The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 17, 1918, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    I'ACSK l-OCK
ui. -, i7. ntin
me Reduction In
Phone Rates Coining
lllv orl.HiM I'm")
Skim niriR reduction In Ions dlstanco
nna mil telephone raloa by tho adop
tion o' a basic charge of 6V mills a
mile air lino mileage .ami half the
ila rate for night service tip to tnld
nlghi and oDo-fourth the day rot af
tor that lionr. has been announced by
Pm-t master General Hurlcsou. They
become effective next January 21st
Thr now rates wore recommended
In th firt report of the committee
on rate standardisation anil Burle
son statement said their effect Is to
equally the toll and long distance
charge over the country, "rcmovftig
disparities and preferences and pro
viding a scientific basis for future re
ductions contemplated as unification
of telephone and telegraph wires
A night service rate." said tho
stitenient. 'which is one-half the
day rate, is essentia! between S 30
and lip in.. Between midnight and
J-i 30 a m. the night rate is one
fourth the day rate. These are great
er reductions in night rates than have
ever been made In any country, and
doubtless will be extensively used,
especially for social and family pur
poses A person might talk from San
Francisco to New York for about I.
whero.i the day rate Is approximate
l $16
1 ' A station to station service Is oa.
tahllshedisuch a now exists In the
balanco of tho world, that Is when a
connection Is established with a
man's house or office, the opportunity
to converse Is provided and tho sta
tion to station rate, which Is tho
Uiclr rate applies and Is payable,
whether the particular person desired
responds or not. This rate up to 2t
tulles is at the rate of 5 cents for r.lx
miles, and for greater distances 5
cents for each olght miles, or about
fit, mills n mile Tho distance Is
computed by air lino methods, and
not by pole lino or public highways.
Tho air line distances are commonly
about 100 miles, when the others
would run 150 miles, it Is stated
by the committee that more than 60
varieties of toll rates have existed In
the I'ntted States up to the present
time The effect of htls uniform or
basic rate In the station to station
service Is to reduce or not affect
about TO per cent of the rates, tho
necessarily slightly raising about 30
per ecnt In the process of standard
"It requires about 2H 'times as
much work to wtabllsh connection
with a particular person than the sta
tion to station service. Hitherto tho
rates have been the sumo for both
kinds of services, nothing being paid.
however great I ho services perform-1
ed. on tho failure of tho telephone In
stttutlon to secure tho particular per
son. The particular persons" service
has also been urd to defraud tho
go eminent out of Its toll revenues
Designing persons employ codes mi
der which, altho the desired tele
phone Is reached, the particular per
sou Is slid not to be there, but words'
of explanation given from his phone ;
answer all the purposes of tho call
under the code arrangement j
"The particular person service Is
not discontinued, but the rate there-
tor Is so modified as to prevent these
abuses and compensate the telephone
service In part for tho extra expense
of labor and plant Involved, and a
charge of 25 per cent of the station
to station rato Is made for such serv
ice, when the particular person Is se
cured, and a report charge of 25 per
cent of the station to station n,to Is
made when the house or oitlce tele
phone Is obtained and his where
abouts or refusal to talk Is reported
"In many large sections of the
country the smallest toll rate has not
been less than 15 cents I'nder tho
new schedule for short distances the
rates are reduced to 5 cents and 10
cents, and for the cheapest form of
service the person can talk for live
minutes, as compared with three min
utes now, or In some cases only two
minutes or one minute Free toll (
areas, where the exchange rate was
designed to cover tho free service or
a low charge therefore are not affect
ed by this order "
DIP DDDIll flic" " !"-"""""",","",,,"m
industry arises r o r Her w I
tfJJSIl ii
Holiday Cheer In
' Dollars and Cents
That's n lint the oiH'iiing of a hank, account at the
First Xntiuiuil villi represent fit jour wife or the
jounKsters. Why not Invest In the future ol your fam
ily by depositing a substantial amount to their credit.
"Hig enough to serve you. Small enough to appre
ciate you."
V.. It. Kennies, President.
L. I. Wiilet.s, Vlce-PresldenU
l-eslio Rogers, Cashier.
A. SI. Collier, AksI. Cashier.
John SI. Moore, At. Cashier.
&ie First National Bank
sovoit.i roiiTAHu;
A Distinctive Gift
This Sonora should please everyone;
weight 15 pounds, clearer tone than any
other at twice the price, and plays all rec
ords. Better prove it to your own satisfac
Phonographs $10 to $300
Shepherd Piano Depot
Next Door to Postoffice
Killed In Anion
Corporal Wm, V Saunders. Kalcer
Corporal Joseph V Stephens. Pilot
Private Newton SI. Patterson. Leb
Died of Wound
Corporal Anders C. Schultx. Sloro
Private Paul A. Loreni. Grants Pass.
Private Frank E. Tucker, Klamath
Med From Accident and Other
Fred J nerglund. Portland
Died of Disease
Corporal James E. Gardner. Salem
Wounded Severely
Corporal Charlie I. Sewell. Klrby.
Private Fenton W. Chase, Suplee.
Private Chester A Vandenburg, Cot
tage Grove.
Private Fred P .McKay, Perry City.
Private Sidney Howard, JcfTerson.
Private Hallle L. Popper. Sclo.
Private Archie Howell. Estacada.
Private Paul N. SlatUIa, Seaside
Private Uoy K. Ruffncr, lleaverton.
Private Elwln Huppcrt. W. tSayton.
Private Harry G. Boydston. I.akevlew
Private Lewis R. Nichols, Portland
Wounded, Degree I'lidi toniilnod
Lieutenant Darwin T. Phillips, Port
land. Private Loren C Thompson. Elgin.
Private Victor E. West. East Slle.
Private Louis F Klellng. Ilurnl.
Private Walnard Illippa, Astoria.
Privuto Vincent E Paddock". Sweol
Slightly Wounded
Corporal Geo. North, Nlsha
l Died of Disease
Sergeant Max II. Bauer, Roseburg.
I Wounded Hevercly
John Singleton, Eagle Point
Joseph A. Kraft, Sherwood
I Killed in Action
Ernest T. Eckerlen, Salem.
.Missing In Action
Ray F Taylor, Richland.
livestock Indu-stry at no tluio In th
past has been confronted by problems
as important as those of today, de-,
cHres tho call for tho twenty second
annual convention of (he American,
National Live Stock Association tv
sued b.v I. T Prvor of San Antonio '
Tex . president and T. W Tomllnson.
of Denver, secretary of the assocla (
tlon The couveiitlou will meet hero
on January 2t nnd be In session three
days J
The fill Mates that pom nr read
justments will affect, more virtually
those engaged lit tll livestock and
agricultural Industries than those en
gaged In other ln'diisfrlvs and calls at
tentlou to the problom of rallriMd
ownership, the probable action of tho
pa ice conference upon trade, and tho
prospect of termination of tho federal i
food aduilnlrtratlon ami other gov I
ornmental war agencies upon the do
duration of peuco
It adds that stockmen are deeply
concerned In regulation put Into of
feet under authority of tho food nil
ministration and. after calling atten
tion to the licensing of p.itkcrs. slock
vards cominnles. live stork cummin
slon men and traders asuerls that "all
those license and regulations should
be extended until Congress can care
fully consider tho entire meat pack
ing and marketing problem nnd enact
soluble legislation."
"Perhaps some of the work of the
food admlnittratlon should bo con
tinued until general food conditions
In the world became more normal."
the statement says, "n fair and juit
distribution of onr surplus meat and
other food products so as to supply
the urgent need of tho different na
tlons In Europe may be almost Im
posrlble without some centralized
afconry such ag the food adminlstrn
tlon which could at the name tlnm
prevent any over exportation of food
products needed for home consump
Every Woman wants and can always use
dainty toilet articles and practical gifts such as
you will find in great profusion at our store.
Pyrnlln Ivory In S"t und Individ
ual pieces. Prices to meet every
16-11 STAJt DRIK
Wo handle ( rone's I. linn
l.tMii unit Highland I. linn
There are mi others us good,
Itemitlfiil shade mid lints
Vi' designs and tlalnlv bov.
-. from 9 I. 0 to ? I II. (Mi.
loti'll find a big vnrlrt)
nl our stole. I'rlic to suit
all purses.
Simple lllllo soli at 9I..VI
to JI.IMI.
Others, mure rlniioralr,
from HA.oo to 91.1.110.
ntl iiiu'l go tlri) If inn
give mi) thing m.tde ill Pari
sian hur). t mnplrle sets
of IhU ImmiiiUiiI m.ilrrliil
lango from SH' ! J-M'.
If )oil give t-i liinii-., Kir
good ours. Mi' hnln .til lln
h-sl mlors III nllliulhr gf
p.u Wrtgos il drllglit In Int.
rrs uf I ho hrniilllnl
I'tolii (II.IKI In I'J All
In H .M.
plisfs. fmiii K;tV
Null I'lh's. Iliillim Honks,
IVrfiimo llnllles, t miihs,
llulr llruhes, VHrrurs, puff
lluvos, iri), Puuilrr Ituvos,
I'h lure l'riiiui"s, hno llnrn-,
('old I renin Jars, Mniilruro
Si lsiirs, lituio .strrtrhtni.
Jewel llovi-s. Pin Ciihliin,
noil iiiitiii'riitis other uieful
iiihI prnillnil nrtlclm.
In Wnlnul, I'imii Itnln, i:i..
oil) rtliil other hniulllnl
hiumIs, Also III Crlliilulil
lid Ivor). Prhrs ttvngr
frniii U..VI in .xo,(to s.iinr
hnte mil) lirutli nnd iiniili.
nllirrs loiuprlso Iwriil) In
thirty plrsrs.
nndcrwootft PianMY
I hukJTt v 1 UUY TMHIR ORUG3 LaCffvaAX-lxl
Councllmnn Fred Uarrlch mado his
initial appearance at the city council
last evening
Tho marble for tho new Court
House on Slain Street hag now arrlf-ed.
Dearest Public:
to Pi ntii:
wiuti.o or
NEW YORK. Der IT Kffnrla of
Itii Riirkfi'ltni Pouiidattiiii pnrtl) In
(united by the war. will IniliHilluliv
Iv lie resiimi'd to pill go (lie world of
llm-nsc It Is anuoiiuci'il by Dr lionriio
I! Vim out, pri'ShlnUl of the I'nllliilli
Mijur (hmtiril William Gotgns.
fnriiiT surgeon K'inrrul of Putted
i'nti' army m ill uliinili fur
Dlsl..s;. -4ciitt!i Aiiiorlca lieaillng mi nirliilon
with h will n-tk to tuiil " vrllo
frvi.r at Its silppimod nuri" utir ol
which l ultlil 10 he lliia)niuM n thr
i'oilth Aluerlcuil Went Corl olid am
tiler on Itio wmlorli rniml of Afrl'J
No ono over got rich iin-rrl h ar
lug money Von muni lnrt n A
good ny to uvcul It l (o li War
Having, nnd Thrift tfliuii
Bill-fold and card cases
Have you noticed how cheap you
can buy good overcoat at the big
sale at the
6-tr K. K. K. 8TOKK.
Gift stationery, largo line to select
from. All new deslgnfl end prices
8eml jour mall order to K. K. K.
Store for Christinas Roods or any
thing in Clothing mill Footwear.
They guarantee nutlsfnction nnd pay
all pontnge and express clinrgm. 6tf
Gift Btatloncry and grectlnt: cards.
Big line at
Tho third Installment on the
Fourth Liboriy Loan Is now due and
payable (it the bankH of thin rlty
Prompt attention to thlH mutter saves
much work for thoio who receive
these payments.
FOR SALE 20-gaugo anil 12-Kaugo
shotguns. II. V. Ilutclilim. 17-21
FOR BALK Small launch; uurguln.
Q, S, Cullen, Telford's garage 17-a
Please to accept another of our
thanks .and e ain't over lieln thank
ful to you ylt.
Just a few more dayH till Christ
mas Why Is Christmas? Il'n celubrat
Ing the anniversary of tho best man
that history has any record ot mere
Is a book that tells qulto u good deal
bhout him, and you'd hotter reiu!
some of It might do a lot of good.
When you are posslng Judgment
on soino ono who is not present, ro
member what ho said. Ho who Is
without sin cast tho first stone
Course, mo and you la Just as vvhlto
at. mud I mean snow
Wo got some new umbrellas, and
wo want you to see them und tho
Ilavo you seen our diamonds, from
flftcfn dollars to u. thousand?
And, Illrdlo, when you Jump out of
I ho parental nest to sharo this kii'.'h
let u bother he bullilH on It or not.
lor heivlng's sake, get the diamond
before you do It, or it will ho over
lastingly too lato.
Huvo you seen our stock of Ivory"
We hnve some bargains,
Clothes should bo worn with Javcl
llores and signet rings these days.
Course, you hnvo to buy Liberty
itonils! ho do I. but how In naUinlcu
do you think I am going to do It If
you don't buy soinothlng.of mo, ,
Borne times you ninko mo so man
I have a notion to appoint you Herd
marshal of tho Mutt Regiment, und
I told and told you, and hero you are,
mlHHlng it standing shot. Boy, what
would you do n-runnlng?
We have ft nieo stock of wnlchcn,
ii ml can fix yourti If It's on tho bum.
Klin hud n iher fnco.iind ii hoar
hack, a cedur chest nn da wood';n
limb, golden hair, pearly teeth, rosy
lips, velvet eyes, und tho cutest little
Adam's apple, which I claim Is somo
bird. Would you llko to seo hor?
George, she's yours If yon como
nrriiKH with ihii diamond.
i You won't need to go hunting ntall
' wlion you get this lovely cotnblna
, tlon. Come in and seo what we have
Mo show ou nn trouble in show the
j goods. Our engraving can't bo Im
proved upon
Hurry to our aid at tsuu mum
street. Mcllattan, Joweler, watch
maker, ami unythlng elso you want to
call mo
Fully 20(1,000.1)00 wild rah' Us urn
ull'ei! In the I'nlted .Stales !.. ir
nrcordluR lo ostlmales maibi Ii) the
"nlologlcal survey of the I'nllo I Stnn-s
I'ep.irtmont of ngrlciilturr
Many of them ore Jirk rnhblM, (he
; i.iiijorlty of which have not Ih-uii util
(zed in tho past If all :h riiblills
killed were consumed, they wnuld
furnish betuien 200.000 nnd .:oo.
100 tons of valiinliln food, aiid If
proper measures were luknii lo In
ffre tho collection of sklus. theno
nlono would have i value of,
000 Tho blologlrnl survey ha fre'iupM-'
ly been called ili(in to he'p Wcileru
farmiTK In coping ulth the rabbit
; I out In view of Ihe tiri.biilili' eco
nomic value of rabbit iticu. mid fur
In tli ( coming few years, tlm i-iergU's
of the farmers and rinchtfWii -a 1 1 1 be
directed to the coimerv.illoit of tli'ii'
In poitant resource
Already n numlinr or iitalill li
inenis for collecting, dressing, can
ning and shipping rabbit meat are In
oporiitlou In Western renters, Am In
Aur.triilln the triiiHltlnu of the wild,
rabbit In this toiiiitiy from Its slatui
its n post to source of profit Is ussitr-
Do your Christmas H.ioppiug even
ings at the Blur Drug Co, Btoro open
until 'J p. m. 16-lt
Ilocuuso of the time lost In the
public iicIhioIh as a result of tlm In
lltirnzn uplilemlc, It has Jieen con '
eluded In hold two mld-ycar Klghthi
g rail ii examinations, one January
16th nnd 17th, and one February
fith und 7th. No school will be per
mitted to give both, f'tirioso which
ono you will take nnd notify the
superintendent's olllro, In order thut
questions may be sent you. It would
be. well for pupils lo get any extru
subjects, us Agriculture, Geography
and Physiology, off their humis ut
this time, If possible. (I miles miido
in tiny of these subjects will be lie-'
Have You Considered What
a Sensible Present Good
Shoes Are?
There is sure to be some member of your family
who will be highly pleased to receive from you a
pair of shoes.
It pays to buy only the best makes, as there arc
sp many inferior fjrades of leather on the market
at this time. Wc carry only the best, and at prices
much lower than you can secure elsewhere. Let
us prove it.
Modern Shoe Store
GEO. W. BRADLEY, Mgr. 727 Ivlain St.