THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON vi!i:m v, m: nun ii ih ,, paei: two 1 i The Evening Herald w. O. SMI HlMTOlt I'll PtililnliPd dallv except Sunday by Tho Herald Publishing Company of Klamath Fulls, at lift Fourth street Entered nt tlu postotHco at Klam- nth rll. Ore , for transmission thru lie mails as second-class matter. irS ! 0 ERSONAL MENTION UTT1.K SllKI.UJIIT ON I.OCW. II l VKWN'CS AMOM1 TIIK I'l'OIM.f- OF HIP CITY AMI Mt'iMl'V, tiOINCS AM) COMINGS OF LOCAL FOLKS MIr O.raro Lytic U n r,.. from Uonanxn. ,:t arrival Subscription terms by mall to any drrss in tlio Uliitcil Stated: ndd One ear Ono monili The Misses Kae und Hot" Demoi ost art" Klamath Falls UUrs from Mrs .1 t Moiptiv is among (Ito vMtois ftom ll'o outside dlstiU't khU Silo Is registered .n iho Hotel Mall from Meril.t Extra Good Values in $5.00 (Merrill today. .50 Helmer Weratunrck iiat In yc- Rgan of the Alumna l.umlx"- ft? rmnpauy Is in the county seat look- 11. I M H.lur of the Associate,! I'..- !ltnla) tmrrnoonrrem ttlowfw:; II Tl.c Ai-soi tutMl Press is exclusively; . . , ... t 8 guot at tho hlte IVItrnn llo'o entitled to the Use for republication ;""" "" "' of all nr! dispatches credited to It J r u iy,,0i9 xv0!l among tuo ! Mr- nn1 xlni "pnrv Wooir well train arrivals last evening from See-1 bnovv rddnt8 of Sw. n Lake Vnllev ramento ' ,n,s morJ,uK fop Porterville. Cat. . Ifornta. wuore ther expe. t to lein.un Suits and Overcoats or not otherwise creutieu in uus i jior and also local news i ubllEhoil herein All rights of retuhllcat'on of pe- cial dlspa served i hes heroin nro also re- C. I. Hallld.v s down on uuMiiess, for the winter months from hi Wg dairy ranch In Ppuori lainrell Vnllev for a short ttule. Arehlo Hanklns and Leo Moore WFUNEsl. . 1J1U EMIIKK IS, mis! . nave returned from I'orM.ind. wlicio : ' J S. McClellau. who operates a ,boy h3T0 bcen ,,,,,,. , ,, Hai ni T 1 1 S , Penerol slore at ML t-nkl transacted iviytcrhnlcal S.i.ool underline cnud s CmSsincd Advs.,b",llnci '" Ulls cu ycstoriilay nttpr wm mimnc forrM.v m i,. - i , K. O. Snlnk l in the tty mi mat FOR RENT Willis llartlHt arrived oif the train ,ors of bulno uli i.iiorost on Mist evening. Mle has been attending sprlnc Creek. Ho eauie in l. auto FOR 1U:NT Kitrnlshed apartments. , 0 Oregon Agricultural Colloso mltl- ,Hrii,, ,rM .,. .,,. I...l.3.. ........ Th,.l( .-. . ... v ..,-... . ... i. uuwu.uh, vu.i.i-. ..... ,. ,. trainin- school. j l.yle McCormiry returned la I evanlng from Washlngloit. where hn ! has hceu Identified with the Spruce dlviIon. at $35 and. $40 in brick and Main. corner te st FOR SALE I the road toward Algoimi Just mil side Klamath KalW l almost Impiivs (ble on aci-ount of the .ttik mud FOU SALE Christmas trees ton Brothers, phone 112U l'ey- 1S-31 ' i-nn our .in ii.n., h,r.. .h-in ! Mr. snd Mrs K M. Hrown and Mrs 1.. A. Will, care postoilice. 17-21 ' I'illarJ arj? here for a short ttm 1 from Algomn The are guest nt ; 0 e FOIt SALE Several used pianos;' ,tie Hotel Hall terms as low as $7 DO per month; ' second-hand organs, $10 to $20; buy ; before ChrMmas. Shepherd's Piano Depct. next door poto!flce. H-ft FOU SAI.K Planer and matcher. Hermanso N'o. 15. size Sx2l Inches;, double surface planer and matcher. weight S.ouo lbs. Moore IJros., Mac-i doel, lallf. 13-51 ', I Klamath County News HAVE ROSY CHEEKS AND FEEL FRESH AS A DAISY TRY THIS! Says glar.1 of hot water with photphate before breakfut washes out poisons. FOU SALE FIe room modern; To see the tinge of healthy bloom in ji.ur fnce, to see jour sklu get ilnarer and clearer, to wake up Illi cit a headache, barkathe. coaled Ed Ilitenour and several others of tongue or a nasty breath, lu fact, to OlMMIAl.i: VOTI'-S - - liouso on west side of river, price $1,600; terms'. Enquire of Leslie Itiifnm T.-1.-CI VnlirtTinl lif.,tL- 1 1.7 'this vicinity went duck hunt Ins Sua-fcel your best, day In and day ojt, FOU SALE Cheap. 1,400 acres yel-jdaj- down on the rler. lust trv Inside balhiug everv uiorultig low plno timber, with new 40,000 , for one week r.-inaeltv sawmill Installed on same.: Iieraitl tiemilwrtglll OI Itoun'l Address S C. Hamaker & Son, Lan gell Valley, Ore. 5-12t Iike wa.s a business caller In Khun ath Falts Saturday. drink n MISCELLANEOUS I 1STUAY Came to my place In Octo ber, red cow, about 0 jears; buckle brand on left hip; owner can have same by paying feed and expense. Wm. Greene, II. F. D. No. 1. 16-3t $200 PhonogTaph and Edison disc records to trade for piano, or cheap for cash. Shepherd Piano De pot, next door postoaice. 14-U Get a standard insurance policj from the ChUcote .V Smith agency. 12 will sn:i: i'ijmse the KIPI'IKS Our lloor Is now chock full of hun dreds of different articles one could possibly think of giving the children and youth for Christmas. Don't put It off until too late, but do your (.hop ping now whiles the stock i3 com plete and the selection Is better. Should you decide upon any i.rtlcle It will be set aside and delivered at the proper time. A few of the spe cials: Victory Hand Uars, Wagons, Velocipedes, Toledo Scootri, Holler Scooters, Child's Rockers, Sleds, Coasters. Sanitary High Chairs, Doll rVtrfo nml FI,11 Tlrwla 1tl.mLhorir,la ( Desks, Dining Sets, Hobby Hordes, Kiddle Cars. etc. J01LNSTONE FUHXITL'ItE CO. Uefore breakfast each day ilass of real tint water with a tea 'spoonful of limestone phosphate in It Milton Heavllin of Plevna has re- 3S a harmlma means of washing from turned home after working a month the stomach.lher. kidneys and bowels for C. O. Hunt of Orindale. lIlp Previous day's Indigestible waste. auur bile and toxins; thus cleansing. Mrs. S. S. llradgon has gone to 3eeienlng and purifjlug the entire Long Beach. California after spend- alimentary caml before putting moru Ing the summer with relatives lu food Into the stoma h The action ot Klamath County. She l a sister of hot' water and limestone phosphate on YouMl choose from a great variety of good things; styled with distinction, best of all-wool materials; made by Hart Schaffner & Marx. Characteristic models for young men, full of spirit. Styles for older men with character and dignity. They're worth more than $40, you'll say so when you see them. Mi -M- - A W A Women Are Invite to Make Use of This Store in Their Holiday Buying Most Women will want to give the men in their family useful gists. The war lesson is still uppermost with everyone. At this store, you'll find nothing else but useful gifts; things that men need and buy for them selves. You'll like our spirit of service; the desire to be helpful; our knowledge of what men like. C. M. Hunt. 'ttn empty stomach is wonderfully In vigorating. It cleans out all the sour fermentations, gases and acidity and ;lcs one a splendid appetite for 'breakfast. A quarter pound of llmestono phos-' phate v. Ill cost cry little at the drug store but is sufficient to demonstrate that as soap and hot water icleinses. sweetens and freshens tho skin, so hot water and limestone nhos. Dave Price Is taking in a bunch of ,llia,e act on tlle bIood anU irlternaI or. gans. "Those who arc subject to con- John Hushing, Milton Heavllin and C. O. Hunt helped U. V. Ess gel his horses and miller off the Island near Whltelln ranch Sunday. Mr. Ess lost a fine mare, by drowning in the river a few days ago. T. A. Cregan was In tho cotitj teat on business Saturday. horses to feed for the winter. K. SUGA ra an The Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes Geo. PInney who has been working, 8t,ptl0nb",o"!, atli'cks. uclJ stomach for I). Price expects to leave for San FrancUoo soon for tho winter. Have you visited our Furniture Department' C. A. Plath, over Star Drug Co. 1S-U rheumatic twinges, also those whose skIu is sallow and complexion pallid, are assured that ono week of Inside Lathing wl'l have them both looking Seven hundred portable houes for and feeling better in every way Ad various uses were sent to France b ' the Ued Cross. wSWZgg&Ziln "SSSSSSSSSSSSfiSESm Send Your Mail Orders lo K. K. K. Store NOTICE OF ESTIIAV une 2-ycar-olu steer, uranueu K,.m ,,)llr (JI,ers crown u vviin iwo legs, crop on eacu par flu nor niav hnvn fuimn In- nrnr. ing ownership and paying advertis-!'""' ui" h,", If It Is Impossible fur joii lo conic to limn to do jour A'inas shopping, Weivill do our utmost fi please in selertiuiis. ooiN sulijert to jour lug and feed Olene. Ore hill.- -L. J. Horton,ipprovii! 1S-31 (Item m "" i poslage. ( box of our cigars, as tiivc him a you'll make a friend of him for life. 18-It STAIl DIICO CO, six; hoes 'io m: kept aiiiioad. WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 15 The ninetj -second division of aim?' negroes, nsslgned by General "-!rsh-Ing for earlj convoj home. Is to be 1 ept In Europe, the War Depuitn.ent has nniiouncei' today. Tho chitige in plans Is believed duo to th selec tion of this division as a re?'ti unit In reinforce the uuny of oceupitlo-i If not snlisfartorj, return our expense, V p;ij nil express or fieiylit rburgi-s, mill guarantee s.itisf.iction. GooiN hhlppeil onlers lereivcil. K. K. K. Stole, Leading Clollileis mill Matters. C-10t Ten Ihousand pounds of other were shipped lo Franco by the Ued Cross, ho our toldlurs might have relief from pain. gj Wise llllJI'I'N IV ill Visit .SIIEPHEIID.S Klamalh Truck Co. does heavy h.u'livg c'iiai.v, hay, i:tc, lias I' he-Ton I'jiil.iird Tiuck Phone l)!).M J. G. COBLE .M.A(.i:it FRANK T. GUNTHER WATl IIMAM.'lt A.M) JKWELEIt I'lui! Watch Itepaliiiig,!! Specially ii'M Main Htri'i-I. TT O ign raca e Ladies' & Men's Clothes MADE TO OIIDEIl FINEST MATKIHAI.S IIE.V1' OF WOKK.MA.VSIIIP LATEST KTLES Uif PEitr-Err fit f;rAitATEi:i) I'rlcc are very reasonable Ynitr inspection Invited Gias. J. Cizek .MEUCHA.ST TAILOR .".IH Main St. SUE TEI DHlt ' TO DAHKEN Hi THIS MAN'S MONEY WENT UP IN SMOKE IT'S (iltAM)MOTHI IPS KECIPE TO liltING IIA( K (OLOtl AND Lt'H TEL TO ll.UIt LONDON lily mull ) Hturu ! Amerlrn for the Amerlnm soldiers who hnvn camped In England for half u year without evur seeing tho French front menus a return to u Inud where paper money looks lllio their Idea of money, One dlsmnsoluto private vviu acrosted at Eagle Hut, London, Hie .You can tin n gray, inded hair beau- i,K y. , ('. A. ceritor. If lly dark and lustrous almost ove- -whafa the mattur, moii?" uskod night If you'll get a fiO-cent bottlo ot .. ..,,., Tri.,,ll,. -ecr,,,,,ry. "I wan J it nt thinking I'd like Home of those pancakes, sir," the private answered mournfully, "Anil you'ru broke, holt?" tltn Ued Trlungle man guusHed from long cx pnrlmico. "Ve.i, olr." i "lluen a long tlmo since pay day?" "No, Hlr; wo wuru paid last Satur day." "Lot your motioy?" "Well, you might call It that." "Stolon 1" "No, sir. You sen, sir, llioni was Hutnii of us walking liouiii lasp night, V etli's Sagu and Sulphur Coin pound" at any drug i.tore. Millions of bottles of tills old famous Saga Tea iltclpe. Improved by the addition of iil:or Ingredients, nro sold mutually,' av a well known druggist here, bo cjiiko il darkens the liulr so uittur ally and evenly that no ouo can tell Is ' has been applied Thoso whoso hair Is turning grny' .r hetotnliti; faded have n suriirlso awaiting tl.etn, bccaiiBe nftnr ono or' two applications tliu gray hair van ishes and your locks become luxuri antly dark and ho.Mitlful. I Tills lu Itin lie,, nt voiith. flrav- hatred, nnattractivo folks aren't want- '"' ' u"l "1 m 'lKri.ll. pup.. d around, so gel busy with Wyou's null passed them it round. I thought Sage and Sulphur Compound fought "" ""I U f""" llt '"' "IIU and you'll bo dollghted with your A'"1 ""-,l t,,lH i'"iIiik I discovered dark, handsome hair nnd your youth- """ '' ""I l' " my money II f.ll l.l.riI.r.l.r wlll.In fl fW llllVH. . W"H "ll", ,,l,''0 "'t'0 '"' HlllllllIK This preparation Is a tollot roiul.ilto """-'. made nut oMIbhuo puper." and U not Intnnded for tho euro, mltU 'union or prevention of dl'souso. Adv ' r, vr,. ,IA,)Wut,,: yui TO MEET i Anything you, want In honed sin tloiiery nothing liner, . 18-It STAU l)HU CO, Wise Iiiiji'ih will visit HIIEPIIEHDH POUTLANI), Dec. 18 Tliu Oregon I llotiill IlufJ win u nnd luiplmmmt i thlrlitenth minimi loiivenllon Jiiniiiiry , J21 to 'i In Portland. Tho proi;niiii 1 Thirty-two Ihousand school chll- for tliu (onvcntloii Ih now boltig pto-i dren In the schools of Purls wore ro- purucl. telvlng regular lunches from the llfcl J ' Cross during tho past year, 11UY A THIUFT STAMP TODAY We Welcome Small Accounts ' Grcnt accompljnhmcnto, like great rivers, often spring from tiny begin nings. V Many of the largest accounts carried by this institution have developed from very humble starts. 1i The amount of the initial deposits is secondary to the determination of the individual to add to it with system and rcgulurity. ' II Call today. Ono dollar will open your account with this institution. First State & Savings Bank KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON