(ftlj? lEutfttma Hrralft OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH FALLS 'll.llli.nlli vnr No .1,11111 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1918 Price I'lve Cent. POLAND WANTS TO JOIN ENTENTE lJU1n VUlfnTi " -- -. . .-..... w DDCCinHMTW H i MLR IFMIER W ILFEK ISTATE pirn ntic up nnMnmniis ihf : miih m guilty TODS? mtt IN PORTUGAL Tl LIT rn II CONGRESS K 110 YEARS OFF READY TO WORK IN PORTLAND E MMANUEL TOMORROW I'lteltt: INMiUlts UIOLi:sALI. DAMI.Ls SAVS WK WILL I1K si.si ur niwioits Minimi.' run n nai i: iv ukmoiiiijza. i.u ni ui.ii in lot hm:t or iio.n or navv ih ihmhiiilk at 1S1IU slUKs riloiftsKII Ml I.AHLY A HATi:. I.NTKKKHTH OK WHOLK hTATi: OLIAII HXMIILU AIU. TO UK KOSTKHKI) IIV KK- UTILTA ON ONK KKCIKXT CO-OI'KltATIVK IMIDV.i VIOLATION KLAMATH IH Itlll-KKSKNTi:!). ' ACT MIW or TRIAL Di;ci.i:i:i) haihma.n who rksh.ns lkad coi nt rou iMisiur or iikii citoss ;ivi:s KsPIONAGi: ,( rOl'.NT OK CHAPTKR AC- I.M'LCrKD (OMPLISHMII.NTS TO IIATII l.lhllON. DtT is DiiiuiiikiiIx ANNAPOLIS. Dec 1H ll will be r.M.n.l mi Ili.i- nrr.l.l In c tmtit lion "t '""I "lln "" aml l'"lul- u ., , , '' '" ' atl,m "" rolurn to normal pence conditions and we 1'nrn lt Hi.tur.n) show mi cxlcn- , ,(J fortunato if t,e conditions ..' i.v uu mii ii-r i-vi-iti'ss "Uy ,'1"1 ""' I'""'"'.'."!! drawing abroad make demobilization possible MIIJ.il ham m ii. i hum. ,,,,,,, wtlo would strike the tint nt m, ,.nrl) n date." Secretary Daniels Kit HIMHIXI (IN Till! Alllorri blow , said today In addressing conference of Htiilu Governors. U AUIMS-'l!'. IIV 11 t I. mi 1 S 1 'fl... .... .....! t. lnrofkajfl hrt M fltlllltl'l I WM - . -. - - IU IIHIJ llllldi 111! a .......a."..... .. ir(ili:or N TIONS I1"" ,"lh"1 rnm.Mu n.ii pruiMw Dalit to help moiniaiu me inicrnm.on- imI a tritil) let lie signed Ii) I'otuiul, pollro force, but he hopes to sec I llohi'iillii ami Juk.i Hlala, nriuritliiK thv IVaco conference put an end to i. ., ....... . i.i . . ..... ...,, .,.. ki-iwiiuii'iiL ni'l ll'VI' '"" ilispiinii i ill" imreriiieni ih"i . nig (oiiipouuva niury uunuiuf,. rnr.i. n -..-. ... ... Include inlllliir) rnllwa) and rommer- I'lIACi: ( ONrilllKNCi: WILL ilul agrceimiili. .iIomvI) uniting it group ( tlio new stiles to tint Hu ll KT I'NIHMt W.U II IIIII.V ., j, B ,-,.., t,., that llmiKar) lHT Ol' Ni:t MONTH , dcitlrcs to be In I lie Alliance VIKWS ,IIVN( i:i) Itl.UAItl.ING POLAND Ol'THAIJKH WILL UK I'llOlIKi) (II) Am Inter l're (oi'i:nh.(1i:n. Dee i I 1 KUM.ril (illll.ON I mi: .ton in i-ham I'iiIUIi Kon'runieiit liun ileilurtil lt"lf lu nrRUVt ('huiiiii, a well rmily tu nmiluiln mlllliiry-polllli'iil Kni n fonner Klminth Count) Klrl Mlllanr.1 ltli lite niilmile. ici t.rillnu Ik ineiilluiu d b) IMkiii II IMmr of . ... ,..,,. ! tb,. OriKonlnn ii anions tin) OreKon I,. Urn ColoRim (U.rll. l,Mt,M ,. . rrenrl, ban,, Dl.ptarbrn na) Hint Ihi- t'n rnun ,,,,, m))(.r ,,, , R S Mllilcl .II of Kurlsbnil nsknd I'resldi'iil w !! alx Hon lo rerintlllie Karlnbail a an Imlo pendent rnpnlilli under Anierlran mi priillllie) WASIIINOTON. I) C. Hue. IS. - 'Die Americans and llin Allies hne aKrcd to send n Chilian mission to 'Poland to Inxestlcnte the reported nt rod ties LIBRARY CLUB POIITLANU. Dec 18f Klnmi.tb County. Is well represented In tbc official roster of the OreBou Slate Chamber of Commerce, organized In Portland IobI week In the com mittees of the organization It Is made apparent that the Interests of the whole state are to find expression thru representative citizens, If the) grasp the full Importance of the op portunlt) to make it the Instrument for material adYancemcnt It promises to be. Thoufih there were no dele Kates In attendance from Klamath the county has been recognized by the selection of six citizens on tnc roster. Capt. J w. Slemans Is a member of the Irrigation committee, II. I). Mortenson Is on Industrial. J. O. Ooldthwalto on lumber. Fred K. Stra- POItTLANl), S DETMLED URGED TO GO SLOWLY ON LEAGUE The following outline of the work PAItlH, Dec IS The American pmtrii (iiiiiiiiIskIiiii han annoumd thai Prmliliiii Wilson up lo this mum" "i bun not mpri'ssid himself In fair of nuy of lbt Mirlous propnsUlous that lniv.i liuun advanreil regarding thu criMllim of a l.eiigiie of Nations Mr Piper who Is Msltlng llie war xuiis In Kraiire In ioinpnii with others Is nenillllR a voile of illtlilei to the paper DISCONTINUES i.i.ovh oi oitei: ro Mi'.irr i in: pitrsiniiNT iTtmw, COOKING MEALS 0Iiik lo the greatly Improved con Premier I.IomI illtlou of the mmnlih Influenu here. I I) VI 111 V ll.ic 1 s (Si org and I'orelgn Seintnrv Ilul- mid tl e fait tlnl Ihoro are hardly any i i..... .i.,... i ii. ..h nliiiiH to uii tmtirnlH In need of their serWcs, ' i In mi I'rldio to imet the Presl inembers of the Womnns Library PAIUK. Dec is Tl... newspapors Wilson will prob rmh who havo been cooking food hero vitrlousl) I'laco Hi- prolmme r.l n-ndlng It to the different homes. .lute of I tin opening of tho p. .ue iiiu tt. ,,lMOntmlo ,,B WOrk. accusing lo i.u nnnounccment h) Mri (J. A. Ki j'.to today IBI" "' "'" '"' ,' ,,.,,, be 'T nirlMuwiH fereniH frnui Jal.unr) UMli to the ir.lli An Interview of thu I'ri'tidimt with (Jeneral I'o' h and Premier Clfiuenceau Is reported lo hne bum most sntlsfnctor) haiiik. lie. IS Mu.h Inler.ist nttiulii'N lo thu umferciiiox wniiu President Wilson will hiiM' lth MK . Victor Kmiiiiinuel who Is expelled to arrl1i toinnriow ' All Investlglllloll b) Ci'loliel House respecting till) probable uxtint of ter ritory which should go to Hal) on the, iirlnclpln of nil lul or linguistic deter- . . . ..I r.l ultll inliiutlon, uo no, ...... - , .,,..,,....... ro WEAR YOUR nnxTniin 111 i UUllunai ' PLAIN VIEW I! an) families aro In need -t hls i.Mi' Inure nnd will communirato with Mis lopnt .Ins nt tlio City Hall, their i . i'il will lie pioWdcd for. but tho ilem.ind bus now cca&od to warrant l'ie I 'dies spending their time at the i lull for tills purpose Too warm praise, cannot bo glcn tl oe who !wn been o faithfully at uo.l. nt this tai-k during the days when the epidemic wiih nt Its height and wlicu a k man) ns n hundred I homes woro Mippllcd wllh cooked Nino humlred anil sll four ii.eni- ..,..,, ...,., Tl.ev deserve tl... Ideas of llin Itnllnn govoinmcnt hers and $9S2 Is the total iiiiiiiiinl ro ,,, MUlt,ul0 f t10 entire community c If I h It Hlu-u.d go further ported to Portland h....d.,u,.r.ers las (hs mlBolfh)l sorvIl0i wnuil tins nun i j)lKi( for h() ll()t W(1 ()1H ))f ,lu, "" .....iiilierHhln drive now being comlurt. TEN ARE TAKING TEACHERS' EXAMS iii.inilierHliIti drive now being comlurt. 'nil This amount Is for Klamath 1'alls and Poe Vnlle), none of tho j Intlinr outside dlstiiits being heard from us )el. ..nil Hie liwauna llo Ten ,..ung ladles am Imlui ..kiu co.npau, being the only Industrial l en )ouiih in ii ....minHt. iiii'preilnct liuro Iniluded '"" I,,U,,,,, ," r the! Tin, total moinbershlp sought In W1P1 Htar oil this 'J ' . (.oullty , b.1.1.1. and with tin. Kln.niitli CouiH) High h h.o . fron ..xiiiiilnnlliiiiM m 'u.llnncl until I 0ii'' ,,,, ,., ,,,.,.,, over the result", ho far ii u riHi,itfully urged upon all HI'IICIAL UATIIS I'Oll ! v in) hnvo subm-rlbcd for mi)mb6r- ... ..v tiiitiil)S 'Hhll's t '" " I'HllonH in lumii I.AS'IOIWO.N A,'oA"s'j1,B1,i IIB ,o who urn not display n..i mi milillrltv. nnd R. K horn on transportation. Not alone Klamath, but alt the rountloi of Kastern Oregon are Iden tified well with the new clumber DcBChutcs, Jefferson. CrooK and -Morrow had delegates present from an tral Oregon, and the upper Columbia river dittrlct also had some of Its, aggressive citizens nt the convention. Alfred A. A)u. of Lal'lnc. wna j sneaker who Impressed tho delegates with neglected resources of scenic at tractions of Oregon. Ho told how groat had been the Increase of tourki travel to Crater Lake In the two ) ear since general advertising of its beauty had been Introduced by tho .Nortn west Tourist association. Mr. A) a related how tourists become Inter ested in tho business chances seen In their acatlon travels. He tecalled the examples of two subbtnntlnl ittl zens of this state who became In terested In ranches they chanced to sec while touring and afterwaras in quired. It Is (.Ignlflcnnt, too. of the ton trol of Hie organization by the out state counties, that Multnomah has only a minor portion of membership In tho official roster, eiiner oi me. directorate or committees' While the Portland Chamber of Commerce gave every possible nld In Munching tho now bodj. It was made clenr horn tho Hrst that the Initiative In its' foi mntlon, plans and scope of activities should come from tho outside There was not even n tcntntlvo p.ogratn IJec. IS liatir) Lcmlcr. the Oh ne rancher who has ,i0ne by the county chapter of tho been on trial here for tho past rew American Ked Cross was given D) t a i. . p. .L.i-.l Pmipi nn r-li".rfrt at tt r Mm-iAnonn in fnnnftf Inn of Iulatfou of the Esplonawi act, 'as Ht, her report when submitting her, roilMIUl SKnthTTAIlY OV .STATU .. .-..kl. .!... . .. I r -una guuiy on one iujui. u " rtalKnatlon- Jjr this afternoon Th Jurv .o Executive Committee Klamath Coun cimmended lcnlanc) of fi.- Court In ty Chapter, A. II C , Klamath Hashing sentenc Tim was gt anted ' Falls, Oregon- ) 1 K fr r... i I have twice before petitioned you .or preparing moHmi for a tt ,to reeve me of the chairmanship of trial iour chapter, and ou refused, but l ,.ml,.r u.ik .'irrnsi'il of declaiin.! nr.. th.it (hf war Is over, and I am I ... . 1. ... .1... I. (kn nlnla, I m I that Wilson should have been nang-1 leaving me cuy .ur mo ..., ed for getting the United States into asKing mai you ..., .. the war and to have urged a neigh-l purnK the next few months earn bor bov, Francis Hrotherton, against est supcrvlsIon should be given In the responding to a call of the selective workroom, as we have large refugee draft A number of witnesses from 'allotments to complete. -!-- -- -- -: ... . L-.. I to date. During tne me oi our cuap 'ter.we have been placed upon the ' Honor Roll, and have shipped the fol ( lowing ..applies:. - ,.- 292 khaki kits, 1,781 pajamas, 164 nightingales, 680 winter bed shirts, , 20 summer bed shirts, 25" bed Jack ets. 16 wash cloths, 459 dish towels, 1 160 dish cloths, 50 property bags. 256 Christmas presents, && sweat ers, 1,940 sox, 24 mufflers, S2 wrist lets, 21 bed socks, 5 afghans, 1 hel met, 164 children's dresses, 96 sheets. 227 bath towels. 154 hand towels. 43 napkins. 222 handkerchiefs, 130 wo men's house gowns, 240 surgeon wipes, 13 surgeon pillows, 5,000 Walton was selected .is'K.iuZe strips, S16 Irrigation pads. 3.4S2 absorbent pails, z,4uu gauze compresses, JS9 triangular bandages, 11 T bandages. 17 4-talled bandages, 130 abdominal bandages, 219 sur geon gowns. 12 cai'litles bandages, 106 cello pads, 49 assorted pads. Total, 21,079. In addition to this there has been shipped three tons of old clothes, vont fnr tho rellpf of Ilclciau refu gees, and there is on hand completed IHHIUE ' COMING YEAR, George J head of Klamath Chapter No "5. Royal Arch Masons, .it the annual meeting and election last evening Owing to the influenza ban, tho usual festivities whiih uccomp.inv this meeting were omitted, and only Important bi's'ness n'"tters taken care of Following nro the o'llrers choon George J Walton. High Priest Marlon Hunkh. King Frank Ward, Scribe John G Ilormonl, Captain of Hosts i:, K. Magee. secretary. L F Willtts, tre.iburer the JiAYs OPIMON OK COU.NTKY TOO WII)I:LY AT VAIHAM-'K AT TIIITIMK I'Olt DKITXITK MOVH UL'SLNKSS IS .NOW TO SIHTLK IS. hUr.S WITH KXKIY. I'KKMAN KNT ORCA.NIZATIOX OK KX TK.NTK IS SL'J(IITi:i. WASHINGTON, D. C. Dp'. IS. Declaring tiia: ilio wi lest dh'.-)ity of oplniou exU'a r-iirdlit-? tr... foims tlon of a I.easue of Nations and on the definition or the freedom of the seas. Senator Knox of Penuslvsn'.a. former secretary of State today urged the postponement of these tyiesttons until after the peace conference. He declared that the function of the Peace Conference is to etttc the Usues with the enemj The rovlsien of the inaiine laws and the League of Nations are issue between the Al lies themselves and tho noutr.ils and should not be complicated with the simple demands of the peace treaty, he slid. i Instead of the League of Nations, Knox suggested n definite Entente provided It be a small natural on". The foieign relations committee dclaied action on tho Knox resold- gees, and there Is on hand completed' placing the Senate In favor of c?esro;meenrt?1,0ttiUEarti', Postponement and calling for a 35 sweaters. 14 pairs socks, 100 withdrawal of tho American forces miscellaneous articles I from Emopo nnd the abrogation of the Presidents extraoullnary vv-ir MARSHAL .lOITlli: PHAIslS Wll.sOV. n.i. .. ii ... ...,.. ., n. l.nml n. tirnaonl to be completed are- 250 pairs pajamas. S5 bos" blouse suits, 200 convalescent robes, 75 yards of goods to be made into girls' dresses 330 ) arils of goods to be made into women's underskirts Our treasurer's report will gho Uou an idea of the funds collected. nnd I will onl) Inform )ou that we powers HOLLAND l'Ri:ss l'ltGI'.S ih:iaihtui: or willivm. AMs"l'i:RI)M. Dec IS. Tho Nie nnd I will onl) inform )ou that we, . T , .,cril have $.4S5 on hand at the present, HohpnolUrn KLAMATH B RAS PART IN raMinlii.v nfmriKMin r eic VICTORY I'llffoid Sovits a vvoll known Kam nth Falls boy, has been in sonic of ment to leanest the Hohpnollorn io Premier Hecron- ......n , ,o l .... lhH.L'i..1 I'AKIA, HOC io. i ........ ..p. ., of nil bo can do still, and of the , , , niirnss n.v nnnrcclution leave the countiy tliousaiuK of Frcnclimcu who weiol0f ti10 co-operation shown, and I biuck detlaied in a speeci that tlio spiued b) the entry of the I'nlted I shall be more than glad nt all times States into the war" declared Mar- o ren er any ass n u , shal Joffro In a letter of welcome io .nsKiniivw k AioriTHNSON. Chairman Picsldent Wilton, published here to dav 1 i loin with all iu soul in the was not even a leniauvu ihukiuih - - .i.,ii... and until the committee on program ... .-" ;, , " .., . rv. ik Dei IS.--A h.oila mto 'will ho KI anted to clergymen, sight, as ...oho w,, a .. . .-,..,-, UUolmlB hattles of tho war K ihes.) omliloniH will bo solicited froin now on Id those who arn con ducting tho campaign. It Is also ox ported tlmt thu men In uniform who mto vv.ii uo gnu..... " -".- .portiui that thu mnn in iiniiiirm wiui pvor I tin uillioiiilH beginning "'"l'';'l,wo roturned will help In this work I nccordlng to a letter rocnlvort o) mA ht (lluy w ,, the Itov W fl F.irem.n, fiom Dlroct- B(j()(1 roilUH , ,1r(,y , ......... Tlw Inllnr flOI.I tl.O HI . or McAiloo. Tho ictli'i- "" V "' 'heimostloned Chairman Walton todii) Is on- ' , In mm lector BotiP.nl wits in ie.'"" -, fiom ll.u R"V. Foi eman pninii uh " iUmvl)r1B tl, Kt ,, extoiiHlon of tho that lit many lusinnin. n...u..." .- , ( )f U(y ,l)Wll, from Huu may as- hut In many Instances saiu.us ' , fr,(llKh f y ,(l)Wll, fl .it vml hy tlio cloiKjr 'V1' )!!"". I KniiwlHCO, In order that ho ,,, , pay the Incensed lrM'' ,., work ( I lcttor Just recohed by his. mother dated Novombci 7th, tells how ho with slxleon othor boj.s wore all liv ing In one room previously occupied hy tho Oormnns. COMiKCTlOX SUIT FlIiKD. An action for the .collection of $157.08 has been Instituted by Hert C, Thomas against II. J. O'Rrlon In tho office of tho Circuit Court ClorK. was appointed at the flist session nnd reported back, the deliberations wore uncharted. Likewise the committee on organization found that It had been given a man-slro Job In the ef fort to make the by-laws as broad gunge as all might dcslio. the com mittee called all of the delegates Into a committee of tho wholo for the con sideration of the report that after wards becamo the basic pi Inclines of tho State Chamber. LoMIs J. Simpson, of Coos county. a. member of that dologatlon nnd among tho best known men In tho lumber Industry of tho coaet saldt 'I am convinced that this Is to be actu ally an Oregon State Chamber of ( Commerce, and It deserves mo nui support and active Interest of citizens of Oregon. , This expresses tho opinion of the men who Joined In organizing tho Oregon Chamber of Commouo. It Is probable that early conferences of some of the committees, especially those on Legislation and land settle ment, may he called at nn early dato. dent" " I ( HHK' i I VW4.l7 7A'.r.' J, fUYvMi mm xmrmtEVi Ls Am .MAJOR HAMILTON IS COMING KTVKi:ii. ;ov eminent Is willing to discuss with .' - entente oxtia.litlons of tho form er kaiser providing the ills' usstou U in keeping with Holland honor and dlpnitv Hi stitea that the privseu arrangement is piovlslonal That Major R R Hamilton Is now In Poitland and expects to be In Klamath Falls for a fow das net week Is tho news received bv his Ii lends heie It Is bellovcd that M ijm Hamilton has secured his 'lis chili go nnd will locate in Portland. urnuiMi iiiiri: viri:uu.Y ... . , i. -,. i ... no woiunng oi i.eorge n. visum .. and Miss Kllz.ibcth Kubanka was per formed yestorda) afternoim b) Just-loigllt m)jeg frn ,. . x i II... ..... ... Tlilh nnnlrnpHnpr .. ., . TINE WATERED i RANGR BOUGHT : BY IDAHO MAN Sale of thn I I... N J Chapman. Roth contracting 'panics .no count) lesldcnts and will continue to inuko their homo here. This is the second icienioii) peiorm .... iii liistti.. rhnniuaii since accept. lug tho icipoublbllltlps of his office. r RtichoU lancli Klamath Falls to DRY A II Dearinger of Twin Falls, Idaho, who has lecentl) arrived to mako Klamath Count) I Is futuro homu. was corapWted today by the R. K. Smith Realty company. They ranch In question comprised 70 acres of very fertile land, and Is highly lm- LAW SlGXriD IX COLORADO proved Thn place, with tho stooK mul macnincr) en,i.iiu.uii., ,,.,..- .. , ,... ,. t b.niv brnuEhi $9,000. Tho .vi-vv.,it iipi. ix. i no uoi.e u.jj--" -- - - - - ' "i . law w ns signed here yesterday by tho governor now owner will tako possession In about thirty da)s. I fnre