OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY llilrliM'iilli Year No 11,11)7 GERMAN GOVERNMENT HEADS RESIGN HUNS WILL ELECT PRESIDENT SUNDAY FORMER EMPEROR SHAKING WITH CHILL SPE- 1 CIALIST CALLEDMOVES MADE TO ' QUIET GERMAN POPULACE . ESTHONIAN GOVERNMENT, MENACED BY BOL- SHEVIKI, THROWS ITSELF ON PRO- TECTION OF ENTENTE (By Astocintcd Press). PARIS, Doc. III. The (Ionium tfovenimiMit, headed by Premier Ebeit, has resigned as a result of Tuesday's events, according to a Stuttgart dispatch, via Zurich. COPENHAGEN, Dec. IS).-The Herman government has decided to convoke a conference of representatives of all the states of the former empire on December 29th, to elect a president of the German republic, according to a Berlin renort Wednesday. Steps have been taken to pre vent further outbreaks on the part of the people. AMERONCJEN, Holland, Dec. 19. -The former emper or has been confined to his bed since Sunday with a severe chill. His indisposition has brought about a renewal of his old ear trouble, necessitating the calling of a specialist. LONDON, Dec. 19. The Hsthonian provisional govern ment controlling the territory covered by the former Rus sian Baltic province of ICsthonia, has placed the republic "under the common piotection of the entente powers, pending the decision of the peace conference." The Hsthonian troops are having great difficulty in standing off the bolsheviki. JAPAN CONCORDS WITH MR. WILSON SEATTLE, Wash . Dei 19 Jul"" Is III entire Nmpath and act onl wli't President Wilson's peine iilms m- lording to three coriespolidelils of Jiipiini'so newspapers here en riiu' to tlie peace winfuritmt at VciMllles Tim m.tit In th.. Iiuflv MM It Dllthlll i mi nun in im' ' -- ...- or tlin JIJI Hhlinpiiof Toklo. M I'siu.i !,, of the Osaka Asiihl i.nd II Shim ... ..., lt ,, alnnl of , 'loklo Am.hl I h.- -I- ilarud the .Inpnnese peice iliileKiitlou will arrlui In San r.auilsfo about Dm mnlior 27. They siilil every utternnre of I lesi dent Wilson lias lieiiu rend In .lap.iii with ilnep Interest 'I he uewspipev men believe tlie- ,l.ipiiine govelil ineiit will support the president s line- trliui of self-ddteltiiliiatloii 'i P'o- I"Iih ami that Japan has no ambition ...... i.t.l Utl.... In 111 iTxpilllll llllil V. Illllll in niui'i i" ONLY TWO INFLUENZA CASES AT HOSPITAL TIhmo am now mil) two iass of the Intlueimi at tin) Isolation llnspi ln anil these nin leported. to bo getting "l"K Mln'ly. No m '''"" hivo been repot led In tho lt) .mil Ihn genoinl sltimtlon seems to lm clparlnit up ns raiililly as It piHslbl) coulil, W. J. rltolninnlc Is tlll rv sick at his home AT.(JKIIMAh aim: NOW IIOMHXU ODESSA ODKHHA, Due 1.- Thu lrons mi tier tho coiiimuml of llm mill (lriimn Ukruuluii leailor, Potturu, took 1' noslon of OilosBn on last Sunday, (Etj? lEurttfruj Herald LOCAL BOY TELLS OF LIFE ABROAD A letler leielved from Lieutenant J i: Null, n well Known Mnmnth I'nlU hiij. wrllten un Hie loth of November from I'liiuce. Mves un In teroslliig desi I Iptliiu of his exper- t . .....I ..! II.. Ii,m llalilll III la KI...I fit vUll fi llllt'i UtlllllllM of tllO wn ii i" 'inn hlhtolluil I'l lies of luteirst In I'.uls .iii.I ol olilw IMiU. lo Ml". Ms the iliilkesl ilt on e.ulli wltli the M xlln(.llWll, ,, (1 p.ote.tlon K,,(,t nr ln,u Desi'illiluK lh U1ll, IIIItnHt Ion tep.esenled In ,i. ,rl( tlicrti. lie ileiliiUM the Aus- ,, 1(1 ,,, lllllK, .ilsllntllve of . . . w,,. , ,,,,- ,,,1,1 uctumeh the lot With their odd 1 oMumi'h tlie. resemble big bunches of stag hounds Null expected tlie niuilstlie to lie signed on tlie da) this letter UM ,,,,,, HOOD RIVER AGAIN IN GRIP OF FLU HOOD ItlVUIt Dei 19 -OelliR ti, -I e i-ipld ln"ieii" In t' e iiumbei' of Infliieimi insert liero I ho loiintv hiMilh offlier hiiK igalil enloi ed the Inn up all public lueotliiM' H ",r lesull that mail) fuin lions mriingeil for CI11 1st mas will have to bo nba'iil oneil Dining tlie past .two week Infill nil. 1 has innile serious luio.ids nil Classen In the si bonis In this city, and on Pilday the dlsenn) spii'iul to the trachlng staff, four of the facull) of tlie high school being compollod to leninln at luuno On the same iluv inmn Hum fill pur will of tlie stud imtH of th high school wore absent, .siiffeiliig from vailooa stages of tho dluuiso. KLAMATH FALLS, THOUSANDS OF CASUALTIES TO RE GIVEH YET MOST "I CASl ALTIK-S hllOL'M) ,,,: ,tl:i'0,n,;, v '-WT M' m:t m:i:k. a ohdixg to rntsiiiM.'s usriMATi: WASHINGTON. Die 19 Mum tliun 4(i,00i) disunities Unit have not n( In en reported li name nro on re (iitil at the leiitial record office of the A i: T. General Pennine In fornuil tlnj war department In res ponfe In ii cabled iiiir sent Decem ber II 'lluse casualties are classl r li'il an follow Kilted In nitloii, 390. died of wounds -"'. died of disease, 353, illi'il of nii'lili'Mts n n (I otliur causes, .11. wounded severely. 39.371 General Peishlng estimated that Ibe work of forwarding theo names will lie completed by December 20. for tin' deaths and lij December 27 for tin- severely wounded In response to another query. Gen. ernl I'tTKliliiK revealed the disunities In the :10th division totalled nccord Iiik in the reroriU In hand Noember 23rd. 7 f! 2 :t , classified ns follows Killed In action. llflG. died or wounds. 2 S3, died of (Unease. 13, died of arildents and other rniiBes S, severcl) wounded tlSl. wounded, degree undetermined, M5. wounded slightl). 3'jT3 and missing or enptur eil I'.i.l The .tilth In known as tho "Wild Cat ' division and Is made up of North and South C'.uollnn and Tennessee troops I'M VI 11,1, MVMIFIF.S .NATION'S IIKSr MEDICOS SUATTlii:, Dec 19 ninlncnt ph)slcliiiiH In AinerUu and Kurope do not know what lulluciw.i Is or how to treat it simeisfully, according to Dr. Tlionius I) Tuttle, state health olllcer, on Ills return from n conference of public health ollhers In Chicago "I went to the conference to ascer tain what tlie illseaso is. and what treatment Is most successful, and I iiime home full) as enlightened as I went,' said Dr. Tuttle "Tho fact that the disease Is a in) story will ho nun of the outstanding features of a leport now In preparation by a com mittee of eminent medical author ities " 1)11. MiailtYMA.V i.kavim: rou i.i::iM,.YrriiK soov. In prepaiatlon for his attendance nt tho State Legislature during 'he coming tumuli, Dr. (ioorge Merryman of this illy has now stopped his gen et al pi ni tit 0 and will accept no new eases He expects to loivo about tho 1st of January for Salem. IvIMv (if'.OIUii: TO WIXCOMi: WILSON, ' LONDON, Die I'J. King GcoiRe lias eiucelled mrangeiuents providing thill lie should go to Ilucklnghnnl pnlnce fin Christmas nnd will remain In London to welcome President Wil son ii;ilMA. MINI! KXPLOUKS .MONTH ,KTi:il AUMIBTICFi. PAHIH, Dec 19 A German mlno planted In n bridge nt Guise has ex ploded, InJuiliiR twenty-live, uccord Ing to 11 itipoit just recotved, The explosion occurred more than 11 month after thu urmlstlcb waa signed, OREGON, THURSDAY, NVSWWMVWMMWMWAAAM(AAMAVMWWWWVWWWWWMMI SOLDIERS ARE 1ST PRUSSIA GUARDING TIE : W SCENE OF STREETS TOOAT; MUCH DISASTER Tllllll) )l QUOTA FOU (ll.NTV IS ' ItAISF.I) IX CITV PltOSPF.CTS' I OF OVKIl-Hl'IMCIlllllM; NOW'i i:. F.LLF.XT The Hcd Cross membership drive In proceeding at a most sutlsfaclor) late, according to County Chairman, George Walton, who reports 1330 member and $1349.05 at the ol tli dH) )eterday. Tills amount Is almost entirely from Klnmath Falls as definite reports from the outside districts liae not been ct rcccied. Tlial these are gcncr.ill) oversub scribing their quotas by from flft to one hundred per cent Is indicated from the nc received. Tlie lit) streets toda have a more milltar) nspect than at auj time dur ing the war as the bo)s who hae iVIurncd from the various ,cami within the last few dus have tender ed tfielr services and have charge if the street campaign. The task of getting by bliL'se stalwart huski.s without lni)liig n button Is ery dif ficult " In the state at large. Union and Hiker Counties were leading outside of Multnomah during the first da)s of the drle Tent-l thousand one hundred and flft dollars were taken In the first day. II, f MASKS S II I.I. IX YtMii'K ix Mi:iroitD. Mi:i)KOKD, Dee 19 The Influen za ban was lifted Tuesday In the cases of churches, theatres and poolhalls, nltho m.isks must be worn in all plates. A number of nrreats made fot failure to wear masks included sev eral piomlncut business men. (iOKS TO TllltAMi Jutkson Kimball, local icpresenta-i tlvo of tho Woerhaeuser Interests loft this morning for Thrall where lie will spend a short time on business AMI MAM. XOW ItimVF.KX XF.W YOIIK AMI CHICUill, NKW YOIIK. Dec. 10 Aerial mail sorvlco between Now York and Chicago was Inaugurated nt C o'clock Wednesda) moinlng when a De Havl- land plane started from Ilelmont park. Long Island, piloted by a form- er arm) fl)or. Don't Sacrifice Your Bend That n numbor of employees ol tl'u UkiiI mills have disposed of tho Lib erty bonds which they bought and paid for with hard earned money at a 1 Ig sicrlflco to shnrpcis In this an 1 uclghboilug communities, Is tho te gietiihlo Information coming fi on; tho uijst reliable souices It should be distinctly understood by every owner of a Liberty Hond, that this paper U backed by tho strongest government on earth and that It holds a mniket value today and on nil dn.vs so near Its inmked denomination thnt Its forced disposal will mean no substantial loss to any one Tho mmkot value on these bonds fluctuates slightly fiom day to dny tho latest quotation being 94. It has never been below this figure nnd II Is going to bo stronger as tho n.i tlo" recovors fiom tho war, Tho best advlco that can be given to uuy hond holder Is to hold on to this proporty like n leech, as It con- DECEMBER 19, 1918 MIMTAItl PltlsONS OPLNLI) AM) INMATLS LIIU'.IIAI III) I IdllT- IMS IN .VIItKKTS FUKQIXXT. Klll'l'l IHHWTOHN AltltLSIKI) Zl'KICH. Dec 19 Serious disord ers !iac broken out in Danzig In West Prussia The MI and military prisons have been opened and the in mates set at llbert) Mucli street fighting Is reported , AMSTERDAM, Dec 19 Three of the prinilple directors of the Krupp .Munition works at Essen Including Or Hrant-enberger, inventor of the "Illg Ilerthas" have been arrested by tlie revolutlonarv committee, It Is j repot ted "I UK ItllAliMOHY OP ! Tin-: miiekty Moron. DKTHOIT, Dec 19 It is now dis closed that the famous l.lbert) Motor, in Its essentials, was developed in this countr) months before the war bv tho Packard Motor Car Company. I'ncle Sam made the Liberty Motor under patent licem-e from that com pini nnd all rights return to auto concern with peace Tho Libert) Motor one of the bet in the world, and backed b) qunntit) production possible In no other countr). did much to discourage tlie Germans. It has been Commonly believed that two Inventors locked in Wash ington hotel apartment, earl) In our wni period, designed this motor In five da) 3 Their woik consisted of revisions and refinements on motor alread) developed b) Packard Co at cost of $t00.000 m:v Mr.MitKii or ommi:uci: ommissiov is m:i,i:cti:i) WASHINGTON. D C, Dec 19 Joseph It K.istern of Massachusetts has been b the President to succeed George Anderson as a mem ber of thu Interstate Commerce Com mission ! HI Mi ls" IN KA.NsAs. 1 Lawrence West and his sistei, Kay West, who riwldo on the Met rill road, left .vesteul.i) foi Kansas where tlie) expect to mako an extended visit with leliitlves Mis West Ins been empl")ed in the office of the Western I'nlon Telegi.iph Company 'for several months not be beaten as a safe ami sure in vestment at very icasoniible Inter est If ilrcumstances should compel Its sale, don't p.ule) with anv offers that inn) be tendered fiom question, nblu souices, go to tho banks. The) ' will tell )ou to ,1 cent what the bond 1 is worth on thnt di) and will pay Iho (ash If It Is desired It would he 'haul t" find a tllck 111010 despicable than this practlio of cheating those who hnvo miide an Investment In bondt thru a patilotic spirit, causing a loss of fulfil in the government they havo sought to piotect and In tnetr I employors who havo urged them to mnko tho Investment. ! Anothor thing Is uiged on bond 1 holders nnd It Is a task by no moans unpleasant that of clipping Intel ost coupons as the) full due It is leally tsutptlslng tho frequency with which these ditcs toll mound for those who have made puulmso of all tho Issues. l,wwMMWAAA'"" . FAKRH DEATH FfiOK SEVERE BURN KAM IIKIt O.V KF.NO IIOAI) GUAI1S i MVK WIHK TO PIIKVK.NT FA Mi. IVJl'ltlKS THOUGHT FATAL,, HIT MAY XOW IIK ovi:it A narrow escape from death and the sustaining of the most painful Injuries was the lot of George Ager, a prominent rancher south of here, Tuesday night, when he grasped a, live electric wire, running to his transformer. Mr Ager has installed a big pump for irrigation purposes, and had climbed up to make some adjustment on the transformer, when he became overbalanced. He threw up his arm I to steady himself, and unconsciously 'grasped the wire His Injuries were so severe that for a time his life was despaired of, but his ph)slclan. Dr. I Merryman, this morning declared that his prospects were more favora ble to his recovery.. BIGGER 0F GOVERNMENT WASHINGTON, Dec. 19 Because 1 the lost of living has Increased 100 per cent since 1885 and average sal aries In the customs service has been Increased less than 12 per cent In that time. Secretary McAdoo asks congress to Increase those salaries. In .1 letter to Speaker Champ Clark Just msde public, Mr. McAdoo asks a minimum salar) of $5 a day for in spectors of customs with correspond ing increases for examiners of mer chandise, custom guards, openers and packers, weighers, deputy coll ( tors, laborers and other emplavers. Tlie estimate for the next fiscal eir for defra)lng the cost of collect ing customs revenues is inciea-ed fiom $10,000,000 to $11,383, MJ. Mr McAdoo points out that the in ci eased cost of living bears most hcnvll) upon those receiving .in an nual snlaiy of less than $1100 and mnkes tho point that since 'he war emergency has passed and they tan not be longer kept in the service hv patriotic motives, unless they aie better paid man) emplo.ves are llkel.v to leslgn and thus seriously cripple tlie customs service. OltlXIOV CASl'ALTY M.ST TODAY Wiiiiiiileil Severelv Carov 11 Tucker, Portland. Private Willard C, Holt, Hillsdale. Private Chester J Seely. Portland Private Simon Dennlson llarron, Hillsdale Private Irving It Horner, Deschutes. Private Hay S. Petreguin, Melrose Pilvate Henry C Lee, Eugene, llugler Ilultls Allen, Portland Wouiuliil, Degiee ruilctfrmlucil Plivato Peter Marmeta, Comstock. Private John I). Singleton, Ruckles. Prlvnto Carl Sorensen, Portland Private Clarence. O Luforge, Lebanon Prlvuto Arthur P. Clough, Portland. Wounded Slightly Cuptnln John II Hankln, Portland. Private Otto Parry. Myrtle Point Prlvato Ornish) Ilnnaducc, Portland, Private Chus A. Zlolluskl, Salem. Private H Diuke, Ashland, Missing In Action Prlvato Arthur W, Arms, Dajton. OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH FALLS Price Fire CuU. ..rnnrrrftnnjJnnnJlfn AUTHORITY " " " r n r 0 F PEACE DELEGATES SKXATOIl M)IKJK WOl'M) KXOW WHCTHKIt PKACB COMMISSION". KKS'AIIK ASKI.NO IIKbTKlXTIOX OF tiKKMA.V SHU'S. Kl.Vfi OF ITALY AltltlVKS IX FltA.NCF.. IHSCIIAKGF.D SOL DI KUS TO CAIHIY SIGNS OF HONOR OX hLKKYES. WASHINGTON D. C. Dec. 19. A resolution asking that tho State department Inform the Senate wheth er the American Peace Commission ers wore advocating the destruction of the German war ships or other enemy property, and If so by what authority, has been Introduced by Minority Leader, Lodge The resolu tion was referred to a committee! King Victor Kmmauuel of Italy has arrivd with his son, the Prince of Piedmont and has been welcomed by the French officials. j WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 19. Secretary Baker has directed that each soldier )ionorabl discharged be furnished two scarlet chevrons to be worn on his left sleeve as a lecog- I nltion of service to his country. The chevrons will be the same size and j shape as those for service abroad. Death by heart disease esterd.iy overtook a man named Matt Matson, while coming In on tho train fiom Chlloquln The deceased was about forty jears of ago and Is reported to bo a strangei In this district. Very little has been learned about him yet, according to reports from tho under taking looms where his remains have been removed It is expected that ho will be bulled hero within n dny or two, HUNS PREPARE TO PAY WAR DEBTS COPENHAGEN, Dec. 19. Gor niany is alioady taking steps to raise money for tho war Indemnities which tho allies aie expected to 'demand. Tho German government's now taxa tion prottiam, according to reports recolvod Includes two loans, Ono will provldo funds for tho indemnities. The amount to bo asked lias not been decided upon, Tho other will cover th cost of demobilization. Largo sums, It is said, will be ex. ponded In peace work, Including the emplo)inent of dlsclimged soldiers. QUESTIONED T IN I T 1