dee 20 - Despite Lansing's admonition Ger many has sent another uppoel to the United States for modification of the armistice terms and food. The state (tapartnient announced the receipt of tie note but explained tint it won! I not be made public bceausi It did not differ from the previous and was not addressed to 1'iciudn the Al lied nations as Gaimauy had been warned to do In the future.. DECLAHES II. S. CAN BE TOOSTEB HARU1N Mnnehurln (lly Maill Amcriui's friendship for Kus-Ii Is reiognized b) the Mnnchui la a labor organ of this cltv which declares edU toiiall) that the tvouls of tho United States can be ti listed and that Ameri can dlplomnc) is straight forward and deinofiatlc Tho paper quotes tho Anieiicau consul at Irkutsk as an noiinclnt. that tho United State ..-..i.i i.- i.. ...x i.i l.ilnrfrtri In Rus- I. . ... f Am0lUn to bum ()Ur fortunes bv oursoltus and dotolop tho wealth n! our coiinti," tho Manchuria bids "Anieilca la our truo friend offoilng her services with out an h)pocrls) 'it wo desiro them ' Russia and America' How strong would be such an alliance. Whit possibilities It would present m our long Buffeting countr) Ameilcn ox tends to us a helping hniid. Mny -vo nQt fu t() fi(isl tf Aml jt mU8t nut be forgotten for ono moment that If anyone should occupy Slheila It will not bo America." FAMOUS l'MI'I"': IAIvL.N lit ia . . Frnucis ("Silk") O'l.ouuhlln, tho famous American League umpire, died today of tho Influonzii. N R ciuiipiilgii hero,